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Death of MC Productions

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[SIZE="4"]The scene is October 1982. A time when wrestling started to branch out of their own back yards and into new battle grounds. My name is Mike Cooper and while I am not rich but by no means am I hurting for money. I could go on how I made my money but, who cares? I originally was looking to gain a foothold in some backstage capacity in a wrestling organization. But that all changed when I meet with Jim Crockett JR. Almost 10 years of running his dad’s promotion had taken a toll on Jim. He was tired and both him and his son wanted to leave the business. I laid out a basic business plan; meet with a few NWA Board of Directors. November rolled around and the backstage atmosphere was a buzz with a possible new ownership rumors floating. Crockett and I decided it was time to let the cat out of the bag and meet with everyone in the company. Few of the workers, if any were excited about the news. Many were worried about their futures. I laid out the best possible scenario assuring them that I was not coming in to have everyone clean out their office space; I did however reserve the right to find the staff I felt was a best fit for myself, but the company as well. I advised Crockett’s creative team to continue their storylines as needed and I would be in contact with them in early December to start working on introducing some of my ideas. My Phone Company loved me in November. As it seemed I was on the phone on an everyday bases contacting the other companies in the NWA umbrella on strengthen our ties with one another. Even made a couple to former NWA members. I will begin my game January 1 1983. I have made a few changes to the database along with a few roster moves. Title Holders NWA World Heavyweight= Ric Flair United States Champion= Greg Valentine NWA World Tag Team Champions= Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion= Jack Brisco Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions= Ric Steamboat and Jay Youngblood NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Champion= Mike Rotundo Other Notables Main Event Wahoo Mcdaniel Dusty Rhodes Ivan Koloff Jos Leduc Terry Funk Upper Midcard Dory Funk Jr Jerry Brisco Roddy Piper Jimmy Valiant Mid Card One Man Gang The Great Kabuki The Assassin Sweet Brown Sugar Magic Dragon Dick Slater Bugsy McGraw Bob Orton Jr. Lower midcard and openers I have yet to sort out as I have made a few calls to see who I could bring in. Managers include Gary Hart and Sir Oliver Humperdink. Announcers and Play by Play are Tony Schiavone and Bob Caudle Road Agents are not determined as of this writing. Could this be the end of MC Productions? [/SIZE]
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[SIZE="4"]December rolled around faster than I had wanted. I had resigned a short term deal with channel WPCQ, as they and I did not want to sign a long term deal. We both wanted to see what kind of ratings we would pull in considering the new ownership issue. I had creative end their storylines and start to implement mine. And to start getting out the word on our first major show at the end of January. We will be calling our event The Battle of Raleigh. We also had our marketing department take out ads in the wrestling magazines to promote our BBS number (prior to the net you could connect to a computer and share files that away and messages that away) and to join our mailing list for a monthly newsletter. A card preveiw will be up soon. [/SIZE]
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[CENTER] Photobucket [SIZE="5"] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Television taping [/SIZE] Photobucket NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Championship Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="4"]The Great Kabuki takes on current champ Mike Rotundo[/SIZE] Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"] Come see the Russian Bear Ivan Kolloff battle the son of Kong Angelo Mosca Jr. [/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]#1 Paul Jones takes on Cowboy Bob Orton[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Black"]Main Event For the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship [/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]Dory Funk Jr. takes on champ Jack Brisco[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Wednesday week 1 1983 TV Taping Boiling Springs North Carolina Attendance=5000 PhotobucketPhotobucket [/CENTER] Bob Caudle: Hello everybody and welcome to another exciting evening of Mid-Atlantic Championship wrestling. I am being joined by my broadcast partner Tony Schiavone. As I am sure everybody knows that shock waves hit the NWA world last month when it was announced that we, the Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling has new ownership. Tony Schiavone: That right Bob, I am being told we will be hearing from our new boss very shortly. Tonight’s card promises to be very exciting as we have the NWA TV Title up for grabs along with the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship. But now we head backstage for a word from our new boss. Mike Cooper= Good Evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Mike Cooper. And I purchased Mid-Atlantic Wrestling from the Crocket’s last month. You may not know who I am, but I can assure you all that Mr. Crockett’s dream is still alive. I vow to bring you the very best that not only Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling can bring. But to utilize our partner The NWA in bringing in the very best talent for you to see. I want to thank the Crockett’s for their tireless work in brining in a smooth transition. I wish you the very best. I also want to thank the fans in attendance and the ones who are watching. For with out you there would be no Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I look forward to serving you for now on but let’s get back to some wrestling shall we. Bob, Tony, take it away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The scene shifts back to the announce table as both Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone continue to talk about the buy out. Oriental Music starts to play as The Great Kabuki and his manager Gary Hart walk out. The Crowd boos heavily. The lights dim slightly as Kabuki does his ritual, drops to his knee and spits out a green mist. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photobucket NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Championship Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket Mike Rotundo (C) takes on The Great Kabuki w/ Gary Hart [/CENTER] The crowd really wasn’t into this one. Perhaps too much of contrasting styles. Rotundo tries to get in some offense but Kabuki was all over him with kicks, chops, and choke holds. Referee Tommy Young warns Hart to get a grip on Kabuki. But Kabuki pays no heed to his handler. Young has no other option but to disqualify Kabuki at 5:21. Winner and still NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Champ: Mike Rotundo Rating: D- Rotundo and Kabuki really don’t seem to click with one another. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial Break ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE] We come back from the break where we see Gary Hart trying to calm down his client. Kabuki is throwing garbage can over, tipping tables over. Bugsy Mcgraw comes into the scene and bumps into Kabuki by accident and officials rush to separate them before they could come to any major blows. Gary Hart challenges Bugsy to a match next week with Bugsy accepting.[/QUOTE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]Roddy Piper is walking around with a camera crew and microphone.[/QUOTE] Piper: Bet you all are thinking what the heck does Piper have a mic and not getting ready for some kind of match? Well you see The Rowdy One has a clause in his contract. He gets paid whether he fights or not. All I got to do is work in come capacity and I get my money. So here I am. (As he barges in on Ivan Koloff’s dressing room. Koloff gets up to try and defend himself.) Relax, Relax there big fella. I aint here to fight. I’m only here to conduct,,an interview. Ivan Koloff: Piper conducting an interview, with me the greatest athlete Russia has. In my Mother land Piper you would be an errand boy. Piper: Watch it big fella, I aint nobody’s errand boy. Koloff: Then get out of my way, I have match tonight against another pathetic American. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Ivan Koloff battles Angelo Mosca Jr.[/CENTER] Ivan show cased his arsenal on this match. Angelo tries to stagger the big Russian with some punches. But Ivan was on fire tonight landing one clubbing blow after another on Angelo’s back. He gets a submission win with bear hug on Angelo. Referee Stu Schartz calls for the bell at 5:01 Winner of the Match Ivan Koloff Match Rating= C- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Caudle: Ivan sure looked good out there tonight. Hey folks, don’t forget this Friday night we will be on tour and we are coming to Canton Ohio at the Memorial Civic Center. Tony Schiavone: That’s right Bob. And we have a great card instore for the fine folks in Canton. Matches that have been announced Ric Flair defends his NWA World Heavyweight belt against Dick Murdoch. And Greg “ The Hammer” Valentine defends his United States Championship against Jerry Brisco. Bob Caudle: I’m being told that Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle have a few words they wish to share. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sgt Slaughter: LISTEN UP YOU PUKES. Since winning these NWA World Tag Team Title back September of last year we have noticed a lack of challenging teams to face us. If nobody has the fortitude to come to us. We may have to take these belts with us and leave this worm infested Hicksville behind us. Isn”t that right Private Kernoodle? (acts like he hand Don Kernoodle the microphone. Kernoodle stands there in the position of rest and says nothing.) Sgt: Slaughter : Well said private. NOW DISMISSED! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comercial Break ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Caudle: Don’t forget folks at the end of the month we will be having a very special event called The Battle of Religh. Tony Schiavone: That’s right Bob. I am hearing rumors that some matches for this special evening may be announced during next weeks show. So stay tuned folks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"][/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Paul Jones battles Bob Orton[/CENTER] Paul Jones can still wrestle with the best of them. These two combatants put on a decent show. Paul Jones starts to use some under handed tactics like using the ropes to choke Orton. Referee Stu Schwartz starts pulling off Paul and gives him a warning that his actions would not be tolerated. As Orton rises to his feet, The Assassin comes down and nails Orton in the back of the head with some brass knuckles. Paul goes for a quick cover for the win at 6:23 Winner of the match: Paul Jones Rating C+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comercial Break ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Schiavone: I cant believe Paul Jones and The Assassin got away with that right before the break folks. Bob Caudle: I’m sure Mr. Orton will remember that the next time they hook up (Crowd starts to boo. As Terry Funk makes his way into the picture and towards the announcer’s booth) Terry Funk: Excuse me gentlemen if I may use that term loosely. That yellow bellied paper champion the NWA calls world champ has been ducking me for quite some time now. Bob Caudle: Ric Flair maybe a lot of thigns Terry, but a coward he is not. Terry Funk: SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS! (crowd boos even louder) Before I was so rudely interrupted Mr. Caudle. As I was saying, that yellow bellied coward nature boy, has been ducking me since he won that belt. Well coward, I want to look you in the eyes next week. I want to stand face to face with the world champ next week. I’ll be here you coward. Will you? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] [SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Jack Brisco ( C ) defends against Dory Funk[/CENTER] These two veterans can wrestle plain and simple. The crowd was still pumped up after being insulted by his brother earlier. And the took it out on Dory who played it up with the fans every chance he got. Both go for an off the ropes running clothesline when they collided with one another. Jack took the brunt of it and got bounced out of the ring. Dory lays on the mat’s floor as Referree Tommy Young makes a slow ten count. Dory gets to his feet before Young got in the ten. Winner of the match: Dory Funk As a result of the count out Jack Brisco retains the Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship. Match Rating= B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Caudle: What a Main Event that was. Thank you for tuning into Mid-Atlantic Wrestling and good night everybody Tony Schiavone: Good night. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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[CENTER] Photobucket [SIZE="4"]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling on Tour Coming to Canton Ohio's - Canton Civic Center[/SIZE] Scheduled card Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Wahoo McDaniel takes on Ken Timbs[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Jos Leduc battles Mark Fleming[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valentine takes on Dick Slater and Rick Harris [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Black"]United States Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]Current champ Greg Valentine defends against Jerry Brisco[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Black"]MAIN EVENT NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"]Ric Flair defends his World Title against Dick Murdoch[/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Black"]Plus more. Catch great NWA and Mid-Atlantic Wrestling at it's best. BE THERE!!!![/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Friday week 1 1983 Canton Ohio Canton Civic Center Attendance=1,1658 [/CENTER] Bob Caudle: Hello everybody and welcome to another exciting evening of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I am being joined by my broadcast partner Tony Schiavone. Tony Schiavone: Thank you Bob. Tonight’s card promises to be very exciting as we have not only The United States Championship, but the NWA World Heavyweight Title up for grabs. {The crowd starts to cheer as Ric Flair makes his way to the announcers table.} Ric Flair: Whoo! Finally Ric Flair has come back to Ohio Bob Caudle. I hear that Terry Funk has been running his mouth saying I have been ducking him. Ha-ha. Pal, if anybody has been ducking anybody it’s been you. Big man. You haven’t even been in the same country as me since winning this title. And one more thing while I’m out here. Dick Murdoch they tell me you are the next one up to try and take my title away. Good luck champ, your gonna need it. Because, WHOO!, everywhere I go is Flair Country. Tonight I keep my title. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket One Man Gang and Kelly Kininski w/ Oliver Humperdink battles Jim Nelson and Vinnie Valentino [/CENTER] Oliver Humperdink has his troops huddled together as Nelson and Valentino make their way to the ring. As both climb into the ring Humberdink unleashes his troops and they run rough shod over Nelson and Valentino. Referee Pee Wee Anderson calls for the bell and restores some order. One Man Gang just ruled the match with power move after power move. He pins Valentino at 4:53 for the win. Winners: One Man Gang and Kelly Kininski Rating: E {none of these four are known here in the Great Lakes} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Wahoo McDaniel makes his way down to ringside} Wahoo McDaniel: Up until now I’ve played the good little Indian. But my patience is wearing thin. I’ve been a champion everywhere I have competed. I’m warning you all now, if I don’t start getting some title shots soon I’m going to have to go on a warpath. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Wahoo McDaniel takes on Ken Timbs [/CENTER] Wahoo was true to his word. A warpath he brought, he at least waited for the bell to ring before he unloaded on Mr. Timbs. Wahoo decides enough was enough and pins Timbs at 4:51 Winner: Wahoo McDaniel Rating: C+ {Both men and good chemistry and it improved the match} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {It is being announced the Jos Leduc will be out next. He is requesting ten volunteers to be pulled from the audience for a test of strength. 10 men are pulled and given instructions on how to perform this task.} Tony Schiavone: Ok Canton Oh. Let’s hear it for the home town shall we? {Crowd cheers} {Jos Leduc is in the ring with ropes tied to both arms. Five men on each side of Jos Leduc clutching on to the ropes. Jos gives the signal as he is ready.} Tony Schiavone: Ok Canton yell on your men now. {The object of this test is imagine a tug of war contest with Jos Leduc the flag in the middle of the rope. He has his hands clasped together and they are tugging on the ropes to make him let go of his hands.} Tony Schiavone: Come Canton, Come on,,5,,,4,,,3,,,2,,,1,,. Stop! And once again Canton, I’m sorry to announce, Jos Leduc is stronger than 10 men here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Jos Leduc VS Mark Fleming [/CENTER] One would have thought after that feat of strength he would have been tired. But he still had plenty in the tank. Mark Fleming did manage to get Jos off of his feet a few times with a snap mare and a fireman’s carry as he tried to out wrestle Jos. But in the end Jos caught Mark in a bear hug and this forces him to submit. Winner of the match: Jos Leduc Rating C+ {Once again got good chemistry between Jos and Mark} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Jimmy Valiant and Dusty Rhodes make their way down to ringside to the cheers of the fans} Jimmy Valiant: Ohio let me hear ya. Oh yeah, I know you love the Boogie Woogie Man cause I love you too. Dusty: What a fine crowd we got hear tonight. But you know what’s got me hot under the collar Boogie man? Jimmy Valiant: What’s that Dreamer? Dusty: Those no good turn coats Slaughter and Kernoodle. I say we show up to that show and set those two straight. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] PhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant battles Dick Slater and Rick Harris [/CENTER] These four put on a pretty good match. Dusty Rhodes came out looking great. Slater caught Valiant with a poke to the eyes and it looked like Slater was about to pin Valiant when Rhodes comes in to make a timely save. Rhodes picks up the win with a Bionic Elbow at 9:47. Winners: Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant Rating: C- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Dick Murdoch arrives at the Civic Center. He has to go thru some of the crowd to get to the backstage area and a championship buzz starts to go around. Dick high fives a few audience members before getting to the backstage area} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Caudle: Canton Ohio, up next is a one fall contest, for the United States Championship. But first, The Champion, Greg Valentine has requested a brief interview. So it is my pleasure to present to you, The Reigning United States Champion, Greg Valentine. Greg Valentine: Thank you Bob. You see its plain and simple, just like the people here in Canton, simple. Bob: Come on Greg. {Crowd boos} Greg Valentine: Shut up out there, and you shut up too Bob. Brisco your time has come and gone. You’re yesterday’s news along with Wahoo and the rest of those geezers. My time is now. And there is no way your walking out with my belt. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photobucket United States Championship Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Jerry Brisco takes on the current champ Greg “The Hammer” Valentine [/CENTER] These two put on quite a match, back and forth they went. Jerry was able to out wrestle Greg, but the Champ does his best with the underhanded tactics to even the score. Eventually Greg locked in a figure four on Jerry, but wait Brisco reverses it. Now it’s Valentine’s turn to yell in pain, and another reversal towards the corner. Valentine grabs the bottom ropes and pulls for some leverage. Brisco taps out at 15:25. Winner: Greg Valentine Rating: B- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {Dick Murdoch makes his way down to ringside} Dick Murdoch: I want to take a minute to thank all the great fans out here in Canton. They are here to see me become the new NWA World Champion. Flair, when that bell rings my friend. All friendship is put to the side. I am winning the match and taking that title home with me. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] [SIZE="6"]Main Event[/SIZE] Photobucket NWA World Heavyweight Championship Photobucket[SIZE="5"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Dick Murdoch challenges Ric Flair the current world champion [/CENTER] Dick Murdoch just finished his words when Flair’s music starts to play. Flair comes down the aisle in his usual way. Referee Tommy Young check Dick Murdoch’s boot and tights for foreign objects, then checks Flair. Flair hands his World title to him and Young holds it up for the crowd to see and calls for the bell. Murdoch started the match wanting an early tie up but Flair went into the ropes to get away from him. Dick Murdoch got in some quick scoop slam’s got couple of quick two counts early on but Flair counters and pulls Murdoch in the corner and gives him a chop. Murdoch just yells at Flair. Flair chops him again and Murdock runs out of the corner and delivers a wicked clothesline. Flair gets to his feet and backs off as Murdoch gives chase. Flair went out of the ring and as did Murdoch. Flair goes running around the ring and finally slides inside. Murdoch slides in after him but was caught with a couple of stomps to the body by Flair. The end saw Flair locking on his patented figure four on Murdoch and Referee Tommy Young calls for the bell. Flair continues to have the figure four on. Young yells for Flair to release the hold. 1,2,3,4,5 Young counts. Still Flair has the hold on Murdoch. NWA and Mid-Atlantic officials come to ringside and command Flair to release his hold and finally he relents. Tommy Young confers with officials and tells the time keeper and the announce crew something. Tony Schiavone: As a result of a disqualification. Referee Tommy Young rules the winner of the match, DICK MURDOCH! But as a result of the decision Ric Flair keeps the NWA World Title. Ric Flair: Terry, I’m coming for ya son. Be Ready Winner of the Match= Dick Murdoch VIA DQ. Flair keeps title. Match Rating= B+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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As I sat in my office pouring thru the mountains of paper work I have piled on my desk. I go thru the TV ratings and I am pleased but I begin to think perhaps we have out grown our channel we are currently on. The federations I feel are on par with us done better but on nation wide broadcasting. MACW= .79 AWA=1.39 WWF=1.56 GCW=2.02 Maybe I should think about getting out of this local scene and start thinking bigger. {My secretary buzzes my line.} Mr. Cooper, line 1, It’s Chad Tirlinde. Chad is one of my friends who thought it would be a nice idea if he could make money while doing nothing off of my venture of buying Jim Crockett out. Well to be honest the conversation did not go where I thought it would. He needed all of the money back he gave me to help fund the takeover. Great, kiss $250,000 good bye. As the news takes a toll on my stomach, I continue to go thru the rest of the numbers. Still made some money thru ticket sales. Money, crap, need to call the bank and pull out Chad’s 250k and get it sent to him. I hired a few guys to help balance out the lower end of my roster. I will call the creative department and have them made official. One thing that I did notice over the last two events. I need help in the backstage. I don’t want to say the crew walked over me, but it was very hard for me to keep track of everything and still keep the show flowing. I still can’t get thought of losing $250,000 out of my head. Yes petty perhaps and yes it was his money, but why jump in if you are not in it for the long haul. Could this be the end of MC Productions before it takes off?
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[CENTER]Photobucket [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"]We here in Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling are pleased to announce the following wrestlers have been signed to contracts.[/SIZE][/COLOR] PhotobucketPhotobucket [SIZE="3"]The Mulkey Brothers. Bill and Randy Mulkey are a fresh team that has been working in the independent scene for a few months. We look forward to seeing them in action in the near future.[/SIZE] Photobucket [SIZE="3"]Rick Gibson is the brother of Robert Gibson of The Rock N Roll Express. Rick is a vetarn of the ring and has recently worked in Alabama, Tennesse, and Florida[/SIZE] Photobucket [SIZE="3"]George Scott. He is a World Class Wrestling Star who has worn gold. He is expected to be in a backstage position.[/SIZE] Photobucket [SIZE="3"]Bob Ellis. Bob is a former WWWF Tag Team Champion. Is the master of the Bulldog Headlock. He is expected to fill a backstage position.[/SIZE] Photobucket [SIZE="3"]Tom Renesota. Best known for being an Assassin. He is a former Florida TV Champ, Georgia Heavyweight Champ, and a 4 time Southern Tag Team Champion. He is expected to be in a backstage copacity.