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First Newsletter of October! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #69 Week One October 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Good[/I] Rey Mysterio makes his Raw debut, teaming up with Jeff Hardy against Triple H and Shawn Michaels. And Rey pins Triple H with the West Coast Pop after Randy Orton interfered! Way to kick off your Raw career Rey! Edge/Mr. Kennedy has been set up for No Mercy. That should be an awesome match. William Regal and Charlie Haas had a technical battle, with Regal putting on the Regal Stretch for the submission. Kenny Dykstra had another fun WWE Intercontinental Title defense against Matt Cross, pinning him after he misses a moonsault to the floor. The Hangman's Neckbreaker was hit in the ring. [I]The Bad[/I] Both women's matches tonight fell flat. Victoria retained the Women's Title against Michelle McCool with the Widow's Peak and Natalya pinned Beth Phoenix with a roll up. Also, Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly beat Santino and Carlito again, with Rhodes pinning Santino with the DDT. [I]The Ugly[/I] Nothing [I]The Pointless[/I] Brian Kendrick pinned Brad Allen in a match that was just there. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Good[/I] Shelton Benjamin and the Great Khali had a match. Shelton is the perfect opponent for Khali, as he can be ping ponged around the ring with the greatest of ease. Shelton got a fair bit of offense, keeping Khali off of balance.This match ended with a no contest after the referee got bumped and Khali attacked Shelton with the Tree Slam laying him out. Shelton struggled to his feet. Elijah Burke pinned Jamie Noble with the Elijah Experience in a battle between two talented unpushed wrestlers. The Edgeheads defeated Paul London and Chuck Palumbo in an odd, but great tag team match, with Ryder pinning London with a power bomb/flying clothesline combination move. [I]The Bad[/I] The ECW Champion Jesse squashed Nick Nemeth with the Asiatic Spike. Another bad match. The main event with Hardcore Holly and Mark Henry was bland. Henry pinned Holly with the World's Strongest Slam. [I]The Ugly[/I] Maria and Kelly Kelly in this week's bad women's match. Bulldog by Maria pins Kelly. [I]The Pointless[/I] Nothing [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] [I]The Good[/I] The Undertaker squashed JTG. This was some fun stuff, with Undertaker beating the hell out of JTG. All he needs to do is bring back the stuffing the opponent in the bodybag after the match gimmick and we'll be all set. JTG was bumped around, until the Tombstone won. Taker wants the belt back. Speaking of fun squash matches, Shannon Moore was pummeled by Trevor Murdoch, which lead to Murdoch retaining his WWE United States Title. Paul London and Tom Howard, London got a decent match out of Howard, with a frankensteiner with both men on the top rope and standing shooting star press. [I]The Bad[/I] Big Daddy V and Batista had an ugly match. Running splash in the corner is avoided and Batista hit two spinebusters for the pin. Jesse and Mark Copani was the most boring match. The ECW Championship was not on the line. Not a complete squash and ten minutes. Yes, ten minutes. Jesse won with the Asiatic Spike. [I]The Ugly[/I] Layla pinned Jillian with a DDT. Not Ashley levels, but still pretty bad. The Smackdown women's division bites, with the exception of Katie Lea Burchill and even she isn't good enough to carry some of these people. [I]The Pointless[/I] Mighty Mikey defeated Shawn Spears. [B]WWE No Mercy[/B] [I]The Good[/I] Randy Orton and Triple H in the main event for the WWE Championship. This may be the best match in Randy Orton's career and among the top five in Triple H's. Match of the year candidate, with Orton pulling every cheap heel trick in the book and avoided the Pedigree. Orton works over the leg. Attempted Pedigree at the end but Triple H collapses as he connects. Standing nine count before Triple H rolls on top for a two and a half count. Triple H limps up and holds Orton, but a low blow and RKO pins Triple H for the pin. Orton beats Triple H again, for the third year in a row, No Mercy ends with Orton beating Triple H and the one year anniversary of Orton's third WWE Title reign. Kennedy and Edge was almost as good as that match. And Kennedy wins, so he may be the next challenger for the championship, pinning Edge with the Mic Check. Justin Credible is tonight's victim against the Undertaker. Taker beats up Credible, Credible gets more offense than Miz and JTG put together, but the Undertaker pinned Credible with the Tombstone Piledriver. Jamie Noble and Trevor Murdoch have a competitive match for the WWE United States Title. Murdoch pins Noble with the Gourdbuster after fighting out of the Gibson Driver. [I]The Bad[/I] Big Daddy V and Mark Henry squashed Biff Wellington and Eddie Colon when Big Daddy V pinned Colon with an elbowdrop. Meh. Jesse squashed TJ Wilson to retain the ECW Championship, with the Asiatic Spike. This was bad as well. [I]The Ugly[/I] Victoria retained the WWE Women's Title against Kelly Kelly with the Widow's Peak. [I]The Pointless[/I] Nothing. [B]Misc[/B] Nicole Bella has been recalled. John Cena and Festus signed contract extensions as well. [U]NWA[/U] [B][I][U]NWA Live Action[/B][/I][/U] [I]The Good[/I] Christian and Rhino defeated Shaq and Homicide in a perfectly fine tag team match. Shaq spent most of the match on the ring apron until he is tagged in, running wild. Rhino catches Shaq with the Gore which looked bad and pinned him out of nowhere. Other than the finish, this was a good match. NWA Champion Booker T pinned Sabu in a non title match. Sabu is held together by duct tape, super glue, and chewing gum, but Booker had a good match with him. Sabu missed a high risk move and Booker T won with the Axe Kick. [I]The Bad[/I] Chris Mordetzky and Heidenreich had a bad brawl that ended in a lame double countout. [I]The Ugly[/I] Nothing [I]The Pointless[/I] Nova pinned Tomko with a sunset flip in a match that was just there. [B]Misc[/B] Alex Shelley has left NWA. Matt Morgan and Ricky Banderas have signed contracts and then released later in the week. Rick Steiner, Rico, Joey Abs, and Andrew Test Martin have signed contracts. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel. Also, Quinton Jackson was wished well in his future endeavors due to a dispute with National Wrestling Alliance management. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] -Curry Man pinned Robert Roode with a small package -Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated Shark Boy and Consequences Creed when Petey Williams pinned Creed with the Canadian Destroyer -Christy Hemme pinned Roxxy with a roll up using the ropes for leverage -Gail Kim pinned Awesome Kong to retain the TNA Knockout's Title after a Swinging DDT. -AJ Styles and Tomko retained the TNA Tag Team Titles against Eric Young and Brother Ray when Styles pinned Young. Afterwards, Brother Devon came out and helped Ray beat down Styles, Tomko, and Eric Young -Homicide and Samoa Joe defeated Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal when Joe pinned Lethal with the Muscle Buster. [U]Lucha[/U] AAA had their monthly show, with Vampiro and Gran Apache beating Electro Shock and Shocker. Also, Mistico, Latin Lover, and El Hijo Del Santo defeated Juventud Guerrera, El Zorro, and Cibernetico, Abismo Negro, Ultimo Guerrero, and Charly Manson defeated La Parka Jr, Chessman, and Halloween, and Octagon defeated Negro Casas to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL featured Dr. Wagner Jr beating Atlantis. In the semi main event, Heavy Metal, Blue Panther, and Silver King defeated Mr. Aguila, Hector Garza, and El Hijo Del Perro to capture the CMLL World Trios Title. CMLL had their monthly show, headlined by Aguila, Nicho, and Atlantis defeated Dr. Wagner Jr, El Hijo Del Perro, and Sagrada. Also, Silver King defeated Heavy Metal to retain the CMLL World Heavyweight Title and the Chaos Connection retained the CMLL Tag Team Titles over Anifraz Del Norte and Escoria. [U]Puro[/U] Kintaro Kanemura won the Open the Dream Gate Title against TAKA Michinoku on the Dragon Gate Tour. Kikutaro captured the AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title against Taiyo Kea. Dragon Gate had their monthly show, featuring Kintaro Kanemura retaining the Open the Dream Gate Title over Genki Horiguchi. Also, K-Ness defeated CIMA, Naoki Tanisaki defeated Masaaki Mochizuki to retain the Open the Brave Gate Title, and Ryo Saito and Steve Corino defeated Mag and Shiisa to retain the Open the Twin Gate Titles. [U]Indies[/U] CZW had their monthly show, featuring Ruckus defeating Salvatore Thomaselli. Also, Vito Thomaselli defeated Sexxy Eddy, Chuck Taylor defeated Ricochet, Sabian defeated Nate Hatred to retain the CZW Arena Title, and the Nightmares defeated the Dogs of War to retain the CZW Tag Team Titles. JAPW had their monthly show, headlined by Samoa Joe defeating Chris Hero to retain the JAPW Championship. Also, Jay Lethal defeated Grim Reefer, Chuck Taylor defeated Teddy Hart to retain the New Jersey State Title, and Eddie Kingston and B-Boy defeated El Generico and Jack Evans to win the vacant JAPW Tag Team Titles. IWA:MS featured Davey Richards defeating Roderick Strong in the main event. Also, Tyler Black defeated Ruckus, Jason Hades defeating Ricochet to retain the IWA: MS Title, and Vito Thomaselli defeating Ricky Reyes. OVW had their monthly show, headlined by Jamin Olivencia defeating Rudy Switchblade to retain the OVW Championship. Also, Jacob Duncan defeated Tommy McNaler, Anthony Bravado defeated Nine Fingers Dewey, and Ali Akbar defeated Sweet Stevie. FCW had their monthly show, headlined by Dan Maff defeating Johnny Swinger to retain the FCW Championship. Also, Sonjay Dutt defeated Mike DiBiase, Adam Pearce defeated Alex Wright, and Glenn Gilberti battled Flash Flanagan to a double countout. [U]Television Ratings and Pay Per View Buyrates[/U] The NWA Pay Per View received a 0.51 buyrate, with 204000 buys. Raw received a 6.79 rating on the USA network, with a 0.91 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.49 rating on ABC, a 1.04 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 3.93 rating on the CW, with a 0.98 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 2.90 rating. [/QUOTE]
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Second Newsletter of October, with a new format on TV reports: [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #70 Week Two, October 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw Report[/COLOR][/B] Victoria defeated Nicole Bella to retain the WWE Women's Title. Bella is green. Victoria tried. This match was short and unoffensive, with Victoria winning with the Widow's Peak DUD. Drew McIntyre squashed Matt Sydal making him submit to the STF. The crowd was really dead during this match. DUD. Melina and Natalya battled to a no contest after Snitsky ran out to bully the women. The third DUD match of the evening. The Big Show and Edge had a good segment, with Edge suggesting they both work together against Randy Orton in tonight's Triple Threat Main Event match for the WWE Championship. Gregory Helms pinned DH Smith. Now things are picking up. Smith and Helms had a good match, two future stars In fact *** match with Helms dropping Smith with the Shining Wizard. Stevie Richards pinned Johnny Jeter with the Stevie Kick. The epitome of a match that just existed to fill up time. Not bad * match. Carltio and Kenny Dykstra for the WWE Intercontinental Title. I thought tonight was the night for Dykstra to lose the belt, but he surprised me, pinning Carlito with the Hangman's Neckbreaker. Carlito was going through the motions tonight and Kenny is not the person to carry him. * 1/2. Afterwards, Kenny brags that the WWE Intercontinental Title is better than the WWE United States Title, which will lead to something involving Kenny against Trevor Murdoch at Survivor Series. Randy Orton retained the WWE Championship in the main event against the Big Show and Edge in a *** 1/2 battle. Show and Edge turned on each other, with Show hitting the Choke Slam. Orton punts Show in the head and pins Edge. Afterwards, Triple H comes out and Pedigrees Orton, leading to another match between these two men at Survivor Series. [COLOR=purple][B]wWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Paul London pinned Mighty Mikey in a spotty opening match. * 1/2 match with London pinning Mikey with a standing shooting star press. Jesse retained the ECW Championship against Lance Cade, continuing his ho hum title reign with a DDT and Asiatic Spike. * star match. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry squashed Eddie Colon and TJ Wilson when Henry pinned Colon with the World's Strongest Slam. Usual efforts fromt he WWE Tag Team Champions. * Kenny Dykstra pinned Hernandez. Business picked up in this match, as Hernandez showed his power by tossing around Dykstra like a ragdoll. Kenny pins Hernandez with a Hangman's Neckbreaker and talks slander about the United States Title after this *** match. Matt Hardy pinned MVP in their usual good match. MVP has really slid down the card slightly but he puts up a good fight. Kick in the corner is avoided, Hardy hits the Twist of Fate for the pin in a *** 1/2 match. Chris Jericho and Shelton Benjamin. Hot damn, these two always have a good match. Jericho's World Heavyweight Title was not on the line and a good thing to, as Shelton pins Jericho with a huge Exploder Suplex off the top rope. Nearly perfect, but not quite, **** 1/2 match. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Progression was a good show, this wasn't. Curt Hawkins pinned Mark Copani with a roll up. Who gives a damn? * Nigel McGuiness pinned Shawn Spears with a spinebuster into a jack-knife cradle. Yes, Nigel's been WWE-ized finally. DUD in every sense of the world. Katie Lea Burchill pinned Kelly Kelly with a spinning backbreaker. When Kelly Kelly has a better match than Nigel McGuiness you know something's screwed up. 1/2* Paul London pinned Nick Nemeth with a standing shooting star press in a * match. Spotfest. Highlander Rory pinned Paul Burchill with a neckbreaker. Now they're just insulting my intelligence. * 1/2 Jesse pinned Lance Cade to retain the ECW Champion in the return match that no one wanted to see with the Asiatic Spike. A bit better than Progression, like it matters at this level. * 1/2 Shelton Benjamin and Big Daddy V had a match. Big Daddy V is the black hole of suck. Shelton worked hard, but this was not his night. He wins with a roll up after Big Daddy V misses a charge into the corner. * 1/2 and that was all Shelton. [B]Misc[/B] Santino Marella and Johnny Jeter have signed contract extensions. [U]NWA[/U] [B][I][U]NWA Live Action Report[/B][/U][/I] Scott Taylor pinned Jimmy Yang with a DDT off the second rope. I seem to remember seeing this match on Velocity. Not bad, merely a match * 1/2. Bryan Danielson defeated Brent Albright, making him submit to the Cattle Mutilation, after elbowing Albright in the head. Danielson cannot have a bad match against anyone. *** match, good for the time it was given. Shaquile O' Neal defeated Sabu. This match was perhaps a nightmare waiting to happen. Sabu is too broken down to have a good match without gimmicks and Shaq...well he's passable, but not someone who should be wrestling Sabu. This is for an NWA World Title Shot and Shaq wins by power bombing Sabu out of the corner. * match for effort. Rob Van Dam and Christian Cage defeated Homicide and Booker T in a great tag team match. Van Dam pins the NWA Champion with the Five Star Frog Splash. *** 1/2 and a good way to close out an above average show. [U]TNA[/U] After Bound for Glory, this company is joining WWE and NWA on the Global scene. This is so disturbing, on so many levels. [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Alex Shelley pinned Curry Man with the Shell Shock. This match got three minutes. Hmmm, I wonder who could be responsible for this match being being short changed. Let's just call him Vince R, no wait that's too obvious, V. Russo. * 1/2 for what they did Dan Maff and Matt Morgan defeated Shark Boy and Consequences Creed when Morgan pins shark Boy. Morgan wins, his last match before leaving the company. Welcome to TNA. * Christy Hemme pinned TNA Knockout's Champion Gail Kim in a non title match. Yep. This company is Global. It just proves something about the wrestling fans around the world. * 1/2 because Gail was really busting her ass to make Christy look competent. Kip James and Scott Steiner defeated Robert Roode and Petey Williams when Kip James pinned Petey Williams with the Fame-Asser. WHY THE HELL IS KIP JAMES SITLL BEING PUSHED IN 2009? The pairings baffled me. ***** on the Russo scale, but only ** for some effort from the other three competitors not named Kip James. Team 3D won the TNA Tag Team Titles against AJ Styles and Tomko, three days before the biggest Pay Per View of the year, with the 3D on Styles. ** 1/2 I suppose for the match. God forbid they hold this match off three more days. Homicide and Samoa Joe defeated Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt when Homicide pinned Dutt with the Cop Killa. Good tag team match, with Dutt and Lethal getting a fair bit of offense. Homicide pinned Dutt with the Cop Killa, because he's challenging for the title. *** match and Sting comes out, to brawl with Homicide, leading to Bound for Glory. [B]TNA Bound For Glory[/B] This was the card to propelled TNA to the next level, as baffling as it sounds. Consequences Creed pinned Sexxy Eddy. You could have heard crickets chirping. DUD Gail Kim retained the TNA Knockout's Title against Jacqueline Moore. DUD Raisha Saeed and Velvet Sky battled Payton Banks and Roxxy to a no contest when Awesome Kong murders everyone but Saeed. Bad match, no finish, -* and that's being generous. Eric Young and AJ Styles defeated Kip James and Curry Man in this week's, try and figure out why this match is happening, battle. Styles pinned Kip James with a roll up, so anything that causes Kip James to be pinned can't be all bad. ** Robert Roode pinned Shark Boy with the Pay Off. * 1/2 Samoa Joe defeated Tomko and Rellik in a Monster's Ball Math to declare the number one contender to the TNA Championship. So in theory, Rellik, could have been facing the champion. Think about that one before going to sleep at night. Joe wins with the Muscle Buster on Rellik. ** 1/2 Team 3D defeated Scott Steiner and Petey Williams to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles with the 3D. Cookie cutter tag team match. ** Sting defeated Homicide to retain the TNA Championship. This match may have been among one of the best things that TNA has done in sometime. Homicide looked like a star and came close to beating Sting, fighting the Scorpion Deathlock before passing out. **** 1/2 match and it would have been a great way to close the show, but being TNA, nothing could be that. Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal defeated Dan Maff and Alex Shelley in the main event when Lethal pinned Shelley. I will say this, TNA should be pushing new talent, but the fact remains that this was not the time to do it. Sting and Homicide blew this match out of the water, not that this was not a good match. *** 1/2. So TNA, NWA, WWE. The monopoly is over. Is Vince ready for another war? Only time will tell. [B]Misc[/B] Alex Wright has signed with TNA. [U]Lucha[/U] CMLL this week featured El Hijo Del Perro defeating Mr. Aguila and Atlantis defeating Nicho El Millinairo. [U]Puro[/U] AJPW had their monthly show, headlined by Toshiaki Kawada defeating Keiji Mutoh to retain the Triple Crown Title. In other marquee matches, Takeshi Morshima defeated Mr. Gannosuke, Kikutaro defeated SUWA to retain the AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title, Milano Collection AT defeated Kohei Suwama, and Bobby Lashley and Taiyo Kea retained the AJPW All Asia Tag Team Titles over Issei Suguri and Karem Ibrahim Gabar. NJPW had their monthly show featuring Shinsuke Nakamura retaining the IWGP Championship over Masahiro Chono. Takao Omori defeated Black Tiger, Jushin Thunder Liger defeated Tomoaki Honda, Koji Kanemoto and Wataro Inoue retained the IWGP Tag Team Titles against Gaint Bernard and Minoru Tanaka, Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Hirooki Goto, Hiroyoshi Tenzan and Yuji Nagata defeated Gedo and Jado, Akebono and Low Ki defeated Eddie Edwards and Iizuka, and Tiger Mask IV defeated Alex Shelley. [U]Indies[/U] PWG had their monthly show, headlined by Chris Hero winning the vacant PWG Championship over Austin Aries. Also, Jack Evans defeated Davey Richards, Tyler Black defeated Eddie Kingston, and Roderick Strong defeated Excalibur. [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] WWE No Mercy received the highest buyrate of the year so far, a 2.41 buyrate or 964000 buys. WWE Raw on the USA Network received a 6.99 rating, while getting a 0.94 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression on ABC received a 5.07 rating, with a 1.14 rating on Nippon TV, WWE Smackdown received a 3.95 rating on the CW, a 0.95 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 3.02 rating. [/QUOTE]
