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WWE RAW 2008 - This Is Sports Entertainment

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[QUOTE][center][b]March 30th 2008 - Wrestlemania 24 Results[/b] JBL defeated Finlay in a Belfast Brawl. CM Punk won a 24 man battle royal to earn a shot for the ECW Title. Umaga defeated Batista. Chris Jericho won the Money in the Bank Ladder Match. Shawn Michaels defeated Ric Flair to retire Flair. Floyd Mayweather defeated Big Show by Knockout. The Undertaker defeated Edge to win the World Heavyweight Title. Triple H defeated Randy Orton and John Cena to win the WWE Title when he pinned Orton after the Pedigree.[/QUOTE] Wrestlemania 24 was a night where Triple H became a 12 Time World Heavyweight Champion by pinning his long time nemesis John Cena to start yet another World Title reign. Umaga proved RAW was the dominant brand as he defeated Batista. Ric Flair was finally beaten and had to retire as Shawn Michaels defeated him in an emotional match, both men hugged in the middle of the ring and tears were shed by the two men and fans alike. Chris Jericho won the Money in the Bank and now has a WWE Title shot when he chooses to cash it in within the next year. Big Show was absoulutely pulverised by Floyd Mayweather and he took such a beating it might be a long time before we ever see him again. JBL and Finlay had a wild brawl which saw JBL come out on top in the end and show everyone just how tough he really is. This is RAW and this is Sports Entertainment. [i]OOC: This is a diary which documents the RAW side of things post Wrestlemania. It will have monthly PPV's and lets see where i can take things. Ill be using EWR for this one. Hope you enjoy reading cos ill sure as hell enjoy writing. News update should be next to set the tone.[/i][/center] OOC: Why cant you post pictures?
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You can. You need the URL of the picture, when writing your message click on the icon with the mountains, paste the URL in and Bob's your uncle. So in the writing the message screen it will be displayed as [IMG]Picture URL[/IMG], but in the post the picture will be there. Hope that helps.
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OOC: Still didnt work doesnt matter though. Thanks for the help anyway. [quote=www.pwinsider.com][center][b]News and Rumours – March 31st 2008[/b] [img]http://images.aboutus.org/images/e/ed/Logo-pwinsiderelite-com.gif[/img] - Rumour has it Matt Hardy could actually return to WWE Television on the RAW side of things, this could annoy many fans who want to see a legitimate ending to the brilliant Hardy and MVP program from last year. But we shall see if this is true or not in the coming weeks. - As for Matt Hardy’s brother Jeff, WWE is trying to push Jeff into as rehab program that would last a total of 12 weeks. Jeff Hardy is reluctant to go and this could end up with Jeff getting released from his contract, more on this gripping news story as we get it. - WWE presents Backlash 2008 live on Pay Per View on the 13th of April. The Main Event is rumoured to be Randy Orton challenging Triple H for the WWE Title in his rematch to regain the gold but this could all change. - WWE Management is rumoured to be keen on pushing JBL following his victory over Finlay in the Street Fight at Wrestlemania, Finlay has been sent back to Smackdown and shall be exclusive to that brand it seems along with his ‘son’ Hornswoggle. - Theres no word on when Chris Jericho will cash in on his Money in the Bank title shot, the betting money seems to be on Summerslam though, although you have to believe it would take a lot to keep the fans interested that long. This could very well be Jericho’s last chance at a top run in the WWE. You have to remember Jericho is still the Intercontinental Champion as well, so maybe that could keep him away from the WWE Title for the time being. - The WWE are looking to add to the Florida Championship Wrestling roster in the near future, they’ve currently got their Road Agents scouring the country looking for talented young prospects. - Current Tag Team Champions Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes are said to have intense dislike for each other and have some major heat. What this means for their run as World Tag Team Champions no one knows yet but lets hope they don’t become unprofessional and have a fight backstage or something.[/center][/quote]
