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WCW 1997: Enter the Dark

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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][B]Chapter 1[/B][/SIZE] [SIZE="4"]Part 3[/SIZE][/CENTER] Jayson Gates and his two friends burst out of the 129 bowl section post-Nitro, sweat dripping from their bodies -- fairly athletic young guys, the product of a night of unabated cheering. "New World Order! New World Order!" The three attempted to start a chant, but they were outnumbered and knew it -- and in your early twenties, this doesn't matter. The defiance of it all; the thrill of the rebel call, seems to make up for the strength lost in numbers. The waves of people descended upon the escalators and exits -- Gate and company jeering with opposing fans yet still, and it didn't even seem like their feet were moving; just a mass of people, young and old, carrying them towards the doors. As Gates was carried down the escalators, he threw his fist up in the air and gave out a rebel yell. Boy, would Frank Gotch and Bruno Sammartino and Jim Crockett and even Vince McMahon love to be here now -- this is where the pulse of wrestling was, blipping brighter than it ever had before. This was as good as it had ever gotten, and no one dared imagine it any other way. Jayson reached the base of the escalator and walked off, the crowd still rushing him onward towards the exits, the honks or car horns and city hot dog vendors picking up audibility: Reality, it seemed, was inching again closer. As he left, Gates turned and looked up toward the mezzanine that typically displaced super-sized portraits of NBA and NHL superstars. On this night, they were glossed over with the shimmery imagery of professional wrestling's most renowned roster. Kevin Nash delivered a Jackknife Powerbomb, Lex Luger applied the torture rack, Hulk Hogan gifted someone a big boot. And in the middle, a sprawling, greater-than-life portrait of Sting, a hero that showed up to 1998's first Nitro only via video -- only in spirit. His huge, thunderous arms stretch outward on each side, a stone-sober, unsatisfied look on his face. Underneath the sprawling photography, one phrase, WCW's new phrase, captured the aura of the scene: "World Championship Wrestling: The Home of Heroes". Jayson's friends pushed him out of the door, frustrated as Gates stared off in a haze -- a kid in a different planet all together for the moment. The three boys made the long, bitterly cold walk of a Michigan winter back to their car, some mile away. Each step made the arena seem smaller; made Jayson Gates dreams seem more unrealistic. But the large, encompassing eyes of Sting stared at him the entire way back to the parking lot. Jayson Gates finally had a dream to hold on to. ------- ------- The sprawling city of Detroit, passageway to the mid-west, gateway to the Canadian border, guardian of the Central Great Lakes. All old and tired -- a city beat by it's own old age and insignificance. Part of the Rust Belt, they say. Dark sat on the edge of a rooftop near the airport, massive airplanes landing and taking off within earshot, the roar of their powerful engines could have brushed back a normal man. Much of the rest of the organization had already hit the local quick-stop restaurant and hitched their ride to the next town, but Dark always liked to stay after a little later, and with a week to plan before his next live show -- at least for now, he had that luxury. On the rooftop, he sat in a dark gray hood, a freakish, frightening cloak of sorts, sipping on a small flask of liquor and expelling the last drags from a cigarette. Who the hell was this man? How could anybody work with such a fellow? It seemed, after all, that it didn't particularly matter. He had become a part of the machine that was bound and determined to kill the WWF and take over the world of wrestling -- the last connection of American mythology between fantasy and reality. As Dark sat on the rooftop, the lights of Detroit blending together in a squinty blur, he knew exactly how he was going to kill the competition. He took out a notepad from his cloak pocket and a small piece of lead, and scribbled these words: [CENTER][FONT="Book Antiqua"][B] [i][b]This is the plan. This is the way we kill the World Wrestling Federation....[/i][/b][/B][/FONT][/CENTER] ------- ------- It was a small Denny's restaurant just off the road from the Detroit Airport. In years past, wrestlers had flocked to the little all-night eatery in droves because it was the quickest thing to the airport, and at 1 and 2 in the morning, you weren't going to find much better to eat than Denny's anyway. By 1997, however, some fans had smartened up, they had told their friends, and the fans waiting for photographs and autographs and stories and charm at the worst hours of the night began to outnumber the wrestlers who stopped to eat there. They simply had found other places. Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko and Eddy Guerrero sat in the Denny's, though -- in 1998, a year even later. Somebody had apparently forgot to clue them in. The Denny's wait staff for the night, one cook, and one waitress, worked feverishly to service all the extra orders, which they hadn't anticipated coming: Nearly 140 fans packed into one side of the restaurant, and for their convenience, the three WCW wrestlers tucked off in a corner on the other side. This didn't stop a huge, behemoth of a man, dressed thuggishly in the latest urban garb of the day, with a posse that probably composed a third of a football team, and his two little children from walking over for an autograph for the kids. Jericho, Malenko and Guerrero were practiced at least at the forced charm -- but things such as this wore thin on them. Sometimes, there is a line. Nevertheless, these men were well dressed and large, and a dispute was nothing that the three wrestlers were looking for on such a night, especially in front of so many adoring fans. The men looked like they had ties to crime or the mafia or drugs or something anyway, and the last thing the three needed was some gun-happy desperado in a dying city taking a Denny's hostage because they wouldn't put their name on their own photograph. [i]"They could have ****ing waited,"[/i] Jericho whispered under his breath as the posse shuffled away. [i]"No matter,"[/i] barked Malenko, sternly, trying to avoid the subject. He was the most level-headed of the three. [i]"They'd get at us outside if not now, and at least it's warm in here."[/i] [i]"That skit tonight was horrible," said Eddy Guerrero, referring to his own skit with Booker T., the WCW Television champion. "I like that I'm getting a program, but the reasoning behind this, I dunno. I want to have faith in these new guys, but I just don't get it. Why now? Why, when things are going so well?"[/i] [i]"At least you're getting a program,"[/i] Malenko responded and boyishly nudged Jericho, who spit up a little bit of pancake as an exaggerated joke. [i]"I'm doing jobs for this jabroni on national TV, and I taught him every move he knows."[/i] The three laughed. Suddenly, a woman approached from a table adjacent -- the only people the waitress had seated on their side of the dining room. She was short, kind of stocky, but buxom. Her shirt had a floral pattern on it that was incredibly low cut, a huge set of breasts with a thorned rose tattoo marked down the left one. [i] "Hi boys, aren't you, um, a part of that, um, wrestling thing? I was just wondering, because, um, well, me and my friends, we just love real athletes like that"[/i] she stumbled over her prepared line, as often as she had probably repeated such a thing, and gestured towards her two friends, similar in stature. Her voice had the husk and rasp of a jersey-chaser... the type of girl who spent her entire college career chasing the football team, and then thereafter sitting around in dive bars ****ing the local gym class heroes. She was a predator to the local prey, but this time, these boys invited her to sit down in the booth, and she had just entered a jungle of entirely new, more vicious animals. It was going to be a better night for these three WCW superstars than even they could have anticipated. ------- ------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/nitro.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] WCW Monday Nitro! Card for Monday, Week 2, January, 1998 Goldberg vs. Disco Inferno Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko WCW TV TITLE MATCH: Booker T. (c) vs. Chris Jericho The Giant vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: Lex Luger vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith Sting & DDP vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig
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[QUOTE=justtxyank;381800]Shucks! I was hoping someone was using my work for a dynasty! My update had improved stats and really made WCW and WWF run much smoother. Oh well. I'll still read your dynasty anyway! :D[/QUOTE] Ah, haha! I didn't realize there was an updated version or I might have used it. I hope you like where I go with this, anyway. :) [QUOTE=BIGJOSH;382438]Dude I'm ready for the next show!!![/QUOTE] Haha! Thanks man! I'm really surprised at the support I've gotten early on from everyone, but really appreciative. Here's to keeping everybody interested! [QUOTE=Lexa90;382455]So am I, I love diaries from this era, especially WCW ones, I only hope for one thing, please don't start burying Hogan, because he was really over at this time :o[/QUOTE] Thanks for the advice, I will try to use Hogan appropriately. I want to go a different direction than the real WCW did, so we'll see: hopefully you like what I do with everyone. [QUOTE=MVP!;382478]You've got a reader out of me, I loved this era, and reading well written diaries about the mid-late 90s always grips my attention, keep it up![/QUOTE] Thanks man! I'm glad you've liked what you've seen so far.
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[B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Disco Inferno [B]Eddy Guerrero [/B]vs. Dean Malenko WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T. (c)[/B] vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] - I think this will end in the Outsiders walking out, realising the difficulties associated with Hart and Smith [B]Sting & DDP[/B] vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig I wish you the best of luck with this. I can't tell you the amount of times I've clicked "NEW TOPIC" over the past little while with this era of WCW in mind only to dive out of the backstory at the last second, so for someone to do it pleases me immensely
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[QUOTE=tristram;382691]I wish you the best of luck with this. I can't tell you the amount of times I've clicked "NEW TOPIC" over the past little while with this era of WCW in mind only to dive out of the backstory at the last second, so for someone to do it pleases me immensely[/QUOTE] Dude, you just got a comment from the Godfather of WCW Dynasties. You've been blessed. Anyway, I love the backstory, and that was a good show. Keep up the good work. I'll be watching.