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It's time for the next issue! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #71 Week Three October 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] DH Smith pinned Mack Johnson in a quick squash match that only had one or two spots that were worth anything. 1/2 * for the Running Powerslam. Matt Sydal and Karl Anderson had a bad match that had timing all over the place, no crowd heat, several botched spots. -** match for this wretched little encounter. Melina and Mickie James had a good women's match for the time given. Melina won with a vicious reverse DDT after avoiding a Swinging DDT. Some great exchanges between these two women and it just showed what the women's division can be. ** 1/2 Santino and Carlito defeated World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly in a non title match, when Carlito pinned Cody Rhodes with the Back Stabber. Yep, this match again. Not bad, not good, just there. ** Tommy Dreamer and Charlie Haas had a fun encounter. Dreamer is still having passable matches through sheer force of will. He wins with the Dreamer DDT after blocking a Northern Lights Suplex. ** 1/2 Chavo Guerrero and Kenny Dykstra are both attacked by Snitsky after wrestling a few minutes. Afterwards, Trevor Murdoch comes out and attacks Dykstra. * 1/2 for the wrestling before the finish. Edge and Randy Orton in a non title match was your match of the week. Triple H scouted Orton for their match at Survivor Series. Orton worked over Edge with some high impact offense, Edge came back rattling the champion, Orton exposed the buckles, but Triple H gets in his face, allowing Edge to ram into the the buckles and hit the Spear for the pin. **** 1/2 and I think Edge should be the one to detrone Orton after this promotion. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Colin Delaney pinned Andrew Vain in a yawn inducing DUD match. Kelly Kelly and Maria were the wrong two women to put out for a match. It sucked on so many levels. Kelly wins with a bad cartwheel into an even worse splash. -*** stars for this horrid encounter, it offended me. Monty Brown pounced TJ Wilson to hell. 1/2* for the Pounce. Orlando Jordan squashed Jamie Noble with the Black Ice. DUD and Noble was just cannon fodder this week for Jordan, who has done nothing of value since returning to WWE. MVP and CM Punk had the usual good MVP match. GTS is blocked and MVP drives Punk into the corner, before he knocks him out with the Running Yakuza Kick. *** 1/2 Shelton Benjamin beat the Great Khali with three spin kicks, one from the top rope. Khali beat Shelton, pinballing him, but Shelton managed to fight back, rocking Khali with his impact offense. Spin kick off the top drops Khali and Shelton just barely gets the pin. ** 1/2. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Paul Burchill pinned Devon Storm with the Curb Stomp in a short, pointless encounter. 1/2* for some decent offense from Burchill. Paul London pinned Kafu. London has been going through the motions for quite some time, dropsault and standing shooting star press pins. He might be the wrestler who wins the most but gets pushed the least, that Paul London. Cade and Murdoch defeated the Edgeheads in a ** encounter when Hawkins was blitzed with the High Low. Seeing the Edgheads getting squashed always amuses me. Jillian Hall pinned Kelly Kelly, in a match that was just there, not like the trainwreck value of the Kelly Kelly/Maria match on Progression. DUD Jamie Noble defeated Nigel McGuiness with the Gibson Driver. If this happened in Ring of Honor, this would get twenty minutes and rule. On Smackdown, it gets three and a half minutes and was merely *. CM Punk defeated Highlander Rory with the GTS. This match's positioning on the card was interesting. ** 1/2, as Punk drug a halfway interesting match out of the Highlander. JTG and Batista in the main event. I think it is safe to say that JTG is the good half of Cryme Tyme, as he's had some good matches on Smackdown and Shad's faded into the night on Raw. Huge lariat, huge spear, big spinebuster, and Batista Bomb ends the match for Batista, the best in JTG's career. *** 1/2 and that's no joke. [U]NWA[/U] [B][U][I]NWA Live Action[/B][/I][/U] The opening match had Rob Conway and Joey Abs. Yes, that Joey Abs, formally of the Mean Street Posse. Heat match in every sense of the term. * match as well. Chris Kanyon pinned Heidenreich with the Flatiner. Heindereich dragged Kanyon straight down to his dismal level. He might be the worst wrestler in the big three today. * match and Kanyon really fought Heidenreich all the way. Homicide pinned Nick Dinsmore, now this was a good battle, no question about it. Gringo Killa ends the night for Dinsmore. ***. The big rising star for 2009 would have to be Homicide, no question about it. Hernandez is now another face in the crowd in WWE, and Homicide is a star in two promotions(for now at least). Rob Van Dam and Booker T defeated Rhino and Christian Cage in a great **** 1/2 tag team match. Watch this match right now. Good stuff, with Van Dam pinning Christian Cage with the Five Star Frog Splash after Rhino mistimed the Gore. Shaq stood on the ramp, eying Booker T's title. [B]NWA Final Altercations Show[/B] Sylvain Grenier defeated Ro-Z and Rob Conway defeated Brent Albright in dark matches. Sean Waltman pinned Raven with the X-Factor in the opening of the Pay Per View. Raven looks like he's aged badly. Waltman looks about the same as he always has. ** match. Frankie Kazarian pinned Bryan Danielson with the Flux Compacitor in an upset win. The ROH Champion has been pinned by Kazarian, no doubt a hefty blow to his eager. ** 1/2, Kazarian can be very spotty at times. Rene Dupree pinned Scott Taylor with the Bastille Driver. * 1/2 and this had about as much business being on Pay Per View as Shark Boy/Rober Roode did at Bound for Glory. Chris Mordetszky defeated Heidenreich with a wheelbarrow suplex. Not the bad match that I feared, with the former Masterpiece winning. ** for some surprisingly stiff brawling. Andrew Test Martin pinned Jimmy Yang. The booking of nearly caused me to put my foot right through my television set, much like Test put his boot into Yang's face for the pin. Test had a moment of popularity ten years ago and people think he has potential. Yang bumped his ass off, dragging Test kicking and screaming to **. Rhino and Christian Cage defeated the Machines who are Nova and Tomko. Some great power stuff between Rhino and Tomko. Some fun offense from Christian and Nova takes a mean Gore. *** Death from Above retain the NWA Tag Team Titles against the Urban Gladiators. Big Vito and Abyss are the Urban Gladiators, a name that is rather baffling. Sabu pinned Vito to retain the titles with the Arabian Facebuster. ** Nick Dinsmore pinned Joey Matthews with the German Suplex. *, these two have had a bland match. Homicide and Rob Van Dam, now here is a match. Shaq and Booker T for the NWA Championship might have drawn the buyrate but these two stole the show. **** 1/2, continuing the string of epic Homicide matches on Pay Per View. Homicide wins with the Gringo Killa after Van Dam plasters himself on the floor. Booker T retained the NWA Championship over Shaquile O' Neal. The heat was off the charts, the work was about ** 1/2. Booker gets a roll up out of the corner, as Shaq makes a rookie mistake. Both men circle each other, before it is hinted that they are going to fight for the title again in the future. If they must. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Robert Roode pinned Rellik, who is treading water, with the Pay Off. ** 1/2 AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Brother Devon and Curry Man(subbing for Brother Ray, who just refused to wrestle), when Styles pinned Curry Man with the Styles Clash. *** encounter, the addition of Curry Man was a good one to this match. Christy Hemme defeated Roxxy in a -** match, with a faceplant. Still better than Kelly Kelly/Maria on Progression. Petey Williams pinned Shark Boy with the Canadian Destroyer in seconds to retain the TNA X-Division Title. The X-Division continues to get buried. DUD Sting and Samoa Joe, the main event for the next Pay Per View, that's happening again, have a match free on television just three weeks before Geneis. I could not make this **** up if I tried. Sign for a future TNA taping: "Russo Fears Money". Still, as long as the matches are good, there is only so much you can complain. Sting pins Joe with a roll up after the corner after twenty minutes. Great stuff, as usual. Sting having **** 1/2 matches at this point of his career is just insane. Must be the holy water. Rhino and Homicide defeated Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal in a main event that was a little underwhelming with Homicide pinning Dutt with the Gringo Killa. *** match. [B]Misc[/B] Rampage Jackson bounces back from getting released from NWA, to sign with TNA. Johnny Swinger, another recent NWA cast off, also signs with TNA. [U]ROH[/U] ROH had their Glory By Honor VIII show. The Results were -Mercedes Martinez defeating Daizee Haze -Ruckus defeating Tank Toland -Claudio Castagnoli defeated Shane Hagadorn with the Ricoli Bomb -Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe retained the ROH Tag Team Titles over the Age of the Fall. -Kevin Steen and Erick Stevens defeated Jack Evans and Jigsaw when Steen pinned Evans with the Package Piledriver -Brent Albright and Adam Pearce defeated Davey Richards and Chris Hero when Albright pinned Hero with the half nelson suplex. [U]Lucha[/U] CMLL featured Atlantis defeating Heavy Metal to retain the NWA World Light Heavyweight Title. Cuervo defeated Mascara Sagrada in the semi main event to retain the CMLL World Middleweight Title. [U]Puro[/U] Susumu Mochizuki defeated Naoki Tanisaki to win the Open the Brave Gate Title. [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] TNA Bound For Glory received a 0.30 buyrate, which translates into 120000 buys. Raw on the USA Network received a 6.92 rating, with a 0.92 rating on ABC Asia Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.84 rating on ABC, with a 1.07 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 4.25 on the CW, with a 1.02 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 3.06 rating [/QUOTE]
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The Final Newsletter of October! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #72 Week Four October 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][b]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] The Messiah pinned Drew McIntyre with the Godsmack in a 1/2*. Melina pinned Beth Phoenix with a running somersault neckbreaker in a mildly entertaining women's match. * 1/2 Charlie Haas defeated Jay Bradley and Mack Johnson in a boring, dull, DUD match with Haas pinning Johnson with the German Suplex. Brian Kendrick pinned Johnny Jeter with the Sliced Bread #2. This match was also heatless. 1/2* Victoria retained the WWE Women's Title against Nicole Bella in a bland match in a 1/2* match. And then things really heated up for the last two matches of the show, the last forty five minutes or so. Mr. Kennedy and Edge had a great match, back and forth action, lots of nearfalls, all the making of a good match. Both men got into this match was intense, with several referees being knocked out, until a no contest was called. **** match and it would have been more had it had a clean finish. Umaga pinned Triple H in the main event with interference from Randy Orton. Yes Orton/Triple H gets hyped up more and both Umaga and Triple H beat each other. Samoan Spike is ducked, Pedigree is countered with a Samoan Drop. Umaga climbs up and misses a splash, before Triple H goes for the Pedigree but Orton(who was doing commentary), before Triple H goes after Orton. Triple H turns around and Umaga nails Triple H with the Samoan Spike for the pin. **** for this brawl. [COLOR=purple][B]wWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Shannon Moore pinned Kafu with the Mooregasm in a 1/2* match, only getting that because of Moore's effort. Paul London pinned Nigel McGuiness in three minutes, with the standing shooting star press. Both men had in a great effort, with Nigel using his neutered WWE offense to its best effort, before London scores the pin. * 1/2 Jillian pinned Maria with a full nelson legsweep. DUD Colin Delanye upset Zach Ryder with a rolling cradle. Once again. another bland match. * 1/2 World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and WWE Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra in a great match. This was the best match of the show, with both men trading offense back and forth. Dykstra climbs to the top rope and dives off, but Jericho catches him on the Code Breaker for the pin. **** for this match. Khali and Batista had another match. Not bad as some of their encounters. Long story short, Batista wins with a spear off the top rope, which looked kind of cool. ** 1/2 [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Paul London pinned Justin Credible. A little more time than normal London matches as of late, but London was still going through the motions, delivering a Frankensteiner off the top rope for the pin. ** Paul Burchill pinned Mark Copani with the Curb Stomp. Ho hum. * 1/2 Jillian pinned Candice Michelle with the Full Nelson Faceslam in a * match. Once again, another match where hardly anyone could care. Shannon Moore and Hernandez defeated Eric Perez and Nigel McGuienss when Hernandez pinned Nigel with a sidewalk slam in a ho hum WWE tag team match. DUD Jamie Noble pinned Devon Storm in seconds with a roll up. DUD. Shelton Benjamin and Matt Hardy is a great team, they should team up more often, as they got a *** match out of the Edgeheads, with Hardy pinning Zach Ryder with the Twist of Fate. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeated Hardcore Holly and Kenny Dykstra when Murdoch distracted Dykstra. Interesting tag team match event and not a squash that made the opponents of V and Henry look weak like matches. World's Strongest Slam and elbowdrop combination, pinned Dykstra. *** rating. [B]Misc[/B] Vladimir Koslov and Chuck Palumbo have been resigned. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Heidenreich pinned Sylvan with a uppercut punch to the kidneys. * match for keeping it rather short. Bryan Danielson defeated Nova with a Cattle Mutilation hold, after elbowing him in the end. Always fun to see Danielson stiff the hell out of someone. *** match. Shaquile O' Neal pinned Homicide with the Shaq Attack. Homicide rules. He made the mainstream star look like a competent wrestler. The Pay Per View is next Monday with Shaq/Booker III. *** match. Booker T retained the NWA Championship against Christian Cage after Christian missed a corner charge and Booker T pinned Christian with the Axe Kick. *** match. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Sonjay Dutt and Trent Acid defeated Chuck Taylor and Sexxy Eddy in a minute when Dutt pinned Eddy. The X-Division, folks. DUD. Petey Williams retained the TNA X-Division Title in a four way match against Elix Skipper, Consequences Creed, and Shark Boy when Petey Williams pinned Creed with the Canadian Destroyer in a few minutes. * match. Christy Hemme pinned Angelina Love in a bad match. Really bad match. -*** match. TNA Knockout's Champion Gail Kim pinned Velvet Sky with a spinning fireman's carry into a faceplant. Gail did some good work. Kong comes out and blitzes both women. * match. Samoa Joe defeated Rellik and Eric Young in an impressive triple threat match. Joe pinned Young with the Muscle Buster. He wants the belt match. Fun match, with Joe beating both men down. *** match. Great main event with Jay Lethal and Rhino. Lethal's push seems to be dying down, as the Gore pins Lethal after fifteen minutes. *** match. [B]Misc[/B] Curry Man resigned with TNA. Mike DiBiase, Lance Hoyt, Sandman, and Balls Mahoney have signed contracts with TNA. [U]Lucha[/U] Dr. Wagner Jr and Mr. Aguila defeated Mascara Sagrada and Silver King. Also in the semi main event, Atlantis, Nicho, and El Hijo Del Perro defeated Cien Caras, Blue Panther, and Heavy Metal. [U]Puro[/U] Minoru Tanaka won the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title against Hiroshi Tanihashi. NOAH's monthly show was headlined by Kurt Angle retaining the GHC Championship over Akitoshi Saito. Jun Akiyama defeated Naomichi Marufuji, Shuhei Taniguchi retained the NOAH Wrestling Spirit Title over Jun Izumida, Yoshinobu Kanemura defeated Shingo Takagi to retain the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title, and Akira Taue defeated Go Shiosaki. [U]Indies[/U] FIP was headlined by Roderick Strong retaining the FIP Championship over Brent Albright. Also, Bryan Danielson defeated Davey Richards, Jay Briscoe retained the Florida State Heritage Title over Madman Pondo, Larry Sweeney defeated Delirious, and Tyler Black defeated Gran Akuma. SHIMMER featured Daizee Haze retaining the SHIMMER Championship over Malia Hosaka. Also in the semi main event, Cheerleader Melissa defeated Mercedes Martinez. [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] NWA Final Altercation received a 0.52 buyrate, which translates into 502000 viewers. Raw received a 7.18 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.19 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.49 rating on ABC, a 1.37 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 4.09 rating on the CW, a 1.21 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 3.01 rating on Spike TV. [/QUOTE]
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First Newsletter in November [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Issue #73 Week One November 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Nice little opening match with Colt Cabana pinned Brian Kendrick with a backslide. * 1/2 Nunzio pinned Mark Briscoe with a Kiss of Death in a bland match. 1/2* The next match featured a good women's match, involving Beth Phoenix defeating Mickie James with a rotating power bomb, while using the ropes for leverage. ** 1/2 Gregory Helms and Charlie Haas had a nice back and forth match. Helms landed on his feet, delivering a dropkick to the back of the leg and Shining Wizard cracked Haas in the back of the head for the pin. ***. William Regal stretched Highlander Robbie. This was fun, Regal Stretch ends a ** 1/2 match. The Big Show bulldozes Domino. This was also a fun squash. Domino got zero offense and Show looked like a monster. ** 1/2 match. The main event featured Val Venis and John Cena. Yes, for the second time in a year, Val Venis main events Raw, against John Cena. This match got twenty minutes and Val Venis got a great deal of offense. Cena did win in the end, delivering the F-U, after Venis had blocked two earlier in the match. **** battle. Cena wants the belt back. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Monty Brown pounced Eddie Colon. 1/2* match. Jillian pinned Candice. This match was just there, nothing good or bad, when Jillian pinned Candice with a Full Nelson Faceplant. * Jamie Noble pinned Eric Perez with the Gibson Driver. Meh, 1/2* Mark Henry and Big Daddy V bulldozed The Edgeheads in a ho hum match, when Henry pinned Curt Hawkins with the World's Strongest Slam. ** match. The Great Khali and Kane had a short, but eventful brawl. Kane dove to the floor in the highlight for the match and he took a header into the steps. Khali hit Kane with a power bomb out of the corner and locked on the clawhold for the submission. *** World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and Matt Hardy battled in a super main event. Non title match and Matt Hardy should be getting a title shot on Pay Per View. Twist of Fate nearly wins. Walls of Jericho countered into a roll up. Super Legdrop misses. Codebreaker blocked and Side Effect connected. Hardy leaps off, right into the Code Breaker for the pin. **** 1/2 main event. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Nigel McGuiness wrapped off Beef Wellington with the arm submission. At least they're giving him a usable move. * 1/2 Justin Credible pinned Jake Hager in a minute in a DUD battle. Layla, Candice Michelle, and Jillian defeated Katie Lea Burchill, Ashley, and Maria when Candice pinned Katie with a backslide. Short match and Ashley was kept out of it, so we'll go 1/2* match. Shannon Moore pinned Devon Storm with the Mooregasm. Just there. 1/2* Hardcore Holly pinned Mark Copani with the Alabama Slam. Holly threw Copani around and he took a beating, so we'll go * 1/2. Shelton Benjamin pinned MVP in a back and forth match, reversing a power bomb into a sunset flip. I think we can say that MVP's push might be done. *** 1/2. Batista and the Great Khali had their usual match. If you looked up "treading water", you would see a picture of Batista. Batista hit a spear out of the corner to score the pin. ** 1/2. [U]NWA[/U] [B]NWA Back By Demand[/B] Jimmy Yang pinned Chris Sabin in a fun little opener match, with a corkscrew moonsault. ** 1/2 Raven and James Storm battled Rob Conway and Sylvain Grenier to a no contest double countout. ** Bryan Danielson pinned Frankie Kazarian in a short, but good match, after rolling up Kazarian in a small package. ** 1/2 The oddball team of Joey Matthews and Heidenreich defeated Nova and Tomko when Matthews pinned Nova with the Future Shock. * 1/2 Sabu and Chris Kanyon defeated Andrew Test Martin and Nick Dinsmore in a styles clash to retain the NWA Tag Team Titles. Dinsmore was pinned by Sabu with a moonsault. **. Homicide and Rene Dupree was the greatest match in the career of Dupree. Once again, Homicide may have risen faster than any star in 2009 and this was another match. Back and forth match, lots of nearfalls, Dupree looked like a star and was pinned with the Gringo Killa. **** 1/2 and that's no lie. Christian Cage and Rob Van Dam defeated the Urban Gladiators in a back and forth match, with Van Dam pinning Vito with the Five Star Frog Splash. *** 1/2 The main event featured Booker T retaining the NWA Championship against Shaq after ramming him into the exposed buckle and connecting with the Axe Kick for the pin. ** 1/2 [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Tomko squashed Chris Sabin with a Yakuza Kick. * match. Scott Taylor pinned Rob Conway with a DDT off the second rope. Bland middle of the card match. * 1/2 match. Christian Cage and Booker T had a great, non title match. Shaq came out and distracted Booker T in the aisle, before Christian delivered a low blow, and hit the Unprettier for the pin. **** 1/2. Shaq defeated Sabu in the main event after throwing Sabu off the top rope through the table for a countout. * match. Afterwards, Booker rushes out and plasters Shaq with the belt, to continue this feud. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Petey Williams retained the TNA X-Division Title over Shark Boy in seconds with the Canadian Destroyer. 1/2* The Beautiful People defeated Christy Hemme and Salinas when Angelina Love pinned Christy Hemme. The four worst women in TNA, an ugly match. -*** match. Gail Kim pinned Awesome Kong with a moonsault after Kong missed a corner charge. This match was Awesome. *** 1/2. Team 3D defeated Johnny Devine and Dan Maff when Devon pinned Devine with the 3D. Afterwards, the Sandman appeared in the Impact Zone, attacking Team 3D with the singapore cane to a huge pop! * 1/2 for the match, ***** for the caning. Go Sandman. Samoa Joe knocked Eric Young out with the Kokina Clutch. Young fought, so Joe beat him down. *** 1/2. Afterwards, Joe beat down Young again, until Sting made the save. AJ Styles and Sting defeated Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt in a fantastic tag team match event with Styles pinning Dutt with the Spiral Tap in a **** battle. Afterwards, Joe destroys Sting, setting up their match at Genesis. [B]TNA Genesis 2009[/B] Alex Shelley and Chuck Taylor had an X-Division opening match. Shelley pinned Taylor with the Shell Shock in a ** 1/2 opener to get the show off the right track. Petey Williams pinned Shark Boy when Scott Steiner attacks him before the bell. DUD. Petey retains the X-Division Title. Robert Roode and Scott Steiner defeated Rampage Jackson and Mike DiBiase when Roode pinned Rampage with the Pay Off. This is Rampage's TNA debut and he gets pinned. God bless Vince Russo. * match. Homicide pinned DeMeco Ryans in his TNA debut, with Homicide pinning Ryans with the Gringo Killa. Usual performance from Homicide. *** match. Team 3D defeated the Sandman and Eric Young to retain the TNA Tag Team Championship belts when Devon pinned Eric Young with the 3D. Afterwards, Sandman canes them again to cheers. * 1/2. Rhino pinned the returning Lance Hoyt with the Gore. * for the Gore. Gail Kim retained the TNA Knockout's Title against Awesome Kong with a Victory Roll out of the corner. Not as good as the Impact match. ** 1/2 match. Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal scored a big victory over the former two time TNA Tag Team Champions, AJ Styles and Tomko when Lethal pinned AJ Styles with a missile dropkick into a rolling cradle. *** 1/2 match. Sting retained the TNA Championship against Samoa Joe in the usual awesome match, with reversing the Muscle Buster into the Scorpion Deathdrop for the pin. **** 1/2 match, same old same old. Rhino runs out and murders Sting with the Gore to set up Sting's next challenger. [B]Misc[/B] Adam Pearce and DeMaco Ryans have signed contracts. Also, TNA will be having another two hour television show on Sunday nights, called TNA Dominance. It will air on the ABC network, which is interesting considering that WWE Progression also airs on that network. [U]Lucha[/U] Dr. Wagner Jr defeated Atlantis to retain the UWA World Heavyweight Title. Also in the semi main event, Cien Caras retained the NWA World Middleweight Title against Blue Panther. CMLL had their monthly show, featuring Nicho and Dr. Wagner Jr defeating El Hijo Del Perro and Atlantis. Also, Mascara Sagrada and Blue Demon Jr defeated Mr. Aguila and Cien Caras, Rey Bucerno defeated Anifaz Del Norte to retain the CMLL World Middleweight Title, and Heavy Metal, Blue Panther, and Silver King defeated Cuervo, Hector Garza, and Black Warrior to retain the CMLL Trios Title. Lucha Madness will be returning next month. [U]Indies[/U] CHIKARA featured El Pantera defeating Mike Quackenbush in the main event. In other marquee matches, Chris Hero defeated Claudio Castagnoli and Ricochet defeated Delirious. FIP featured Roderick Strong retaining the FIP Championship against Brent Albright. Also, Erick Stevens defeated Jack Evans, Davey Richards captured the Florida State Heritage Title over Jay Briscoe, and Eddie Kingston defeated Salvatore Rinauro. JAPW was headlined by Samoa Joe defeating Rhino to retain the JAPW Championship. Also, Jay Lethal defeated Chris Hero, El Generico captured the New Jersey Title defeated Chuck Taylor, and Eddie Kingston defeated B-Boy. CZW's monthly show was headlined by Sonjay Dutt defeated Toby Klein to retain the CZW Championship. Also, Sexxy Eddy defeated Vito Thomaselli, Brain Damage defeated Joker to retain the CZW Iron Man Title, and Ruckus defeated Sabian. FCW had their monthly show, featuring Dan Maff defeating Sonjay Dutt to retain the FCW Championship. Also, Jay Briscoe defeated Glenn Gilberti, B-Boy and Retail Dragon won the FCW Tag Team Titles over Adam Pearce and Flash Flanagan, and Alex Wright defeated John Walters. [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] NWA Final Altercations receiving a 0.52 rating, with 208000 people buying it. Raw received a 7.20 rating on the USA Network, a 1.24 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.92 rating on ABC, with a 1.47 rating on Nippon TV, WWE Smackdown received a 4.23 rating on the CW, with a 1.28 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 3.12 rating [/QUOTE]