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[center][quote][b]OOC: I decided not to do a RAW Preview since Wrestlemania pretty much set everything up for RAW anyway but there will be previews starting from next week. So this is the first show and feedback is welcome, im always looking for ways to improve my writing.[/b][/quote] [u][b]WWE RAW March 31st 2008[/b][/u] [img]http://pauked.com/blog/files/WWE_2DRaw_2DLogo.jpg[/img] [color="#FF0000"][b]The 12 Time World Champion[/b][/color] The music of Triple H hits in the arena and the crowd give him a rousing an ovation. You see last night at Wrestlemania 24 Triple H defeated Randy Orton and John Cena in the Triple Threat match for the WWE Title when he hit Randy Orton with the Pedigree and made the cover to become the 12 Time World Champion. Triple H is in the ring with the belt hanging proudly across his waist, Triple H gets handed a mic and he is ready to address this capacity crowd here and you can see the grin on his face as he is just delighted to once again be the Champion of the World. [b]Triple H:[/b] [i]‘Last night, last night for the first time in two years I walked out of an arena the World Champion. For two years ive waited, for two years its all ive thought about, It has consumed my mind on daily basis. Ive been obsessed with becoming the WWE Champion once again and tonight here I am in all my glory once again the Game is World Champion! Once again I am at the top of the mountain!’[/i] The crowd cheers and then chants Triple H’s name, once the chant dies down Triple H starts talking again. [b]Triple H:[/b] [i]‘And here we are once again, once again the Game is a wanted man. Randy Orton will want a one on one rematch for his chance to get this title back around his waist and im pretty sure if I know John Cena and im pretty sure I do know John Cena I just know that he will want me one on one in this very ring. And you know what bring them on, bring them all on, I know what it means to be Champion I will take on anybody with this title on the line and I will once again prove that I am the best I will once again prove that I am the best in this business!’[/i] Triple H is cut off by the music of Randy Orton and Orton starts making his way down to the ring looking at Triple H the whole time while soaking in mostly boos from the crowd, Orton has a mic in hand and he slides in the ring and addresses Triple H in that monotone voice he has become famous for in recent years. [color="#0000FF"][b]Orton:[/b][/color] [i]‘You know what Triple H, last night at Wrestlemania I was in there against you and John Cena and it was the fight of my life and you beat me fair and square, you gave me the Pedigree and you pinned me for the three count, but if you are the fighting Champion that you say you are you will give me my rematch and you will give it to me right here tonight. And believe me Triple H I deserve my rematch and I deserve it right here tonight.’[/i] Triple H strokes his chin and just as he is about to respond the music of John Cena hits in the arena and the crowd explodes in a mixture of cheers and boo’s, Cena makes his way down to the ring and he slides in and takes a look at both Orton and Triple H before requesting a mic and he has something to say. [color="#800080"][b]Cena:[/b][/color] [i]‘Yo yo yo! Randy Orton the fact of the matter is you got your ass pinned last night and you lost, Triple H did not pin my shoulders to the mat and the way I see it is if anyone should be facing off against Triple H for the WWE Title here tonight it should be your boy it should be John Cena. What do ya say Triple H is it me the man you did not beat last night or is it this guy who you already beat last night, its your call Champ.’[/i] Triple H has a smile on his face before responding. [b]Triple H:[/b] [i]‘Wow you do like the worst homeboy impression ive ever heard. Wow.’[/i] The crowd all laugh in unison. And Cena looks annoyed. [b]Triple H:[/b] [i]‘Look Cena I don’t care if its you, I don’t care if its Orton. The result will still be the same, one of you will get your ass kicked from the WWE Champion Triple H.’[/i] Orton and Cena stare at each other before the music of William Regal hits in the arena and he has something to say. [color="#008000"][b]Regal:[/b][/color] [i]‘Steady on steady on chaps, no one is making the matches around from here apart from me. You Triple H are the new Champion but you wont be in action tonight my son, no no. You see tonight no one is getting a shot at your newly won WWE Title because instead we need a new number one contender for the WWE Title and tonight we will see Randy Orton and John Cena go head to head in a number one contenders match and the winner goes on to Backlash to face Triple H for the WWE title at Backlash. So Cena and Orton I suggest you both stop standing there like a couple of pillocks and head backstage and get ready for your match tonight in the Main Event.’