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[QUOTE=TragicHeroParade;381344][CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/nitro.gif[/IMG] Palace at Auburn Hills Detroit, Michigan [b]Monday, Week 1, January, 1998[/b] Live![/CENTER] The crowd was ballistic as the lights at The Palace at Auburn Hills in Detroit, Michigan flickered on. David Penzer gave the fans their countdown... [i]“Get those signs ready! Show the whole country that you're the best Wrestling fans there are!”[/i] and as he concluded his countdown, “Voodoo Child”, by Jimi Hendrix blast across the arena. It was the theme music of Hollywood Hogan, and just as the show started, he tip toed out from the curtain, strutting in his black garb to the catchy rock-riff. Behind Hogan were three other familiar faces, those of the Outsiders, Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, and perhaps Hogans right-hand man, Randy Savage. They made their way to the ring. [b]Segment 1: The New Challenger[/b] (Hogan, Savage, Nash, Hall, JJ Dillon) The four men stood around in the ring, perhaps the four most prominent men in the New World Order. The crowd was evenly split; a mixture of cheers and boos. The faction had become somewhat of a cult good-guy group to a certain segment of fans, and vocal ones, at that. Hogan grabbed a microphone from a ringside attendant. [i] “Well, well, well. It looks like it's all come full circle.”[/i] Hogan paused as the mixture of cheers and boos gave way to dissent. Hogan's archaic promo style was bemoaned by even the most avid nWo supporters. [i] “It seems that Easy E's been given the boot. It seems that my re-match with Sting, the one I'm rightfully entitled to, has been put on the back burner, brother. The executives at Turner are telling me that I am not going to get my re-match, brother. But don't worry! The nWo always has a contingency plan.”[/i] Hogan paused for a moment to let the crowd take it all in. [i] “You see, brother, I might not be able to get my re-match, but the nWo isn't done with the Stinger, brother, because the man standing next to me right now, this man, Randy Savage, was the next in line, brother, for a World Title shot. And at Souled Out, I have every confidence that the belt is gonna be back with us, brother, and that those suits in Atlanta are going to have to swallow it whole.”[/i] Hogan handed the microphone to Savage. [i] “Ooooooh yeeaaaahh. STINGER!!!! I know you're up there in the rafters somewhere big man, yeah, and now it's time for you to come home Sting, yeah, I was a partner of yours for TWO YEARS!!! And now it's time to give me that shot Stinger, diggit!!!!”[/i] Just then, JJ Dillon, the acting WCW power strolled out from the back with a microphone in hand, interrupting the nWo's party. [i] “Now, now, now fellas.” [/i] Dillon began, [i] “I agree that Randy Savage is an excellent candidate for number one contender for Sting's title.”[/i] The New World Order members celebrated and high fived one another as the fans rained down with boos. [i] “But! But! You know, there are a lot of guys in this locker room worthy of the number one contendership, and maybe you ought to prove it to me one more time. Maybe at Souled Out, you ought to wrestle somebody back in that locker room in a number one contender's match. And in fact, fellas, I've got the perfect guy in mind.” “Who is it?!? Who is it?! Get him out here right now. I'll kill him! I'll rip his head off!” [/i] Savage maniacally barked back. Dillon laughed. [i] “No, no. You know, it seems to me that lately you boys have a habit of showing up to collect your paycheck and not staying around much. Now I know Nash will certainly be here to stick his nose in Hall's business tonight, but Hogan and Savage, you guys like to cut and run. So I tell you what. You stick around, and later tonight, at my leisure, not yours, I'll let you know who your opponent at Souled Out is.[/i] [b]Grade: B[/b] ---------- ---------- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][B][b]Segment 2: Goldberg vs. Fit Finlay[/b][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Bill Goldberg, Fit Finlay) Goldberg has continued to impress the fans with in the early going of his career with his power, but has lately also unleashed some outstanding counter maneuvers -- some that look sort of like MMA moves. Goldberg's undefeated streak had reached 46 victories as of tonight. Finlay controls the pace early, allowing Goldberg to get off a series of counter maneuvers that confuse and frustrate Finlay, before some heavy work by Goldberg in the counter slows his opponent down significantly. An irish whip later, and Finlay turns and walks off the turnbuckle straight into a Spear. Goldberg follows with his Jackhammer finisher, and gets the win, 1-2-3. He is no 47-0. [b]Winner:[/b] Goldberg [b]Grade: D[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 3: You think you're really something[/b] (Eddy Guerrero, Booker T.) Backstage, Booker T is sitting in the weight room, doing sitting curls. Eddy Guerrero walks by and sets his bag down by the WCW Television champion. [i] "Hey Booker. A couple of the boys and I are about to go out for some beers, you wanna come?" [/i] Booker looked up for a moment, thought about it, then shook his head no. [i] "Come onnnnn Booker, get a few Miller's in you. Maybe find some hunnies, you know...[/i] Guerrero teasingly nudged Booker. [i] "Nah man, I gotta work out, ya know?[/i] Eddy stared back at Booker for a moment, and the expression on his face completely changed. [i] "Yeah, man. I get it Booker. You know, ever since you won that title, you think you're really something. But you ain't nothing still Booker T. Yeah. I get it. Yeah, I know."[/i] Guerrero said, picked up his bags, and left. [b]Grade: C+[/b] --------- --------- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][B][b]Segment 4: The Giant vs. Sick Boy[/b][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] (The Giant, Sick Boy) A massive man, The Giant towered over Sick Boy. Once a member of the New World Order, the Giant now served as one of the brightest shining hopes of the WCW in the war. The Giant threw Sick Boy around the ring like a rag doll. Throwing Sick Boy off the ropes, The Giant landed a thunderous boot, and then picked him up and delivered the 7-foot-high choke slam. 1..2...3. [b]Winner: The Giant[/b] [b]Grade: D+[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 5: The Flock Arrives[/b] (Sick Boy, Lodi, Billy Kidman, Raven, The Giant) After the Bell, the flock converged on The Giant and the ring, Lodi hitting the apron first. As The Giant turned, Lodi ran at him with a spear type maneuver, but The Giant caught him in mid-stride. As he struggled to throw Lodi off of him, Kidman hit a flying drop-kick from an adjacent top rope. Raven appeared from the back carrying a chair, as his three flock members tried to assault The Giant. Suddenly, The Giant caught a running Kidman by the neck and landed a vicious choke slam, causing him to roll from the ring. Sick Boy and Lodi attempted a running double-clothesline, but the Giant countered with one of his own, but just then, Raven hit the ring and downed the big man with one thunderous, head-splitting chair shot. As a lifeless Giant lay on the mat, bleeding, Raven slumped into the corner. [b]Grade: D-[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 5: What About Raven?[/b] (Raven, The Giant) [i] "Everyone back there has been saying how you're the shining light, Giant. And I am so sick and tired of hearing about how you're going to take WCW on your shoulders. You abandoned us once already! Tell me Giant, what is it about you that people seem to love back there? What makes you everybody's personal favorite? Is it your size, Giant? Something you can't control? Something I can' control? What about me! What about Raven? From day one you've been coddled by everyone who's ever looked at you. And now it's time for somebody like me to cut you down to size. This is my time. This is my spotlight.[/i] [b]Grade: C-[/b] --------- --------- [SIZE="4"][B] [COLOR="Blue"][b]Segment 6: Davey Boy Smith vs. Scott Norton[/b][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Davey Boy Smith, Scott Norton) A quick match of power moves, Davey Boy Smith has just recently come over from the WWF in coincidence with the Montreal Screw Job. He has been here once before -- in 1993, he parted ways with the WWF in an attempt to get a starring role in WCW that went virtually nowhere after a short time. But Hart's entrance into WCW gave Smith an opening back in WCW as a player. Norton started things early by exchanging victories in a test-of-strength and then clinching Smith in a bear hug. Getting the heat on him, Norton then began to try a series of offense of moves from Smith that eventually led to a running powerslam, and a 1...2...3. [b]Winner: Davey Boy Smith[/b] [b]Grade: C+[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 7: To the Rescue[/b] (Davey Boy Smith, Scott Norton, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell, Randy Savage, Bret Hart) As Smith celebrated in the ring, suddenly a band of the New World Order came charging down from the ramp and entered the ring. The group included Bagwell, Hennig and Savage -- and along with Scott Norton, began to savagely beat on Smith. But suddenly, out of seemingly no where, Bret Hart appeared with a hockey stick swinging wildly at the nWo members. The gang dispersed as Hart helped his fallen comrade off the mat. [b]Grade: B-[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 8: To the Rescue Part 2[/b] (JJ Dillon, Bret Hart, Randy Savage, Davey Boy Smith) As the New World Order backtracked up the ramp, with Hart and Smith left standing in the ring, JJ Dillon appeared at the top of the ramp, behind the nWo. [i] "So Randy, you want to know who you're opponent is for the number one contendership to the WCW World Heavyweight Title at No Way Out? Well you're looking at him in the ring, Bret Hart!"[/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] --------- --------- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 9: Chris Jericho vs. Dean Malenko[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko) The two competitors lock up to start the match and Malenko gets things going immediately with two standing switches, the first resulting in a belly-to-back suplex, the second with a face-first Russian leg sweep. Malenko continues his offense with some irish-whips into the corner, and then whips Jericho off the ropes and goes for a back-body drop, but Jericho holds on and brings Malenko back over with him. Shortly thereafter, Jericho takes the offensive and works the crowd as he works over Malenko. Jericho then goes to dazzle the crowd with a top rope maneuver, but Malenko caught him in mid-air and countered it into a sitting Power Bomb. The two competitors had battered themselves nearly to exhaustion, and Malenko decided to go for broke with one high-risk, high-flying maneuver. Climbing to the top rope, Malenko sat down on the top turn buckle and prepared to go for the jump, when Jericho got to his feet and rushed the corner. Picking Malenko up on his shoulders, Jericho backed off the turnbuckle and Malenko flew over top of him, landing on his stomach behind Chris Jericho, but Jericho managed to buckle Malenko's feet between his elbows. Arching backward, Jericho held on to Malenko's legs, and turned the move into the Lion Tamer. Malenko tried to crawl back to the ropes to save the match, but the pain was too much before he could get there, and he eventually tapped out. [b]Winner: Chris Jericho[/b] [b]Grade: C+[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 10: Don't Steal My Time[/b] (Lex Luger, Curt Hennig, Gene Okerlund) On a stage just off the entrance ramp, Lex Luger stood in his ring gear with Gene Okerlund, holding a giant check in his hands. [i] "Alright ladies and gentlemen, now with me is former WCW Heavyweight Champion Lex Luger. Lex, you're holding a giant $50,000 dollar check here, tell us what it's for." [/i] Okerlund said. [i] "Well, Gene, you know, I've got a match coming up here in just a minute and that's why I'm in my gear. But I wanted to take a second to come out here and donate this money, out of my personal bank account to the American Red Cross. You know, there's a lot of times that we go along in this country and don't respect the people who spend all of their time helping others, but I think this is a great opportunity to do so for a great outfit." [/i] Just then, the nWo stock music played, and out to the makeshift stage that was set-up came Curt Hennig. Hennig walked over to the check ceremony, and standing in front of the camera, stared Luger down. Ripping the microphone from Okerlund's hand, he began to speak... [i] "You know, Lex, I don't have anything to say about whatever it is you're doing with your money. And I frankly don't care if you threw it all away on an old folks home. But this paper that I've got in my hands says that this little slot of time in tonight's show belongs to me. Not you. Me. And now you've got a match after this, so you've got all the time in the world tonight to pimp whatever stupid project you've got going on. So why don't you take your check, and get out of my time block so I can say what I want to say?"[/i] Okerlund ripped the microphone back out of Hennig's hands. [i] "Now you wait just a second here Curt Hennig. The New World Order gets ample time every week on WCW programming, and Luger is doing something that none of you guys would ever think of, so I think it's only appropriate that you let him finish what he wants to say about his donation."