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One general thought

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I want to share an idea, but maybe it won't fit in TEW08. It will be something like "scheduling your time". When you are in a work you have two basic constraints. Time and money. The money constraint is used in almost any game. But you have no time constraint in almost any game. Lets put an example. Imagine you have 8 hours of timework. You can use it to external scout (and get better reports of workers of other companies and free agents), internal scout (having scouts of who workers could have good or bad chemistry), inside management (improving the internal relationships), working with your youngsters or controlling your staff (improving the marketing, media results). I don't know, but there are a lot of posibilities. I think it would be a way to personalize your company. In the most of the games you have to make all (you have to sign big free agents, develop your youngsters etc.). But having to choose how to spend your time you have to focus in a strategy. You will work in improving the relation with your workers and developing your youngsters or you will focus in improving your economy and scout the market? It's just an idea I want to put on the table.. :D
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