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Best company outside of the US?

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So I really want to start up a filler game while I wait for the new TEW 2008 game to come out (Can't really keep myself motivated to keep a real game going right now with that game seeming so cool). All in all, I was wondering what people thought was the most fun company to control outside of the US? I haven't played much for Canada & not at all in any other areas. More or less, I want to learn some of the bigger names in the database that aren't in the US so that when the new game comes out I know who is "legit" overseas to try to talk into moving to the states to wrestle. Thank you!
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PGHW. Main event talent in phenomenal, and the undercard could basically all be main eventers given the right treatment, barring one or two. It's fun as hell to book like, 40 minute ultra stiff showdowns every night too.
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My vote is obviously for Japan as well, but I'll give you the pros of each particular company out of the three I think you'd enjoy the most. WLW - If you primarily play in the US, then this might be the easiest transition, as they have the most angle-driven product out of the three. They have an ultra talented roster, and their product allows for probably the most creative games out of the three. PGHW - The easiest one to play, by far. The most talented roster, with a 100% match ratio. The only problem you'll run into is giving your workers rest, as with a 2-show-a-day week with 90% match intensity, your workers run out of gas quick. BHOTWG - The most challenging, as their main event scene isn't the most talented, but their junior division makes up for it, and you pretty much have your pick of workers available in Japan to give yourself a better roster to work with.
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