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The Death of TCW?????

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[CENTER][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Red"][B]War To Settle the Score Preveiw.[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]Texas Pete[/B][/COLOR] VS [B][COLOR="Blue"]Jason Caine[/COLOR][/B] After being jumped by the big Texan, Jason has signed a contract to face him. Pete is hurt but can he dominate Caine? Or can Caine who has looked good in his short time here defeat Texas Pete. [COLOR="Red"][B]Playboy Jake Sawyer[/B][/COLOR] VS [B][COLOR="blue"]American Buffalo[/B][/COLOR] [B]NO Interference allowed.[/B] American Buffalo, after being a thorn in the side of Sawyer for the last couple of months has now the golden prize at hand. There can be no interference. If anybody does interfer they will be fired. [COLOR="Red"][B]The Machines/w Floyd Goldsworthy[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]The Tag Team Specialist[/B][/COLOR] [B]For the TCW Tag Team Belt[/B][B]In a Steel Cage.[/B] The Machines, who have been on a roll since forming an alliance with Tommy Cornell, defend the belts against the resurgant Tag Team Specialist.The Tag Team Specialist have been begging for this match. [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf Hawkins[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Freddie Huggens[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Troy Tornado[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]Rocky Golden[/B][/COLOR] [B]Ladder Match for the International Title[/B] Four very competant competitors battle for the International title. The only way to win is to grab the belt that is hanging above them. Rocky Golden is the current champion and is the only one who is not considered a high flyer. Can the champion retain? Or are the odds stacked against him? [B]Main Event[/B][COLOR="Red"][B]Tommy Cornell[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Red"][B]BLZ Bubb[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]Rick Law[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][B]Liberty[/B][/COLOR] VS [COLOR="Blue"][B]RDJ[/B][/COLOR] [B]Steel Cage Match for the TCW Heavyweight Title.[/B] This is an all out war. Bad Blood all around. Tommy Cornell defends his belt against what seems to be the world. Can he be defeated? [QUOTE]Plus one more match to be determined later for entertainment value. Plus I have a major story development so stay tuned. Predictions and comments welcome.[/QUOTE]
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I'm gonna try and have War to Settle the Score card up late monday night. Still time to post comments or predictions.
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[CENTER]TCW Presents The War To Settle The Score Febuary Week 2 2007 Pittsburgh PA, Civic Arena Attendance 15,000[/Center] As stock footage is played of some of the greats that have come thru TCW. As dreamers we believe that tomorrow brings a bright future. But for some there may be no tomorrow. For them there is only today. The power of now is greater than the promise of tomorrow. Now we can create or become, achieve, now is the only moment we can seize. For tonight, these dreamers are a paradox. A chance for great joys or great sorrows. A chance to gain so much, or to loss so much more. We the dreamers want to show you that although metal is stronger than flesh. It is not stronger than spirit. We the dreamers will sacrifice body and soul for the risk of making or ending careers. Tommy Cornell clutches tightly which he is afraid to lose, the TCW Heavyweight Title. Wholly defines him, without it his legacy is devoid of purpose. But of what he possesses others want dearly. This is TCW, This is The War to Settle the Score. As the actual Pay Per View starts we see a barrage of pyros opening the scene on the stages. We span across the fans before cutting to Jason Azaria and Geghis Rahn who give us the rundown of tonight’s card. They announce the first match of the night is going to be between Texas Pete vs. Jason Caine. We see a quick hype video of Pete breaking his hand in a match with American Buffalo, followed by Pete attacking both Buffalo and Caine the next week, and finally Jason running The Big Texan out of the ring. The music of Liberty hits as the lights darken. Liberty comes through the entrance tunnel and throws us his patent Peace Symbol. Liberty walks down the aisle and mounts the second rope from the outside of the ring, doing the same pose before entering the ring. Liberty grabs a microphone and paces around the ring. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “Welcome, to War to Settle the Score, the Pay Per View that will go down in history for the sole reason of myself winning the TCW Heavyweight Title for the fourth time. Walking into the main event tonight, against four other amazing competitors, I have to admit, for me to win, I’ll have to go thru a war. Or do I? Frankly, I can’t wait to get into the ring and beat the living hell out of every one of our over-hyped star-famed names, especially you Tommy Cornell. Cornell, you screwed me out of my Title a few months back, and whether or not I win the TCW Heavyweight Title tonight, I guarantee, I’m walking out the winner, one way or the other.” Liberty paces around the ring a bit more as he gets a bit of a pop from the fans who know he’s got something up his sleeve. Rahn goes on a tangent about how Liberty’s sneaky and underhanded and who knows what’s going on inside that head of his. [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “You see Cornell, that belt is completely irrelevant to my level of success tonight, because in my mind, the true winner is the one who can inflict the most pain and agony upon his enemy. That’s you Cornell. You’re the bull’s-eye, and damnit, I’ve got the homing missile dart. I know your secret Cornell, but it’s not my business to tell anyone. So I’ll let someone who knows you very well spill her guts!” Jenny Playmate comes out to her music through the entrance tunnel and stops at the top of the ramp, staring at the entire crowd with her hands on her hips. Jenny walks down the aisle and climbs into the ring with Liberty as he hands her the microphone. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jenny Playmate:[/B][/COLOR] “I was invited by Liberty down to this ring tonight to vent and get everything off of my chest, and my shoulders, and my head. I was promised a spot on the roster by non other than Mr. Tommy Cornell. I want to thank you very much for this opportunity. But that doesn’t make you any less of a sleazy, disgusting, backstabbing little weasel *******! While discussing our business plans for me to be on the TCW Roster, Cornell had a few too many drinks and he told me the most vile, inhumane thing I’ve ever heard. I still cannot believe you would sell out your own company like this you pig.” Jenny paced around the ring adding suspense to the crowd as Azaria and Rahn freak out wanting to know what Cornell has done. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jenny Playmate:[/B][/COLOR]“Tommy Cornell… the TCW Heavyweight Champion… has been selling TCW’s secrets to our competition! He’s been giving The SWF lists of free-agent wrestlers that would make great additions to OUR roster, he’s been giving them lists of TCW wrestlers who MIGHT think about jumping ships, he’s even been sneaking around finding out our upcoming cards and telling The SWF about it so they know what they’ll be up against! How did Cornell know our upcoming cards? Because he talked to the man in charge. Eriq Mobely has been in on it all along and has helped Cornell out hoping to score a job with our opposition. Floyd Goldsworthy has been going around the locker rooms, rallying up people seeing how happy they are, and seeing how happy they COULD be. Frankly, you three disgust me and I hope you and all your followers get exactly what you deserve. One, by one, by one, every… last… damn… one of you.” Jenny hands the microphone back to Liberty as he pats her on the shoulder. [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “You see, first, this woman was promised a spot on our roster, only to have that be swept out from underneath her. Let that be a lesson to all of you, a promise kept, is a promise that just hasn’t been broken YET! Take notes RDJ! There is no truth, justice, or honesty anymore. And now I’d just like to finish by pointing out to you Tommy Cornell that if you thought you were a marked man before for holding the most prestige title in the industry… check your back for a bulls-eye now pal. Everyone on first sight of you is going to tear you limb from limb, and do you know what that means? It means I win Cornell.” [B]Rating: B-[/B] [B]Texas Pete VS Jason Caine[/B] The first contestant out is Jason Caine who walks his way through the entrance tunnel and down the ramp. Caine enters the ring and fires up the crowd. Next is the music of Texas Pete but oddly enough, instead of Pete coming through the entrance tunnel, only his manager, Playboy Jake Sawyer came through, with a microphone in hand. Sawyer approached the ring and stared down Caine who had a confused look on his face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “Jason, I’ve got news for you. I’m afraid that Texas Pete… has not been cleared to wrestle tonight by his doctor. And yet, at the same time, I must inform you, that there will be no replacement for him. These two sentences get a lot of heat from the crowd and Caine as he paces around then goes back and looks at Sawyer as he starts up again. [COLOR="blue"][B]Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “Hold on, hold on, let me finish. If you think for one second Jason, that we’d let you get away with your attack last week, you might as well bury your head in the sand now my little ostrich, because… there will be no replacement due to the fact that a deal was struck between Pete’s doctor and myself. Pete will be allowed to wrestle you here tonight, ONLY… if we send you to the doctor to take Pete’s place on the shelf and the injured list! Prepare yourself Jason Caine for a world of pain!” Texas Pete enters the ring with his cast around his arm and plows down Caine from behind with a Clothesline as the bell sounds. Pete stomps a few times on the downed Jason Caine with his large boots before picking him up and whipping him off the ropes. Pete nailed Caine with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex and covered him for a two count, but pulled Caine up. Pete throws Caine in the corner and sandwiches him with a Clothesline. Pete whips Caine into the opposing corner and nails him with a second Clothesline. Pete goes for a hat trick as he whips Caine into the first corner but Jason throws his legs up and lands behind Pete as he runs chest first into the turnbuckle. Caine rolls up Pete but only gets a two count. Jason quickly whips Pete off the ropes and through an amazing display of strength, lifts Pete up and nails him with a Back Body Drop. Pete gets up and charges at Caine only to once again get hit with a Back Body Drop. Caine then plows down Pete with a kick to the calf for a two count. Jason whips Pete off the ropes and bends down for a third Back Body Drop, but Pete stops short and grabs Caine, putting him between his legs and lifting him up for a Powerbomb. Jason Caine fires off a few right hands then goes for a Hurricanrana, but Pete refuses to flip. Pete throws Caine back into the air and slams him down with a Powerbomb. Pete kicks Caine in the ribs which sends him rolling out of the ring. Pete exit’s the ring and throws Caine back first into the steel guard rail. Pete lifts Caine up for a Backbreaker, but instead of dropping Caine back-first across his knee, drops Caine back-first across the guard rail, then nails him in the chest with a clubbing blow that sends him back down to the ring mats. Pete lifts Caine up to his feet, then above his head with a Military Press, then drops him ribs-first across the steel steps before rolling him into the ring again. Caine gets pinned by puts his foot on the bottom rope before the three is administered. Pete sets Jason Caine up for a Choke Slam, but Caine hits Pete in the top of the head a few times with his fist, slipping out and charges towards the ropes, bouncing off of them for speed. Pete throws a Clothesline at Caine but he ducks it and bounces off the other ropes, hitting Pete back in the middle of the ring with a Flying Spinning Forearm. Caine and Pete are both down with Caine holding his ribs and gasping for air from the previous outside assault. Caine shakes it off and goes up to the top rope, but while the referee is checking on Pete who’s pulling himself to his hands and knees, Jake Sawyer nails Jason Caine in the ribs with his cane. Caine falls off the top rope to the mat below, holding his ribs as Pete stalks him. Pete pulls Caine up to his feet by his throat and then even further up into the air before slamming him down with a Choke Slam. Pete covers Caine but releases his own cover, turning it into an illegal choke which is broken at the four count. Pete pulls Caine up and then drops him with a side walk slam. Caine is clearly out for the count but Pete informs Sawyer to hand him a chair, which he does. Pete waits for Caine to pull himself up with the ropes but as Pete swings at Caine, Caine dodges it and Pete hit’s the ropes which sends the chair smashing back into Pete‘s face. Azaria goes on a rant about Pete’s tunnel vision as Caine pulls himself back up to his feet. Caine kicks Pete in the gut and signals for the Nova Caine, then bounces off the ropes only for Sawyer to grab his foot for the distraction. Pete charges towards Caine but Caine leaps up to the second rope and dives off turning around in mid-air and catching Pete with a Clothesline. Jason climbs up to the top rope and signals once more for the Nova Caine from the top rope, but as he dives off he gets caught in mid-air by Pete how plows him into the ground with a Lone Star Drop. The crowd chants “One More Time! One More Time!” as Pete looks around at them. Pete pulls the dead-weight Caine up to this feet, pushes him off the ropes and nails him with a second Lone Star Drop for the three count. [B]Winner: Texas Pete at 9:43 Rating: D+[/B] [QUOTE]Cooper’s Note: I was disappointed by this one. Caine who had looked good a few times has promise. However these two got the dreaded don’t click.[/QUOTE] We cut to Jason Azaria and Genghis Rahn who talk about how sadistic Pete can be and Rahn notes that he thinks he visited Pete’s demented doctor once but he was operating on some dude with bolts in his neck. The two talk about the next match which is American Buffalo vs. Playboy Jake Sawyer, mainly talking about Liberty’s and Playmate’s bombshell about what Tommy Cornell has been doing all this time. [B]Playboy Jake Saywer vs. American Buffalo- No Interference Allowed[/B] Out first is Jake Sawyer who comes down to the ring. He takes a few fake jabs at the camera with it before entering the ring. Next out is American Buffalo who stomps out of the entrance tunnel pounding on his chest in an animalistic primitive fashion. Buffalo walks down the ramp and enters the ring, circling the ring with a sick smile as he looks very determined and focused. The bell sounds and Buffalo charges at Sawyer who exit’s the ring. Buffalo follows him out and chases him twice around the diameter of the ring before Sawyer slides back in and stomps on the back of the head of Buffalo as he slides back in after him. Sawyer hits Buffalo with a few clubbing blows to the back which barely effect Buffalo as he slowly pulls himself to his feet and tackles Sawyer pounding away at him with right hand after left hand after right hand after left hand. Jake Sawyer tries to cover up as Buffalo’s clubbing fists hit him from each side. Buffalo gets off of Sawyer and pounds on his chest to fire up the crowd before throwing Sawyer off the ropes and catching him with a big Spinebuster for an astonishing two count. Buffalo smiles as he admires Sawyer’s guts for kicking out. A groggy Jake Sawyer pulls himself up to his feet and staggers over to the middle of the ring as the crowd all chants “Stampede! Stampede! Stampede!”. Buffalo charges towards Sawyer and nearly goes right through him like a hot knife through butter as he hits him with a devastating Stampede for the three count. Buffalo celebrates in the middle of the ring as Sawyer rolls out of the ring and is assisted backstage by Charlie Thatcher, William Hayes, and Jacob Jett. Texas Pete slides into the ring. Buffalo sees him and charges at him for a Clothesline but Pete ducks it and as Buffalo turns back around, Pete breaks a cane over Buffalo’s head. Pete tosses the cane he was holding to the ground and mounts Buffalo pounding away at his face with the cast on his hand, busting him open. Pete demounts Buffalo holding his hand in pain but shakes it off. Pete lifts Buffalo up and whips him off the ropes hitting him with a devastating Lone Star Drop. [B]Winner: American Buffalo Rating: D[/B] We cut to Azaria and Rahn who talk about how personal this thing between Buffalo and Texas Pete is getting, then put over the next TCW Pay Per View, Just Another Day in March. [B]Painfull Procedure( Billy Jack Shearer/ Ronnie V Pain) VS Jett Jacobs/William Hayes.[/B] First out is The Painfull Procedure. Billy and Ronnie being led out Randal Hopkirk come through the entrance tunnel and pose in Painfull Procedure fashion on the top of the ramp before making their way down to the ring. Randall grabs a microphone from the ring crew as the crowd goes nuts. [COLOR="blue"][B]Randall Hopkirk:[/B][/COLOR] “Lllladies and gentlemen, boys and girls - CHILDREN OF ALL AGES! Are you ready for the Procdure,…..I SAID ARE YOU READY FOR THE PROCDURE!” Before Randall can finish his introduction, their cut off by the music of Jett Jacobs and William Hayes. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jacobs Jett:[/B][/COLOR] “ Hey fat boys, shut up. Our manager may be out of action but we ain’t.” [COLOR="blue"][B]William Hayes:[/B][/COLOR] “ Yeah so drop the opening act and get ready for the Show Stoppers.” Jacobs and William come through the entrance tunnel together and down the ramp but Billy Jack and Ronnie Pain, angered by their lack of respect, exit the ring and meet them half way up the ramp with a brawl. Jett and Hayes double-team Billy Jack, throwing him shoulder-first into the steel steps. Ronnie Pain throws William Hayes off the mid-portion of the ramp landing onto the steel guard rail. Ronnie runs down the rest of the ramp and plows down Jett with a Clothesline, then whips him face first into the steel ring post. Ronnie throws Jett into the ring as the bell sounds. Ronnie hit’s a barrage of punches on Jett, backing him into the ropes which Pain whips him off of. Ronnie catches Jacobs with a big Clothesline for a two count. Ronnie nails Jacobs with a Suplex but Wiliiam Hayes breaks up an attempted pin with a boot to the back of the head, then leaves back onto the apron. Ronnie throws Jacobs off of the ropes but bent down to duck a preemptive Clothesline too early and got caught with a Spinning Neckbreaker. Jett shook off Ronnie Pain’s attacks and tagged in William Hayes. The two hit Ronnie Pain with a Double Back Drop before Jett left the ring. Hayes locked Ronnie in a Adominal Stretch as he taunted Billy Jack into coming into the ring to distract the referee. Jett Jacobs and William Hayes locked hands to make the submission even more excruciating, but the referee turned around before Jett and Hayes released their double team and the referee kicked the hand of Jett to break his grip. Ronnie delivered a hip toss to Hayes as they both fell to the ground. Ronnie crawled over to this corner and tagged in Billy Jack who ran in immediately hit a Clothesline on Hayes. Billy Jack whipped Hayes off the ropes and hit him with a Tilt-O-Whirl Back Breaker, for the two count. Billy Jack bounced off the ropes but Jett Jacobs grabbed his leg on the outside of the ring, distracting him. Hayes ambushed Billy Jack from behind and with a set-up for an Atomic Drop, straddled Billy Jack across the top rope. Jett Jacobs gave Billy Jack a few clubbing blows to the back while Hayes nailed a few quick right hands to the face before climbing up to the top rope, walking along the rope and hitting a Drop Kick. This only got a two count as Ronnie Pain dove in and broke up the count. William Hayes set Billy Jack up for a Belly to Back Suplex but Billy Jack elbowed Hayes in the face. Billy Jack went for a Clothesline, but Hayes ducked it and nailed him with a Dragon Suplex before tagging out to Jacobs Jett. Billy Jack crawled over to a corner to pull himself up with as Jett whipped Hayes towards Billy Jack, only for Hayes to reverse the whip and it’s Jett who hits Billy Jack with a Avalanche. Billy Jack staggered out of the corner into a Standing Spin Kick that floored him for a two count by Jett. Jett called for the end as he whipped Billy Jack off the ropes. Jett went for a Spinebuster, but Billy Jack countered it with a Tornado DDT that planted Jett in the middle of the ring. Billy rolled over to his corner and tagged in Ronnie Pain who entered the ring and started clearing house with right hands all around. Ronnie Pain hit a Back Body Drop on Jett and was almost hit with a running Crossbody by William Hayes but Ronnie caught him in mid air and slams him to the mat. Ronnie then nailed a Power Chord for the three count. The Painfull Procedure’s music hit as the three strutted around the ring. They mounted the second rope of opposing turnbuckles and signaled they wanted the TCW Tag Team Titles. [B]Winners: The Painfull Procedure Rating: D[/B] [QUOTE]Cooper’s Note: Wasn’t expecting much with this one and the Buffalo/Sawyer and I got what I thought was coming. But now lets pick up the pace.[/QUOTE] We cut to Jason Azaria and Genghis Rahn as they tell us our next match on the card will be for the TCW World Tag Team Titles, and will be a Steel Cage Match. They show a hype video of The Tag Team Specialist’s feud with The Machines for their quest for the TCW Tag Titles. [B]Rating: C[/B] [B]The Machines/ Floyd Goldsworthy vs. The Tag Team Specialist - Steel Cage Match - TCW World Tag Team Titles[/B] The Steel Cage has been finished around the ring as we cut back to the ring. The Tag Team Specialist’s music hits first as explosions emit from the ramp. T.T.S. walk out through the entrance tunnel and throw up their sign before walking down the ramp and stopping at the ring apron. They reach under the apron, pulling out the table with The Machines spray-painted on it and slide it in through the cage door before entering themselves. Next out are the TCW Tag Team Champions, The Machines accompanied by Floyd Goldsworthy. The three walk down the ramp with both The Machines each holding a big black bag in their hands. The Machines throw the bags into the ring through the cage door and slide in breaking into a brawl with T.T.S as the referee rings the bell and the cage door is locked shut. T.T,S, hold control of the fight and throw both of the Machines face-first into opposing sides of the steel cage. Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford both go to whip their opponents into each other, but Machine #2 reverses Oxford’s whip sending Oxford plowing down Machine #1 with a big Clothesline. Machine #2 charges Robert Oxford, but he ducks the Clothesline and Joel Bryant hit a D.D.T, on Machine #2. Joel Bryant gives Machine #1 a Scoop Slam as Robert Oxford climbs to the second rope. Oxford dives off and nails a Headbutt between Machine #1 legs. Joel Bryant bends down to grab Machine #1 who was fishing around with his hand inside of one of the black bags, and smashes a bottle over Bryant’s head, putting him down. Robert Oxford grabs Machine #2 and whips him off the ropes, but he reverses and nails Oxford with a Lou Thesz Press, pounding away at Robert Oxford. Machine #1 recovers and and they dump out their black bags to reveal they brought a whole mass of weapons. Machine #2 smacks Robert Oxford in the back with a broomstick, and then begins to mount his back and choke him with it. Joel Bryant pulls himself up and is now busted open, only to get a Trash Can shot over the head, but it doesn’t put him down. Machine #1 smashes the trash can over Joel’s head over and over, then puts the dented trash can down, lifts Bryant up onto his shoulder and delivers a Power Slam onto it. Machine #1 then bounces off the ropes and hit’s a Baseball Slide Dropkick into the face of Robert Oxford while Machine #2 chokes him with the broomstick. Machine #2 lifts Robert Oxford up and places him on the top turnbuckle. Machine #1 hits Oxford over the head with a trash can lid then climbs up to the second rope where he’s eye level with him and pounds away at him with a few right hands, but Oxford blocks a right hand and starts firing back with rights and lefts of his own. Robert Oxford hit’s a few Headbutts then uses the cage wall to pull himself up to the top rope. Joel Bryant lifts Machine #1 up for suplex as Robert Oxford shoves Machine #2’s face into the cage wall as he dives off the turnbuckle and nails Machine #1 with the Clothesline. Robert Oxford sets up the table in the corner as Joel Bryant climbs up to the second rope, sitting on the turnbuckle. Oxford grabs Machine #1 in an Atomic Drop position and places him on the shoulders of Joel Bryant, but as soon as Oxford turns around he receives a Super Kick from Machine #2. Machine #2 moves the table out of the way as Joel Bryant leaps off the second rope and nails the Super Bomb on Machine #2. Machine #1 gives Joel Bryant a boot to the head, laying him back out on his back then locks him in the Sharpshooter. Robert Oxford pulls himself up to his feet and nails Machine #1 in the back with a steel chair, breaking the submission before Joel Bryant can tap out. Floyd Goldsworthy pulls a small pouch out of the ring through the camera hole in the cage. Floyd pours a pile of white powder into his hands then blows it into the ring getting in the eyes of Robert Oxford and blinding him. Machine #1 attacks Joel Bryant a split second before a three count can be administered with a Top Rope Elbow Drop to the back. Machine #1 wakes his partner up by shaking him and helps him to his feet. Machine #2 whips Robert Oxford off the ropes as the two of them hit a Double Spinebuster onto a steel chair in the ring. Machine #2 tells #1 to climb to the top rope, and he does, but keeps climbing until he’s at the top of the cage. Machine #2 holds Joel Bryant in a Kneeling Bearhug position as Machine #1 makes a Legdrop nailing Joel with it as Machine #2 covers him for the three count. [B]Winners: The Machines Rating: C-[/B] The Steel Cage is dismantled as a team of medics help everyone backstage. We then cut to the announcer’s booth who once more put over Just another Day coming up March. They talk about how all four of the men in the previous match are going to need some serious medical attention. They don’t talk for long though, for as soon as the ring is cleared out of bodies, weapons and steel, Eriq Mobely comes down to the ring. Eriq Mobely, with his head still wrapped in gauze from the Liberation Slam on the entrance tramp a few weeks back, walks down the ramp to his music and enters the ring. Eriq takes the microphone from the ring crew and paces around the ring. [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “You know something TCW fans, I’ve been in the wrestling business a short, and…” Mobely is cut off by a LOT of heat from Liberty’s and Playmate’s bombshell earlier tonight. [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “But I’ve learned one or two things. One, is a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do. Two… I’ve learned one or two things. One, is a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do, and two, all is fair in love, war, and business, which is a fusion of the two. You have to love your business, but business is also competition and competition means war. I want to point out that I did not sell out TCW to our rival promotion, and I love this business. I was given a serious concussion by a personal enemy of mine, Liberty, who maybe I used my power and authority to pit myself against. No more. I’m done. I’m done with Liberty. I’m done with these non-existent scandals. I’m going out on the high rode, thanking the fans of TCW for watching me week in and week out, and thanking TCW management. This is the same management by the way, who is relieving me of my duty. This is not for the allegations of Jenny Playmate for selling out secrets of TCW to our much bigger, much richer, much… lets face it, better… competition. I’m being relieved of my duties, because of my injuries, and only because of my injuries.” The crowd refuses to believe this after the allegations made against him and begin a chant of “Bull****! Bull****! Bull****!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR]“You see… I’ve learned a few things in my years in this business. One is a man’s got to do what a man’s got to do, and two, all is fair in love, war and business, which a fusion of the two. You have to love your business, but business is also competition and competition means war. I’ve been relieved of my duties as Director Of Authority, and I understand that because of my injuries, I am unfit for the job now-a-days. So, without further a-due, I give to you, the TCW fans… the NEW Director Of Authority… MIKE! COOPER!” They crowd pops huge for the name of the new Director of Authority as my music hits and I come through the entrance tunnel in my red flannel shirt, black baseball hat and TCW shirt. I walk down the ramp and enter the ring. Mobely hands me the microphone then shook my hand. I took off my baseball cap and put it on Mobely’s head backwards, pat him on the shoulder and pointed to his exit to a pop. I pace around the ring a bit as the crowd chanted my name. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “You know, I consider it an honor to be the new DOA, I really do. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mike Cooper. I took DAVE to big places, and I’m setting my sights on TCW next! I am going to take TCW from this high pedestal here…” I put my hand out to about head-height to a small pop. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “and I will elevate it to heights that my arm can not even reach! TCW is a product vastly different than any other, and I will not rest until the world knows it! TCW is the fastest moving, hardest hitting, most revolutionizing form of Professional Wrestling this industry has ever seen! This isn’t SWF, this isn’t even DAVE, this is Total Championship Wrestling, and it’s about to be taken to the extreme, or my name isn’t Mike Cooper! Thank you all, very much.” I gracefully hand the microphone back to the ring crew and makes my exit. [B]Rating: C+[/B] Azaria and Rahn at the announcers’ booth talk about what a creative genius I am and how I will take TCW to new levels. We then see a hype video of our next match, a Four Way Ladder Match for the International Title. We see the feud between Troy Tornado and Wolf Hawkins from last year, Freddie Huggens and Troy’s feud, and Wolf Hawkins chase for the International Title. [B]Wolf Hawkins vs. Troy Tornado vs. Rocky Golden vs. Freddie Huggens - Four Way Ladder - International Title[/B] First out is the International Champion, Rocky Golden who comes out through the entrance tunnel to his music. Rocky walks down the ramp and enters the ring without taking a chance to even look at the crowd, only staring at his International Title hanging above the ring. Next out, as the sparks fall over the entrance ramp is Troy Tornado. Troy walks down the ramp enters the ring. Troy and Rocky lock eyes, then gaze at the International Title above them. The music of Wolf Hawkins hits. Wolf makes his way through the entrance tunnel and makes his way down the ramp and leaps onto the apron where he signals he’ll be the next champion. The final contestant’s music hits. Freddie Huggens walks out and enters the ring. All four contestants stare each other down then gaze up at the belt. Rocky Golden is the first to approach the middle of the ring as Freddie Huggens looks to cower behind him in some fashion. Rocky then turns towards Huggens as Freddie charges towards him. Huggens gets thrown into the air by Rocky and delivers a Double Dropkick to Wolf and Troy. Huggens and Rocky cross paths without a second thought as Freddie begins pounding on Wolf and Rocky begins pounding away on Troy. Freddie whips Wolf off the ropes and catches him with an Arm Drag, followed by an Arm Wrench and finally a Leg Drop onto the arm of Daniels. Troy slips out off of Rocky’s shoulder as he goes for some sort of Slam and nails him with a big Dropkick that sends him out of the ring through the ropes. Troy attacks Huggens, firing off a series of forearms to the face. Troy whips Huggens off the ropes then drops down allowing Freddie to jump over him but Wolf catches Huggens in mid-air and hit’s a Spinebuster. Wolf bounces off the ropes and goes for the STO but Troy hit’s a Sweep on Huggens allowing him to hit the ground faster. Troy and Wolf both bounce off the ropes and deliver a Baseball Slide to Rocky Golden on the outside of the ring. Wolf grabs Troy by the shoulder and spins him around going for a right hand to double cross him, but Troy blocked it and floored Wolf with a right hand of his own. Troy picked Wolf up and whipped him off the ropes, but Wolf reversed sending Troy off the ropes. Wolf leaped into the air, leap-frogging Troy, then dropped down to the mat allowing Troy to leap over him, which he did into a roll then jumped up onto the second rope into a backflip, setting Wolf up for the Inverted DDT but Huggens staggered over to the two and received a kick to the gut and a DDT as Troy landed the Inverted DDT. Troy starts to climb up the ladder, but before he could make it half way, Rocky jumped up into the ring and jerked Troy’s leg off the ladder causing Troy to fall. Rocky plowed down Wolf with a Clothesline. Rocky gave Troy a boot to the back of the head as he tried to pull himself to his feet. Wolf charged towards Rocky only to get spun up onto Rocky’s shoulder for a Tilt-O-Whirl Slam. Freddie Huggens patted Rocky on his shoulder to get his attention, then leaped up onto his shoulders for a Hurricanrana, only to be thrown off backwards and hit a Moonsault on Wolf. Rocky lifted up Huggens for a Fall Away Slam, then threw him backwards into a Crossbody to Troy. Freddie dropped to one knee behind Rocky and nailed him with a low blow, doubling him over. Huggens then leaped over the large back of Rocky Golden and nailed him with a DDT. Huggens climbed up to the top rope but Troy Tornado shook the ropes causing him to straddle himself on the top rope. Troy climbed up to the second rope and fired off some right hands on Freddie then set him up for a Superplex, but Wolf Hawkins climbed up next to him and hit a few right hands to the ribs of Tornado. Wolf set Troy up for a Super Back Drop as all three men climbed up to the top rope. Rocky got between Wolf and Tornado and delivered a Powerbomb to both as all three men went flying off the top rope to the mat below. Rocky Golden climbed up the Ladder and then began to slowly make his way up the steps. Wolf set Troy up for a Back Drop but Troy flipped himself over hitting the Pelè Kick on Rocky Golden‘s back, knocking him back down to the mat. Troy nailed Wolf with a kick to the gut, then went for piledriver, but Wolf wouldn’t go up and instead lifted Troy up onto his shoulder and sent him crashing down with a Death Valley Driver. Freddie Huggens charged at Wolf only to get a Standing One Armed Side Slam. Wolf climbed up the ladder and began to make his way up the steps, but Huggens began climbing up the opposite steps and the two met at the top, exchanging right and lefts. Troy and Rocky battled it out below with right hands galore. Rocky delivered a big right hook to Troy that sent him rolling almost out of the ring. Rocky tried to grab Wolf’s and Huggen’s feet but they kept kicking his hands away. Troy shook off the damage and delivered a Springboard Forearm to Rocky, that accidentally plowed down the referee as well. Troy, looking above him at the battle for the title between Huggens and Wolf, Troy pushes the ladder over on its side sending Freddie and Wolf out of the ring. Rocky Golden shook off the damage, and grabbed Troy for a Suplex, delivering a few stiff right hands to his ribs before sending Troy up and over with a suplex on top of the ladder laying in the ring. Joe grabbed Troy up and delivered a sickening Choke Slam on the ladder as well. Rocky dumps Troy off of the ladder and sets it up. Rocky makes his way up the steps and gets to the top taking his International Title that was hanging over the ring. The referee awoke and saw Rocky holding it, having the bell rung. [B]Winner: Rocky Golden Rating: C+[/B] We cut to the announcer’s booth where Azaria and Rahn hype up what a great match we just saw and that our main event is next. We see the hype video of RDJ and Liberty’s various confrontations, Cornell screwing Liberty out of his TCW Heavyweight Title, the tag team match between Tommy Cornell and BLZ Bubb vs. RDJ and Rick Law. We then see RDJ and Bubb’s confrontation with RDJ challenging Bubb to hit him with The Hades Bomb. We then finish with Liberty’s attack on both Bubb and RDJ. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]Tommy Cornell vs. RDJ vs. Rick Law vs. BLZ Bubb vs. Liberty - Steel Cage Match - TCW World Heavyweight Title[/B] Tommy Cornell’s music hits as the TCW World Heavyweight Champion comes down to the ring, stepping in and handing the belt to the referee. Liberty’s music hits as he comes out through the entrance tunnel and flashes the Peace Symbol untill Cornell looks at him. Liberty then flashes the one finger salute. Liberty then makes his way down the ramp and climbs in the ring. Out third is BLZ Bubb who makes slowly makes his way through the entrance tunnel as the sparks shoot out from around him. Bubb makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring. The crowd goes nuts as Rick Law comes out next to his music. Law walks down the ramp and enters the ring. The lights darken as the RDJ symbol flashes on the screen and RDJ himself, with his big black bat, big black trench coat and makes his way through the entrance tunnel. RDJ points to the ring with his bat then walks down the ramp, slapping hands of the fans and enters the ring. RDJ drops his bat and throws his coat off as the bell sounds. BLZ Bubb is the first to make a move as he charges RDJ firing off right hand after right hand and driving him into the corner. Law does the same to Cornell seeing a motion made by Liberty. Liberty climbs on the turn buckle watches from a top his perch. Law threw Cornell into the cage next to Liberty where he leaps off of his perch and nails a AX handle. Law and RDJ began to battle off BLZ Bubb, each hitting right hands, sending Bubb staggering back and forth between the two. Liberty nailed Cornell with a Russian Legsweep. RDJ grabbed Bubb from behind for a inverted DDT. RDJ covers Bubb and gets a two count. Liberty throws Cornell at RDJ and Law. Cornell looks as all three men stare him down for selling out the company. The three brutally assault him with right hands and stomps, keeping him down. Liberty pulled Cornell up and set him up for the Liberation Slam, but Cornell pushed him off sending Liberty into Rick Law who set him up for a piledriver, but Liberty dropped to his knees and scored with a low blow as RDJ battled Cornell with right hands. RDJ slammed Cornell’s head into the cage then dodged a charging Liberty who nailed Cornell with a Clothesline, followed a Bulldog to Cornell and a Clothesline to RDJ. Liberty whips Rick Law off the ropes and delivers a Drop Toe Hold, causing him to deliver a Headbutt onto the fallen RDJ. Liberty turns around and nails Cornell with a few right hands, then backs up and nails him with a Big Boot to the face. Liberty backs up into Rick Law who nails him with a Long Arm of the Law for a two count. Law and RDJ stare each other down then do a quick sportsmanship tag of the hand before grappling. Law throws RDJ off the ropes after a headlock and gets plowed down by a shoulder block. RDJ bounces off the ropes, leaping over Law. Law gets up and gets a running whip off the ropes from RDJ. Law ducks a Clothesline from RDJ and bounces off the opposing ropes. BLZ Bubb goes for a Hades Bomb on RDJ, but he sees it coming and ducks it allowing Bubb to plow down Law. Cornell covers Law for a two count as Bubb and RDJ battle it out. RDJ trips Bubb, but see a charging Tommy Cornell and drops him with a stiff right hand. RDJ turns Bubb over and locks him in a Sharpshooter. Cornell grabs RDJ by his hair causing him to release the Sharpshooter, and delivers a DDT on RDJ. Law finally catching his breath battles it out with Liberty. Bubb stalks Cornell and blasts Cornell with a clothesline from the back. RDJ and Law both beat down Liberty. Liberty fights back finally and takes them both down with a double clothesline. Tommy Cornell kicks out of a pin from BLZ Bubb. Liberty grabs BLZ Bubb and throws him face first into the steel cage. Liberty whips Bubb off the ropes but Bubb reverses, throwing Liberty off the ropes. Cornell pulls himself to his feet and joins BLZ Bubb for a Double Back Body Drop, but Liberty shifts his weight and nails a Double DDT. Liberty covers Cornell and gets a two count. Liberty covers Bubb but he kicks out at the last second as Law kicks Liberty in the back of the head. Law and Liberty battle it out with right hands, but Law gains the upper hand and gives Liberty a whip into the cage. Law delivers a Vertical Suplex to Liberty. Law grabbed hold of BLZ Bubb and whipped him into Liberty which made the crowd cringe. Law grabbed Bubb by the head and threw him face first into the cage. Liberty charged at Law but got a big Back Body Drop onto RDJ and BLZ Bubb. Law fired up the crowd while the three opponents pulled themselves up. Law charged towards them and dove onto all of his opponents with a Crossbody. Just as Cornell got to his feet, Jenny Playmate walked down the ramp with a pair of handcuffs and locks Cornell‘s ankle to the cage, screwing Cornell out of his chance to regain the title! Jenny then left as the referee tried to pull the cuffs off. Law and Liberty battled while RDJ and Bubb battle. Bubb nailed RDJ with a big Powerbomb while Law blasted Liberty with a Long Arm of The Law. Bubb charged at Law as they locked eyes but Law dropped to the mat as Bubb went for a Hades Bomb! Allowing Bubb to drive himself face first into the cage busting himself wide open. RDJ backed up and ran towards Bubb, hitting him with the Splash. Liberty nailed RDJ with a Liberation Slam. Law breaks up the pin attempt with a boot to the head. Law nails a Long Arm of the Law on Liberty as some referees ran down from the back with a bolt cutter and finally managed to cut the cuffs off. As Law covers Liberty. Cornell bolted but it was too late. Rick Law is the NEW TCW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP! The bell has rang as Cornell buried his head in shame. Law, a battered and broken body, stared down at Cornell’s crushed spirit and holding the belt above him. Law and Cornell finally lock eyes as the Pay Per View ended. [B]Winner: Rick Law Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: B- PPV Buy Rate: 1.79 PPV Attendance: 15,000. PPV Revenue: 718,776[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER]TCW Headquarters[/CENTER] The room was buzzing. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Alright everyone, alright, settle down. Come on people, quiet. Don’t make me flick the lights. First off, lets talk about our rival. SWF is still ahead and judging from watching last week’s show, they’ve got quite a few tricks up their sleeves.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “A few tricks, that’s putting it lightly. First they torpedo our TV show by running their PPV the same night. Then they enter in contract negotiations with guys I thought we were looking into. They must be trying to bring in some real numbers so that we’re nothing but white noise to them.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “Damn right, I thought we had a few of them.” The room went silent as many of them did not know what to say, except for me as I leaned back in his chair with his arms folded. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “I don’t see what the problem is.” Everyone looked at me with bewilderment in their eyes. Joel Bryant looked towards me to try and correct me and tell me how wrong I am. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “Look, as I see it, we were in negotiations with them. So… why lie about it? We go on screen and we play off of the storyline I built. Tommy here sold out the company by giving them the names to the SWF officials. Hell, all they did was round up a few has-beens with over hyped names that can no longer “go” in the ring, unlike our guys, and feed our storyline. They’re helping us, I say we take that help and we run with it.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “You make a damn interesting point Mike. A damn interesting point indeed. You know I’ve been in contact with Bart Biggz, and he said he’s strongly thinking about jumping ship. That’ll look like a hell of a counter assault against them!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Mike’s right. We have nothing to fear but fear itself - there’s no need for panic about who they hire so long as we manipulate it. Onto our next piece of business, I think Mike did a damn fine job with the Pay Per View last week.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “I agree… but with the exception of taking the belt off of Tommy. And not putting the tag belts on me and Robert. Tell me Mike, any bias towards that?” Joel glared at me, feeling cheated. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “Actually Joel, the fact that you’re a prick has nothing to do with you losing the match. And I gave the belt to Rick Law because he’s got charisma coming out the wazoo, the people follow his every word and he’s the biggest face and merchandise seller we have. But don’t feel too bad, because while I did take the belt off of Tommy, in the same night I turned him into the most hated heel on this or any roster. I’m talking heat only guys like Dreed or Steve Frehley could draw. And do you know what happens to the top heel?” Joel looked around with his eyes then shrugged at me, slightly annoyed. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “He gets a rematch. And thus, I give you your main event for Just Another Day. Oh that reminds me, I was just thinking of how I’m going to build up the matches.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “ I trust you have some diabolical plans in that head of yours Mike.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike:[/B][/COLOR] “Oh yes I do.”