[/i] As Okerlund completed his sentence, Hennig grabbed him by the collar and reared by to throw a punch -- but Luger dropped the giant check to his waist side and stepped in between the two of them. A shoving match between Luger and Hennig ensued, and immediately, droves of WCW security piled out onto the scene, separating the two as the show went to break. --------- --------- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 11: Lex Luger vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Lex Luger, Steve McMichael) A livid Lex Luger circled the ring as Steve McMichael made his way down. The last remnants of the brigade that came out to separate Luger and Hennig still lurked near the top of the ramp. McMichael and Luger started their match, but the more experienced, dare we say better wrestler Luger took immediate advantage of the situation, fueled by his own frustrations also. Shortly into the match, Luger went for his famed Torture Rack, but McMichael squirmed out, and hanging on to Luger with one arm, whipped Luger out to the outside. Following Luger's exit to the outside of the ring, McMichael climbed outside as well and the two traded blows and whips into the outside ring post. Luger broke the count by rolling inside and the rolled back out and regained the upper hand, but a crawling McMichael grabbed a steel pipe from underneath the ring and took one of Luger's knees out with it. McMichael quickly disposed of the evidence as the referee jumped to the outside to regain order. As the two men crawled back into the ring, McMichael took control for the rest of the match with Luger's leg gone limp. Luger was able to counter some moves with only one leg however, and as the match drew to a conclusion it seemed as though the two men were equally worn out. McMichael got the upper hand once more, and lined Luger up for his finisher, the three-point-stance. But Luger, even slowed by the leg injury, was able to dart out of the way at the last second, and McMichael bounded head first into the turnbuckle. This opened things up for Luger to go for a last ditch exertion with another Torture Rack, and this time he's got in locked in good! But just as it looked like McMichael was about to submit, the timekeeper called for the bell, as it was a time limit draw. A shocked Luger let his opponent down as the dissatisfied crowd chanted for five more minutes. [b]Winner: Draw[/b] [b]Grade: C-[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 12: The Coming Darkness[/b] (Sting) The arena goes dark, as at the arch of the roof, where the rafters and light fixtures and production bridge meet in an awkward sort of funneling crest, bolts of lightning shoot outward and down toward the cheap seats. Makeshift clouds composed of smoke blow off on the ground and near the ring, as a rough circuit imagery jumps on the WCW Nitro screen. It is snowy, fuzzy and flickering -- the audio at first cuts in and out as a shadowy figure looms toward the camera. The shaky, stoic figure finally gets close enough to the camera to reveal the shimmering gold of the WCW World Heavyweight Title belt: It is Sting! [IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/sting.jpg[/IMG] [i] "A decade ago, I came here to carry the torch of all that is right and good in our society. And along the way we've come across many bumps in the road. There was a time, just a years past now, that the blackness consumed everything about me -- about our business, about everything you and I had to believe in. There was a time not too long ago when the light of my eternal optimism was extinguished. And withdrawn and abandoned, I was left with two unkind options: Do I fight with the black or the evil? But we have risen above that. At Starrcade, I, Sting, reclaimed my rightful place in the seat of virtue. In the seat of honor. I reclaimed everything that was stripped and taken from myself, from you the fans, from the world. This isn't about wrestler's trying to make money, or hold a piece of gold, or capture the spotlight. This is about a bigger world agenda. About domination. About everything that you and I believe in disappearing. You see, the New World Order is a symbol. Look at the words that define their creed. The New World Order. These men are megalomaniacs. And so I've been forced to answer a tough question: Will I fight the evil or shrink from the task? As the numbers against me grow, will I fade into obscurity? But then I realized, that in my heart, the fuel of my motivation is each man and woman, each child that packs these arenas worldwide. You, the fans. You are my army. And I am your soldier. And I will march into the coming darkness, compelled, as your sword, to make right of wrong. To make dishonorable men humble. To make what we know as right, right again."[/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] --------- --------- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 13: US TITLE MATCH: Diamond Dallas Page (c) vs. Scott Hall [/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (DDP, Scott Hall) The two teased the start of the match by slipping in and out of a few lock-ups before locking together in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Hall took advantage of the match by pushing DDP into the corner in the lock-up, and landing some knife edged chops. Pulling DDP out of the corner, he whipped him into the center of the ring and pulled back in, landing a clothesline early. Hall continued his offensive with a series of moves, ending with an abdominal stretch turned into a pump handle slam. Hall went for the pin attempt, 1...2...DDP kicked out! As the two get back to their feet, Page seemed to have regained some momentum, firing some punches off and whipping Hall of the ropes, landing a perfect back body drop. Hall crawled back to his feet, but DDP delivered a few steady boots to the stomach, and then connected with a swinging neckbreaker. Page then applied a reverse wrist lock and put all of his weight into it, but Hall eventually powered out by flipping DDP over his shoulder. As the two again climbed to their feet, Hall reached for his tights and sneakily applied some brass knuckles. He took a wild swing at Page, but DDP caught his hand as he ducked underneath him, and ripped the knuckles off his hand. Showing them to Page, he flipped them into the stands as the crowd went bananas. DDP delivered another series of punches and kicks to Hall before throwing his head into a turnbuckle. Suddenly, Kevin Nash began to stroll down to the ring from the back with a baseball bat in his hand, attracting DDP's attention. As Nash made it halfway down to the ring, two men busted through security and climbed over the side barriers. At first, Nash reacted as though these two men were fans, but it turns out that it was actually the Steiner brothers, blocking Nash's path to the ring! A distracted DDP turned around straight into a boot by Hall, who lifted him up for the Outsider's Edge, and just as he was about to land it, DDP squirmed loose, landing on his feet. As Hall turned his entire body back toward Page, DDP regained his composure and grabbed Hall's head, landing a perfect Diamond Cutter! Nash struggled to get to the ring as the two Steiners held him back. Diamond Dallas goes for the pin...1...2..3! DDP retains! [b]Winner: and still WCW US Champion, Diamond Dallas Page![/b] [b]Grade: B[/b] --------- --------- [b]Segment 14: You don't know what I'm capble(?!) of![/b] (Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner) As the crowd went ape-**** for DDP's win, he rolls out of the ring and celebrates through the crowd. An enraged Kevin Nash screams at the Steiner Brothers as Hall wearily rolls out of the ring. Hall walked over to the Steiners position, and whipped Rick around, arguing with him. Suddenly, the four had paired off and began staring each other down, as the crowd buzzed, and the show went off the air. [b]Grade: B+[/b] --------- --------- [b]Show Grade: B-[/b] ----------------------------------------------------- [u]WCW Nitro Rating:[/u] 68.95 (using real TV Ratings: 3.15) [u]WWF Raw Rating:[/u] 27.18 (using real TV Ratings: 1.24) [FONT="Fixedsys"]WWF Light Heavyweight Title Match: Taka Michinoku (c) defeats Brian Christopher (E) Disciples of the Apocalypse II defeats the New Blackjacks (E-) Marc Mero defeats Henry O. Godwinn (E) WWF European Title Match: Triple H (c) defeats Kama Mustafa (E+) The Undertaker defeats Vader (C+) Goldust and Thrasher defeat Los Bariquas (E+) [/FONT][/QUOTE] Mate, I read your backstory word for word, and I will say this, this is one of the very first shows I've read word for word for some time too. Why? It's WCW at it's finest, in that you've set up so many possible permetations. The backstory is brilliant, it is completely different to what did happen so gives you the avenues to 'correct the wrongs'. The way you used the Flock, outstanding, that was as it was. The way you got heat on Curt Hennig, ripping. And you've just set up the Outsiders and Steiner Brothers perfectly whilst also showclassing Diamond Dallas Page as a legitimate United States Champion. I thoroughly enjoyed the show, step by step, perfect.
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[B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Disco Inferno [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Dean Malenko WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T.[/B] (c) vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] Sting & DDP vs. [B]Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/B] If you keep this up this could be one of the best diaries this board has ever seen!
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[B]Goldberg [/B]vs. Disco Inferno Eddy Guerrero vs. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T.[/B] (c) vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant [/B]vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: [B]The Outsiders[/B] (c) vs. Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith [B]Sting & DDP[/B] vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig
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Like several others that have posted so far, I've got fond memories of WCW from this time and your first episode of Nitro really did it justice. In a couple of places I wondered if it was a little segment light (although since it's over 10 years ago, I can't really remember how much Nitro broke down between segments and matches usually), but the segments that were there all achieved a purpose... most notably the Giant/Raven angle, which starts The Flock off with a hot storyline to pursue. I'm also looking forward to seeing what you do with Bret Hart, since WCW never really capitalised on signing him at the time and of course Jerico and Guerrero, which needs no real explanation. As for the backstory, it's well written and although Ted Turner's death and Bischoff's removal flips reality on it's head, for WCW it doesn't totally although as Tristam pointed out, you've got an avenue to take to avoid what caused the rot to set in. Although, I'm not convinced that Hogan needs to be kept away from the belt at all costs... just as long as he isn't allowed to railroad over half the locker room. Overall great stuff, this is looking very promising.
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[B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Disco Inferno [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Dean Malenko WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T.[/B] (c) vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: Lex Luger vs. [B]Steve "Mongo" McMichael[/B] WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] [B]Sting & DDP[/B] vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig
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Forgot predictions... [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Dean Malenko [I]Malenko's on job duty again.[/I] WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T. (c)[/B] vs. Chris Jericho [I]No real heat behind Jericho yet or story behind the bout, so Booker retains.[/I] [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell [I]Squish squash... momentum builder for The Giant.[/I] 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael [I]Even in 97, I'm not too sure I could sit through half an hour of Luger and Mongo.[/I] WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] [I]Via DQ or count out with The Outsiders getting their heat back in the form of some post-match shenanigans.[/I] Sting & DDP vs. [B]Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/B] [I]Hmmm tough one. I think Hogan needs to pick up the win here to keep him on that pedestal for the time being and following from last week, DDP and Sting won't look any less legitimate. It could easily go the other way though, with Hennig being the fall-guy.[/I]
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[QUOTE=sebsplex;382823]Like several others that have posted so far, I've got fond memories of WCW from this time and your first episode of Nitro really did it justice. In a couple of places I wondered if it was a little segment light (although since it's over 10 years ago, I can't really remember how much Nitro broke down between segments and matches usually), but the segments that were there all achieved a purpose... most notably the Giant/Raven angle, which starts The Flock off with a hot storyline to pursue. I'm also looking forward to seeing what you do with [B]Bret Hart, since WCW never really capitalised on signing him at the time [/B]and of course Jerico and Guerrero, which needs no real explanation. As for the backstory, it's well written and although Ted Turner's death and Bischoff's removal flips reality on it's head, for WCW it doesn't totally although as Tristam pointed out, you've got an avenue to take to avoid what caused the rot to set in. Although, I'm not convinced that Hogan needs to be kept away from the belt at all costs... just as long as he isn't allowed to railroad over half the locker room. Overall great stuff, this is looking very promising.[/QUOTE] I am still, absolutely flabbogasted Bret Hart was turned into a tweener/lackey heel of the nWo. I still can't get my head around that. If anyone ever had a reason for having the fans support, it was Bret Hart after the screwjob. Yet someway, somehow, they took away a cornerstone foundation and made him into a jobber to the stars nWo lackey. Unbelievable. [QUOTE=G-Prime;383093]Having only seen wrestling from this decade (I'm a poor deprived soul), I can't help but imagine Randy Savage's lines being said by Jay Lethal... Still good though.[/QUOTE] I think he got Randy spot on, Macho had a few key monickers "ooh yeah, dig it..." and "Macho Man, ooooh yeah", especially if he carries on getting into Macho Man's psychotic nature of trusting no one. If anything, I think what he's built could be the perfect way to evolve and begin to break apart the nWo, Macho Man and Hogan's personalities have clashed for 12-13 years by this point from trust to betrayal, if anything, they personify wrestling from that era in the ring and out of it. ---- By the way, love the backstory going along with this too. It kinda creates the scene for American wrestling at the time, obviously I wasn't there but I can imagine since the fabrics of kayfabe are largely broken down and what has since transpired in a lot of those dudes lives (and deaths) that you may be striking something there. I really look forward to your story with Dark and Gates, you're mixing some ripping fantasy into the mix there and I totally and utterly dig that. I brought a book off Amazon a couple of years ago, which was a make believe professional wrestling saga story, and quite frankly, I loved all the politics and all the behind the scenes events, so I will look forward nearly as much to your shows as I do to those. You have a loyal fan here, mate. I think quite frankly this could be the best WCW diary on here that I've seen, if you keep it going.