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Next Newsletter! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #74 Week Two November 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] We open up with Michelle McCool pinning Victoria with a backslide to capture the WWE Women's Title. Yep, that division is dead. 1/2* Kid Kash pinned K.C. James with a brain buster. This was a sloppy match. -* Portia Perez made her WWE debut, pinning Beth Phoenix with a roll up. 1/2* John Morrison defeated Nunzio with the Moonlight Drive. Morrison shows his greatness, but he should really be facing better opponents than this. * match for a couple of spots, way too short to mean anything else. Hardcore Holly beat up Colt Cabana. Cabana was fun, Holly was brutal * 1/2 match. Umaga and the Big Show, holy damn, this was a great big man match. Samoan Spike is wound up but Show catches the hand. Choke Slam rattles Umaga for the pin. *** JBL and Edge had the main event. Usual awesome performance from Edge, he should really be the one to detrone Orton after perfomances like this. Clothesline from Hell is ducked. Edge hits the Spear off the ropes for the pin. **** match. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Man, that Matt Capotelli and Mighty Mikey match was ten minutes of blown spots. These two men may have had the worst male match in WWE of the year. -*** match, with Mikey pinning Capotelli with a kneedrop off the top rope that barely hit. Paul London pinned Kafu with a standing shooting star press. This went too long and Kafu got way too much offense. DUD. Kelly Kelly pinned Maria with a small package in another bad match. -*** Curt Hawkins pinned Justin Credible with a rollover. * 1/2 for a few nice spots. Batista pinned Mark Henry with the spinebuster in their usual match. * 1/2 The Great Khali and CM Punk had a match. Punk busted his ass to get this *** match out of Khali and it took everything he had. Punk connects with a missile dropkick that knocks Khali to the floor. Khali is down long enough for the ten count, with Punk winning by countout. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Deuce pinned Kafu with a kick to the face. This was wretched. -* Ashley pinned Jillian with a Frankensteiner that nearly dumped Jillian on her head. Scary as this was, this was better than Kafu/Deuce. No stars is better than negative stars after all. DUD. The Edgeheads defeated Colin Delaney and Chuck Palumbo when Hawkins pinned Delaney with an inverted power bomb/DDT combination move. That match was there. * 1/2 The Miz pinned Paul Burchill with the Reality Check. Average WWE style match. * 1/2 Big Daddy V and Mark Henry retained the WWE Tag Team Titles against Shannon Moore and Paul London when Big Daddy V squashed Moore with an elbowdrop. Some great double teams from Moore and London bump the match up to ** 1/2 Batista and MVP had a match. Wasn't really on the level of their past matches. These days, Batista just goes through the motions. Batista Bomb scores the pin. Yep, MVP's push is dead. ** 1/2 Elijah Burke and the Undertaker squared off in the main event. The Undertaker pounded Burke for most of this match. Burke came back. The Undertaker no sold, Tombstone. pin. Middle of the round battle. ** 1/2 [B]Misc[/B] Despite that bad match, Mighty Mikey has extended his contract. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] The Urban Gladiators won a match against Joey Abs and Chris Sabin when Abyss pinned Abs with the Black Hole Slam as Vito fought off Sabin. ** match. Shaq/Booker III is signed for NWA Change the World in December. Joey Matthews pinned Nova with the Future Shock. ** match Christian Cage pinned Chris Kanyon in an awesome match. Back and forth action, with Christian pinning Kanyon with the Unprettier after blocking the Flatliner. ****. Shaq and Rob Van Dam battled Rhino and Homicide to a thirty minute time limit draw. Wisely, Shaq was kept on the ring apron for most of the match, only coming in for brief offense. Van Dam had Homicide pinned, but the time ran out. *** 1/2, because Homicide ruled as usual. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOr][/B] Dan Maff defeated Johnny Devine, Lance Hoyt, and DeMaco Ryans in a fatal four way match, when Maff pinned Devine with a lariat. * rating. Elix SKipper pinned Shark Boy with sloppy Play of the Day -*, this was a bad X-Division match. Mike DiBiase pinned Consequences Creed with a cobra clutch legsweep. DUD Bobby Lashley has arrived in TNA, getting in the face of the TNA Champion Sting, who has come out for an interview. After a bit of back and forth, Lashley is put in a number one contenders match, where the winner faces Sting next week, on free television for the title. Scott Steiner pinned Rellik with a belly to belly suplex. -* match, Rellik is even more useless without Black Reign, if that's even possible. Bobby Lashley defeated the Sandman and AJ Styles to earn a TNA Championship Match when Lashley pinned AJ Styles with the Running Powerslam. Sandman was taken out on the floor by Team 3D until Curry Man and Eric Young make the save. *** 1/2, Lashley/Sting next week for the TNA Championship. Alex Shelley pinned TNA Champion Sting in a non title match with a rollling cradle after Sting missed the Stinger Splash. Lashley attacked Sting before the bell. Rhino also Gored Sting during the match when the referee was down but this only earned a two count. Sting came back but was too winded, with Shelley scoring the pin. *** 1/2 match, would have been more perhaps had it not been for the Russorific booking. [B]Misc[/B] As seen on Impact, Bobby Lashley is in TNA. Also, Nick Hogan has signed for TNA. Karam Ibrarim Gaber(the second gold medalist in wrestling history) has also signed, along with lucha star, Dr. Wagner Jr. Also, Vince Russo has signed a contract extension for reasons that baffle this reporter. [U]ROH[/U] ROH had its November Show. It was rather unremarkable all things considered -Lacey and Mercedez Martinez defeated Daizee Haze and Sara Del Ray -Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe retained the ROH Tag Team Titles over the Age of the Fall for the five millionth time, when Briscoe pins Jacobs with the Jay Driller. Now, ROH has joined the WWE/TNA club of, we've seen this tag team match one time too many. -Erick Stevens pinned El Generico with a Gutwrench Power Bomb -Takeshi Morishima and ROH Champion Bryan Danielson defeated Jigsaw and Jack Evans when Danielson pinned Jack Evans with the elbows to the head -Chris Hero and Davey Richards defeated Brent Albright and Claudio Castagnoli when Richards pinned Claudio with the DR Driver. The ROH Title has not been defended since July, for all of you keeping score. [U]Lucha[/U] Mr. Aguilia, Dr. Wagner Jr(in his last CMLL match perhaps), and Nicho defeated Atlantis , El Hijo Del Perro, and Mascara Sagrada in the main event of this week's CMLL television. Also Cien Caras defeated Blue Demon Jr and Silver King, Blue Panther, and Heavy Metal retained the CMLL Trios Title over Antifaz Del Norte, Billy Boy, and Lizmark Jr. [U]Puro[/U] Manabu Nakanishi regained the IWGP Championship, defeating Shinsuke Nakamura. Dragon Gate had their monthly show headlined by TAKA Michinoku and Fujita defeated K-Ness and Nakajima. Also, Kintaro Kanemura defeated Susumu Mochizuki to retain the Open the Dream Gate Title, Shinjiro Otani defeated Minoru Fujita, CIMA defeated Dragon Kid, and Mag and Shiisa defeated Ryo Saito and Steve Corino to capture the Open the Twin Gate Titles. Later that week on tour, Kamikaze and Naruki Do defeated Mag and Shiisa to capture the Open the Twin Gate Titles. [U]Indies[/I] SHIMMER featured Daizee Haze retaining the SHIMMER Championship over Ms. Chif. Also, Rain defeated Cheerleader Melissa. PWG was headlined by Jimmy Rave and Phoenix Starr defeating Roderick Strong and Davey Richards. In other bouts, Chris Hero defeated Austin Aries to retain the PWG Championship, Jack Evans and Tyler Black defeated the Bruisers(PAC and Exalibur), and Super Dragon defeated El Generico [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] NWA Back By Demand received a 0.57 buyrate or 228000 buys. TNA Genesis received a 0.37 buyrate or 148000 buys Raw received a 7.14 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.24 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.75 rating on ABC, with a 1.40 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 4.12 rating on the CW, with a 1.25 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 3.13 rating. [/QUOTE]
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It's an update! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Week Three November 2009 Issue #75[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Santino Marella pinned Spike Dudley with a DDT. Hey, Santino wins with a singles match. * 1/2 match. Gregory Helms pinned Kid Kash with the Shining Wizard. Perfectly fine match, but two minutes and way too short. * for a few nice spots. Domino, Festus, and John Morrison defeated Ron Killings, Stevie Richards, and Nunzio when Festus pinned Nunzio with a flapjack. This was random but passable. ** rating. Kenny Dykstra retained the WWE Intercontinental Title against DH Smith with a Hangman's Neckbreaker. Good title defense. Afterwards, Trevor Murdoch attacks Dykstra, laying him out. *** for the match. The Big Show pinned Snitsky with the Choke Slam. Snitsky's push appears to be over, at least this week. ** rating for a decent brawl. Shawn Michaels and Umaga had about as good as a match as you would expect. Back and forth nearfalls. Shawn drops an elbow, goes for the Sweet Chin Music, but Umaga catches the foot and pulls Michaels into a Samoan Drop. Up and Samoan Spike scores the pin. **** battle. Umaga has an open contract for Survivor Series. Randy Orton and Triple H have a confrontation. Triple H lays out the champion with the Pedigree. I hope he doesn't get the title, but it's looking that way. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Curt Hawkins pinned Hernandez in a fine opener with a roll up after Curt Hawkins snapped the neck of Hernandez across the top rope. ** 1/2 rating. Zach Ryder pinned Eddie Colon after Hawkins shoved Colon off the top rope. This was not good however. DUD. Layla and Jillian defeated Kelly Kelly and Maria when Jillian pinned Maria with a Full Nelson Faceslam. DUD match. Trevor Murdoch destroyed Colin Delaney in the usual fun squash. Gourdbuster pins Delaney. Dykstra runs out and brawls with Murdoch, for their champion versus champion match at Survivor Series. ** 1/2 Mark Henry pinned CM Punk with the World's Strongest Slam. This was not a complete squash, thankfully, in fact it was pretty damn entertaining. Henry had to destroy Punk to score the pin, after nearly getting pinned several times. **** The Great Khali and Kane defeated MVP and Chris Jericho. This was an odd main event. Kane pinned MVP with the Choke Slam, cleanly. *** match. MVP's obviously pissed someone off. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Chuck Palumbo pinned Mark Copani in a quick squash with the Full Throttle. * match. Cade and Murdoch defeated the Edgeheads when Ryder was pinned with the High Low. * 1/2 match. Shannon Moore pinned Devon Storm in seconds with a cross body. Yep. DUD. Jillian and Maria defeated Ashley and Katie Lea Burchill when Jillian pinned Ashley with the Full Nelson Faceslam. YES! The women sucked as usual. DUD. Paul London pinned Orlando Jordan with a cradle, after Jordan drags London down to his level. DUD. Kane pinned Kevin Thorn with the Choke Slam. Fun brawl, bit on a short side, but not too bad. ** 1/2 With all those matches out of the way, the main event more than made up for it. CM Punk and Chris Jericho for the World Heavyweight Title. Tweny five minutes of great wrestling action. Punk didn't win the title, but he came close. Jericho had to roll up Punk using the ropes for leverage for the pin as the Code Breaker, the Lionsault, and the Walls of Jericho did not work. **** 1/2 match for an epic encounter, find a tape of this match. [B]Misc[/B] Molly Holly has signed a WWE deal to return to the company, which should hopefully improve the workrate of some of these untalented women. Also, Paul London and Ron Killings signed contract extensions. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Bryan Danielson is the greatest wrestler in the world, as he dragged a **** match out of Ro-Z. This match ruled. Really ruled. Ro-Z looked like a god and Danielson proved his usefulness as a key player in the National Wrestling Alliance. Elbows to the head and small package ends this twelve minute. This was a textbook example of making an average wrestler look great. The Urban Gladiators defeated the Machines when Abyss pinned Nova with the Black Hole Slam, when Vito held him off. Nice tag team match, the Urban Gladiators are the number one contenders to the NWA Tag Team Titles held by Death From Above. Homicide pinned Sabu in a fine match. Sabu's really broken down, Homicide wins with the Gringo Killa. ** 1/2. Rob Van Dam pinned Christian Cage with the Five Star Frog Splash in a great main event. Christian misses a frog splash of his own, before Van Dam climbs to the top rope. *** 1/2 rating. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Consequences Creed and Lance Hoyt when Styles pinned Creed with the Styles Clash in a * 1/2 rating opening tag team match. Nick Hogan is coming next week. Roxxy pinned Salinas in a match that had several blown spots, before she won with a Swinging DDT. -** rating. Shark Boy pins Petey Williams with a sunset flip in less than a minute to win the TNA X-Division Title. Well, he's been there since almost the beginning. 1/2* rating, just for the pop that Shark Boy got for winning the most worthless title in wrestling. Gail Kim pinned Jacqueline Moore with a slingshot sunset flip to retain the TNA Knockout's Title. * Rating. Samoa Joe defeated Alex Shelley in a fun little battle with the Muscle Buster. *** rating. TNA Champion Sting pinned Bobby Lashley to retain the title after countering a suplex into the Scorpion Deathdrop for the pin. Afterwards, Rhino runs out and Gores Sting, because these two men will be fighting for the title at Turning Point. *** rating. [B]Misc[/B] Cien Caras and Mascara Sagrada have signed TNA, in their bid to add a lucha libre element to their promotion. Also, Dave Taylor has signed on as a road agent. [U]Lucha[/U] CMLL was headlined by El Hiro Del Perro, Atlantis, and Blue Panther defeated Mr. Aguila, Nicho, and Dr. Wagner Jr. Also, Cuervo retained the CMLL World Middleweight Title against Mascara Sagrada, Anifaz Del Norte retained the CMLL National TItle over Billy Boy, and Hector Garza defeated Cien Caras to capture the NWA World Middleweight TItle. AAA had their monthly show, headlined by Juventud Guerrera retaining the Mexico National Heavyweight Title over Gran Apache. Also, Electro Shock defeated Vampiro, El Hijo Del Santo, Latin Lover, and Negro Casas defeated Cibernetico, Alan Stone, and Zorro, and Octagon and La Parka Jr retained the Mexican National Tag Team Titles over Ground and Pound(Ultimo Guerrero and Abismo Negro). [U]Puro[/U] Big Japan had their monthly show, with MEN's Teioh defeating Taiyo Kea to capture the BJW Deathmatch Title. Also, Takeshi Morishima defeated GENTARO, BADBOY Hido defeated Abdullah Kobayashi, and Super Delfin defeated Ryuji Ito. NJPW had the finals of the GI Climax Tag League, with Takao Omori and Manabu Nakanishi defeating Koji Kanemoto and Waturu Inoue in the final match. [U]Television Ratings[/U] WWE Raw on the USA Network received a 7.00 rating, while receiving a 1.16 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.93 rating on ABC, with a 1.42 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 4.20 rating on The CW, with a 1.28 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 3.06 rating on Spike TV [/QUOTE]
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Final Newsletter in November 2009. [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #76 Week Four November 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Colt Cabana pinned Nunzio with the Colt 45 in a fairly decent opener that was a bit too short. * star match. Drew McIntrye and Brian Kendrick had fairly decent match until Snitsky runs out to ruin the match. * 1/2 rating. Michelle McCool and Beth Phoenix never got started when Snitsky terrorizes both women and ruins the match. DUD. Jeff Hardy runs out and attacks Snitsky. Chavo Guerrero pinned Ron Killings with the Frog Splash. ** 1/2 match. Good match, thankfully Snitsky didn't interfere, otherwise I would have had to shoot my television. Karl Anderson pinned K.C James with a roll up in a bad match. -** and wish Snitsky interfered for this one. Randy Orton pinned Shad with the RKO ** 1/2. Triple H comes out and attacks Randy Orton. Yes this was an unspectacular show, talking about going through the motions. Jeff Hardy pins Snitsky with the Swanton Bomb after ducking a kick and hitting a Twist of Fate. Fine battle. ** 1/2 and Sid 2009 jobs to Hardy, which actually makes sense. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Shannon Moore pinned Tom Howard with a Mooregasm in an average, mid level, 1/2* match. Maria pinned Molly Holly with a roll up in a 1/2* match. Speaking of going through the motions, the women's division folks. Zach Ryder pinned Eddie Colon with a rolling cradle. Yawn. DUD. Lance Cade pinned Paul Burchill with a vicious lariat in a * 1/2 match. Cade's good, Burchill's fine, but against each other, the match fell flat. Shelton Benjamin rose the tone of the show, bringing a *** match out of Kevin Thorn. Shelton for World Heavyweight Champion! Gold Rush scores the pin. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeated Kane and Matt Hardy in a non title match. A good match, despite the limitations of certain men in this match. Henry pins Kane with a splash, after Big Daddy V dumps Hardy to the floor. *** [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Monty Brown Pounces Jamie Noble. This match was slightly better, because Noble got some offense. * 1/2 Mike Knox pinned Eddie Colon with the Knox Out. The fact that Mike Knox has lasted this long was appalling. 1/2* for a couple of impressive moves on Colon. Mighty Mikey pinned Jake Hager in an appaling bad match. When I die and go to hell, this is the match that I'll see over and over again. These two go twelve minutes. -**** and that might be overrating it. Worst match of 2009. Jesse made Orlando Jordan submit to the Asiatic Spike. * match. Jesse's ECW Championship reign is about as exciting as watching paint dry. Matt Hardy pinned Lance Cade with the Twist of Fate. Short, but good match. ** 1/2 rating. MVP pinned Kenny Dykstra with a Running Yakuza Kick in a ** 1/2 battle, after Trevor Murdoch interfered. [B]WWE Survivor Series[/B] Michelle McCool made Molly Holly submit to a heel hook to retain the WWE Women's Title. DUD. Michelle's reign as WWE Women's champion is really drawing, isn't it? Vladimir Koslov pinned DH Smith with a headbutt to the midsection. First time Koslov's been on in a while and it appears his push might be continuing. * 1/2 rating. WWE United States Champion Trevor Murdoch defeated WWE Intercontinental Champion Kenny Dykstra to retain the WWE United States Title with a Gourdbuster. This totally fell apart, two men that didn't click at all. * rating for the Gourdbuster. Jesse crushed Lance Cade to retain the ECW Championship with the Asiatic Spike. ** rating for this match. Umaga pinned Shad with the Samoan Spike. Fun Umaga brawl. ** 1/2 match. And despite everything else, the main event ruled. Randy Orton is still the WWE Champion and he had a main event against Triple H, winning with the RKO after countering the Pedigree with a low blow. Fifty minutes of great action. ***** rating for a spectacular encounter and I doubt that Randy Orton will have another match like this but we'll see. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Chris Mordetzsky defeated Frankie Kazarian with a wheelbarrow suplex. Some nice stuff by Kazarian. The former Masterpeace continues to be decent but uneventful in NWA. ** 1/2 rating. Sabu pinned Jimmy Yang with a Triple Jump Moonsault. ** match, for some fun, but sloppy exchanges. Joey Matthews pinned Andrew Test Martin with a roll up. Test still sucks. * 1/2 rating. Christian cage and Rob Van Dam had a great main event match. There was a nice dive for Van Dam into the crowd onto Christian. Frog Splash misses. Unprettier connects for the pin. *** 1/2 rating. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Nick Hogan pinned Lance Hoyt with the Axe Bomber in his debut. -** match. Lance Hoyt was not the opponent for Mr. Hogan. Adam Pearce made his TNA debut pinning Shark Boy with the Jumping Piledriver. Shark Boy, who I just remembered was the TNA X-Division champion, that shows how well that title reign is going, is jobber fodder for his first match. * rating. Too many guys debutting without a reason to care. Tracy Brooks and Angelina Love defeated Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed when Tracy Brooks pinned Awesome Kong cleanly with a crossbody block off the top rope. Words fail me. * rating. Dan Maff pinned Kip James with a knee strike to the face. This show is wretched. * rating. Homicide pinned Bobby Lashley with a roll up after Lashley missed a spear and hit the corner. So Lashley, three weeks after debutting, is another guy. Welcome to TNA. Homicide still rules by the way. *** 1/2 rating. Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal defeated AJ Styles and Tomko in the main event when Dutt pinned Tomko with a sunset flip off the top rope. Dutt and Lethal are doing good, mostly because they've left the X-Division. Fine tag team main event. *** 1/2 rating. [U]Lucha[/U] CMLL this week had El Hijo Del Perro, Pierroth Jr, and Rey Bucerno defeated Atlantis, Mr. Aguila, and Dr. Wagner Jr in the main event. Also, Hector Garza defeated Heavy Metal to retain the NWA World Middleweight Title, Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico defeated Black Warrior, Billy Boy, and Cuervo to win the CMLL World Trios Title, and Anifaz Del Norte defeated Escoria retained the CMLL Nationwide Title. [U]Puro[/U] NOAH had their monthly show, with Kurt Angle retaining the GHC Championship over Mitsuhara Misawa. Also Kentaro Shiga defeated Akira Taue, Tatsuhito Takaiwa defeated Sean O' Haire to retain the NOAH Wrestling Spirit Title, Tsyoshi Kikuchi and Ricky Marvin retained the GHC Tag Team Titles over Yoshiaki Yago and Masao Inoue, and Yoshinori Ota defeated Yoshinobu Kanemura to win the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title. In the final match of the NOAH Tour, Kurt Angle lost the GHC World Heavyweight Title to Mitsuhara Misawa. Also Shingo Takagi defeated Yoshinori Ota to capture the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title. [U]Indies[/U] IWA-MS had their monthly show, featuring Chris Hero retaining the IWA: MS Championship against Roderick Strong. Also, Davey Richards defeated Claudio Castagnoli, B-Boy and Ricky Reyes battled to a no contest, the Iron Saints retained the IWA: MS Tag Team Titles over the Death Squad, and Jason Hades defeated Josh Ambercrombie to retain the IWA: MS Lightheavyweight Title. OVW had their monthly show, headlined by Jamin Olivencia retaining the OVW Championship over Rudy Switchblade. Also, Tommy McNaler defeated Nine Fingers Dewey, Anthony Bravado defeated Omar Akbar, and Jacob Duncan retained the OVW TV Title over Ali Akbar. [U]Television Ratings[/U] Raw received a 6.82 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.14 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.60 rating on ABC, with a 1.54 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 3.89 rating on the CW, with a 1.27 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 3.15 rating. [/QUOTE]
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First Newsletter of December 2009! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #77 Week One December 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Charlie Haas pinned The Messiah with a German Suplex. Middle of the road stuff here, not good but not bad either. * 1/2 Beth Phoenix squashed Nicole Bella with the Fisherman Woman's suplex. 1/2* match for some impressive power stuff from Phoenix. Tom Howard pinned Matt Sydal with a power bomb. DUD. Domino pinned Brian Kendrick with the Crucifix Power Bomb. Kendrick tried, Domino sucks, this match was there. ** rating. Shad pinned Karl Anderson with a spinebuster into a jack-knife cradle. DUD. This was bland. The Big Show and John Cena had a fun brawl that ended in a no contest when both men brawled to the back. *** 1/2 rating, these two really brought it tonight. Randy Orton retained the WWE Championship against Triple H again in a return match from last night. A bit shorter due to TV time constraints, but almost as good. RKO pinned Triple H as Orton keeps rolling as champion. **** 1/2 rating. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Colin Delaney pinned Eddie Colon with a sunset flip. 1/2* rating. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch brutalized the Edgeheads when Murdoch pinned Zach Ryder with the High Low. Squashing of the Edgeheads is always done. ** rating. Maria and Layla defeated Kelly Kelly and Ashley in an utterly wretched women's match. All four women sucked, -***. Layal pinned Kelly. Moving along. Elijah Burke pinned Jamie Noble with the Elijah Experience. * 1/2. Noble continues to be a jobber, this really got going but was too short. The Undertaker and Big Daddy V battled to a no contest when Mark Henry ran out. Kane made the save, as the Brothers of Destruction laid out the WWE Tag Team Champions. This was a great match up until the finish, the Undertaker really worked hard. *** 1/2 The main event featured Chris Jericho retaining the World Heavyweight Title against Deuce. Yes, Deuce. What Deuce did to earn a title shot remains a mystery, but Jericho got the win with the Code Breaker. Good match too, with a *** 1/2 rating. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] This show was bland. Kofi Kingston pinned Eddie Colon with the Trouble in Paradise. Something about this match fell rather flat. DUD. Mark Copani pinned TJ Wilson with the FInishing Touch. Yawn. DUD. Jillian pinned Kelly Kelly with a Full Nelson Faceslam. The hits just keep coming. DUD. Monty Brown pinned Beef Wellington with the Pounce. The Pounce fell flat tonight. DUD. Deuce pinned Devon Storm with the Crack Em in the Mouth. Storm hit a nice dive, which elevates this match to a 1/2* rating. It's a sad state of affairs when we have to rely on Big Daddy V and Kane to raise the tone of the show. This was fun brawl, with Big Daddy V missing a splash off the top rope. At least they reinforced the ring. Kane hits the Choke Slam to Big Daddy V to score the pin. We'll go *** with a better than expected brawl. Mark Henry pinned ECW Champion Jesse with the World's Strongest Slam in an odd main event. ** 1/2 match. [B]Misc[/B] Beef Wellington, Hernandez, Matt Cross, Beth Phoenix, and Jake Hager have all signed contract extensions. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Rob Conway pinned Tomko with a swinging neckbreaker in an opener that was just there. DUD. Nick Dinsmore pinned Jimmy Yang with a German Suplex. Yang missed a moonsault that set up the finish. ** rating. Christian Cage and Shaquile O Neal battled to a double countout. ** 1/2 match. Afterwards, Booker T attacked Shaq, laying out the number one contender. Booker T retained the NWA Championship over Rob Van Dam in a great main event. This might have been among the top matches of the week. Van Dam went for broke and got busted up the Five Star Frog Splash. Axe Kick scored the pin. **** rating. [B]NWA Change the World[/B] The opening match featured Death from Above retaining the NWA World Tag Team Titles over the Urban Gladiators when Chris Kanyon pinned Vito with the Flatliner when Sabu took out Abyss with a moonsault to the floor. ** rating. Chris Mordetzky defeated Scott Taylor with a wheelbarrow suplex. ** 1/2 rating. Frankie Kazarian pinned Heidenreich with a sunset flip. Heidenreich dragged this match down to **, but Kazarian busted his ass. Bryan Danielson pinned Sean Waltman with a small package. Waltman was lax tonight, Danielson had to work twice as hard to drag a ** 1/2 rating out of him. Christian Cage pinned Andrew Test Martin with a ** 1/2 rating with a frog splash. Test was his usual lackluster self. Rob Van Dam pinned Nick Dinsmore with the Five Star Frog Splash. Van Dam ruled. Dinsmore seemed to be off, as with most people tonight. ** 1/2 rating. Rhino pinned Joey Matthews with the Gore. Match of the evening, Rhino was really pumped up tonight. *** 1/2 rating. Booker T retained the NWA Championship with the Axe Kick over Shaquile O' Neal. *** rating for a good match, Shaq's involving as a werstler. [U]TNA[/U] Son of a gun, four hours of TNA a week now(well seven this week, counting the Pay Per View. I need asprin). [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Shark Boy pinned Elix Skipper to retain the TNA X-Division Title. The X-Division is sunk. 1/2* rating. Tracy Brooks pinned Gail Kim to win the TNA Knockout's Title. Yeah Shark Boy's been here for a long time and so has Tracy, but putting the belts on them might be pushing it too far. I mean, WWE's not going to put the championship on the Brooklyn Brawler. * rating. The Sandman pinned DeMaco Ryans with a legdrop. Afterwards, Sandman canes Ryans. ***** caning, DUD match. Sandman rules. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated Dr. Wagner Jr and Lance Hoyt when Petey pins Wagner with the Canadian Destroyer. Welcome to TNA Dr. Wagner Jr. * 1/2 rating. Team 3D retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over Eric Young and Curry Man with the 3D on Eric Young. Afterwards, Sandman makes the save with the cane. ** rating. AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal in a spectacular main event, when Styles pinned Lethal with the Spiral Tap after Dutt was thrown to the floor. Dutt and Lethal looked good. *** rating. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] Nick Hogan and Sonjay Dutt defeated Kip James and Johnny Devine when Hogan pinned Devine with the Axe Bomber. * rating. What an unstellar start to the show. Team 3D defeated Karem Ibaham Gaber and Rampage Jackson when Rampage was hit with the 3D and cleanly pinned. This company astounds me. * 1/2 rating. Raisha Saeed defeated Awesome Kong with a small package. For months last year, TNA has been building up a break up between Saeed and Kong, but never pulled the trigger and now this week, they are thrown out...on free tv...with no build...against each other. Vince Russo, Ladies and Gentlemen. ** 1/2 rating. AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Scott Steiner and Petey Williams when Styles pinned Petey Williams with the Styles Clash. Fine match. *** rating. Eric Young pinned Bobby Lashley cleanly with a small package. I'll let this booking stand on it's own but it was a good match. *** 1/2 rating. Homicide and Rhino defeated Alex Shelley and Jay Lethal in the main event when Rhino pinned Lethal with the Gore. Sting came out and confronted Rhino, since they're wrestling coming up next at Turning Point. *** rating. [B]TNA Turning Point[/B] Tracy Brooks retained the TNA Knockout's Title against Ms. Payton Banks with a somersault bodyblock. DUD. Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal defeated Consequences Creed and Lance Hoyt when Dutt pinned Creed with a Bombay Splash. Middle of the road X-Division(+Hoyt) tag team match. **. DeMaco Ryans squashed Shark Boy with a power bomb. Yep, there's your X-Division Jobber Champion. 1/2* Raisha Saeed pinned ODB with a cradle. Put the belt back on Saeed, please. * 1/2 rating. Bobby Lashley pinned Dr. Wagner Jr in a great match. Wagner is pinned with the spear. *** rating. Team 3D retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over Curry Man and Sandman when Curry Man was pinned with the 3D. ** match. The real event was Team 3D getting the snot caned out of him by Sandman. Robert Roode pinned Kip James with the Pay Off. What's the point of this match? Hell, what's the point of Kip James in 2009. * rating. Alex Shelley pinned Eric Young in a great match with the Shell Shock. *** 1/2 rating. AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Petey Williams and Scott Steiner when Styles pinned Petey with a splash off the top rope, with Tomko power bombed him out of the corner. *** rating. Sting retained the TNA Championship over Rhino with the Scorpion Deatdrop after surviving the Gore. Fine main event. *** raitng. [B]Misc[/B] ODB and Robert Roode have signed contract extensions. [U]Lucha[/U] Lucha Madness returned this week with Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover retaining the Mexico National Atomicos Titles over Gran Apache, Electro Shock, and Shocker. Also, Negro Casas defeated Octagon to capture the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL was headlined by Atlantis, Mr. Aguilia, and El Hijo Del Perro defeating Heavy Metal, Blue Demon Jr, and Pierroth Jr. Also, Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico defeated Lizmark Jr, Escoria, and Damian to retain the CMLL Trios Titles. [U]Indies[/U] CHIKARA was headlined by El Pantera defeating Mike Quackenbush. Also Chris Hero defeating Delirious and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Ultramantis Black. Dan Maff defeated Sonjay Dutt to retain the FCW International Title. Also, Flash Flanagan defeated Glennn Gilberti, Jay Briscoe defeated Shane Storm, and B-Boy and Retail Dragon defeated Devon Moore and Trent Acid to retain the FCW Tag Team Titles. [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] WWE Survivor Series received a 2.65 buyrate, which translates to 1060000 people watching the show. Raw on the USA Network received a 7.09 rating, with a 1.06 rating on ABC Asia Pacific, with WWE Progression on ABC Network receiving a 4.47 rating, a 1.59 rating on Nippon TV, with WWE Smackdown receiving a 5.96 rating on CW, a 1.25 rating on ESPN International, and TNA Impact received a 2.69 rating. [/QUOTE]
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Next Newsletter! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #78 Week Two December 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Ron Killings pinned Sheamus O' Shaunessy with a vertical facebuster. * match. Val Venis returns for about sixty seconds and pins Franky the Mobster with the Money Shot. 1/2* match for a couple of impressive moves from Venis. Mickie James pinned Beth Phoenix with a sunset flip out of the corner in a perfectly acceptable, ** women's match. Kid Kash squashed Matt Sydal with a brain buster. 1/2* rating. Colt Cabana pinned Nunzio with the Colt 45 in a short, but fun match. * battle. Jeff Hardy and John Bradshaw Layfield had a great battle. Both men beat the **** out of each other. Two Clotheslines from Hell but Hardy survives it. Also a nice power bomb but Hardy reverses a second one into a rana. Twist of Fate takes down JBL and Hardy climbs up, connecting with the Swanton Bomb for the pin. **** rating. Great tag team main event with The Big Show and Shawn Michaels defeating Mr. Kennedy and Umaga. Shawn Michaels takes a great beating, but Show comes out, running over both heels, before pinning Kennedy with the Choke Slam. Another **** rating. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Paul Burchill pinned Monty Brown with the Curb Stomp. Average match, Monty's push seems to be done. * rating. Mike Knox and Kofi Kingston defeated Shawn Spears and Sheamus O' Shaunessy whe Knox pinned Spears with the Knox Out. Whatever. DUD. Molly Holly pinned Kelly Kelly with a DDT. The hits just keep coming, don't they. DUD. Cade and Murdoch defeated the Edgeheads when Murdoch pinned Ryder with the High Low. Yes, this match again. * 1/2 rating. Jesse retained the ECW Championship against Highlander Robbie with an Asiatic Spike. * rating. The Undertaker and Batista battled Big Daddy V and Mark Henry to a no contest. Great brawl. The end came with Batista laying out Big Daddy V with a spinebuster and the Undertaker delivering a choke slam. Batista and Undetaker stand tall. **** rating. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Jamie Noble pinned Mighty Mikey with a Gibson Driver. Restholds and pedestrian brawl up to that. DUD. Candice and Maria defeated Molly Holly and Layla when Candice pinned Molly with the Candy Wrapper. Yes Molly's comeback is coming along really well. DUD. Mark Copani pinned TJ Wilson. This match couldn't generate heat if both men had blowtorches. DUD. Lance Cade pinned Shannon Moore with a lariat. * rating. The Edgeheads defeated Devon Storm and Ted DiBiase Jr when Curt Hawkins pinned Storm with a running neckbreaker. Another match that didn't really work. DUD. Chris Jericho pinned CM Punk with the Code Breaker in a non title match. This match saved the show, but only got twenty minutes. At the rate this show was going, it should have went the entire two hours. Still great stuff, **** rating. WWE Tag Team Champions Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeating Hardcore Holly and Jesse when Henry pinned Jesse with the World's Strongest Slam. This match was just there. ** 1/2 rating. [B]Misc[/B] Justin Credible signed a contract extension. Mick Foley is taking some time off to star in Jesus II: The Wrath of Christ. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Sean Waltman pinned Brent Albright with a spin kick. Typical Waltman match. * rating. Nova pinned Joey Abs with the Krpytonite Krunch. * 1/2 rating. Rhino and Chris Kanyon had a great brawl. Sadly, no finish, it ended in a double countout. *** 1/2 rating. Christian Cage pinned Nick Dinsmore with the Unprettier in another great main event, in a largely uneventful show. *** 1/2 rating. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Impact this week opened with an absolutely nightmarish Knockout's Title Match. And it got ten minutes. It was Tracy Brooks pinning Angelina Love. The sad thing is, both women tried. It would have been better if they did it. -**** rating and that might be overrating it. Kip James defeated Johnny Swinger, Shark Boy, and Rellik when Kip James pinned Shark Boy. You know, the TNA X-Division Champion. DUD rating. Kip James should be pushed...off of a cliff. Raisha Saeed, Roxxi, and Payton Banks battled Salinas, Gail Kim, and ODB when Kong murdered all six women. Yep, this is TNA. * rating because they all tried. Eric Young defeated Johnny Devine and Mike DiBiase in a perfectly find match. Young pinned Devine with a Wheelbarrow Neckbreaker. *** rating. Team 3D defeated Curry Man and AJ Styles to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles when Brother Ray pinned Curry Man after the 3D. The storyline of this match was the first two men in the ring would get a title show. So it was between Curry Man and Sandman and AJ Styles and Tomko. Sandman decides to cane Tomko, which allows both Curry Man and Styles to enter the ring, for this great title match. Afterwards, Sandman canes everyone but Curry Man. *** 1/2 rating for the match. Sting pinned Robert Roode with a sunset flip in a non title match, in a great match. Afterwards, Rhino comes out and Gores Sting, taking him out. This feud must continue. **** rating. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/b] Adam Pearce pinned Kip James with the Jumping Piledriver. * for Kip James jobbing. Team 3D retained the TNA Tag Team Titles against AJ Styles and Tomko when Brother Ray pinned Tomko with the 3D. Another good tag team title match. *** rating. Homicide pinned the return of Judas Mesthias with a lariat. Yep, welcome back to TNA, have a job. *** rating. Robert Roode and Dan Maff defeated Rampage Jobber er Jackson and DeMaco Ryans when Roode pinned Jackson with the Pay Off cleanly. * rating. TNA we are counterproductive. * 1/2 rating. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated Sandman and Eric Young when Petey Williams pinned Eric Young with the Canadian Destroyer. Sandman canes Steiner and Petey afterwards, which never gets old. * 1/2 rating. Samoa Joe and Sting, after their violent blood feud that went on for six months team up for no rhyme or reason to beat Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal when Sting pinned Dutt with the Scorpion Deathdrop. Dumb, dumb, dumb, stupid, **** you Vince Russo. **** rating for a good match but a hearty middle finger to Vince Russo for the stupidity of teaming Sting and Joe after their feud. [B]Misc[/B] As seen on Dominance, Judas Mesthias is back. Also, Kurt Angle, fresh off a NOAH tour, signs, since TNA is no longer above him. [U]Lucha[/U] AAA had their monthly show, featuring Juventud Guerrera defeating Shocker to retain the Mexico National Heavyweight Title. Also, Gran Apache, Electro Shock, and Vampiro defeating Latin Lover, Octagon, and Zorro, Shining Force defeated Ground and Pound to retain the AAA Tag Team Titles, and Negro Casas defeated El Hijo Del Santo to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. Lucha Madness featured Vampiro and Juventud Guerrera defeating Electro Shock and Gran Apache. Also, Negro Casas defeated Octagon to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL featured Mr. Aguilia and Atlantis defeating El Hijo Del Santo and Nicho. Also, Hector Garza retained the NWA Middleweight Title over Billy Boy. [U]Puro[/U] Blue Wolf captured the AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title over Kikutaro. [U]Television Ratings and Pay Per View Buyrates[/U] NWA Change the World received a 0.57 buyrate, with 228000 people purchasing the show. TNA Turning Point received a 0.39 buyrate, with 156000 buyrates. Raw received a 7.08 rating on USA, a 1.08 rating on ABC Asia Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.48 rating on ABC, with a 1.58 rating on Nippon TV, a 5.97 rating for Smackdown on the CW, with a 1.25 rating on ESPN International, TNA Impact received a 2.92 rating, and TNA Dominance received a 4.27 rating [/QUOTE]
