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National Wrestling Alliance: Reinventing Tradition

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[SIZE="1"]FROM NWAWRESTLING.COM[/SIZE] [B]OCTOBER 1, 2003 AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE DESK OF GOOD OL' JR[/B] [I]Dear Wrestling Fans, If you're like me, then two years ago you were looking ahead at an industry in shambles. A profession that individuals the world over made their living from, fed their families and bought houses with their hard-earned dollar. Professional wrestling (note the term) has been my mistress for a long time, and I have to admit to myself and to all my loyal readers dating back to 'The Ross Report', that I thought it might be time to sell the farm on the business that I love. But after what fans have dubbed 'The Fall' there flickered a bright light off in the distance; two powerhouses of our industry, "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair and "The American Dream" Dusty Rhodes rallied around the one shred of credibility left in the legacy of professional wrestling: the National Wrestling Alliance. Over several months the new board of directors laid the groundwork for a return to prominence for the NWA, and after being ready to walk away from it all one phone call from 'Naitch had me on the horse again. Two years later we stand at the forefront of a new era in professional wrestling, with the shame of Vince McMahon finally fading into the background. The NWA has steadily rebuilt the tradition of professional wrestling through the imeasurable hardwork of countless individuals. In tribute to these people, it is my pleasure to be writing you to announce a series of DVDs from the National Wrestling Alliance chronicling the rebirth of our industry! In the first set, "Tradition Reborn" we'll take a look at the initial tournament to crown a new NWA World Heavyweight Champion and the emergence of several stars in the beginning months of journey. Stay tuned, I promise it'll be a slobberknocker of a good time, and a must have for all you collectors out there! Boomer Sooner, JR[/I]
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[B][SIZE="5"]THE ELITE EIGHT[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]TRADITION REBORN: CHAPTER ONE [/SIZE][/B] [The DVD opens with an extended version of the National Wrestling Alliance signature video used to open each TV and PPV. It showcases the champions throughout history from the earliest video of NWA World Champions like Joe Stretcher and Ed "Strangler" Lewis to the days of Lou Thesz & Pat O'Connor. Clips of Harley Race, Jack Brisco, Terry Funk, Dusty Rhodes in the ring. Ric Flair flanked by the original Four Horsemen, his classic battles with Ricky Steamboat, and the original battle with Sting at the first Clash of Champions. It transitions to the stars of the new NWA, with recent video of Sting, Ron Simmons, Mike Awesome, Randy Orton, Chris Benoit and other current stars before the classic NWA logo fades into view.] [Video from the first ever NWA Showdown fades in, dated October 3, 2001. Ric Flair stands in the ring with the 'big gold belt' NWA World Heavyweight titel in his hands.] [COLOR="Red"][I]Ric Flair: Ladies and gentlemen, it is with great honor and pride that I stand before you tonight, standing at the edge of a new era in professional wrestling! I know after the last few years it all seems sort of old and cliche. . . wrestling reinvented, reimagined, repackaged, and regurgitated week-in and week-out. . .[/I][/COLOR] [The crowd cheers and claps respectfully as The Nature Boy pauses, obviously choked up.] [COLOR="Red"][I]Flair: But after months of hard work. . . countless hours in the office. . . weeks on the phone. . .days on jets, in limos, rolling down the highway from state-to-state. . . The Nature Boy is here to tell you that we. . . are. . . back! Forget reinventing the sport, forget all of the big Hollywood spectacle. . . ladies & gentlemen, your sport is back! We are NOT sports entertainment. . . we are the NWA, and WE. . .ARE. . . WRESTLING!![/I][/COLOR] [The crowd pops as Flair takes a moment to compose himself, suited up a little more business than usual. On a single screen near the entryway, a tournament bracket comes up with eight empty spaces.] [COLOR="Red"][I]Flair: And now, it is my pleasure to announce to you the wrestlers taking part in the Elite Eight tournament to crown a NEW NWA World Heavyweight Champion!! These four matches will be taking place tonight, with semi-finals next week, and a World title match LIVE at NWA's Clash of Champions pay-per-view! You will see a former World champion, and a monster of a man, [B]Mike Awesome[/B] taking on a man who has come to the NWA seeking to prove himself as a wrestler, and brother did you come to the right place. . .[B]Sean Morley[/B]![/I][/COLOR] [The crowd cheers as the pictures appear on the bracket, Flair shifting the belt over his shoulder as he continues.] [COLOR="Red"][I]Flair: Tonight you'll see a former NWA World Heavyweight Champion, and a man I know very well, [B]Sting[/B] taking on "The Innovater of Offense" [B]Chris Kanyon[/B]![/I][/COLOR] [The crow pops huge for Sting's name, breaking into a chant that brings a warm smile of Flair's face.] [COLOR="Red"][I]Flair: Two more former World Champions will face off as [B]Jeff Jarrett[/B] steps into the ring with history-making former World Champion [B]Ron Simmons[/B]! Oh, and last, but certainly not least. . . [B]"Diamond" Dallas Page[/B]. . .[/I][/COLOR] [Another pop from the crowd, who simply gave a courtesy cheer to the mention of Jarrett vs Simmons, as several hands raise in a diamond in the crowd.] [COLOR="Red"][I]Flair: . . takes on [B]Raven[/B]![/I][/COLOR] [The brackets fade onto the screen as the audio from the scene fades out.] [SIZE="1"][B][I]Up Next: Chapter 2 - The Matches. . .[/I][/B][/SIZE]