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/nitro.gif[/IMG] Charlotte Coliseum, Charlotte, North Carolina 30,000 in attendance: SOLD OUT! [b]Monday, Week 2, January, 1998[/b] Live![/CENTER] ----- ---- [b]Segment 1: The Best There Is...The Best There Was...[/b] (Bret Hart) [i]“Welcome to Charlotte, North Carolina, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Charlotte Coliseum! Welcome to WCW Monday Nitro!”[/i]Tony Schiavone yelled into his headset, the buzz of the mid-atlantic crowd making it hard for him to hear his own voice. [i] “Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Tony Schiavone along with my colleagues Bobby Heenan and Mike Tenay, we've got a great program for you tonight, Hollywood Hulk Hogan in action, The Outsiders defending their world tag team title belts and the ever mysterious Sting will be making an appearance.” “Yes Tony and going up against the Outsiders will be Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith, obviously, the long-time friends, brother-in-laws, we just found out a few minutes ago that Bret Hart's parents are in attendance for the first time at a WCW Event. Stu Hart, obviously the head of the famed Hart Dungeon in Alberta, Canada...” [/i] Tenay intervened. [i] “Stu Hart?! I didn't think you could get an antique that size through customs...”[/i] Joked Heenan, just then, Bret Hart's music blast across the arena to a tremendous pop. Hart walked out in his ring gear, patented leather jacket and “Hitman”glasses on, a microphone in hand. Hart got in the ring, and in his typically distant, sort of shy, doesn't-really-wanna-be-hear tone, spoke to WCW and the fans. [i] “The nWo has been clamoring all week, because they think that they have a rightful claim to the first Title shot. You know, I haven't been here very long.... but I've been here long enough to know that the nWo seems to clamor just a little too much all together. And I know all the players, you see, I've been in the company of these guys for a long time. And my dad, Stu Hart, who just so happens to be here tonight....”[/i] Hart paused as a faint pop for his dad ascended. [i] “And my dad always told me that one thing about this business that you don't mess with is respect. Well as far as I'm concerned, the New World Order has done nothing but disrespect each and every one of those guys back in the locker room, and each and every one of you fans, and done nothing but try and steal the whole spotlight.....But it just so happens they haven't got all of the talent, and they certainly haven't commanded my respect. It just so happens that the New World Order extended me an invitation and I declined. Now come Souled Out, I'm perfectly willing to get in the ring with Randy Savage, and maybe, just maybe, we can teach these guys a little something about respect. New World Order, I promise you, I AM the best there is....the best there was.... and the best there ever will be.”[/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] ------- ------- [B][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 2: Bill Goldberg vs. Disco Inferno [/b][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] (Bill Goldberg, Disco Inferno) Disco Inferno stood already in the ring as Goldberg made his dramatic entrance, 47-0, this time a smattering of "Goldberg" chants mixed in with the stuffed sounded that accompanied his entry music. The maniacal ex-NFLer threw warm-up punches as he snarled and strolled down to the ring. As the match started Disco Inferno showed off a little bit by grooving some Saturday Night Fever, but Bill Goldberg would have none of that and promptly charged his opponent, throwing him into the turnbuckle. Goldberg hit two belly-to-belly suplexes, then a big standing sidekick. Inferno tried to get out of dodge by attempting to roll out of the ring, but Goldberg grabbed him by the back of the tights and tugged him back in. Throwing him off the ropes this time, Goldberg landed a thunderous spear, a prelude to the Jackhammer, which he also connected with before the 1..2..3. [b]Winner: Bill Goldberg Grade: D Time: 3:56[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 3: God Bless America[/b] (DDP, Kimberly Page, Buff Bagwell) Outside the Charlotte Coliseum, a camera catches up with a lovely looking Kimberly Page, unloading a few bags from the side door of brand new Hummer. Up from off the view of the camera walks Buff Bagwell in his nWo garb and sunglasses. [i] "Well hey hey hey there sweet thing, want me to help you out with those bags?" [/i] An annoyed Page looks up and rolls her eyes. [i] "Buff, come on, you know who I am. You know I'm married to Dallas." "Aww, come on baby, don't you want to spend some time with a real man?"[/i] Buff then began to flex, but as he does, Diamond Dallas Page strolled onto the screen, the US Belt draped over his shoulder. He gave Bagwell a violent stare and nudged him backward with his finger. Putting his US Title belt down on the hood of his hummer, he helped Kimberly with her bags -- but is so distracted by Buff's shenanigans that he forgets to pick up his Title belt again as he leaves. Alone in the parking lot, Buff continued to admire himself, before noticing that DDP had just left his Championship on the hood of his car for the taking. Bagwell picked up the belt, laughed to himself, and walked off. [b]Grade: B[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 4: Eddy Guerrero vs. Dean Malenko[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Eddy Guerrero, Dean Malenko) These two guys have worked with each other over and over again along the years, and it shows in the pacing of the match. Halfway into the match, Malenko sits atop the top turnbuckle, as Guerrero rushes him in a similar fashion to the way Jericho did last week, but this time Malenko jumps over top of Guerrero, landing on his back and pulling Guerrero in for a roll-up. At the count of 2, Guerrero turns his shoulder over, locks his legs on Malenko's arm and spins him over like a top, into a flippy-do arm scissors thing. Malenko breaks the hold up, bounces off one set of ropes and ducks under a clothesline by Guerrero, then bounces off the other set and leaps into the air, flipping onto Eddy's shoulders and darting between his legs for an adjusted roll-up...1....2..no! Getting back up to their feet, they both jump up and bounce off the ropes again, this time Eddy capitalizing with a running elbow. As Malenko stood back up, Guerrero delivered a boot to the gut and then applied a double-arm suplex. Running up the ropes, Eddy then his a flying cross-body, and went for the pin...1...2....3! Guerrero wins! As the crowd buzzed and Malenko stirred, Guerrero inaudibly mocked the camera. [b]Winner: Eddy Guerrero Grade: C Time: 7:56[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 4: Ohhhhhhh Yeaaaaahhhhhh[/b] (Randy Savage) As we come back from commercial, a vignette from Randy Savage jumps on the screen. It is black and white, a typical nWo Promo... with shaky, quick-cut edits, and a big "New World Order" logo scrawled on the background behind him. [i] "Ohhhhhhh yeaaahhhhh.....My time! Macho Man Randy Savage! My Time with the WCW Championship, yeah.........you know they say what goes around comes around Bret Hart and what you did at Starrcade........when it's coming around! Yeah! 'Cause you don't mess with the nWo, no you don't, you don't, yeah.......Souled Out!!! I'm coming for you Sting, I'm bringing that title back to the New World Order cause the New World Order is for life. Yeahhhhh....[/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 5: WCW TV Title Match: Booker T. (c) vs. Chris Jericho[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Booker T., Chris Jericho) Jumping into the match, we see Booker T down and out, on his ass as Chris Jericho has applied a sleeper hold. Booker T. is out for the 2 count, as his arms drop two times, but he regains his composure and works his way to his feet, throwing some elbows into Jericho and then launching him into the ropes, hitting an arm drag square as Jericho comes back off of them. A standing dropkick sends Jericho flying through the top and middle ropes, and Booker T tries to rile up the crowd. Jericho comes back to, and climbs up onto a top turnbuckle as Booker T. is celebrating, but Booker's attention turns just in time to catch the leaping Jericho and flips him for a power slam. Booker then spins himself like a top before standing up, as the whole crowd begins to raise the roof. Jericho finally comes to, stands up and walks right into a standing scissors kick...1...2...3. Booker is still your WCW TV champion. [b]Winner: and still WCW TV Champion Booker T. Grade: C+ Time: 9:56[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 6: The Ambush[/b] (Booker T., Eddy Guerrero) As Chris Jericho rolls out of the ring, Eddy Guerrero comes charging toward a celebrating Booker T., and blindsides him with a running forearm. Whipping him off the ropes, Eddy delivers a thunderous clothesline, then picks the TV champ back up for a piledriver. He continues to pound away on Booker T. as the chorus of boos echoes throughout the arena. [b]Grade: C-[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 7: You ain't nothing[/b] (Booker T., Eddy Guerrero) Eddy Guerrero stood over a wounded Booker T., holding his own WCW TV Title above him. Guerrero dangled it like a toy, slapping one strap across Booker T's, face. [i] "You ain't nothing! TV Champ ain't nothing! That's all it takes Booker T. You abandoned your friends, you abandoned the people that have looked out for you for years for your own success. Well look where you are now. At my feet, sucking air. You think you've earned this belt Booker? You think you deserve this title? I'll show you what you deserve."[/i] Picking Booker up then, Guerrero throws the belt down, pile drives Booker on top of it, and walks off. [b]Grade: D[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 8: The Giant vs. Buff Bagwell[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (The Giant, Buff Bagwell, Billy Kidman) The two come down to the ring, The Giant to a pretty decent pop, and Bagwell to some hefty heat. Bagwell also carried with him the US Title belt that belonged to DDP, and the announcers made mention of it as Bagwell mockingly ran around the ring holding it above his head. As the match started, The Giant immediately took control, delivering thunderous power move and thunderous power move. Looking like a squash, Bagwell crawled on his hands and knees as the Giant moved in for the kill, but Bagwell sneakily hit a low blow to even the odds. A few shots to the face later, and Bagwell hopelessly threw a clothesline on The Giant that was rendered virtually ineffective. After a short offense of kicks and punches, Bagwell was caught with a right hand of the Giant that rocked him backwards, and then he ran straight into a vicious Giant head-butt. Picking Bagwell up, The Giant called for the choke slam, grabbed him, lifted him high into the air and threw him down, for the pin, 1....2....but suddenly, Billy Kidman of The Flock appeared out of nowhere, springboarded off the top rope, ramp-side, and frog splashed onto The Giant. The referee looked up and immediately called for the bell. [b]Winner: by DQ, The Giant Grade: C+ Time: 6:44[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 8: The Lost Lenore[/b] (The Giant, Raven, Billy Kidman, Perry Saturn, Sick Boy, Mystery Flock Member??) As The Giant finally realizes what's happening, he grabs Kidman by the strap of his wife-beater as he attempts to escape. He looks like he's about to go for a choke slam, but suddenly notices Sick Boy converging on him from the stands as well. Throwing Kidman down, he lands a huge boot to Sick Boy, nearly decapitating him. Kidman gets back up and goe at The Giant's knees, but the Giant parries it and throws him out of the ring. Raven suddenly appears in the ring, and a stand off briefly occurs. The Giant then moves toward Raven to attack, but Saturn has jumped in from behind with a lead pipe in his hand and belts The Giant across the cranium with it, sending him sailing toward the mat. Suddenly another character jumps into the ring, with a big beige hood and dress covering his identity. The Flock swarms onto The Giant like bees from a hive, annihilating him with stomps and punches. The mystery character grabbed the lead pipe just then, got on top of the Giant in a recliner type position and choked the life out of him with the pipe across his neck. Finally, WCW officials and security rushed to the scene, shooing The Flock away. Raven walked toward the back, with one arm draped across the Mystery Member's shoulder, and the other holding the pipe toward the sky. [b]Grade: D-[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 9: 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: Lex Luger vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Lex Luger, Steve McMichael) A match involving a lot of lock-ups and rest holds, we pick it up with McMichael grounding Luger with a sitting shoulder lock, transitioned into a full nelson. Luger struggles to keep his compsure, but finally flexes as the Total Package would, and breaks free. Charging McMichael into the ropes, he grabbed Mongo by the arm and whipped him across to the other side -- colliding with him with a running ax-handle. A series of punches later and Luger has McMichael bouncing off the ropes again, this time connecting with two sound arm drags. Finally, Luger calls for the rack. McMichael struggled to get out of it as he did last week, but Luger has it locked in good, and McMichael is forced eventually to submit. [b]Winner: Lex Luger Grade: C- Time: 7:32[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 10: A Perfect Challenge[/b] (Lex Luger, Curt Hennig) As Luger prepares to leave following his victory, a video jumps up onto the Nitro screen up the ramp. It's Curt Hennig outside in the parking lot, and he has a message for Lex. [i] "$50,000 Luger, $50,000! What a guy! But you know what, a Superstar like you or myself, we can afford a lot more than that, don't you think? I mean look at this, look at your car here, how much did this cost you?" [/i] Hennig gestures over to a brilliant white Porsche he is standing in front of, and as he walked to the side, it revealed "nWo" spray painted all over the sides of the vehicle. [i] "So you like the paint job I helped you out with Luger? I tell you what. Since you're so concerned about charity, despite this really expensive car here that you don't need. Since you're so concerned about taking my time, why don't we place a little wager? Souled Out, you and me, one on one. If you win, I'll donate my entire month's pay to whatever little sticky-fingered vermin charity you want me to. But if I win, if I win, I get this nWo model Porsche of yours. What do you say Luger? How bad do you want to help the children?