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WWE: Spring Cleaning

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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/RAWBanner.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]Monday Night RAW Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE] Be prepared for a big night when RAW emanates from our nation's capital, Washington DC! Headlining Monday's show will be a WWE title match: Randy Orton puts his coveted WWE Championship on the line against the self made millionaire and the father of Mamajuana Energy Drink: JBL. Can the Texas native bruiser upset Randy Orton and claim the WWE Title for the second time? Who will head on to Backlash to face John Cena as the champ? Before the WWE Title match, fans around the world are in for a treat, as we get to witness a Wrestlemania 22 rematch: Triple H vs John Cena! The Cerebral Assassin wants to avenge his loss against Cena last week and reaffirm himself as one of the best in the WWE roster, but it's gonna be hard to derail a ultra motivated John Cena. In the second title match of the night, the Intercontinental Title is up for grabs as Jericho puts it on the line against the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga. Carlito will be sure to watch this match closely, as whoever wins it will face him at Backlash for the gold. Speaking of Carlito, he's also in action, as the Carribean superstar has to face his partner, Santino Marella. This is sure to be one interesting bout. In other action, it's teacher vs stundent as Shawn Michaels faces a man he helped train: Brian Kendrick. Can Kendrick pull an upset on HBK? Or will he hear Sweet Chin Music? Plus, we hope to hear some updates regarding Kennedy's condition following JBL's brutal beatdown last week. Randy Orton vs JBL for the WWE title Triple H vs John Cena Chris Jericho vs Umaga for the Intercontinental title Shawn Michaels vs Brian Kendrick Santino Marella vs Carlito
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[Center][SIZE="4"]MARK OUT, MARK OUT...OOOOH YEAH![/SIZE][/Center] [I]We're in a Creative meeting. RAW is just a few hours away[/I] Brian Gerwitz: So we have everything sorted out right? Michael Hayes: I think so, but what about those reports about you bringing in more black guys- Stephanie McMahon: Michael....let's not go there... [I]Vince McMahon storms inside[/I] Vince McMahon: I just got informed of the whole storyline involving me... [I]Everyone got up in antecipation[/I] Stephanie McMahon: So, what do you think about it? [I]He punches the table, everyone lets out a look of disappointment[/I] Vince McMahon: I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! WHO THE HELL THOUGHT ABOUT IT? IT'S FRIGGIN AWESOME! [I]Everyone collectively lets out a sigh of relief[/I] Stephanie McMahon: Dave Kapoor thought about it. Michael Hayes: Who? Our sand nigg- Stephanie McMahon: STOP IT MICHAEL GODDAMMIT! Brian Gerwitz: Like father, like daughter... Vince McMahon: When do we start this angle? And what about the illegitimate child one? Brian Gerwitz: We're forgetting the illegitimate child thing, and the storyline should start in the near future. Vince McMahon: So the future looks bright in terms of creative... I seriously hope we get ushered into a new era in Sports Entertainment after IT's over. Have you contacted everyone needed? Stephanie: Yes, we have, Terry was a bit unreceptive of the idea, but he has agreed. Vince McMahon: Excellent...
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[CENTER][SIZE="4"]WWE Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Arial Black"][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="6"]Monday Night RAW![/SIZE][/FONT] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/RAW.jpg[/IMG][/COLOR] [SIZE="3"]Live from the Smith Center in Washington DC![/SIZE] [B]Boom! The pyro explodes, as the camera zooms in an out on the rabid RAW fans[/B] [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to another edition of Monday Night RAW! We are live from our nation's Capital, and boy what a show we have for you tonight! Jim Ross, alongside Jerry "The King!" Lawler! [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] These fans are going to witness two main events: the #1 contender John Cena takes on Triple H in a Wrestlemania 22 rematch while JBL takes on Randy Orton for the WWE Championship! *HEY!