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling Febuary Week 3 2007 Oakland Convention Center Attendance 5,000[/Center] [B]John Callard VS Jason Caine[/B] Jason Caine comes down to the ring first. John Callard came through the entrance tunnel and then down the ramp until he entered the ring. Caine takes off his jersey and hands it to the ring crew on the outside of the ring but Callard takes advantage of the distraction to jump Caine from behind. Callard hammers down on Caine in the corner then whips him off into the other corner, nailing a big Clothesline. Callard whips Killings into the opposite corner and charges after him for another attack but Caine throws his legs into the air and rolls Callard up with a Sunset Flip for a two count. Caine locked Callard in an Arm Wrench then gave him a stiff side-kick to the mid-section doubling him over. Callard floated this into a Sit-Out Gourdbuster. Callard covered Caine but he kicked out with authority. Caine began to work over Callard but Callard began to no-sell his strikes and even his dropkick, which merely sent him down to the mat for two seconds. Callard would then come back countering a running Clothesline with a Full Nelson Slam. Callard stomped several times on Caine which sent him crawling over to the corner for some sanctuary but there, Callard would only choke him with his boot. Callard hit some big slams that would weaken Caine but Caine came back out of nowhere hitting a Flying Forearm taking his man down. Caine immediately went for a Drop Kick as Caine tried to pull himself up, but Callard dodges the kick and nails Caine with a Fall Away Pump Handled Suplex. Callard would continue to dominate Caine but Callard would begin to let his arrogance get the better of him. Callard lifted Caine up onto the top rope and climbed up to the top with him. Callard set Caine up for a Superplex, but Caine fired off some right hands to the ribs of Callard then delivered a few stiff forearms to his face causing him to fall backwards, crashing down to the mat and taking out the referee with him. Caine stood up on the top rope and leaped off hitting a great Splash but there was no referee to count it. Jack Griffith ran down from the back and slid into the ring. Griffith pulled a blackjack (sock with unknown object inside) out of his pocket and blasted Caine over the head with it. Griffith then exited the ring and watched on from ringside as he tried to wake up the referee. Callard quickly covered Caine, scoring the victory. Callard and Griffith shake hands in the middle of the ring, followed by Griffith grabbing a microphone. [B]Winner: John Callard Rating: C-[/B] Griffith and Callard walk around the ring together for a moment allowing the crowd to boo them for their team work. Dylan Walker comes down from the back and pounds fists with them both. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Griffith:[/B][/COLOR] “I need no introduction; I am The Highlight of the Night. The people know who I am. Hell, even people in ishkabishabakabooastan know who the hell I am. But what they don't know we here in the ring now are beautiful people. We are here to wreck havoc on all of you ugly people out there in the back and you out there in the audience. We are here to win all of the titles here in TCW. We are ARROGANCE. And if you don't like it, You can kiss our ass” The three stood over Caine who was still down from the shot with the blackjack raising their hands in victory then they lay some kicks on Caine before leaving the ring. [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [B]Texas Pete/ Jake Sawyer VS The Dark Cowboy[/B] The Dark Cowboy comes out first as makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring over the top rope, then throws his hands into the air in an X with his thumbs and middle/index fingers touching. Next out is his opponent Texas Pete who comes out through the entrance tunnel accompanied by his manager Jake Sawyer. Pete enters the ring over the top rope and goes eye to eye with Cowboy. The bell sounds and the two grapple, with each backing each other towards a corner then breaking the grapple. The two grapple once more, this time with Cowboy slipping behind Pete with a waistlock and lifting him off his feet, then slamming him on his face in an amateur wrestling like fashion. Cowboy slaps the back of Pete’s head a few times then walks over to the ropes and throws up his pose for the crowd. Cowboy drags Pete up by the hair but gets grabbed by the throat by The big Texan. Cowboys grabs Pete by the throat as the two stand there and try and choke each other out which Pete wins when Cowboy releases him and drops to his knees. Pete pulls Cowboy back up to his feet and delivers a big Choke Slam for a two count. Pete pulls Cowboy to his feet and hits him with a standing Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex which causes him to roll out of the ring to catch his breath. Pete exit’s the ring and slams Cowboy’s head into the steel steps three times which busts him wide open. Pete lifts Cowboy up over his head with a Press then throws him into the ring through the middle rope. Pete continued to dominate his opponent but Cowboy began to fire back some offense after being whipped into a corner and catching a charging Texas Pete with a Clothesline. Cowboy only managed to hit an impressive Running Powerslam on Pete before covering him, but Jake Sawyer distracted the referee. Cowboy went to whip Pete off the ropes but Pete countered throwing Cowboy off the ropes and catching him with the Lone Star Drop for the three count. Texas Pete celebrates in the ring but American Buffalo charges down from the back and slides into the ring, breaking out into a brawl with Pete, which Buffalo takes control of after a knee to the gut. Buffalo pounds away at Pete in the corner of the ring but Pete scores with a big Headbutt which sends Buffalo staggering away. Pete fires off some big right hands of his own then lifts Buffalo up onto his shoulders, dropping him with the Shoulder Breaker. Pete begins to signal for the Lone Star Drop as Jake Sawyer slides a chair into the ring. Pete puts the chair into the middle of the ring and lifts Buffalo up to his feet. Pete whips Buffalo off the ropes but before he can catch Buffalo, Pete gets blasted out of nowhere with a Stampede! Buffalo jumps to his feet and begins pounding on his chest as the crowd goes wild and Jake Sawyer checks on his client. [B]Winner: Texas Pete at 10:20 Rating: D+[/B] [QUOTE]Cooper’s Notes: Ugh, don’t click.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] BLZ Bubb is backstage with Kyle Rhodes in the interview area. Bubb is pacing back and forth, not being able to keep still. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] “Hello there TCW fans, one and all. I’m Kyle Rhodes and I’m backstage right now with “The Demonic One“ BLZ Bubb. Bubb, can you tell us about these mind-games RDJ has been playing with you. Constantly pointing out that you just seem to not be able to hit him with The Hades Bomb.” Bubb gets an intense look on his face as he stops pacing and glares at Rhodes. [COLOR="blue"][B]Bubb:[/B][/COLOR] “Not able to hit RDJ with The Hades Bomb!? Kyle Rhode, I’m quite able to hit RDJ with The Hades Bomb! The only reason I haven’t yet, is because I have decided not to collect his soul. I am the one playing the mind games! I’m letting his worthless carcass enjoy his moment of fame now, but I really can hit him with The Hades Bomb anywhere, because I can make the entire arena my haunting grounds, anytime, because he’ll never know when it’s coming, and any match because I don’t want to wait until I can get my hands on him in a one-on-one match personally. RDJ, you made a bad mistake running your mouth off about how I am losing control of what happens in my devil‘s playground! Well I’m getting tired of playing with you RDJ! I’m tired of these games I’ve been playing with you, and the next time I see you, they come to an end! I can only allow you to prance around in my haunting grounds like you own the place for so long before I let you know your soul is mine! That whole truth, justice, and the American Way garbage is long past dead and you need to give it a break. Hang onto that feeling like you’re invincible as long as you can RDJ, because the next time you and I lock eyes, you, are going to feel, the, THE HADES BOMB!” Bubb walks away as the camera zooms upwards into the rafters where we see RDJ stalking Bubb and looking rather ominous. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Ice Man C.A. VS Troy Tornado[/B] Out first to a large ovation is Troy Tornado who enters the ring area through the entrance tunnel surrounded by falling sparks. Troy walks down the entrance ramp slapping hands with fans on the way down. Out next is his opponent Ice Man C.A. Alexander comes out through the entrance tunnel and points to the fans as he walks down the entrance ramp. Ice Man slaps a few hands as he makes his way around the ring apron and then finally enters the ring. Ice Man and Tornado stare each other down as the bell sounds. Ice and Troy circle the ring then meet in the center, slapping hands before grappling. Ice locks Troy in a Side Headlock only for Troy to go for a Back Drop but Iceman lands on his feet behind Troy. Iceman grabs Troy with a reverse Waistlock and pushes him towards the ropes but Troy holds on as Iceman rolls backwards into the center of the ring. Troy goes for the Springboard into the Reverse DDT, but Iceman spins himself around, fires off some right hands to the gut of Troy and nails him with an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by a DDT for a quick two count. Iceman goes to whip Troy off the ropes but Troy reverses sending Iceman off the ropes. Troy goes for a Tilt-O-Whirl Slam but Iceman counters with a Flying Headscissors. Iceman taunts for a moment then goes to grab Troy, but Troy leaps up and nails Iceman with a Hurricanrana for a two count. Troy exit’s the ring to the apron and waits for Iceman to pull himself up. Troy goes for a Springboard Forearm but Iceman amazingly catches him with a Powerslam for a two count. Iceman sets Troy up for the Cradle Piledriver, but Troy refuses to go. Troy then leaps into the air and with a shift of his weight lands on his feet, pulling Iceman down between his legs. Iceman trips Troy and sends him flying into the corner with a Slingshot but Troy lands on the second rope on his feet. Iceman jumps up to his feet, but Troy hit a big Hurricanrana that sent him half-way across the ring. Troy nailed Iceman with a standing Leg Drop for a two count which left him disappointed. Troy lifted Iceman up and nailed him with a Pendulum Backbreaker, then flipped him over into a Gutbuster. Troy climbed up to the top rope but missed the Splash when Iceman rolled out of the way. Troy and Iceman pulled themselves up to their feet at about the same time, but Iceman took control when he gave Troy a knee to the gut, then set up him for a DDT, leaping over the ropes and nailing him with a Tornado DDT. Iceman covered Troy but only got a two count. Iceman whipped Troy off the ropes but this time Troy successfully nailed the Springboard into the Reverse DDT. Troy locked Iceman in an Arm Wrench then pulled him into a knee to the gut. Troy bounced off the ropes which gave Iceman an opportunity to give Troy a Tilt-O-Whirl but Troy landed on his feet and lifted Iceman up across his shoulders then slamed him down with a Powerbomb for amazingly only a two count. Troy calls for the end as he points to the top rope, and begins to climb up to it. Iceman made it to his feet a split-second before Troy could make it to the very top rope and Iceman hit a Superplex for the three count. The crowd went wild as Iceman celebrated and had his hand raised in victory first by the referee, and then by Troy Tornado. [B]Winner: Iceman C.A. at 14:31 Rating: C[/B] [QUOTE]Cooper’s Notes: Troy did a great job at putting over Iceman. I have had several talks with Troy to assure him I do have plans for him and hope he has faith in me and he will be rewarded.[/QUOTE] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] Tommy Cornell’s music hits as he comes through the entrance tunnel tonight, no title, or posse with him. Cornell stomps down the ramp and shoves down a ring crew member on his way, then pushes a camera out of his face before entering the ring. Cornell grabs a microphone from Zak King who announced him then pie-faced him causing him to roll out of the ring under the bottom rope. [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “I’m sick and tired of being screwed over! That’s the reason I was striking deals with our competition left and right, because to be honest I wanted out of my TCW contract, and I wanted out of this hell-hole full of these idiot fans in the audiences, and these egotistical loud-mouths in the back! TCW management screws me over time and time again, and they seemed to have finally broke this camel’s back! They officially hired Jenny Playmate and allowed that tramp to walk out during my match and cost me my title. Well they can try and keep me away from the TCW Heavyweight Title as hard as they want, but lets face it, I’ve got all the power around here and I make the rules on this mountain! Rick Law, first, this thing between us was just over my title but your ****y attitude and strutting around the locker room like you deserve that title has done the one thing you’ll wish you didn’t do, and that’s piss me off! At Just Another Day, I’m damn proud to announce that you and me Law will be headlining the event, only to bring that gorgeous title back around my waist! I own that title Law, don’t deny it! I own that title, just as much as at Just Another Day, I, am going to own, your, ass! Best news of all, the match will be a stipulation of my choosing, and I’ve got a great idea in mind too you ****y son of…” Cornell’s microphone is cut off which begins to anger him even more. Cornell begins to pound on his dead microphone but grows even more angry when Rick Law’s music hits. Law comes out through the entrance tunnel with the belt around his shoulder, and a steel chair in the other. Law sets up the chair on the top of the ramp and pulls a microphone out of his pocket. [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “Tommy, calm down. Don’t worry, I’ve already called 911 and dispatch is sending over a Waaaambulance! Let’s face it man, TCW management isn’t screwing you over, you’re just not half as good as you think you are. Let me rephrase that, you’re good at two things, and these two things don’t even take the goons that abandoned your ass. Those two things are real simple Tommy, Bitching and Moaning! Well frankly, I’m tired of your bitching and Moaning and The Law says I‘m gonna bring you in to justice!” The crowd gave Rick Law a big ovation as he paused. [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “And the new sheriff in town has decided to trace your roots and find what the real problem is. I thought it was that you’re just paranoid about your title, but that’s not it. No, then I thought, it was because you’re secretly impotent. But that’s not it, no, the fact that you can’t get wood plays no part in the fact that you’re a few fries short of a whole happy meal. Your real problem takes you back to a time when you were actually working for our competition. I’ll face you alone at the Pay Per View, you can bet it’ll be just you and I. I will make you pay for shooting your mouth off, faster than Dick Cheney shoots some random guy. This title is staying with me Tommy, you know I play for keeps. I’ll beat you within in an inch of your life, and dedicate the win to my law abiding fans! Bring you’re A-Game Cornell, because your facing The Law!” Cornell and Law stare each other down as Law stands up out of his chair and pats his TCW Title. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Rating: C (ouch) Network Rating: 7:55 [/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]Another week and another meeting.[/B][/CENTER] The meeting started with everyone sitting down in their usual seats, but me as I'm walking around handing out programs of tomorrow night’s lineup. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Mike, this line-up is incredible! Jason Caine vs. Freddie Huggens, Liberty and Aaron Andrews vs. Jack Griffith and Dylan Walker? With The Tag Team Specialist vs. The Painfull Procedure being the main event match!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Well I have to say, you did a good job putting a great match at the top of the card, but putting Mr. Cornell's segment - a contract signing with Rick Law right above it. I’m actually looking forward to your little puppet show Mike. But if you screw this up and I’ll see to it personally that…” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “Joel, Joel, must you always be such a pessimist? This card is a little shaky but entertaining none the less. I’m looking forward to it, I’ll tell you that much.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Mike, Ricky and I have been up late every night at the drawing board creeping up a few twists, turns and surprises to entertain the viewers. If you all think what you can see right now is impressive…” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “Then you’re all fitting for a hell of a hootenanny!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Mr. Mobely, tell me, did you put up the news article on our website about having our boys stolen?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “You’re damn right I did. I put right on the front page that we had an open interest in all of those superstars and the SWF stole each and every one of them. All signs were pointing to Mr. Cornell. How great is that?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Now then, if you’ll excuse me gentlemen, I have a show to set up.”