[/SIZE] [QUOTE]The folowing workers have been given thier release. Gene Anderson and Johnny Weaver. We are saddned by these losses and we wish nothing but success for Mr. Anderson and Mr. Weaver. Both have worked hard but both parties envolved felt it was a mutual and benificial decesion. [/QUOTE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] Photobucket [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling TV Taping Charleston SC[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Championship Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Mike Rotundo defends him Championship Photobucket[SIZE="4"]vs[/SIZE]Photobucket The Great Kabuki battles Bugsy McGraw Photobucket Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship PhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against The Zambuie Expresss. [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE] ????????????????????????????????? Jimmy Valiant and Dusty Rhodes VS A Mystery Team All this and more. Come see great Mid-Atlantic Wrestling and it's best. [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Wednesday week 2 1983 TV Taping Charleston South Carolina McAlister Fieldhouse Attendance=5000 [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Bob Caudle: Good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to another evening of Mid-Atlantic Championship wrestling. Joined as always is my broadcast partner Tony Schiavone. Tony Schiavone: Thank you Bob, tonight’s card will be very exciting as we have the Mid-Atlantic Tag Champions Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood defend against a new tag team in the area called The Zambuie Express. Also up for grabs will be the NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Title as Mike Rotundo defends against The Assassin. Bob Caudle: And that’s not all folks, Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle are scheduled to appear. [QUOTE]{The crowd begins to boo}[/QUOTE] Bob Caudle: Also Ric Flair is being rumored to be in the building. [QUOTE]{Terry Funk enters the scene}[/QUOTE] Terry: So I hear Flair is in the building. Bob Caudle: I believe so Terry. Terry Funk: Well good then, Flair, come on out boy, that is if you aint scared. {No Flair} Come on son, I aint got all night. {Still no Flair} Flair……{Just as he mentions Flair’s name Ric Flair walks out and into the scene.} Ric Flair: Woo, ha-ha, Terry Funk it’s a fine time for you to run your mouth pal. You claim I have been ducking you, wasn’t you who was in Japan touring around over there when I won this belt. {Terry says nothing} And wasn’t you that said….{before he could finish} Terry Funk: Shut up boy, I got something to get off my chest and I aint got all night to listen to you ramble on about how good you look, and how good you smell, and how good this and how good that. {Flair just smiles} You see boy, you got something I want. Ric Flair: Well big man, all you got to do is sign your name on that dotted line, march your sorry butt to the ring, and face me, in that ring tonight, Whooo! Terry Funk: You right about that for once in your sorry life. And your right, I am gonna sign my name, The Funk name on that line. And I am gonna face your sorry carcass in that ring, just not tonight. {Crowd Boos.} I aint giving these free loaders out there tonight an opportunity to see greatness tonight. Ric Flair: Your right Terry, I am the greatest athlete this side….{Terry grabs back the microphone} Terry Funk: Boy I am tired of you running your mouth, {And with that he flings the mic at Flair hitting him in the head dazing Flair long enough for Funk to connect with a straight right hand, and they begin to fight. Mid-Atlantic officials and some low level wrestlers come out and separate the two} Bob Caudle: I’m sorry for that folks. Let’s try and restore some order and get ready for our first match when we come back from break. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial Break ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Championship Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]vs[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Mike Rotundo VS The Assassin [/CENTER] Mike Rotundo comes out first as he high fives members in the front row. The Assassin comes out next and is meet with a chorus of boos. The match begins with a standard lock up to begin with, Rotundo muscles The Assassin to the corner and Referee Tommy Young calls for a clean break. They lock up again and again with the previous result. The next time they attempt to lock up but this time The Assassin kicks Rotundo in the bread basket doubling him over in pain. The Assassin stays in charge from that point on in the match. The Assassin tries to go up the turnbuckle to the amazement of most. When Rotundo finally gets his wind and gets to his feet and runs and meets The Assassin before he could set on the top rope. Rotundo picks up The Assassin and lands an Airplane spin pinning his man at 5:50. Winner and still NWA Mid-Atlantic TV Champ: Mike Rotundo Rating: C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tony Schiavone: What a huge win for Mike as he retains his TV Championship. Bob Caudle: Indeed Tony, but I have bigger news than that. Next week on this very program, The Main Event will be Terry Funk versus Ric Flair for the NWA World Title. {Crowd cheers} Tony Schiavone: What a huge announcement Bob. [QUOTE]{Bugsy McGraw walks into the scene}[/QUOTE] Bugsy McGraw: You know Bob and Tony I’ve been in this business for quite a long time now, won gold in Florida, and many other places. But the competition here in the Mid-Atlantic area keeps getting hotter and hotter. But to top it off, the reason why I stay in this area is because of you fans [QUOTE]{As he points to the crowd and they cheer in return. But soon the cheers turn to boos as Gary Hart comes thru the curtain with his client The Great Kabuki.}[/QUOTE] Gary Hart: Hey tubby, lets go I’m double parked outside and time is money. {As he points to his watch.} Let’s get this over with as if there is any doubt of my man’s vast superiority. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket/WithPhotobucket Bugsy McGraw VS The Great Kabuki w/ Gary Hart. [/CENTER] The Great Kabuki rolls into the ring as Gary Hart motions for Bugsy to hurry up. Bugsy starts to smack himself like Curly from the 3 Stooges would do. Runs in the ring and is meet with some quick stomps by Kabuki. The fans cheer on Bugsy as he gets to his feet. Kabuki with a devastating chop, Bugsy grimaces with pain, but shakes it off. Again with another chop by Kabuki, and again McGraw just wraiths in pain but remains on his feet. Kabuki goes running against the ropes and is meet with a boot to the face by Bugsy. McGraw goes on top of Kabuki, a right hand, now a left, another right. Kabuki rolls McGraw over and does the same. Bugsy slips out and away from Kabuki. Big right hand by McGraw staggers Kabuki, another, Kabuki is looking weak and about to drop. A third right hand and Kabuki finally falls over. Gary Hart climbs onto the ring apring and gets McGraw’s attention. Bugsy rushes to Gary Hart and grabs his shirt. Gary is looking like a deer caught in headlights. Kabuki gets to his feet. The Ref tells Gary Hart to get on the floor and not to try getting involved again as Kabuki is tapping McGraw’s shoulder. Bugsy turns around and gets sprayed in the face by blue mist. Bugsy drops to both knees and covers his face. Kabuki springs against the ropes and lands a huge drop kick while Bugsy is on both knees. Kabuki goes for a cover and gets the win at 4:58 Winner of the match: The Great Kabuki Rating: C+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commercial Break ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]{Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernoodle are on the screen. Kernoodle is once again standing in the position of rest as it appeared Sgt Slaughter just got done telling him something.