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2002: TNA: The Pro Wrestling Alternative

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[FONT=Arial Narrow][quote]My computer crashed earlier today and I lost a lot of information thanks to a bad virus my roommate had downloaded. I was able to rescue a lot of my stuff (Was able to unlicense TEW so I could re-license it, rescued a lot of my work for my production stuff and other stuff) but a lot of stuff was unable to be rescued (My ECW Game :'(). I don't think I have it in me to do another ECW Based game right now so I am going with something fresh around here. A TNA Game based from the start in 2002. A lot of people in the diary have worked for TNA but a lot of people haven't so its a little unrealistic but I think it will be good.[/quote] [/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6670/nwatnafg4.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [LEFT][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=White]-----[COLOR=Black]Our story begins in May 2002 at a press conference where Jeff Jarrett announces that he and his father/pro wrestling legend Jerry Jarrett (Without the help of the NWA) will be starting a new wrestling company. A Pro Wrestling Alternative to the World Wrestling Entertainment. The Company known as TNA (Total Nonstop Action) does not yet have a TV Deal and will be basing itself off of weekly 2 hour Pay Per Views which will cost $10 each. Jeff and Jerry Jarrett have promised stars from today, yesterday and tomorrow on this Pro Wrestling Alternative and it seems to have a lot of potential. Jeff says the first Pay Per View will be on the first wednesday of June live from the Allen Arena in Nashville, TN. Jarrett believes he can sell out the Allen Arena (Capacity 5,000) with the first TNA Pay Per View which will be based around an 8 Man Tournament to crown the TNA Heavyweight Champion. Below Jarrett has announced the 8 Men Competing for the TNA Heavyweight Title in a one night 8 Man Tournament! [/COLOR][/COLOR][/FONT] [CENTER] [/CENTER] [quote] [CENTER] [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1636/chriscandidoax1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9717/kenshamrockmb6.jpg[/IMG] The match that will begin the era of Total Nonstop Action. Ken Shamrock (A former WWF Intercontinental, European and Tag Team Champion) will collide with "No Gimmicks Needed" Chris Candido (A former WWF/ECW Tag Team Champion and a WCW Cruiserweight Champion). Neither man has ever held a Heavyweight Title of any importance so both men have a lot to lose and a lot to gain coming into this match. Both men are masters of technical wrestling and this one match could very well steal the entire show. [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/7050/jeffjarrettdf1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/3162/scotthallmm3.jpg[/IMG] Former NWO Members collide as Jeff Jarrett (A Champion in every promotion he has ever worked for (WCW Champion, WWF Intercontinental, European and Tag Team Champion plus USWA Champion) collides with Scott Hall (Former WWF Intercontinental, WCW Tag Team, United States and Television Champion) in match two of the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament. Jarrett has made the claim he ran Scott Hall out of the New World Order when Jeff Jarrett took it over. [IMG]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/8326/jerrylynnuu3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] The pure-wrestling match of the Tournament if one match had to be labeled one. Both men massively underrated. Lynn a former ECW TV Champion and WWF Light-Heavyweight Champion while Hennig has held the WWF Intercontinental and WCW United States Titles. It has been a while since Hennig held a Heavyweight Title (The AWA World Title was his last "Big" belt) but he knows what a big match feels like. Both men have been criminally underused in every company they have been in. [/CENTER] [CENTER] [IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9950/buffbagwelliv1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6349/2coldscorpiokc6.jpg[/IMG] Former Tag Team Partners collide as both men held the Tag Team Championships of World Championship Wrestling together in the 90's. While Bagwell went on to become a breakout singles star in WCW Scorpio toured the world wrestling for ECW (And winning there TV Title) and the WWF (as Flash Funk). Scorpio is known for his high-flying ability while Bagwell is known as a guy who will do anything to win. Scorpio and Bagwell lock horns for the first time ever in the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament! [I][U] ALSO TAG TEAM ACTION![/U][/I][/CENTER] [/quote][CENTER] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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[CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6670/nwatnafg4.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE=3] LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW from the Allen Arena Wednesday Week 1 June 2002 Nashville, TN 5,000 People (SELL OUT) Announcers: Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay [/SIZE][/B][/FONT][CENTER][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3746/dustyrhodesxv7.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3] [SIZE=2]*Dusty Rhodes is shown backstage after a hype video talking about the TNA Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] Tournament. Rhodes is dressed in exactly what you would expect him in... Cowboy Hat, Button[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] Up Shirt and a big smile. Rhodes begins to talk with a look of excitement on his face much like[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] the NWA Promos of old he is known for!*[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B] [FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Dusty:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Daddy my name is Dusty Rhodes... The American Dweem. One of the most famous wrestlers of all time. Tonight LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW is the debut of the new Pro Wrestling Alternative Total Nonstop Action. If you tuned in tonight to watch guys acting like cartoon characters and talk about how they might beat someone up for two hours then you can turn the channel. If you tuned in tonight to see pro wrestling at its finest and the rebirth of pro wrestling on a national level then this is for you daddy! This is TNA... Total Non-Stop Action. Tonight you will see men known world-wide battle for the TNA Heavyweight Title... Tonight you will see 8 men enter a Tournament to be written down in history but only one man walk out. Tonight daddy you will see everything you have heard about plus a whole lot more... Lets get to the action daddy![/SIZE][/FONT] [/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1636/chriscandidoax1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9717/kenshamrockmb6.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Black]TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament Round One:[/COLOR] Chris Candido vs. Ken Shamrock [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Candido and Shamrock are both respected mat-wrestlers and that was quite obvious in this match. Candido and Shamrock shook hands to start off the first TNA PPV! Candido and Shamrock locked up and did some normal chain but after about 30 seconds Shamrock cut him off and began doing MMA Type Manuevers! [*]Shamrock went straight for the kill out of some chain-wrestling when he locked in the Ankle Lock. Candido however made it to the ropes which probably saved him from a defeat within the first five minutes of the match. Candido plays the cowardly heel probably better than anyone in the whole company. [*]As soon as Candido got to the ropes he powdered out of the ring. Shamrock went to chase him around ringside... Candido made it back into the ring quick though and cut off Shamrock with some stomps as Shamrock slid back into the ring. Candido then taunted Shamrock by pointing to his head and claiming he was smarter than Shamrock! [*]Candido began working over Shamrock's left knee as soon as Shamrock and him got back into the ring. Candido dropped elbows and knees repeatedly on Shamrock's left knee and it began to show as Shamrock was holding it in pain. Candido also took it over to the Corner and locked in a Figure Four Leglock AROUND THE Turnbuckle post as Shamrock screamed in pain. [*]Candido made a mistake though whenever he saw his former Triple Threat Partner SHANE DOUGLAS at ringside in the front row. Candido said Douglas was exactly where he belonged... in the crowd watching REAL Pro Wrestlers perform! Douglas got pissed at this statement and slapped Candido. Security quickly seperated both men as Shane sat back down calmly. [*]Candido went back into the ring and was cut off by Ken Shamrock with a mean dropkick. Shamrock then picked up Candido and hit a Belly to Belly Suplex for the win![/LIST][CENTER]Rating: B [CENTER] Time: 8:42 [/CENTER] [IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5377/shanedouglastt8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1636/chriscandidoax1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*After the match Chris Candido is clearly upset as Ken Shamrock leaves celebrating up the ramp to the back of the Allen Arena. Candido goes over to where Shane Douglas is sitting at ringside and shoves him. Douglas gets up and JUMPS the guard rail and quickly lays out Candido with a Clotheline after jumping over the guard rail. Douglas and Candido brawl at ringside for about 30 seconds until Security is forced to split them up! The TNA Fans look on as one of the first TNA Storylines has obviously just unfolded!*[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/7050/jeffjarrettdf1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/3162/scotthallmm3.