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A Few things I'd like to see...

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Going off of some of the older games I've played.. I'd love to see these come back to this game. * The ability to talk someone out of retirement and back into either a full-time schedule or a part-time schedule. You see this from time to time where someone retires and while you can still use them in matches... It turns out kind of crappy in some cases. So, I'd love to see the possibility of asking someone out of retirement and getting responses in the sense of - "Yea, I'd love to give it another go", "Yea, but i only want to wrestle a part-time schedule" (x number of dates in a month i guess), "No, I have no interest in wrestling again as a in-ring performer", or "No, however, give me time and I may re-think it". * The ability to ask someone who they would like to tag with/work against. While some would use this as a cheat and would pretty much always give the worker what they want... I think it's a great tool for fleshing out the database and making it look like the wrestlers have an actual say in what they would like to see. You don't have to take what they say.. but it would still be cool cause it may tip you off as to who they may have good chemistry with. I'm sure this has been brought up alot, but I thought i'd put my 2 cents in again. Cheers.
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I'm all for these ideas. Anything that gives you more options to seemingly interact with workers and less calculating spreadsheets is a plus for me. It wouldn't necessarily be a cheat with the second suggestion anyway. Because what they want isn't always going to be best for business, and that's something you'd have to consider.
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