* [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] Speaking of which, here comes the champion, Randy Orton has impressed critics with his title reign, he has surpassed the predictions, and he has silenced everyone that doubted his worth, but will Orton survive a revenge thirsty John Cena? [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] Don't exclude JBL JR, we might see a new champion tonight, and it might go down to JBL vs John Cena at Backlash! [B]Orton poses with the belt, and grabs a mic[/B] [B]-Randy Orton-[/B] It has been six months, six months of dominance, six months of greatness, as the Age of Orton enters its sixth month, it shows no signs of stopping, yes, because whoever thinks that John Cena is going to beat me at Backlash must be the same people that thought I'd lose to Shawn Michaels, the same people that thought I'd lose to Chris Jericho, the same people that thought I'd lose at Wrestlemania, Backlash will be just another opportunity for me to prove everyone wrong. The Age of Orton will live tonight, next week, the week after that, hell, it might live on forever, because I will NOT lose this title, not tonight, not at Backlash, that is a guarantee! [B]My Time is Now begins to play, John Cena comes out to mixed reactions[/B] [B]-Randy Orton-[/B] John Cena, how are you, tell me, how does it feel to be on my "Defeated" list? [B]-John Cena-[/B] SHUT UP! [B]Huge pop[/B] [B]-John Cena-[/B] I AM SICK OF THIS! I am sick of the self praising, the arrogance, and the continuous disrespect you have shown your entire career! Let me get some things accross, you, Randall Keith Orton, have NEVER defeated me in a singles match for the WWE title, NEVER! What you did was pin me after Triple H did all the handy work. Six months ago you injured me! You stripped me of my title, you stripped me of my dignity- [B]-Randy Orton-[/B] I also stripped out of a working pectoral muscle. [B]-John Cena-[/B] Not anymore, I can throw punches perfectly now. I was supposed to make my return around this time, but I fought, I risked my health to win the Royal Rumble and face you at No Way Out, but once again you DQed yourself, losing the match, but retaining the title, you had to weasel your way out. But not this time! No, at Backlash, I don't want a singles match, I want something different, no disqualifications, no count outs, Randy Orton, I want you in a Last Man Standing match! [B]The crowd pops[/B] [B]-John Cena-[/B] And you can't say no, because I spoke to William Regal, he has included it on the contract, there's no escape, at Backlash, I will get my revenge Orton, I will end your supposed Age of Orton, I WILL BEAT YOU UNTIL YOU CAN'T ANSWER THE TEN! [B]-Randy Orton-[/B] And what if I don't sign the contract? [B]William Regal appears on the Tron[/B] [B]-William Regal-[/B] I can answer that, you will be stripped of the WWE Title, and you don't want that do you? [B]-Randy Orton-[/B] This is a conspiracy to end the Age of Orton! I know it, but rest assured, all of you, that no matter the adversities, the odds, the supposed match stipulations, I won this title in a Last Man Standing match, and- [B]-John Cena-[/B] You'll lose it in a Last Man Standing match, prophetic eh? [B]Orton is fuming, he drops the mic and tries to RKO Cena, but John reverses and hits an F-U, he picks up the title and lifts it up high[/B] [B]Rating[/B] A for the argument, B+ for the match announcement, B+ for the attack [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/BethPhoenix.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Ashley.jpg[/IMG] A squash match. Phoenix hit the Fisherwoman's Suplex for the win after a minute and a half of destruction. Oh, and they have good chemistry, don't ask how. [B]Beth Phoenix defeated Ashley in 1:52 by pinfall[/B] [B]C[/B] [B]Phoenix has little time to celebrate, as she gets jumped by Mickie James, to the crowd's delight[/B] [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] Louise Thez press! Mickie is taking it to Phoenix! [B]After some punches, Mickie grabs a mic[/B] [B]-Mickie James-[/B] Beth, I've waited too long for a one on one shot at the title, and when I finally got it, you got yourself DQed to retain, yes, because you knew that I can beat you, so next week, no disqualifications, just you and me, for the Women's title, and I'm not asking Beth, I demanding! [B]She drops the mic and lifts the Women's title up high[/B] [B]Rating[/B] C+ for the attack, B- for the challenge [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] What a frenzic start to this RAW JR! [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] Indeed King, and this just keep getting better! Tonight, John Cena takes on Triple H in what promises to be an intense match up [B]A graphic appears[/B] [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] No doubt! I'll be looking forward to it! [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] But now it's time for Teacher vs Student! [B]Rating[/B] B [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ShawnMichaels.