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Black]TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament Round One:[/COLOR] Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Hall and Jarrett are probably the two "biggest" stars in this TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament. Before the match began Jarrett told fans at ringside he was going to kick Hall out of TNA much like he kicked him out of the New World Order in WCW. Hall came out to a good pop as well but it seemed like both men were working heel during the match. [*]Hall started the match off by pushing Jarrett... Jarrett flew back a few feet but retaliated with a shove of his own. Hall looked around ringside and then back at Jarrett and quickly smiled. Hall bounced back and lit up Jarrett with some punches to the jaw. Hall whipped Jarrett off the ropes and hit a Back Body Drop onto Jarrett as the fans in the Allen Arena exploded! [*]Jarrett left the ring after this and quickly had to re-gather himself. Jarrett got up on the apron and argued with the referee as Hall looked on with a smile... Hall went over to the referee, shoved him out of the way and then got low-blowed by Jarrett for his efforts. Jarrett then looked to have control of the match as he put the boots to Hall and seemed to have Hall down. [*]Jarrett (After beating up Hall for a few more minutes) locked in a Sleeper hold and seemed to have the match won.... Hall however fought back and hit Jarrett with a jaw-breaker as the fans erupted. Hall and Jarrett are both down! [*]Jarrett gets up to his feet first and tells the fans its over... Jarrett picks up Hall and goes for the Stroke... Hall elbows his way out of it though and hits the Outsider's Edge on Jarrett for the big win![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: B Time: 7:10 [IMG]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/8326/jerrylynnuu3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Black]TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament Round One:[/COLOR] Jerry Lynn vs. Curt Hennig [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Hennig and Jerry Lynn is definitely a random match in the Tournament that many pure wrestling fans knew would be good but just had never thought of. Hennig known for his finishing manuever the "Perfect-Plex" while Lynn is known for finishing people off with the "Cradle Piledriver". Both men have been stuck to mid-card glory most of there career's. [*]Hennig and Lynn wasted no-time to go into this match as they started with a lock-up... Lynn locked in a Head-lock on Hennig right out of the lock-up... Lynn then went behind Hennig into a Hammerlock... Hennig reversed into a Hammerlock of his own and then went around Lynn into a Snapmare... Hennig then hit the Head-snap as many of the pure-wrestling fans in the crowd clapped. [*]Hennig and Lynn then both got up after this and clapped. Hennig hit and arm drag and then Lynn hit one as well... both men then went for dropkicks and then had a stand-off... Hennig however would not be playing nice all night as he quickly cut off Lynn with an eye-poke! [*]Hennig worked on Lynn's back for most of the match to weaken it for the Perfect-Plex. Hennig stayed in control for most of the match with Lynn only firing up every once in a while. Hennig seemed to have the match won whenever he went for the Perfect Plex but Jerry Lynn reversed it into a BRAINBUSTER! [*]Lynn seemed to have the upper-hand after this by continuing to work on Hennig with a dropkick, Hip Toss and then a Scoop Slam. Hennig got up after the Scoop Slam and walked right into a kick from Jerry Lynn... Lynn went for his Cradle Piledriver but Hennig reversed it into a Back-Body Drop. Lynn then got up and was met with a SICK ENZIGURI from Hennig for the win![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: C+ Time: 9:34 [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/r/randyorton/10.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*A video is shown to hype the upcoming TNA Wrestling debut of a Third-Generation Star. The man in the video claims to be Randy Orton the son of Bob Orton Jr. and the grandson of Bob Orton Sr. Orton is shown showing off his physique and quickly claims that he is the evolution of pro wrestling and will soon arrive in TNA to take out all competition. This quickly fades into videos of Orton at Indy Shows taking people out with a Diamond Cutter type of move as the video fades out!*[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9950/buffbagwelliv1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6349/2coldscorpiokc6.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Black]TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament Round One:[/COLOR] Buff Bagwell vs. 2 Cold Scorpio [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Former Tag Partners collide as Buff Bagwell and 2 Cold Scorpio enter this match with hopes of becoming TNA Heavyweight Champion. Bagwell has never held a Heavyweight Title and neither has Scorpio so a lot of people are putting a lot of faith into both men by having them in this title tournament. [*]Bagwell starts the match with a handshake to Scorpio but quickly boots him in the stomach and NAILS him with a Kobashi DDT! Bagwell nearly gets three but is unable to do so. Bagwell continues to work on the back, neck and head of Scorpio with neckbreakers, backbreakers and rest-holds. Bagwell also taunts the crowd a few times and they hate him now just as much as ever. [*]Hennig and Lynn then both got up after this and clapped. Hennig hit and arm drag and then Lynn hit one as well... both men then went for dropkicks and then had a stand-off... Hennig however would not be playing nice all night as he quickly cut off Lynn with an eye-poke! [*]Bagwell makes a mistake however and Scorpio cuts him off with a HUGE Missle Dropkick... Scorpio then hits a Standing Moonsault and a Flipping Leg Drop off the Top Rope for what looks to be three but isn't quite enough. Scorpio sets up Bagwell on the Top Rope and looks to be going for a Hurricanrana! [*]Scorpio goes off the top for a Hurricanrana but Bagwell didn't follow as he held onto the Top Rope with his hands... Scorpio gets up from this and Bagwell goes for the Blockbuster.... Scorpio rolls forward and Bagwell flips onto his back... Scorpio then ascends to the top rope and hits a 450 Splash onto the fallen Bagwell for the upset win![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: C+ Time: 9:34 [IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/7955/paullondonbe5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/2084/spankyql1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*A Video is shown of two young men from wrestling shows all across the country. Both men are shown doing some incredible moves as the man known as Paul London is shown doing a springboard 450 Splash and a Dropkick into what appears to be a Moonsault. The other young man known as "Spanky" is shown doing some cool kicks and a Flipping Reverse DDT known as Sliced Bread #2. The video ends with the words "Aerial Assault" flashing across the screen! [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][IMG]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/3162/scotthallmm3.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] *Backstage Scott Hall is shown in front of the TNA Logo with a microphone in hand. Hall looks determined as he truly knows how much he has to win going into his upcoming match with Ken Shamrock. Hall begins to speak with a toothpick in his mouth!* [/SIZE] [/SIZE][/B][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Hall:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Hey yo... say hello to the bad guy! Welcome to TNH. Total Nontstop Hall... I have come to TNA for three reasons CHICO. I have came here to get paid, to get made and to get laid. With that in mind esse I would like for everyone to pay attention to my next match as I am going to take Ken Shamrock to the limit and then beat him there cause thats how I do things here in TNH. Better not cross me chico! [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] *Hall does his trademark tooth-pick flip straight into the camera!*[/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][IMG]http://img221.imageshack.us/img221/3162/scotthallmm3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9717/kenshamrockmb6.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament Round Two:[/COLOR] Scott Hall vs. Ken Shamrock [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Hall and Shamrock have probably never even been in the same room together much less the same ring so many fans were on there seats for this match. Randomly the match had a LOT of heat so the fans were loud every time anything happened. Very well could have been Match of the Night. [*]Hall did his job perfectly as the Cowardly heel... Almost being a rival to Candido. Match started off with Hall going for a Clothesline.. Shamrock ducked it and went for a Clothesline behind Hall... however... Hall being the vet was able to duck the clothesline attempt by Shamrock and then hit a viscious Chop Block on Shamrock's left knee (Which had already been attacked by Candido earlier in the evening). [*]Hall continued to stay on top of Shamrock's knees by lifting up his left knee repeatedly and slamming it into the ground. Hall also kept Shamrock grounded with some elbow drops and repeated strikes to Shamrock's head! Hall at one point picked up Shamrock for a bear hug... [*]Hall seemed to have Shamrock taken out with the Bear-hug being applied very tightly... however Shamrock was albe to fight back in the Bearhug with a forearm to Hall, then a chop and then a straight punch to Hall's Jaw. Out of this Shamrock and Hall began exchanging Blows! Shamrock rocked Hall with one of them and then hit a badass spinning wheel kick. [*]Hall got up obviously pissed off and went for a kick of his own... Shamrock caught the leg and immidiately locked in the Ankle Lock... with nowhere to go Hall was forced to tap out to the most viscious hold in pro wrestling today![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: A Time: 5:36 [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6349/2coldscorpiokc6.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue] [COLOR=Black]TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament Round Two:[/COLOR] Curt Hennig vs. 2 Cold Scorpio [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]For many fans this was seen as the most underrated match of the evening as if this match could have easily gone 30+ minutes. Hennig showed why he is honestly one of the best ring technicians ever by hanging with Scorpio for the first two minutes in a game of high-flying. [*]Hennig however eventually got tired of the flying game and whenever Scorpio went for a Hurricanrana Hennig cut him off with a Piledriver that many fans cringed at. Hennig then picked up Scorpio from that, snapmared him, hit a kick to the back and then the head-snap. Scorpio attempted to fight back after Hennig brought him up but it was no use as Hennig quickly cut him off with a club to the back. [*]After this it was smooth-sailing for Hennig as he hit another Enziguri and quickly hit the Perfect-Plex for the win![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: B- Time: 4:34 [IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9950/buffbagwelliv1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Buff Bagwell is shown backstage with an angry look on his face* [/SIZE] [/SIZE][/B][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Bagwell:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] As all of you saw what happened tonight on the debut episode of TNA is complete bull****. Scorpio obviously cheated to beat me and it was something I can do nothing about. Instead of focusing on Scorpio who I know I could beat any day of the week I am focusing on something else. Whoever TNA thinks can beat me I am laying down an open-challenge for next week. It doesn't matter who you are, what you have done, why you are here or where your from because next week I will be hitting the Buff Blockbuster on you... because of three reasons... I am Buff *Kisses arms*, I am the Stuff *Shows off Abs* and the girls just can't enough *points down at crotch region*[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/3562/chrisharrisbo1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/341/jamesstormaw0.