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling Febuary Week 4 2007 New York Alumni Hall Attendance 5,000[/Center] After the opening pyros for the show and being greeted by Jason Azaria and Zak King, surprisingly enough the arena is flooded with the music of TCW rookie Joey Beauchamp. Joey comes out to the ring with a big duffle bag in hand. Joey enters the ring and lays the duffle bag on the ground, then snatches a microphone away from a ring crew member. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Joey: Beauchamp:[/B][/COLOR] “Cut the music. Clearly, there’s some sort of glass ceiling put over me as of late by TCW management. As I have been signed for months. But not only have I not been on TCW television for the past few weeks, if that’s not bad enough that TCW is robbing all you people of the joy, the immense feeling of orgasmic excitement watching me… “The Breeze” Joey Beauchamp, they’re robbing you of the opportunity to watch myself improve in the ring! Look at this.” Joey bends down and unzips his bag, pulling out an arm-full of video tapes. [COLOR="blue"][B]Joey Beauchamp:[/B][/COLOR] “This here, is at least six hours of high quality, non-stop heart-pounding, possibly dangerous for pregnant women and anyone with back or neck problems, ACTION! Watching these tapes, or hell, watching me live, is like being on the verge of exploding at the sight of the holy grail. That’s what I am to you people, and you know it! I am the holy grail of wrestling, I’m the talent on loan from god, I’m Joey Beauchamp! From here on out, it’s my job to kick TCW in the scrotum for giving me my lack of opportunities, by TAKING my opportunities! And that starts right now! Let’s go! Any half-talent loser in the back who thinks they can impress TCW management, who thinks they can be one of the biggest stars here, bring your sorry can down to this ring. I’m about to show you up in every way imaginable!” Joey tosses the microphone out of the ring, grabs his duffle bag and sets it up on the outside of the ring as some music hits. The music is none other than that of the new TCW DOA Mike Cooper. I come out through the entrance tunnel with a microphone in hand and a smirk on my face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Joey, I… am now the man that represents this company. I’m the director of authority around here, and to hear you badmouth TCW management, is to hear you badmouth me. Badmouthing Mike Cooper, is a step you might not want to take Joey, because I’m one to hold a grudge. I’m sorry to hear that you haven’t been put on TV in a while, but that was under former management. Personally, I like you Joey. I think you have potential. I think you have the look to be a somebody in this business. But a look isn’t everything, you have to be able to back it up in the ring. I’ve been in this industry a long time kid, and I’ve seen a lot of potential stars walk in and limp out, so you have to show me something tonight.” Joey begins to point to his video tapes where he’s got plenty of evidence of his in-ring skills, but I don’t seem to be satisfied by it. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Joey Beauchamp, you want to impress me? You want me to keep you around on MY show? I want you to make me notice you tonight… against this man!” Some music hits, and Iceman C.A. comes out from behind me. Iceman comes out through the entrance tunnel in his wrestling gear and looks around at the crowd. He dashes down the aisle and slides into the ring which causes Joey Beauchamp, who was about to slide in, to quickly slide back out. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [B]Iceman C.A. VS. Joey Beauchamp[/B] Joey slid into the ring and crawled right between Iceman’s legs, then threw his feet backwards taking out the knees of Iceman. Joey stood up behind Iceman who was down on his knees and nailed him with an Inverted Asai DDT, into a Front Facelock. Iceman struggled for a moment but with a roll shifting his weight, he managed to turn the tides on Joey and locked him in the same Front Facelock. Iceman struggled for a moment but managed to pull both himself and Joey to their feet. Iceman went for a Vertical Suplex on Joey, but Joey shifted his weight in mid-air and brought Iceman down with a Armbar right on the recovering arm of Iceman. Joey locked Iceman in an Arm Wrench, then dropped a knee right onto it before pulling Iceman to his feet by it. Joey went to whip Iceman off the ropes by the arm he was still holding onto, but faked it and threw Iceman in the opposite direction, sending him out of the ring. Joey exited the ring and dragged Iceman over to the steel steps by the arm, laying it across the steps, then while holding onto his hand, began kicking the arm into the steps. Joey walked around a bit to catch his breath and taunt the fans, but when he returned he charged at Iceman who went to Back Body Drop him over his head onto the steel steps, only for Joey to flip over the steps and land on his feet on the other side. Joey leaped over the steps onto Iceman’s back in a piggy-back sleeper position. Iceman struggled for a few moments, almost falling over, but at the last second flipped Joey over with a Snapmare back-first across the steps. Iceman slowly climbed up onto the top of the guard rail, then leaped off with a Legdrop across the chest of Joey. Iceman caught his breath after a moment and rolled his opponent and himself into the ring. Iceman went to whip Joey off the ropes, but Joey reversed. Iceman charged at Joey with his head down allowing Joey to leap over him, and on his way back Joey went for a Hip-Toss, only for Iceman to counter with an old school Neckbreaker for a two count. Iceman locked Joey in a Cobra Clutch and walked around the ring, listening to Joey's screams of pain. Joey refused to give up, but was especially humiliated when Iceman positioned them in front of camera. Joey retrieved the use of his arms back and flipped himself up onto Iceman’s shoulders, throwing him head-first into the second turnbuckle with a Hurricanrana. Joey dragged Iceman back over towards the camera and locked him in a Adominal Stretch. Iceman screamed in agony as he flailed around and eventually got the ropes. Joey refused to release the submission at first which began the referee’s count but Joey released Iceman at three. Joey set up Iceman’s head between his legs and began doing pushups, slamming Iceman’s head into the mat several times before letting up and covering him for a two count. Joey lifted Iceman up to his feet but kept him in a Belly to Belly Arm Bar. Iceman amazingly countered with a Scoop Slam, which Joey shook off, quickly getting back up to his knees facing Iceman. Iceman gave Joey a stiff kick to the chest, followed by one to the side of the head before rolling him up with a Oklahoma Roll for a two count. Iceman signals for the Ice Breaker, which catches Joey’s eye. Iceman sets Joey up for the Ice Breaker, but at first Joey refuses to go. Joey then throws his feet into the air, shifting his momentum and brings Iceman down between his legs for a Piledriver of his own. Iceman, seeing this coming, dropped to one knee and lifted Joey up onto his shoulders. Iceman dropped Joey with a RKO and covered him but Joey kicked out at the very last second. Iceman pulled himself up onto the second turnbuckle and motioned for Joey to get up. Iceman dove off going for the Tornado DDT, but Joey refused to fall, and instead flipped Iceman over his shoulder and dropped him with a Face Plant. Joey draped his arm across Iceman but Iceman got his foot on the bottom rope just before three. Joey and Iceman both began to pull themselves up to their feet, but Joey made it to his first. Joey motioned for Iceman to turn around and as he did, Joey went for the Super Kick, only for Iceman to block it, spin him around, grab him by the head and place it between his legs, only to hit a perfect Ice Breaker for a three count. [B]Winner: Iceman C.A. Rating: C-[/B] Ricky Dale Johnson is backstage pacing around behind Kyle Rhodes in the interview area. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Kyle Rhodes:[/B][/COLOR] “Hello TCW fans, I’m Kyle Rhodes backstage here with a wrestling legend, Ricky Dale Johnson. I’m told RDJ has something on his mind that he’d like to share with each and every one of us, about his rivalry as of late with BLZ Bubb. Ricky, what have you got to say?” [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “Kyle, a rivalry consists of two contestants, fighting back and forth against one another. The only rivalry is BLZ Bubb vs. himself. I may have challenged him to try and attack me, but I’ve made no preemptive attacks on him. Frankly however, I’m tired of him running his mouth about how he’s coming after me. Bubb, you think you can intimidate me? You think you can intimidate Ricky Dale Johnson? You seem to be sure that you’ll be able to hit me when I least suspect it. You seem to be sure that you’ll be able to jump me from behind, and that I won’t be able to defend myself. You seem to be sure that you can hit me with The Hades Bomb! Well if you’re going to talk about being sure Bubb, let me point out one thing to you! The only thing for sure when we’re talking about me is, nothing is for sure! You come after me BLZ Bubb. You come after me and you try and strike the fear into my heart. You try and I guarantee you won’t have a leg to stand on. I’m in the mood for some good ole fashioned Southern Justice! I don’t even mind throwing out a few whacks from my bat if it will keep your mouth shut for a while Bubb! You can run your mouth all you want because I’m sure it does scare a few of the littler guys in the back, but not me. Do you know why that is? It’s because I’m Ricky Dale Johnson! I don’t fear, I make fear! And you BLZ Bubb, are going to fear me, because I’m RDJ! ” RDJ walks off-screen with a joyous Kyle Rhodes watching him leave. However as RDJ moves out of the way we see BLZ Bubb behind a chain link fence who was watching the promo and smirking. Bubb releases his death-grip on the fence as it rattles and walks off. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Jason Caine VS. Freddie Huggens[/B] Everyone stood on their feet as the music of Jason Caine hit and he made his way through the entrance tunnel and into the ring. Freddie Huggens creeps out through the entrance tunnel. Huggens walks down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring, mounting the second rope and taunting the fans. Huggens and Caine go nose to nose and begin to trash talk a little. Caine slaps the taste out of Huggen's mouth, then goes to whip him off the ropes only for Huggens to reverse his own whip and go for a Short Arm Clothesline, but Caine ducks it and as Huggens turns back towards him, Caine slaps the taste out of his mouth. Caine gets by Huggen’s side holding his leg in his arms and hits him with a shin breaker, flowing into a flip over Huggens and yanking on his hamstring. Caine wraps his legs around the leg of Huggens and leaps into the air landing with a knee drop on Huggen’s leg. Jason Caine goes for a cover but only gets two. Caine whips Huggens into the corner of the ring then charges after him but Freddie catches him with a back elbow to the face. Huggens pulls himself up onto the second rope and leaps off catching Caine with a Flying Leg Lariat which takes him down for a two count. Freddie Huggens grabs Caine with a rear waistlock, which Caine tries to counter with a big back elbow but Huggens ducks it and as Caine spins himself around he gets caught with a Suplex. Huggens rolls over breaking his own pin and pulls himself and Caine to their feet, hitting a second Suplex. Freddie tries to go for another Suplex but Caine hit’s a few clubbing blows to Freddie's back, followed by a knee to the face. Jason bounces off the ropes and hits Huggens with a Bicycle Kick to the gut that doubles him over. Caine bounces off the ropes again and nails Huggens with an Axe Kick. Caine goes to pin Huggens but Freddie gives him a poke to the eyes that causes him to roll off before the pin can even be fully administered. Huggens then uses this time to roll out of the ring and catch his breath. Freddie climbs back up onto the apron and delivers a shoulder thrust to Caine bending him over. Huggens goes for a Sunset Flip but Caine rolls back onto his feet, grabs Huggens by the head and lifting them both up, nails Huggens with a Hurricane. Caine drapes an arm over Huggens for a mere two count, angering him. Caine exit’s the ring and grabs the ring bell. He reenters the ring and readies himself to hit Huggens with it, but he dodges it and Caine is left in a vulnerable position having lost his footing on his swing. Huggens leaps over Caine’s back and hits him with a AX Kick driving Caine’s face into the bell. Huggens covers Caine but amazingly, he kicks out. Freddie lifts Jason up off of his feet and positions him sitting on the top turnbuckle. Huggens positions the bell a fair distance away from Caine but directly in front of him. Freddie climbs up to the top in front of Caine and sits on his shoulders but having caught his breath, Caine throws Huggen’s legs off and Freddie does a face plant right beside the bell, having just barely missed it. Caine and Huggens both pull themselves to their feet, with Huggens holding the bell in his hand now. Caine leaps off the top rope and hit’s a Missile Dropkick on Huggens, driving the bell into his face. Caine calls for the end as he lifts Huggens up between his legs and hooks his arms behind his back. Huggens stands straight up and Caine crashes into the referee on the way down. Huggens grabs the ring bell and as Caine gets back up, Freddie blasts him over the head with it. Huggens slides the bell out of the ring and covers him as he drags the referee over towards them, allowing himself to get the three count. [B]Winner: Freddie Huggens Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] Jason Caine is walking around backstage holding his head after the vicious ring bell shot administered by Freddie Huggens. Jason is confronted by none other than Troy Tornado. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Caine:[/B][/COLOR] “What you want man? You here to make fun of me for losing that match too?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy Tornado:[/B][/COLOR] “What? Come on man, in the short time you’ve known me have I ever been one to poke fun? I mean you put on a hell of a match man and that’s all anyone can ask of you. You sent those people home happy… but I did notice you lost. And I did notice you have lost more than you have won dude.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Caine:[/B][/COLOR] “I’ve just been off my game man, that’s all. I’ll find my zone again, and when I do you can bet your ass I’ll be winning again. But look at me, I can’t even win one of the opening card matches.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy Tornado:[/B][/COLOR] “Well dude, I’m glad you pointed that out so I wouldn’t when I ask you this. I noticed you really shined in the tag division, and it’s cool if your more of a tag specialist than a singles competitor. I was wondering if you and me were to hook up and become an official tag team. What do you say man? Jason Caine and Troy Tornado going after the tag team titles? Wouldn’t it feel nice to wear some gold man?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Jason Caine:[/B][/COLOR] “Look, I realize that I’ve been dropping the ball as of late, but I don’t need no pity tag team to cheer up. I’ll winning again, you’ll see. Most importantly, I’m going to do it on my own. I sure as hell don’t need your help man. I’ll make it on my own skills, and that’s that.” Jason Caine storms off leaving Tornado disappointed and a little insulted. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Liberty and Aaron Andrews w/Jenny Playmate VS. Jack Griffith and Dylan Walker[/B] The music of Jack Griffith hits as his team comes out through the entrance tunnel. The two come down the ramp and enter the ring, shoving Zak King down to the mat and sliding him out of the ring with thier feet. They then motion for their opponents to bring it. The music of Liberty hits as he and his new freinds, Aaron Andrews and Jenny Playmate come out through the entrance tunnel. The three approach the ring but it’s Jenny Playmate who enters the ring first as Liberty and Andrews circle the ring. Jack and Dylan are bewildered by the approaching Jenny Playmate who refuses to so much as say a word. Griffith figures she’s there due to a physical attraction to them and leans forward for a kiss but Liberty and Andrews slides in from behind and attack Jack and Dylan. Andrews pounds away at Walker while Liberty drives Jack into a corner and stomps a mud-hole in him. Liberty and Andrews hit a double Clothesline to Walker sending him right over the top rope to the ground below. Liberty exits the ring onto the apron allowing Aaron to pound away at the softened up Jack Griffith. Aaron Andrews whips Griffith off the ropes and catches him with a Sleeper Hold on the way back. Jack struggles for a moment before being able to turn Andrew’s Sleeper into a Side Headlock, which Jack used to throw Aaron off the ropes and catch him in a Sleeper of his own. Jack, proud of himself, held onto Andrew tight and watched him flail around. Aaron dragged himself and Griffith over towards Liberty but as Aaron reached out for a tag, Liberty flashed a Peace Symbol sign, leaving Andrews to fend for himself. Aaron was dragged back into the center of the ring but Aaron was given the opportunity to get by Jack’s side and deliver a few elbows to the gut to release the hold. Aaron grappled Jack from behind for a German Suplex, but hit a Sit-Out Reverse Powerbomb instead for a two count. Jack Griffith kicked out with such authority that it sent Aaron right back over towards Liberty who hit Andrews with a blind tag and entered the ring, pounding away on Jack. Liberty bounced off the ropes and hit the doubled over Jack Griffith with a knee to the face sending him back to the mat. Liberty reached for Jack but was grabbed by Walker who hung him out. Jack grabbed Liberty by the hair and delivered a perfect Jack in the Box for a two count. Jack tagged out to Walker and held a sitting Liberty in a submission with Liberty’s arms behind his back and a knee in his spine. Walker used this position to bounce off the ropes and deliver a low Dropkick to the face of Liberty. This double team only served for a two count to the dismay of Dylan. Jenny Playmate jumped up onto the apron to distract the referee while Aaron Andrews entered the ring and delivered a stiff right to the face of an unsuspecting Walker. Jack tried to enter the ring but was hit with a Super Kick by Aaron that sent him rolling out of the ring. Andrews exited the ring and began pounding away on Griffith while Liberty and Walker pulled themselves to their feet. Liberty nailed Walker with a perfect Liberation Slam as Jenny Playmate got off the apron and the referee counted the three. John Callard ran out from the back and attacked Aaron Andrews first, sending him directly into the guard rail. Callard entered the ring allowing Liberty to take a swing at him, but he ducked it and nailed him with a Spine Buster. Aaron Andrews entered the ring and received one just like it for his trouble. John Callard assisted Jack Griffith and Dylan to their feet as the three raised their hands in victory. The three then stopped celebrating and continued to triple-team the two wrestlers as Jenny Playmate looked on from ringside trying to cheer her boys to get up. [B]Winners: Liberty and Aaron Andrews Rating: C-[/B] Genghis Rhan is backstage in the interview area with Texas Pete and Playboy Jake Sawyer. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rahn:[/B][/COLOR] “Jakel, last week Texas Pete was ambushed by American Buffalo. Pete felt the sting of The Stampede and word around the locker room is that feeling The Stampede has gotten into his head a little bit.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “You know Genghis! You speak like what happened could have been easily prevented! You’re talking like it’s somehow my fault, or it’s somehow Pete’s fault, well it’s not! It’s no one’s fault but that idiot Buffalo! We underestimated him, but that won’t happen again and you can put your money on it!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Rahn:[/B][/COLOR] “ Perhaps you’re just managing the wrong unstoppable animal Jake. I mean maybe you should go out and find the current day equivalent of “The Arizona Assassin” Genhis Rahn to defeat American Buffalo.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “You know what Rhan? I’m getting pretty tired of hearing you put yourself up on a pedestal, like you’re better than my Texas Pete! Well for an old washed up has been, you seem to still have a pretty big mouth. If you don’t believe Buffalo is a sadistic mad man who thinks it’s fun to jump my Pete, because that’s the only way he would ever be able to really hurt him, then you’re as dumb as you look! In fact, I think we need to teach you a lesson! I think I need to make a little doctor call, and see if he’s got room for one more patient in place of Pete since he cleared him! Pete! Take care of this worm, I have to go find a telephone.” Sawyer walks off screen while Genghis Rahn has a look of terror on his face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rahn:[/B][/COLOR] “What!? Where are you going? I didn’t mean anything by what I…” Before Rahn can even finish his sentence, Pete grabs him by the collar with both hands and drags him off screen. [B]Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [B]Texas Pete w/Jake Sawyer vs. Genghis Rahn - Non-Sanctioned Match[/B] Pete drags Rahn through the entrance tunnel by the collar and hurls him down the ramp watching him tumble down. Pete grabs Rahn by the head and throws him face first into the steel guard rail. Pete presses Rahn above his head and slams him down on his back on the concrete ground, causing him to scream in pain. Genghis crawled under the ring apron, possibly looking for sanctuary but was pulled out by the leg by Pete. Rahn blasted Pete over the head with a steel chair, then got up and threw it at Pete, hitting him right in the face. Rahn pulled out a chair and threw it at Pete once again hitting him in the face. Rahn pulled out a third chair and threw it at him, bouncing it off of his head. Rahn noticed that he still wasn’t going down and grabbed a garbage can but Pete blocked the shot, kicked Rahn in the gut and delivered a shot with the can himself. Pete tossed the garbage can into the ring and rolled Rahn in. Pete entered the ring and threw Rahn into the corner, following it up with a running Splash. Jake Sawyer came out from the back and approached the ring laughing. Pete looked at him for approval to which he made a slit-throat gesture with his cane. Pete picked Rahn up and set him up for a Choke Slam onto the trash can, but in mid-air, Rahn grabbed onto Pete’s arm and dragged him down with a Single Arm DDT crushing the trash can. Pete rolled over in pain as Rahn caught his breath but as Pete regained his composure he sat up only to receive a Neck Snap by Genghis. Rahn grabbed Pete and hit him with a weak looking Belly to Belly Suplex. Rahn called for the end, picking Pete up and hitting him with a Rahn to the Hills. Rahn pinned him but Pete powered out of the pin with authority. Pete received a few kicks to the head as he began to pull himself to his feet. Rahn bounced off the ropes and charged towards The big Texan only to receive what looked to be an imitation Stampede. Pete covered Rahn but looked to Sawyer who once again made a slit-throat motion. Pete released the cover at two and crawled over to Sawyer who handed him a large pouch. Pete poured out hundreds of thousands of thumbtacks into a pile and gazed at Rahn like prey. Pete gave Rahn an Irish Whip but reversed it into a Lone Star Drop, driving him directly back-first into the thumbtacks for the three count. Pete celebrates in the middle of the ring for a moment, getting his hand raised by the referee, but Pete shoves the referee off the ropes and catches him with a Lone Star Drop. American Buffalo dashes down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring, breaking into a brawl with Pete. Buffalo backs Pete into a corner with his onslaught of right hands, then grabs the dented trash can and blasts Pete over the head with it several times. Buffalo places Pete’s head between his legs and nails him with a Jumping Piledriver. Buffalo stalks around the ring pounding his chest to get the crowd up on their feet while Pete shakes off the move. Buffalo positions himself in the corner waiting for Pete to pull himself up. Buffalo charges at Pete going for a Stampede but Pete catches him and amazingly while in mid-spin, walks over to the pile of thumbtacks and drives Buffalo back first into them with a Lone Star Drop. Texas Pete and Jake Sawyer celebrate in the middle of the ring together. [B]Winner: Texas Pete Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B]The screen goes black, fading into a vignette. We see a scroll, looking to be in the middle of a dessert somewhere as the camera zooms in on the top of it and begins to pan downwards. We see various definitions. Homicidal: Capable of or conducive to the killing of one person by another. From Hell : being the worst or most dreadful of its kind Genocidal:: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group Madman: ??????????[/B][/COLOR] [B]Tag Team Specialist vs. The Painfull Procedure[/B] The Painfull Procedure's music hits as the crowd goes berserk. The three make their way through the entrance tunnel but pause at the top of the ramp to do a pose. They make their way down the aisle and enter the ring, grabbing a microphone. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Randal Hopkirk:[/B][/COLOR] “LLLadies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, Are you Ready for the Procedure?” The crowd goes wild, screaming in correspondence to Hopkirk's question. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Randal Hopkirk:[/B][/COLOR] “I said are you ready for the procedure, Good, lets rock on....” The music of The Team Team Specialists hits, Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford both come through the entrance tunnel after some pyros and walk down the ramp and slapping hands with the fans. T.T.S. enter the ring and mount the turnbuckles. Oxford and Billy Jack leave the ring leaving Ronnie Pain and Joel Bryant to circle the ring staring each other down. Joel and Ronnie grapple which sees Bryant drive Ronnie into the corner. Bryant delivered a massive slap to the chest of Pain that echoed through the arena. Bryant did this twice more before going for an Irish whip into the opposing corner, only for Pain to reverse and charge after Bryant nailing him with an avalanche. Bryant staggered out of the corner into an amazing display of strength from Ronnie Pain hitting a big Press Slam. Pain covered Bryant but only got a two count and thus tagged out to Billy Jack. Painfull Procedure delivered a double whip off the ropes which saw them land a Double Clothesline. Billy locks Bryant in a sleeper but it seems to barely phase him. Billy leaps up onto Bryant’s back. Bryant staggers over to his corner with Billy Jack on his back and tags out to his partner Robert Oxford who comes in and begins to club the back of Billy Jack. Oxford lifts Billy Jack up for a Back Drop but Bryant hit’s a Neckbreaker on the way down for a two count. Robert Oxford whips Billy Jack off the ropes and drops down to the mat allowing Billy Jack to leap over him. Oxford misses a Clothesline but uses his momentum to charge off the ropes. The two meet back up in the center of the ring where Oxford nails Billy Jack with a Flying Back Elbow for a two count. Oxford tags out to Bryant as the two deliver an Irish Whip off the ropes. T.T.S. bend down for a Double Back Body Drop but Billy Jack gives Robert Oxford a kick to the face. Billy Jack begins unloading left jabs on Bryant then does a little shake rattle and roll before going for a big right hand which instead of hitting Bryant he delivers to Oxford, taking him out. Billy Jack goes for another right hand on Bryant but he ducks it and nails Billy with the Sit-Out Full Nelson Bomb. Bryant goes for a cover but Ronnie Pain breaks it up with a boot to the head, then leaves peacefully. Bryant slams Billy Jack down with a scoop slam then follows it up with an elbow drop, followed by a second one, then ascends to the second rope. Bryant goes for a Splash but of course as he leaps off Billy Jack has rolled out of the way and Bryant realizes what a dumb move it was as he screams and holds his gut in agony. Billy crawls over to his corner and tags out to Pain who enters the ring and plows down Bryant with a right hand, then plows him down again with another right hand, followed by knocking down Oxford as he tries to enter the ring. Pain lifts Bryant and slam him down. Pain slams Oxford's face into the top turnbuckle then hits Bryant with a Power Chord for the three count. Ronnie Pain and Billy Jack celebrate as their announced the winners, but their celebration is short lived as The Machines along with Floyd Goldsworthy who’s carrying their TCW Tag Team Titles come out and down to the ring. The Machines rush the ring and break into a brawl with The Painfull Procdure. Machine #2 dumps Billy Jack out of the ring with a devestating Lariat. Goldworthy took out Hopkirk with some powder to the eyes as The MAchines take out Ronnie Pain, then they pull out a pair of handcuffs. The Machines handcuff Billy Jack’s arm to the ropes as they stomp away at him. Machine #1 locks Joel Bryant in a Bearhug and leans forward as Machine #2 climbs to the top rope and leaps off and lands a leg drop. The two go back to stomping away at Randal Hopkirk while Floyd Goldsworthy enters the ring. Floyd hands a tag title belt to Machine #1 who blasts Ronnie Pain over the head with it as he’s trying to get back up. Machine #2 rubs the belt in Billy Jack’s face then the two go back to stomping away at him until the camera fades out. [B]Winners: The Painfull Procedure Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] The ring is cleared from the previous match and now has a wooden table in the center of it, covered in a fancy velvet table cloth. A chair is set up on each side of the table with a contract attached to a clipboard in the middle. Out first is the challenger and former TCW Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell, who once again is coming to the ring alone having been ditched by all his goons. Cornell and enters the ring in a business-like fashion. Sparks begin to fall over the entrance ramp as the champion’s music hits and the crowd goes insane. Rick Law comes out through the entrance tunnel with his TCW Heavyweight Title in hand. Law walks down and entered the ring and mounted the second rope raising his TCW Heavyweight Title into the air and scans the crowd. Law and Cornell are each handed microphones. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Well, well, well. I hope you’re enjoying your fifteen seconds of fame while you’ve still got it. But just to remind you, you never would have won my title in the first place if Jenny Playmate hadn’t cost me the match.” [COLOR="Blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “Whoa Tommy. Let me cut you off right there before you go off and bore everyone with a twenty minute tangent. For someone to have cost you something… you would have had to have had a chance to win in the first place! And there was no way anyone was going to beat me!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Yeah, well, we’ll see who beats who at Just Another Day when I kick your ass and become the five time TCW World Heavyweight Champion! Then we’ll see how much you have to say when I make you a meter maid! Now then, let me get my John Han**** on their and make this thing official. Maybe someone will end up photocopying it and making a million dollars selling my autograph on the internet.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “Whoa, whoa, whoa Tommy. John Han****, lets keep this thing a little bit under control here with the innuendos. What you do with this John fellow is your business, but keep it behind closed doors will you?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Funny. You’re a funny guy, you know that? Well, we’ll see how comedic you are when you’ve got your teeth kicked in, now won’t we?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “Don’t try and act so smooth Cornell. I know seeing this belt over my shoulder instead of yours is driving you crazy. Let me see that contract if your done with it.” Cornell slides the contract over to Law and watches intently as he signs it. [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR]“I have a question for you. Do I have to put my whole name on this, or can I just abbreviate it with Champ?” Cornell, getting annoyed, rolls his neck and cracks his jaw. [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “There we go, all signed and ready to kick your ass in front of all my law abidding fans and once again have my hand raised and hear The Winner, and STILL TCW Heavyweight Champion, Rick Law!” Cornell smiles diabolically then begins laughing a little. [COLOR="blue"][B]Law:[/B][/COLOR] “What’s got you smiling so wide? Your Enzyte kick in? huh? Your once a day tablet for natural male enhancement to try and compete with me on a whole new level? Think this is the way to get respect from the locker room Tommy, because I can tell you it isn’t. It isn’t Tommy, because I’ve got more ladies sending me their panties with their fan mail then you get wood at all those Chip n’ Dale clubs that you go to.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “You dumb, arrogent, little man. You just signed away your title, you know that? Experience is everything Law, and I’ve got more years on you than you’ve got catchy one liners. My years have taught me how to keep up my stamina in a match, which will be a hell of a good thing seeing as how your first title defense against me at Just Another Day… will be in an Iron Man match! That’s right! Thirty minutes! You and me, the most falls at the end of the thirty minutes is crowned the new champion. Or incase you’re still not getting it, because I know you can hear me now that you’ve stopped flapping your gums from having the cat got your tongue, let me make this real simple. I’m taking back my title, and I’m taking back my crown and thrown as the King of the Mountain. You may be the Law… but I’m the King, and I make the laws, don’t you forget that!” Cornell drove the microphone into the side of the head of Law, causing him to stagger backwards. Cornell drops the microphone and flips the table over revealing a lead pipe strapped to the bottom. Cornell removed the lead pipe and blasted Law over the top of the head with it. Cornell beat down Rick with the pipe, striking him repeatedly in the ribs. Cornell drove a few knees into the back of Rick, further weakening his ribs which will make it hard for him to breath in his Iron Man match. Cornell mounted Law’s back and began choking him with the pipe with the TCW Heavyweight Title right below his face. The camera faded out with a final shot of Rick Law’s bloody face turning blue from lack of oxygen. [B] Rating: B+[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: C (Great 2 in a row now, bangs head on table) Network Rating: 7:54[/B][/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B]TCW[/B] [Cult] Cash:5,583,369 [B]Income[/B] PPV Revenue: 718,776 Ticket Sales : 825,000 Sponsors : 151,996 Merchandise: 26,062 [B]Expenses[/B] Workers : 238,950 Show Costs : 145,000 Marketing : 25,000 Merchandise : 47,046 Production : 64,000 Misc. : 646,266 [B]Performance : + 555,572[/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B]Roster[/B] [B]Main Event[/B] Liberty Tommy Cornell Ricky Dale Johnson BLZ Bubb Rick Law Genghis Rahn [B]Upper Midcard[/B] Ronnie V. Pain American Buffalo Joel Bryant Rocky Golden Wolf Hawkins Texas Pete Troy Tornado Wrestling Machine #2 Wrestling Machine #1 Billy Jack Shearer [B]Midcard[/B] Charlie Thatcher Randall Hopkirk Giant Tana Robert Oxford Jason Caine Jack Griffith Freddie Huggins Raul Darkness Jay Darkness Stink Grunt Harry Allen [B]Lower Midcard[/B] Steve Gumble Aaron Andrews Iceman C.A. Joey Beauchamp Chance Fortune [B]Openers[/B] Frankie Perez Jacob Jett John Callard Dylan Walker [B]Enhancement Talent[/B] William Hayes The Dark Cowboy [B]Managers [/B] Floyd Goldsworthy Playboy Jake Sawyer [B]Announce Crew[/B] Jason Azaira Kyle Rhodes [B]Road Agent[/B] Archie Judge Eriq Mobely [B]Personalities[/B] Mike Cooper Zach King Jenny Playmate[/CENTER] [B]SWF[/B] [International]: (Trying to actively compete but they are considerably larger than me.) Popularity: Their popularity has rose from a B- to a B in the US over the last month. Their average ranking for February shows was a C+. Titles: No Titles changed hands in February. Talent: Not reporting due to storylines. [B]NOTBPW[/B] [National]: (not directly in competition, but could be a threat in the future) Popularity: NOTBPW’s popularity remained stable in Canada and the U.S. in the month of February. Their average ranking for February shows was a B-. Titles: No Titles changed hands in January. Talent: No major moves. [B]DAVE[/B] [Cult]: ( Same level but feel as if we are not directly in competition.) Popularity: DAVE’s popularity in the U.S remained a D throughout the month of February. The average ranking for February shows was a C+. Titles: No Titles changed hands. Talent: Wolverine and Nemesis were resigned. [B]Elite Wreslting[/B] [Cult] (Competitor but not at War level) Popularity: Elite‘s Popularity in the U.S. has risen to C- in February. Average ranking for February show was a C Title: Fumihiro Ota won the EW Arena Title. Jack Griffith and Frankie Perez won the EW Tag Titles. Freddie Datsun won the EW World Title. All were previously Vacant. Talent: Carlos Gonzalez, Xavier Reckless, Malachi, and Duncan Kendall were signed. [B]USPW[/B] [Regional] Popularity: USPW’s popularity in the U.S remained a D+ throughout the month of February. The average ranking for February shows was a D+. Titles: Bruce the Giant beat Freddie Datsun for the USPW World title 1st week of February. Talent: No talent was lost or signed in Janaury. Other new: Lost TV Slot. [B]CZCW [/B][Small]: Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]Lone Star Wrestling[/B] [Small] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]NYCW[/B] [Small]: Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]Pro Wrestling Xtreme[/B] [Small] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]Nu Wrestling Revolution[/B][Small] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]MAW[/B] [Small] Other news rose to Small. Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level [B]RIPW [/B][Local] Not Reporting on unless at Regional Level
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[B][SIZE="5"]Breaking news from TCW.COM:[/SIZE][/B] Playboy Jake Sawyer has sold all of his contracts except for one,Texas Pete to two new mangers entering TCW. When asked about this move Playboy was quoted to say... [COLOR="Red"][B]Playboy Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR]"I want to drive that vile American Buffalo not only out of Total Championship Wrestling, but out of wrestling period. He will be outclassed by my beast Texas Pete. Now if you dont mind I have more important people to chat with."
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[CENTER][B]TCW Headquarters[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR “Alright people. With this being the first of the month we’ve got a lot to go over. First off, let’s talk roster. From what I hear, some of our people are asking for more money now that we’re looking more financially solid.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “More financially solid is an understatement. Last month we pulled in just over half million. This month, we pulled in about the same! I have to admit it has been awhile since we have had consecutive months in the black!?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Calm down Mobely. It’s about the passion, and the fun of it all, not the dollar signs.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Yeah? Well you need the dollar signs to pay the people to have the fun and to keep the passion in their lives. The ones who are asking for a raise, are asking for a mere 10% increase. That’s nickels and dimes people. We can comfortably afford it since we barely use most of those guys anyways.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR]“With the exception of one. He’s being built up quite nicely as a main player.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Never the less, one wrestler’s pay check won’t cripple us. Oh, before I forget, Ricky!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “Yes sir what can I do for ya?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Be sure a birthday gift basket full of Champaign, movie tickets, and a small bonus is handed out to Aaron Andrews, Iceman C.A., Jenny Playmate, and Dylan Walker. They all had a birthday last month and we never did anything for them. Next order of business: competition. Mike?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Thing’s are looking pretty good Mr. Cornell. Our television time slot has not helped our ratings as we are losing veiwers. But I suspect that will change as a couple of TV Shows are ending the season on cliff hangers and we should be picking up a lot of veiwers. The plan is to lock them into our show of course sense we dont have cliffhangers." The room has a couple of chuckles. [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Fantastic to hear. That’s the kind of determination we need to improve people!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Oh come on. You think a cheesy fake-ass promo like that is going to inspire us? Mike, we’re not the fans out in TV land that we work to entertain. We’re the guys behind the scene who know what’s going down, why it’s going down and where it’s going down. We hold all the cards around here, got that *******?” Ricky Dale Johnson leaned over to me to whisper into my ear. [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “Irony ain’t just a word tah describe my water no more I take it.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “I heard that old man river.”
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling Febuary Week 3 2007 Oakland Convention Center Attendance 5,000[/Center] The show opens up with it’s usual pyros and being greeted by Jason Azaria and the return of Kyle Rhodes who tell us that shortly we’ll be joined by the TCW Director Of Authority Mike Cooper. Just as they finish their sentence, my music hits and I comes out through the entrance tunnel. I stand at the top of the ramp for a moment looking at all of the crowd in my red flannel shirt, black baseball hat and TCW shirt. I make my way down to the ring and I am handed a microphone by Zak King. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “There’s an old story that circulates hundreds of schools each year. It’s called Dante’s Inferno, and in the story of Dante’s Inferno, it speaks of the devil and hell. Apparently, the worst sin a man can ever make in his life, is not murder… it’s not rape… it’s not even being named Eisen! No, the worst sin a man can make in his entire existence is to backstab those who have been so dear to him. Held in the ninth level of hell, in the mouth of the three faces of Satan himself, is Judas, Brutus, and Cassius! Tommy Cornell, the devil gave me a call last night and told me he doesn’t have the room for you AND your ego, so he told me to take over. From now on Tommy, I’m your devil, and I’m going to make your life a living hell! You’ve got your rematch clause but because you decided that TCW, the family that embraced you, and accepted you for the past four years was not good enough, since you decided to sell out and try and be a mole in our locker room, and because of your unsportsmanship - assaulting Rick Law with a lead pipe during your contract signing, you Tommy Cornell, are going to pay. It all starts tonight Cornell, because in the main event, you’ll be facing not one, but two of the most amazing athletes in the world today. Teaming together for the first time, is the team of Troy Tornado and Frankie Perez! And Tommy, tonight these guys will be wrestling circles around you. From what I hear, TCW management never really punished their wrestlers for their actions, but I’m in control now and I’m taking TCW, I’m taking wrestling, and I’m taking punishment,,,,To A WHOLE NOTHER LEVEL!” Rating: B [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [COLOR="Red"][B] The screen goes black, fading into a vignette. We see a scroll, looking to be in the middle of a dessert somewhere as the camera zooms in on the top of it and begins to pan downwards. We see various definitions. Homicidal: Capable of or conducive to the killing of one person by another. From Hell : being the worst or most dreadful of its kind Genocidal:: the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group Madman: Coming Soon [/B][/COLOR] [B]Iceman C.A. VS Curtis Nash/ with Kylo[/B] Curtis Nash and his manager make their way down the aisle. Nash enters the ring and begins pulling on the ropes, testing them out and bouncing off them lightly, prepping himself up for his match with such a ring vet as Iceman C.A. Next, Iceman’s rock music hits as he makes his way through the entrance tunnel. Iceman poses at the end of the tunnel. Iceman walks down the ramp, slapping hands with his fans and finally enters the ring, mounting the turnbuckles playing up to the crowd. The match starts and the two circle the ring, staring each other down. The two lock up in a grapple which sees Iceman lock Nash in a Hammerlock and watching him squirm for a moment before reversing it, locking Iceman in a Hammerlock of his own. Iceman turns it into a Side-Headlock but gets thrown off the ropes and gets hit with a Hip Toss, from Nash. Nash gloats over his take-down of such a “great” ring vet and even takes a bow to the audience who boo’s him, as Iceman gives him a sarcastic round of applause. The two lock up in another grapple which sees Iceman lock Nash in an Arm Wrench then use it to try and whip him off the ropes, but Nash reverses sending Iceman off the ropes. Nash ducks down as Iceman charges and leap-frogs over him. Iceman stops in his tracks and Nash bounces off the ropes but runs right into a quick Arm Drag, followed by a Japanese Arm Drag, and finally a Hip Toss, which sees Iceman drop to one knee and arrogantly put his hands to his ears for a round of applause from the audience. Iceman and Nash go to lock up for a third time but this time, an irate and humiliated Curtis Nash delivers a cheap kick to the gut of Iceman. Nash fires off some right forearms, backing Iceman into the ropes and goes to whip him off of them, only to have Iceman reverse sending Nash off the ropes. Iceman goes for the Tilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker, but Nash lands on his feet and delivers a Side Russian Legsweep for a two count. Nash delivers a few stomps to Iceman, causing him to crawl into the corner for sanctuary, where Nash gets pulled away by the referee to let him catch his breath, but Kylo grabs Iceman by the hair and chokes him over the bottom rope. Nash returns to his assault on Iceman with a few stomps, and a foot choke before arrogantly climbing up onto the second rope and looking for an ovation from the crowd only to get none. Iceman shakes off the attack and Springboarding off of the middle rope beside Nash and doing a flip in mid-air, Iceman nails Nash with a Sunset Flip Powerbomb for a two count. Iceman set Nash up onto his shoulders, but Nash slipped out the back door and shoved Iceman off, sending him out of the ring through the middle rope. Nash distracts the referee while Kylo delivers a stiff jab to the ribs of Iceman, then delivers a few kicks while he’s down. Nash leaps over the top rope landing on the ring apron, then dives off of that hitting Iceman with a Diving Hurricanrana sending him right into the guard rail. Nash gives Iceman a few stomps to the back and pulls him to his feet. Nash sets Iceman up for a Vertical Suplex, but Iceman reverses, lifting Nash up into the air, and astonishingly in-between the ropes onto the middle rope. Iceman pulls himself up onto the apron, and then up onto the top turnbuckle, diving off with a Guillotine Legdrop onto Nash that sent him crawling back into the center of the ring holding his throat and Iceman back down to the concrete floor. Iceman re-enters the ring and covers Nash but only gets a two count. Iceman locks Nash in an old school Spinning Toe Hold, but Nash trips Iceman and locks him in a Sharpshooter. Iceman screams and crawls on his belly to the ropes but Kylo begins pulling them away, much to the protest of the referee. Nash drags Iceman back into the middle of the ring and applies pressure by leaning back further. Iceman grabs Nash by the foot, because he was making a rookie mistake by putting it too far back and trips Nash, just enough to break the hold. Nash tries to lock it back in but Iceman is able to use his leg strength to simply power out of it now. Nash charges at Iceman and drops a quick elbow onto the back of his head before he can pull himself up. Nash lifts Iceman up onto the top rope and fires off a few right hands to his face. Nash climbs up to the top rope with Iceman but Iceman shoves him off. Kylo grabs onto Iceman’s foot but is kicked off to the ground. Iceman leaps off the second rope and drives Nash’s head into the mat with a IceBreaker. Iceman drapes his arm over Nash and gets the three count. [B]Winner: Iceman C.A. Rating: C-[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] As we return from commercial, BLZ Bubb is entering the ring to his music and snatches a microphone out of the hand of a ring crew member. Bubb paces around the ring a bit before beginning. [COLOR="blue"][B]BLZ Bubb:[/B][/COLOR] “You know it feels good, to be back where I belong. Where I belong, is right here at the top of the food chain! When you’re at the top of the food chain, you might as well be considered king, and when you’re king you have to maintain a balance in your kingdom. You have to put things in their place, and something that’s not in their place… is RDJ! Ricky’s place, is at the bottom of the food chain, being my worm! Your place RDJ, is to sit idly by, while I dominate his haunting grounds. At Just Another Day RDJ, it will be just another day for me. As I will collect your soul. Your Destination is getting…” The microphone cuts out as the lights go out and RDJ flashes on the entrance screen. Thunder is heard and flashes of light take place as RDJ’s voice can be heard from every direction. [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “Tic, Toc, Bubb! Tic, Toc! Every second, of every minute, of every hour! Of every day! You seem to love to run your mouth about how you’re going to hit me with that ridiculous finishing maneuver! Frankly, I’m getting sick of your whining and I don’t want to wait until Just Another Day, Bubb! You want me so bad Bubb? Then look up to the rafters! There I am! You see me!” Bubb staggers around looking up to the rafters searching for RDJ but sees nothing. [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “Or maybe under the ring, you ever think of that!? I could come from any direction! One thing’s for sure, I can’t wait to see you face to face and look you right into your soul Bubb! I’m coming from below Bubb? Where’s your defense for that!?” Bubb begins staggering around the ring, stomping on the mat and looking for weak spots. Bubb slowly begins to creep up into the corner, not even knowing it. [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “Or maybe I’m going to be, right behind you!” Bubb bumps back-first into the turnbuckles and spins around taking a swing, obviously hitting nothing. [COLOR="blue"][B]RDJ:[/B][/COLOR] “What’s wrong Bubb? No eyes in the back of your head? Not the great hunter you think you are? Or maybe I’m just not a coward who hits people when they least expect it. Maybe, I’m the type of guy who fights people face to face. I’m going to give you your best, and maybe only opportunity to really try and hit me. Here I come Bubb!” The lights go completely out and a minute later they come back on with RDJ in one corner of the ring and BLZ Bubb in the other, staring each other down. RDJ removes his trench coat and tosses both the coat and his bat out of the ring. The two wrestlers clash in the middle of the ring with right hands galore, but RDJ takes control after blocking three consecutive punches from Bubb. RDJ’s right hands back Bubb up against the ropes, and RDJ delivers a Clothesline to Bubb sending him to the outside. RDJ raises his hands in victory looking around at the crowd but Bubb trips RDJ and drags him to the outside of the ring under the ropes. Bubb fires off a barrage of right hands on RDJ before whipping him back-first into the guard rail. Bubb charges at RDJ but gets a big Back Body Drop over the guard rail, nearly hitting several fans. RDJ leaps over the barrier and fights with Bubb up into the crowd, but Bubb regains control after a poke to the eyes. BLZ Bubb slams RDJ’s face into a fan’s steel chair set up on the ground then continues to drag him upwards towards a cleared area. Bubb delivers an Irish Whip to RDJ sending him back-first into a Popcorn vendor’s stand. The vendor checks on RDJ, Bubb kicks the vendor in the gut and is going to deliver a Hades Bomb on him. RDJ who tackles Bubb saving the vendor from the Hades Bomb. The vendor thanks RDJ which gives Bubb a moment to recover. RDJ turns his attention back to Bubb who throws a container of hot-butter into his face scalding him. Finally security show up and separate the two wrestlers, though there isn’t much fight left in RDJ who’s holding his face. [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Jason Caine VS. Joey Beauchamp[/B] The camera comes back to the ring-side area as the music of Jason Cain hits and he makes his way through the entrance tunnel and down the ramp, slapping hands with the fans on the way down. Joey Beauchamp’s music hits next, as the hot young rookie comes out through the entrance