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[B]AN OUT-OF-DIARY NOTE, FOR THOSE INTERESTED IN READING[/B] Okay, so this is based on my longest running save with The Fall mod playing as the National Wrestling Alliance. What I'm planning to do is release a series of DVDs (in-diary) that will paint a picture of what the NWA has become; the new stars, big programs, and great matches that pushed them to becoming the first promotion to gain National status in America after The Fall. This allows me to work at my own pace on this diary, and will hopefully be a good way to keep me wanting to work on the diary; I work two jobs currently and put in about 70 hours a week, but a lot of my off-days are spent playing TEW after the house upkeep is done. I got a lot of positive feedback from my last two diary attempts (DAVE: Join the Revolution! on the TEW2005 boards, and TNA: Takeover more recently), so I hope I can continue to entertain people with this diary. I will also be posting an occasional Ross Report via NWAWrestling.com, where JR will give some insight and answer fans questions about the CURRENT state of the NWA. This serves as a teaser to when the diary catches up with my saved game, so feel free to ask some questions about what is happening or what has happened, and you might find a little treat in an upcoming Ross Report.
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[B][SIZE="5"]A MONSTER IS BORN[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]TRADITION REBORN: CHAPTER TWO A [/SIZE][/B] [We fade into a studio set that is a modernized mock-up of the old Mid Atlantic Championship Wrestling interview stage. Scott Hudson steps on screen, and welcomes us to the first in a series of many DVDs.] [I][B]Scott Hudson:[/B] Thank you fans for purchasing this DVD, Tradition Reborn. Let's jump right into it and show you all what you came to see, wrestling from the NWA![/I] [We crossfade back to a clip from the first edition of NWA Showdown, and [B]Jim Cornette[/B] making his way out of the entrance with a microphone in one hand and a tennis racket in the other.] [COLOR="Blue"][I]Jim Cornette: I want to make something clear very early on around here, and all the boys in the back better be listening, becuase I'm putting out a global warning. You've seen him leaves bodies laying in Japan, seen him break tables up in Philly, and end careers in WCW. . . and if you think it's going to be any different around here, I DARE you to stand in his way. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the NEXT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. . . MIKE. . .AWESOME!![/I][/COLOR] [A generic, nu-metal version of Black Sabbath's "Iron Man" begins to play as Mike Awesome steps into the arena, Cornette practically hoping up & down in celebration. The scenes fades to the bell ringing to signal the beginning on the NWA World Heavyweight Title Elite Eight tournament.] [B]ROUND 1 - MIKE AWESOME -VS- SEAN MORLEY[/B] Although playing up that he is a legitimate wrestler, Sean Morley spends most of the match putting over Mike Awesome. Since his size is downplayed against larger heavyweights, Awesome had to look dominant here to establish his character with the fans. Jim Cornette made his return to full-time managing here, and made a wise choice in picking Mike Awesome as his client. The crowd was hot for the start of the tournament, which made this match seem a little better than it really was in the ring. Awesome picks up the win at 11:43 with an Awesome Bomb to advance as Cornette celebrates on the outside. [SIZE="1"][I][B]Up Next: Chapter 2B - The Icon Returns[/B][/I][/SIZE]
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[QUOTE=Astil;372176]Oh, and Push Raven. Push Raven like hell. Reverse time and push Raven. Get him as much popularity as possible before he becomes a manager.[/QUOTE] Thanks for the compliment about my idea. . . I'm going to be doing some better match write-ups than the one I did for Awesome/Morley, whenever the more important matches come up anyway. And I think you'll be happy with Raven's NWA career, I'm a big Raven mark myself. He doesn't dominate, though, which has taken a LOT of control on my part. :D
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[B][SIZE="5"]THE ICON RETURNS[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]TRADITION REBORN: CHAPTER TWO B [/SIZE][/B] [Scott Hudson joins us on the soundstage again following Mike Awesome's victory.] [I][B]Scott Hudson:[/B] So with Jim Cornette's return to the managerial world, Mike Awesome makes his NWA debut by destroying Sean Morley. But up next, a man known the world over makes his return to the National Wrestling Alliance. . .