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] VS. [IMG]http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/952/kidromeocx9.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/6338/kidkashzb9.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]TNA Tag Team Showcase:[/COLOR] America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. Romance and Kash (Kid Romeo and Kid Kash) [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Two brand-new tag teams debuting tonight here on the TNA PPV. America's Most Wanted are a traditional southern-style tag team that any people are use to seeing (Think a more serious Rock N Roll Express) while "Romance and Kash" are two ****y heels who seem to be interested in money (Kash's tights have dollar bills all over them) and Sex (Romeo has lips all over his tights along with broken hearts and the naked woman trucker symbol). [*]Romeo and Kash attempted to jump-start the match by whipping both Storm and Hariss into the ropes at the exact same time! Harris and Storm both came off the ropes with kicks to both men... Romeo and Kash both fed up and spinned around into dropkicks... Romeo and Kash both went back into the ropes... waited a second and were obviously mad.... charged towards Storm and Harris. Storm and Harris pulled the Top Rope down and both men stumbled over the Top. [*]Harris then charged towards both men and hit a Baseball slide... All three men then fought up to get hit with a Flip Dive by Storm. [*]The action calmed down a little bit as Kash and Storm fought back into the ring. Romance and Kash cut off Storm with repeated double team moves (Spike DDT, Double Suplex and a Double Hip Toss are just a few to name). Kash and Romance seemed to have the upperhand when they went for there double team finish The Paycheck (German Suplex/Spinning Wheelkick Combo)... Storm ducked the move and it made Romance hit Kash with a Wheel Kick! Storm then rolled through and tagged out to Harris. [*]Harris comes in on fire hitting clotheslines, back-elbows and a dropkick on each men... Kash and Romance cut him off however with a Double Dropkick of there own... Kash and Romeo then hit the Paycheck on Harris for the win as Kash pinned Harris while Romeo nailed Storm with a Superkick![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: D+ Time: 5:54 [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9717/kenshamrockmb6.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]A hype video is shown for the upcoming TNA Title Match between Curt Hennig and Ken Shamrock. Highlights are shown of both men's matches from earlier in the evening... The TNA Title is also shown as the hype video ends! [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT] [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Curt Hennig is shown backstage* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Hennig:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] As many of you know I am about to enter the biggest wrestling match of my whole life. This is bigger than any Wrestlemania, any Starrcade and any AWA Title Match I ever had. This is the biggest match in my wrestling career and I am humbled to have made it this far. But enough of that. Tonight all of you are going to find out why they call me "Mr. Perfect". Tonight all of you are going to find out why I am the most underrated wrestler in the history of this great sport. Tonight I walk into the ring a mere mortal but I walk out a god. Tonight all of you will find out I am exactly what I have always claimed to be... PERFECT![/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1/generic08kq6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9717/kenshamrockmb6.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]TNA Title Tournament Finals:[/COLOR] Curt Hennig vs. Ken Shamrock [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]The most important match of both men's illustrious careers. Hennig and Shamrock both walked to the ring without introductions until ring announcer Jeremy Borash greeted them with Japanese Style Intros. Dusty Rhodes was present at ringside with tne TNA Heavyweight Title. [*]The two men shook hands to start the match off and quickly went into a lock-up. From the lock up Hennig took the advantage with an arm-wringer and cranked on the arm of Shamrock... Shamrock reversed the arm-wringer with a roll through into a leg-sweep for a quick one count as the fans got up on there feet as both men faced off again into a lock-up. Out of the lock-up Hennig locked in a Headlock only to have it reversed into a Back Suplex by Shamrock! The fans immidiately stood up and applauded after this. [*]Shamrock continued to one-up Hennig at the wrestling game for a few minutes until Hennig locked in a Hammerlock.... Hennig out of the Hammerlock hit the Snapmare followed by a kick to the back. A chop to the back and then the Hennig Head-snap... Shamrock is down and Hennig quickly taunted the fans! Hennig picked up Shamrock and went for a DDT but Shamrock reversed into a Northern Lights Suplex... Hennig kicked out at Two. [*]Hennig and Shamrock both meet each other with punches and forearms... Hennigs cuts off Shamrock with a Eye Rake and quickly hits a Snap Suplex. Hennig then goes over to the leg of Ken Shamrock and locks in a One Legged Boston Crab to work on the leg that Candido and Hall had attempted to take out earlier in the evening. Shamrock makes it to the ropes so Hennig breaks the hold and then sets Shamrock's left leg on the ropes. Hennig comes crashing down onto the left leg of Shamrock. Hennig continued to work over Shamrock's leg after this with the referee Mike Posey arguing back and forth with him! Hennig argued a little too long with the referee and it enabled Shamrock to get a Small Package for a Two Count. [*]Shamrock got up before Hennig and greeted Hennig with a Belly to Belly Suplex for a Two Count. Shamrock got Hennig back up and went for a Kick but Hennig dropkicked Shamrock in the left knee which caused Shamrock to buckle down on himself... Hennig then took of an elbow pad and did his famous throw it up and then catch it as its coming down taunt to the fans! Hennig then hit Shamrock with a Kneebreaker. Hennig then placed Shamrocks Leg back onto the Middle Rope and went up to the Top Turnbuckle. [*]Hennig walked the top rope over to where Shamrock's leg was prone and went for a Stomp off the top but Shamrock was able to meet Curt's face with a boot.... Both men are now down! [*]At the count of 8 both men reach there feet and quickly go back and forth with each other on strikes and forearms... Hennig goes for a Dropkick to the knee of Shamrock but Shamrock moves out of the way and meets a grounded Hennig with an MMA Elbow to the face! Shamrock then locks in his Ankle Lock and it looks like the match could be over! Hennig is able to roll through the Ankle Lock. [*]Shamrock turns around as the fallen Hennig has little fighting spirit left after being locked into an intense Ankle Lock... Shamrock locks it in again but this time Hennig makes it to the ropes... Shamrock picks up Hennig who LOW BLOWS Shamrock without the ref seeing it and quickly hits an Enziguri and then the Perfect Plex! [*]1....2.....KICK OUT!!!! Shamrock gets the kickout as Hennig looks on stunned... Hennig then attempts another Perfect Plex but Shamrock reverses it into a BRAINBUSTER!!!! Shamrock then attempts another Ankle Lock! [*]It looks like Curt Hennig is going to tap but Hennig rolls through it again!!! With Shamrock on his Stomach Hennig then locks in a Sharpshooter on the fallen Shamrock... with nowhere to go but home Shamrock is forced to tap as Curt Hennig has just won the TNA Heavyweight Title on the first ever TNA PPV![/LIST][CENTER]Rating: A Time: 17:29 [/CENTER] [/LEFT] Rating: A Time: 17:29 [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG][B][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/3746/dustyrhodesxv7.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE=3] [SIZE=2]*After the match an emotional Curt Hennig is held the TNA Heavyweight Title as the fans boo! Hennig holds up the TNA Title as the fans nearly explode into a riot because Curt won it cleanly! Curt then gets on the mic!* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Hennig:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] I told all of you I would do it! Tonight Curt Hennig entered the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament as a guy who had been branded "Mid-carder" for life by the powers that be everywhere I went... however if any of them would have dug a little bit deeper you would have all realized I am one of the greatest pro-wrestlers in Wrestling History... I was born to wrestle! Wrestling is in my blood... from my Father Larry the Ax Hennig I was given the most wrestling talent out of every pro wrestler in history... I will be holding this TNA title for a very very very long *HENNIG IS CUT OFF* VERY FAMILAR MUSIC HITS AS THE TNA CROWD JUMP INTO A FRENZY! THE TNA CROWD KNOW WHO IS ABOUT TO COME OUT BUT WHERE FROM! FROM THE RINGSIDE AREA A MAN JUMPS OVER THE GUARD RAIL AND WAITS BEHING CURT HENNIG. HENNIG TURNS AROUND AND A LOOK OF PURE SHOCK IS ON HIS FACE AS THE MAN SPEARS HENNIG TO THE GROUND! THE MAN RAISES THE TNA HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE OVER HIS HEAD... THEN PICKS UP CURT HENNIG INTO A SUPLEX! [IMG]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2157/goldbergsa3.jpg[/IMG] GOLDBERG HAS HENNIG UP FOR IT... HE SLAMS HIM DOWN INTO THE JACKHAMMER! GOLDBERG STANDS TALL OVER HENNIG AS THE FIRST EVER TNA PPV COMES TO A DRAMATIC END! [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [/CENTER]
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THAT SUCKS!!!! I just had the same problem! I wanted to murder the world. - I was getting into your old school ECW too! This looks promising as well though. I have a hard time getting into TNA (real life) it is by far my least fav promotion. I am hopeful you will get me into it, however the Goldberg thing at the end made me lose my lunch. :p only Luger is higher on my hate list. GOOD LUCK CHUCK!