[/i] [b]Grade: B-[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 11: My precccious[/b] (Diamond Dallas Page) Backstage, we see a livid Diamond Dallas Page walking around the hallways of the lockerroom area, turning over anything he can find and screaming. [i] "Where's my belt?! Where is it!"[/i] he barks. Walking off into the distance, he's destroyed 3/4ths of the production area. A group of crew members duck off into a corner, looking on as he puts a huge dent into a locker with one boot shot. [b]Grade: B+[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 12: WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Bret Hart, Davey Boy Smith, Randy Savage) Hart and Hall trade offensive sets for a bit, with Hall irish whipping Hart off the ropes. Hart ducks under a clothesline, hooks his arm with Hall's and drops him with a Russian leg sweep. Coming back off the ropes, he drops to his knees and drives his elbow into Hall's sternum section. Hart has frustrated The Outsiders throughout the entire match with his technical prowess, and Hall shows it again by slapping the mat out of frustration. This his satisfaction, probably, Bret tags out to Davey Boy Smith who comes in. Hall immediately tags out to Nash. The two trade a few power maneuvers before, Nash rumbles off the ropes and tries a running big boot, but Davey Boy catches it and spins Nash around, dropping him with a powerful clothesline as he turns about face. Davey Boy pushed Nash over into his corner, climbed the ropes and began to drill him with punches as the fans counted along. Suddenly, something caught Bret Hart's attention on the outside of the mat. Randy Savage had walked down the ramp and grabbed Stu Hart by the collar, choking him as he dragged him over top the railing. As soon as Hart realized what was going on, he blitzed off the mat and down the aisle toward where Savage was attacking his father and began pounding away on Savage. The two continued to exchange blows. Finally, Davey Boy Smith realized what was happening as well and attempted to jump out and help his father-in-law, but Hall stopped him with an arm, and Nash pulled him back inside. Whipping him wayward, Nash drilled Davey Boy with a boot to the gut and set him up for the Jackknife Powerbomb. Bam. 1....2...3.....The Outsiders steal a win from Hart and Smith. [b]Winners: and still WCW Tag Team Champions, The Outsiders Grade: B- Time: 18:58[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 13: Brawl in the Aisle[/b] (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Bret Hart, Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Randy Savage) Noticing that Hart seemed to be getting the advantage on Savage in the aisle, The Outsiders cut their celebration short to rush to the aid of their fellow member. Davey Boy Smith eventually came to, but was too busy helping security tend to the injured Stu Hart. As a result, Bret Hart was being mercilessly pounded near the top of the ramp, but finally the Steiner Brothers appeared out of the back to even the odds. Scott Steiner slugged Kevin Nash, sending him tumbling backwards, Rick Steiner was caught by Hall with a quick series of jabs, and all six men brawled with one another as the show went to break. [b]Grade: B[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 14: Sting & DDP vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (DDP, Sting, Hollywood Hogan, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell) The New World Order came down to the ring first, both Hogan and Hennig coming out to the "Voodoo Child" rock riff. DDP came down next, to his Nirvana rip-off, but there is no sign of Sting. DDP looks around as the bell rings and Hennig and DDP square off, DDP forced to go at it with his partner nowhere to be found. DDP wins the tie-up and transitions it into a headlock, but runs him off for a quick Bulldog to start the match. As Hennig comes to, DDP bull rushes him and ground and pounds him. Jumping up to his feet, DDP darts over and throws a fist into Hogan's face, sending him flying off the apron. Darting back to the match, DDP is a house of fire and throws a knee into Hennig's gut, slams him with a fist open fisted smacks along the back and then guides him outside as well as the members of the nWo are forced to regroup. As they do, Hennig gets back in the ring and quickly tags Hogan, who circles DDP, but DDP also wins this scuffle and puts Hogan into a wrist lock. Hogan begs for mercy, but eventually uses DDP's distraction to throw an elbow into his stomach and break the hold. Running off the ropes, Hogan drops DDP with a shoulder block and removes his weight-lifting belt. As DDP tries to get back to his feet Hogan whips Page across the back with it, before the referee eventually rips it away. Hogan lifts DDP back to his feet, and pushes him into the corner, where he delivers a variation of backhanded blows and closed fisted shots, before raking Page's eyes. Hogan then throws Page into the opposite corner and immediately follows with a running clothesline. Hogan bodyslams Page, then lands an elbow drop before tagging Hennig back in. Hennig continues the assault with some punches before pushing Page back into the corner and landing a knife-edged chop. Going for a Hennig Plex, Curt hooks DDP's leg and flips him over, allowing for a pin...1...2...kickout! DDP just makes it out. Curt Hennig then grabs DDP by the neck and rolls himself and DDP over on their feet, dropping to his butt, and delivering a neckbreaker. Hennig pulled DDP back to the middle of the ring, and propelled himself off the ropes, trying to hit a flying knee-drop, but DDP has enough left in him to roll out of the way, and a shocked Hennig oversells, rolls to his corner and tags Hogan back in. Hogan ****ily marches back in and picks DDP up, but Page is regaining some momentum and fires a series of lefts and rights to push Hogan off him. Page then darts off the ropes and lands a clothesline. Getting back to their feet, DDP whips Hogan off the rope and jumps, throwing his shoulder into Hogan and sending him downward. Finally, Hennig jumps in to interfere, but DDP ducks a punch and hits the Diamond Cutter on Hennig! Page gets up and throws the Diamond sign into the air to the crowd, signaling for his finishing maneuver on Hogan, but as he does, Buff Bagwell comes tearing down to the ring with the US Title Belt in his hands. Bagwell jumps on the ring apron, and DDP goes to grab the belt, but as he does, Hogan under-hooks him and goes for the roll-up, 1...2...no! DDP kicks out again! Page, still distracted by Bagwell taunting him with the Title belt, begins to take some ax-handles to the back by Hogan. Suddenly, the lights go dark...... As the lights come back on, Sting has appeared at ringside, and has downed Buff Bagwell, throwing fists left and right. Hogan notices Sting at ringside and jumps out to help Bagwell, leaving DDP and Hennig to stir inside. Sting notices Hogan, and turns to pound on him, but Bagwell is still well enough to come to and grab the belt, running it across the back of Sting's head. Hennig finally gets to his feet and jumps outside to assist Bagwell, as Hogan climbs back into the ring. DDP has finally made it to his feet as well. As Sting struggles to fend off the two outside, Bagwell pulls a pair of handcuffs from his tights and hooks Sting to the bottom rope, with Hennig firing shots to Sting along the way. The referee becomes distracted, scolding Hennig for hitting a defenseless Sting, and Bagwell uses the opportunity to toss the US Title belt into Hogan, who belts DDP with it, and tosses it back out. Pulling the referee back to attention, Hogan goes for the pin, and gets it, 1...2...3. [b]Winners: Hollywood Hogan & Curt Hennig Grade: A Time: 15:08 [/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 15: For Life[/b] (Hollywood Hogan, Kevin Nash, Randy Savage, Scott Hall, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell, Scott Norton, Konnan) As the match ends, the rest of the nWo descend upon the ring, each member happily belting a handcuffed Sting with shots as they enter. Hogan gently rolls DDP out of the ring onto the mat, and picks up a microphone. [i] "Well well well! They said they were taking everything back, brother. But it looks to me like the suits in Atlanta, and all you punk fans out there got taken for a ride. Ya see, brother, your scaredy-cat hero Sting didn't even wanna show up tonight, and when he did, he got a taste of the New World Order brother. That's what whatever remains of the slobs in the back have in their future. 'Cause the New World Order is STILL the baddest thing in professional wrestling and we are STILL taking over the world brother. 'Cause we are just....too..sweeeeeeeeet!"[/i] Hogan high fives Savage and The Outsiders, as the rest of the nWo celebrates in the ring. Norton and Konnan taunt the crowd, Hennig gives everyone celebratory high fives as well -- Bagwell prances around the ring like a goofball, still taunting everyone with DDP's US Title. The show fades off the air. [b]Grade: C+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Final Show Grade: B[/b] ------------------------------------------------- [b]WCW Nitro Rating: 70.33 ([COLOR="Green"]+1.38[/COLOR]) -- (3.21 using real ratings) [b]WWF Raw Rating: 30.82 ([COLOR="Green"]+3.64[/COLOR]) -- (1.41 using real ratings) [FONT="Fixedsys"]WWF European Title Match: Triple H (c) defeats Taka Michinoku (D) WWF Intercontinental Title: Rocky "The Rock" Maivia (c) defeats Recon (D) Marc Mero defeats Kama Mustafa (D-) Skull defeats Phil LaFon (E+) Kane defeats Savio Vega (D+) The Undertaker defeats "Stone Cold" Steve Austin (B-) [/FONT]
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Thanks for baring with me folks! -- Hope you like the show. Here's how we did for the predictions: [QUOTE=tristram;382691][B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Disco Inferno [B]Eddy Guerrero [/B]vs. Dean Malenko WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T. (c)[/B] vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] - I think this will end in the Outsiders walking out, realising the difficulties associated with Hart and Smith [B]Sting & DDP[/B] vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/quote] So I hear you're the Godfather of WCW, himself! Unbelievably glad to have someone of such a pedigree as yours enjoying my writing thus far. Hopefully I can continue to entertain. 5 for 7 this time around! Not bad, but you missed the two main events! [QUOTE=BIGJOSH;382758][B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Disco Inferno [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Dean Malenko WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T.[/B] (c) vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] Sting & DDP vs. [B]Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/B] [/quote] My most avid supporter thus far it seems! 6 for 7! You almost threw a perfect game! [QUOTE=Lexa90;382807][B]Goldberg [/B]vs. Disco Inferno Eddy Guerrero vs. [B]Dean Malenko[/B] WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T.[/B] (c) vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant [/B]vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: [B]The Outsiders[/B] (c) vs. Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith [B]Sting & DDP[/B] vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/QUOTE] 5 for 7! Not bad, on pace with most everyone else. Hope you liked the show. :) Interesting pick with Malenko. Not a Guerrero fan?? [QUOTE=MVP!;382835][B]Goldberg[/B] vs. Disco Inferno [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Dean Malenko WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T.[/B] (c) vs. Chris Jericho [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: Lex Luger vs. [B]Steve "Mongo" McMichael[/B] WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] [B]Sting & DDP[/B] vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/QUOTE] 4 for 7....a little better than 50% accurate. Not so bad. I threw some curve balls in their this week. Speaking of balls, ballsy pick with McMichael, he is, in fact, pretty over at the outset of the "Aftermath" mod. [QUOTE=sebsplex;382850]Forgot predictions... [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Dean Malenko [I]Malenko's on job duty again.[/I] WCW TV TITLE MATCH: [B]Booker T. (c)[/B] vs. Chris Jericho [I]No real heat behind Jericho yet or story behind the bout, so Booker retains.[/I] [B]The Giant[/B] vs. Buff Bagwell [I]Squish squash... momentum builder for The Giant.[/I] 30 MINUTE TIME LIMIT: [B]Lex Luger[/B] vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael [I]Even in 97, I'm not too sure I could sit through half an hour of Luger and Mongo.[/I] WCW TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Outsiders (c) vs. [B]Bret Hart & Davey Boy Smith[/B] [I]Via DQ or count out with The Outsiders getting their heat back in the form of some post-match shenanigans.[/I] Sting & DDP vs. [B]Hollywood Hulk Hogan & Curt Hennig[/B] [I]Hmmm tough one. I think Hogan needs to pick up the win here to keep him on that pedestal for the time being and following from last week, DDP and Sting won't look any less legitimate. It could easily go the other way though, with Hennig being the fall-guy.[/I][/QUOTE] Explanations! I like it. 5 for 6 -- you missed the Goldberg match, it looks like, though I suspect you would have picked the stiff brute as well. Good call on putting Hogan over.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;382711]Dude, you just got a comment from the Godfather of WCW Dynasties. You've been blessed. Anyway, I love the backstory, and that was a good show. Keep up the good work. I'll be watching.