tunnel and enters the ring. While Caine was up on the top turnbuckle, joey sneaks up and blasted him in the back of the head with a stiff right hand causing Caine to tumble down to the mat. Joey covers Caine but he kicks out at two. Joey mounts Caine and delivers right hand after right hand to his face, before smoothly flowing into a classic Armbar. Caine struggles for a moment but rolling towards Joey turns it into a pin for a two count. Both men charge at each other as the pin is broken and they get back to their feet but Joey scores with a high knee to the gut, driving the wind out of Caine. Joey grabs Caine by his hair and yanks him backwards across his knee for a Backbreaker for a two count. Joey locks Caine in another Armbar for a moment before throwing his knees into the air and landing on Caine’s back. Joey drags Caine over to the corner and mounts the second rope. Joey begins firing off right hands as the referee begins his ten count but at seven, Caine grabs hold of Joey’s legs and walking right into the middle of the ring hits him with a big Spinebuster. Caine whips Joey off the ropes and nails him with a running Calf Kick for a two count, followed by a quick running Legdrop for a two count. Caine whips Joey off the ropes and goes for a Tilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker, but Joey lands on his feet. Before Joey can hit a move however, Caine nailed him with a Stunner. Caine goes for another whip off of the ropes to Joey, but this time Joey reverses sending Caine flying off the ropes. Caine ducks a Clothesline and on the way back blasts Joey with a Flying Forearm to the face. Caine climbs up to the top rope and as Joey makes it to his feet, he gets taken down with a Missile Dropkick for a two count. Caine begins firing off right hands on Joey but Joey ducks one, slipping behind Caine and nails with a Back Cruncher. Joey uses the advantage to gain his composure first, then quickly locks Caine in a vicious looking surfboard. Caine screams in pain but is far away from the ropes. Joey then releases his surfboard and wraps his legs around Caines head, doing several pushups and slamming Caine’s face into the mat each time. Joey exit’s the ring out onto the apron, then Slingshots himself back in, hitting a Legdrop on Caine for a two count. Joey locks Caine in a Straight Jacket Stretch Submission and listens to the struggle of Jason Caine. The fans begin to cheer Caine on as he somehow manages to pull himself and Joey to their feet, then drop back down to the mat freeing his hands and rolling Joey up with a Small Package for a two count. Both men end up on different sides of the ring as the pin is broken and Joey charges at Caine for a Clothesline, which Caine ducks, but Joey runs into the referee, plowing him down. Joey turns around and Caine catches Joey with a Jumping Side Kick. Caine calls for the end as Joey tries to pull himself up. Caine bounces off the ropes and scores with the NOVA CAINE but there’s no referee to count the pin. Caine tries to get the referee’s attention but he decides to go up to the top rope instead. Caine leaps off the top rope but flies into a Dropkick to the mid-section by Joey. Joey pulls himself to his feet and sets Caine up for what looks to be a Fisherman Suplex, but as he lifts Caine into the air, Caine shifts his weight and lands on his feet behind Joey. Caine spins Joey around, puts his head between his legs and scores with the Double Arm Facebuster. Caine covers Joey as he notices the referee is stirring. A unknown man runs down from the back and leaps up onto the apron. Caine gets up and takes a swing at him, but he ducks it and grabbing onto the back of Caine’s head, leaps off of the apron hitting a sort of backbreaker using the ropes. Caine staggers over towards Joey who rolls him up with a Small Package for the three count. The Mystery Man pulls Joey out of the ring and raises his hand in victory as the two make their way to the back. [B]Winner: Joey Beauchamp Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] As we come back from commercial we see Rick Law at his home sitting in a chair with his head heavily bandaged and a very intense look on his face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law:[/B][/COLOR] “Tommy Cornell… I’ve been thinking a lot about what you did to me last week. I’ve been thinking a lot about how you made my family feel having to watch what you did on TV that night. I’ve been thinking a lot about how Mike Cooper banned me from being there tonight, afraid I might do something stupid. But most of all Tommy… I’ve been thinking about Just Another Day, and our 30 Minute Iron Man Match. Frankly, everyone’s been asking me if I think it’s going to be a lot of pressure facing you for a whole thirty minutes straight, but frankly, I know for a fact that it will be no problem. I know it will be no problem because I’m the LAW!” Rick pauses for a moment then looks down off-screen with a smile and pulls up the TCW Heavyweight Title, draping it over his shoulder. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law:[/B][/COLOR] “And the TCW Heavyweight Champion. As I see it Tommy, you’ve only got three opportunities to get any points in this match, because otherwise, I’m calling a landslide victory right now. Those three opportunities… are if I choke the every loving hell out of you and get disqualified… if I hit you over the head with a steel chair and get myself disqualified… and if I hit you with a lead freaking pipe! And get myself! Disqualified! Frankly Tommy, what’s one, or two, or three, or four, or maybe even thirty disqualifications because of what I’ve done to you… compared to the adrenaline rush, the pure feeling of ecstasy, knowing exactly WHAT I’ve done to you? After all, if I get myself disqualified eight times, I’ll just beat you cleanly nine. Tommy… at Just Another Day, the destination of my foot is going to be straight in your ass because I’m going to cause more damage to you than a Hurricane did to the south… Because that’s the Law.” [B]Rating: B[/B] [B]Liberty/ W Jenny Playmate VS John Callard/ W Jack Griffith[/B] Liberty’s music hits as both he and Jenny come out through the entrance ramp. The two make the Peace Symbol pose, then make their way down the ramp and mounting one turnbuckle each, throw out the pose once more. Liberty and Jenny enter the ring, and Liberty takes a seat in the corner of the ring, watching the entrance tunnel where John Callard will be coming out. Callard’s music hits as he comes out on stage, accompanied by fellow stable-mate Jack Griffith. Callard enters the ring, stripping himself of his shirt and stares down Liberty. Callard tosses the shirt into the crowd but as soon as he turns his back on Liberty to do so, he’s attacked from behind by Liberty. Liberty fires off right hands galore on Callard, driving him into the ropes. Liberty goes to whip Callard off the ropes but it get reversed, sending Liberty flying off the ropes. Liberty ducks Callard’s Clothesline, but stops running as soon as he reaches ground behind him. Callard turns around right into a Right Hook from Liberty for a two count. Liberty mounts Callard and delivers an onslaught of right hands to the temple, followed by a few boot scrapes across the forehead. Callard rolls away from Liberty towards the ropes, but infuriated by his assault last week, Liberty bounces off the ropes and hits Callard with a Baseball Slide knocking him under the ropes and out of the ring. Liberty follows him out looking to deal out some more punishment. Liberty slams Callard’s face into the steel steps, then follows it up with a whip into the guard rail. Griffith comes around the corner and begins yelling at Liberty to which Liberty takes a few steps towards him and makes the Peace Sybol pose, but then flashes a one finger salute before turning his attention back towards Callard, who gives him a rake to the eyes. Callard lifts Liberty up onto his shoulder then drops him chest-first across the guard rail. Callard grabs Liberty by the head and charges towards the steel ring post, throwing him face-first into it. Callard takes a few steps away as he notices Jenny Playmate coming around the corner and gazing a hole through him. Callard makes kissy faces towards Jenny then points to his chin as if to say “take your best shot”. Callard rolls Liberty back into the ring, and even brings a steel chair in with him. Callard takes a swing at Liberty, but the veteran ducks it and dishes out some left jabs, ending with a big right jab that sends him staggering back into the corner. Liberty grabs Callard and whips him into the other corner, hitting him with a Clothesline, flowing into a Bulldog for a two count. Liberty sets Callard up for a Liberation Slam, but Callard grabs hold of Liberty by the waist and rams him into the corner, followed by several shoulder thrusts. Callard sets the steel chair up in the middle of the ring then charges at Liberty for a Clothesline, only to get a boot to the face. Callard goes staggering into the middle of the ring which Jenny sees as an opportunity to jump up onto the apron and distract the referee. Liberty grabs Callard and whips him off the ropes hitting a Drop Toe Hold onto the steel chair. Liberty slides the chair out of the ring and covers Callard as Jenny gets down off the apron and the referee sees the count, but the referee gets pulled out at two and three-quarters by Jack Griffith. Jenny Playmate runs over and jumps on Griffith’s back, trying to choke him and club him in the back with her fists, but to no avail. Griffith runs backwards and slams Jenny into the steel ring post. The referee exit’s the ring to check on her as Aaron Andrews runs out from the back to do the same. In the meanwhile, Liberty nails Callard with a Liberation Slam, but so close to the ropes that Griffith blasts him with a Black Jack. Aaron Andrews abandons Jenny seeing what Griffith has done to his mentor and tackles him, fighting him with right hand and after right hand. Callard uses the ropes to pull himself to his feet and notices Liberty on his hands and knees trying to get to his feet as well. Callard pulls Liberty up to his feet in a Full Nelson Submission then throws him into the air and spins him around into a Faceplant by Callard’s side. The referee sees Callard making the pin and counts the three which catches Aaron Andrew’s attention as he gets up off of Griffith. Jack blasts Andrews in the knee with the Black Jack and then once in the back of the head. Griffith and Callard leave with Liberty, Jenny Playmate and Aaron Andrews all struggling to get to their feet. Andrews and Jenny crawl into the ring under the bottom rope as Liberty pulls himself to his feet completely. Andrews and Jenny pull themselves onto their knees and stare up to Liberty. He stares at them, with a look of anger, and somewhat of sympathy. Liberty then extend a peace symbol pose as we fade out to commercial. [B]Winner: John Callard Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] Liberty is shown walking around backstage, sweating and panting from his match before the commercial break. He passes by Wolf Hawkins who doesn’t have a match tonight. [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf:[/B][/COLOR] “Hey, good try out there tonight Liberty. I guess Jenny and Andrews just aren’t good enough backup though when put up against those thugs out there, huh?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “Not good enough? You’re calling my freinds? My army? … not good enough?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf Hawkins:[/B][/COLOR] “Whoa calm down man. I was just saying, Griffith and Callard are badass and ruthless. I didn’t mean anything by it.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “Yeah, well, things are a little bit different in the World Heavyweight Title run pal, we’re not all chasing the International Title.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf:[/B][/COLOR] “Actually, its funny that you should mention that. The World Heavyweight title scene has been missing something as of late. It‘s been missing me.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “Whoa, whoa, whoa. You call yourself a heavyweight??” [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf:[/B][/COLOR] “Yeah, that’s right. And I’m damn proud of what I do.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Liberty:[/B][/COLOR] “Yeah, well we’ll see now that you’re in the Heavyweight Division, won’t we?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Wolf:[/B][/COLOR] “You bet your ass we will.” Liberty and Wolf get nose to nose before the camera cuts to the ring. [B]Rating: B+[/B] [B]The Machines w/ Floyd Goldworthy Vs The Young Guns- Non-Title Match[/B] The music of The Machines hits first as they are accompanied by Floyd Goldsworthy who’s holding their TCW Tag Team Titles, make their way through the entrance tunnel. The three come down the ramp, ignoring all the fans flicking them off and enter the ring. Floyd raises the titles into the air as The Machines taunt the crowd from the turnbuckles. Out next is The Young Guns who come out through the entrance tunnel and make their way down the ramp. They stop at the end of the ramp and begin to discuss their strategy. The Guns rush the ring breaking into a brawl with The Machines as the bell sounds. Steve Gumble backs Machine #1 up against the ropes with a barrage of right hands while Harry Allen backs Machine #2 up against the ropes with a barrage of punches of his own. Both whip their opponents off the ropes and both bend over, Allen hitting a Back Body Drop and Machine #2 receiving a kick to the face, followed by Gumble bouncing off the ropes and knocking him down with a flying Back Elbow to the face. Gumble and Machine #2 roll out of the ring as Harry Allen whips Machine #1 into the corner of the ring. Allen charges at Machine #1 and hits him with a running Dropkick to the chest, sending him staggering out of the corner and into a knee-smash by Gumble. Allen covers Machine #1 but only gets a two. Allen whips Machine #1 off the ropes but gets hit with a Lou Thesz Press, followed by a vicious choke. The referee pulls Machine #1 away, leading to a tag out to Machine #2. The two set Allen up for a Double Atomic Drop, but turn it into a Double Faceplant. Machine #1 exit’s the ring as his partner covers Allen for a two count. Machine #2 lifts Allen up for a Crucifix, then spins around and throws him down, followed up by a big running Elbow Drop for a two count. Machine #2 throws Allen into the corner and pounds away at him with high knees to the gut, driving the wind out of him. Allen is whipped into the opposing corner but as Machine #2 charges at him, Allen leaps over him and drops him with a Hammerlock DDT. Allen tags out to Gumble who hit’s a Slingshot Elbow Drop onto Machine #2. Both of The Guns position themselves, and Allen hit’s a Bulldog on Machine #2 directly onto Gumble’s knee. Gumble covers him but only gets a two count. Gumble whips Machine #2 off the ropes and charges towards him but Machine #2 ducks Gumble’s Clothesline. Machine #2 blasts Gumble in the middle of the ring with a High Knee to the face. Machine #2 calls out to his partner. Floyd Goldsworth hands a TCW Tag Team Title to Machine #1 and leaps up onto the apron, distracting the referee. Machine #1 hands off the belt to Machine #2 who nails Gumble with it. Machine #2 gets the pin for the three count as the referee turned around. The MAchines decided they weren’t done yet, and that they would make an example out of The Young Guns, by beating them down. But The Painfull Procedure runs down from the back and enters the ring. Ronnie Pain nails Machine #2 out of the ring with a devastating clothesline. As Billy Jack pounds Machine #1 with a flurry of punches. Floyd yells for his troops to retreat as The Procedure help the Young Guns up and taunt the Machines as the make their way to the back. [B]Winners: The Machines Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] As we come back from commercial, American Buffalo’s music plays throughout the arena. Buffalo comes down through the entrance tunnel pounding on his chest in a primitive nature, then enters the ring. Buffalo paces around a bit before taking a microphone from the ring crew. [COLOR="blue"][B]Buffalo:[/B][/COLOR] “You know, two weeks ago, I put Texas Pete… down for the count! If that was a match, there’s no doubt in my mind that he would have been able to kick out of the Stampede! In a million years. The Stampede… is the most powerful, most fear-inspiring assault legal in the United States today. Last week, I went out to do the same and save an old friend of mine, Gheghis Rahn. For my trouble, I had to have twenty two thumbtacks, YANKED out of the skin in my back in a bloody mess! This kind of carnage, you would think… could only be caused by The Stampede! But no. Instead, I was taken down by The Lone Star Drop. Pete, if you think you have a chance of ever being known as “The Man” around here, you’ll have to get through me! At Just Another Day, I’m calling you out! I’m going to take you through hell and back, not just for me anymore, but now for Rahn too. A pinfall over you, is simply not enough. Hearing you scream I Quit; I Submit… is simply not enough. Hearing the referee disqualify you, or count you out… is simply not enough! Hell, your blood Pete, isn’t even enough for me! The only thing I want… is the pride of knowing I nearly broke each of your ribs and sent you back to your crazy doctor with THE STAMPEDE! And Pete, after talking to Mike Cooper… I’m getting my wish. You and me, Just Another Day, no pinfall, no submissions, no stopping the match for excessive blood loss or disqualifications or anything else. The only way to win Pete… is either you hit me with The Lone Star Drop, or I shatter your body when I charge at you… we lock eyes… and I plow through you with THE STAMPEDE! Now you ask yourself Pete! You ask yourself WHO IS THE MAN!” [B]Rating: B-[/B] We cut backstage where we see Troy Tornado in the locker room, doing some last-minute stretches. Troy stops and gets an irritated look on his face when he feels the vibe of someone behind him. Troy turns around and the camera zooms out to find Jason Caine, staring a hole through him. [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy:[/B][/COLOR] “Got a problem Dude?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Caine:[/B][/COLOR] “Yeah I got a problem. You offered me a tag team opportunity last week, but you didn’t tell me it guaranteed me a spot in the Main Event. And frankly, I’m getting really sick and tired of getting ambushed - two-on-one, week-in and week-out. So I’m asking you man, you still want a partner?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Troy:[/B][/COLOR] “Look Jason, I made my offer last week and you turned me down. You showed me the door man, what makes you think I should give you another chance? Besides, I already told Perez he was my partner.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Caine:[/B][/COLOR] “What? So that’s how it is huh? You gonna disrespect me like that by picking some hack over me? Am I that big of a joke to you man? How about this, if you wanna see if you can handle it, and see what you missed out on, you face me in the ring next week, in the middle of the ring in a match! How about that pal?” Caine storms out of the locker room without even getting an answer from Troy. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [B]Tommy Cornell vs. Troy Tornado and Frankie Perez[/B] The music of TCW’s biggest traitor and former TCW Heavyweight Champion, Tommy Cornell’s music hits as the crowd immediately begins to boo. Cornell comes out through the entrance tunnel and raising his arms into the air as pyros go off behind him. Cornell struts down the ramp and enters the ring, mounting the second rope and raising his arms up again. Next, the music of Frankie Perez hits as he comes through the entrance tunnel. Perez slaps hands with the fans on his way down the ramp but as he tries to enter the ring, Cornell blasts him with a running knee to the mid-section, knocking him back down to the ground. Cornell exit’s the ring and gives Frankie a few stomps to the ribs. Cornell throws Perez head first into the steel steps, then flips over the top step. Cornell sets Perez up for a Powerbomb onto the bottom steps, but is distracted by the music of Troy Tornado. Cornell goes for the Powerbomb, but Perez refuses to be lifted. Cornell hit’s a few clubbing blows to the back before just throwing him to the ground and running up the ramp as Troy runs out through the entrance tunnel, stripping himself of his vest on the way down. Troy and Cornell meet mid-ramp and begin battling back and forth with right hands. Troy takes the upper hand with his onslaught of right forearms, driving Cornell back towards the ring, but Cornell scores with a rake to the eyes of Troy. Cornell delivers a stalling Vertical Suplex to Troy on the concrete floor but as Cornell gets back up, Perez hits an Asai Hurricanrana off the apron, taking Cornell down. Perez rolls Cornell into the ring and follows him in, officially starting the match. Perez whips Cornell off the ropes then drops to the mat allowing Cornell to jump over him. Perez charges at Cornell and goes for a Tilt-O-Whirl Headscissors but lands Cornell with a DDT for a two count. Perez follows it up with another Hurricanrana, but again only gets a two count. Troy jumps back up onto the apron holding his back and watches his partner climb up to the top rope. Perez leaps off the top rope for a Clothesline but receives a right hand to the gut causing Perez to land on his feet then do a flip onto his back. Cornell gives Perez a few stomps to the head then delivers a few stomps directly to Perez’s gut. Cornell lifts Perez up for a Back Drop but instead straddles him across the top rope. Cornell shakes the ropes, causing more damage with the low blow maneuver, then carries Perez back into the middle of the ring in a Torture Rack position. Perez screams and struggles to get free but Cornell holds him in the Torture Rack tightly. Tommy finally releases his submission and walks over to Troy, slapping him in the face. Troy tries to enter the ring but the referee stops him and the two get into an argument, allowing Cornell to spread the downed Perez’s legs and deliver a knee drop to his crotch. Cornell extends Perez’s leg and drops an Elbow right onto it, then begins torque it with a Leglock. Cornell goes to Vertical Suplex to Perez, but Perez lands on his feet behind Cornell, but can’t hold his weight on his leg anymore and collapses into the ropes. Cornell gives Perez a stomp to the head, followed by an arrogant Facewash. Cornell bounces off the ropes and charges towards Perez but he comes out of nowhere with a Drop Toe Hold onto the second rope. Perez bounces off the ropes and hit’s a 619. Cornell begins to pull himself right back up while Perez shakes the pain out of his knee. Perez hit’s a Springboard Tornado DDT on Cornell then slowly crawls over to his corner. Perez tags out to Troy who enters the ring and floors Cornell with a punch, followed by another, and another. Troy whips Cornell off the ropes and leaps over him as he comes charging back bent forward. Troy, without even turning towards Cornell after the leapfrog, instinctively knows where he is and manages to catch him with the Pelè Kick for a two count. Troy locks Cornell in an Arm Wrench, then goes to whip him off the ropes again but Cornell reverses, sending Troy off the ropes. Troy leaps up onto the second rope into a backflip Inverted DDT on Cornell for another close fall. Troy lifts Cornell up onto his shoulders this time for a Torture Rack but after a moment of applying pressure, throws Cornell off of his shoulders between his legs with an Argentine Powerbomb. Troy follows this up by exiting the ring onto the ring apron and nailing Jarrett with an incredible Springboard 450 Splash for a shocking two count. Troy tags out to Perez, followed by the two hitting a High and Low Dropkick (Perez Dropkicking the back of Cornell’s knee while Troy delivers a Dropkick to Cornell’s face). Perez applies a side-headlock to Cornell but gets thrown off the ropes. Cornell goes to grab Perez as he comes back but Perez slides right between his legs and leaps up onto Cornell’s back delivering a Back Scruncher. The ref begins to make the count but at the last second, Cornell grabs hold of the bottom rope. Perez tries to force Cornell into the corner and assault him with some kicks but Cornell blocks one kick by grabbing it and plows Perez down with a Clothesline. Cornell then charges towards Troy on the apron and plows him off with a running forearm strike. Perez goes for a Hurricanrana on Cornell, but immediately gets the Powerbomb, floating right into the Figure Four Leglock. Perez screams in pain as he manages to get to the ropes but can’t quite make it. Perez decides a different course of action and rolls himself and Cornell over onto their stomachs, reversing the pressure of the move on Cornell and causing him to break the submission. Perez bounces off the ropes but Cornell catches him with a Tilt-O-Whirl Backbreaker, followed by three consecutive Elbow Drops onto his chest for a two count. Troy leaps up onto the ring apron and goes for a Springboard Forearm to Cornell but Tommy ducks it and Troy plows down the referee on accident. Troy misses a Clothesline on Cornell and instead receives a Rough Ride. Cornell covers Troy but there’s no referee to count the pin. Cornell gets an evil look in his eyes as he exit’s the ring and grabs a Steel Chair from the ring crew. Cornell reenters the ring and readies himself for Troy as he tries to pull himself to his feet. Cornell takes a swing at Troy but he leaps into the air and causes the chair to hit Cornell in the head by kicking it with an impressive roundhouse. Frankie Perez leaps off the top rope nailing Cornell with a Missile Dropkick then covers him, but again, there’s no referee to make the count. Perez goes to lock Cornell into the Figure Four to add insult to injury but he pushes him off into the turnbuckles. Cornell pulls Perez back into the middle of the ring and lays him out with a Pendulum Backbreaker, but again, there’s no referee to make the count. Cornell turns to see Troy Tornado climbing to the top rope and cuts him off with a right hand. Cornell gives Troy a rake to the eyes and begins to climb up the ropes with him. Cornell sets Troy up for a Superplex, but Perez hit’s a Chris Jericho-like Springboard Dropkick to the back of Cornell, doubling him over. Troy lifts Cornell upside down and dives off the ropes crushing him with a Top Rope Star Maker. Another referee runs down from the back as instructed by Mike Cooper and as he slides into the ring he counts the fair three count. [B]Winners: Frankie Perez and Troy Tornado Rating: B-[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: B Network Rating: 14:62 (new high)[/B][/CENTER]
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A question to the people who visit. I would like to know the one name you would like to see be brought in for a possible world title run. And no it is not for my "madman" storyline, he is allready been filled. :) Would like to have somebody who has had TCW ties if possible.