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Internet Report: Tuesday Week 2 June 2002 [quote]BigJOSH: Hennig was released in May so its realistic that Hennig could have made his debut in June with TNA :D Masked Propaganda: I hate Goldberg as well but he was the biggest free agent in wrestling at the time and the most marketable name... just cause I am pushing Mr. Goldberg doesn't mean I want a belt on the bastard :D[/quote] [IMG]http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/3285/internetfq3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][B] TNA Wrestling is a huge hit! [/B][FONT=Arial]To anyone who missed the debut of TNA Wrestling this week I would like to inform you that TNA Wrestling truly is the rebirt of pro-wrestling. Whether it was the feeling of the Pay Per View as Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay leds us through it, the general excitement as we watched Ken Shamrock and Curt Hennig climb to the top, the feeling of pure joy as one of the most hard-working wrestlers ever won the TNA Heavyweight Title or the spear heard around the wrestling world as Bill Goldberg made his TNA Debut giving Curt Hennig a Spear and laying him out with the JACKHAMMER as TNA closed out its first Pay Per View many people in the audience went home with a smile on there face! Besides the badass Tournament that was held TNA even held a Tag Team Match featuring two teams that many people were very impressed with as Romance and Kash defeated America's Most Wanted via the Paycheck (A Spinning Wheel Kick German Suplex combo that must be seen to be believed). Many people are calling TNA the best thing to happen to Pro Wrestling since ECW and many people believe that TNA will be taking the wrestling world by storm here soon. If you are interested in seeing a TNA PPV please check it out on DishNetwork and UrbanXtra this week! [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6670/nwatnafg4.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black]TNA PPV Schedule [FONT=Arial]Week 2 June 2002:[/FONT] Beegly Center (Youngstown, OH) [FONT=Arial]Week 3 June 2002:[/FONT] Arthur Ashe Athletic Center (Richmond, VA) [FONT=Arial]Week 4 June 2002: [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Black]Will Rogers Auditorium (Dallas, TX)[/FONT][/FONT] [/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6670/nwatnafg4.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=4]TNA PPV Preview Week 2 June 2002 [FONT=System][U]TV Title Division Debuts:[/U] [/FONT][FONT=System][COLOR=Blue]CM Punk vs. Low Ki vs. AJ Styles[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=System] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial]Total Nonstop Action Wrestling has promised its fans the most hard-hitting division in pro-wrestling as the TNA TV Title Division Debuts this week with CM Punk, Low Ki and AJ Styles tearing it up in a Triple Threat Match. TNA Match-maker Dusty Rhodes will have an announcement soon concerning who will be in the TNA TV Title Match-up and the stipulation behind it![/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][U] Tag Team Match:[/U] [/FONT][FONT=System][COLOR=Blue]Triple X (Elix Skipper and Chris Daniels) vs. Aerial Assault (Spanky and Paul London) [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial]Indy Standouts Paul London and Spanky (Both trained by Shawn Michaels) team up for the first time against former WCW Stars Elix Skipper and Chris Daniels (Now known as Triple X) in this tag team contest. Dusty Rhodes will be watching this one closely as he narrows down who deserves to be in the match that crowns the TNA Tag Team Champions! [/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][U]Special Challenge:[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][COLOR=Blue]Buff Bagwell vs. ??? [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial]Buff Bagwell set an open challenge last week for any wrestler on the TNA Roster... This week we will find out who is brave enough to step in the ring with "Buff Daddy". Many people are speculating over who the mystery man will be but one thing is for sure... Buff Bagwell will have to own up to his words this week on TNA! [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][U]Mystery Partner Madness:[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][COLOR=Blue]Curt Hennig and ??? vs. Ken Shamrock and ??? [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial]Curt Hennig was just days after being laid out by Goldberg that he will be in a Tag Team Match with a partner of his choice against Ken Shamrock and a partner of his choice... Who do Shamrock and Hennig have in mind as they collide once again![/FONT] [/CENTER]
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I'm really digging this one. It will be fun to see how Spanky, London, and Orton interact with TNA. Looks like you are bringing in Punk much earlier than TNA did, and I'm all for that. Can't wait to see where you go with this!
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[QUOTE=CM Phunk;385713]I'm really digging this one. It will be fun to see how Spanky, London, and Orton interact with TNA. Looks like you are bringing in Punk much earlier than TNA did, and I'm all for that. Can't wait to see where you go with this![/QUOTE] I am a big CM Punk mark and I think that with this version of TNA he can showcase his skills the way he was always meant to. Can you imagine Punk vs. Curt Hennig or Ken Shamrock? It could very well be a possibility down the line as I am building up Punk to be a star. London and Spanky will have a slow build-up but it thing will eventually get interesting with them... they are still young and have a lot of work to do in this time period so the Aerial Express tag team is perfect. Orton along with guys like Punk, Low Ki and AJ Styles are set to be the future of TNA. Of course some other guys are going to be brought in and hopefully be the future of TNA as well while some guys will eventually be weeded out or put into less active roles (Douglas, Hall, Jarrett, Steiner, Goldberg, etc, etc). Would love to eventually steal some guys from WWF like Guerrero, O'Haire, Jericho, Benoit or anyone else that is of "Big Name" stature or has the potential to be... Don't expect for me to bring in every big name from the WWF as I have had the oppurtunity to so far with Chyna and Road Dogg.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/s/sonnysiaki/08.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER]Sonny Siaki is a Star here in TNA that a lot of people have yet to see. Being 100% Full Blooded Samoan he is naturally a great wrestler with a great look and attitude. Brought into wrestling by the WCW Powerplant he got his start working WCW Saturday Night and after dwelling there for a while eventually asked for his release. Siaki then went on to work for Dusty Rhode's Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling and the ill-fated Urban Wrestling Alliance. Althought Siaki is very new to wrestling many people see him as the future of pro wrestling. Siaki reminds many people of The Rock and the way he moves in the ring and talks is reminiscent of Rocky's first years in the ring... However Siaki brings a style to the ring that many people have not seen as Siaki's finishing manuever the Siakilypse is a front flip swinging neck-breaker that has taken out many opponents.[/CENTER] [CENTER]Siaki has said to be quite confident about his debut in TNA. His scheduled debut is this week against an unnamed opponent. Siaki says that he is here in TNA to bring the future of pro wrestling to the limelight and will not stop until he and the rest of TNA's "Young Guns" are considered "Superstars". Siaki has a great look, great in-ring ability and great talking skills but the latter may hurt him more than help him during his tenure in TNA: Total Nonstop Action Wrestling![/CENTER]
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PUSH SIAKI!!! PUSH SIAKI!!! Seriously, I always though TNA didn't do as much as they could have with him, and he had a lot of potential. Good first show. TNA's early days aren't something I'm exactly familiar with (first show I watched was the very first iMPACT on FSN, and I just stumbled upon that). Looks like you're taking this in a good direction, though. I honestly wouldn't mind Goldberg holding the title, at least for a little while, as it could really build up to something good. Say whay you will, but they man's got star power.
