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Dr. Strangeryland or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the MMA

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Well. I want to give my opinion about the game. I’m sorry if there are too many topics about this, but I want to give mi view ^__^. My two main points are. 1- I´m really hooked. For me it’s very entertaining and very addictive. 2- This game has room to improve significantly I’ve been playing the game for two weeks. I really want to make another show, mix with my workers, improve some things. I’m in my work thinking about things. I’m enjoying it more than TEW 07 even TEW is a more polished product and even I’m more a wrestling guy than an MMA guy. I think it’s because WMMA is a challenging game both in strategy and tactics. The games I love the most have these two challenges. For example in Football Manager you have to think in strategy to make a long term squad, developing youngsters etc. But you have to adjust your tactic game by game for the rival, the form, the injuries. Also, for example in Hearts of Iron you have to develop your country in the long run, but in the “war” you have to adjust each movement. WMMA has “it” for me. You have your long term plans (developing some workers, using some as punching bags) but you have to adjust your ideas to the results. Maybe this “punching bag” is on a winning streak. Should I use him as a main star? These good worker is falling apart. Should I try to recover him or simply use him as “punching bag”? TEW is nowadays better in the strategic part, but imo has less strength in the tactic part. TEW as non-competitive, give less surprises, so you don’t have to adjust your plans each show. 2-For me WMMA is just a “core game” as it was the first TEW. There are lots of ways to improve the experience of the game, but I think the core to develop is there. I won’t give any surprises in my recommendations. More interactivity with the workers, more need to feel that they are “people” and they interact with you, and the feeling that you have to manage a group of living people. More challenge in the business part. Continue to improve the menus and the general image (even for me it’s much better than TEW07). I think the MMA/Cornellverse it’s terrific, but with more companies and challenges it would improve the experience geometrically (Just a random thought. I will love to have the option to read the reports of the combat line by line. I mean, not getting all in one, but having just one line, then the next, a la old FM games) Anyway I feel that this is a very good game and that can be improve significantly. So I expect (and I encourage Adam) to make a second part of the game (may after the new TEW and a version of the Wrestling Spirit for MMA?). Now the game is very fun but I feel that it’s a little … naked? And I think that with the properly “clothes” it can be a hit in the sport-management games.
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I think you hit the nail on the head, tis a very addictive little game, but it could really do with expanding. Still glad i purchased it and loving the wealth of renders, but Oh how i long for more! 12+ groups would be nice and perhaps 1000-1200 fighters. The good thing is, with so many top renderers on the boards perhaps by the time the next game is devloped those figures might actually be reasonable!
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I have really warmed up to the game recently. I love how a fighter is able to be practically unbeatable one game and then the next game the same fighter may be a complete can. Obviously the more fighters and the more promotions in the game, the better the game will be. Eventually it would be nice if some more play by play variations would be added and I would love to have the option to view rival promotion's play by plays.
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