}[/QUOTE] Sgt Slaughter: LISTEN UP YOU PUKES. I hear a tale, a tale that says Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant say they have the fortitude to face us for these world belts. I don’t think so; do you think so Private Kernoodle? {Kernoodle shakes his head no.} Sgt Slaughter: But I’ll tell you what maggots. You beat my hand picked team tonight, and I might consider it. I have an open ended contract that was delivered to your dressing room earlier. If you have the guts to sign it. NOW DISMISSED! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Caudle: We have word from back stage that indeed Dusty Rhodes and Jimmy Valiant have signed the contract to face this mystery team. Tony Schiavone: And folks we have no idea who this team is either. This could be anybody as word travels around the world. If you want to be anywhere, you want to be here in the Mid-Atlantic area. Bob Caudle: Now let’s get ready for our next bout. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship PhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood VS The Zambui Express [/CENTER] Steamboat and Youngblood are the first to be announced. Some high energy music plays in the background as they run into the ring. Next out are The Zambuie Express. Both Bob Caudle and Tony Schiavone hype The Express as being a tough tag team and their credentials. The action begins with Ray starting off with Jay Youngblood. The Express work over Youngblood pretty well with some quick tags and dirty tactics. Leroy Brown taunts Ricky Steamboat at one point as he as Jay in an armbar. Ricky goes running in but is meet by Referee Stu Schwartz who demands he get back to his corner. Zambuie Express land not one but two Big Splashes on Jay for an apparent win. Ricky makes an incredible save. Jay finally gets some offence in that staggers Ray Candy, and then makes a hot tag to Steamboat. Steamboat is a house on fire. Chops, and kicks, and a big clothes line that pushes Leroy Brown out of the ring. Jay keeps Ray busy. Steamboat climbs to the top turnbuckle and lands a cross body block on Ray to pick up the win. Winners and still Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions: Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood. Rating: C+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comercial Break ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]{Scene as Piper walking around in the backstage area carrying a microphone and being tailed by a camera crew}[/QUOTE] Rowdy Piper: Hello everybody and welcome back to a little segment I call, me getting paid. Let’s see who I decide to talk to this time shall we. {Kicks open a dressing room door. Dick Slater was drinking a beverage and promptly drops it and spits out the contents in shock} Dick Slater: Piper, you idiot. What in the hell do you want? Piper: Just getting paid is all, so Dick, That was quite a butt kicking Valiant and Dusty gave you last week in Canton wasn’t it? Dick Slater: Shut up you idiot. Your one to talk. Mr. I am too good to get in a ring anymore. Mr. Boo Hoo crybaby I don’t want to get beat up anymore, I just want to talk. Piper: I’m not the issue here you redneck… Dick Slater: You say that as if it’s a bad thing skirt wearer. [QUOTE]{Piper slaps Slater after that remark, Slater rubs his cheek, and slaps Piper. Piper rubs his face, acts like he is about to turn around and slap Slater again. He throws down the mic and walks away.}[/QUOTE] Dick Slater: That’s right crybaby go run home to momma. You’re a egg sucking yellow bellied coward. Don’t waste my time anymore. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Caudle: And now its time for our Main Event and we still are no closer to knowing who the mystery team is Jimmy Valiant and Dusty Rhodes are facing. [CENTER] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Black"]?????????[/COLOR][/SIZE] Jimmy Valiant and Dusty Rhodes VS ????????[/CENTER] Jimmy Valiant and Dusty Rhodes walk out together looking alittle apprehensive but still doing their best at playing up to the fans. They are introduced by the ring announcer when a sound is heard of the loud speaker. Sgt Slaughter: Listen up you MAGGOTS! You wanted to know who is the team that is going to dismantle you tonight? Well here they are, LISTEN UP YOU PUKES, While I introduce them. They hail from parts unknown. They are THE MOONDOGS! [CENTER][QUOTE] PhotobucketPhotobucket {And with that they walk thru the curtain and down to the ring. Fans are pelting them with bits of popcorn and such as they proceed to the ring area.}[/QUOTE][/CENTER] The bell rings and we are ready for the action. Valiant started off against Moondog Spot with Valiant getting a couple of quick left hands that stunned The Moondog. Spot was able to tie up with Valiant and got him isolated in The Moondog corner. Where they worked him over pretty well. Jimmy was able to catch Moondog Rex with a bulldog that stopped the Moondogs momentum. He hot tags in Dusty who cleans house. Bionic Elbows to Rex, then Spot, Rex again, he shucks, he jives, and lands one more on Spot. Dusty plays to the crowd and runs against the ropes and delivers a huge elbow drop on Moondog Rex. Rhodes with a cover and its Moondog Spot now with a timely save with a stomp to the back of Rhode’s head. Spot and Rex start to double team on Rhode’s with crushing forearm shots to Dusty’s back. They pick the big man up and whip him in the ropes, but it’s Rhodes with a double clothesline shot. He tags in Valiant who locks in a sleeper hold on Spot while Rhodes throws Rex out of the ring. Winners of the Match: Jimmy Valiant and Dusty Rhodes. Rating: B- [QUOTE]{Jimmy Valiant and Dusty Rhodes begin to celebrate for the crowd when Sgt Slaughter and Don Kernoodle show up and attack them from behind. Sgt. Slaughter and Don Kernoodle stand above the fallen team of Valiant and Rhodes as officials come down and start to clear the ring. Slaughter and Kernoodle start to walk away after admiring the damage they have done. And the show comes to an end.}[/QUOTE] [CENTER]Photobucket [/CENTER]