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The board room was up to their ears in paperwork today as they had to do a lot of discussing. Some of the papers were fan mail/e-mails printed out, and some were legal business charts and such. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “People! People! Focus here, please! I know we’re very busy today and we’d all like to get home to our families so let’s get this over and done with already. Mobely, Roster report.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Dylan Walker was supposed to be a part of the John Callard vs. Liberty match but he decided to no show because of his prior commitments to his other contracts.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Well, you know, these things happen. I suppose we can give him the benefit of the doubt.” [COLOR="Blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Benefit of the doubt? This guy’s taken the inch you’ve been given him and running a mile with it Mr. Cornell, I think it’s only fair we give the bastard his pink slip.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Actually, I agree. When Chris Caufield no-showed my DAVE event, I laid him off publicly. I don’t think a public humiliation is in order in this situation, but his release does possibly seem to be what’s best for the company. I feel at least a suspension is in order.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Alright, alright. I’ll let him know as soon as I get home not to bother showing up at the TV Show tomorrow night. What are we going to do about that group now?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “Well Mr. Cornell, as I see’s it, we’ve got two options. We can either keep that sum-bitch Jack Griffith and that other sum-bitch John Callard together as a tag team…” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “No, no, no. I have some ideas on how to work Jack, but let’s see how this pans out first before we do anything.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “Then we’ll just have to get us a replacement.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR]“Well, we’ve have a few candidates listed to bring in for their stable to make them a more dominate faction, so it shouldn’t be too hard to find one. We’re already in negotiations with that one wrestler, remember?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Ah yes, Mr. Cooper, to quote Star Trek, make it so.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely[/B][/COLOR]“Will do Mr. Cornell. While we’re talking about the roster, let’s go over the title rankings, shall we?” [CENTER][B]TCW World Heavyweight Title Champion: Rick Law[/B] 1. Tommy Cornell 2. Liberty 3. BLZ Bubb 4. American Buffalo 5. Texas Pete [B]TCW World Tag Team Titles Champions: The Machines[/B] 1. The Painfull Procedure 2. The Tag Team Specialists [B]TCW International Title Champion: Rocky Golden[/B] 1. Freddie Huggens 2. Iceman C.A. 3. Troy Tornado 4. Wolf Hawkins[/CENTER] [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR]“Oh that reminds me, looking at these rankings, lets go to our fan mail as we’ve gotten some interesting questions and comments. One fan notes that Gheghis Rahn is a legend with more overness then we gave him credit for, and though age has taken it’s toll on him, it seemed a travesty of justice to bury him by Texas Pete like that. Sent in by Chad Fisher.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Oh Chad? He’s wants to be more interactive with the product so I decided I would give him a little part in the show before I bring him back into doing just interviews. When he gets back from “evil doctor“, we’ll see how the fans like my creative genius. Some will disagree, but we’ll see.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Alrighty, another comment was that while Iceman C.A. is a good talent, he’s also got the age and respect for the business to make new stars. Why is he being pushed so much when TCW needs more star power?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Well I think that’s pretty obvious. See, what I never understood in the SWF is, why do they have all these new-comers come in and crush Mikel Alonzo and Andre Jones… when they most likely won’t win a match in two years? They need to rebuild their credibility to make it a credible defeat when they get squashed. And Iceman C.A. told me that he wants to help out the company, he wants to help out the industry and he seems to have a hard time doing that in his old role, but I told him some of the new fans don’t know who he is, so to make his opponents later on seem more credible defeating him, he’ll have to first put himself in high esteem by the fans.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “If your gonna make an omelet you gotta let the eggs rough up the butter before breaking.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Eriq Mobely:[/B][/COLOR] “Thank you Joel, that was rather articulate.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Alright, alright, come down. It’s not like it was Joel’s e-mail, it was just a fan’s right?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Sure. A fan’s mail…” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Bastard.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “Alright, alright, last one. It’s sort of a long one with multiple questions, it says I’ve really been enjoying the product as of late, blah, blah, blah, but I have a few complains. 1) Jenny Playmate is WAY too pretty and blazin’ to be associated with that old freak Liberty. 2) Give Rick Law more interviews! Seemed like he was a mute over the last month. What’s up with that!? 3) I didn’t really get into the main event of Cornell vs. Tornado/Perez that much, it seemed almost like a filler team. I hope they’re not main-eventing too many more shows as they seem like a mid-card act. Best of luck to you all and I hope I’ve been a help with my comments.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ricky Dale Johnson:[/B][/COLOR] “Looks like this fan’s got your number Mikey, doesn’t it?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Okay, alright, fine. 1) Pretty’s pretty, there’s no changing it. Jenny’s a gorgeous babe. I make no apologies for adding some fluff to the sausage feast, Hell I might add some more Eye Candy in the future. 2) Who was Rick Law in TCW a month ago? He was still an uprising new-comer. Do any new-comers in any business get to throw their weight around? No, who is Rick Law in TCW now? He’s the TCW champion, which means he gets all the time he wants so if he wants to use it on interviews, then there will be interviews a-plenty. And finally, 3) I have to agree with this fan. I didn’t want to put Mr. Cornell against those two. They weren’t my first choice. My plans were to put him up against The Painfull Procedure. I thought they were a lot more intimidating and it seemed like a legitimate punishment to put him up against two of the most experienced tag teams, but the morning before the show I looked over the calendar and I called them at their house and no one was picking up. Then I looked at the calendar and my immediate reaction was CRAP! They were in Japan working a show over there. So I just had to do some last minute revamps.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell:[/B][/COLOR] “Okay, the fans are important but we’ve got a bit more to discuss. Our ratings for last week got an increase as more fans are attracted to us. Last week we got a 14:62 share, that is a sizeable increase gentlemen. But SWF scored a 33:76 and are way out front.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Pessimism, pessimism. Let’s talk about something very optimistic. There’s this very small company going out of business. And for just under a million, which we can afford with our recent financial situation.” [COLOR="Blue"][B]Joel Bryant:[/B][/COLOR] “Why the hell would we want that garbage? What are they to us? A message to the SWF?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Something like that, but not exactly. So we buy them out, rename it TCW something creative and make it our version of Rhode Island Pro Wrestling. We can hold control over it and use it as our developmental center.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Tommy Cornell[/B][/COLOR] “Interesting. It’s a very interesting business decision. Give me a few days to think about it and I’ll get back to you. Alright folks that concludes the meeting. Let’s get some sleep, we all have a big show tomorrow. Also I want to have another meeting before we have our PPV. Ok guys get to work."
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[CENTER]TCW Presents Total Championship Wrestling March Week 2 2007 Wicomico Civic Center, Salisbury MD Attendance 5,000[/Center] Before the opening video, pyros or even commentator greetings, we see backstage a large crowd of wrestlers in the locker room checking on someone. They clear out of the way as a squad of the Emergency Medical Team rush to the scene and we see Wolf Hakins laid out and bloodied. We then cut to the opening video and such. [B]Rating: C+[/B] [B]Jason Cain VS Troy Tornado[/B] The music of Jason Caine hits as he comes out through the entrance tunnel. Caine bounces off the ropes a little to hype himself up, until we hear the music of his opponent and the crowd rises to their feet. Troy Tornado comes through the entrance tunnel under sparks that fall from above, and he continues his path down the ramp. The bell sounds as the two circle the ring staring each other down. The two grapple which sees Tornado deliver a quick Arm Drag, but Tornado then runs into an Arm Drag from Caine. Caine charges Tornado but gets his legs swept out from under him and pinned but Caine throws Troy off before the referee can even drop to the mat. Caine trips Troy and covers him but the same happens. The two stare each other down in a fighting pose followed by Troy giving Caine a small round of applause but gets the taste slapped out of his mouth. Caine delivers a kick to the gut and whips Troy off the ropes but Troy leaps up onto the second rope, doing a Springboard off of it and catching Caine for an Inverted DDT, but Caine reverses by spinning around and nailing Troy with a Drop Kick. Caine covers Troy but only gets a two count. Caine takes a minute to catch his breath then stomps on Troy a few times before exiting the ring to the apron, then climbing up to the top rope. Troy however has already gotten to his feet, and runs up the ropes throwing Killings into the center of the ring with a Frankensteiner. Both men are back down and out as the referee begins to count them both out. Both men pull themselves to their feet, saving the match from a no contest and charge at each other. Troy goes for a Clothesline but Caine dodges it by dropping to one knee into a semi-split position, but when he pulls himself back up and turns around, Troy blasts him with the Pelè Kick. Troy covers Caine but he kicks out a two. Troy lifts Caine up and prepares him for a Suplex, but allows him to land on his feet behind Troy as he drops Caine with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker. Troy bounces off the ropes and hit’s a quick Legdrop. Caine rolls to the outside to catch his breath and regain his composure but Troy bounces off the ropes and crushes Caine with a Back Flip High Jump Plancha. Troy rolls Caine back into the ring and leaps up onto the apron, awaiting him to pull himself up. Troy goes for a Springboard Forearm but Caine catches him in mid-air with a Dropkick. Caine covers Troy but only gets the two which annoys him. Caine charges at Troy for a Clothesline but Troy ducks it. Troy goes for a high Roundhouse but Caine ducks it and blasts Troy with a Spinning Heel Kick. Caine goes for an Irish Whip but reels Troy back into a knee to the gut, driving the wind out of him and doubling him over. Caine bounces off the ropes and goes for the Scissors Kick but Troy dodges it and delivers a kick to the gut. Troy goes for the Star Maker but Caine shifts his weight, throwing himself up onto Troy’s shoulders, then leaping off and delivering a DDT to Troy Tornado. Caine begins to fire up the crowd which give him a mixed reaction, but for the most part cheers for his outstanding performance. Caine approaches Troy but Troy leaps up into a Hurricanrana. The Darkness Warriors run down the ramp and jump up onto the apron. Jacob McNeely enters the ring with a Singapore Cane in hand, using it to blast Troy over the head. McNeely exit’s the ring letting Cain do the rest of the work. Caine drags Troy to his feet and flattens him with a Nova Caine for a three count. [B]Winner: Jason Caine Rating: C+[/B] All of the members enter the ring and surround Caine. Jacob McNeely takes a microphone from the ring crew. [COLOR="Blue"][B]Jacob McNeely:[/B][/COLOR] “Jason, I’m going to be very honest with you about why we helped you out here tonight. You got potential kid. You got probably more potential than anybody in this entire world at succeeding. You got the talent, you got the charisma, you got the look. You’re the man, but you need help to unleash that potential. You Jason Caine… are Delta Elite Material. Make it official kid, join us and you’ll never lose again, I swear on my life.” Jacob McNeely extends his microphone to Cain but he’s deep in thought then turns to walk away but Raul Darkness gets in his way. Caine turns back to the microphone, feeling somewhat pressured into joining. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jacob McNeely:[/B][/COLOR] “Think real hard kid. You don’t want to turn down an opportunity like this. You see I am going to bring the Darkness Warriors into an age of respectability. They no longer will be wearing those reduculas robes. (The Warriors disrobe and thru them into the crowd.) We are going to be a Elite force in this industry. A Delta Force in a way. You have the skill, the fire that burns in your stomach. Join us. Be one of us, officially. Let the world know that you’re a Delta Elite, and you’ll be raising a belt above your head very soon.” Caine begins stroking his chin, then looks around at the crowd who’s booing. Caine looks at Jay Darkness who’s patting him on the back and smiling, then at Raul who has a much sterner look on his face. [COLOR="blue"][B]Jason Caine:[/B][/COLOR] “I’ll think about it. And for now, that’s as much as I can give you.” Caine drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope then makes his way up the ramp. [B]Rating: D+[/B] I am backstage in my office watching a monitor. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Jason Caine as an Delta Elite, I never thought I would see the day. What a waste. Who the hell thinks of this crap.” The door behind him opens and in walks Freddie Huggens. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] [while keeping a straight face] “Why if it isn’t my favorite teeny bopper. My daughter is so much of a fan. What can I, your humble servant do for you?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Freddie Huggens:[/B][/COLOR]“Cut the sarcasm Mike. I haven’t been on TV in weeks! Frankly, I’m sick of it. Are you trying to keep me, as The All-American Rejects would say, your dirty little secret? Because frankly, I deserve to be on the roster, and I deserve my television time. Most of all, Last time I checked, I was number one contender for the International Title Mike.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “That’s true Freddie, you are. And I hate to break it to you sport, but Rocky Golden’s not here tonight. So, I can’t give you your International Title Shot tonight. [COLOR="blue"][B]Freddie Huggens:[/B][/COLOR] “Really Mike? Because what if I were to walk out on the company as the number one contender, your company would have to move to a lower class athlete to fight for the belt and you know you can’t handle that! So to quote Boy like Girls, should I make my Great Escape?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “Alright, alright. You’ve got your match, it’s next. But since you seem to think so highly of singing a sonnet to me, let me sing you a little tune. Freddie Huggens wants to go home so he should get a lion and a man made of tin. To get his International Title Shot, he’ll have to defeat Iceman C.A.! Rocky Golden’s at the end of the path holding the gold, but it looks like Freddie Huggen’s hot streak, thanks to The Iceman tonight, goes ice cold! Now that, is a tune even I could be proud of, now get the hell out of my office you little popcorn fart.!” Freddie Huggens storms out of the office with me smiling over his corny remark. [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [B]Iceman C.A. VS. Freddie Huggens- #1 Contenders Match For International Title[/B] Iceman comes out first to his hard rock entrance music. Iceman slaps hands with the fans as he walks down the ramp and enters the ring. The music of Freddie Huggens plays as he steps out through the entrance tunnel. Huggens rushes the ring and gets into a fist fight with Iceman, sounding the bell for the match to start. Iceman begins to take control with the right hands but Huggens grabs hold of his waist and rams Iceman into the corner, then follows it up with a few shoulder thrusts. Huggens slaps Iceman in the face, then once more on the back of the head. Huggens goes to whip Iceman into the opposing corner but he reverses it sending Freddie flying to the turnbuckles. Huggens grabs hold of the ropes and throws his feet into the air, thinking Iceman was charging after him, but as he lands on his feet again, he looks confused to see no Iceman in front of him, only for Iceman to deliver a Dropkick to the back of the head of Freddie Huggens. Iceman goes to cover Freddie but he rolls out of the ring, holding the back of his head. Iceman bounces off the ropes and dives through the middle ropes driving Freddie Huggens back-first into the steel barricade. Iceman lifts Huggens up for a Body Slam but drops Huggens abdomen first across the guard rail. Iceman climbs up onto the ring apron and dives off hitting Huggens with a Guillotine Legdrop to the back of the head before rolling Freddie back into the ring. Iceman covers Huggens but only gets a two count. Iceman hits Huggens with a Russian Legsweep then locks him in a Short Arm Scissors. Freddie struggles and screams for a moment but then strikes Iceman in the side of the head with a kick, then three more before Iceman releases the submission. Both men pull themselves to their feet and Iceman runs right into a Northern Lights Suplex by Freddie Huggens for a two count. Huggens gives Iceman a Scoop Slam then nails him with a Springboard Corkscrew Senton for another two count. Huggens is beginning to get aggravated, but tries not to lose his cool. Huggens lifts Iceman to his feet, then lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle and begins to climb up with him. Iceman fires off some right forearms, knocking him back down to the mat, but he lands on his feet. Iceman goes for the Tornado DDT, but Huggens seems to have control of Iceman, despite him being in the air. Huggens tries to crotch Iceman on the top rope, but he uses it to bounce off of and spin the opposite direction, nailing Huggens with the Tornado DDT for a two count. Iceman goes to lock Huggens in what looked to be a Figure Four, but Freddie countered with a Small Package, grabbing onto the ropes for leverage but Iceman kicked out at two and a half. Both men got up with a second boost of adrenaline and Huggens charges at Iceman, floating around him and rolling him up with a Schoolboy, grabbing the tights as well, getting only a two and a half. Huggens goes for a Clothesline but Iceman ducks it and pins Huggens with a Backslide for a two and a half count. Both men get up but Iceman trips Huggens and flips over him, still holding his legs for a pin with a bridge for a two and a half count. Both men up to their feet again and this time Huggens runs into an Inverted Atomic Drop, followed by Iceman bouncing off the ropes and going for a Sunset Flip but Freddie drops to his knees pinning Iceman for a one count when he got rolled backwards into a full sunset flip for a two as Huggens rolled back again, this time grabbing the ropes and got a 2 and ¾. Huggens kicks Iceman in the gut and positions him between his legs. Iceman makes a “Shove It” sign with his hands/arms then signals for the Ice Breaker. Huggens can’t lift Iceman up, and Iceman ends up lifting Huggens up onto his shoulders, then throwing him off with a successful TKO. Iceman now sets Huggens up for the Ice Breaker, but as Moore’s legs fly up, he hit’s the referee with a mule kick. Huggens shifts his weight, landing back on his feet, then drops to his knees and scores with a low blow. As Iceman doubles over Freddie spits in his face. Huggens goes to whip Iceman into the corner but he catches himself and throws his legs up into the air as he hears Freddie chasing after him. Huggens stops short and turns away, catching his legs and pulling him away from the corner, looking for Hardcore Holly’s Alabama Slam. As Freddie goes to swing Iceman, he lands on his feet and lifts Huggens off of his, hitting a perfect Ice Breaker for the three count. Iceman’s hand is raised in victory by the referee, as it’s announced he’s the new number one contender. Out of the back runs Rocky Golden, who was not supposed to even be in the building tonight. Rocky slides into the ring behind Iceman and blasts him in the back of the head with a Clothesline so stiff, Iceman does a flip and lands on his back. Rocky stalks his victim for a moment getting booed by the crowd, then lands his future opponent at Just Another Day in a Rock Drop {Rock‘s Rock Bottom move} Iceman goes limp quickly and a swarm of security rush out and try and pull Rocky Golden away, to no success. Rocky just smiles at his handy work then chooses to leave and exit’s the ring, satisfied with his work. [B]Winner: Iceman C.A. Overall Rating: C for his match. C+ on the run in attack.