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I noticed that with TV shows, you are given, say, the whole two hours instead of 1 hour 24 minutes. With that said I have an idea for the TV network to setup pre-determined segments, where you have to fit content into each segment. You could also have a match fit more than one segment if you wish.
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[QUOTE=Corey_Vandal;408404]If you're realy pedantic just create a 3-5 minute angle called 'Commercials', and use an announcer for it. Or you could even create an angle called 'Wrestler entertains crowd during commercial'.[/QUOTE] I just figure that the two minutes that the game adds on to each match are the commercial breaks, myself..
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[QUOTE=Raderick;408354]I noticed that with TV shows, you are given, say, the whole two hours instead of 1 hour 24 minutes. With that said I have an idea for the TV network to setup pre-determined segments, where you have to fit content into each segment. You could also have a match fit more than one segment if you wish.[/QUOTE] Really? It must have been an older version of TEW that factored in commercials. Why in the world would that have been took out?
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[QUOTE=CubsFan915;408756]I just figure that the two minutes that the game adds on to each match are the commercial breaks, myself..[/QUOTE] Thats actually set-up time and entrance time. Notice how cage and cell matches have much higher times. Although I suppose since wwe does use commercial breaks often to set up the matches, you are part right as well.
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To paraphrase Adam, any wrestling company will put most of it's ad breaks in the middle of a match, where it slows down. To actually want less time for your shows is asinine. Not his exact words, and I just wanted to use asinine in a sentence.
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;408797]To paraphrase Adam, any wrestling company will put most of it's ad breaks in the middle of a match, where it slows down. To actually want less time for your shows is asinine. Not his exact words, and I just wanted to use asinine in a sentence.[/QUOTE] Also, out of the dozens of people who have made this suggestion not one of them has been able to explain what positive effect it would add to the gameplay.
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;408853]well heck an easy positive would be if you could put them in mid match you could increase revenue. For example, if WWE puts an ad during a low card match, they probably don't generate as much revenue as a break put in during a hot match involving a current feud.[/QUOTE] ...meaning more micromanagement so that the player has direct control over something that's already covered by the game's advertising revenue calculaitons.
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;408853]well heck an easy positive would be if you could put them in mid match you could increase revenue. For example, if WWE puts an ad during a low card match, they probably don't generate as much revenue as a break put in during a hot match involving a current feud.[/QUOTE] ah, but see this is where you are half wrong. WWE and TNA don't own the ad space for their TV. I think as part of the USA deal WWE had to give the rights to the ad's to USA. and TNA didnt work out a very good deal with Spike.
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;408853]well heck an easy positive would be if you could put them in mid match you could increase revenue. For example, if WWE puts an ad during a low card match, they probably don't generate as much revenue as a break put in during a hot match involving a current feud.[/QUOTE] And that just bring more issues to the table. TEW you get your sponsor revenue. but TV does not bring in revenue, in the game all it does is affect your popularity. so you would be micro managing or working around commercial placement, for no additional money under the current revenue system. next this would only affect live shows. as a taped show could work the segments around any way they needed, to fit in the commercials. and as has been pointed out your live audience is still there for two hours, to think of it more like this, you lay out the book, the network execs come in and decide where best to put the commercials, you both agree and out the door they go. game handles it all, because they really don't care what you think. next if anything happens during commercial you simply show it in a split screen high light. TNA did/does this even with angles on a taped show, to give the impression they were live. So please for the love of god, don't bring back the commercials!
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[QUOTE=NickC13573;408857]ah, but see this is where you are half wrong. WWE and TNA don't own the ad space for their TV. I think as part of the USA deal WWE had to give the rights to the ad's to USA. and TNA didnt work out a very good deal with Spike.[/QUOTE] Not to mention that unless it's different for those networks, how much is charged for ads is worked out on an anual basis, based off of a week called Sweeps. I haven't heard of any show getting th ad revenue.. that's the whole point of a TV network having you in the first place--so you generate ad revenue for them.
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THe advantage here is that it would allow you to differentiate TV, PPV and Live Events. Booking Live Events should be a question of booking matches. Period. Booking PPV, means advancing angles through interviews, a couple vignettes, but musotly matches. Booking TV should be a COMPLETELY different animal. Where do you place your commercials? Where do you put your matches? Interviews? Promotional spots? From a gameplay perspective, if done properly, it could be HUGE. One way to do it would be to "black out" segments of the show. Let's assume 15 minutes of commercials per hour of TV (It can be anywhere from 8-18 depending on channel and country). Ok so you book hour 1. Opening interview - 15 min Match - 25 minutes (including set up time) Entertain the crowd segment - 3 minutes Promotional spot for next PPV - 1 minute MAtch 2 - 16 min (including set up time) That's an hour of TV. Once you book that, you go to a second interface that has your show mapped out as you booked. You then have to place the commercial time for what will be "blacked out" to the TV audience. Example. Minute 16-18 - Commercial (so the intros for the wrestlers to Match 1 are blacked out, and we join the match for the bell). Minute 25-28 - Commercial (so the middle part of the match is chopped by commercial) Minute 41-43 - Commercial (During the entertain the crowd segment) Minute 51-54 - Commercial (again a big part of the match) I may be missing a minute or two int here, but you should get the idea. Again, the gameplay advantage is that it makes booking a Live Event, a PPV and a TV show completely differant. And I would ONLY do this for Live or Live-to-tape shows. True TV tapings, should simply have the time chopped off. You tape 45 minutes, for a 1 hour show because that's all you need (as in previous versions of TEW). Now you can have FOUR completely different types of "events". TV Tapings (WSX, or old school WWF/WCW), Live or Live-to-tape (THink Smackdown/Impact), PPV and Live Events. Throw in the ability to pre-tape 4 weeks of a show all at once, and you have yet another variation. More variety, means more options and replay value.
