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[IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/RAW%202OO6%20Diary/MainPicture.jpg[/IMG] I got a phone call. vince Mcmahon was 26Billion pounds in debt. The IRS had seized the RAW Brand only. Fotunatly I had just won 26Billion on the lottery. So i took my chance and purchased RAW. Haha, in all seriousness, that was just a mickey take. There is no backstory here. This is just inspired from the last updated TEW05 One Ring Circus Mod. It happens to start in June 2006. I am using the split up version though, and only booking the RAW Brand. Enjoy!! [COLOR="red"][U][B][SIZE="4"]Roster[/SIZE][/B][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]Billy Gunn Carlito Chris Masters Colt Cabana Doink The Clown Edge Eugene Fake Kane Harry Smith Jim Duggan John Cena Johnny Johnny Nitro Jonathan Coachman - Authority Figure Kamala Kane Kenny Kurt Angle Lance Cade Matt Striker Mick Foley - Occasional Wrestler Mikey Mitch Nicky Randy Orton Ric Flair Rob Conway Rob Van Dam Shane Mcmahon - Authority Figure Shawn Michaels Shelton Benjamin Snitsky The Great Khali Trevor Murdoch Triple H Umaga Vince Mcmahon - Authority Figure Viscera[/COLOR] [B][U]WWE Champion[/U][/B] [COLOR="red"]-Rob Van Dam[/COLOR] [U][B]Intercontinental Champion[/B][/U] [COLOR="red"]-Johnny Nitro[/COLOR] [U][B]World Tag Team Champions[/B][/U] [COLOR="red"]-The Spirit Squad[/COLOR]
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[IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/RAW%202OO6%20Diary/Week1.jpg[/IMG] [CENTER][U][B][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]RAW Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/U][/CENTER] Randy Orton will look to continue his Legend Killer streak, as he faces Doink The Clown. Rob Van Dam will make a speech, surrounding his recent victories, which have picked him up The WWE Championship [I]AND[/I] The ECW Championship. Umaga will face off against Matt Striker. Can Striker end The Samoan Savage's winning streak? Edge will host The Cutting Edge, his guest is unknown just yet though. Carlito will lock horns with youngster Colt Cabana, in a match which could determine a number 1 contender for Johnny Nitro's Intercontinental Champonship. Degeneration X will have a message regarding The Spirit Squad's cheap victory over them to retain their World Tag Titles last night at Judgement Day. Daivari also has a message to the RAW roster coming from Khali. Khali was recently brought to the RAW Roster by Jonathan Coachman, but just what will Daivari have to say? [B][U]Quick Picks[/U][/B] -Randy Orton vs Doink -Carlito vs Colt Cabana -Umaga vs Matt Striker
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[B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/RAW%202OO6%20Diary/Week1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/M-R/RobVanDam2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/F-L/KurtAngle5.jpg[/IMG] Our WWE (and ECW) Champion opens the show, Rob Van Dam. He says that he is the WWE Champion and ECW Champion for many reasons. He is a Hardcore master, a Technical Wizard, A Spot monkey Monkey, A Brooklyn Brawler, Perosoue King and most importantly, the most intelligent wrestler in the company. This draws out Kurt Angle who says he is all of the above, plus more. He then insults RVD’s intelligence and claims himself to be the most intelligent superstar the WWE has ever seen. He then starts running down ECW, RVD simply turns around a cracks Angle square in the jaw, he then delivers some patented kicks we’re so used to from RVD, which sends Angle running. RVD then celebrated in the ring with both WWE and ECW World Championships. [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/M-R/RandyOrton2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/A-E/Doink.jpg[/IMG] We have next our first match up of the evening. Randy Orton continues his legend killer path of destruction streak. This time with Doink the clown standing in his way. Doink is no match for the young, ****y superstar though, and one RKO later, Orton is declared the winner. Orton gets on the mic after and claims by beating the past, he is becoming the future. [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/S-Z/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/S-Z/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] We go backstage next, where Degeneration X are standing, and getting a huge pop. They tell the crowd to chill, but the fans keep going crazy. They then begin to talk though, and the crowd starts listening. They start running down the Spirit Squad, who cheated to defeat them for the World Tag Titles last night at Judgement Day. DX refer to them as ‘The Gay Brigade’ and run down their ambiguous sexuality. They then lay down a challenge tonight. DX vs The Whole of The Spirit Squad in a 5 on 2 handicap. They claim if they lose, they will never get another shot at the Spirit Squads tag titles again. But, if they win, they get a title rematch at Vengeance. [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/A-E/CarlyColon.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/A-E/ColtCabana.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/F-L/JohnHennigan.jpg[/IMG] We are back in the ring, to see what surely will be a good fashioned wrestling match, Carlito takes on Colt Cabana in a one on one match. Our Intercontinental champion, Johnny Nitro is at ringside for this one. Colt Cabana puts on an excellence performance, but the experience factor on the big stage kicks in, and after missing a Ram-Man, Carlito connected with a backcracker to put Cabana down for good. As Carlito was celebrating however, Nitro jumped him from behind, striking Carlito’s forehead with Intercontinental gold. Nitro warned Carlito not to think about getting a shot at the Intercontinental Title, coz it just aint happening. He also said that’s as close as Carlito’s going to get to the gold. [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/A-E/AdamCopeland.