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[CENTER] Photobucket [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Sarasota Florida Robarts Arena [/COLOR][/SIZE] PhotobucketPhotobucket/ With Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket One Man Gang and Kelly Kininski with manager Oliver Humperdink takes on Sweet Brown Sugar and Rick Gibson. Photobucket[COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR]Photobucket Come see Dory Funk Jr. battle Jerry Brisco. Photobucket [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Blue"]Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Jack Brisco defends against The Russian Bear Ivan Koloff. [SIZE="5"][COLOR="Blue"]MAIN EVENT[/COLOR][/SIZE] Photobucket NWA World Heavyweight Championship Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Ric Flair defends against Ron Bass. [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Black"]All this and more. Come see exciting Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling at it's best. BE THERE.[/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Photobucket [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"] Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Friday week 2 1983 Sarasota Florida Robarts Arena Attendance=2,000 [/COLOR][/SIZE] [/CENTER] Bob Caudle: Hello everybody and welcome to another exciting evening of Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling. I am being joined by my broadcast partner Tony Schiavone. Tony Schiavone: Thank you Bob. Tonight’s card promises to be very exciting as the NWA World Heavyweight Title will be defended tonight as Ric Flair takes on Ron Bass in the Main Event. Jack Brisco defends his Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Title against Ivan Koloff. Bob Caudle: That one promises to be an exciting match. Let’s take a quick look however at what transpired this Wednesday night between Ric Flair and Terry Funk. [QUOTE]{A video is shown highlighting the careers of both men and the moments between those two in the past couple of weeks.}[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]{We come back form the video and find Sir Oliver Humperdink along with One Man Gang and Kelly Kininski in the ring.}[/QUOTE] Humperdink: I don’t care about those two geezers. Let me talk to you instead about what is fresh, what is exciting, and what is going to be the most dominate team in not only this area, but the world. These two men not only have the genes, but the brains, and all of you out there should bow before them. {crowd boos.} Hear me out people, I know you are excited to watch them in action, But…{He is cut off as Rick Gibson and Sweet Brown Sugar come down to the ring.} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]PhotobucketPhotobucket/withPhotobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]PhotobucketPhotobucket One Man Gang and Kelly Kininski w/ Sir Oliver Humperdink VS Rick Gibson and Sweet Brown Sugar[/CENTER] Humperdink did not appreciate being cut off as he was giving this obviously stirring speech, has his men jump on Sugar and Gibson as they roll into the ring. Once again One Man Gang looked like a powerhouse in the match. He pins Gibson at 5:49 with a front suplex for the win. Winners: One Man Gang and Kelly Kininski Rating: D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]{Paul Jones makes his way down to ringside. Him and Humperdink exchange pleasantries. Paul pats One Man Gang and Kelly Kininski on the shoulders as they walk away.}[/QUOTE] Paul Jones: Thank you, Thank you very much Sarasota for giving me such a warm reception{ Crowd boos.} Man do those two look like number one contenders to some belts somewhere along the line. Speak of number one, ME, ha-ha I, Paul Jones and on the comeback trail. I can still out wrestle, out smart, and look better than half of those idiots in the back. And I know I’m better looking than this crowd out there. Hey, you you in the front row, you look like your momma had to tie a pork chop around your neck just to get the dog to play with you. Now get my next opponent out here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Paul Jones VS Jim Nelson Paul Jones just toyed with Jim most of the match. Slapping him in the back of the head every chance he would get. Jim would go after Paul, but Paul would duck under the ropes and make Referee Pee Wee Anderson pull back Jim. Jim did get some offense in but Paul turned the tables on him. Paul locks a Sleeper hold on Nelson to pick up the win at 5:51 Winner: Paul Jones Rating: C ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]{It is being announced the Jos Leduc will be out next. He is requesting ten volunteers to be pulled from the audience for a test of strength. 10 men are pulled and given instructions on how to perform this task.}[/QUOTE] Tony Schiavone: Ok Sarasota. Let’s hear it for the home town shall we? {Crowd cheers} {Jos Leduc is in the ring with ropes tied to both arms. Five men on each side of Jos Leduc clutching on to the ropes. Jos gives the signal as he is ready.} Tony Schiavone: Ok yell on your men now. {The object of this test is imagine a tug of war contest with Jos Leduc the flag in the middle of the rope. He has his hands clasped together and they are tugging on the ropes to make him let go of his hands.} Tony Schiavone: Come on Sarasota, Come on,,5,,,4,,,3,,,2,,,1,,. Stop! And once again Sarasota, I’m sorry to announce, Jos Leduc is stronger than 10 men here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Jos Leduc VS Rufas Jones [/CENTER] Rufas came out to a decent pop from the crowd as he competes down here on somewhat of a regular bases. Jos tosses around Rufas like a rag doll, but Rufas keeps coming back for more, he does take Jos down couple of times with some well timed right hands that floors Jos. Mr. Jones goes for a running clothes line that stagers Jos. Rufas playing to the crowd, goes running off the ropes to try again but is meet with a Bear Hug by Leduc. Rufas submits at 7:53 Winner of the match: Jos Leduc Rating B- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [QUOTE]{The lights dim slightly as a video of Rowdy Piper is walking backstage.}[/QUOTE] Piper: Hello Sarasota, its Ole Rowdy Piper again with another world famous segment called, I get paid. I’ve interviewed people from around the world, let’s see who the next person I choose is shall we. {Kicks open the door. And there stands Dory Funk.} Dory Funk: Well if it isn’t good ole slap fight Piper. Piper: Now wait a minute Dory it…. Dory Funk: No, you wait a minute, I’ve seen some sorry cusses in my life but you take the cake Piper. There use to be a time when you were feared and respected in this business. A man would hit you and they would talk for weeks how you shoved you fist down their mouth. Now look at you, resorting to slap fights. What a sorry excuse for a man. Now Mr. Piper if you don’t mind. I have a match to attend. {Piper just stands there looking for something witty to say. Piper just flings the mic down and walks away from the camera crew muttering something.} ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Jerry Brisco VS Dory Funk Jr. [/CENTER] Jerry Brisco is introduced first. Dory Funk is introduced next and comes out to a chorus of boos. He acts like he going to backhand a few fans before making his way to ringside. Jerry and Dory put on a good show in the ring. Dory was able to stay on the offence for most of the match. Jerry countered when he could. A well placed knee lift by Jerry Brisco however swung the tide. Backslide by Brisco nearly gets a pin fall. But Dory regains the momentum with a well timed poke to the eyes. A grab of the trunks and a pinfall cover earns Dory the win at 13:52 Winners: Dory Funk Jr. Rating: B- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob Caudle: Don’t forget folks The Battle of Raleigh is rapidly coming up approaching. Tony Schiavone: That’s right Bob and I have been passed along news that all of The Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling Title will be defended that night. {Crowd Boos as Ivan Koloff makes his way from the backstage to the announcers table.} Ivan Koloff: What a disgrace this country has treated me with. My life has been threatened by these puny dog cowards here in Florida. It is no wander the Spanish did not want you anymore. And now, I, Ivan Koloff must go against another puny American. But rest assured Mr. Jack Brisco, the greatest athlete from Mother Russia will pin you tonight right there in the middle of the ring. Bob Caudle: Strong words tonight from Ivan Koloff. I am being told Jack Brisco is backstage with our owner and he has a few words to say himself. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mike Cooper: Mr. Brisco, A pleasure sir. A few thoughts before you head to the ring tonight. Jack Brisco: Yes sir I do. But first sir I just wanted to say thank you sir. I had been a little reserved with you taking over for the Crockett’s. I wasn’t sure on many things. The Mid-Atlantic area and its surrounding neighbors are rich in history when it comes to wrestling sir. And you have respected that. Thank you for respecting me and this organizations history. Speaking of respect. Or lack of when it comes to one, Ivan Koloff. I’m gonna teach you a thing or two tonight on respect. This dog still has got teeth and aint afraid to take a bite out of you tonight son. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER]Photobucket Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Jack Brisco VS Ivan Koloff [/CENTER] Ivan Koloff is introduced first. He asks for the microphone and is about to say something when Jack Brisco starts to make his way to ringside. Ivan throws the microphone down and starts to loosen up. They both start the match with a collar tie up. Ivan quickly turns into a standing headlock. Jack Brisco gets a couple of quick jabs to the ribs and throws Ivan into the ropes. Koloff with a big shoulder block sends Jack to the floor. Something was missing from this match but the crowd was entertained none the less. Jack was able to lock on a figure four leg lock to pick up the win at 15:27. Winner: and still Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion, Jack Brisco Rating: B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ric Flair: Finally Sarasota, Ric Flair has returned with all of his greatness. And Whooo, Flair is gonna party with all you fine ladies tonight. But first, I got to attend to some business. And tonight it’s you Ron Bass. Tonight it’s you in me in that squared ring for the most sought after prize in all of wrestling. And Ron, It’s staying with me big man. And one more item before I go. Funk, you and I have a date with destiny big man. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CENTER] [SIZE="5"]Main Event[/SIZE] Photobucket NWA World Heavyweight Championship Photobucket[SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]VS[/COLOR][/SIZE]Photobucket Ron Bass VS Ric Flair [/CENTER] Flair jumps out of the gate like a rabid animal, more aggressive then we've ever seen of him before. He attacks Bass with a flurry of lefts and rights and Irish whips and elbows and arm drags, mounting an impressive early offensive, before a timely and partially lucky kick to the mid section gives Bass some momentum. Flair tries to entice Bass into a battle of reverse knife-edge chops, but Ron Bass only returns the favor a few times before grounding Flair with a vicious punch. The two trade moves back and forth for a while, neither really seeming to gain any momentum, before Bass counters an Irish whip with a sickening DDT, busting Flair wide open to the awe of the crowd. Thinking he has him, Ron Bass goes for a pin...1...2...No! Flair somehow gets a shoulder up. But Bass has the advantage, and immediately throws Flair into a suplex, and then rolls him over, going for a camel clutch! He's got Flair locked square in the center of the ring, the blood pouring down Flairs face now! He is going to have to submit, he is going to have to......oh my! Flair jars an arm loose and prods at Ron Bass’s eyes, blinding him and forcing him to break the hold. The crowd cheers at this lowly tactic, and their hero writhes in pain as Bass tries to gather himself, but as he does Flair is back to his feet, and throws a knee into his opponents gut. Whipping him off the ropes, Flair lands a nice arm drag, and then uncharacteristically lands a tomahawk chop from the 2nd rope! And now Flair is going for a submission hold! The Figure Four Leg Lock! Bass is doomed! Ron Bass is contorting and twisting, but he, too, is dead center in the ring, and this looks hopeless! Bass writhes in pain reaching with every ounce of energy he has, to get to the ropes but they are just out of reach! He is reaching, and reaching! He is going to have to quit, the pain must be unbearable! It looks like Bass is ready to tap when Terry Funk comes running in wielding a chair. He nails Flair in the head with it and Referee Tommy Young calls for the bell. Funk nails Flair in the head two more times. Flair is busted wide open. Bass gets to his feet and helps Funk in the brutal beat down. Officials finally come down and stop the beating. Funk and Bass walk to the backstage laughing with one another one what they have just done. Flair struggles to his feet. Paramedics and other Mid-Atlantic officials plead with Ric to get help, Flair yells angrily no as he stumbles to the back. Winner of the Match: Ric Flair Rating: B ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Rating for this card was a B- [/CENTER]
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