[/i] Triple H looks happy with this development and Cena looks happy to be facing Orton here tonight but Orton just looks at Cena with contempt as the show goes to a commercial break. [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Its all on the line tonight folks as Cena and Orton face off in the Main Event for a shot at the Triple H and his WWE Title at Backlash on April 13th.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘What a night this is gonna be JR and I cant wait for the Main Event!’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Indeed King this is what RAW is all about, its all about competition and when Cena takes on Orton tonight its all about becoming the number one contender for the WWE Title at Backlash.’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][u][b]Tag Team Match[/b][/u][/color] [color="#FF0000"][b]Carlito and Santino Marella vs Londrick[/b][/color] You have to believe whoever wins this match would have a good shout at getting a World Tag Team Titles shot down the road but that’s all speculation on my part. Carlito and London brawled in the early going with Carlito coming out on top and then nailing London with chops in the corner and then some right hands, as the match went on London fought back with a flip dropkick and a front face DDT and got the tag to Kendrick, Kendrick took it to Carlito with a cross body but Carlito fought back with a falldown slam and got the tag to Santino. Santino and Kendrick went back and forth with Santino hitting a sideslam and Kendrick hitting left hands and a whip to the ropes and a flying headscissors. As the match went on Kendrick had a period of dominance with a flying clothesline off the top and then a flip leg drop for consecutive near falls but Santino soon took control of the match with a short arm clothesline and some stomps to the head of Kendrick and got the tag to Carlito. Carlito took it to Kendrick with a DDT and a leg drop for a near fall but Kendrick fought back with a flying clothesline and a dropkick and got a tag to London. London came in and took it to Carlito with lefts and rights but Carlito responded with a knee to the gut and then hit a reverse DDT. Carlito then went for the Backstabber once London got to his feet but London countered into a roll up pin and got the win! Londrick celebrated up the ramp and Carlito and Santino looked like they could not believe they lost the match. [u][b]Winners – Londrick[/b][/u] [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘What a victory for London and Kendrick here tonight and you gotta believe this puts them in the Tag Team Title hunt.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘I think theres other teams more deserving of a title shot JR.’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘You would King, you would. The fact of the matter is London and Kendrick got the win here tonight.’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][b]Mr Money In The Bank[/b][/color] The music of Chris Jericho hits in the arena to a booming ovation and the man who won the Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania makes his way to the ring looking like one very happy man, Jericho now has the opportunity to cash in a WWE Title shot within the next year at a time of his choosing. Jericho is now in the ring still soaking up the cheers before he takes a microphone from the back of his jeans and begins to talk. [b]Jericho:[/b] [i]‘Welcome to RAW Is Jericho!’[/i] The crowd erupts and cheers before Jericho starts talking again. [b]Jericho:[/b] [i]‘And you see Jerichoholics last night I went into that Money in the Bank match and beat 6 other men to earn a shot at the WWE Title within the next year and let me tell you I don’t care if that jackass Triple H is still the Champion, I don’t care if Orton get the belt back around his waist all I know is that im going to take my time. Im going to make sure im ready and when the time is right I will take my opportunity and the belt will be back where it belongs it will be around this gorgeous waist baby!’[/i] Jericho pauses as the crowd start to chant his name but the chanting is cut off by the music of Mr Kennedy who makes his way down to the ring and Jericho looks into the crowd as if to say what is this jackass doing here? Kennedy gets in the ring and he has a mic in hand and has something to say to Chris Jericho. [color="#0000FF"][b]Kennedy:[/b][/color] [i]‘You got lucky last night Chris, yeah that’s right you got lucky. You see when you were climbing that ladder and grabbing that belt I was on the outside clutching my ankle after I landed badly earlier in the match. I was not one hundred percent but if I was I would be standing here the winner of the Money in the Bank and not you, everyone knows I deserve a shot as the WWE Title. Everyone knows I am far superior to you and everyone knows that when Chris Jericho does cash in his Money in the Bank the chances are you wont even win anyway.’