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Another newsletter! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #79 Week Three December 2009[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Tommy Dreamer pinned Kid Kash with the Dreamer DDT. This was a by the numbers match if there ever was one. * 1/2 rating. Santino and Carlito defeated Jim Duggan and Super Crazy when Carlito pinned Crazy with the Back Stabber. That Raw tag team division is useless. * 1/2 rating. Beth Phoenix squashed Nicole Bella with a Fisherwoman's Suplex. 1/2* rating. DH Smith pinned Spike Dudley with the Running Powerslam. Once again, the fans could care less. * 1/2 rating. Umaga and Vladmir Koslov had a great brawl. Umaga rules, Koslov is improving slightly. Samoan Spike pinned Koslov after eight minutes of great action. We'll go for a ** 1/2 rating. An epic six man main event with JBL, Randy Orton, and John Cena against Jeff Hardy, Triple H, and Edge ended in a no contest. A really epic encounter, saved the show. Sad it didn't have a finish, so we'll go *** 1/2 for this battle. Triple H laid out Orton with the Pedigree afterwards. Edge spears Cena and Hardy connects with the Swanton Bomb. The babyfaces stand tall. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Colin Delaney pinned Sheamus O' Shausnessy with a sunset flip 1/2* rating. Bleh. Chuck Palumbo pinned Andrew Vain with the Full Throttle. Begin the Smackdown brand parade of time wasting matches. DUD. Maria pinned Molly Holly with a bulldog. DUD. ECW Chapion Jesse made Hernandez submit to the Asiatic Spike. This match was a bit better than anything else tonight so far but still fell rather flat. * 1/2 Things picked up with a great MVP and CM Punk match. These two men are great. Punk pins MVP with the GTS after fifteen minutes. Once again, this should have gotten more time, scrubbing that epic battle between Andrew Vain and Chuck Palumbo. **** rating. Big Daddy V and Kane battled to a no contest. Whatever. ** rating. Mark Henry and Big Daddy V beat down Kane, until the Undertaker made the save. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Hernandez squashed TJ Wilson with a sidewalk slam. DUD. I see where Homicide is and how Hernandez has his knees cut off and it's sad and depressing. Justin Credible pinned K.C. James. I didn't care about Credible in 1999. I sure as well don't care about him in 2009. DUD. Katie Lea Burchill pinned Maria with a backbreaker. At least it was short. 1/2* rating. Kevin Thorn pinned Beef Wellington with the Original Sin. * rating. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeated the Edgeheads in a non title match when Henry pinned Zach Ryder with the World's Strongest Slam. And these two teams will face off against each other at Armageddon with the belts on the line for the fifteenth millionth time. ** rating. Okay, CM Punk and MVP have another great match. MVP power bombed Punk into a corner, before MVP hits a running Yakuza Kick in the corner to score the pin. Sick finishing sequence, I look forward to more encounters between these two men. **** rating. The Undertaker and Chris Jericho squared off in a non title match. Jericho will defend the belt against Shelton Benjamin on Sunday. And he loses cleanly to the Undertaker with the Tombstone. Okay, this match ruled, so I won't complain too much and it was a **** 1/2 match. See this match if you can. [B]WWE Armageddon[/B] This was a totally uneventful show. Michelle McCool retained the WWE Women's Title over Victoria, making her tap out to the heel hook. * rating. Jesse pinned Devon Storm to retain the ECW Championship with the Asiatic Spike. I swear, WWE tends to book these matches by drawing names out of a hat. * rating. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry retained the WWE Tag Team Titles against the Edgeheads when Henry pinned Curt Hawkins with the World's Strongest Slam. ** rating. Festus is your new WWE Intercontinental Champion pinning Kenny Dykstra with a throwing flapjack. So, Dykstra, the second longest reigning Intercontinental Champion next to the Honky Tonk Man, has his title reign ended at the hands of FESTUS! Also, both Festus and Jesse as singles champions is rather mind boggling. ** Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly retained the World Tag Team Titles over Charlie Haas and Santino Marella when Holly pins Santino with the Alabama Slam. They've held the tag titles for two years. Who could care. ** rating. Trevor Murdoch had the most entertaining squash in WWE history, beating Colin Delaney like a rented mule. Vicious Gourdbuster puts Colin out of his misery. *** rating, with Murdoch retaining the WWE United States Title. Ken Kennedy pinned Shad with the Mic Check. *** rating, for a good match. The main event featured Chris Jericho retaining the World Heavyweight Title against Shelton Benjamin. Great battle in the main event. Shelton did not win the title, but he came close. Sunset flip rolled into the Walls of Jericho for the submission win. **** 1/2 match and I hope to see this again. [B]Misc[/B] Kelly Kelly has been released by WWE. Monty Brown and Melina have signed contract extensions. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Sean Waltman pinned Rene Dupree with the X-Factor. Typical Waltman match. * 1/2 rating. Chris Mordetsky pinned Tomko with a wheelbarrow suplex. ** rating for a better than expected brawl. Rob Van Dam bumps like a pinfall for Shaquile O'Neal. This was a fun match. A Last Ride Power Bomb by Shaq set up a leaping fistdrop where Van Dam acts like he's having a seiziure before he scores the pin. *** rating. Booker T pinned Rhino in a non title match with the Axe Kick after Rhino misses the Gore. **** rating. Great main event, Booker's been on fire lately. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal come out, being ****y little prick, so they're heels this week. The storyline is that Sting took them under his wing and now they're the ungrateful hooligans. Samoa Joe comes out, standing up for Sting, who beat him up several times with a baseball bat last year. Dutt and Lethal beat down Joe until Kurt Angle, another man who formally hated Joe, runs out and makes the save, making his return to TNA. Angle and Joe shake hands, no swerve, at least not this week. So it's Angle and Joe against Lethal and Dutt tonight. Brother Devon, Eric Young, and Lance Hoyt defeated Elix Skipper, Johnny Swinger, and Johnny Devine when Young pinned Devine. Yes, these teams make no sense, but the match was acceptable. * 1/2 rating. Mike DiBiase pinned Consequences Creed with a cobra clutch slam. DUD. Adam Pearce squashed the TNA X-Division Champion Shark Boy. Yep. DUD. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated the dynamic duo of Curry Man and Kip James. No Sandman this week, which disappointed me. I was hoping for a brutal and violenting beating on Kip James with the singapore cane. Petey pins Curry Man to get the win. * 1/2 rating. Homicide pinned Rhino with a lariat, after Sting distracted Rhino, because they're fighting for the title at Final Resolution. *** 1/2 rating for a great match. Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle defeated Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt when Joe pins Dutt with the Muscle Buster as Angle traps Lethal in the Ankle Lock. *** 1/2 for a great tag team match. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] Mike DiBiase pinned Dr. Wagner Jr with a cobra clutch slam. DUD. Wagner is now a jobber, so there's a good chance he could be X-Division Champion before long. Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed defeated Gail Kim and ODB when Kong pinned ODB with the Awesome Bomb. Usual great match between these four ladies. ** 1/2 rating. Robert Roode pinned Curry Man in a great match. Fifteen minutes, with several nearfalls that ended with the prick heel needing to cheat to win, before Roode pins Curry Man with a fisherman suplex. *** 1/2 rating. Judas Mesthias pinned Lance Hoyt with Straight to Hell in a squash. * 1/2 rating. Judas beats down Hoyt until Kurt Angle makes the save. Why the hell not, this is TNA. I guess the Sandman was passed out in the back or something. Team 3D defeated AJ Styles and Tomko when Brother Ray pinned Styles with the 3D to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles, after Tomko was thrown into the steps seconds earlier. *** 1/2. And then we had the main event of the next Pay Per View for free. It was Rhino and Sting in a non title match. Dutt and Lethal attack Sting, setting him up for the Gore for the pin. *** 1/2 rating. Joe and Angle make the save, which should set up a six man tag, something that will rule despite the idiotic fact that Joe, Sting, and Angle are teaming up after all the history between the three. [U]Lucha[/U] Lucha Madness featured Juventud Guerrera defeating Latin Lover to retain the Mexico National Heavyweight Title. Also, Octagon and La Parka Jr defeated Ground and Pound to retain the Mexico National Tag Team Titles, and Negro Casas defeated Cibernetico to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL had their big monthly show, featuring the main event of Mr. Aguilia and Atlantis defeating El Hijo Del Perro and Heavy Metal. Also, Rey Bucerno, Antifaz Del Norte, and Cuervo defeated Hector Garza, Pierroth Jr, and Blue Demon Jr, and Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico defeated Lizmark Jr, Billy Boy, and Black Warrior to retain the CMLL Trios Titles. CMLL's television show, featured El Hijo Del Perro defeating Atlantis. Also, Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico defeated Rey Bucenaro, Hector Garza, and Heavy Metal to retain the CMLL Trios Titles and Cuervo defeated El Terrible to retain the CMLL World Middleweight Title. [U]Puro[/U] Naoki Sano defeated Toshiaki Kawada to capture the AJPW Triple Crown Championship. BJW had their big monthly show featuring MEN'S Teioh retaining the BJW Deathmatch Title over Super Delfin. Also, Abdullah Kobayashi defeated Tomoya Adachi and Madman Pondo defeated GENTARO. NJPW had their big monthly show, featuring Takao Omori and Manabu Nakanishi defeated Yuji Nagata and Hiroyoshi Tenzan. Also, Masahiro Chono and Scott Norton defeated Shinsuke Nakamura and Tiger Mask IV, Tomoaki Honda defeated Minoru Tanaka to capture the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title, Keiji Mutoh defeated Akebono, Koji Kanemoto and Waturu Inoue defeated Jushin Thunder Liger and El Samurai to retain the IWGP Tag Team Titles, and Bryan Danielson defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi. [U]Indies[/u] IWA: MS had their monthly show, with Chris Hero retaining the IWA: MS Championship over Jason Hades. Also, Roderick Strong and Davey Richards defeated Ruckus and Claudio Castagnoli, Tyler Black defeated Ricochet, Toby Klein defeated B-Boy, and Iron Saints defeated the Death Squad to retain the IWA: MS Tag Team Titles. OVW featured Jamin Olivencia defeated Tommy McNaler to retain the OVW Championship. Also, Jacob Duncan battled Nine Fingers Dewey to a no contest, Ted "The Trailer" McNailer defeated Ali Akbar, and Rudy Switchblade battled Anthony Bravado to a no contest. FIP featured the main event of Roderick Strong retaining the FIP Championship over Davey Richards. Also, Brent Albright defeated Jack Evans, Erick Stevens defeated Larry Sweeney, and Tyler Black and Jay Briscoe captured the FIP Tag Team Titles over Gran Akuma and Delirious. CZW was headlined by Ruckus and Sexxy Eddy defeating DJ Hyde and Ricochet. Also, Sonjay Dutt defeated Chuck Taylor to retain the CZW Championship, Sabian defeated Nate Hatred to retain the CZW Arena Title, The Nightmares retained the CZW Tag Team Titles against the Iron Saints, and Brain Damage retained the CZW Ironman Title over Joker. JAPW was headlined by Samoa Joe retaining the JAPW Championship over Jay Lethal. Also, Chris Hero defeated Grim Reefer, Eddie Kingston and B-Boy defeated Jack Evans and Chuck Taylor to retain the JAPW Tag Team Titles, and El Generico defeated Teddy Hart to retain the JAPW New Jersey State Title. Jimmy Rave battled Austin Aries to a no contest on the latest PWG event. Also, Phoenix Starr defeated Roderick Strong, Tyler Black defeated Claudio Castagnoli, and Excalibur defeated PAC. [U]Television Ratings[/U] Raw received a 6.98 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.33 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.39 rating on ABC, with a 1.93 rating on Nippon TV, WWE Smackdown received a 6.17 rating on the CW, a 1.57 rating on ESPN International, TNA Impact received a 2.93, and TNA Dominance received a 4.14 rating. [/QUOTE]
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The final Newsletter of 2009. The 2009 Annual is coming up soon! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #80 Week Four December 2009[/U][/B] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] What a wretched show. All the big time wrestlers were gone tonight. Ron Killings pinned Bam Neely with an ax kick. * 1/2 rating for a few impressive moves by Killings. The Royal Rumble is coming up. Yay! Matt Cross pinned Bam Neely with a sunset flip. DUD. Tommy Dreamer pinned Colt Cabana with the Dreamer DDT in the match of the evening. Cabana rules, Dreamer played to his strengths. ** 1/2 rating. Carlito pinned Nunzio with the Back Stabber. Meh. ** rating. Festus retained the WWE Intercontinental Title against Vladmir Koslov with a flapjack. That's about what you expected. 1/2* rating. Mr. Kennedy pinned Hardcore Holly with the Mic Check in a cookie cutter WWE-ized main event. ** rating. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Jesse retained the ECW Championship over Zach Ryder with an Asiatic Spike. ** rating. Hernandez pinned Shawn Spears with a Crucifix Power Bomb. DUD. Jillian and Layla defeated Katie Lea Burchill and Ashley when Jillian pinned Katie with a Full Nelson Faceslam. Typical diva garbage. DUD. JTG pinned Chuck Palumbo with a splash off the top rope. ** rating. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and Hardcore Holly had a great match. Jericho wins with the Code Breaker after barely escaping several nearfalls. **** rating. CM Punk pinned Big Daddy V with a roll up. V misses an avalance to set up the cover. Punk busted his ass to get an acceptable match out of V. *** rating. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Beef Wellington pinned Eric Perez with a clothesline. This match sucked, happy holidays. Blown spot after blown spot, crappy brawling, rest holds, ten minutes too long, -*** rating. Jillian pinned Layla with a Full Nelson Faceslam. DUD. Jesse pinned Zach Ryder with a thumb to the throat. * 1/2 rating. Kofi Kingston pinned Nigel McGuiness with with the Trouble in Paradise. Heatless match, both men tried but fell flat. 1/2* rating. Kenny Dykstra pinned Mighty Mikey with a Springboard Legdrop. The battle of the Spirit Squad that no one was waiting for. 1/2* rating. The Great Khali squashed Matt Hardy with the clawhold to the head. Hardy busted his ass, maybe literally to get this match out of Khali. ** 1/2 rating. MVP pinned Kane in a by the numbers main event after kicking Kane in the groin on the Choke Slam, before drilling him with a running kick in the corner. *** rating. [B]Misc[/B] Kenny Dykstra has signed a contract extension with WWE. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Nova pinned Rene Dupree with a springboard elbowdrop in a middle of the road midcard match. ** rating. Joey Matthews pinned Frankie Kazarian with the Future Shock. Afterwards, Matthews, talks trash about Booker T. There's your next challenger folks, as odd as it may seem. ** rating. Rob Van Dam pinned Rhino after he missed the Gore in the corner and Van Dam rolled him up with a sunset flip for the pin. *** rating. Christian and Shaq defeated Death from Above in a non title match when Shaq pinned Kanyon with the Shaq Attack. ** 1/2 rating. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Kip James, Curry Man, and the Sandman defeated Nick Hogan, Judas Mesthias and Sonjay Dutt when Curry Man pinned Dutt with the Spice Rack. A caning on Nick Hogan was teased but sadly not paid off. We'll go ** for this odd six man. Karam Ibrahim Gaber made Dr. Wagner Jr tap out to a cross knee scissors. * 1/2 rating. Mike DiBiase pins the TNA X-Division Champion Shark Boy in a non title match with a cobra clutch legsweep. Yep, Shark Boy's title reign is sinking. DUD. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated AJ Styles and Tomko when Petey Williams pins AJ Styles after Team 3D ran out, attacking Styles and Tomko. ** 1/2 rating for this cookie cutter tag team match. Sting pinned Alex Shelley with the Scorpion Deathdrop in a great match. Dutt, Lethal, and Rhino beat down Sting after the match until Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe made the save. *** rating. Bobby Lashley pinned Brother Devon with the spear out of the corner in a great main event match. Team 3D attacked Lashley after the match but Styles and Tomko made the save. *** 1/2 rating. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] Curry Man defeated Johnny Devine and Johnny Swinger when Curry pinned Devine with the Spice Rack in a perfectly acceptable X-Division three way. ** rating. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated Lance Hoyt and Dr. Wagner Jr when Steiner pins Wagner with an inverted DDT. * 1/2 rating. DeMaco Ryans pinned Kip James with a tackle. James was sandbagging his opponent, because he was jobbing. As a result, we get a wretched match. -* rating. Team 3D defeated AJ Styles and Tomko to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles when Brother Ray pinned Styles with the 3D. Yes, despite losing on Impact, Styles and Tomko receive the title shot. ** 1/2 rating for an underwhelming battle. Bobby Lashley pinned Homicide with the Spear. The announcers talk about how Lashley is getting going, looks like they might be building an Angle/Lashley match in the future. *** rating. Sting, Kurt Angle, and Samoa Joe defeated Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Rhino in a block buster six man tag team match when Angle makes Dutt tap out to the Ankle Lock. A good match, we'll go **** 1/2 for it. [B]Misc[/B] Samoa Joe extended his contract. Phoenix Starr signed a TNA Contract. [U]ROH[/U] Final Battle 2009 results -Mercedes Martinez defeated Sara Del Ray -Shane Hagadorn and Tank Toland defeated the Age of the Fall via disqualification when Jacobs busted Hagadorn with a spike. -Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe retained the ROH Tag Team Titles over Davey Richards and Chris Hero when Briscoe pinned Hero with the Jay Driller -Erick Stevens and Kevin Steen defeated Jigsaw and Jack Evans when Steen pinned Evans with the Package Piledriver -Brent Albright and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Bryan Danielson and Dan Maff when Claudio pinned Danielson with the Ricola Bomb. [U]Lucha[/U] Lucha Madness featured Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover defeating Negro Casas, Electro Shock, and Juventud Guerrera to retain the Mexico National Atomicos Titles. Also, Shocker defeated Gran Apache. CMLL featured El Hijo Del Perro defeating Atlantis in the main event. Also, the Chaos Connection retained the CMLL Tag Team Titles over Decniss and Damian and Rey Bucerno retained the CMLL World Light Heavyweight Title over Antifaz Del Norte. [U]Puro[/U] Milano Collection AT and YOSSINO won the World's Strongest Tag League, defeating Great Sasuke and Minoru Tanaka in the finals [U]Indies[/U] SHIMMER had their monthly show with Daizee Haze retaining the SHIMMER Championship over Rain. Also, Cheerleader Melissa defeated Mercedes Martinez. [U]Pay Per View Buyrate and Television Ratings[/U] WWE Armageddon received a 2.55 buyrate, with 1020000 people purchasing the show. Raw received a 6.73 rating on the USA Network, a 1.24 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.39 rating on ABC, with a 1.95 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 5.98 rating on the CW, with a 1.58 rating on ESPN International, TNA Impact received a 2.97 rating, and TNA Dominance received a 4.26 rating. [/QUOTE]
