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The Evolution of NYCW (C-Verse)

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[CENTER][FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]THE EVOLUTION OF NYCW[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]THE CATALYST[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="2"]The Stomper had been bought out, and it was all that the NYCW fans could talk about. From the moment it was announced on TEWWrestling.com, up until the time they entered the Weston Gymnasium for Final Battle 2006. Who had bought NYCW and what where there plans for the company. Nobody really knew and in this day and age, that was surprising. The dirt sheets usually knew everything, but the new owner had kept his or her identity secret. And the 300 odd fans now packed the arena, hoping to find out who would be the new NYCW owner. The roster was around the ring already, and the tension was oozing out of them all. New Owner meant uncertainty. And the majority of the roster had got used to having a consistent and safe monthly income. The fans, where excited but also apprehensive! Could their beloved New York City Wrestling be turned into a sports entertainment circus, or into a spot monkey rehash of CZCW. Or even copy the success of the other Tri State Company, DAVE. The lights dimmed, everyone was on edge, waiting, till the music started to play, and the lighting focused on the small entranceway. This wasn’t an SWF stage, and the lighting and production wasn’t SWF quality, but that only seemed to add to the tension, as a female silhouette walked up into the light, and the crowd reacted as they began to recognize the facial features of one of the best female minds in the business. [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/NYCW/FarrahHesketh.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Farrah Hesketh’s mouth curled up into a smirk as she got a mixed reaction from the vocal New York crowd. Chants ranging from her name to “We Want Stomper” echoed around the small arena. She let the fans have their moment before heading down the small walkway, passing some of the NYCW alumni, stopping in front of Grandmaster Phunk, as the two stared directly at each other. Grandmaster Phunk was the first to do anything, slapping his NYCW Empire Title that was on his shoulder. Farrah raised her eyebrows before moving on and getting into the ring, having a microphone handed to her by a stagehand. She moved to the centre of the ring and waited for the atmosphere to die down. “In case any of you don’t know, my name is Farrah Hesketh. I used to be the future of Women’s Wrestling. But there’s more than one way to get you’re name written into stone, one way, is to build something incredible, that nobody will forget. Something timeless, something that at all times, exemplifies quality. Something new, something fresh, but something that respects tradition! And what better foundation is there, than NYCW.” The fans weren’t too sure, as Farrah’s words suggested that things were about to change in their favourite local promotion. Some of the wrestlers looked as worried as the fans, some looked confident, as if it didn’t matter who was in charge. “So let me get straight to business. Why NYCW? Because what better place to start than in the Tri-State Region, with the most brutal, cut throat, tell it how it is fans. And exactly what do I have planned for NYCW? Simply Evolution!” The boos’s started off low, but soon built up to a deafening noise, well as deafening as 300 people could be. And they didn’t die down when Farrah went to speak again, but Farrah could still just be heard. “Change can be scary, and right now you may all boo, but in time you’re tune will change. This is the new era, the beginning of NYCW’s Evolution. And tonight, will be the very beginning of something you will all talk about for years to come. And now, let me introduce you to the man that will lead this evolution……………Black Hat Bailey.” [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/NYCW/BlackHatBailey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] The fans were silenced, the name clearly not having been expected to come out of Farrah Hesketh’s lips. Black Hat Bailey wasn’t young, in fact he was, like the majority of the roster, a throwback to the old days. Black Hat Bailey pulled himself up onto the ring apron, the fans now unsure of what their reaction should be. They liked NYCW the way it was, but if Black Hat Bailey was the leader of this evolution, what exactly would be the change. Farrah Hesketh handed the microphone to Black Hat Bailey, who straightened his hat and went to speak. “Confused? So was I! I was the first to find out who our new owner was. She came to my home, appeared on my doorstep unannounced and told me, she was the new owner of NYCW. She explained to me why she bought NYCW and what she had planned, and my initial reaction was the same as yours. But before I could tell her to stop acting like she had a set between her legs, and go book in AAA, she told me that I was to lead this new evolution. And it dawned on me, that Farrah here is changing NYCW for the better. She wants tradition to be respected, but she wants true talent, ones that can adjust to the new age of wrestling. NYCW is never going to prosper being the poor man’s USPW. We’re not going to prosper being a version of DAVE, TCW, SWF or CZCW. The only way we can become something more than Tri States second best promotion, is to offer something that nobody else is doing. Set a new standard! Technical excellence, unmatched aggression, never say die attitude. We need to do it all and do it better than everyone else. And tonight, I will show you all exactly what I mean, when I take the title from Grandmaster Phunk here tonight at the final show of 2006. Tonight, the evolution begins!” The arena is filled with a mixed reaction as Grandmaster Phunk stares into the ring at Black Hat Bailey, who walks to the ropes and stares back at the NYCW Empire Champion, the rest of the roster watching the two as the unannounced main event is now clear.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Impact"]Rating: D[/FONT] [CENTER][SIZE="4"]*****[/SIZE] [FONT="Impact"][SIZE="5"]NYCW Empire Title Match[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"]Grand Master Phunk © vs. Black Hat Bailey[/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/NYCW/NYCW_Empire.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/NYCW/GrandmasterPhunk_alt1.jpg[/IMG]vs.[IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v353/Focus2004/NYCW/BlackHatBailey.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="2"]In a match that clearly broke the tradition NYCW match up, two heels went face to face in the main event for the NYCW Empire Title. The crowd didn’t know who to boo the most, not sure if this evolution was a good thing or a bad thing, and perhaps what was a good match between two of the top talents in NYCW, could have been better. But no matter the mixed crowd reaction, no matter the uncertainty of the fans and no matter how drastic the evolution would turn out to be, this was a historically important match. And also the last match Grand Master Phunk would fight in an NYCW ring. Black Hat Bailey on the other hand showed a fire that night that hadn’t run through his old body in a long time, and the fans were shocked, surprised but seemingly pleased to see it. In what was a fast paced match up for these two, Black Hat Bailey just didn’t seem willing to lie down, no matter what was thrown at him. When Grandmaster Phunk realized the predicament he was in, he attempted every shortcut he could, illegal pin attempts, low blows and cheap tactic after cheap tactic. Eventually he went for a chair at ringside, but Farrah Hesketh went to ringside and grabbed the chair from Grandmaster Phunk. As the two argued, Black Hat Bailey, for perhaps the first time in many years, flew from the apron and hit a DDT on Grandmaster Phunk onto the hard floor below. After being rolled into the ring, there was little escape for Grandmaster, and Black Hat Bailey in impressive fashion became NYCW Empire Champion.[/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT="Impact"]Winner: Black Hat Bailey Rating: C-[/FONT]
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