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/BrianKendrick.jpg[/IMG] Shawn Michaels had to bring his high flying A game to keep up with Kendrick, and that's exactly what he did. Early on he tried to gain control with some headlocks and mat wrestling, but Kendrick quickly gained his composure and dominated Michaels with fast paced offense, surprising the 20 year veteran. But eventually he made a mistake, missing a springboard dropkick and giving Shawn Michaels an opening to land a Steamboat like arm drag, Kendrick tried to regain control but Michaels denied his efforts with a bodyslam, after that, it was accademical: elbow drop, tuning up the band, Sweet Chin Music, three count. [B]Shawn Michaels defeated Brian Kendrick in 8:46 by pinfall[/B] [B]B[/B] [B]Post match Michaels and Kendrick shake hands, HBK then grabs a mic[/B] [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Brian Kendrick! He might be one of the superstar entering the Ric Flair Invitational. We never know, what I can guarantee you is that everything is set up, we've got all eight competitors signed up, and I personally talked to Ric Flair and it's agreed. He will return t Backlash to- [B]"One more match" chants fill the arena[/B] [B]-Shawn Michaels-[/B] Don't you think I tried to persuade him? But he's a man of his word. Anyways, he will return at Backlash to present the Flair Cup to the winner of the tournament, as well as a contract which guarantees anyone a shot at any title at any Pay Per View. It's gonna be...I daresay....awesome. [B]He drops the mic[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B [B]We cut backstage where Maria is talking with Carlito, Santino quickly appears[/B] [B]-Santino Marella-[/B] Hello partner... hello Maria. How are you two doing? I'ma fine thank you. [B]-Carlito-[/B] What do you want? [B]-Santino Marella-[/B] Hold your horses! I just wanted to wish you good luck in your match against me, Santino Marella. Because my friend, you're gonna need it. [B]-Carlito-[/B] We'll see... [B]-Maria-[/B] Um I'll see you later Car- [B]-Santino Marella-[/B] Yes Maria you can go. [B]Maria glares at Santino, she looks at Carlito for a bit, and plants a kiss on the Carribean superstar, she quickly leaves, Santino looking dumbfounded, and Carlito smiling[/B] [B]-Carlito-[/B] Now THAT....that's cool... [B]Rating[/B] C [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/SantinoMarella.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Carlito.jpg[/IMG] These two had great chemistry in the ring, as they put on a very interesting match. Santino started out as the agressor, delivering forearms, uppercuts, low kicks, everything to take down the #1 contender. Eventually he got sloppy and allowed Carlito to mount a comeback, snap suplexing the Italian Stallion and grounding him with a chinlock. Santino tried to get to a vertical base, but was quickly taken down with a DDT. Carlito had Santino dominated up until he hit a basement dropkick to the Caribbean's knee, Marella began working on the knee, applying a knee bar, luckily Carlito isn't called Lesnar, so, obviously, he didn't tap, a few knee bars later, Marella got ****y and went to the top rope, but as he was climbing, Carlito stopped him, and after a brief struggle on the turnbuckle, landed a Backstabber from the top rope for the impressive win. [B]Carlito defeated Santino Marella in 11:55 by pinfall [/B] [B]B[/B] [B]Backstage Chris Jerichos is watching Carlito celebrate on the monitor[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B -COMMERCIAL- [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] We are back ladies an gentleman and last week, we witness a vicious side of JBL, as he assaulted Mr Kennedy with a steel chair, let's see what happened... [QUOTE][B]As Carltio celebrates, Kennedy is trying to get up. JBL re enters he ring with a steel chair, and smacks it repeatedly on his back, he picks Kennedy up and delivers another brutal shot, this time right on the head[/B][/QUOTE] [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] As a result of that attack, Kennedy suffered severe concussions and could be out for an extended period of time. [B]Rating[/B] B- [B]William Regal is backstage, with a very angry look, someone knocks[/B] [B]-William Regal-[/B] Come in. [B]JBL enters[/B] [B]-John Bradshaw Layfield-[/B] You called me Regal? Make it quick, I'm a busy man. [B]-William Regal-[/B] Oh don't play games Bradshaw, we all saw what you did to Kennedy last week, and even though I'm not his biggest fan, you injured one of the brightest stars in my brand, and by god I shall not allow it! [B]-John Bradshaw Layfield-[/B] And what are you going to do huh? Spill tea on my hat? [B]He picks up a cup of tea and does exactly what JBL said[/B] [B]-William Regal-[/B] Now that did a lot. [B]-John Bradshaw Layfield-[/B] Ha ha, that's so funny, why don't you make it quick? I want to leave before I get intoxicated by your feeble British humor. [B]-William Regal-[/B] I want to know why in the bloody hell did you do that? And don't tell me you gave him a severe concussion because he's an arse, we all think that way but we don't chase him with chairs! [B]-John Bradshaw Layfield-[/B] I did it in the best interest of the McMahon family, that's all I have to say, now get the hell out of my face before I also award you with a concussion! [B]JBL shoves Regal and leaves[/B] [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] In the McMahon's best interests? What does that mean? [B]Rating[/B] B [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] I'm confused JR! [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] So am I, the plot thickens I daresay. Well ladies and gentlemen, coming up next, Chris Jericho has to defend his Intercontinental title against the Samoan Bulldozer Umaga! [B]Rating[/B] B+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWEIntercontinental.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Y2J.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/Umaga.jpg[/IMG] A good title bout. Both men's performances were very good according to the road agents. Jericho tried to evade Umaga's offense early on, but he forgot how quick the Samoan beast is, and ended up getting hit with a roundhouse kick, Chuck Norris style!. He began brutalizing the reigning IC champion with a harsh pounding. Body shots, throat thrusts, yakuza kicks, Jericho's offese in th[B][/B]ose 5 minutes of dominance were just a few punches and hurricanrana. That hurricanrana caught Umaga off guard, and allowed Y2J to mount a comeback, using an arm drag to direct Umaga towards the corner, he hit a shining wizard on the turnbuckle and followed it up with a irish whip to the ropes and hit his trademark bulldog, but Umaga got up immediately, a dropkick byn Jericho dazed him, and he managed ti hit the Codebreaker, but Umaga fell on his butt, in a sitting position, Jericho tried to kick him, but Umaga grabbed the foot and got up, he grabbed Jericho by the throat and threw him to the corner, delivering some shots, Jericho was in a sitting position, Umaga tried to hip attack, but Jericho kicked him in the gut and hit another Codebreaker\, only stunning Umaga, but he didn't give up, and eventually locked in the Walls of Jericho. Umaga didn't know how to tap, and eventually passed out. [B]Chris Jericho defeated Umaga in 11:53 by knockout. Chris Jericho makes defence number 2 of his WWE Intercontinental title.[/B] [B]B+[/B] [B]After a hardfought victory, Jericho celebrated with the title, receiving cheers of approval[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ [B]Triple H is backstage with your favourite announcer, Mike Adamle[/B] [B]-Mike Adamle-[/B] Hello I'm Mike Adamle here with Triple H. You're opponent coming up is John Cena, how are you going to approach this match, since you've got nothing to lose. [B]-Triple H-[/B] It's so obvious that you're new here...I'll approach this match like I approach every match: to win. Cena beat me last week, I've gotta give him that, beat me once, shame on you, beat me twice, shame on me, no way in hell it's going to happen again! I'm still The Game, I'm still the 11 time world champion, yeah I lost an opportunity to headline Backlash last week, but guess what? I'm not going anywhere, I'll keep fighting to earn another shot, and by beating John Cena, I'll be one step closer from facing Orton or Cena or JBL at Judgement Day. John, GAME ON! [B]Rating[/B] B+ [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JohnCena.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/TripleH.jpg[/IMG] The crowd was fired up for this one. And both men really helped it by starting it out with a slug fest, having to chose between two faces, the crowd sided with Triple H, booing whenever Cena scored a right hand. Hunter took the advantage after ducking a fist and bouncing off the ropes with a Harley Race knee. He snapmared Cena and locked a neck vise, Cena eventually fought back and lifted him in the fireman's carry, but HHH squirmed out of it before he hit the F-U, but Cena was swift to follow it up with a clothesline and gained control. He tried to ground Triple H, but The Game didn't allow it and quickly fired back with a sideheadlock takeover, he switched to a waist lock, and as Cena stood up, he delivered a forearm to the back of the head and picked him up for a huge Spinebuster! The Game was in control! He sent Cena to the corner and began hammering away with the punches at the 15 minute mark, he missed a haymaker and Cena capitalised with a back suplex. He went for the STFU but HHH countered out of it and kicked him in the gut...Pedigree time! No Cena countered! Into a FU...Triple H fought out of it, but Cena once again tried to take advantage with a clothesline, but ended up knocking out the referee. Seeing this opportunity, Randy Orton made his way to the ring and tried to punt Cena, John evaded and lifted him up for the FU, but HHH got up and kicked him in the gut, just in time for Cena to let Orton go and get grounded with a huge Pedigree, HHH taunted, but Orton decided to stop the celebration and hit HHH with an RKO of his own. The WWE Champion the lifted John Cena and riased his WWE Title: "You'll never take this from me Cena, NEVER!", he delivered an earth shaking RKO, rolled HHH on top of Cena, and awakened the ref, and the rest, is history. [B]Triple H defeated John Cena in 18:39 by pinfall[/B] [B]A*[/B] [B]Post match Orton mocks John Cena on the ramp, doing the "You Can't See Me" repeatedly.[/B] [B]Rating[/B] B+ [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] The WWE Champion ruined this great bout! [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] If you thought that was good, check out our main event: Randy Orton vs John Bradshaw Layfield for the WWE title! It's huge JR! [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] And it's next! [B]Rating[/B] B [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/WWEHeavyweight-spinner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/RandyOrton.