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And now we close the book on 2009 officially with the Wrestling Today 2009 Annual! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Annual 2009[/B][/U] [U]Promotions Around the World[/U] [B][U]#1. World Wrestling Entertainment(WWE) Owner: Vince McMahon Head Booker: Stephanie McMahon Last Year's Ranking: #1[/B][/U] [COLOR=red][B]Raw Brand Title Histories for 2009[/COLOR][/B] [I]WWE Championship[/I] -Randy Orton has been WWE Champion since 2008 [I]WWE Intercontinental Title[/I] -Kenny Dykstra began the year as champion -Festus defeated Kenny Dykstra to win the title Week Three December 2009 [I]World Tag Team Titles[/I] -Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes have held the World Tag Team Titles since 2007. [I]WWE Women's Title[/I] -Mickie James started the year as champion -Victoria defeated Mickie James Wk 4 May 2009 -Michelle McCool defeated Mickie James Wk 2 November 2009 [COLOR=blue][B]Smackdown Brand Championships[/B][/COLOR] [I]World Heavyweight Title[/I] -The Undertaker started the year as champion -Chris Jericho defeated the Undertaker Wk 3 September 2009 [I]ECW Championship[/I] -Shelton Benjamin started the year as champion -Chris Jericho defeated Shelton Benjamin Wk 1 May 2009 -Jesse defeated Chris Jericho Wk 2 September 2009 [I]WWE United States Title[/I] -Matt Hardy started the year as champion **Matt Hardy suffered an injury** -Trevor Murdoch defeated Jamie Noble to win the vacant United States Title Wk 4 June 2009 [I]WWE Tag Team Titles[/I] -The Miz and John Morrison started the year as champions -Mark Henry and Big Daddy V defeated the Miz and John Morrison Wk 1 January 2009 [B]Top Stars:[/B] Batista(Smackdown) Big Daddy V(Smackdown) Carlito(Raw) Chavo Guerrero(Raw) Chris Jericho(Smackdown) CM Punk(Smackdown) Cody Rhodes(Raw) Domino(Raw) Edge(Raw) Elijah Burke(Smackdown) Festus(Raw) Gregory Helms(Raw) Hardcore Holly(Smackdown) Jeff Hardy(Raw) Jesse(Smackdown) John Bradshaw Layfield(Raw) John Cena(Raw) John Morrison(Raw) JTG(Smackdown) Kane(Smackdown) Mr. Kennedy(Raw) Kenny Dykstra(Smackdown) Kevin Thorn(Smackdown) Lance Cade(Smackdown) Mark Henry(Smackdown) Matt Hardy(Smackdown) MVP(Smackdown) Randy Orton(Raw) Rey Mysterio(Raw) Highlander Rory(Smackdown) Shad(Raw) Shawn Michaels(Raw) Shelton Benjamin(Smackdown) Snitsky(Raw) The Big Show(Raw) The Great Khali(Smackdown) The Miz(Smackdown) The Undertaker(Smackdown) Trevor Murdoch(Smackdown) Triple H(Raw) Umaga(Raw) Val Venis(Raw) Vladimir Koslov(Raw) William Regal(Raw) [B][U]#2 All Japan Pro Wrestling(AJPW): Owner: Keiji Mutoh Head Booker: Hiroshi Hase Last Year's Ranking: #6[/B][/U] [I]AJPW Triple Crown Championship[/I] Keiji Mutoh started the year as champion Bob Sapp defeated Keiji Mutoh Week 4 April 2009 Tosiaki Kawada defeated Bob Sapp Week 1 September 2009 Naoki Sano defeated Toshiaki Kawada Week 3 December 2009 [I]AJPW Tag Team Titles[/I] Joe Doering and Keiji Mutoh started the year as champions TAKA Michinoku and Toshiaki Kawada won the AJPW Tag Team Titles over Doering and Mutoh Wk 1 April 2009 **Title belts vacated** Milano Collection AT and YOSSHINO defeated Bob Sapp and Bobby Lashley to win the vacant titles Wk 2 September 2009 [I]All Asia Tag Team Titles[/I] Joe Doering and Kikutaro began the year as champions Bobby Lashley and Taiyo Kea defeated Joe Doering and Kikutaro to win the All Asia Tag Team Titles Wk 3 July 2009 [I]AJPW Jr. Tag Team Titles[/I] -Kikutaro began the year as champion -Taiyo Kea defeated Kikutaro Wk 3 January 2009 -Kikutaro defeated Taiyo Kea Wk 2 April 2009 -Taiyo Kea defeated Kikutaro Wk 2 June 2009 -Kikutaro defeated Taiyo Kea Wk 1 October 2009 -Blue Wolf defeated Kikutaro Wk 2 December 2009 [I]Champion's Carnival 2009 Winner[/I]: Bob Sapp [I]Junior League Winner:[/I] Shuji Kondo [I]World's Strongest League Tag Team Winners[/I]: Milano Collection AT and Masato Yoshino [B]Top Stars[/B] Blue Wolf Bob Sapp Joe Doering Katsuyoshi Shibata Keiji Mutoh Masato Tanaka Masato Yoshino Masayuki Naruse Milano Collect AT Minoru Suzuki Mr. Gannosuke Naoki Sano Shinya Makabe Shuji Kondo SUWA Taiyo Kea Takeshi Morishima Toshiaki Kawada. [B][U] #3. The National Wrestling Alliance(NWA) Owner: Robert Torbich Head Booker: Steve Blackman Last Year's Ranking: #5[/B][/U] [I]NWA Championship[/I] -Chris Kanyon started the year as champion -Booker T defeated Chris Kanyon Wk 4 August 2009 [I]NWA World Tag Team Titles[/I] Brent Albright and Alex Shelley started the year as champions Sabu and Chris Kanyon defeated Brent Albright and Alex Shelley Wk 3 September 2009 [B]Top Stars[/B] Andrew Test Martin Booker T Bryan Danielson Chris Kanyon Chris Mordetzky Christian Cage Joey Matthews Nick Dinsmore Rhino Rob Van Dam Sabu Shaquile O' Neal [B][U] #4: Total Non Stop Action(TNA) Owner: Dixie Carter Head Booker: Vince Russo Ranking Last Year: #7[/B][/U] [I]TNA Title History[/I] Samoa Joe started the year as champion Sting defeated Homicide and Samoa Joe in a Triple Threat Match Wk 4 August 2009 [I]TNA X Division Champion[/I] Chris Sabin started the year as champion Petey Williams defeated Chris Sabin Wk 3 June 2009 Shark Boy defeated Petey Williams Wk 3 November 2009 [I]TNA Tag Team Titles[/I] Petey Williams and Scott Steiner started the year as champions Eric Young and Kazarian defeated Petey Williams and Scott Steiner Wk 1 January 2009 AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Eric Young and Kazarian Wk 2 April 2009 Team 3D defeated AJ Styles and Tomko Wk 2 October 2009 [I]TNA Knockout's Title[/I] Awesome Kong started the year as champion Roxxy defeated Awesome Kong Wk 3 March 2009 Raisha Saeed defeated Roxxy Wk 1 June 2009 Gail Kim defeated Raisha Saeed Wk 4 August 2009 Tracy Brooks defeated Gail Kim Wk 1 December 2009 [B]Top Stars:[/B] AJ Styles Alex Shelley Bobby Lashley Brother Devon Brother Ray Eric Young Homicide Jay Lethal Kurt Angle Rhino Robert Roode Samoa Joe Sandman Scott Steiner Sting Tomko [B][U]#5 AAA Owner: Octagon Head Booker: Konnan Ranking Last Year: #4[/B][/U] [I]Mexican National Heavyweight Title[/I] Nicho El Millinairo began the year as champion Juventud Guerrera defeated Nicho El Millionairo Wk 3 July 2009 [I]Mexican National Atomicos[/I] Ozz, Cuervo, and Escoria started the year as champions Gran Apache, Electro Shock, and Shocker defeated Ozz, Cuervo, and Escoria Wk 2 February 2009 Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover defeated Gran Apache, Electro Shock, and Shocker Wk 3 September 2009 [I]AAA Tag Team Titles[/I] Los Barrio Boys III won the vacant titles over Super Porky and Angel Mortal Wk 1 January 2009 La Parka Jr and Ozz defeated Los Barrio Boys III Wk 1 April 2009 [I]Mexican National Middleweight[/I] Octagon began the year as champion Negro Casas defeated Octagon Wk 1 December 2009 [I]Mexican National Tag Team Titles[/I] Octagon and La Parka Jr have held the titles since 2003 [B]Top Stars[/B] Abismo Negro Blue Demon Jr Chessman El Hijo Del Santo Electro Shock Gran Apache Juventud Guerrera La Parka Jr. Latin Lover Mistico Negro Casas Octagon Ozz Shocker Ultimo Guerrero Vampiro [B][U]#6 CMLL Owner: Franciso Alanso Lutteroth Head Booker: Atlantis Ranking Last Year: #3[/B][/U] [I]CMLL World Heavyweight Title[/I] Dos Caras Jr started the year as champion Silver King defeated Dos Caras Jr Wk 2 February 2009 **Vacated Wk 4 November 2009** [I]UWA World Heavyweight Title[/I] Dr. Wagner Jr started the year as champion **Vacated Wk 4 November 2009** [I]NWA World Light Heavyweight Title[/I] Atlantis has been champion since 2005 [I]CMLL World Light Heavyweight Title[/I] Rey Bucerno has been champion since 2006 [I]CMLL World Middleweight Title[/I] Averno started the year as champion **Title Vacated Wk 3 July 2009** Cuervo defeated Bestia Salvaje to win the vacant title Wk 3 August 2009 [I]CMLL World Trios Title[/I] Mr. Aguila, Hector Garza, and El Hijo Del Perro began the year as champions Heavy Metal, Blue Panther, and Silver King defeated Mr. Aguila, Hector Garza, and El Hijo Del Perro Wk 1 October 2009 **Titles Vacated Wk 4 November 2009** Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico defeated Black Warrior, Billy Boy, and Cuervo to win the vacant titles Wk 4 November 2009 [I]NWA World Middleweight Title[/I] Averno started the year as champion Cien Caras defeated Averno Wk 2 May 2009 Hector Garza defeated Cien Caras Wk 3 November 2009 [I]CMLL World Tag Team Titles[/I] Hector Garza and Mistico started the year as champions The Chaos Connection(Lizmark Jr and Rayo de Jalisco) defeated Hector Garza and Mistico Wk 2 May 2009 [I]CMLL National Title[/I] El Terrible defeated Bestia Salvaje to become the first champion Wk 2 February 2009 Anifraz Del Norte defeated El Terrible Wk 4 October 2009 [B]Top Stars[/B] Atlantis Blue Panther El Hijo Del Perro Aguayo Heavy Metal Hector Garza Mr. Aguila Nicho El Millinairo Rey Bucerno [B][U]#7 Pro Wrestling NOAH Owner: Mitsuhara Misawa Head Booker: Jun Akiyama Last Year's Ranking: #9[/B][/U] [I]GHC Championship[/I] Akitoshi Saito started the year as champion Takashi Sigiura defeated Akitoshi Saito Wk 2 March 2009 Jun Akiyama defeated Takashi Sigiuru Wk 1 April 2009 Mitsuhara Misawa defeated Jun Akiyama Wk 2 July 2009 Kurt Angle defeated Mitsuhara Misawa Wk 3 September 2009 Mitsuhara Misawa defeated Kurt Angle Wk 4 November 2009 [I]GHC Tag Team Titles[/I] Kentaro Shiga and KENTA began the year as champions **Vacated** BXB Hulk and Jun Iizumida defeated Taiji and Shiosaki Wk 2 February 2009 Mohammed Yone and Takuma Sano defeated BXH Hulk and Jun Izumida Wk 2 February 2009 **Vacated** Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi defeated BXB Hulk and Jun Iizumida Wk 4 March 2009 Takashi Sigiura and Tamon Honda defeated Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi Wk 1 May 2009 BXB Hulk and Jun Iizumida defeated Takashi Sigiuru and Tamon Honda Wk 4 August 2009 Tsuyoshi Kikikuchi and Ricky Marvin defeated BXB Hulk and Jun Iizumida Wk 2 September 2009 [I]GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title[/I] Mohammed Yone started the year as champion **Vacated due to an injury from Yone** Takuma Sano defeated Shingo Takagi to capture the vacant GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title Wk 4 March 2009 Yoshinobu Kanemura defeated Takuma Sano Wk 1 August 2009 Yoshinori Ota defeated Yoshinobu Kanemura Wk 4 November 2009 Shingo Takagi defeated Yoshinori Ota Wk 4 November 2009 [I]GHC Jr Tag Team Titles[/I] Takuma Sano and Kentaro Shiga started the year as champions Tsuyoshi Kikikuchi and Ricky Marvin defeated Sano and Shiga to Wk 4 August 2009 [I]NOAH Wrestling Spirit Title[/I] Shuhei Taniguchi started the year as champion Taiji Ishimori defeated Shuhei Taniguchi Wk 2 February 2009 Shuhei Taniguchi defeated Taiji Ishimori Wk 2 March 2009 BXB Hulk defeated Shuhei Taniguchi Wk 4 April 2009 Atushi Aoki defeated BXB Hulk Wk 3 July 2009 Shuhei Taniguchi defeated Atushi Aoki Wk 2 September 2009 Tatu****o Takaiwa defeated Shuhei Taniguchi Wk 4 October 2009 [B]Top Stars[/B] Akira Taue Akitoshi Saito Alexander Otsuka Bison Smith Jun Akiyama Kazuyuki Fujita Kentaro Shiga Mitsuhara Misawa Naomichi Marufuji Ricky Marvin Steve Corino Takashi Sugiura Takashi Rikio Tomohiro Ishii Tsuyoshi Kikuchi Yoshinobu Kanemura [B][U]#8 New Japan Pro Wrestling(NJPW) Owner: Simon Inoki Head Booker: Masahiro Chono Ranking Last Year: #2[/B][/U] [I]IWGP Championship[/I] Yuji Nagata started the year as champion Manabu Nakanishi defeated Yuji Nagata Wk 3 May 2009 **Title Vacated Due to Injury** Shinsuke Nakamura defeated Minoru Tanaka Wk 4 July 2009 Manabu Nakanishi defeated Shinsuke Nakamura Wk 2 November 2009 [I]IWGP Tag Team Titles[/I] Koji Kanemoto and Watary Inoue started the year as champions Tiger Mask IV and Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Koji Kanemoto and Wataru Inoue Wk 1 June 2009 Koji Kanemoto and Wataru Inoue defeated Tiger Mask IV and Hiroyoshi Tenzan Wk 3 August 2009 [I]IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title[/I] Jado started the year as champion Hiroyoshi Tenzan defeated Jado Wk 1 January 2009 Taru Yano defeated Hiroyoshi Tenzan Wk 3 May 2009 Kintaro Kanemura defeated Taru Yano Wk 3 June 2009 Hiroshi Tanahashi defeated Kinataro Kanemura Wk 4 July 2009 Minoru Tanaka defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi Wk 4 October 2009 Tomoaki Honda defeated Minoru Tanaka Wk 3 December 2009 [I]IWGP Tag Team Titles[/I] Hiroyoshi Tanahashi and Takashi Iizumida started the year as champions Koji Kanemoto and Wataro Inoue defeated Hiroyoshi Tanahashi and Takashi Iizumida Wk 3 June 2009 [I]2009 Best of the Super Juniors:[/I] Minoru Tanaka [I]GI Climax[/I]: Keiji Mutoh [I]GI Climax Tag League:[/I] Takao Omori and Manabu Nakanishi [B]Top Stars[/B] Akebono Bryan Danielson Hiroshi Tanahashi Hiroyoshi Tenzan Jushin Thunder Liger Keiji Mutoh Koji Kanemoto Manabu Nakanishi Masahiro Chono Minoru Tanaka Shinsuke Nakamura Takao Omori Tiger Mask IV Yuji Nagata [B][U]#9 Dragon Gate Pro Wrestling(DGPW) Owner: Takashi Okamura Head Booker: CIMA Ranking Last Year: #8[/B][/U] [I]Open the Dream Gate Title[/I] Masaaki Mochizuki started the year as champion CIMA defeated Masaaki Mochizuki Wk 3 February 2009 TAKA Michinoku defeated CIMA Wk 4 June 2009 Kintaro Kanemuru defeated TAKA Michinoku Wk 1 October 2009 [I]Open the Brave Gate Titles[/I] Naruki Doi started the year as champion Magnitude Kishiwada defeated Naruki Doi Wk 1 January 2009 Anthony W. Mori defeated Magnitude Kishiwada Wk 4 January 2009 Ryo Saito defeated Anthony W. Mori Wk 2 February 2009 Genki Horiguchi defeated Ryo Saito Wk 1 May 2009 Naoki Tanisaki defeated Genki Noriguchi Wk 3 July 2009 Susumi Mochizuki defeated Naoki Tanisaki Wk 3 October 2009 [I]Open the Twin Gate Titles[/I] Raisu Mishima and BXB Hulk started the year as champions Shingo Takagi and Genki Horiguchi defeated Raisu Mishima and BXB Hulk Wk 1 January 2009 Magnitude Kishiwada and Super Shiisa defeated Shingo Takagi and Genki Norichi Wk 1 August 2009 Steve Corino and Ryo Saito defeated Magnitude Kishiwada and Super Shiisa Wk 2 August 2009 Magnitude Kishiwada and Super Shiisa defeated Steve Corino and Ryo Saito Wk 2 November 2009 Naruki Doi and Kamikaze defeated Magnitude Kishiwada and Super Shiisa Wk 2 November 2009 [B]Top Stars[/B] CIMA Genki Horiguchi Kamikaze Kazyuki Fujita Kikutaro Kintaro Kanemura K-ness Masaaki Mochizuki Naoki Tanisaki Shinjiro Otani Susumi Mochizuki TAKA Michinoku. [B][U]#10 Big Japan Pro Wrestling Owner: Daikokubo Benkei Head Booker: Ryuji Yamakawa Ranking Last Year: #10[/B][/U] [I]BJW Death Match Heavyweight Title[/I] BADBOY Hido started the year as champion Jun Kasai defeated BADBOY Hido Wk 1 March 2009 Shinjiro Otani defeated Jun Kasai Wk 3 June 2009 **Vacated** Men's Teioh defeated Takashi Morishima Wk 1 September 2009 [I]BJW Tag Team Titles[/I] Mammoth Sasaki and Shadow WX started the year as champions Men's Teioh and GENTARO defeated Mammoth Sasaki and Shadow WX Wk 2 April 2009 [B]Top Roster[/B] Abdullah Kobayashi BADBOY Hido GENTARO Jun Kasai Kazunari Manukami Madman Pondo Mammoth Sasaki MEN'S Teioh Super Delfin Taiyo Kea [B][U]#11 Jersey All Pro Wrestling(JAPW) Owner: Fat Frank Iadevia Head Booker: Ray Sager Ranking Last Year: #13[/B][/U] [I]JAPW Heavyweight Championship[/I] Samoa Joe has been champion since 2008. [I]JAPW Tag Team Titles[/I] LAX started the year as champions **Vacated** B-Boy and Low Ki defeated El Generico and Chuck Taylor Wk 3 May 2009 **Vacated** Eddie Kingston and B-Boy defeated Chuck Taylor and Jack Evans Wk 1 October 1 2009 [I]New Jersey State Title[/I] Chuck Taylor started the year as champion El Generico defeated Chuck Taylor Wk 1 November 2009 [B]Top Stars[/B] Chris Hero Jay Lethal Rhino Samoa Joe [B][U]#12. Ring of Honor(ROH) Owner: Cary Silkin Head Booker: Gabe Sapolsk Ranking Last Year: #11[/B][/U] [I]ROH Championship[/I] Adam Pearce started the year as champion Bryan Danielson defeated Adam Pearce Wk 3 February 2009 [I]ROH Tag Team Titles[/I] Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe have been champions since 2008 [I]2009 Survival of the Fittest Champion:[/I] Davey Richards [B]Top Stars[/B] Austin Aries Brent Albright Bryan Danielson Chris Hero Claudio Castagnoli Dan Maff Davey Richards Jack Evans [B][U]#13 Combat Zone Wrestling(CZW) Owner: Jon Zandig Head Booker: Gabe Rameriez Ranking Last Year: #12[/B][/U] [I]CZW World Heavyweight Title[/I] Sonjay Dutt has been the champion ever since 2008 [I]CZW Tag Team Titles[/I] Ricky Reyes and Toby Klein have held the titles ever since 2008 [I]CZW Iron Man Title[/I] Brain Damage has held the title ever since 2008 [I]CZW Nationwide Title[/I] Sabian has held the title ever since 2008 [I]2009 CZW Best of the Best Champion[/I]: Vito Thomaselli [B]Top Stars[/B] Chuck Taylor Ricky Reyes Ruckus Salvatore Thomaselli Sexxy Eddy Sonjay Dutt Toby Klein Vito Thomaselli [B][U]#14 Pro Wrestling Guerrila(PWG) Owner: Top Gun Talwar Head Booker: Excalibur Ranking Last Year: #17[/B][/U] [I]PWG Championship[/I] Bryan Danielson started the year as champion **Vacated When Danielson leaves PWG** Chris Hero defeated Austin Aries to win the vacant title Wk 2 October 2009 [I]PWG Tag Team Titles[/I] Austin Aries and Chris Hero have held the titles since 2008 [I]2009 Battle of Los Angeles Champion[/I]: Austin Aries [B]Top Stars[/B] Austin Aries Chris Hero Davey Richards Jack Evans Jimmy Rave Phoenix Star Roderick Strong Tyler Black [B][U]#15 CHIKARA Owner: Leonardo F Chikarason Head Booker: Mike Quackenbush Ranking Last Year: #15[/B][/U] [I]CHIKARA World Tag Team Titles[/I] Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero have been champions since 2008 [I]King of Trios 2009 Champions[/I]: Claudio Castagnoli, Chris Hero, and El Pantera [I]Young Lions Cup 2009 Champion[/I]: Larry Sweeney [B]Top Stars[/B] Chris Hero Claudio Castagnoli Delirious El Pantera Mike Quacenbush Ricochet [B][U]#16 International Wrestling Association: Mid South(IWA-MS) Owner: Ian Rotten Head Booker: Jim Fannin Ranking Last Year: #14[/B][/U] [I]IWA: MS Championship[/I] Low Ki started the year as champion **Title Vacated** Chris Hero defeated Ruckus to win the vacant title Wk 3 July 2009 [I]IWA: MS Tag Team Titles[/I] The Iron Saints have been champions since 2008 [I]IWA MS Light Heavyweight Title[/I] Jason Hades has been champion since 2008 [B]Top Stars[/B] Chris Hero Claudio Castagnoli Davey Richards Jason Hades Roderick Strong Ruckus Tyler Black Vito Thomaselli [B][U]#17 Full Impact Pro(FIP) Owner: Sal Hamouri Head Booker: Mister Saint Laurent Ranking Last Year: #18[/B][/U] [I]FIP Championship[/I] Roderick Strong has been champion since 2008 [I]FIP Tag Team Titles[/I] Nigel McGuiness and Jack Evans started the year as champions **Vacated** Tyler Black and Jay Briscoe defeated Gran Akuma and Delirious Wk 3 December 2009 [I]Florida State Heritage Title[/I] Jay Briscoe started the year as champion Davey Richards defeated Jay Briscoe Wk 1 November 2009 [B]Top Stars[/B] Brent Albright Bryan Danielson Davey Richards Erick Stevens Jack Evans Roderick Strong [B][U]#18 Florida Championship Wrestling(FCW) Owner: Steve Keirn Head Booker: Dusty Rhodes Ranking Last Year: #19[/B][/U] [I]FCW Championship[/I] Mighty Mikey started the year as champion **Vacated** Justin Credible defeated Hernandez to win the vacant title Wk 3 May 2009 **Vacated** Dan Maff defeated Spike Dudley to win the vacant title Wk 2 July 2009 [I]FCW Tag Team Titles[/I] Eddie Colon and Matt Sydal started the year as champions **Vacated** Mike DiBiase and Johnny Swinger defeated Mark Briscoe and Retail Dragon Wk 2 July 2009 **Vacated** B-Boy and Retail Dragon defeated Adam Pearce and Flash Flanagan Wk 1 November 2009 [B]Top Stars[/B] B-Boy Dan Maff Flash Flanagan Jay Briscoe Sonjay Dutt Trent Acid [B][U]#19 SHIMMER Owner: Dave Prezak Head Booker: Allison Danger Ranking Last Year: #20[/B][/U] [I]SHIMMER Championship[/I] Daizee Haze has been champion since 2008 [B]Top Stars[/B] Ariel Cheerleader Melissa Daizee Haze Malia Hosaka Mercedes Martinez Rain [B][U]#20 Ohio Valley Championship(OVW) Owner: Danny Davis Head Booker: Terry Taylor Ranking Last Year: #16[/B][/U] [I]OVW Championship[/I] Jamin Olivencia has been champion since 2008 [I]OVW Tag Team Titles[/I] Tommy McNaler and Jacob Duncan have been champions since 2008 [I]OVW TV Title[/I] Jacob Duncan have been champion since 2008 [I]OVW Women's Champion[/I] Serena Deeb has been the champion since 2008 [B]Top Stars[/B] Anthony Bravado Jacob Duncan Jamin Olivencia Nine Fingers Dewey Rudy Switchblade Tommy McNaler [B][U]Wrestling Today Annual 2009 Top 100[/B][/U] 1. Masahiro Chono 2. Keiji Mutoh 3. Toshiaki Kawada 4. Triple H 5. Shinsuke Nakamura 6. Mitsuhara Misawa 7. Randy Orton 8. Kurt Angle 9. Yuji Naga 10. Shawn Michaels 11. Akitoshi Saito 12. Chris Jericho 13. Sting 14. Jushin Thunder Liger 15. Jun Akiyama 16. Samoa Joe 17. Tiger Mask IV 18. Mistico 19. Kentaro Shiga 20. Takao Omori 21. John Bradshaw Layfield 22. Minoru Tanaka 23. Booker T 24. The Undertaker 25. Rob Van Dam 26. Christian Cage 27. Manabu Nakanishi 28. Minoru Suzuki 29. El Hijo Del Santo 30. Umaga 31. Edge 32. Naomichi Marufuji 33. Taka Michinoku 34. Kintaro Kanemura 35. Rhino 36. Takashi Suguiru 37. Scott Norton 38. John Cena 39. Atlantis 40. Tamon Honda 41. Shelton Benjamin 42. The Big Show 43. Hiroyoshi Tenzan 44. CM Punk 45. El Samurai 46. CIMA 47. Rey Mysterio 48. Batista 49. Milano Collection AT 50. Dr. Wagner Jr. 51. Negro Casa 52. Hiroshi Tanahashi 53. Shinjiro Otani 54. Masato Yoshino 55. El Hijo Del Perro Aguayo 56. Akira Taue 57. Jeff Hardy 58. Homicide 59. AJ Styles 60. Koji Kanemoto 61. Latin Lover 62. MVP 63. Kazuyuki Fujita 64. Mr. Aguila 65. K-ness 66. Blue Panther 67. Jay Lethal 68. Naoki Sano 69. Electro Shock 70. Matt Hardy 71. Juventud Guerrera. 72. Takeshi Rikio 73. Bryan Danielson 74. Vampiro 75. The Great Khali 76. Bob Sapp 77. Alex Shelley 78. Gran Apache 79. Tomoaki Honma 80. Shocker 81. Big Daddy V 82. Mr. Kennedy 83. Steve Corino 84. Waturu Inoue 85. Kane 86. Takeshi Morishima 87. Yoshinobu Kanemura 88. Octagon 89. Low Ki 90. Bobby Lashley 91. Susumu Mochizuki 92. Kenny Dykstra 93. Nicho El Millinairo 94. Kikutaro 95. Tomko 96. Shuji Kondo 97. Yujiro 98. Cien Caras 99. Mark Henry 100. Satoshi Kojima [B][U]Year End Awards[/B][/U] Wrestler of the Year: Masahiro Chono Young Wrestler of the Year: Kenny Dykstra Veteran Wrestler of the Year: Keiji Mutoh Female Wrestler of the Year: Awesome Kong Promotion of the Year: WWE Most Improved Promotion of the Year: AJPW Match of the Year: Shawn Michaels defeated William Regal on Raw. Card of the Year: AJPW Lashing Out Tour Show in December [/QUOTE]
