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Danger Zone Wrestling E-Fed


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Hello, I would like to invite you join the internets newest E-Fed, Danger Zone Wrestling (DZW). Many E-Feds have been online so long the a new-comer has little to no chance at ever becoming a star within the E-Fed. Joining DZW today ensures you a palce in the initial tournoment for the DZW World Championship. If you are interested in enroling please reply to this post. If you have any questions please reply to this post as well and I will answer all questions in a timely matter. The simulation of this EFed will use TEW as a base for deciding popularity and such. Each participant will start with a certain number of attribute points in which he will be allowed to distribute acordingly and then as time goes on the player can be awarded bonus points in which can be added to his/her attributes which will help make them more over and such. Which will allow them to be booked in larger matchs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ What is an E-Fed? An E-Fed is an online based wrestling federation in which participants compete by submitting storyline's match's and interviews to the E-Fed owner. The owner then chooses which participatns ideas are the best and uses them to create 'shows' What is a show? A show is just like an episode of Monday Night Raw. Its a complete episode of wrestling that advances storylines. How do you win or lose matches? Each week you can submit storylines in which you wish your wrestler to be involved in. From there the owner decided which storylines will fit well in the show. You will then be notified who your match will be aginst for the week. Both wrestlers submit how they think the story should be played out that week. Whichever the owner decides is better will be used. The only way to win a match is to write out the weeks section of your storyline with you winning the match and the owner picking your idea over your opponets. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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I'm just posting to put this back up at the top to give everyone another chance to look at it before I just remove it. I see quite a few viewrs but no replys. Let me know if you hav enay questions or anything. I know I didnt do a very job explaining but would be more than happy to answer questions. Thanks for viewing.
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Im posting here one final time to try and explain better. This will work just like an e-fed. The difference is that the wrestlers will be entered into the TEW world so taht overness can be tracked with some kind of realness. Winning matches and other contests earns you points to increas your wresters stats like charisma and such allowing to gain more overness from interviews and winning matchs. Its just an idea. Thank you all who have viewed and I hope I have cleared up some things and maybe now others will be interested. thanks again
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Thought I should reply. E-Fedding is nothing new to these boards. I know a couple of guys who run their own things, and we actually had an Official TEW e-fed, based on TCW, until a bit ago. There's a topic about it maybe a page back. I've always been surprised by the amount of people who play TEW, and aren't interested in E-Fedding. You'd think it would be right up our alley, but for the majority it seems, actually writing the promo's is a step too far. I dig it (actually prefer it to simply booking) but I am a fairly busy guy, and if I were to get into roleplaying again, it would be with the guys I played with before.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;400678]And for those who might actually be interested, a link might help. Would give us a frame of reference to start from as far as the caliber of player we'd be mixing with.[/QUOTE] Well there is no link and no players to compare to. This is a brand new efed.
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so you have a efed with no boards or anything yet? I would be intrested if it was a little more established i think. What is the rough concept of it. The points system does seam intresting but i would like to see a example of how it would work first.
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[QUOTE=alden;400859]so you have a efed with no boards or anything yet? I would be intrested if it was a little more established i think. What is the rough concept of it. The points system does seam intresting but i would like to see a example of how it would work first.[/QUOTE] Yes currently there are no boards or anything like that. Until I can get some intrest in this and actually get some people "signed up" I didnt think it made much sense to get a website up. The points system is what I hoped would get people interested and set this apart from other efeds. Basically At the begining everyone would be allowed enough points so they could put all of their stats at 10. Of course You could distribute the stats anyway you like though the only rule being you can not add to overness with your stats. Everyones overness starts at zero. From there as a person wins matchs or cuts promos or wins titles or tournoments and things like that, they would be given bonus points which they can add to any stats they like. The way the stats will be kept track of and overness will be monitered will be using EWR 4.2 I thought this would be the easiest as I am more familiar with the editor and i can start with a clear database with one federation and add my workers as people join the efed. I hope this helps a little with what I mean by points and such.
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If you're interested in started up an efed, and want to use guys from this board as your audience, I'd PM a few other guys who are interested in doing the same thing. Running an e-fed is time consuming and at times, very annoying, so having a team to handle it all and pitch ideas to is very, very helpful. Just a few names I'll throw at you, I advise you contact these people, not least because they know several really talented roleplayers who I'm guessing are unattached e-fed wise right now. jonlawson AfRoMaN36 Self All three of us have been involved in running e-fed(s) in the past, and speaking just for myself, I'd love to see a GDS efed up and running for the release of TEW08.
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A website and forum are a must for a e-fed, unless you go as a e-mail fed, however I think those are dead. I'll whore out roughkut.com once more. The site provides a fair amount of resourses for e-fedding, the forums can be an ok place to recruit members.... just follow the rules and you should be ok.... (only say that, 'cause I'm admin there.)
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[QUOTE=jagilki;402559]A website and forum are a must for a e-fed, unless you go as a e-mail fed, however I think those are dead. I'll whore out roughkut.com once more. The site provides a fair amount of resourses for e-fedding, the forums can be an ok place to recruit members.... just follow the rules and you should be ok.... (only say that, 'cause I'm admin there.)[/QUOTE] I definetly planned on putting a site up just for this e-fed if I found some actual intrest in it. Thank you for your informationa and dont worry I'll behave. ;)
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