[/i] Jericho smirks before responding to Kennedy. [b]Jericho:[/b] [i]‘Listen here assclown the fact of the matter is I won at Wrestlemania and I am Mr Money in the Bank and if you ask me being called Mr Money in the Bank is a hell of a lot better than being a jackass called Mr Kennedy.’[/i] Kennedy looks pissed off before responding. [color="#0000FF"][b]Kennedy:[/b][/color] [i]‘How about I knock that silly smirk off your face huh? Who do you think your talking down to? Im Mr Kennedy and I am the next WWE Champion not you!’[/i] Jericho stares at Kennedy before responding. [b]Jericho:[/b] [i]‘Id like to see that tough guy.’[/i] Kennedy quickly cheap shots Jericho but Jericho responds by hitting Kennedy with lefts and rights before throwing him to the outside. Kennedy lands on his ass on the outside as the crowd cheer in approval, Jericho is pointing at Kennedy and laughing as Kennedy looks irate as he gets to his feet and backs up the ramp as the show goes to a commercial. [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Kennedy is a sore loser King, he just cant stand the fact that Jericho won the Money in the Bank match and not him.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘C’mon JR you know fine that Kennedy would have a better chance of winning the title than Jericho if he had the shot.’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘No I don’t! Chris Jericho is the Intercontinental Champion and the first ever Undisputed Champion! Chris Jericho has as good a chance as anyone of winning the WWE Title given the chance!’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][u][b]Singles Match[/b][/u][/color] [color="#FF0000"][b]Umaga vs Val Venis[/b][/color] Last night at Wrestlemania Umaga defeated Batista rather convincingly to prove RAW is the dominant brand. Umaga looked strong in the early going with shoulder blocks and a whip to the ropes and a headbutt to Venis. As the match went on Umaga continued to take it to Venis with a flapjack and a running splash in the corner, the middle of the match saw Venis fight back with all he had with lefts and rights and a slam and leg drop but Umaga soon kicked out and took it to Venis once again with a Samoan Drop and a couple of headbutts. Venis was dazed and Umaga hit him with the Samoan Spike to win the match. [u][b]Winner – Umaga[/b][/u] [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Last night Umaga put a hurting on Batista and proved RAW was the dominant brand and here tonight Val Venis never stood a chance.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘I don’t know if anyone could get up once Umaga hits that Samoan Spike.’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Just who can stop this animal, this beast!’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][b]Cade And Murdoch Want Those Belts[/b][/color] The cameras go backstage and we see The World Tag Team Champions Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes having a confrontation with Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. Cade is telling the Champions something. [b]Cade:[/b] [i]‘You boys have had our belts for too long and its about time you gave us our fair shot, whats wrong boys are you scared to fight us? Is it because you know we will beat your asses for those damn belts?’[/i] Murdoch chips in with his thoughts. [color="#0000FF"][b]Murdoch:[/b][/color] [i]‘They know damn well well beat their asses Lance, that’s the only reason their still Champions because they’ve been ducking us.’[/i] Holly obviously takes exception. [color="#800080"][b]Holly:[/b][/color] [i]‘We aint scared of nobody especially two dumb cowboys you can have a match with us anytime you want, me and Cody don’t back down from nobody and believe me you two will be the ones getting you ass kicked aint that right Cody.’[/i] [color="#008000"][b]Rhodes:[/b][/color] [i]‘Murdoch and Cade any time any place, these belts on the line. It doesn’t matter name a time and name a place and were there, and were kicking your asses.’[/i] Cade responds. [b]Cade:[/b] [i]‘How about right here on RAW next week, if you don’t back down face us right here on RAW next week like real men.’[/i] Holly and Rhodes both nod and Holly confirms. [color="#800080"][b]Holly:[/b][/color] [i]‘Just make sure you turn up because you can bet your ass we’ll be at RAW waiting for a fight.’[/i] Murdoch and Cade both nod and then head down the corridor as Holly and Cody Rhodes look at their Tag Team Belts and pat them as the camera fades to black. [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘And there we have it folks, next week Holly and Cody Rhodes will defend the Tag Team Titles against Cade and Murdoch its sure to be one you wont want to miss.