[/I] [We crossfade to a shot of Chris Kanyon standing in the ring as the lights in the arena dim, and the sound of guitar feedback flooding the soundsystem. A large scorpion appears on the big screen as the entrance music of Sting begins to play as the crowd rises to their feet. Looking better than he did in his last appearance on WCW Monday Nitro, Sting enters the arena with a big smile on his face. He wears a pair of black tights reminiscent of old school Sting, but with a white and red scorpion on the side more like the man we've come acustomed to seeing, with a black singlet top. His face is painted white with black & red design, and he lets out a howl as he reaches the ring steps to which the crowd responds with a roar of approval.] [B]ROUND 1 - STING -vs- "THE INNOVATOR OF OFFENSE" CHRIS KANYON[/B] The second round one match is much like the first, Kanyon on defense most of the match as the fans cheer on the Stinger to a submission victory in about eight minutes. The fans in the arena all start to stand and turn towards the entrance, Jim Cornette jogging out and waving Mike Awesome down the aisle with his tennis racket! Awesome hits the ring and nails Sting with a vicious lariat to the back of the head, letting out a battle cry of momentum as he reaches the ropes. Awesome lays in a few forearm blows as he pulls "The Icon" to his feet, the big man nailing a quick boot to the gut before lifting him overhead. The announcers, Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes, go crazy as Awesome sends Sting sailing over the top rope and through the timekeeper's table at ringside with a devestating Awesome Bomb! [COLOR="Blue"][I][B]Jim Cornette:[/B] I warned you!! I warned you all!! Mike Awesome is the new man to beat in the NWA, as Sting just found out the hard way. Sting, this is your one opportunity, so I suggest you listen up if you can lift your head for a moment and block out that ringing in your ears. Its quite simple, Sting. . . forfeit round two, and we'll let you live; try to be a hero, and you'll taking your meals through a straw when Mike Awesome is done with ya'![/I][/COLOR] [SIZE="1"][B][I]Up Next: Chapter 2 C - BITTER ENEMIES[/I][/B][/SIZE]
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  • 2 weeks later...
Just a quick note to those who are interested in reading; this past week and the week coming up are when I am working out my two week notice to go down to one job, so I'm working about 80 hours a week with no time to devote to this. But I will have more coming soon, probably in the form of a 'Ross Report' before the chapters continue.
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  • 3 weeks later...
[B][SIZE="5"]BITTER ENEMIES[/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]TRADITION REBORN: CHAPTER TWO C [/SIZE][/B] [Scott Hudson joins us on the soundstage again following Jim Cornette's promo.] [I][B]Scott Hudson:[/B] Mike Awesome already was establishing himself as a force to be reckoned with in the NWA. I mean, an Awesome Bomb over the top and to the outside could put Sting out of the tournament! But more on that in a minute, because the next first round match-up promised to bring back to light a well-established fued in the wrestling world. . .[/I] [Back in an arena, the familiar opening riffs of Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" twang over the speakers as "Diamond" Dallas Page makes his way out to the ring. DDP looks to be in good shape and exudes an aura of passion unseen for some time before The Fall. He slaps hands with several fans on his way down to the ring, rolling inside and standing in the center to give his famous diamond hand sign. There is a rumble in the crowd, and Raven hops the guardrail behind DDP, sliding into the ring and blindsiding him with a forearm!] [B]ROUND 1 - RAVEN -vs- "DIAMOND" DALLAS PAGE[/B] The forearm sends Page headfirst through the ropes just as the opening bell sounds, Raven rolling under the bottom rope and laying a few boots to Page on the outside. The announcers point out that this match is officially underway, and the ref stands inside counting the count out on both men. Dragging him up by his hair, Raven whips DDP into the guardrail and charges in with a high knee. With another handful of hair Raven tosses Page to the ground and goes to the time keeper to grab a chair, the referee's count reaching 7 as he reluctantly counts both men out in this first round contest. Raven sets up the chair and prepares DDP for his signature spot, a drop-toe hold into the chair, which he hits just as the count reaches 10 and the bell sounds to signal the double count-out. Raven stands over Page, arms outstretched in a familiar pose as the double count out decision is announced. He walks around ringside for a moment, turning around just as Page reaches his feet, still doubled over from the attack. Raven charges in with a fist, but Page fire back at him; Raven throws another punch, and DDP returns in kind. The two trade blows back and forth, DDP eventually gaining some leverage and whipping Raven over the guardrail and into the audience. The fans roar as DDP hops the rail as well, Raven stumbling up the aisle as he tries to retreat. Page catches up, grabbing a handful of his hair and pulling him into a knee to gut. A few quick punches to the head and DDP slams Raven down facefirst onto an empty chair, the fans all on their feet to move away from the action. Page looks down on Raven in disgust, turning around right into a stiff superkick! The announcers go wild as Stevie Richards steps out of the crowd, leaping in celebration as he rushes to check on Raven. Jim Ross and Dusty Rhodes question the future of the tournament with Raven and Diamond Dallas Page now both eliminated. [SIZE="1"][B][I]Up Next: Chapter 2 D - THE RETURN OF DOUBLE J[/I][/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="1"](I'm done with working two jobs now, and after a family scare the past few weeks, this dynasty should return to a normal posting schedule. Hope everyone is still on board. :D )[/SIZE]
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