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[CENTER][quote]Laz: I used TommyTomlin's invasion data, imported TNA in, hired the guys I wanted and moved the date around. Akki: Siaki will be pushed very hard lol[/quote] [FONT=Arial Narrow] [IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6670/nwatnafg4.jpg[/IMG] [/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3] LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW from the Beegly Center Wednesday Week 2 June 2002 Youngstown, OH 5,000 People (SELL OUT) Announcers: Dusty Rhodes and Mike Tenay [/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2157/goldbergsa3.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2] *The show begins with Goldberg making his entrance. The crowd reacts hugely to this as there is a good chance that a lot of the crowd didn't see the first Pay Per View last week so a lot of people had no clue that Bill Goldberg would be in Total Nonstop Action. Goldberg comes to the ring (Ready to wrestle) with a microphone in his hand)* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Goldberg:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] I am sure most of you saw that punk Curt Hennig win the TNA Heavyweight Title last week just like I did. Hennig did fight hard to win the TNA Title don't get me wrong its just that TNA could have chosen better men to be in the TNA Title Tournament than him... men like myself. Men like Shane Douglas who was forced to buy a ticket and sit in the crowd... And men like some of the stars on the roster who you have never heard of. I know how Curt Hennig plays and I have never been a big fan of his... He knows that and he also knows I am gunning for him and his title belt. So tonight I want to lay down a challenge... Curt you think you have what it takes to go one on one with me then I want your ass out here... [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1/generic08kq6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Mr. Perfect Theme Hits as Curt Hennig walks out on stage with the TNA Heavyweight Title. Hennig is wearing the belt around his waist and has his wrestling gear on looking ready to fight the challenge set down by Mr. Bill Goldberg. Hennig gets into the ring and takes the microphone from Goldberg and gets ready to speak* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Hennig:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] You know what Bill this isn't WCW. You can't just come in here and instantly demand a Title Shot... You have to earn your way to the top here... I did that last week by beating three people in one night Bill... I beat a World Famous Mixed Martial Artist in Ken Shamrock, I beat one of the best wrestlers in the world Jerry Lynn and I beat one of the best high-flyers in the world in Scorpio... Who was the last person you beat Bill? Bret Hart into retirement? You want a shot at my title you have to earn it... You say that some of the younger guys on the roster deverse a TNA Title Shot... Well I am giving one a title shot right now so you can watch and learn.... then later tonight me and my mystery partner are going to take out Shamrock and whatever faggot he may bring to the ring with him... Because I am what I say I am Goldberg... and I'm Perfect! [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1/generic08kq6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/9814/amazingredql8.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]TNA Heavyweight Title Match:[/COLOR] Curt Hennig (C) vs. Red [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Red is at a quite clear size disadvantage here as he is not an inch above 5'7. Many of the fans starting actually laughing when Red came out and not many people thought he would be worth giving time to... including the champ Curt Hennig who hand-picked him to be his opponent for his first title defense!... Hennig however had a little bit of class in this match and started it off with a handshake to Red... no cheap heel tactics or anything (For once). After the handshake Hennig got down on two knees and told Red he could have the first strikes... Red responded by giving Hennig a brutal dropkick to the face followed by a Standing Star Press that the people actually exploded for! [*]Hennig kicked out of the Standing Star at one but had a look of shock on his face. Hennig then got back up and locked up with Red. Hennig locked in a head-lock and cranked it for a minute... after that he went into a Hammerlock and then into an arm-wringer... Red seemed to be in trouble as he is not the mat-master that Hennig is... Red however did a complete front flip followed by a Russian Leg-Sweep to reverse Hennig's arm-wringer as the people looked on in shock. Hennig got up from the russian leg-sweep with a look of shock on his face. Hennig then snap-mared Red, gave him a kick for good measure then head-snapped him. Hennig seems to have control now. [*]Hennig then picked Red up for a Suplex... Hennig held him up in the air showing off his upper-body strength... Red however started to reverse it by knee-ing Hennig in the head! Hennig had no choice but to sit Red down... Red then kicked Hennig in the gut and hit a Sunset Flip Bomb! Hennig kicked out at two but still had a look of shock on his face that the newcomer is taking him to this limit. Hennig thought he had the night off with this newcomer Red but it turns out that Red is an AMAZING Superstar. [*]Red then went for some sort of spin-kick but Hennig ducked it. Hennig then got the advantage with an eye-rake... Hennig then hit a Kneebreaker on Red and then locked in a One-Leg Boston Crab. The Ring General in Hennig has finnaly surfaced in the match.... Hennig then took Red's legs over to the Ropes and began working on them in typical Hennig fashion. [*]Hennig seemed to have the match won and went for a Powerbomb... Red reversed it into a Hurricanrana! Hennig fed up into a Indy Kick! Hennig then fed up into a Spinning Wheel Kick! Red is up on the Top Rope!!! 540 Moonsault!!!! But he missed! Both men are down! [*]Hennig and Red both fight up to there feet... Forearm's and puches exchanged backand forth... Red goes for a kick... Hennig spins him around and hits an Enziguir! Hennig then hits the Perfect-plex to get the win over Red a newcomer that people in TNA had better watch out for! [*]After the match Hennig stands tall over Red and points to Goldberg who is sitting at the announcers table![/LIST][CENTER]Rating: C+ [CENTER] Time: 5:31 [/CENTER] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/1636/chriscandidoax1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/49/jushinthunderlygercg8.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]TNA Singles Match:[/COLOR] Chris Candido vs. Jushin "Thunder" Lyger" [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Candido came out first and instead of going to the ring he hid behind the entrance-way. Lyger started to come out for his grand entrance but Candido jumped him on his way to the ring! Candido beat Lyger down all the way up to the ring with punches, forearms and kicks. Candido then threw Lyger in as the match officially got under-way. Candido seems to have a new attitude since his confrontation with Shane Douglas last week at the first TNA Pay Per View! [*]Candido kept Lyger grounded once he got the Japanese Legend in the ring by giving him leg-drops to the back, fist-drops and some knee-drops. Candido also worked on Lyger's back with repeated suplex's and backbreaker... Candido is working a more smash-mouth style of wrestling recently almost like a Chris Benoit! Candido made his first mistake when he went for a German Suplex though as Lyger moonsaulted out of it and landed on his feet! [*]Candido however didn't realize this and stood by the ropes taunting the fans. Lyger dropkicked the **** out of Candido causing him to fly to the outside! Lyger then hit Candido with a suicide dive as the Beegly Center went nuts. Lyger then threw Candido back into the ring! [*]Lyger seemed to have the contest won as he climbed up to the top rope but Candido crotched him on it! Candido then hit the Blonde Bombshell off the top rope (Top Rope Powerbomb) as the fans booed! Candido gets the win over a legendary wrestler thanks to his pre-match tactics! [*]After the match Candido put the boots to Lyger and then hit him with the Pittsburgh Plunge... Candido held up the Triple Threat sign and smiled at the camera obviously mocking Shane Douglas![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: B- Time: 8:43 [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/5636/cmpunkzg1.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/2180/ajstylesex4.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/3313/lowkiaw6.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]TNA TV Title Division Triple Threat Match:[/COLOR] CM Punk vs. AJ Styles vs. Low Ki [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [LEFT][LIST=1] [*]First time ever for all three of these guys to step into a TNA Ring. Styles and Low Ki started the match off while CM Punk merely observed... Low Ki and Styles started with a chop-war and then went into punching and then kicking (Which Low Ki won). Ki hit a viscious kick on Styles that had him out on his feet. After this Punk seemed to want to take the advantage and stepped in hitting Ki with an enziguri! Punk then went for the pin on both men but both kicked out at two. Styles and Ki then got to there feet and used CM Punk as a practice dummy hitting 3 chops each on him, then a double dropkick to Punk's knees and then played kicking bag with Punk! Punk powdered out of the ring and started taunting the fans as AJ and Ki continued there fight! [*]Ki and AJ continued to fight while Punk taunted the fans until AJ irish-whipped Low Ki into the ropes... AJ then hit a Back-body-drop on Ki that sent him flying over the Top-Rope crashing onto CM Punk. Punk and Ki then got up fighting only to have AJ come crashing down with a Flipping Plancha of his own onto both men... All three men are down! [*]AJ Styles and CM Punk both make it back into the ring and start exchanging punches... AJ lays them in really hard on Punk.. Punk gets pissed and goes for a clothesline... AJ DUCKS and hits Punk with a PELE! Punk staggers back only to have Low Ki meet him with the DRAGON