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘I sure cant wait to see Cade and Murdoch finally get those belts back around their waists. Its been a long time coming JR.’[/i] [b]JR:[/b][i] ‘I don’t know about that King I have a feeling Holly and Rhodes might just put up more than a little bit of a fight.’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][u][b]Singles Match[/b][/u][/color] [color="#FF0000"][b]Snitsky vs Super Crazy[/b][/color] Snitsky dominated Crazy in the early going with a couple of clothesline and then some left hands in the corner, as the match went on Snitsky continued to take it to Crazy with kicks to the gut. The middle of the match saw Crazy come back at Snitsky with a Hurricanrana and a jumping calf kick for a near fall but it wasn’t long before Snitsky was back in control of the match with a couple of back elbows and a backbreaker for a near fall. Crazy tried to get back into the match again with a couple of dropkick but Snitsky just shrugged Crazy’s offense off and nailed him with a Big Boot and followed that up with a Running Powerslam to pick up the win. [u][b]Winner – Snitsky[/b][/u] [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Just who can stop this monster Snitsky? He looked unstoppable here tonight.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘He’s a bad man JR and I wouldn’t like to run into him in a darkened alley that’s for sure.’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘We can agree on that much, that’s for sure King.’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][b]One Of The Best Matches Of Michaels Career[/b][/color] The music of Shawn Michaels hits in the arena to a good ovation and he makes his way down to the ring smiling at the crowd and clapping them, last night Ric Flair finally had his last match as Michaels defeated him with the Sweet Chin Music. After the match tears were flowing as both men hugged and left up the ramp together to a huge ovation from the crowd. Michaels is in the ring and has been handed a mic and he is out here with something to say it seems. [b]Michaels:[/b] [i]‘Last night gave me a lot of emotions, when I hit the Sweet Chin Music on Flair and the pin I was happy to have won the match but when I realised what I had done, I realised that I had retired my idol and most of all my friend. It is a night I will never forget, but life will go on without Ric Flair. Life will go on for Shawn Michaels and you know what I retired Ric Flair so that must count for something around this place right? While Randy Orton and John Cena are fighting it out for a WWE Title shot at Backlash here tonight where does that leave ol HBK? Don’t I get a title shot, I just retired the best wrestler that ever lived but yet again.’[/i] Michaels is cut off by the music of JBL as the crowd boo’s incessantly. JBL makes his way to the ring with an angry look on his face as Michaels looks at the crowd and shrugs his shoulders as if to say what is he doing out here. JBL gets in the ring and looks at Michaels before getting handed a mic and he has something to say to Michaels obviously. [color="#0000FF"][b]JBL:[/b][/color] [i]‘Shawn Michaels last night you retired possibly the greatest wrestler that ever lived, but you know what some people say you’re the best. Some people think that Shawn Michaels surpassed Ric Flair a long time ago and you know what since Ric Flair is now retired I was in the back and I was thinking what a feather in the cap for the person who could retire Shawn Michaels, im out here to make a challenge Shawn how about you put your career on the line against me. The Wrestling God against the Greatest Wrestler Today what a night it would be and what a match it would be, what do ya say Shawn you got the guts?’[/i] Michaels strokes his chin and then responds to JBL. [b]Michaels:[/b] [i]‘So uhhh……let me get this straight you want me to put my career on the line? What do you put on the line, what are you going to put on the line JBL?’[/i] JBL looks down at his feet before responding. [color="#0000FF"][b]JBL:[/b][/color] [i]‘Im gonna put it all on the line Michaels, my career against your career that’s a risk im willing to take and once I retire you ill be in line for a shot at the WWE Title and the whole WWE will be at my feet. I will have a lot of power once I retire you Shawn Michaels, losing to you and ending my career is not even on my mind. I will beat you Shawn that is if you accept.’[/i] Michaels looks at JBL before responding. [b]Michaels:[/b] [i]‘You know what………..’[/i] JBL is expectant as he waits for Michaels answer but Michaels quickly hits JBL with the Sweet Chin Music and then puts the mic to his mouth and leans in on the face of JBL who is practically knocked out from the kick. [b]Michaels:[/b] [i]‘I accept, ill enjoy getting rid of JBL from the WWE.’