[/QUOTE] I'm quite aware of Tristam's work. It is my favorite dynasty in the history of this game. I must admit, I am a product of inspiration from tristram's story -- consider it an honor to be mentioned in congruence with him. It's like a modern musician being compared to Dylan, there really is no way you can ever come close or top him, but we are, of course, flattered. [QUOTE=tristram;382745]Mate, I read your backstory word for word, and I will say this, this is one of the very first shows I've read word for word for some time too. Why? It's WCW at it's finest, in that you've set up so many possible permetations. The backstory is brilliant, it is completely different to what did happen so gives you the avenues to 'correct the wrongs'. The way you used the Flock, outstanding, that was as it was. The way you got heat on Curt Hennig, ripping. And you've just set up the Outsiders and Steiner Brothers perfectly whilst also showclassing Diamond Dallas Page as a legitimate United States Champion. I thoroughly enjoyed the show, step by step, perfect.[/QUOTE] Thanks, bro! I have tried to incorporate a lot of flexibility here. I want people to be able to enjoy the backstory, and the shows, and have utterly no idea what will happen from week to week. I guess sort of in Vince Russo's "crash TV style", except using dynamics that are a little more dramatic (meaning, a little less lame) and stuff that is engaging and makes sense. I won't be able to write a great show everytime out, obviously, but I think I have the ability to stick enough little nuggets in each piece with what I want to do going forward that this should be fun for a while to come. [QUOTE=BIGJOSH;382758] If you keep this up this could be one of the best diaries this board has ever seen![/QUOTE] :)!!! [QUOTE=sebsplex;382823]Like several others that have posted so far, I've got fond memories of WCW from this time and your first episode of Nitro really did it justice. In a couple of places I wondered if it was a little segment light (although since it's over 10 years ago, I can't really remember how much Nitro broke down between segments and matches usually), but the segments that were there all achieved a purpose... most notably the Giant/Raven angle, which starts The Flock off with a hot storyline to pursue. I'm also looking forward to seeing what you do with Bret Hart, since WCW never really capitalised on signing him at the time and of course Jerico and Guerrero, which needs no real explanation. As for the backstory, it's well written and although Ted Turner's death and Bischoff's removal flips reality on it's head, for WCW it doesn't totally although as Tristam pointed out, you've got an avenue to take to avoid what caused the rot to set in. Although, I'm not convinced that Hogan needs to be kept away from the belt at all costs... just as long as he isn't allowed to railroad over half the locker room. Overall great stuff, this is looking very promising.[/QUOTE] I tried to pick up the segments a little bit for you this go around, and I certainly hope it didn't hurt the product. They weren't as dramatic as last week, but we are building to our first PPV mighty fine. One thing I want to do is get a second program on the air, not a Thunder, because, as we know, Thunder killed WCW, but maybe a WCW Saturday Night. I literally have too many usable stars to squeeze into two hours. [QUOTE=G-Prime;383093]Having only seen wrestling from this decade (I'm a poor deprived soul), I can't help but imagine Randy Savage's lines being said by Jay Lethal... Still good though.[/QUOTE] Surprisingly, Lethal's Savage is a very good Savage. :)
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[CENTER][SIZE="5"][I][FONT="Garamond"]Wrestling Observer Newsletter[/FONT][/I][/SIZE] ================================================== Week 2, January 1998[/CENTER] [b][u]World Championship Wrestling[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]The big story this week in WCW the sudden rise of Raven's Flock. Raven, a former ECW regular has jumped into World Championship Wrestling and the new writing team seems to be giving him the push he was promised -- something he may not have seen under Bischoff. This mystery character should be interesting, as I'm hearing some really crazy things as to who WCW might have in the works for The Flock's newest member. [*]Kevin Nash and Bret Hart got into it a little bit before the last Nitro, as WCW Creative's original plan was to put Hart and Smith over in the tag title match with a count-out victory, but Nash used his creative control to block the move. Things seemed to be patched up between everyone after the show, and the alternative ending came off okay on TV. [*]World Championship Wrestling has announced the signing of New Jack, from ECW to a one year contract. [*]Ratings are up a little over a point this week for Nitro, and rumor has it that the new WCW executives are looking to expand their product to a second show. A likely candidate may have been TBS television, but with Turner's new higher-ups disinterested in expanding the product, they may have to look to other Networks for coverage. [/LIST] [b][u]World Wrestling Federation[/b][/u] [LIST] [*]The Undertaker defeated Steve Austin in the Main Event of this week's Raw, a confusing turn of events as it seemed to me that McMahon was giving Austin a huge push heading into WrestleMania, but everything may change now. [*]The rest of the card was pretty uneventful, with Triple H and Taka Michinoku opening the show and probably being the best match. Nevertheless, the show jumps nearly 3 ratings points from last week. [*]Titan Sports and Mike Tyson finalized their contractual agreement, worth somewhere in the vicinity of 3.5 million dollars for up to a half dozen appearances. [/LIST] [b][u]Independents[/b][/u] [LIST] [*] ECW's Rob Van Dam has turned down an offer from Big Japan Pro Wrestling to go over sees. This has brought about some speculation that he might be looking to make a permanent jump to one of the big two, but Van Dam has denied an intentions of looking outward at the moment. [*]A personal congratulations to Wrestling Observer Writer and Figure Four Weekly editor Bryan Alvarez, who also just so happens to be a pro-wrestler. WWC and Alvarez have come to terms on a pay per appearance deal. We wish him all the best. [*]Speaking of WWC, Stevie Richards of ECW fame has also signed a pay-per-appearance deal there. [/LIST]
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10:32 at night, Dark sat in his office, a decent view of the Atlanta skyline out of his window. He scribbled away at a notepad with only a single lamplight on in the room, feverishly writing down idea after idea. In his incoming mail tray, a letter lay with a WWF stamp on it. He had been tempted to open it all day long, but pushed it into the back of his mind, instead focusing on contracts, TV deals, and the wrestling. Dark had just recently instructed his assistant to cut off any talks with Turner networks to put on a second television show on their TBS Superstation, knowing that the negotiations would likely go nowhere anyway. He was going to look elsewhere in the world to expand the WCW sphere. Finally, the temptation of the letter proved too much, and Dark put his pen down and ripped into the envelope. Inside was a hand written letter that had only one sentence: [center] [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][I]We're going to **** you until you cry. - VKM[/I][/FONT] [/center] Dark put the letter down and went back to writing. Then, as if summoned by the letter itself, the phone rang. Dark put his pen down again, this time a little frustrated by the disturbance and picked up the phone. He said nothing. [i] "Hello!?"[/i] barked the voice on the other end of the line. [i] Hello? Do you know who this is? This is Vince McMahon!"[/i] Silence. [i] "I'm just calling to tell you that we're going to kick your ass....who...whoever you are. You want a fight?Just you wait until WrestleMania. We're going to give the "saving grace of WCW" a welcome to the neighborhood present, you sunnuvabitch."[/i] With that, McMahon hung up the phone. Dark put the receiver down, picked up his pen, and for a moment looked again at the letter McMahon had mailed, apparently days prior. He had obviously been stewing. Dark looked at the letter once more, smiled and thought to himself about the amusement of it all. He thought he had already been welcomed to the neighborhood. ------ ------ Vibration. A warm fuzz. The colors and brightness of life blend together and defeat the blur. All this miracle in a couple of thin white lines. Curt Hennig walked into the hotel room, gave a friendly tap on Lex Luger's shoulder and sat down in front of the television. A college football game was on television. [i] "Man, I tell you what...if Texas can get itself a decent defense, they're going to be dangerous next season." [/i] Hennig said and picked at his fingers. Out from the bathroom came Miss Elizabeth, just recently divorced, she had spent the next few months getting to know Lex Luger. [i] "I could have been a big time college player, I think" [/i] Luger said, and put his nose down for another line. Elizabeth stumbled over to him, in a daze, the weight of her body falling underneath her as soon as she reached the couch. [i] "That's some premo ****, eh Liz?"[/i] Hennig joked and sniffed, his skin becoming more flush by the minute. A half hour had passed, and the three had peaked and crashed, all drifting into a comfortable slumber. Outside, Arn Anderson had been pounding on their door for the better part of ten minutes. He needed help getting Louie Spicolli to his room. Louie had collapsed in the hallway, knocked out from prescription pills. A few wrestlers had simply walked past Spicolli, knowing he'd get up in a few minutes. Finally, a regular resident of the hotel alerting the front desk. Finally, Spicolli stirred and rolled over onto his side, moaning. Anderson helped him to his feet, and all of Spicolli's pot-bellied weight suddenly sank into Anderson's arms like an anchor. As the former horsemen helped the young, up-and-comer to his room, Spicolli could only mutter one sentence: [i] "Don't leave my pills."[/i] ------ ------ [i] "Are you alright? I haven't seen you in a real long time. Are you alright? Could you give me some kind of sign..."[/i] Scott Steiner is not the type that one would expect would listen to anything short of thrasher metal and old 80's hair bands when he was working out, but there has always been something about Scott Steiner, some profound inspiration that melted deep beneath his Goliath exterior. Having morphed from his amateur wrestling days into a pumped-up, yet dangerous in-ring technician -- a man with virtually no microphone skills to speak of, Scott Steiner was nevertheless an enduring part of the wrestling limelight. Much more, indeed, than his brother -- a man blessed with at least a little bit of talent. And despite that, Scott had this aura about him. Something you can't really figure out in a calculation or formula or put on paper, but regardless ever present, real, tangible. Steiner had, as some in the wrestling business would lazily call it, the "it" factor. It was a little shy of 10 A.M. Tuesday morning, another Monday Nitro come-and-gone, WCW's apparently unshakable lead on WWF slimmed ever-so-slighty, and Scott Steiner stood in a gymnasium near his alma mater in Ann Arbor, Michigan where he had returned for the week: off until the next television broadcast. Sporting a new short haircut, still jet black, sunglasses and all, Steiner threw an entire rack of weights onto a bar and lifted it thoughtlessly. Every vein in is upper half pulsated and flirted with wavering before extending it's duty for another pound, another rep. Afterwards, Steiner picked up his bag and headed to the locker room. The gym was a vast, well lit, well maintained facility, but on this day it was sparse of customers; something that somebody recognizable, like Scott Steiner enjoyed. As he got to the locker room he set his bag down and unzipped a side pocket, pulling a small baggy out from within. Steiner looked around for a moment, moved over to a corner and pulled open the baggy, taking out a syringe and small vile. With a flick of his index finger, he knocked the air from the syringe as he titled the vile backward, simultaneously removing the air and then drawing in the substance. The WCW superstar squirted a little out of the tip of the needle to remove any bubbles, and, clear and casual as day, pulled his slacks down just a brief bit and thrust inward with the needle, pushing the entire injection into the meat of his backside. Steiner walked over to a garbage can at the end of the locker room and tossed the vile and syringe away -- nothing particularly shocking in a weight room, though some amazing state's evidence had anyone ever seen. He put a shirt haphazardly over his head and walked back into the main room. Just then, Jayson Gates and one of his roommates entered the gym. Almost immediately, they noticed one of their heroes was in the same gym that they were. [i] "Holy ****." [/i] Gates slapped at his friend. [i]"It's Steiner. Scott Steiner! Go sign us in... I'm going to go talk to him...[/i] ------------------------------------------- [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/nitro.gif[/IMG][/CENTER] WCW Monday Nitro! Card for Monday, Week 3, January, 1998 Eddy Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. Bill Goldberg vs. Steven Regal Stevie Ray vs. Buff Bagwell The Steiner Brothers vs. Scott Norton & Konnan Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig Raven vs. Ric Flair "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger
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[B]Eddy Guerrero [/B]vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Steven Regal Stevie Ray vs. [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] vs. Scott Norton & Konnan [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig Raven vs. [B]Ric Flair[/B] "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. [B]Lex Luger[/B]
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[B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Steven Regal Stevie Ray vs. [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] vs. Scott Norton & Konnan [B]Bret Hart[/B] vs. Curt Hennig [B]Raven[/B] vs. Ric Flair [B]"Macho Man" Randy Savage[/B] vs. Lex Luger [I]The whole thing with Luger, Hennig and Liz was disturbing.[/I]
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WCW Monday Nitro! Card for Monday, Week 3, January, 1998 [B]Eddy Guerrero[/B] vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [B]Bill Goldberg[/B] vs. Steven Regal Stevie Ray vs. [B]Buff Bagwell[/B] [B]The Steiner Brothers[/B] vs. Scott Norton & Konnan Bret Hart vs. [B]Curt Hennig[/B] [B]Raven[/B] vs. Ric Flair [B]"Macho Man" Randy Savage[/B] vs. Lex Luger God man, the drugs... the drugs. The amount of WCW stars... gone through some connection with drugs. Liz, Hennig, Davey Boy, Eddy Guerrero, Benoit, Louie Spicolli, Pillman... The list just goes on and on.