CLUTCH!!! Ki has got it locked in tight and Punk may tap until AJ Styles hits a Flipping Senton onto both men! All three men are yet again down! [*]Punk and Ki make there way to there feet first and Punk hits a Double Underhook Back-breaker for what could be a pinfall... AJ breaks it up though and picks up Punk... AJ hits a Blue Thunder Bomb only to have the pinfall breaken up by Low Ki with a dropkick to the face of AJ. Low Ki picks up AJ and hits a Ki-Krusher on AJ! AJ is feeling the effects but Ki knows Punk could recover... Ki goes over to Punk and hits a Standing Double Stomp! Ki goes for the pin on Punk but it is not quite enough to put him away. Ki then goes for the pin on AJ but it doesn't work either! Ki goes up top for his trademark finish the "Pheonix Splash" but Punk gets up in time to push him off of the Top Rope! Punk goes up top and signals for a clothesline off of it to AJ. AJ makes his way to his feet and hits the ropes... CROTCHING PUNK! Punk and AJ then get up top and are both fighting... Punk gets the advantage and hits a SICK Pedigree off of the Top Rope! Punk seems to have the win! [*]Punk goes for the pinfall only to have it broken up by LOW KI WHO PHEONIX SPLASHED BOTH MEN OFF OF THE TOP ROPE! Ki then gets the pinfall on AJ Styles as the crowd just saw the debut of pro-wrestlings three newest superstars![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: C- Time: 10:54 [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/49/jushinthunderlygercg8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img174.imageshack.us/img174/8326/jerrylynnuu3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/6349/2coldscorpiokc6.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*After the match Jushin Lyger, Jerry Lynn and Too Cold Scorpio are shown standing at the top of the entrance-way clapping at the awesome showcase of high-flying wrestling they just witnessed. Lynn grabs a microphone and begins to talk* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Lynn:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Aj, Punk and Ki... congrats gentlemen... that was easily one of the best professional wrestling matches I have ever seen. All three of you men are the future of pro wrestling without a shadow of a doubt. Me, Scorpio and Lyger were just discussing how we pioneered the high-flying style for guys like you to be able to use. And we had an idea. This week you three were enemies... next week you three will team up against myself, Too Cold Scorpio and Jushin Thunder Lyger in a Six Man Tag Team Match! Lets call it the future vs. the present. Get ready boys... your in for a fight! [IMG]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/840/elixskipperdc8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/482/kevinsullivankn2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8659/christopherdanielstu3.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Kevin Sullivan makes his way to the ring with two men dressed in cloaks... Sullivan doesn't really show any emotion at all and neither do the two men with him. Sullivan makes his way to the ring and begins to speak* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Sullivan:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] As soon as I found out about the starting of this TNA-Total Nonstop Action Wrestling I wanted to be a part of it. I have called the owners of TNA the Jarrett family week after week and month after month with little result. So I decided to take action into my own hands... I cannot take over TNA like I could have ten years ago as my body has gotten old... however I have found two souls who were willing to sell themselves to the devil himself... ME. I found Primetime Elix Skipper *The black man in the cloack reveals himself* a prodigy in the wrestling industry who was never given the credit he deserves... and then I found "The Fallen Angel" Chris Daniels *The white man takes his cloak off* a man whos only goal is to spread the gospel of pro wrestling... together we form Triple X. I will be managing these two young hellions straight to the top of TNA Wrestling. [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://img152.imageshack.us/img152/840/elixskipperdc8.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img181.imageshack.us/img181/8659/christopherdanielstu3.jpg[/IMG][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]w/[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img129.imageshack.us/img129/482/kevinsullivankn2.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]VS.[/SIZE][/FONT] [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/7955/paullondonbe5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img211.imageshack.us/img211/2084/spankyql1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]TNA Tag Team Showcase:[/COLOR] Triple X (Elix Skipper and Chris Daniels with Kevin Sullivan) vs. Aerial Assault (Paul London and Spanky) [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Really good tag-team action provided by TNA tonight. Spanky and London really got the fans behind them as soon as they walked throught the curtain. A younger looking version of a combined Hardy Boys, Rock N' Roll Express and the Rockers all wrapped into one. Many people in the crowd were impressed with this tag match which is a testament to the ability of every man in this match. Sullivan really added to the match as the "Evil Manager" leading the two lost souls to glory. This story could unfold pretty nicely is TNA lets it. [*]Match started off with London and Skipper in the ring... Skipper started it off with a clothesline to London... London fed up and Skipper went for another line... London ducked it and hit a back kick to Skipper's stomach followed by a bulldog! Skipper got up from it as London went for a Standing Spin Kick... Elix matrix-ducked it and then hit London with a Back Suplex as the fans clapped on with appreciation. London and Skipper then both met each other at the same time and had a stand-off. London tagged out to Spanky while Skipper told him to bring it. [*]Spanky came in ready to go and instantly hit a Spinning Wheel Kick on Skipper! Skipper got up and Spanky hit him with a Spinning Head Scissors! Spanky charged toward Elix again only to be met by an Arm Drag! Skipper then made sure Spanky wouldn't get up quick by kicking the young man in the head. Spanky looks isolated now as Skipper and Daniels isolate the young man with Kevin Sullivan distracting the referee allowing Skipper and Daniels to get in some extra double team moves. [*]Skipper and Daniels at one point whipped Spanky off the ropes for a double team move... However Spanky caught himself and did the Handspring Back Elbow made famous by Tajiri! Skipper powdered out of the ring at this point and so did Daniels to regroup the team... London then entered the ring, charged towards both men and hit a Suicide Dive onto Triple X as the fans applauded! [*]Skipper and Daniels eventually recooperated and isolated London in the ring (Who had made a blind-tag to Spanky before the Suicide Dive). Skipper and Daniels seemed to have the match won after hitting the Powerplex (A Powerbomb Suplex Combo) on London but Spanky still had some fight left in him... Spanky ran in, broke up the pinfall, gave Elix a dropkick to the knees, SHINING WIZARD and then hit a Sliced Bread #2 on Daniels as London picked up the pin for the Aerial Assault! [*]As soon as the match was over London and Spanky bailed as Kevin Sullivan looked down dissapointed at his tag team combo![/LIST][CENTER]Rating: C- [CENTER] Time: 8:52 [/CENTER] [/CENTER] [/LEFT] [IMG]http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/6214/randyortonde1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Randy Orton comes out from the back to his entrance music. Orton is wearing a Black Vest with the words "RKO" on the back and traditional black wrestling trunks with a red design on the back of them. Orton looks like he means business as he comes to the ring* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Orton:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Right now up next I will be making my TNA Debut against a young man much like myself whom is looking to make an impact in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. That young man's name is James Storm and he is one half of the tag team America's Most Wanted... he did a hell of a job last week losing to Kash and Romance *Boos from the crowd start to rise* and this week he will do a hell of a job losing to me... RKO... Randy Keith Orton. I am a Third Generation Athlete and the greatest thing to hit pro wrestling in quite some time. Tonight all of you will see that the Evolution of Pro Wrestling has arrived! [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/341/jamesstormaw0.