[/i] Michaels heads out of the ring and the challenge has been accepted, sometime down the line it will be Shawn Michaels against JBL with both men’s careers on the line, once of these men is going to be retired very soon! [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Bah Gawd JBL and Shawn Michaels in a Retirement match! One of these men is gonna be gone forever!’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘This is big JR, the wrestling god against possibly the greatest wrestler to have ever lived!’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘But when will we see it? Will it be on RAW or will it be at a PPV?’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][u][b]Singles Match[/b][/u][/color] [color="#FF0000"][b]Charlie Haas vs DH Smith[/b][/color] A rare appearance on RAW for both Haas and Smith. Haas controlled the early moments of the match by keeping Smith grounded with arm locks and a side headlock. As the match went on Smith fought back with a couple of slams and using elbow drops. The middle of the match saw Haas take it to Smith with a couple of snap suplexes and a diving headbutt of the middle rope getting a couple of near falls in the process, Smith again fought back with a dropkick off the middle rope and a backdrop but Haas controlled the match once again with a Release Dragon Suplex and shoulder barges in the corner, Smith was easy picking in the end as Haas locked in the Reverse Armbar and Smith had no choice but to quickly tap out. [u][b]Winner – Charlie Haas[/b][/u] [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Charlie Haas’s Reverse Armbar looks like it could make anyone in the WWE tap out at a seconds notice.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘He certainly made DH Smith tap out in a second once the hold was applied but can he apply it on some of the bigger superstars here on RAW JR?’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘That remains to be seen King, but im sure as the weeks go on you may get your answer.’[/i] [color="#FF0000"][b]Orton Will Get His Belt Back[/b][/color] Randy Orton is backstage with Todd Grisham and Grisham has a question for the former WWE Champion. [b]Grisham:[/b] [i]‘Randy Orton last night you lost the WWE Title you had held since No Mercy but here tonight if you beat John Cena you get your rematch at Backlash against Triple H. What are you thoughts going into this huge match against John Cena here tonight?’[/i] Orton responds with some serious intent. [color="#0000FF"][b]Orton:[/b][/color] [i]‘If I beat John Cena? If? There is no if about it Todd Grisham because tonight I beat John Cena’s ass just like I have before, tonight John Cena is just part of a larger picture because tonight when I beat John Cena im going to Backlash and im going to get the WWE Title back. Six months and counting I was WWE Champion, I beat everyone. I beat Jericho, I beat Triple H, I beat Jeff Hardy, you name them they went down to the RKO and tonight John Cena is no different. The WWE Title is my life, Triple H says he’s obsessed I am more than obsessed its all I think about. Its better than being in love, its better than having all the money in the world. The WWE Title is my reason for breathing. Cena goes down tonight and Triple H goes down at Backlash and I get that title back around my waist.’[/i] Randy Orton stares into the camera as it fades to black looking real serious about this match with John Cena here tonight. [color="#FF0000"][b]Snitsky’s Time[/b][/color] We see Snitsky in a darkened room and the camera is zoomed in on his face and he starts talking into the camera with some serious intent. [b]Snitsky:[/b] [i]‘All my life people have been laughing at me, all the kids at school they used to point at me and laugh, but you see theres nothing funny about me. The WWE is the only place that I can be a productive member of society, peoples pain is my pleasure. I enjoy hurting people, all those bullies back in high school that’s what I picture when im hurting a member of the WWE roster in the ring. The whole WWE will feel my pain, I know what you people think when you look at Snitsky. You think look at this big, ugly, spotty sweaty freak. Well when I look at you I see more victims, I keep a book of all my victims and to all you people in the crowd that laugh at my and call me ugly watch out because you may get to be in a page of my book as just another victim. Your pain is my pleasure, im Snitsky and im coming to get ya.’