[/B] New TCW Manager Kylo, Charlie Thatcher, and a another man are backstage in the locker room, huddled around Jacob Jett, trying to fire him up about his match with RDJ later on. [COLOR="blue"][B]Kylo:[/B][/COLOR] “Come on Jett, get your head in the game man. Ricky Dale Johnson is no threat to you, no threat to us, no threat to anyone, you… are the new superstar of the decade. It’s your time Jacob, it’s your era! You’re going to go out there and mop the floor with RDJ! First you destroy him, then we can take our vengeance on American Buffalo like I promised Jake Sawyer! Oww… his ribs are still killing him. Damn Buffalo. Damn RDJ, it’s your night Jacob! It’s our night! It’s going to be cake! It’ll be…” Steve Gumble and Harry Allen who happened to be in the area approached the faction, grabbing Kylo’s attention. [COLOR="blue"][B]Steve Gumble:[/B][/COLOR] “Oh please. You think you’re going to beat RDJ that easily? Last time I checked, you all are nothing but a joke in comparison to a wrestling legend like RDJ, isn’t that right partner?” Harry Allen spits tobacco juice on the floor and nods his head in agreement, only to anger Kylo and his group. [COLOR="blue"][B]Steve Gumble:[/B][/COLOR] “I’d say Jacob Jett here has as much chance of beating RDJ as you or Jake Sawyer have a chance of ever beating American Buffalo.” Gumble and Allen laughs a little, but Kylo is now irate. [COLOR="blue"][B]Kylo:[/B][/COLOR] “You think you’re better than us? You think you could have done a better job facing Buffalo, or even RDJ tonight? Here’s what I think! I think you’re jealous that you’re not us, because then you could be in the most elite faction known to man. And to prove our dominance boy, we’re going to make examples of you two. Next week! Two members of my team vs. you two sheephearders in a tag team match! Then we’ll see who’s laughing! Ha!” Kylo and all get up and leave, The Young Guns unsure of their actions or if they can win next week. [COLOR="blue"][B]Steve Gumble:[/B][/COLOR]” I thought we were cowboys.” Harry Allen spits again, shakes his head and walks away. [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] Zak King is backstage with Texas Pete and Jake Sawyer. [COLOR="blue"][B]Zak King:[/B][/COLOR] “Hello TCW fans, those who watch our show ever week, know that I’m Zak King. Tonight, I’m back here with Texas Pete and Jake Sawyer. Guys, last week American Buffalo made a challenge to face Texas Pete at Just Another Day in a Fatal Finisher Challenge. With both men having countered each other’s finisher in the past, and feeling each other’s finisher in the past - knowing how painful each move is, do you think Pete can hit Buffalo with the Lone Star Drop before Buffalo hits Pete with a Stampede?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “Mr. King, he may call himself a Buffalo but he will be put to pasture. Texas Pete is the future, Texas Pete is going to leave Buffalo covered in bruises, then covered in blood, then he’s going to tear him limb from limb before he hits Buffalo with the Lone Star Drop winning the match. At Just Another Day Buffalo, we accept your challenge! And finally that night, you will be in an emergency room like I was! If you’re lucky Buffalo, you’ll be in a third-rate hospital, because if we get our way, we’ll send you to the doctor that gave Pete his medical clearance, and while that may be fun for us to watch Buffalo, it won’t be so fun for you to experience!” [COLOR="blue"][B]Zak King:[/B][/COLOR] “Some strong words there from Jake Sawyer. Now how about tonight. In the main event, your man, Texas Pete goes one on one with the TCW Heavyweight Champion in a non-title match. If Pete can defeat the TCW Heavyweight Champion, I would have to say that would skyrocket his position for Contendership for the title to the very top.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “Rick Law is an amazing competitor and has fought, and struggled, and strived to earn that belt… but so has my man. My man has sacrificed himself just as much as Rick Law and when the time comes, he will destroy him! He will annihilate Rick Law and then he will take his belt and become the new TCW Heavyweight Champion. All those disbelievers who coward in fear from my Texas Pete will…” Rick Law walks onto the scene holding his TCW Heavyweight Title around his shoulder. [COLOR="blue"][B]Rick Law:[/B][/COLOR] “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on therel. I’m not a little boy, so don’t think you’ll be screwing me out there tonight in my match with ugly here. Tonight it’s me and Texas Pete in the middle of the ring and while I gotta admit… you scare the holy hell out of me man… I’m just going to resort to more drastic measures to put you down. After I beat you, I’m going to defeat Tommy Cornell at Just Another Day. That guy’s got a grill so ugly, steaks are afraid to be cooked on it. Cornell will last as long in the ring with me in our Iron Man match as Zak King here would last on the slim-fast diet before resorting back to his Cheetos dipped in barbeque sauce diet.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Jake Sawyer:[/B][/COLOR] “Law, you’ve got a mountain of talent, but it will be your ego that becomes your downfall. You will see when you get into that ring with my Texas Pete. Enter if you dare Rick Law! Survive… if you can.” Jake Sawyer backs out of Law’s path as Pete nails him with a sucker punch that sends him down into a pile of crates. Texas Pete goes for another punch but Law dodges it and Pete breaks through the crate with his fist. Rick gets in a few good right hands until a team of security, on full duty tonight, rush over and pull the two apart. [B]Rating: B[/B] We fade to a vignette of a small indie event. We see the crowd then pans down past the ropes to Hell Monkey’s face and we zoom out enough to see him on his knees with blood pouring down his face and looking up into the heavens. We hear my voice as we see slow motion clips of Hell Monkey. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “In a world gone crazy… only a madman is sane. With an arsenal built for homicide, he tears through his opponents one by one, in a way that only he can. Not thinking twice of a possible genocide, yet holding no grudge against one particular group of religion, race, or alliances. Hating everyone in the world equally, just enough to have no remorse in his suicidal assaults. Like a true Kamikaze warrior, he shows no respect for his own body when determined to win, yet holds one respect in his heart - the SPORT of wrestling.” We see dozens of clips of Hell Monkey’s most brutal attacks going in super fast motion now. [COLOR="blue"][B]Mike Cooper:[/B][/COLOR] “He’s coming! No one can stand in his way! All shall tremble at the sight of his scars knowing they may soon share the same fate! He is the Homicidal, he is the genocidal, he is the suicidal madman! He is the most animalistic wrestler in the industry today! He! Is! HELL MONKEY!” [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [B]Ricky Dale Johnson VS. Jacob Jett w/Kylo[/B] Out first is Jacob Jett accompanied by Kylo. The two climb into the ring and storm around like they own the place. Next, the lights go out and the RDJ symbol flashes on the screen. RDJ comes out through the entrance tunnel in his black trench coat and a bandage covering most of his face from the hot butter thrown at him last week. RDJ points his black baseball bat towards the ring as Jett paces back and forth in fear. RDJ makes his way down the ramp and climbs into the ring, disrobing from his coat and placing his bat in the corner. As Ricky bends down to put his bat in the corner, he’s jumped from behind by Jacob Jett. Jacob hammers RDJ with right hands, driving him back into the corner. The referee tries to pull Jett away but he gets shoved out of the way. Jett drags RDJ out of the corner by the hair and charging towards the opposing corner, Jett slams RDJ’s face into the top turnbuckle. Jett stomps a mudhole in RDJ and walks it dry then whips Sting back into the original corner and charges at him but receives a boot to the face, sending him staggering backwards. RDJ charges out of the corner and plows down Jett with a Clothesline, followed by another, followed by throwing Jett over the top rope to the ground below. RDJ exit’s the ring and unloads on Jett with chop after chop. RDJ grabs Jett by the head and throws him face-first into the steel ring post. Jett shakes it off and as RDJ takes him by the head, Jett grabs Jett and locks him in a Bearhug. Jett slams RDJ’s back directly into the steel ring post as he releases the submission. Jett enters the ring to a lot of heat while he distracts the referee, allowing Kylo to strike RDJ in the side with a few kicks. RDJ reenters the ring after Kylo leaves him alone only to get stomped on viciously by Jacob Jett. Jett locks RDJ in an Arm Wrench then flattens him with a Short Arm Clothesline for a two count. Jett bounces off the ropes while RDJ tries to get to his feet and out of nowhere RDJ nails Jett with a Spinebuster. Ricky goes to lock Roode in a Sharpshooter, but instead gives Jett a stomp to the midsection. RDJ throws Jett into the corner and slides his bat out of the way into the middle of the ring. RDJ backs up and nails Jett with a Splash. Kylo enters the ring and swings at RDJ, he ducks it and tumbles onto the mat, picking up his bat in the process. RDJ puts the bat to Kylo’s throat but Jett comes from behind and scores with a low blow for the DQ. Kylo takes some cheap boots on Sting while Jett exit’s the ring and grabs a table from underneath the ring, then slides it in, setting it up in the corner. Jett lifts up RDJ and holds him in a Double Chickenwing while Kylo takes a few cheap shots, but RDJ nails Kylo with a boot to the gut, then a stomp to the foot on Jett. Ricky lifts Jacob up for a Scoop Slam, but allows him to land on his feet, only for RDJ to lay him out with a Spinebuster. RDJ grabs Kylo and trips him by both his legs, picks up Kylo and delivers a Southern Justice. BLZ Bubb slides into the ring out of nowhere and gets into a brawl with RDJ. Bubb drives the breath out of RDJ with a high knee to the gut then whips Ricky off the ropes. RDJ goes for a Crossbody, but Bubb catches him. Brown struggles a bit but manages to throw RDJ up onto his shoulders from this position, nailing a Power Bomb. Bubb looks around at the crowd that’s booing him profusely then grabs RDJ’s black baseball bat. Bubb tries to pick RDJ up with his free hand but RDJ unloads on Bubb with chops to the chest which cause him to drop the bat. RDJ unleashes a few emotional last-attempt right hands to the head which drive him back into the ropes. RDJ goes for an Irish Whip but Bubb reverses sending RDJ off the ropes. Bubb bounces off a side set of ropes and finally blasts RDJ with the Hades Bomb. Bubb gets up and fires up the crowd extremely pleased with his mental, emotional and physical victory over RDJ. If the physical toll of being Hades Bombed, Bubb had now gotten into RDJ’s head by being successful with the move. [B]Winner: Ricky Dale Johnson via DQ Rating: B-[/B] Cooper’s Note: RDJ was obviously the star of the match. Jett and Ricky had great chemistry and it showed in the match. We see The Painfull Procedure hanging out backstage drinking soda of some sort in plastic cups. They’re discussing their strategy for Just Another Day when their approached by Floyd Goldsworthy who immediately send off their panic button. [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “Whoa, easy guys. I’m not here to fight or anything. I don’t even have the boys with me. Listen, The Machines came to their senses a few nights ago and they realized they don’t stand a chance at Just Another Day. They know you guys are way more experienced than them. They know you guys are closer to each other than they are. They know that they couldn’t even dream of being tag team champions to the degree that you guys have been in the past.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Billy Jake Shearer:[/B][/COLOR] “So what are you saying? They know what we know so we should be afraid?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ronnie Pain:[/B][/COLOR] “Listen you weasel, just cut the crap. What do you want?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “My boys want to forfeit the match to you guys.” [COLOR="blue"][B]Ronnie Pain:[/B][/COLOR] “Forfeit?” [COLOR="blue"][B]Floyd Goldsworthy:[/B][/COLOR] “That’s right. They’re willing to hand over the TCW Tag Team Titles to you right now. They’re in the parking lot. Come on, I’ll take you to go see them.” The Painfull Procedure follow Floyd through a few different hallways, discussing whether or not what was about to go down was right. Billy argued that it was wrong and that the titles should only be passed through a tag team match while Pain argued that a title win is a title win, no matter how you look at it. Finally they come through a double door into the parking lot where Machine #2 blasts Billy Jack over the back with a 2x4, breaking it in half. Ronnie Pain turns around and gets into a brawl with Machine #1 who immediately has the upper hand using the system of surprise. With Billy Jack eliminated, on the ground holding his back, Machine #2 focuses on double teaming Ronnie Pain with right hands from both sides. Machine #1 slams Ronnie Pain’s face into a car hood, then The Machines lift him up with a Double Press, throwing him back-first onto the car hood and having his feet actually go through the front window setting the car alarm off. Machine #1 grabs Ronnie Pain by the face as Machine #2 holds the belt up to him. [COLOR="blue"][B]Machine #2:[/B][/COLOR] “You want these belts boys? Well so does everyone else! You got no chance of beating us now, or in your prime boy, you got me!? You should be the ones forfeiting, not us, get that straight Bitch!” The two step backwards away from the damage they caused, followed by Floyd Goldsworthy handing Machine #1 his tag team title. The three walk off screen as the camera zooms in on Billy Jack laying on the cold concrete rolling around in agony holding his back then to Ronnie Pain who’s doing the same. [B]Rating: C[/B] [CENTER][B]::Fade To Commercial::[/B][/CENTER] [B]Texas Pete w/Jake Sawyer vs. Rick Law - Non-Title Match[/B] First out is the challenger, Texas Pete, accompanied by Jake Sawyer. Texas Pete entered the ring over the top rope and stormed around the ring, scaring Zak King out of it. Out next was the TCW Heavyweight Champion, Rick Law, who stepped out of the entrance ramp and patted his TCW Heavyweight Title. Law walked down the ramp and entered the ring, handing the belt to the referee to put away for safe keeping. Law mounted the turnbuckles and saluted the crowd. Pete and Law locked up in a grapple only for Pete to shove him off, throwing him across the ring onto his back and rolling right back up onto his feet. Law locked up with Pete once more in a grapple but this time Pete literally threw Law across the ring with a modified Hip Toss you could say. Rick pulled himself back holding his back then regained his composure and nodded his head while looking at his challenger. Rick Law and Pete went to lock up a third time but this time Law nailed Pete with a kick to the gut, followed by a few right hands. Law went to deliver an Irish Whip, but Pete refused to budge. Pete yanked on Law’s arm, whipping him off the ropes then going for the Big Boot, only for Law to duck it. Rick nailed Pete in the back of the knee with a basement Dropkick, dropping The Big Texan down to one knee. Rick Law unloaded on right hands to the temple of Pete then bounced off the ropes and nailed Pete in the face with a Dropkick that knocked him down. Law covered Pete but he kicked out “with authority”. Law grabbed Pete quickly and locked him in an Arm Bar but Pete continued to pull himself to his feet, then used his free hand to grab Law by the throat. Law managed to slip out of Pete’s grip and slip behind him, nailing him in the back a few times with a right forearm. Rick Law laid out Pete with a Falling Reverse DDT but only managed to get two which disappointed him. Law climbed up to the top rope and waited for Pete to make it to his feet. Law leaped off the top rope for a Body Press of some sort but got caught in a Bearhug. Law screamed in pain but had nowhere to go as Pete squeezed tighter and tighter. Just as it looked like Law was going to pass out, the crowd got behind him and he began shaking his head “no”, then nailed Pete with a bell clap, followed by a rake to the eyes and a few right hands, but instead of releasing Rick Law, Pete only fell backwards throwing Law with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Law held his back in agony as Pete held his face, just now having the pain seep in. Pete grabbed Law by the shoulder as they both pulled themselves up, and pulled Pete into a Short Arm Clothesline. Pete pulled the champion back up to his feet by the throat and set him up for a Vertical Suplex, only to straddle him on the top turnbuckle. Law hit Pete with a few Headbutts but managed to hurt himself more than Pete. Law nailed Pete in the head a few times with some right hands then turned Pete around, leaping off the turnbuckles and hitting a Tornado Reverse DDT. Both men were down but it looked like Law could have gotten three if he had pinned Pete in time, but he rolled out of the ring before Law could reach him. Law looked over the ropes at Pete who was trying to get to his feet then he leaped onto the second rope and then over the top rope onto Pete, taking him down. Law slammed Pete’s face into the steel steps to weaken him. Law went to whip Pete into the guard rail but Pete reversed and threw Law back-first into the guard rail. Pete Pressed Law into the air then threw him back into the ring through the middle rope. Pete entered the ring and delivered a tremendous Choke Slam to Rick Law but he managed to get his foot on the second rope before the three count. Rick got lifted up onto the shoulders of Pete, but Law slipped out the back-door and nailed Pete with a Throat Thrust. The referee went to make the count, but Jake Sawyer pulled him out of the ring and decked him with a right hand. Sawyer then stomped away at the referee until he was definitely not getting up. Rick Law exited the ring and chased Jake Sawyer away from the referee. Law grabbed a steel chair handed to him by a fan and reentered the ring. Pete pulled himself to his feet only to have the chair blasted over his head, but Pete did not go down. Law delivered a straight shot to the top of the head of Pete, but all it did was put a dent in the chair. Law bounced off the ropes and dove at Pete, finally knocking him down with a Diving Chair Shot to the face. Tommy Cornell ran down from the back with a Chair of his own. Rick Law set Pete up for another Throat Thrust, but was pushed off towards Cornell who exploded his chair over Law’s head. Cornell exited the ring and threw the referee back in. Pete covered Law who was out cold as the groggy referee counted the three. Tommy Cornell reentered the ring and stared down Law who was barely moving. Cornell laid in a few boots to Law, keeping him down on the mat then slapped Pete on the back, giving him instructions. Cornell whipped Law off the ropes and Pete caught him, spinning around in circles but released him, letting him go flying at the sound of American Buffalo’s music. Buffalo charged down the aisle and slid into the ring, plowing down Cornell with a Clothesline, then breaking into a brawl with Pete. Rick Law pulled himself back up and delivered a Spear to Cornell, pounding away at him with right hands. Buffalo backed Pete into the corner and began to stomp away at him as the scene faded out on the two rivalries building up. [B]Winner: Texas Pete Overall Rating: B on the match, B+ on the rescue.[/B] [CENTER][B]Overall Show Rating: B- Network Rating: 14:93 (new high)[/B][/CENTER]
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