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/F-L/GlenJacobs.jpg[/IMG] The all too familiar music of Edge fills the arena next, as he comes to the ring to present his Talk Show – The Cutting Edge. He says that he doesn’t have any official guests tonight, so if anyone wants to be on the show, they should step forward now. As we hear a boom and the visual of fire, Kane makes his way to the ring. In a grovelly voice he says that he is never a part of the show anymore, and thus will have to force his way into the show we know as Raw. Kane then grabs Edge by the throat, and drives him to the mat with a chokeslam. Kane then taunts for the crowd a little, as Edge gets the hell out of the ring! [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/S-Z/EkmoFatu2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/M-R/MattStriker.jpg[/IMG] We stay at ringside for our penultimate match of the evening, which sees Umaga take on Matt Striker. Umaga, like normal, dominates, finishing Striker off with a Samoan Spike. [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/S-Z/DalipSingh.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/A-E/ShawnDaivari.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/F-L/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] We stay in the giant monsters theme as the show continues, as Daivari accompanies The Great Khali to the ring. Daivari goes onto say that he feels its time for Khali to have a challenge, as nobody has managed to defeat him since he came to the WWE, not even The Undertaker! Thus he is making an open challenge to anyone in the back. No music hits, and Daivari starts laughing. Just before he can say no one dares step foot inside this ring with Khali, John Cena’s music hits the speakers! The crowd erupts with Cheers, boo’s, screams and chants. Cena makes his way to the ring, not before taunting, but gets in the ring very anxiously and cautiously in wake of Khali. Cena gets on the mic and simply says ‘I Accept’. Cena then takes a few big swings at Khali, but Khali simply pushes Cena away. Cena goes back for some more, but Khali wants none of it and escapes out of the ring. Something Daivari didn’t manage to do, and as he made a feeble attempt to flee the ring, Cena simply grabbed him, hoisted him up on his shoulders and hit an FU. Cena then told Khali to bring it and taunted him by saying ‘You Can’t See Me’. [IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/S-Z/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/S-Z/TripleH.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/F-L/JohnnyJeter2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/F-L/KenDoane2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/M-R/MikeMondo2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/M-R/NickMitchell2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/M-R/NickNemeth2.jpg[/IMG] Our Main Event is up next, just confirmed a bit earlier by Vince McMahon, Degeneration X vs The World Tag Team Champions, The Spirit Squad, in a non-title match. If DX win, then they get a title shot at Vengeance. However if Spirit Squad win, DX never get a title shot again. As all 5 of ‘the squad’ come to the ring it is unknown who will compete for them first, but it is soon made clear before the bell rings. It will be Mikey. The Squad are dominated in the first few minutes, but after some interference on behalf of the rest of the squad,they gain control of the match. Or so they thought. Shawn Michaels managed to avoid a what surely would have been a match winning leg drop from Johnny, and when Johnny got up, he was met by Sweet Chin Music. Shawn and Johnny then did the regular tag team struggle to get to each corner, but then tag in at the exact same time thing. Michaels got the tag on Trips, who cleaned house, just as he was setting Mikey up for the Pedigree though, the rest of The Spirit Squad got involved and beat down Hunter and Michaels. The 5 on 2 incurred, until, yep you guessed it, HHH and HBK found their second wind and managed to send The Squad running, well everyone except Mikey, who was left for dead in the ring. Trips then set him up for the Pedigree again, but this time, unlike last, he managed to hit it. Triple H then pinned Mikey for the 3. DX now go onto face The Spirit Squad at Vengeance for the World Tag Team Titles. RAW went of air with DX taunting to the crowd doing, of course, the famous Degeneration X crotch chops.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B]
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[IMG]http://i292.photobucket.com/albums/mm24/welshyhbm/RAW%202OO6%20Diary/Week2.jpg[/IMG] [U][SIZE="4"][B][COLOR="Red"][CENTER]RAW Preview[/CENTER][/COLOR][/B][/SIZE][/U] Kurt Angle has been granted his wish. At Vengeance he will take on RVD for the WWE Title, but his challenge on RAW is abit different. He faces off against RVD's long time friend - Sabu! For the second straight week, Edge will host the Cutting Edge and his guest yet again will be Kane. Edge says that Kane will apologize for his actions last week, but will he? Randy Orton will face another legend, this time in The Ugandan Giant - Kamala! Umaga will try to continue his streak aswell. Umaga, undefeated since he arrived on the scene in the WWE, will be at the msot vunerable side in a 2 on 1 handicap against former World Tag Team Champions, Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Following Khali's open challenge being accepted by John Cena, the 2 will sign contracts for their match at Vengeance. With 2 big ego's behind each side of the table though, will either Khali or Cena be able to keep their cool in time to sign their contract? One half of the number 1 contenders to the World Tag Titles, Triple H will take on one fifth of the World Tag Champs, Mikey. Despite being the favourite, Triple H will be against the odds as the rest of The Spirit Squad will be at ringside. [B][U]QUICK PCKS[/U][/B] -Sabu vs Kurt Angle -Triple H vs Mikey -Randy Orton vs Kamala -Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch vs Umaga
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