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Importing Companies with owners

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Alright, so I created Elite XC and HDnet Fights. I set them to appear Jan. 2005 (it is Dec 2004 right now) I created Mark Cuban and set him to own HDnet Fights and be their president. I have 2 fighters(one as owner and one as pres.) for elite xc. If I load the game, import the companies, will they appear with the characters I put, as owner and pres? what can I do to make sure they stay owner/pres? cuz I tried this before with another company and it didnt work...as it imported looking for owners, etc
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You can't import people to certain companies as that would also involve importing their contract which can't be done. As such any company you import will have to look for owners/president when the join the game. If you want a company to get a cerain owner/president then you can try to fix the data by giving people the "right" skills. I can't remember what they are but for owners it would be business skills of a similar level. For presidents I believe they need to have good charisma.
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