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] VS. [IMG]http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/6214/randyortonde1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]Singles Match:[/COLOR] James Storm (of America's Most Wanted) vs. Randy Orton [FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Orton and Storm started the match off with a lock-up where Storm got the immidiate advantage by locking in a headlock and cranking it on Orton. Storm has a few years on Orton and it showed as Storm would not let Orton escape the head-lock... Orton finnally found a way to reverse it by whipping Storm into the ropes out of it... Storm bounced back however with a Shoulder Tackle... Orton then did a drop down as Storm hit the ropes again... Orton gets up and leapfrogs Storm! Storm comes off the ropes with a nice running dropkick to cut off Orton! [*]Storm then waits for Randy to get up and goes for a suplex... Orton counters into a suplex of his own followed by a stomp to the face of Storm... Orton poses for the crowd as they start to boo him. Orton turns around after this to be met by a Spinebuster from James Storm! Orton powders out of the ring after the Spinebuster to collect himself. Orton starts to walk up the entrance-way after this acting like he is going to leave. Storm is soon to follow as Storm gives Orton a lariat that knocks him off of his feet. Storm then grabs Orton by the hair and takes him up the entrance-way! [*]Storm then Scoop Slams Orton when they get back into the ring and goes up top for a Body Splash! Orton luckily moves out of the way and Storm comes crashing down! Orton then locks in a Sleeper Hold on Storm working on his neck... Orton takes the sleeper over to the ropes and begins to choke Storm on the ropes! The referee makes him break it. Orton then picks Storm up and whips him into the corner... Orton runs at Storm and delivers a running Knee to the face followed by a Jawbreaker.. Storm lands on his ass in the corner as Orton then proceeds to choke Storm with his foot in the corner! [*]Orton is forced to let go of the choke and picks up Storm to whip him into the ropes... Storm reverses it though and runs against the ropes himself as both men go for a cross body! Both men are down! [*]Storm and Orton fight back up and Storm gets the advantage with a Snapmare, Storm proceeds to kick Orton in the back which causes Orton to get up pissed off. Storm hits a Hip Toss followed by a Dropkick then a Scoop Slam. Storm says its over and goes for the Swinging Rock Bottom (Catonic)... ORTON REVERSES IT IN MID-AIR though into a Diamond Cutter type of move for the win as Orton looks strong in his TNA Debut![/LIST][CENTER]Rating: D+ Time: 8:56 [/CENTER] [/LEFT] Road Agent Note: Orton and Storm click really well [IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1/generic08kq6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Curt Hennig is shown in the back getting his head looked at from his match with newcomer Red. Hennig looks pissed off as he grabs his belt and starts to leave. Hennig looks to the camera and begins to talk* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Hennig:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] You know what Goldberg I have been thinking... You don't deserve a title shot at all... however I will cut you a break... I have hand selected three guys I want you to face over the next three weeks... If you can plow your way through these three gentlemen then and only then will I give you a title shot... it will be revealed who they are as you face them so you will have no time to prepare for any of this Mr. Goldberg. Its only fair that you have to earn your way to this belt the same way I did... by beating three superstars. Then we will talk about your TNA Title Shot! [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/429/sonnysiakihd7.jpg[/IMG] VS. [IMG]http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/7949/psicosiswr9.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black]Singles Match:[/COLOR] Sonny Siaki vs. Psicosis[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Siaki is making his debut here tonight in TNA against another newcomer to TNA (And its his last appearence in TNA due to signing a written contract with CMLL) Psicosis! Siaki came out to an impressive heel reaction for his first time and seems to play the role of a Rock-wannabe very well. [*]Siaki starts the match off by booting Sis (His shorterned name because I am too lazy to spell the name right/spell it all the way everytime) in the gut and going for a Powerbomb... Sis however reversed it into an impressive Rana for a two count. [*]Most of the match was Sis outsmarting Siaki by countering his moves with high-flying moves... Siaki however started to do some flying moves of his own (Spinning Wheel Kick and even a Front Flip Legdrop) and proved he can hang with Sis. [*]Siaki ended up getting the win by reversing a Swinging Neckbreaker attempt by Sis into a Siakilyspe Now (Front Flip Neckbreaker) on the Luchadore to send him packing back to Mexico![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: D Time: 4:21 [FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/9190/nopicturejh3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]VS. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9950/buffbagwelliv1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black] Buff Bagwell's Open Challenge Match:[/COLOR] ??? vs. Buff Bagwell [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Buff Bagwell comes out from the back for his open-challenge match and waits in the ring... after about ten seconds of waiting for someone Bagwell grabs a microphone and begins to talk with an overly confident smirk all the way across his face!* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Bagwell:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Looks like I was right... TNA was unable to find a competitor to go one on one against me that is on the same level as "The Stuff". Looks like I get the night off and get to go to the back and watch the Main Event... Good thing too I would have really enjoyed messing up whoever was STUPID enough to go one on one with *ENTRANCE MUSIC HITS*[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2157/goldbergsa3.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Goldbergs music hits and Goldberg does his trademark walk through pyro entrance from the stage... Goldberg gets halfway down the ramp and gets a microphone* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Goldberg:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Bagwell you got a lot of balls to come out here and say nobody will face you... probably because everyone else in the back either has a match or is about to have a match... I guarantee you if you would have done your stupid little open challenge earlier in the card every guy in the back would have came out to beat your ass... It doesn't really matter though Bagwell because theres an old saying that these people want to hear right about now..... YOU'RE NEXT! [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3] [/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3][IMG]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/2157/goldbergsa3.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]VS. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9950/buffbagwelliv1.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black] Buff Bagwell's Open Challenge Match:[/COLOR] Goldberg vs. Buff Bagwell [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Goldberg charges the ring with Bagwell looking on ready for a fight... As soon as Goldberg slides into the ring Bagwell slides out and poses for the fans... Goldberg chases after the ever-so-confident Bagwell getting ready to take him out. He chases Bagwell all the way around the ring only for Bagwell to go back into the ring... Goldberg trys to go back in but is met with an Elbow Drop from Bagwell followed by some stomps... Bagwell gets up and poses smilling at the fact that he cut Goldberg off! [*]Bagwell then continued to stay in control as he hit Goldberg with the Kobashi DDT to try and eliminate him early... it was no use as Goldberg kicked out at 2. Bagwell obviously frustrated picked up Goldberg and was ready to take him out with another move but Goldberg starting punching Bagwell... Bagwell tried to stop this with an Irish Whip but Goldberg reversed it and then gave Bagwell the same kick that ended Bret Hart's career! Goldberg then picked up Bagwell and gave him a Sambo Suplex! [*]Bagwell and Goldberg then continued the battle as Goldberg went for a Spear! Bagwell leap-frogged over the Spear causing Goldberg to hit the Corner! Bagwell then went up top in the corner opposite to the one Goldberg was in and waited... Buff went for the Blockbuster but the POWER of Goldberg allowed him to catch Buff into a Suplex in Mid-air and TURN IT INTO THE JACKHAMMER FOR THE WIN![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: C+ Time: 6:38 Road Agent Notes: Goldberg didn't sell at all [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9717/kenshamrockmb6.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Ken Shamrock comes out from the back... it is time for him to reveal his mystery tag team partner for the upcoming Main Event!* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Shamrock:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Tonight in the Main Event I found one man that has been dying to make his mark in TNA. I found a man that a lot of people say would "kill TNA" and a lot of people say he could save it... No matter what he does as long as he has my back tonight I am cool with "The Franchise!". [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5377/shanedouglastt8.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Shane Douglas walks to the ring from the crowd in sweat pants and a track jacket... Looking different than usual as Shane usually looks like his name implies "The Franchise".* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Douglas:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] You know some people didn't want me in the TNA Heavyweight Title Tournament because of what I do with belts when I win them in Tournaments *Fans start an ECW Chant in approval of this statement* but no matter. I am in here in TNA to right a lot of wrongs and to make sure the fans know by my attitude and in-ring ability that I am the best in the world not by me going around backstabbing everyone in the company. Chris Candido... don't think I forgot what happened last week and don't think I wasn't watching when you treated one of the best wreslters ever like garbage earlier tonight... I am watching my back so you better watch yours... I know we have a history so this is your one warning.. I am coming for you! Now let me go on to my next *Douglas is cut off by the Curt Hennig Theme* [/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1/generic08kq6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*Mr. Perfect Theme Hits as Curt Hennig walks out on stage with the TNA Heavyweight Title. Hennig is wearing the belt around his waist. Hennig has a mic in hand and looks ready to talk. Hennig also has a piece of paper with him!* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Hennig:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] In my hand is the mandate saying that Mr. Bill Goldberg must face three opponents of my choice... however Dusty Rhodes found it unfair for me to not tell him who he was facing.. he said I could get away with not telling him in what order so the three opponents for Mr. Bill Goldberg are going to be The Chosen One Jeff Jarrett, The Evolution of Pro Wrestling Randy Keith Orton and my mystery tag team partner for this upcoming tag team match... [IMG]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/4563/scottsteinerlx1.jpg[/IMG] [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][B][SIZE=3][SIZE=2]*A police siren hits and a red light comes up as the people in the Beegly Center hear an all too familar music... "Big Poppa Pump... is your hook up... holla if you hear me". Scott Steiner (Looking as pharmacueticaly enhanced as ever) walks through the curtain as the fans begin to boo. Steiner makes it to the ring and begins to talk on Curt's Microphone* [/SIZE][/SIZE][/B][/FONT][FONT=Arial][FONT=Arial Black][U][SIZE=3]Steiner:[/SIZE][/U][/FONT][SIZE=3] Last week I sat at home and watched Pro Wrestling become what it was meant to be... a badass show with hard-hitting action and less talk and more action. I sat at home and watched a close friend of mine Curt Hennig finnaly get what he deserves... and then I called Curt yesterday and asked him who he had in mind for the Tag Team Match he had tonight... Curt said he wasn't really sure and would probably just take on both guys by himself... I know Curt is bad enough to do that because hes ****ing Perfect but I told Curt "Hey Buddy... I just called the Jarrett family and my contract will be finalized on Thursday... let me make you a deal... you give me a title shot at some point or you let me take out that punk Bill Goldberg and I will come tag with you for free". I am sick and tired of that piece of **** Bill Goldberg walking into every company he works for acting like he owns it... To all my freaks out there... Big Poppa Pump is your hook-up.. Holla if you hear me! [/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://img230.imageshack.us/img230/9717/kenshamrockmb6.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/5377/shanedouglastt8.jpg[/IMG] VS.[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3] [IMG]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/4563/scottsteinerlx1.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE][/FONT][IMG]http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/6986/curthennigwb3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][COLOR=Black] Mystery Partner Tag Team Main Event:[/COLOR] Ken Shamrock and The Franchise Shane Douglas vs. BPP Scott Steiner and TNA Champion Curt Hennig. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4][COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=Black]Match Points: [/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [LEFT][LIST=1] [*]Match started off with Hennig and Shamrock going straight into the action... Though Goldberg and Hennig have started a fued these two men still have a grudge to settle. Hennig and Shamrock were legit throwing punches at each other for the first minute or two until Steiner and Douglas seperated them due to fear of Disqualification. Steiner and Douglas were then tagged in so Hennig and Shamrock could cool it on the apron. [*]Basic tag-match with Douglas being the heat-man and taking most of the punishment from Hennig and Steiner... Basic Double Team moves were used plus Steiner and The TNA Champion Hennig both hit there signature moves on Douglas throughout the match. Nothing too big and nothing too small. [*]Hennig made the mistake though that enabled Douglas to tag into Shamrock... After whipping Douglas off into the ropes Hennig went for a Back Body Drop... Douglas was smart and cut off Hennig with a Famouser causing both men to be down. After about 5 seconds Douglas got up and got the tag to Shamrock... Shamrock came in on fire as Steiner got tagged in... Shamrock came in and laid out Steiner with a Spinning Wheel Kick, then Hennig with a Belly to Belly Suplex... and then Steiner went for a kick... Shamrock reversed it into the Ankle Lock and it seemed like the match was over... [*]Hennig however made the save by giving Shamrock a Knee Drop forcing him to break the Ankle Lock on Steiner... Shamrock got up from it ready to take Hennig out... Shamrock went for a kick but Hennig spun him around... hit the Enziguri and then the Perfect Plex for yet another clean victory![/LIST][/LEFT] Rating: B- Time: 12:32 [/CENTER]
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[IMG]http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/3285/internetfq3.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black][B] TNA Wrestling comes off week 2 with another strong Pay Per View! [/B][FONT=Arial]TNA followed up its first Pay Per View with another strong Pay Per View including a Tag Team Match that many people are raving about (Aerial Assault and Triple X are the two best new tag teams in pro wrestling) plus a Triple Threat match with a very dramatic finish (The Six Man Tag Team Match could duplicate that success this week if given the time/oppurtunity) plus the debut of Scott Steiner and the in-ring return of Shane Douglas! Two new young stars made there National PPV Debut as Randy Orton and James Storm had a very good Mid-card Match and Sonny Siaki showed off his skills by defeating Psichosis. TNA continues to impress on the PPV Level now if they can just aquire a Television deal the whole world can watch them. For just $10 a PPV how can you afford to NOT be watching TNA?! [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6670/nwatnafg4.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Arial Black]TNA PPV Schedule [FONT=Arial]Week 3 June 2002:[/FONT] Arthur Ashe Athletic Center (Richmond, VA) [FONT=Arial]Week 4 June 2002: [/FONT][/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Arial Black]Will Rogers Auditorium (Dallas, TX)[/FONT][/FONT] [/CENTER] [FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial] [/FONT][/FONT][CENTER][FONT=Arial Narrow][IMG]http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6670/nwatnafg4.jpg[/IMG][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow] [FONT=Impact][SIZE=4]TNA PPV Preview Week 3 June 2002[/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4] [FONT=System][U]TV Title Division Six Man Tag:[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][COLOR=Blue]CM Punk, Low Ki and AJ Styles vs. Jerry Lynn, 2 Cold Scorpio and Jushin Lyger[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial]A six man tag featuring pioneers of the high-flying wrestling style and the product of people who watch it way too much! Scorpio, Lynn and Lyger were very impressed with the three young standouts last week and would like to go toe-to-toe with them this week in a Six Man Tag Team Match that many people should tune into![/FONT][/FONT] [SIZE=4][FONT=System][U]10 Man Tag:[/U][/FONT][/SIZE] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][COLOR=Blue]Curt Hennig, Jeff Jarrett, Triple X (Daniels and Skipper) and Jimmy Yang vs. Shane Douglas, Americas Most Wanted (Harris and Storm), Red and Sonny Siaki[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]A match made by Jeff Jarrett especially for the TNA Fans. Come see the TNA Champion Curt Hennig team up with Jeff Jarrett, Triple X and Jimmy Yang against Shane Douglas, Americas Most Wanted, Newcomer Red and Sonny Siaki... Egos, tempers and fists will collide as 10 Men will be split into two seperate teams![/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][U] Tag Team Match:[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][COLOR=Blue]Kash and Romance (Kid Kash and Kid Romeo) vs. Aerial Assault (Spanky and Paul London)[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial]Both teams have made it through the first two weeks as undefeated and hopefully can capatilize on this success yet again. Kash and Romance are no strangers to tag team wrestling as both men are veterans of the great sport.... HOWEVER. Aerial Assault did beat a team being led by Kevin Sullivan last week so they are definitely not a team to be taken lightly![/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][U]Number One Contenders Match:[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=System]Ken Shamrock vs. Scott Hall[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial Black][FONT=Arial]Ken Shamrock has been demanding a rematch for the TNA Title ever since he lost in the finals to Curt Hennig... Hennig however has beaten him cleanly twice so this week Shamrock is stuck in between a rock and a hard place as he must beat Scott Hall in order to get a rematch for the title... And with a Title match promised to the winner you can guarantee that Hall will not let anyone walk on him this week![/FONT][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Narrow][FONT=Impact][SIZE=4][FONT=System][U]Stage One to a Title Shot Singles Match:[/U][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=4][FONT=System]Goldberg vs ???[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] [FONT=Arial]After the challenge was laid down by Goldberg last week for Curt Hennig's TNA Title Hennig responded with a "You have to earn it" and is making Goldberg go through three men (Randy Orton, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett) before he can cash in on a title shot. Goldberg has no clue who he is facing this week and must prepare for the worst! [/FONT][/CENTER]
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[IMG]http://img248.imageshack.us/img248/3285/internetfq3.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/pictures/t/teddyhart/11.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=3][FONT=Arial Black]Teddy Hart to TNA Wrestling? [/FONT][/SIZE][LEFT]With recent reports of TNA looking for younger talent it has been reported that Wrestling Legend Bret Hart has been sending in tapes of his nephew Teddy (Who even though is still new to wrestling has been catching the eyes of many people). Teddy Hart is known to have a bad attitude (He was sent home from his WWE Devolpmental Contract) but a lot of people are high on his in-ring abilities. One thing is for sure wherever any Hart goes contraversy is sure to follow. Teddy could be a big addition to the TNA TV Title Division as he can fly with the best of TNA's Superstars. Teddy is also known to bring his cousin Harry Smith with him to shows who could be a big addition to the TNA Roster as well. One thing is for sure... if TNA picks up on any Canadian Talent then Teddy Hart will surely be one of them! [/LEFT] [/CENTER]
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