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE="3"]VS[/SIZE] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/JBL.jpg[/IMG] These two had visible bad chemistry, and it affected the overrall excitement of the match. JBL started out with pure brawling tactics, taking Orton down with thundering body shots. He missed a boot and the tides turned, Orton proved his worth and ring savvy, methodically bruising JBL with ground submissions and strikes. He hit his backbreaker for a two count, JBL immediately rolled out of the ring by instinct, Orton chased him and got caught in Layfield's trap: JBL immediatelt clotheslined Orton and began destroying him in the outside, sending him against the stairs, the barricade, the ring apron, everything. Eventually the fight returned to the ring, and when JBL tried the clothesline from hell, Orton ducked it and hit the deadly RKO out of nowhere for the win, thus retaining the title in a not so main event quality bout. [B]Randy Orton defeated John Bradshaw Layfield in 14:34 by pinfall. Randy Orton makes defence number 3 of his WWE Heavyweight title.[/B] [B]C+[/B] [B]Orton lifts the title up high, and as he's about to leave the ring, John Cena comes from the crowd, enters the ring, and engages in a brawl with the WWE Champion, both men get to throw some punches before the authorities and road agents separate both men.[/B] [B]-Jim Ross-[/B] These two can't wait for Backlash King! [B]-Jerry Lawler-[/B] We just got a taste of what's to come at Backlash in that Last Man Standing match JR: a full out brawl! [B]Rating[/B] B+ [SIZE="4"][B]Final Rating B[/B][/SIZE] [/CENTER]
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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/TEW/ECWBanner.jpg[/IMG] [B] [SIZE="3"][COLOR="Purple"]ECW on Sci-Fi Preview[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B] Huge week for ECW! We'll receive a special visit from none other than the World Heavyweight champion, The Undertaker! The Deadman enters the Land of Extreme to face WWE Tag Team champion John Morrison! Can Morrison pull the upset on the Phenom and win his first World Heavyweight championship? In our main event, ECW champion Kane and Mr Money in the Bank CM Punk team up to take on their respective enemies: Chavo Guerrero and Elijah Burke in a tag team match! Also, next week's main event will be decided tonight, as Shelton Benjamin takes on Tommy Dreamer in a Extreme Rules match. The winner will get to face Kane next week for the ECW Title. One would assume that Shelton has the youth and technical ability to win this match with ease, but Tommy Dreamer's fighting spirit is not to be underestimated, besides, he will be fighting in his natural habitat: extreme rules, anything goes! This one should be interesting! Also, Armando Estrada has promised to give Colin Delaney an ECW contract opportunity tonight, the question is: against who? For all of this and more, tune in Tuesday for ECW on Sci-Fi! CM Punk/Kane vs Elijah Burke/Chavo Guerrero Undertaker vs John Morrison for the World Heavyweight Championship Tommy Dreamer vs Shelton Benjamin (Extreme Rules; winner receives an ECW Title shot next week) Colin Delaney vs ??? for an ECW Contract
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[B]CM Punk/Kane[/B] vs Elijah Burke/Chavo Guerrero [B]Undertaker[/B] vs John Morrison for the World Heavyweight Championship Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] (Extreme Rules; winner receives an ECW Title shot next week) Colin Delaney vs [B]???[/B] for an ECW Contract
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[B]CM Punk/Kane[/B] vs Elijah Burke/Chavo Guerrero [B]Undertaker[/B] vs John Morrison for the World Heavyweight Championship Tommy Dreamer vs [B]Shelton Benjamin[/B] (Extreme Rules; winner receives an ECW Title shot next week) Colin Delaney vs [I][B][U][Colt Cabana] [/U][/B][/I]for an ECW Contract (that's my guess at least)
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[IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x250/Guerrerofan/internet.jpg[/IMG] Dusty Rhodes has been called to replace Jonathan Coachman as Smackdown's Color Commentator. Word backstage is that John Morrison is in for a huge push and an eventual brand change. He's been really impressing everyone and it's only a matter of time before he's a top contender in RAW or Smackdown!, since his popularity levels are reaching enormous heights. His match with The Undertaker will be a sort of a test to see how he handles the big dogs. Being called up to the main roster is Matt Sydal. After a short stay in FCW, he's going to be called up to Smackdown! to bolster the new incarnation of the Cruiser Division. There's also a rumour that WWE is looking to sign a former world champion. But nothing is known about the supposed "huge signing" Lastly. WWE has released the Highlanders. They are the first of the usual post Mani roster cut.
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