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Commercial time isn't going to happen. Maybe there are some people who really enjoy the micro-management sort of thing described in the above post, and think that it'd be enjoyable to have to work out where adverts go while adhering to television guidelines, but I'm not one of them - it looks like the exact sort of superfluous, tedious, boring stuff that I'm doing my best to eradicate entirely. I'm sure there are people who disagree with that, but that's my professional opinion of the situation and therefore my decision.
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[QUOTE=lovestruck420;408853]well heck an easy positive would be if you could put them in mid match you could increase revenue. For example, if WWE puts an ad during a low card match, they probably don't generate as much revenue as a break put in during a hot match involving a current feud.[/QUOTE] irrelevant as you're GETTING sponsorship money.
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[QUOTE=crayon;408895]I haven't heard of any show getting th ad revenue.. that's the whole point of a TV network having you in the first place--so you generate ad revenue for them.[/QUOTE] The WWF used to get ad revenue by paying money for the time slot and then selling ads themselves. A local wrestling promotion used to do the same thing when they aired on a local PAX affiliate. I still think it's a horrible idea to add this "feature" to the game, but it does have at least a little bit of a basis in reality.
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People want to advance faster with less clicks and easier gameplay, but still there comes one after another member to justify this some what pointless feature. This would make the player to do a lot more thinking for the show and with pros of the feature being pretty small. Sure some realism would be added, but what if I want to decide which song plays and how much pyros are used for some entrances. And I want to save by doing a Vladimir Kozlov entrance! I want Kip James to have everytime new trousers with all of them looking like ****. I think you understand my point.
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[QUOTE=shamelessposer;408966]The WWF used to get ad revenue by paying money for the time slot and then selling ads themselves. A local wrestling promotion used to do the same thing when they aired on a local PAX affiliate. I still think it's a horrible idea to add this "feature" to the game, but it does have at least a little bit of a basis in reality.[/QUOTE] Ah right. Similar to a lot of Japanese programming in that sense, I suppose. Didn't realize that it happened in the US as well
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[QUOTE=Adam Ryland;408960]Commercial time isn't going to happen. Maybe there are some people who really enjoy the micro-management sort of thing described in the above post, and think that it'd be enjoyable to have to work out where adverts go while adhering to television guidelines, but I'm not one of them - it looks like the exact sort of superfluous, tedious, boring stuff that I'm doing my best to eradicate entirely. I'm sure there are people who disagree with that, but that's my professional opinion of the situation and therefore my decision.[/QUOTE] I can understand the desire to remove micro-management. The flip side of this would be to do it as in TEW05 where the time was subtracted automatically. The advantage there was you would have less time to book stuff that gets seen on TV, which again makes things a tad more realistic, AND means it is slightly quicker to book TV (Since a 2 hour TV show ends up being 90 minutes (or whatever) long). Since you usually have more TV then PPVs it makes booking TV up to 25% quicker since you are booking ONLY what makes it to air. Another way to do this would be to have each network have a minimum Commercial time. So you could set HBO to have 0/hour minutes, whereas USA would beat 16 min/hour or whatever. If you are on Multiple networks, the network with the highest commercial rate wins. if someone wants the game to work like 07, then all he has to do is set all the Networks to 0 commerical time. Everybody wins, and no additional micro-management. It's a "Have your cake and eat it" solution :)
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So basically you'd want Adam to spend time programming a feature that would have zero effect on anything. If someone is concerned about a full 2 hour show taking too long to book, wouldn't it make more sense for them just to negotiate a 90 minute TV show rather than a 2 hour show. While it is a realistic idea, in game terms its completely pointless.
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[QUOTE=GardnerFTW;409025]So basically you'd want Adam to spend time programming a feature that would have zero effect on anything. If someone is concerned about a full 2 hour show taking too long to book, wouldn't it make more sense for them just to negotiate a 90 minute TV show rather than a 2 hour show. While it is a realistic idea, in game terms its completely pointless.[/QUOTE] Your jury rigged solution would be fine... except I cant booka 45 minute show. This simple solution, A) Adds realism B) Reduces booking time by removing stuff that shouldn't be making air anyway. C) Adds variety to the network model. D) Makes booking PPVs and TV slightly differant (so that a 3 hour TV show <> A 3 hour PPV) E) STILL allows people to run the game without commercials if they so choose. And all that needs to be done is allow variable run times for TV shows (something that was IN a previous version to boot). Plus you please EVERYONE, for and against commercial time. That isn't pointless... it's a bargain.
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[QUOTE=Dolfanar;409019]The flip side of this would be to do it as in TEW05 where the time was subtracted automatically.[/QUOTE] Incorrect - 05 was exactly the same as 07 as far as adverts went - ie they weren't in it. I didn't play 04 so it may have been in that, and thats what you meant, but 05 - definitely wasn't in that.
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