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I actually didn't book him that well for most of the year. I ran a feud with a young Great Muta that blew up to start the year because they had great chemistry. Then I was going to book him to feud with Tully Blanchard right after Wrestlemania but Tully got hurt. So I didn't have much to use him for in April or May. Finally when KOTR time came around I was planning to do Dusty Rhodes as my KOTR but he suffered a small injury so I replaced him with Ricky and things went from there.
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Managed to rise both Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle to an average of A* in two different years in the game I'm currently playing, but it usually was with several B+s and As, and only A*s at big events (thanks to both having chemistry together). Gotta say, your booking is really neat. Sweet idea btw to make Stan Hansen go over Steamboat, you picked the right guy. Why no main event title run for Steamboat though, considering the ratings he can pull?
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[QUOTE=BadFurDay;394831]Managed to rise both Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle to an average of A* in two different years in the game I'm currently playing, but it usually was with several B+s and As, and only A*s at big events (thanks to both having chemistry together). Gotta say, your booking is really neat. Sweet idea btw to make Stan Hansen go over Steamboat, you picked the right guy. Why no main event title run for Steamboat though, considering the ratings he can pull?[/QUOTE] Well my main event was clogged with Hogan feuding with Andre (a year early), Bruiser Brody, and Stan Hansen for most of the year and then Kamala at the end. I have Flair set to go over Hogan at the next WM and then Ricky will get the main event run as he feuds with Flair for the belt. Just wasn't any room for a Ricky main event run really. Keep in mind that this game began in 83 and at this point Hogan is so over it isn't funny and is pulling down good ratings himself.
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[QUOTE=Rated r;396101]With you so far in I would love to hear what has happened in the WWF.[/QUOTE] Well I'm the most popular promotion in the world, but that isn't saying much. AJPW has closed, SECW has closed, MLW has closed, etc. Most of the smaller NWA promotions are dead. In he WWF, Ric Flair is my world champion after defeating Hulk Hogan at WM III. I then set Hogan to "On Hiatus" and released him because or game world purposes I'm running the idea that he's gone to film movies, etc. He won't re-enter the game world or nearly a year. I've formed the Horsemen at the ppv after WM. They are Arn, Tully, Flair, JJ, and Gino Hernandez. The Brainbusters have turned out to beat the best tag team ever imo, putting on A* matches with the Killer Bees, The Rockers, The Roadwarriors, and the Bulldogs. I've brought in Dusty Rhodes and Jerry Lawler and they make up my main event scene along with Roddy Piper and Flair. WMIII card: Ric Flair defeated Hulk Hogan for the WWF title Ricky Steamboat defeated Randy Savage for the WWF IC title Dusty Rhodes defeated Stan Hansen Roddy Piper defeated Terry Funk Bruiser Brody defeated JYD. (JYD was totally stale at this point so I let his contract expire expecting to bring him back later. Bruiser Brody however announced his retirement the next month. :() Brainbusters defeated the Roadwarriors to retain the tag titles Jerry Lawler defeated Austin Idol. The stip was that after winning he got to have five minutes with Andy Kaufman. Sting defeated Greg Valentine in a loser leaves WWF match Luna defeated Wendi Ricther for the WWF Women's title The Rockers defeated The Dynamic Duo (Chris Adams & Gino) when Gino betrayed Adams. A show.
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