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[QUOTE=TragicHeroParade;384433]I'm quite aware of Tristam's work. It is my favorite dynasty in the history of this game. I must admit, I am a product of inspiration from tristram's story -- consider it an honor to be mentioned in congruence with him. It's like a modern musician being compared to Dylan, there really is no way you can ever come close or top him, but we are, of course, flattered.[/QUOTE] Mate, I thoroughly appreciate that, but those days for me are long gone. I'm in awe of the creativity that goes on, I see things on here and think 'why couldn't I have thought of something like that?' You could very very easily rewrite the foundation of what it is to be the benchmark of WCW diaries. You've picked an outstanding era, and are telling an outstanding tale of why things happen, how they happen, the backstories, I'm thoroughly enjoying it and wishing that back in the day I could have come up with the ideas you have. Congratulations on a terrific start, I'm backing you to the hilt.
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Great start so far bud. What you've done is put together a solid backstory, spent time on OOC stuff, put effort into a creative show that expresses each character differently, chosen a topic you're obviously passionate about and acknowledged the people who have given you feedback. As far as I'm concerned, that gives this all the tools to be a very-top-level diary on here, no doubt. If you stick with it and keep up the high level this could considered up there amongst the Battlelines, Worldwides, DOWCWs of these boards. All the best with it buddy, you've got a reader in me. :)
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[b]Eddy Guerrero[/b] vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. [b]Bill Goldberg[/b] vs. Steven Regal Stevie Ray vs. [b]Buff Bagwell[/b] [b]The Steiner Brothers[/b] vs. Scott Norton & Konnan [b]Bret Hart[/b] vs. Curt Hennig [b]Raven[/b] vs. Ric Flair "Macho Man" Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger ~ [b]Draw[/b] [QUOTE=keefmoon;385367]Great start so far bud. What you've done is put together a solid backstory, spent time on OOC stuff, put effort into a creative show that expresses each character differently, chosen a topic you're obviously passionate about and acknowledged the people who have given you feedback. As far as I'm concerned, that gives this all the tools to be a very-top-level diary on here, no doubt. If you stick with it and keep up the high level this could considered up there amongst the Battlelines, Worldwides, DOWCWs of these boards. All the best with it buddy, you've got a reader in me. :)[/QUOTE] Quoted for truth. Can't wait to read more.
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Hey guys, I just wanted to check in and let you know it will be a few days until this next week's Nitro is posted. I'm on the road and will be quite busy the next few days, but will be sure to address your comments individually and post another great episode when I get back! Thanks for your continued support! :)
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[I]Well folks, the vicious March blizzard that has crippled a better part of the Great Lakes region for the past 2 days marches on for one more day, and has stranded me four hours from my destination, so here I am, 24 hours of sleet-induced free time to manage, sitting on my laptop and writing for you our latest Nitro a few days earlier than anticipated. Hope you all enjoy![/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i312/reptilia1996/nitro.gif[/IMG] Bob Devaney Center, Lincoln, Nebraska 15,000 in attendance: SOLD OUT! [b]Monday, Week 3, January, 1998[/b] Live![/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"] [b]Segment 1: Eddy Guerrero vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Eddy Guerrero, Rey Mysterio Jr.) These two men, one a borderline cruiserweight and the other a bona fide flier put on a tremendous, albeit short show to open up this week's Nitro. A stirred, dazed Guerrero stood in the center of the ring, trying to catch his bearings as Rey Mysterio Jr. perched on the top rope for another high flying move. As Guerrero finally got his head about him, Mysterio jumped off the turnbuckle, hooking his legs around Guerrero's shoulder in the Power Bomb position and then flipping himself backward and down, joisting Eddy head first into the turnbuckle. Getting back to his feet, Mysterio waited on Guerrero to turn, but a standing drop-kick was parried by Guerrero, and then the two went old school with a criss-cross -- finally, Mysterio stopped, and the two traded a barrage of hooked-pin combinations, before Eddy finally broke loose and made it to his feet first, dropping Mysterio Jr. with a thunderous clothesline. Pulling Mysterio Jr. back up, Guerrero locked him in a vicious vertical suplex, but then dropped down vertically, landing a brainbuster. 1....2...3. [b]Winner: Eddy Guerrero Time: 7:25 Grade: D+[/b] ------ ------ [b]Segment 2: You never were nothing[/b] (Eddy Guerrero) Standing up after the match, Guerrero called for a microphone as Mysterio Jr. rolled out of the ring. Guerrero waited for the crowd to calm down and then looked into the camera, prepared to address the subject of his moment, Booker T. [i] "All week long Booker, with the chirping, all week long I hear Booker this and Booker that. All the time people are raving about the latest WCW TV champion. Well I'm here to tell you and everyone here that you never were nothing Booker T. Not now, not before -- not when your fat, stupid brother and you were walking around pretending to be gangsters from New York City and not now that you're some hotshot with that gold belt. But I should have seen it coming. I should have seen you waiting to befriend me, and Chavo, and Juventud and just waiting until you got the chance to jump into the spotlight and leave us all behind. And to leave your brother behind to. You're not a man Booker, and you don't have the gall to prove to me that you are."[/i] [b]Grade: D+[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 3: Bill Goldberg vs. Steven Regal[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Bill Goldberg, Steven Regal) A match of interesting shoot-style wrestling tie-ups and counters early on, Steven Regal is the first in a few weeks to even give Goldberg a decent run for his money. Grounding Bill Goldberg and flipping him over his shoulder with a hip-toss, Regal locked in an arm scissors as Goldberg jockeyed for position. Finally becoming frustrated. Goldberg powered out of the move and spun up to his feet before the slower Regal could get up, and began pounding away with a series of lefts and rights, then threw Regal into the corner and irish-whipped him across to the opposite side. Regal came charging back out but Goldberg grabbed him in a belly-to-belly suplex position. Attempting to squirm free, Regal climbed up and through Goldberg's arms, but the undefeated hero still held on long enough to deliver a vicious, whiplashing throw to the ground. Regal finally got back up, but Goldberg was waiting in the spear position the entire time, dropping him and then hitting the Jackhammer for the pin. [b]Winner: Bill Goldberg Time: 4:46 Grade: C+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 4: You're a punk, Bagwell[/b] (Diamond Dallas Page, Gene Okerlund) As we come back from commercial break, Diamond Dallas Page has strolled down to the interviewing area with Gene Okerlund, who gives DDP the floor, after asking him a question about Buff Bagwell having stolen his US Title Belt. [i] "It's no surprise to me that an nWo punk,"[/i] Page stopped as the audience popped. [i] "....That an nWo punk would stoop to the level of having to steal a belt because they're not good enough to win it in the ring. Now it's bad enough, Buff Bagwell, that last week I caught you flirting with my wife in the parking lot -- but now you've got the only other thing in my life besides my girl that makes my clock tick every day of the week, and that's my gold. But let me give you some advice. While you're back there hiding behind your numbers and darting from locker room to locker room avoiding me with my property, think to yourself exactly how much more you're making me want to put my hands around your stupid little punk neck. Gene-O....Buff Bagwell can walk around and distract me with the US Title, he can walk around the back and pretend he's the champ, but it's just a matter of time. Just a matter of time until he's in the wrong place at the wrong time. Just a matter of time before he feels the BANG!!!"[/i] [b]Grade: B-[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 5: The Challenge[/b] (Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner) After a brief [i]Souled Out[/i] promo, Gene Okerlund is back on screen, this time with The Steiner Brothers. As Rick Steiner maniacally barked toward the crowd, Okerlund asked the duo about their recent run-ins with The Outsiders. Scott Steiner immediately jumped on the mic. [i] "Well y'knnoow.......everybody wants to knowwwww......why we've been getting in between The Outsiders and their shenannyfans (shenanigans) these past few weeks, and it's pretty plain and simple to me. We look around this WCW roster and it seems to me like we're the rightful number one contenders for your WCW Tag Team Champions (ships). But of course, nobody....no Outsiders have been asking us for a match. So we've taken it upon ourselves to issue the challenge to them. So whatdya say, Outsiders, unless you're worried that the Big Bad Booty Daddy and Dog Faced Gremlin with spin you on your vertical axis at a 27 degree quadrangle, in the horizontal leptitude (?!) genius fashion that us educated Michigan graduates have been doing as a tag team for a whole decade. Unless you're scared!"[/i] Having given Scott Steiner a confused look, Okerlund moved the microphone over to Rick Steiner, but all that Rick could do was bark into it still, and the segment was brought to an end with Okerlund rapping up his best estimation of Steiner's promo. [i] "Well," [/i] Okerlund started. [i] "It sounds to me like the two Steiner Brothers have just issued a firm challenge to the current WCW tag champions, the Outsiders, for Souled Out....I think."[/i] [b]Grade: C+[/b] ------ ------ [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Blue"][b]Segment 6: Buff Bagwell vs. Stevie Ray[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] (Buff Bagwell, Stevie Ray) Bagwell made his way out to the ring still carrying the US Title Belt. As the match went on, the television broadcast cut back and forth between the in-ring action and Diamond Dallas Page frantically trying to get to ringside to retrieve his belt, only to be restrained by nWo Members Konnan and Scott Norton, as well as delayed by Kimberly Page and WCW officials who just wanted to talk. A clearly frustrated DDP comically tried to be polite before finally blowing by them, but as he finally made it out to the ramp, Bagwell had gotten significant heat on Stevie Ray, who looked to be on his last gasp. Ray crawled to the ropes and helped himself to his feet, before Bagwell jumped off a nearby top rope and planted Ray back into the ground with a facebuster. Landing a quick 1..2..3. Immediately, DDP charged down the ramp toward the ring, but Bagwell had escaped just in time, grabbed Page's US Title belt and darted through the crowd, as Page chased him. [b]Winner: Buff Bagwell[/b] Time: 5:46 Grade: D+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 7: The Ambush[/b] (Scott Norton, Konnan, Curt Hennig, Buff Bagwell, Diamond Dallas Page) As Page continues to chase Bagwell through the crowd, they dart through an entranceway of one of the arena sections. Luckily, a camera is conveniently waiting for us as Page continues his chase toward Bagwell near the concessions, but just then Hennig darts from around a corner and clotheslines page. Konnan and Scott Norton soon follow from off-camera with a few shots of their own, and then Bagwell returns to quadruple team Page. The four mercilessly beat on Page for a time before arena security made its way there to shoo off the villians, Bagwell still taunting Page with his own belt the whole way. [b]Grade: C[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"] [b]Segment 8: The Steiner Brothers vs. Konnan and Scott Norton[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Scott Norton, Konnan) The Steiner brothers are waiting in the ring as Norton and Konnan are nowhere to be found, still presumably absent because of their ambushing Diamond Dallas Page. The ring announcer alerts the fans that the referee is going to start a ten count for the two, and if they don't make it to the ring they will lose by forfeit. As the referee hits 7, Konnan appears from the ramp, running full-speed down to the ring to just beat the count. Scott Norton was soon to follow. Konnan and Norton spent most of the match getting the crap kicked out of the by the Steiner brothers. Finally, Scott Steiner delivered a booming pile driver on Scott Norton, then noticed Konnan in the corner turnbuckle, preparing for an interrupting dive. Stopping him in his tracks, Scott Steiner climbed the ropes and dropped Konnan with a Frankensteiner. Rick Steiner then climbed the top rope and Scott Steiner held Norton upward, as Rick came tumbling down, grabbing his head and knocking him out with a flying bulldog. Scott Steiner jumped on Norton for the pin, 1...2...3. [b]Winners: The Steiner Brothers Time: 8:19 Grade: C-[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 9: You got it[/b] (Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner) As the Steiners celebrate their victory, the nWo music interrupts their Michigan victory song, and Kevin Nash and Scott Hall come out to the ramp, Nash with a mic in hand... [i] "So you come out here and say that we're dodging you? That we're afraid of you guys? Man, I don't know who you think you're talking to, but we aren't two no-named geeks on some Saturday Morning wrestling show that you can squash. You know all this time we've been asking everybody here to prove that this is where the big boys play, and yet we've still got the gold around our waists. So you guys want a shot at Souled Out? Well you got it."