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This idea is mainly for modders I guess. Now as far as I understand chemistry is random whenever you start a new game. However what about wrestlers who already have good chemistry? I'd like to start, say a new 2001 WWF game with Triple H already having good chemistry with The Rock & Mick Foley. Benoit with Jericho etc. I also reckon that when it becomes well known they have good chemistry that it should be put in their profile under say worker relations Example for Triple H 2001 Stephanie McMahon (Dating) Shawn Michaels (Best Friends) The Rock (Good Chemistry)
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This has come up before, and it's one of those 'ideas with no downsides' that Adam seems to dislike. It's also far too easy to abuse. The classic example is Christopher Daniels and AJ Styles, who we all know have fantastic chemistry whether teaming or working against each other. If you know you can book them in a series with each other that will always churn out A matches, why bother with anyone else? The experimentation to find that chemistry is what, to me, the game is all about. Mod makers could go through and give everyone chemistry with their most noted rivals - but not everyone's going to agree with that. Some might say that Kane and Undertaker have chemistry, for example. I would argue they don't - but their gimmicks and styles mesh well together. The sum is not greater than the parts ;) Also, having random chemistry makes sure that every game is different. My MAW game continually throws up interesting chemistry notes (Steven Parker, for example, is about 50/50 good/bad with my key players) but if I choose to start a new game, I don't want to know that he'll have good matches with Marc Speed and bad matches with DC Rayne, for example... I'd also argue that it's difficult to say when workers have good or bad chemistry. It's such an anomalous term that I wouldn't expect to get a majority of people to agree on a definition. While I understand the desire to produce as accurate a historical mod as possible, that history is altered the second you take over in any case. To take the eample of HHH in 2001, he's unlikely to tear his quad under your watch (and would probably have squashed the InVasion even more than was the case anyway ;) ).
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Adam has repeatedly said that this is a simulation not meant to accurately reflect history. When you start your game world maybe in that parallel universe HHH does not tear his quad, nor does he have good chemistry with anyone. Maybe in your 'verse HHH has terrible chemistry with everyone. The beauty is you never know what you're going to get.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;369059]Adam has repeatedly said that this is a simulation not meant to accurately reflect history. When you start your game world maybe in that parallel universe HHH does not tear his quad, nor does he have good chemistry with anyone. Maybe in your 'verse HHH has terrible chemistry with everyone. The beauty is you never know what you're going to get.[/QUOTE] You could get a universe where Triple H is a professional and enjoys putting guys over.
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[QUOTE=praguepride;369059]Adam has repeatedly said that this is a simulation not meant to accurately reflect history. When you start your game world maybe in that parallel universe HHH does not tear his quad, nor does he have good chemistry with anyone. Maybe in your 'verse HHH has terrible chemistry with everyone. The beauty is you never know what you're going to get.[/QUOTE] in my WWE save, hhh had bad chemistry with both Rock and Austin... :p
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