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This one is stolen from Baseball Mogul. In that game each player has a "potential rating" of sorts (which I am gratified to say that TEW will also have), but in addition they have "Peak Years". Two ratings, a "Peak Begin" and a "Peak End". The "Peak Begin" age is the age at which the player has reached his optimum physical capabilities, and is at his best. Peak end age is where a player begins to degrade in skill. Example: Ric Flair Peak Begin: 30 Peak End: 40 This would mean that Ric would reach his peak quite late, and would continue at his best through his 40's and would only begin to degrade at that point. Example: Tommy Rich Peak Begin: 25 PEak End: 31 Tommy peaked much younger than Ric Flair. He was the Youngest world champion of all time, but he flamed out quite young. This would allow wrestlers to be further distinguished from one another. This would obviously be a hidden (except in the editor) stat. Now when you sign a young wrestler, he may be a high potential wrestler, who improves quickly for a while, but reaches his plateau fairly early (Young Peak Begin). You might also have what seems like an unremarkable wrestler, who spends years putzing around the minor organizations, but never stops improving, and eventually becomes a huge star (Late Peak Begin).
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;391531]This is already in 07, you just don't have the ability to view or edit the numbers as they are linked to Destiny.[/QUOTE] Really? Cool. How much variability could there be? And is this something you'd consider pulling out of Destiny (like Potential)?
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