[/i] ----- ----- [b]Segment 10: Your epitaph[/b] (Sting) As we get back from commercial, the lights have dimmed in the arena, but not all the way -- just enough to create a dull gray hue. The fans buzzed in anticipation as a deep violin chord played over the speakers, and then a bright spotlight hit the center of the ring, carving a perfect circle of light out. From atop the Monday Nitro ramp screen, another spot light shined in on the center of the ring as well, creating a wide, square vortex. The sound of an old-school film projector could be heard as the violins switched to a sad verse and then faded away. A holograph of Sting stood in the interlocking spotlights in the ring, as the film projector sound continued to roll. The figure of Sting spoke. [i] "What have we become? The men among us shallow -- absurd -- corrupt. Defeated. Each night we sit in waiting, hoping for the renewing light in the morning, but it is always vanquished by the asinine; men desperate for money and fame. Diamond Dallas Page: For you, an apology. I took them lightly. I turned my back and let you down. I left you to the wolves, the bloodthirsty, thoughtless demons around you. And they beat us and left me for dead and celebrated above us. This is what they are: Lifeless things. The rafters are empty tonight; but for the crows and ghosts that lurk among us. The silent shadows of my fallen comrades -- leaving me confused and alone in this limbo. Hogan has adopted the name of Hollywood to try and cover the scars of his past with the glamour of the movies and the rich hills. Randy Savage has sold himself. The Outsiders has declared war. Bret Hart has wandered along, declaring no allegiance, suspect to all, friend to none. And so here we are, my army, here we are forever and always....floating toward the refuge.... floating in the ocean of the Soulless....floating, inevitably.... to Souled Out.[/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] ------ ------ [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"] [b]Segment 11: Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Bret Hart, Curt Hennig) Hennig and Hart put on a fantastic match, filled with all of the two ring veteran's typical spots. As we jump into the match, Hart has just been given a boot to the face by Hennig when attempting a back body drop. Hart reels and stumbles back into the ropes, and coming off Hennig delivers an atomic drop on Hart. Hennig then whipped Hart off one rope and tried to throw him into the opposite, but Hart stopped and reversed throwing Hennig into the rope and waiting for his return. As he returned, Hart hooked Hennig and flipped him for a quick power slam. Hart then put Hennig into a wrist hammerlock, and Hennig, in order to break it, pushed Hart back into the turnbuckle with his arm locked behind him. Using the ropes for leverage, Hennig pushed off and put two boots into Hart's mid section and did a somersault toward the middle of the ring. Hennig picked Hart off the corner ropes and went for the Hennig Plex by hooking the leg, but Hart tucked his body inward and rolled Hennig for a quick small package...1....2...no! Hennig got back to his feet and whipped a wild clothesline at Hart who ducked and turned, firing some punches at Hennig, then whipping him into the corner. Hennig flipped backward and upside down in the corner, then, knocked out for a moment, stumbled back to the center of the ring where Hart hit a back breaker. Hart then climbed to the top rope and leaped off, landing a decent elbow, and went for the pin...1...2..no! Hennig alos kicked out. As the two got back to their feet, they traded punches, an exchange of which Hennig surprisingly got the advantage, and he threw Hart off the ropes, catching him in the Hennig Plex and this time landing it with thunderous accuracy. Hennig went for the pin but holding onto the leg...One....Two...Thr--no!~! Hart managed at the last second to jolt himself free, but he was still ailing. As Hennig crawled back to his feet, he delivered a few elbow drops, before splitting Hart's legs and signaling for a ball-bust. But as he put his foot down for a stomp, Hart locked his legs around Hennig's and twisted, flipping Hennig over. Getting back to his feet, Hennig hooked his leg through Harts to try to break free, but Hart used this to step backward and thread the needle, getting Hennig into a sloppy but efficient SharpShooter. Hart arched back in exhaustion and anticipation equally, and Hennig had no choice but to submit. [b]Winner: Bret Hart Time: 17:24 Grade: A[/b] ------ ------ [b]Segment 12: Yeahhhhh, brother.[/b] (Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage) As Hart rolled out of the ring in exhaustion and walked back toward the dressing room, Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage suddenly appeared on the Nitro screen, both sporting Bret Hart style pink rocker glasses. Hogan spoke first. [i] "Well you know something Macho Man, it looks to me, brother, like Bret Hart's come from up north and now he's trying to screw everything up for the New World Order of wrestling, brother. But if there are any two people in the whole world who know what it is to have successful up north, it's you and me Macho Man. And so I've been thinking, brother, 'cause you know, Bret Hart has been causing you and I a lot of trouble, I've been thinking that maybe Bret Hart is a little jealous that he's only the number three guy in this company to ever come from Vinny Mac, brother. And maybe that's why he screwed me at Starrcade, and now he's trying to get in your way at Souled Out. But that's okay, Hitman, because I have every right to believe that my right hand man, the Macho Madness, has something special in store for you."[/i] Savage flickered his fingers into the camera and stirred and grunted. [i] "Ohhhhhhhh yeaaah~! It's getting close now Hitman, yeah, you and me, Souled Out, it's been a long time coming and now it's time to make right everything that you've tried to make wrong, yeah. I tell you what, nice glasses though, reallll nice, yeah, Macho Man likes the glasses, yeah, but I don't like you, or what you're trying to do to the nWo, yeah, so you better watch your BACK!!! Diggit!!![/i] [b]Grade: B+[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 13: A Giant Surprise[/b] (The Giant, Gene Okerlund, Mystery Flock Member) Backstage, The Giant stands tremendously tall, Gene Okerlund struggling to reach toward his mouth to conduct the interview. The Giant is smiling and pacing a little, rubbing his hands together in some sort of anticipation. Finally, Okerlund asks The Giant about his thoughts on Raven's recent actions. [i] "Gene, I've been here a lot longer than Raven and his flock. And I know that guys like him are a dime a dozen. They come and they go. They get in the way of the Giant, and they get a gift I like to call...THE CHOKESLAM~!~!~! But tonight that doesn't matter. Because tonight, Raven gets a whole different sort of lesson in wrestling and class. Ric Flair, multiple time WCW and NWA World Champion... one of the biggest legends this sport has ever known...tonight, Raven..."[/i] Just then, the Mystery Flock Member from last week, again clothed in his beige cloak and dress, cracked a huge piece of wood over The Giant's head, knocking him out and to the ground. Immediately, the cloaked mystery member began to pound away on The Giant. [b]Grade: B+[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"][b]Segment 14: Raven vs. Ric Flair[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Raven, Ric Flair) As we dart into the match, Flair and Raven have delivered a spectacular bout, with the wiley ring veteran giving the mysterious youngster his best. Flair hit a head-butt and two knife edged chops, causing Raven, caught in the corner, to crumble to the ground. Retaliating, Raven threw a boot to Flair's gut and then a series of punches. Flair fell backwards to his ass, and Raven continued to pursue him, but Flair hit a quick low-blow when the referee wasn't looking, and both wrestlers were on their knees. Flair climbed up first, and hooked Raven for a vertical suplex, going for a quick pin...1...2...no! Raven kicked out. As they got back up again, Raven dropped Flair with a clothesline and then whipped him into the corner. Flair stood in the corner, trying to catch his breath, and Raven tumbled in head first, looking to deliver a shoulder spear in the corner, but Flair moved at the last second, and Raven flew straight into the post. The two lay nearly lifeless. Finally, Flair stirred and got up, as Raven struggled to do the same, but beating him to it, Ric Flair kicked Raven back down, and applied the figure four leglock!! Raven screamed and shrieked and cried in pain, twisting and turning, and just as he appeared to be willing to tap out, he was finally able to swing his momentum over and put the pressure on Flairs legs, who immediately grabbed the ropes to break the hold. As they got back to their feet, Flair went for a clothesline this time, but Raven ducked, turned, put a boot to Flair's gut and hit a thunderous DDT for the pin...1...2...3. [b]Winner: Raven Time: 13:52 Grade: A*[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 15: Good match[/b] (Raven, Ric Flair, Lodi, Sick Boy, Perry Saturn, Billy Kidman, Mystery Flock Member, The Giant) As Flair got back up from the devastating DDT, he extended his hand to Raven to congratulate him on a match well won. Raven hesitated at first, looked around and then shook Flair's hand to the crowds delight. But as Flair tried to exist the ring, Raven pulled him back in by the tights and delivered another vicious DDT. The members of the Flock collapsed on the ring from all angles, and proceeded to deliver a terrible beating to the legend. Finally, The Giant came trotting down to the ring from the back, and the Flock dispersed... all except Raven, who stood staring at Giant from the opposite side of the ring. The Giant jawed something inaudible at him and slowly approached, and then the Mystery Flock Member showed up and delivered a kick to the balls from behind. Bringing the Giant to his knees. As he fell, the Flock all rejoined the ring and continued to beat on him as the show broke to commercial. [b]Grade: D[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 16: A beatdown[/b] (Diamond Dallas Page, Buff Bagwell) Backstage, DDP has finally caught Buff Bagwell with his guard down in a corner, albeit it without his US Title Belt. From behind a stack of boxes, DDP emerges and rushes Bagwell, who was talking to a stage hand. Page threw vicious punches at Bagwell, screaming at Buff to tell him where his belt was. As Page pounded away, WCW officials descended on the scene to split the brawl up, and Page was dragged off, still screaming about his title. [b]Grade: B-[/b] ----- ----- [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="4"] [b]Segment 17: Randy Savage vs. Lex Luger[/b][/SIZE][/COLOR] (Randy Savage, Lex Luger, Curt Hennig) The two men have worked a fairly solid match, with Luger getting most of the offense in. Savage is laid out against the 2nd rope as Luger lay on the opposite side also badly damaged, but Luger jumps up first and drops Savage with a barrage of hip tosses. Savage grabbed his lower back in terrible pain, and Luger called for the Torture Rack as the crowd went wild. But just then, a battered Hennig in his own right stumbled out from the bag, still showing signs of his battle with Bret Hart. As Hennig got near the ring, Luger saw him and warned him to not even think about it. The exchange provided enough time for Savage to get to his feet and throw an ax-handle over the back of Luger's head. Turning Luger around, Savage delivered a round of punches and then whipped Luger off the ropes, hitting him with a flying forearm. Savage got back up and pointed as Hennig in appreciation, before twirling his finger, calling for his patented top rope elbow smash. He climbed and flew, landing the elbow with great precision. Hooking the leg, Savage got the pin..1...2..3. Luger kicked out, but it was a second too late, and Savage was victorious. [b]Winner: Randy Savage Time: 13:40 Grade: B[/b] ----- ----- [b]Segment 18: Square Off[/b] (Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Lex Luger, Curt Hennig) As the match ended, Hennig rolled into the ring and Savage picked a hurt Luger up and pounded on him some more, then held Luger's arms in restraint to allow Hennig to get in some shots. Before Hennig could do any real significant damage, though, Bret Hart ran out from the back and Curt Hennig ran off. Luger was able to escape from Savage's grasp, and rolled out as well. This left Savage and Hart in the ring, squaring off and staring at each other and officials made their way down to the ring and the show went off the air. [b]Grade: B+[/b] ------------------ [b]Final Grade: B[/b] ------------------------------ WCW Rating: 70.07 [COLOR="Red"](-0.26)[/COLOR] (3.20 in real TV Ratings) WWF Rating: 27.11 [COLOR="Red"](-3.71)[/COLOR] (1.24 in real TV Ratings) [FONT="Fixedsys"]Super Crazy defeated Al Snow (D-) Taka Michinoku defeated Test (E) WWF European Title: Triple H defeated Kama Mustafa (C-) Double J, Vader & Farooq defeated Recon, Kurrgan and Mabel (D) WWF Tag Team Titles: New Age Outlaws defeated Apocalypse II (D) Los Boriquas defeated The Headbangers (D)[/FONT]
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