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How do you run WLW?

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So in this last stretch before 08 comes out, I'm trying out the J-feds to try and familiarize myself with the way they run. This is also inspired by my recent purchase of the Best of Chikara DVD. So having watched some Chikara as well as some DDT, I have a rough idea of how to book a comedy LuchaResu fed. Still, I'm really curious to see how others handle it. In particular, how many shows a week do you do when you tour, the default 3? And how do you handle the glut of titles WLW has? Do you retire some and push the rest or try to push them all at once. How do you handle storylines? How long are your shows? What do you do with the roster and who do you usually pick up? Pretty much anything and everything people have to offer as advice for WLW in specific or puro feds in general would be appreciated.
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