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This may sound kind of morbid, but will there be more options for deaths in TEW 08?? It just seemed that the only deaths I saw in TEW 07 were drug related, which is realistic in the wrestling world. But a couple of time I got a message that said "Ricky Steamboat died of drug overdose" "Dusty Rhodes dies of drug overdose." I think it would be a little better to have more auto accidents, drownings, suicide, murder, killed by lion. It's a minor thing, but regardless, I will buy this game once it becomes available
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I'm all for accidents (used sparingly).. murder and suicide may be just be asking to open up a can of worms when it comes to real world mods of course.. plus it does seem a little dark for the game. Not that it'd bother me.. but maybe some people.
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[QUOTE=crayon;409960]I'm all for accidents (used sparingly).. murder and suicide may be just be asking to open up a can of worms when it comes to real world mods of course.. plus it does seem a little dark for the game. Not that it'd bother me.. but maybe some people.[/QUOTE] Agreed. But no reason there couldn't be some expansion of the death range. Don't know if this crossed over in 3 or not. It got kind of unwieldy at times. But in Hollywood Mogul 2 you had deaths like "Dino Bravo dead. Crushed by giant mirror" or "Bobby Duncum Jr. dies in own arms." Maybe some sort of wacky deaths like that could fit in the place of the murders and suicides. Of course you had serious stuff like cancer and car crashes too. But the wacky ones happened just as often if not more so.
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[QUOTE=D16NJD16;409958]Your desires arent exactly top priority then business wise then. If you were on the fence it would be a different story[/QUOTE] Buisness wise, Adam already has my money. It'd be pretty petty of me to not buy such a stellar game because my suggestions went unanswered.
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I am for it and against it. The only reason I would like to see it is in extreme cases of worker behavior. For example if the worker meets certain criteria he is more open to commit suicide, if he is a jackass and all that other critieria he is open to murder. But I dont think this plays a significant enough part to spend any real time working out.
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Yeah, I think that saying a worker committed suicide is opening a whole nasty can of worms. Besides, the majority of wrestlers do die prematurely from drug overdoses. Same with others in the entertainment industry. I'd say maybe have a couple options: 1) Accident 2) Natural causes 3) Drug overdose Many suicides are often reported as accidents to preserve the integrity of the individual, and I really don't want to imagine a game where people can try to drive a worker to suicide.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=dragonkingkarl;410998]I'd like to see it expanded too. Throw in the random plane crash, car accident, etc.[/QUOTE] And have a Lynad Skynard situation occuring? That would be kind of cool
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[QUOTE=The Aussie;411019]And have a Lynad Skynard situation occuring? That would be kind of cool[/QUOTE] Lynyrd Skynyrd And I don't know if I would want to see this with deaths but possibly with injuries, i.e 4 workers were in a car accident and will be out for the next 2 months.
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I could see this being a good addition, if a little depressing. Still, there's been lots and lots of murders (Bruiser Brody, Dino Bravo) and suicides (Mike Awesome, Chris Benoit) in the industry. I think putting this in is no worse than putting in drug overdoses and prison sentences (both of which are also sad facts of the industry).
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While some part of me thinks it would be cool, I'm not sure I'd want to see it this game :( When Chris Cash died a few years ago it really sucked, especially as he was having some great matches and really seemed to be on the up, and then died so suddenly at such a young age. Seeing that sort of thing happen in a game wouldn't be nice. If it was maybe one person dies every couple of years from an accident that would ok, but I wouldn't want to see it regularly
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[QUOTE=combatmedic;409948]killed by lion.[/QUOTE] Yes, one of my biggest qualms with the TEW series so far, and video games in general, that there are never enough lion-related deaths. In fact I'm hoping this will be the year for GTA IV. :D
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[QUOTE=DannyDemon;411534]new option..........deaths, create yourown deaths so Adam hasn't gotta mess agbout with it ;)[/QUOTE] Hollywood Mogul had this as well. That would work for me. That way you can include whatever range of possible deaths you want and it needn't affect more squeamish players at all.
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;411833]Hollywood Mogul had this as well. That would work for me. That way you can include whatever range of possible deaths you want and it needn't affect more squeamish players at all.[/QUOTE] If the feature was added like that it would be simply awesome. I'd add random crap like being abducted by a UFO and being trampled in a freak turtle racing accident. :D
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[QUOTE=cappyboy;411833]Hollywood Mogul had this as well. That would work for me. That way you can include whatever range of possible deaths you want and it needn't affect more squeamish players at all.[/QUOTE] even just add the name of the death, it wont change anything enter name for example: Remmy Skye was found dead today, the cause is or Leo Price has been sent to prision for 15 years after
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