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Sherdog's view on WMMA

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[url]http://www.sherdog.net/forums/showthread.php?t=695597[/url] Saw this just now and fopund it quite interesting what they thought. At the start no one gives it a hnce really apart from the initial poster but around the 4th age some people start to actually compliment it and try to persuade others. So I thought I'd share it with you guys.
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The sherdog forums used to be really informative. Now, there are few places on the internet that suck the smarts out of you faster. Yeesh. How many people on there are going to say this game is the worst game they're ever heard of, and then admit they've never played it? Shoot me.
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[QUOTE=Tag01;396126]The sherdog forums used to be really informative. Now, there are few places on the internet that suck the smarts out of you faster. Yeesh. How many people on there are going to say this game is the worst game they're ever heard of, and then admit they've never played it? Shoot me.[/QUOTE] yeah back in the day around 2002-2004 sherdog was very informative... if you posted a topic you would have a response with in 5 minutes and it did not matter what time of day it was people would help out because everybody wanted to help people learn about mma since it's gone mainstream now days you post a thread and 10 people will not even read the topic correct and/or bash a fighter for no reason then bring up how ufc is number 1 and everything else sucks and to top it off you still wont get any help...
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it's kinda funny to read some of the crap people argue about on there from time to time but I quit posting on Sherdog a couple years ago, All these new fans who dont know anything beyond UFC constantly bash any non UFC fighter mainly former Pride guys mainly Fedor. How any human being could watch Fedor fight and then attack his fighting abilty is insane.
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[QUOTE=RennikKain076;396220]it's kinda funny to read some of the crap people argue about on there from time to time but I quit posting on Sherdog a couple years ago, All these new fans who dont know anything beyond UFC constantly bash any non UFC fighter mainly former Pride guys mainly Fedor. How any human being could watch Fedor fight and then attack his fighting abilty is insane.[/QUOTE] no kidding
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Yes. I've hated people on the Sherdog forums for such a long time now. Any time you place an argument you either get a response from one of three people. 1. The guy that has fought in many MMA matches, and currently trains with Tito. This is the same guy that will attack your ideas because he has seen these two guys fight before backstage and said other guy hits harder then we know. 2. The person that has more posts then you ranting about how many more posts he has, which means that he has more information on the subject at hand. Even though it only means he has more time to post during his day by not working or having much of a life. 3. The person that loves there fighter so much, and by bringing up an argument you have also pissed in his ceral and crapped on his momma; so it's flame war time.
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[QUOTE=BlackJackRob21;396995]I've hated people on the Sherdog forums for such a long time now. Any time you place an argument you either get a response from one of three people. 1. The guy that has fought in many MMA matches, and currently trains with Tito. This is the same guy that will attack your ideas because he has seen these two guys fight before backstage and said other guy hits harder then we know. 2. The person that has more posts then you ranting about how many more posts he has, which means that he has more information on the subject at hand. Even though it only means he has more time to post during his day by not working or having much of a life. 3. The person that loves there fighter so much, and by bringing up an argument you have also pissed in his ceral and crapped on his momma; so it's flame war time.[/QUOTE] i am not really with you on number one because i have never seen anybody say anything of the sort on sherdog, but two and three are dead on... most fighters that post on sherdog hardly ever post due to the large amount of fighter bashing, but i must say if somebody says that bob sapp hits harder then hidehiko yoshida i am likely to think it's true but if a guy like josh barnett posts on sherdog and says they hit about the same because he has trained with both... i might be shocked but i am going to believe him because he has been there with both guys... of course this is just a example i am giving but josh barnett has said this about yoshida what annoys me about number two is that almost all of those people that do that have been registered with in the past few months and brag about how many posts they have... i remember a couple years back some guy was bragging to me about how he had 4000 posts and how my posts were inferior yet i had been a member longer then this guy who had just joined like 6 months... i don't understand it
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What I mean by number one. What I meant by number one, is the guy that is lying about fighting. Or he has shown up for a few days of training like me. Or like me has trained and been in one fight. So they think they know the world. I have bumped into a ton of these people. I personally trained with a group of five people total, and had one fight. Now that experience does not give me any added knowledge over you or most anyone. Some people just think that cause they train in Jiu-Jitsu that means it's the best etc.
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