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TCW - The British Invasion

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Another week, another booking committee meeting. Me, Archie, Tommy and Joel, sitting around the table as usual. I’d only had one such meeting before, but this time I was slightly more nervous. There weren’t a lot of smiles around that table. “What’s the word, guys?” I asked, sipping at my tea. Does nobody on this side of the Atlantic know how to make tea? Archie grinned mirthlessly. “Two words, actually: Limey *******s.” Joel nodded. “There’s been a bad buzz in the locker room about the new guys you’ve brought in. New guys going over established TCW talent – it’s not sitting well. Nobody knows these guys, and they haven’t earned the friends to get away with this kind of push so quickly.” “This kind of push?” I shook my head. “Okay, that’s an over-reaction if ever I heard one. They’ve got one for one so far, it’s not much of a streak.” “Yeah,” Archie replied, “but it’s on their debut, see? Nobody wins on their debut unless they’re due something big. And it looks like you’re bringing in new guys to go over the heads of the old guys, see? Randall’s been with us a long time, Procedure were a big thing less than a year ago, and he’s sore about jobbing to some no-name Scot in the dark.” Joel looked vaguely uncomfortable. “Plus, I kind of had a gentleman’s agreement with Aaron that he was going to get a title shot at Chance soon. Not the belt itself, just a shot. And now he’s tapping out to a new project. I mean, the entire damn division’s a bit upset right now, except Clark and Ota. Hell, Chance is paranoid about keeping his job – he’s not been on the show in a fortnight, and he’s the champ!” I rolled my eyes at that. Joel shrugged. “Yeah, I know. He’s a sweet kid, but not too bright, y’know?” “And he’s good, and he’s our champ,” Tommy butted in. “Let’s give him something to do, okay? And rein in on pushing Merle and The Shooters. Give them time to get established, then we can see about a push, yeah?” I paused. “That was something I wanted to talk to you guys about, actually. It’s a plan I’ve got. I think it’ll work, and I think it’ll be big. And if it’s going to work, we’re going to need to build these three guys.” And, that said, I began to explain. About five minutes later, the others were nodding along. Tommy seemed very pleased, in particular. “I like it. Old school. Simple. Gives us somewhere good to go, for sure.” Archie coughed with a sound like someone beating a bag of tar against a wall. “Looks like the word is Limey *******s for a while yet, then.” “Oh, don’t worry about that.” I smiled. “I’ve sent word out to someone we can feed to anyone who complains. And it’s not like it matters anyway – he’s Welsh.” **** And this week, it's Super Tuesday for TCW! Number One Contenders are decided for all those titles not yet announced! [B]In The Dark:[/B] Don Henderson vs. Harry Allen [I]Will the Young Gun stand up in the face of the Highland Hitman?[/I] Randall Hopkirk vs. Ronnie V. Pain [I]When old friends collide, who will emerge triumphant?[/I] [B]In The Light:[/B] Aaron Andrews vs. Merle O'Curle vs. Freddy Huggins vs. Fumihiro Ota [I]Number One contendership for the All-Action Title! Will Andrews recover from his defeat last week? Will the Irish Stretching Machine prove to be a dark horse? Will Freddy Huggins regain his contender status? Or will Super Ninja continue his streak?[/I] Rick Law vs. Giant Tana vs. Texas Pete vs. Charlie Thatcher [I]Number One Contendership for the International Title. Will Rick Law fight for justice? Will Giant Tana wobble his way to victory? Will Texas Pete pull one back over Law? Or will The Insurance Policy finally pay off?[/I] Chance Fortune vs. Stink [I]The All-Action Champ seeks to show his dominance - but will he be cruelly undermined?[/I] Wrestling Machine #2 vs. Steve Gumble [I]One half of the Tag Champs in singles action. Can Steve pull off a shock win?[/I] Flash & Flare vs. The Darkness Warriors vs. The Tag Team Specialists [I]Number One Contendership for the Tag Team Titles. Will Flash & Flare give up the goods? Will The Darkness Warriors give their enemies hell? Or will age and experience win out for the Tag Team Specialists?[/I] Wold Hawkins vs. Genghis Rahn [I]The Wild Man is hunting - will he skin himself a Wolf tonight?[/I] Plus! Liberty and Tommy Cornell continue their war of words! American Buffalo wants a civilised chat with Ice Man C.A.! Troy Tornado has shocking revelations about his loss to RDJ!
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