[/i] Snitsky breathes into the camera like some sort of stalker as it fades to black. [color="#FF0000"][u][b]Number One Contenders Match For The WWE Title[/b][/u][/color] [color="#FF0000"][b]Randy Orton vs John Cena[/b][/color] Both men square up and the bell rings and Cena goes to strike the first blow but Orton blocks and then hits Cena with a right hand followed up with a left hand and then whips Cena to the ropes but Cena comes bursting out with a flying shoulder block and then throw Orton to the corner, Cena works on Orton in the corner with left hands and then whips him to the other side and hits a clothesline on the other side. Orton crashed to the ground and Cena stomps on him before raising him up and whips to the ropes and goes for a backbody drop but Orton seen this coming and kicked Cena in the face and then nailed him with a short arm clothesline. Orton got his wits about him then stomped on Cena before raising him up and hit Cena with a couple of back elbows followed up with a whip to the ropes and a back elbow to the face sending Cena crashing to the mat. Orton makes the cover but only gets a near fall, Orton kept on Cena with a Modified Backbreaker for another near fall. Orton stomped on Cena some more before raising him up and hit him with a couple of uppercuts backing him into the corner, Orton went for a clothesline in the corner but Cena ducked under and then nailed Orton with the backdrop into the Powerbomb into a pin for a near fall. Cena then hit Orton with the Five Knuckle shuffle for another near fall, Triple H suddenly appeared on the ramp with the WWE Title draped across his shoulder obviously wanting a closer look at the action. Cena kept on Orton with a suplex followed up with a forearm shot for a near fall but Orton came back at Cena with a couple of clothesline and then went for the RKO out of nowhere but Cena pushed Orton to the ropes and then clubbed him in the back and hit a backdrop for a near fall. Cena thought he could put Orton away with the FU but Orton slid out of the attempt and nailed Cena with an uppercut and then whipped him to the ropes and hit a knee to the gut sending Cena crashing to the mat. Orton hit a couple of swift elbow drops on Cena and made the cover but Cena kicked out, Orton stalked Cena and waited for him to get up and hit him with a kick to the gut and then went for a clothesline but Cena ducked under and then nailed Orton with lefts and rights and then whipped Orton to the ropes and hit a backbody drop, Cena was cooking and nailed Orton with lefts and rights again and went for the FU but Orton countered with the RKO! Orton made the cover and got the three count to win the match and become the number one contender for Triple H’s WWE Title at Backlash! Triple H made his way down to the ring and got in the ring and Triple H and Orton stared each other down as the show is going off the air. [u][b]Winner – Randy Orton[/b][/u] [b]*JR And King*[/b] [b]JR: [/b][i] ‘Orton is going to Backlash to challenge Triple H for the WWE Title! And Cena looks like he cannot believe he lost this match.’[/i] [color="#0000FF"][b]King:[/b][/color] [i]‘What a performance from Randy Orton JR, he gave it his all and came out on top here tonight. Triple H is going to have a fight on his hands come Backlash that’s for sure.’[/i] [b]JR:[/b] [i]‘Were out of time folks, what a Main Event just us again next week on RAW as we head to Backlash!’[/i][/center]
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.......[quote=www.pwinsider.com][center][b]April 7th 2008 News And Rumours[/b] [img]http://images.aboutus.org/images/e/ed/Logo-pwinsiderelite-com.gif[/img] - William Regal is said to be seen as the long term Authority Figure for RAW. Vince McMahon is said to be happy to stay off screen for now and let Regal be the main figurehead on the brand. - Management is said to be very pleased with Snitsky's promo on RAW this past week, they seem to be a fan of the big man and 2008 might finally be the year where Snitsky steps up and makes people take notice. Theres no word on who he will be programmed with as of yet. - The plan for Carlito and Santino Marella is rumoured to be that they will keep teaming together in the coming months and they may even get a female valet to spice their act up somewhat. - Charlie Haas looks to have dropped his superhero gimmick after last weeks RAW where he looked to be portraying the Legitimate Athlete gimmick, Haas 'Reverse Armbar' finish looks like it might be built up to be something special along the lines of the 'Crippler Crossface'. - Colt Cabana has been impressing everyone down in FCW as of late with his mic skills and his brawling skills, no indication that he could be brought up soon but if he keeps impressing then theres every chance we will see him on RAW in the near future.[/center][/quote].....
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