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And let's kick off 2010! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #81 Week One January 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Ron Killings pinned Nick Nemeth with an axe kick. Pretty meh squash. 1/2* rating. Charlie Haas and Brian Kendrick battle to a no contest after the Big Show choke slammed both men. What, was Snitsky on a coffee break? Show wants Orton at the Rumble! Perfectly acceptable match. ** rating. Super Crazy and Jim Duggan defeated Franky the Mobster and Karl Anderson when Duggan pinned Franky with the Three Point Stance. * match. Natalya made Mickie James submit to the Sharpshooter. A fine match for the three minutes it got but way too short other than that. * rating. Michelle McCool made Portia Perez submit to the Brazillian Heel Hook in an absolutely nightmare inducing match to retain the WWE Women's Title. -*** rating. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly defeated Carlito and Santino in a non title match for the five millionth time when Rhodes pinned Santino with the DDT. ** rating. John Bradshaw Layfield and Rey Mysterio had an acceptable, but slightly flat. main event. West Coast Pop is countered with a stiff power bomb for a nearfall before JBL connected with the Clothesline from Hell. ** 1/2 rating. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Trevor Murdoch retained the WWE United States Title against Paul Burchill. This match was good enough to work. Curb Stomp is avoided and Murdoch pinned Burchill with the Gourdbuster. ** 1/2 rating. The Edgeheads defeated Jamie Noble and Chuck Palumbo when Ryder pinned Noble with a clothesline. Not bad, * 1/2 rating. Jesse retained the ECW Championship against Lance Cade in another match that was not all that bad either. * 1/2 rating. Kenny Dykstra pinned Mike Knox with the Springboard Legdrop. At least Kenny's not completely buried, he won against Knox after all. ** rating. Chris Jericho and Shelton Benjamin defeated MVP and the Great Khali in a nice tag team encounter. Khali spent most of the match on the apron and Shelton pinned MVP with a spin kick after Jericho missile dropkicked him from behind him. *** 1/2 rating for a good match. Matt Hardy and CM Punk are an awesome tag team as they got a **** rating over Big Daddy V and Mark Henry. Hardy pinned Big Daddy V with the Twist of Fate to score the pin in a spectacular match. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] This was a wretched show with one notable exception. Deuce pinned Mack Johnson with a kick to the face. DUD. Candice Michelle pinned Layla. Some of these women's matches have been either short between two women that can have a good match or mind numbingly long between two women who aren't good workers. This was somewhat inbetween, with Candice pinning Layla with the Candy Wrapper in a -** rating match after five minutes. Highlander Rory pinned Nigel McGuiness with a headbutt to the stomach. Yes, that run is really paying off, isn't it Nigel? * 1/2 rating. Curt Hawkins pinned Eric Perez with a sitout jawbreaker. DUD. Chuck Palumbo pinned the Miz with the Full Throttle in a vanilla match. * rating. Chris Jericho and Kane had a great non title match that was the highlight of the show. Granted, it didn't save the show, but it was a great, great, match. Code Breaker is countered with a choke slam for a nearfall. Tombstone is countered into a spinning headscissors, into a lionsault for a nearfall. Walls of Jericho is blocked. Kane launches Jericho over the ropes but Jericho hangs on. Kick to Kane and Tornado Code Breaker out of the corner for the pin. **** rating, good job for both of you. And there was that epic main event between Big Daddy V and Hardcore Holly. Samoan Drop, elbowdrop, pin, moving right along. * 1/2 rating. [B]Misc[/B] Umaga, Karl Anderson, Orlando Jordan, and Devon Storm signed contract extensions. Rouka has been called up. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Heidenreich pinned Brent Albright with an uppercut to the ribs. Albright got a good match out of Heidenreich, at least by Heidenreich standards. ** rating. Andrew Test Martin pinned Jimmy Yang with the Big Boot. Yang bumped, Martin is immobile. * 1/2 rating. Death From Above retained the NWA Tag Team Titles over Nick Dinsmore and Bryan Danielson in a final match when Kanyon pinned Dinsmore with the Flatiner. ** 1/2 rating. And Joey Matthews pinned Chris Mordetzky in the main event to become the number one contender for the NWA Championship and he will face Booker T on the January Pay Per View.** rating. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated Shark Boy and Consequences Creed when Petey pinned Creed with the Canadian Destroyer in a cookie cutter, * 1/2 rating. Tracy Brooks pinned Roxxi to retain the TNA Knockout's Title with a sunset flip. A couple of big blown spots drop this match to a -* rating. Rellik pinned Lance Hoyt. Yes, these two men are still employed. DUD. Quiton Jackson pinned Dr. Wagner Jr in seconds with an elbow strike to the head. The hell? DUD. AJ Styles and Tomko won the TNA Tag Team Titles against Team 3D when Styles pinned Brother Ray with a frog splash after Tomko hit a superplex. Yes, Russo can't wait three days to hold off onto the title chang between these two teams, he has to do it now. *** match, but damn Russo's an idiot. Bobby Lashley pinned the Sandman in a fun match with the Spear. Sandman tried to cane Lashley before the spear. *** rating. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] Man five hours of TNA in one night on Pay Per View weeks. This is testing. Adam Pearce pinned Phoenix Starr with the Jumping Piledriver. * 1/2 rating. Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed battled ODB and Gail Kim to a no contest in a ** 1/2 rating. Good match, until all four women brawled to the back, stopping the match. Curry Man pinned Petey Williams with the Spice Rack in a great match. If the X-Division had a match like this everytime out, it wouldn't be the joke it is. *** 1/2 rating. Kip James pinned Judas Mesthias with a roll up after Kurt Angle distracted him. THE HELL? Kip mother ****ing James defeats the monster that's going to face the Olympic Gold Medalist in just two hours with a roll up! -***** rating for this bull****! Eric Young pinned Tomko with a sunset flip after Tomko ducked the head. This was fine. ** 1/2 rating. Sting retained the TNA Championship in a four way match against Bobby Lashley, Rhino, and Samoa Joe when Sting pinned Joe with the Scorpion Deathdrop. Yep, Joe jobs cleanly but this actually does make sense considering he's the only one without a match. Rhino Gores Sting afterwards, because they are wrestling on Pay Per View in two and a half hours. *** 1/2 rating for a fun match. [B]TNA Final Resolution[/B] Pre Show Dark Matches featured the Sandman defeating Trent Acid and Mike DiBiase and Eric Young beating Quinton Jackson via disqualification after Jackson refuses to break a hold in the ropes. AJ Styles and Tomko retained the TNA Tag Team Titles against Karem Ibrahim Gaber and Rellik when Styles pinned Rellik with the Frog Splash after Tomko superplexed him out of the corner. Tomko and Styles are a fun team. *** rating. Tracy Brooks retained the TNA Knockout's Title over Payton Banks with a cross body press. DUD. Johnny Devine captured the TNA X-Division Title over Johnny Swinger and Shark Boy to win the title when Shark Boy was pinned with the Devine Intervention. At this point, the Florida Championship Wrestling title is a better honor that the X-Title. * rating. Scott Steiner crushed Kip James with the Steiner Recliner. I cackled. * rating. Kurt Angle made Judas Methias tap out to the Ankle Lock in a great match. Angle really is rocking on his return to TNA and Methias was carryable. *** rating. Jay Lethal pinned Curry Man with the Flying Elbowdrop in a good but all too short match. ** 1/2 rating. Homicide pinned Bobby Lashley with a lariat after avoiding the Spear. Both men are future TNA Title holders after this match. *** rating. Sting retained the TNA Championship over Rhino with the Scorpion Deathlock in a good match and it looks like the feud is blown off, but you never know with TNA. *** rating. [U]Lucha[/U] Shocker defeated Electro Shock and Negro Casas defeated Octagon to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title on the Lucha Madness show. CMLL had their monthly show, featuring the main event of El Hijo Del Perro, Aguila, and Black Panther defeated Olimpico, Silver Cat, and Picudo. Also, Atlantis defeated Nicho to retain the NWA World Light Heavyweight Title, Decniss and Damian captured the CMLL Tag Team Titles over the Chaos Connection, Anifaz Del Norte defeated Mascara Magica to retain the CMLL National Title, Hector Garza defeated Billy Boy to retain the NWA World Middleweight Title, and Cuervo defeated Mr Niebla to retain the CMLL World Middleweight TItle. AAA had their monthly show featuring Latin Lover and Shocker defeating Juventud Guerrera and Mistico in the main event. Also, Vampiro, Gran Apache, and Negro Casas defeated Abismo Negro, Octagon, and Electro Shock, and Shining Force defeated Sky High to retain the AAA Tag Team Titles. CMLL featured Atlantis, Agulia, and El Hijo Del Perro battling Heavy Metal, Blue Panther, and Escoria to a double countout. Also, Rey Bucerno retained the CMLL World Middleweight Title over Damian. [U]Puro[/U] Jushin Thunder Liger and El Samurai captured the IWGP Tag Team Titles over Koji Kanemoto and Wataru Inoue. NJPW had their yearly January show at the Tokyo Dome with Manabu Nakanishi defeating Yuji Nagata to retain the IWGP Championship in the main event. Also, Keiji Mutoh battled Shinsuke Nakamura to a double countout, Takao Omori defeated Black Tiger, Tomoaki Honda defeating Jushin Thunder Liger to retain the IWGP Jr HEavyweight Title, Koji Kanemoto and Waturu Inoue defeating Bryan Danielson and Yamamoto to retain the IWGP Jr. Tag Team Titles, and Masahiro Chono defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi. NOAH had their monthly show with Shiga and Marufuji defeating Akiyama and Saito in the main event. Also, Mitsuhara Misawa retained the GHC Title against Akira Taue, Takeshi Rikio defeated Yoshiaki Yago, Tomohiro Ishii defeated Shigo Takagi to capture the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title, Tatu****o Takaiwa defeated Akihito Ota to retain the NOAH Wrestling Spirit Title, and Ricky Martin and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi retained the GHC Tag Team Titles over Steve Corino and Otsuka. [U]Indies[/U] CZW was headlined by Sonjay Dutt defeating Toby Klein to retain the CZW Championship. Also, Sexxy Eddy and Ruckus defeated Chuck Taylor and Sal Thomaselli, Ricky Reyes defeated Vito Thomaselli, Sabian retained the CZW Arena Title over Alex Wright, and Brain Damage defeated Icarus to retain the CZW Iron Man Title. OVW had their monthly show, featuring Jamin Olivencia retaining the OVW Championship over Tommy McNaler. Also, Anthony Bravado defeated Omar Akbar and Jacob Duncan retained the OVW TV Title against Ali Akbar. IWA: MS had their monthly show with Chris Hero retaining the IWA: MS Championship over Jason Hades. Also, Roderick Strong defeated Davey Richards, Vito Thomaselli defeated Eddie Kingston, Claudio Castagnoli defeated Toby Klein, and Tyler Black defeated B-Boy. [U]Television Ratings[/U] WWE Raw received a 6.81 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.04 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.42 rating on ABC, with a 1.60 rating on Nippon TV, WWE Smackdown received a 5.78 rating on the CW, with a 1.26 rating on ESPN International, TNA Impact received a 2.80 rating, and TNA Dominance received a 4.21 rating. [/QUOTE]
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Another newsletter, hopefully I'll have time to do more updates soon. [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #82 Week Two January 2010[/B][/U] [U]Another Death in the World of Wrestling[/U] We are sad to report that James Fullington, known better to wrestling fans as the Sandman has passed away Friday afternoon at the age of 42. The Sandman was currently in TNA in a storyline where he was aligned with Eric Young and Curry Man against Team 3D The world of wrestling and us here at Wrestling Today Newsletter extend our thoughts and prayers to the family of yet another man who has died before his time. [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Nick Nemeth and Johnny Jeter defeated Jim Duggan and Super Crazy when Jeter pinned Crazy with a springboard splash. Yes, the Spirit Squad reunites(sort of). I'm sure you're excited. * rating. Spike Dudley pinned Kid Kash with the Dudley Dog. Both men are just going through the motions to collect a payday. 1/2* WWE Women's Champion Michelle McCool and Melina battled to a no contest. Michelle was wretched, but let's face it, the only reason she's getting this push is her ability to raise dead men. 1/2* rating, put the belt back on Melina or Mickie or Victoria or anyone please. Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly defeated Santino and Carlito when Holly pinned Santino with the Alabam Slam. I have nothing to say about this match. * 1/2 Brian Kendrick pinned Franky the Mobster with Sliced Bread #2. I struggled to care. * rating. Mr. Kennedy and the Big Show had a great match up until the finish. Show is the number one contender for the WWE Championship and is going to the Royal Rumble. **** match, until Orton ran out and hit Show with the belt from behind, allowing a count out. Afterwards, Choke Slams to both men, Big Show is big. Edge and John Cena. A bit under their better matches but still good. F-U is blocked into an Edge-O-Matic. Edgecution connects for a nearfall. Spear is countered into a drop toe hold into the STFU for the tap out. *** 1/2 rating. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Trevor Murdoch and Lance Cade defeated KC James and Shawn Spears when Cade pinned Spears with the High/Low. 1/2* rating. Candice pinned Jillian in a fine women's match with the Candy Wrapper. * rating. Paul Burchill and Jamie Noble defeated the Edgeheads in an odd, but fun tag team battle. Burchill pinned Zach Ryder with the Curb Stomp. * 1/2 rating. Kenny Dykstra pinned Hernandez in one of the better performance's of Hernandez in WWE. Kenny wins with an inverted swinging neckbreaker. ** 1/2 rating. Big Daddy V defeated Kane with a Samoan Drop and an elbowdrop. Kane tried, Big Daddy V was an anchor. Still give it ** 1/2 for some offense from Kane. Batista pinned Kevin Thorn with a spinebuster and Batista Bomb in a main event. ** 1/2 rating. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Mike Knox pinned KC James with the Knox Out. Bleh match. -* rating. Chuck Palumbo pinned Mighty Mikey with a Full Throttle in a 1/2* rating. Molly Holly and Jillian defeated Rouka and Candice when Molly pinned Candice with a DDT. Too short to really mean anything. DUD. Jesse pinned Mark Copani in a non title match with a shoulderblock off the second rope. Did nothing for me. * 1/2 rating. MVP and Kane had the usual great match. Kane missed a charge into the corner, kick to the leg, running Yakuza Kick to the head, pin by MVP. *** 1/2 rating. Batista bulldozed the Miz in the main event. The Miz can take a beating. Batista wins with the Batista Bomb. ** 1/2 rating. [B]Misc[/B] Mark Copani, Brad Allen, and Kafu signed contract extensions. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] This was perhaps one of the most lackluster shows. Tomko pinned Dustin Rhodes with a TKO. * rating for a couple of stiff moves from Tomko. Chris Mordetzky pinned Ro-Z with the Full Nelson Slam. * 1/2 rating. Rhino pinned Shaquile O' Neal with the Gore. The Gore looked bad, but it only really looks good when done on cruiserweights. ** rating. Rob Van Dam pinned Nick Dinsmore with the Five Star Splash. All over the place with some botched spots but a few nice exchanges that were entertaining so you go with a ** rating. [B]Misc[/B] Rhino has chosen NWA over TNA signing an exclusive contract with the company. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Mike DiBiase and Petey Williams to retain the TNA Tag Team Titles when Styles pinned Petey Williams with a frog splash after a superplex from Tomko. ** 1/2 rating. Tracy Brooks retained the TNA Knockout's Title over Peyton Banks. -** rating, wretched match. Kip James defeated DeMaco Ryans with a cobra clutch. James slept walked through that match. DUD. Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal defeated Phoenix Starr and Lance Hoyt when Lethal pinned Starr. ** 1/2 rating. Lethal wants Sting, which should be a new and different feud. Alex Shelley pinned Samoa Joe with a sunset flip. Joe's really sliding for some reason, I wonder who he's pissed off. This match was just a bit lackluster for these both men. ** 1/2 rating. Sting retained the TNA World Title over Rhino, Lashley, and Homicide. Some great action. Rhino took out Homicide with the Gore, Lashley took out Rhino with a spear and goes for Sting but Sting hits the Death Drop on Lashley for the pin. This was before they knew Rhino was leaving, otherwise I bet he would have ate the pin although you never know with Vince Russo. **** rating for some total non stop action(heh, heh). [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] Ten bell salute for the Sandman. Kip James pinned Johnny Devine with the Cobra Clutch Slam. Yep, Kip's squashed the new TNA X-Division Champion who I forgot had won the belt. This is like the WWE Lightheavyweight Title when Gillberg held it, except I think Gillberg got a better push. * rating. Dan Maff, Mike DiBiase, and Sonjay Dutt defeated Lance Hoyt, Shark Boy, and Consequences Creed when Dutt pinned Creed with the Bombay Splash. * rating. Random six man tag team. Roxxy defeated Christy Hemme with the Voodoo Drop and TNA Knockout's Champion Tracy Brooks defeated Jacqueline Moore in two -** knockout's matches. Remember when the Knockout's Division was good? AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Petey Williams and Scott Steiner in a non title match when Tomko connected with a power bomb out of the corner on Petey as Styles leaps onto Steiner. ** 1/2 rating. And in a trademark TNA move, they give the Sting and Jay Lethal match for free on TV and it's a great match, but non title. Thirty minutes of great wrestling, someone must have distracted Vince Russo. Sting delivered the Scorpion Deathlock for the submission, in a non title match the champion wins. Despite all the booking and this match being given away with three days of build, ***** rating. And now what are we going to do for Against All Odds now that Sting's already beaten Lethal. [B]Misc[/B] Alex Shelley, Awesome Kong, and Don West have signed contract extensions. [U]Lucha[/U] Lucha Madness had a main event with Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover defeated Gran Apache, Shocker, and Negro Casas to retain the Mexico National Atomicos Titles. El Hijo Del Santo defeated Octagon. CMLL featured El Nicho battling Blue Panther to a no contest. Also, Anifaz Del Norte defeated Rayo de Jalisco to retain the CMLL National Title. [U]Puro[/U] Jun Izumida captured the NOAH Wrestling Spirit over Tasuhito Takaiwa. Ricky Martin and Tsuyoshi Kikuchi captured the GHC Tag Team Titles over Masao Inoue and Yoshiaki Yago. TAKA Michinoku captured the Open the Dream Gate Title over Kintaro Kanemura. [U]Indies[/U] On CHIKARA with Mike Quackenbush defeated El Pantera, Chris Hero defeated Ricochet, and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Ultra Mantis Black. FCW featured Dan Maff defeated Flash Flanagan to retain the FCW International Title. Also, Trent Acid battled Jay Briscoe to a no contest, Glen Gilberti defeated Alex Wright, and B-Boy and Retail Dragon defeated Niles Young and Devon Moore to retain the FCW Tag Team Titles. SHIMMER was featured with Daizee Haze defeated Ariel to retain the SHIMMER Championship. Also Rain defeated Malia Hosaka and Mercedes Martinez defeated Lacey. [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] TNA Final Resolution received a 0.46 buyrate and 164000 buyers. Raw received a 7.09 rating on USA, with a 1.05 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.42 rating on ABC, with a 1.54 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 5.67 rating on the CW, with a 1.30 rating on ESPN International, TNA Impact received a 3.08 rating, and TNA Dominace received a 4.67 rating [/QUOTE]
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Two Newsletters in one day? [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #83 Week Three January 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/b] Drew McIntyre defeated Nunzio with a Half Boston Crab in a 1/2* rating. Charlie Haas made Mark Briscoe submit to the Haas of Pain. Briscoe seems to be just a vanilla by the numbers wrestler, without the insane spots that the Briscoes have been known to do. Haas just seems to be on a treadmill. * 1/2 rating. Natayla and Beth Phoenix battled to a no contest when Melina and Victoria ran out. DUD, I wonder what the point was for this match. In a battle between two former ECW alumni Tommy Dreamer pinned Kid Kash with the Dreamer DDT. * rating. Gregory Helms pinned Chris Harris in a short match that barely got off the ground. Running Shining Wizard Kick scores the pin. ** rating. William Regal pinned John Morrison in a good match with a butterfly power bomb. Lots of nearfalls, just shows that either of these two men should be Intercontinental Champion. I mean, they'd be better than Festus. *** 1/2. An excellent main event between Rey Mysterio and John Cena closed out of the show. Rey's been limited because age and injuries, but he still is a great wrestler. Cena was good tonight as well. F-U off the second rope scores the pin. **** rating for this excellent match. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] Mark Copani made Beef Wellington with a camel clutch. I struggle to find a reason why these men are employed. DUD. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defeated the Edgeheads in a same old, same old tag team match with the High Low. * 1/2 rating. Ashley pinned Katie Lea Burchill with a backspin DDT. Usual tripe. DUD. Jesse made Hernandez submit to the Asiatic Spike. Not that it mattered, but the ECW Championship was not on the line. ** 1/2 rating for some good power stuff from Hernandez, but still, I think sooner or later Homicide might be TNA Champion and Hernandez will be a warm body on the Smackdown brand. Kane pinned Big Daddy V with the Choke Slam. Why yes we've seen this match recently about five hundred times. Kane seems to be determined to bust his ass to pull a good match out of Big Daddy V. ** 1/2 rating, mostly for my amusement if it taking almost a minute for Kane to peel Big Daddy V off the canvas after he missed the Abdullah the Butcher elbowdrop. The Undertaker pinned Mark Henry with a choke slam. ** rating. Taker just seemed to be collecting a paycheck this evening. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Mark Copani made Shannon Moore submit to the camel clutch after he missed a corkscrew flip. Moore hit some fun high spots. * rating for the battle. Monty Brown pinned Matt Capotelli with the Pounce. Not even a good Pounce and a DUD match. Rouka pinned Ashley in a match that made me want to jab my eyeballs out with an Aids infected needle. -** rating and that might be understating the match slightly. Mike Knox pinned Eddie Colon with the Knox Out. I have a feeling I would have enjoyed this match more had I been knocked out. DUD. Justin Credible pinned Paul London with a DDT with London perched on the top rope. I have this bad feeling that we're going to be seeing Credible as ECW Champion again before the end of the year. ** rating for London landing on his head. The Great Khali made Shelton Benjamin pass out for the Vice Grip. This was five minutes of Shelton pinballing for Khali's 1980s giant offense and good clean fun so ** 1/2 rating. World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho defeated CM Punk and Kane when Jericho pinned Punk with a lionsault that was set up by a Kane Choke Slam and a dropkick that sent Kane to the floor. Great Heel move by Jericho to retain the title and the match was great to, about **** rating. [B]Misc[/B] Jeff Hardy signed a WWE contract extension. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/B][/COLOR] Rob Conway pinned Frankie Kazarian with the Ego Trip. * rating for a meh opener. The Urban Gladiators defeated Tomko and Nova when Vito pinned Nova with the DDT as Abyss hit a Black Hole Slam on Tomko. Death from Above(Kanyon and Sabu, the NWA Tag Team Champions) run out and get into a fight with the Urban Gladiators as they are fighting on Pay Per View. ** 1/2 rating. Chris Mordetzky defeated Andrew Test Martin with a roll up in a match that was not as nightmare inducing as you would think. * 1/2. Christian Cage pinned Rob Van Dam after Van Dam missed the Five Star Frog Splash. It was not four twenty for RVD like his match with Dinsmore last week. Some great exchanges, twenty five minutes, call it a **** rating for another great main event in wrestling. [B]NWA Clock Strikes Twelve[/B] Frankie Kazarian scored a victory over Bryan Danielson with the Wave of the Future. You know, Danielson just left ROH recently and thus vacated the title belt to focus on NWA and he loses to Kazarian clean on Pay Per View. Not that I'm against pushing stars, but Danielson seems like a future NWA Champion. ** 1/2 rating. Death From Above retained the NWA Tag Team Titles over the Urban Gladiators when Sabu pinned Vito with the Triple Jump Moonsault. ** 1/2 rating. This was what it was. Heidenreich battled Nova to a double countout when Heidenreich was beating Nova on the floor and did not enter the ring. Some rather questionable putting and a ** match. Shaquile O' Neal pinned Jimmy Yang with a last ride style power bomb that bounces Yang off the mat like a basketball. ** rating. Rob Van Dam defeated Nick Dinsmore. Either it's 4:20 again or Van Dam and Dinsmore don't click, because they stagger there way through another match. Five Star Frog Splash wins. ** rating. Rhino absolutely destroyed Chris Mordetzky with the Gore. This was the greatest match in the career of Masters and Rhino seemed on fire, perhaps he wanted to justify his new exclusive bosses. *** 1/2 rating for an absolutely miracle. Christian Cage defeated Andrew Test Martin with the Unprettier. * rating and we move along swiftly now. Booker T pinned Joey Matthews with the Book End to retain the NWA Championship. There was nothing wrong with this match but it was missing something. ** 1/2 rating. Rhino Gores Booker after the match to set up your next title program. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal defeated Shark Boy and Lance Hoyt when Dutt pinned Shark Boy with the Bombay Splash. ** rating. Squash to establish the rising stars. ODB and Gail Kim defeated Raisha Saeed and Awesome Kong when Kim pinned Saeed with a Frankensteiner as ODB held off Kong. ** as these two teams have had some good matches, but not tonight. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated AJ Styles and Curry Man when Steiner pinned Curry Man with the Steiner Screwdriver. Tomko was taken out before this match, allowing Styles to bring out Curry Man as his replacement. *** 1/2 rating for a good match. Nick Hogan, Rampage Jackson, and Dan Maff defeated Kip James, Phoenix Starr, and Dr. Wagner Jr when Nick Hogan pinned Phoenix with the Axe Bomber. You know, Rampage and Kip James would in a MMA match would be awesome. However, based off this match, it looks like we're setting up a Nick Hogan and Kip James feud. Yes, the son of the most famous wrestler in the entire history of this sport is feuding with BILLY GUNN! Not that Nick's good mind you but still, it shows we have another Erik Watts or David Flair right here that's not going to be able to fill his father's shoes. DUD for this match it was bacd. Samoa Joe pinned Rhino with the Muscle Buster. This was Rhino's last stand folks. **** rating for a good match and a good note for Rhino to end his TNA career. Of course, given recent events, I half expected Joe to lose anywhere. Bobby Lashley pinned Homicide with the Spear in a good main event after Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal pestered Homicide at ringside. **** rating. After Lashley left, Dutt and Lethal beat down Homicide until Samoa Joe made the save. I believe that sets up your Main Event main event and the TNA Champion Sting is nowhere to be found but he must be going one of those extended vacations that he's fond of. [COLOR=gold][/B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] Johnny Devine and Karem Ibrahim Gaber defeated Johnny Swinger and Rellik when Devine pinned Rellik with the Devine Intervention. This match was...what it was but the real shock is that the current X-Division Champion actually won a match. * 1/2 rating. Angelina Love pinned Jacqueline Moore with a sunset flip. -** rating, this was only slightly better than the Rouka/Ashley match on Smackdown. DeMeco Ryans battled Phoenix Starr to a no contest when Adam Pearce attacked both men. Hey, why not. Pearce wants the TNA Championship and calls out Sting. Vince Russo has lost all sembalance of sanity, there's no two ways around it. DUD for a nothing match. Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal defeated Team 3D when Dutt pinned Brother Devon with the Bombay Splash with Lethal taking out Devon. Joe/Homicide against Dutt and Lethal are hyped up for Against All Odds. *** rating. AJ Styles and Tomko retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over Petey Williams and Scott Steiner when Styles pinned Steiner with the Frog Splash. I've seen this match too many times, it's getting to be like Santino and Carlito against Holly and Rhodes. *** rating because it was fine. Samoa Joe pinned Alex Shelley in three minutes with the Muscle Buster. **** off Russo. ** rating. Dutt and Lethal run in and attack Joe, Homicide makes the save, hooray! [B]Misc[/B] Brother Ray signed a contract extension with TNA. [U]Lucha[/U] Lucha Madness featured Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover retaining the Mexico National Atomicos Titles over El Hijo Del Santo, Negro Casas, and La Parka Jr. Also, Negro Casas defeated Octagon. CMLL featured Nicho and Blue Panther over Atlantis and El Hijo Del Perro in the main event. Also Team Tidal Wave(Cuervo and Hector Garza) defeated Aguilia and Rey Bucerno. [U]Puro[/U] Dragon Gate had their monthly show headlined by TAKA and CIMA over K-Ness and Nakajima. Also, Masaaki Mochizuki won the Open the Brave Gate Title over Susumi Mochizuki, Kazyuki Fujita battled Shinjiro Otani to a double countout, Kintaro Kanemura defeated Minoru Fujita, and Kamikaze and Doi defeated Mag and Shiisa to retain the Open the Twin Gate Titles. AJPW had their monthly show headlined by Naoki Sano retaining the AJPW Triple Crown Title over Minoru Suzuki. Also, Keijo Mutoh defeated Bob Sapp, Blue Wolf retained the AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title over SUWA, Milano Collection AT over Joe Doering, and Masato Tanaka defeated Judo Suwa. [U]Indies[/U] Chris Hero won the JAPW Championship over Chuck Taylor, that was vacated when Joe left JAPW. Also, Eddie Kingston defeated B-Boy, Daizee Haze defeated Sara Del Ray, and El Generico defeated Grim Reefer to retain the New Jersey State Title. FIP featured Roderick Strong defeated Erick Stevens to retain the FIP Championship. Also Jack Evans defeated Jason Blade, Tyler Black and Jay Briscoe retained the FIP Tag Team Titles over Madman Pondo and Larry Sweeney, and Davey Richards retained the New Jersey State Title over Sal Rinauro. [U]Television Ratings[/U] Raw received a 6.99 rating on USA Network, a 1.04 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received 4.14 rating on ABC, with a 1.49 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 5.94 rating on the CW, with a 1.33 rating on ESPN International, TNA Impact got a 3.13 rating, and TNA Dominance got a 4.43 rating. [/QUOTE]
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The Last Newsletter of January 2010! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Issue #84 Week Four January 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] Santino and Carlito defeated Mark Briscoe and The Messiah when Carlito pinned Briscoe with the Back Stabber. This match just existed to fill up time. * 1/2 rating. Ron Killings pinned Colt Cabana with an axe kick to get a spot in the Royal Rumble. Both men were fun, but the match was about ninety seconds. * rating for this battle. Festus pinned Stevie Richards to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title with a flapjack. It just seems like the Intercontinental Title has plummetted since the days of Jeff Hardy, Umaga, and Chris Jericho. ** rating for Stevie busting his ass to get something out of Festus. Val Venis pinned Johnny Jeter in thirty seconds with a fisherman suplex to earn a spot in the Royal Rumble. DUD, because these two men can have a good match and it was way too short. Festus/Stevie got about three times as much time as both of the Rumble Qualifiers combined. So Val gets a payday on Pay Per View. Jeff Hardy pinned Chavo Guerrero with the Swanton Bomb. Fun battle here tonight and they got some time. Both men are in the Royal Rumble for those keeping scoring at home. Frog Splash misses, setting up the Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb. *** 1/2 rating. Umaga pinned Shawn Michaels in a fabulous main event with the Samoan Spike. Sweet Chin Music was caught to set up this move. Both men are in the Rumble. **** rating. Randy Orton comes out, saying that he's the WWE Champion, no one can beat him, Show can't beat him and whomever wins the Rumble sure can't beat him. Show comes out and Choke Slams Randy Orton. Show stands over Orton as Raw goes off the air. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] The Edgeheads defeated Lupe Viscara and Andrew Vain when Ryder pinned Vain with a spear. DUD. This was a geek match if there ever was one. Jesse pinned Lance Cade to retain the ECW Championship with a slingshot shoulderblock. So, this ECW Championship reign of Jesse, it's really rocking? * 1/2 rating. JTG pinned Colin Delaney to become the number one contender to the ECW Championship with a slingshot suplex. I swear, JTG and Jesse for the ECW Championship, at the Royal Rumble, that's going to happen. ** rating. Elijah Burke defeated Beef Wellington and Deuce to get a spot into the Royal Rumble when Burke pinned Wellington with the Elijah Experience. This show is flat. * rating. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeated Matt Hardy and the Undertaker when Mark Henry pinned Matt Hardy with the World's Strongest Slam. By this match, the crowd had been killed dead but damn if Hardy and Taker weren't busting their asses. Henry worked hard and Big Daddy V...well he didn't suck as bad. *** 1/2 rating. Taker is laid out by the World's Fattest Tag Team and I have these very bad visions of Big Daddy V being the one to end the Streak. That would prove once and for all that Vince has lost his mind. The Great Khali pinned Kenny Dykstra with the Tree Slam. This was a squash. Kenny's been buried so deep under the earth it isn't even funny. ** rating. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Mighty Mikey and Devon Storm defeated the Edgeheads when Mikey pinned Zach Ryder with a backslide. DUD. I'm all for pushing new talent, but beating the Edgeheads doesn't do anyone anything. Katie Lea Burchill pinned Rouka with a Giant Swing. The hits just keep coming for the Smackdown brand. DUD. Eddie Colon defeated Paul London and Ted DiBiase Jr when Colon pinned London with a backspin DDT. * rating. Kenny Dykstra pinned Mike Knox with the Springboad Legdrop to qualify for the Royal Rumble. The second longest reigning Intercontinental Champion(after the Honky Tonk Man) has to qualify against Mike Knox to get a spot in the Rumble? Bull****. * 1/2 rating and Knox continues to baffle me with his continued employement. Elijah Burke pinned Beef Wellington with the Elijah Experience. * rating. I almost feel asleep during this match. Kane pins the Miz with the Choke Slam from Hell after destroying him. This was high entertainment. ** 1/2 rating for the utter beating the Miz got. Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeated Shelton Benjamin and the Undertaker when Big Daddy V pinned The Undertaker with an elbowdrop. Yes, the Undertaker was pinned with an elbowdrop. Of course, it was set up by a belt shot, but still. Good tag team match, Shelton is really rocking it and Taker seems to be making the best of a bad situation by feuding with these anchors. *** 1/2 rating. [B]WWE Royal Rumble[/B] Festus retained the WWE Intercontinental Title against Mark Briscoe with a flapjack. Yep, this was a pointless opener. * rating. Trevor Murdoch retained the WWE United States Title pinning Nigel McGuiness in a ** 1/2 rating with the Gourdbuster. This was a fun match, but this is the second match where a former ROH wrestler got beaten by a secondary champion. Michelle McCool made Melina submit to the HEEL HOOK OF DOOM~! to retain the WWE Women's Title. DUD. JTG pinned Jesse to win the ECW Championship with a tornado DDT. I swear this show happened. ** rating. Randy Orton pinned the Big Show to retain the WWE Championship. With the show over halfway over, it finally got going. Show Choke Slam is blocked with a kick to the groin. RKO scores the pin. **** rating for this good match. And then there was the Royal Rumble. For Raw we have: Chavo Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Ken Kennedy, Umaga, Jeff Hardy, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, Triple H, Edge, Cody Rhodes, Snitsky, Val Venis, Ron Killings, Santino, and Carlito. For Smackdown: The Undertaker, Kane, Mark Henry, Big Daddy V, Matt Hardy, Shelton Benjamin, CM Punk, Kenny Dykstra, the Great Khali, Elijah Burke, Lance Cade, The Miz, Zach Ryder, Curt Hawkins, and Hardcore Holly. And this was a perfectly acceptable Royal Rumble. The final four were The Undertaker, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and John Cena. It should be noted that Triple H put both Big Daddy V and Mark Henry over the top rope at the same time, because he's Triple H. Also, Bushwhacker Luke is laughing somewhere at the Miz, as he was eliminated in seconds by the Undertaker after entering the Rumble. The first person out of the final four was eliminated was John Cena. Now it's DeGeneration X reunion against the Undertaker. The Undertaker fights them off and puts Michaels to the floor. Now it's down to the Undertaker and Triple H. Both men trade moves. Pedigree countered with a catapult, choke slam. Attempted Tombstone, but Triple H delivers a high knee and clotheslines the Undertaker to the floor for the victory. *** 1/2. Triple H is going to Wrestlemania 26 to challenge for the WWE Championship. [B]Misc[/B] Snitsky, Drew McIntyre, and Rey Mysterio have signed contract extensions. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] Bryan Danielson beat Raven after a series of elbowstrikes to the head. Good opening battle, with Raven bringing the psychology as well as Danielson. *** rating. Nick Dinsmore pinned James Storm with a waistlock roll up. Both men have potential, but two short and what happened didn't click. * 1/2 rating. Death from Above defeated the Urban Gladiators in a non title match when Kanyon pinned Vito with the Flatiner. Sabu put Abyss through a table. The NWA Tag Team Titles weren't on the line. *** rating for this match. Booker T pinned Rob Van Dam with the Axe Kick after Van Dam missed the Five Star Frog Splash. Both men had a good match up until the finish. **** rating. Rhino runs out and destroys both men in the Gore. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Karam Ibrahim Gaber, DeMeco Ryans, and Nick Hogan defeated Consequences Creed, Shark Boy, and Eric Young in a * rating pointless six man tag team match when Hogan pinned Creed with the Axe Bomber. The burying of the X-Division continues. Rampage Jackson destroys Lance Hoyt or in theory. Hoyt didn't sell anything and seemed to make Rampage look like a geek. Even though the last couple of those shots looked legit, -* rating for an abyssmal match. Petey Williams pinned Phoenix Starr with the Canadian Destroyer. * 1/2 rating. This show is not Russo bad, just boring bad. It's almost like we've went from Vince Russo to Kevin Sullivan. Kip James, Curry Man, and Dr Wagner Jr defeated Chuck Taylor, Judas Mesthias, and Elix Skipper when Kip James pinned Elix Skipper with a cobra clutch slam. Moving right on. * 1/2 Alex Shelley pinned TNA Champion Sting in a non title match when Adam Pearce hit Sting with a baseball bat ruining a good match. *** rating up until the finish. You know, Pearce got shoved down our throats as NWA Champion, as ROH champion, and he might be shoved down our throats as TNA Champion. This guy has to have incriminating photos fo someone. AJ Styles pinned Bobby Lashley with the Spiral Tap. This was a good match, harkening back to those classic Abyss/Styles matches. *** 1/2 rating for a good match with a clean finish. Who would have thunk it. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] Karam Ibrahim Gaber squashed Consequences Creed with a belly to belly suplex. * rating. Raisha Saeed battled Jacqueline Moore to a no contest which might have been a perfectly acceptable woman's match. Instead, Adam Pearce comes out, chasing both women off. Out comes Sting with the baseball bat and once again, WHO COULD CARE ABOUT ADAM PEARCE AND STING! Lance Hoyt, Dr. Wagner Jr, and Kip James defeated Rampage Jackson, Nick Hogan, and Dan Maff when Kip James pinned Rampage Jackson with a sloppy roll up. I'll let this booking stand on it's own. DUD. Tracy Brooks retained the TNA Knockout's Title over Roxxi, Payton Banks, and Angelina Love in three minutes of four women tripping over each other with Brooks pinned Love with a cross body. -* rating. AJ Styles and Tomko retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over Sonjay Dutt and Robert Roode, who have never teamed up prior to tonight by the way, when Tomko pinned Dutt with a TKO. It's so obvious right now that Dutt's just a lackey to Jay Lethal. *** Bobby Lashley pinned Eric Young with the Spear. ** 1/2. This was like when they would do Goldberg at the height of his popularity against Jerry Flynn. A fine match, but a bit one sided. [B]Misc[/B] Also for the none of you who care, Kip James has announced he will be retiring, which is baffling consider he's still being pushed. [U]ROH[/U] It All Begins 2010 report -It is announced that Bryan Danielson has vacated the ROH Championship due to leaving the company to persue other interests. -Daizee Haze defeated Mercedes Martinez with the Mind Trip -Tank Toland pinned Devon Moore -Jay Briscoe pinned Jason Blade with the J-Driller -El Generico beat Kevin Steen in a respect match with the Brainbustah. -The Age of the Fall defeated Jigsaw and Jack Evans when Jimmy Jacobs made Evans submit to the Guillotine Choke -Dan Maff, Erick Stevens, and Davey Richards defeated Brent Albright, Claudio Castagnoli, and Ruckus when Davey Richards pinned Ruckus with the DR Driver. -In a battle between the two top contenders for the ROH Championship, Chris Hero pinned Austin Aries with the Hero's Welcome to win the vacant title. [U]Lucha[/U] On Lucha Madness, Juventud Guerrera retained the Mexico National Heavyweight Title over Ozz and Negro Casas defeated Dos Caras Jr to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL featured El Nicho defeating Mr. Aguilia and Antifaz Del Norte defeated Decniss to retain the CMLL National Title. [U]Indies[/U] PWG featured Chris Hero defeating Jimmy Rave to retain the PWG Championship. Also, Austin Aries defeated Jack Evans, Claudio Castagnoli defeated Roderick Strong, Davey Richards defeated Tyler Black, and Excalibur defeated PAC. [U]Pay Per View Buyrates and Television Ratings[/U] The NWA Pay Per View received a 0.55 buyrate, with 220000 people buying the show. Raw received a 7.19 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.35 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression had a 4.28 rating on the ABC, with a 1.95 rating on Nippon TV, WWE Smackdown received a 6.19 rating on the CW, a 1.57 rating on ESPN International, TNA Impact received a 3.07 rating, and TNA Dominance received a 4.40 rating. [/QUOTE]
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Slight format change, to hopefully save some time and get out more updates. First Newsletter of February. [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #85 Week One February 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] saw Highlander Robbie defeating Jay Bradley with a Slingshot Suplex, Brian Kendrick defeating Santino Marella with Sliced Bread #2, Mickie James defeated Melina, William Regal defeated Kid Kash with a half nelson suplex, Snitsky defeated Matt Cross with a pumphandle slam, the Big Show pinned Carlito with the Choke Slam, and DeGeneration X made a return to the show defeating Mr. Kennedy and John Cena with the Pedigree to Kennedy and the Superkick to Cena. Afterwards, Randy Orton came out, challenging Shawn Michaels to a match at No Way Out, which Michaels accepts, saying there is going to be alll DX title match at Wrestlemania. [I]Thoughts On The Show[/I]: This was a pretty good addition of Raw with the exception of the opener and the Snitsky match. Melina and Mickie had their usual good match, these two women should be challenging for the title. Regal and Kash with a stiff match. Kendrick may have gotten his biggest win in a while against Santino and Carlito might be back in the doghouse again considering his quickie loss to the Big Show. Also, tag team match was your usual Raw main event, as in good. Really nothing to complain about with this show. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] saw Justin Credible pinning Shannon Moore with a superkick, Molly Holly pinned Ashley with a DDT, ECW Champion JTG defeating Chuck Palumbo with a splash off the top rope, Paul Burchill squashed Eric Perez with a Curb Stomp, Elijah Burke pinned Jesse with the Elijah Experience, and Mark Henry beat Kane with the World's Strongest Slam. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: I hate the Smackdown brand lately and when Mark Henry and Kane is the best match on the show, you know it was a bad night. Ashley also dragged Molly Holly down to the negative star region, so good for her...not. Surprised to see Elijah Burke get a win over someone they've been pushing lately, maybe there's hope for him yet. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] saw Hernandez defeating Deuce with a sidewalk slam, Jamie Noble pinned Devon Storm with the Gibson Driver in less than a minute, Ashley defeated Katie Lea Burchill, The Miz defeated Colin Delaney, Hardcore Holly defeated Monty Brown with the Alabama Slam cleanly, JTG retained the ECW Championship against Jesse with a splash off the top rope, and Chris Jericho retained the World Heavyweight Title in a triple threat match over the Undertaker and CM Punk when Jericho pinned CM Punk with a lionsault after dropkicking the Undertaker to the floor following a choke slam on Punk. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I] The Main Event rocked the show, the rest was trash. Monty Brown's push is dead. Hernandez pinned Deuce, that might be the highest profile victory he's gotten in WWE, and Ashley had another wretched match. Just a rather uneventful night on the Smackdown brand. Tom Howard, Heath Miller, and Charlie Haas have signed contract extensions. Smackdown received a contract to air on Sky One. Their contract on ESPN International will expire at the end of the month. For television ratings this week, Raw got a 7.11 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.08 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.27 rating on the ABC Network, with a 1.55 rating rating on Nippon TV, WWE Smackdown received a 6.17 rating on the CW, with a 1.29 rating on ESPN International. The Royal Rumble got a 2.82 buyrate, with 1128000 people buying the show. [U]TNA[/U] So Brock Lesnar just signed with TNA. In 2002, Brock Lesnar exploded on the scene in WWE, becoming a big thing rather quickly. In his first year, he defeated legendary wrestlers like the Rock, Hulk Hogan, the Undertaker, and Kurt Angle, becoming WWE Champion a number of times. There were few people who had become so big so fast(other than Goldberg, who has been making some rumblings of returning but that's another story for another day). In 2004, Lesnar wanted out of WWE, wanting to make it in the NFL. That didn't work out and after a brief stint in NJPW, Lesnar tried his hand at MMA. Mixed results here, and after a slight injury and a crushing loss in a mid-2009 fight, Lesnar's status in MMA faded after a hot start. Now, he's back to where it all began and he decided that TNA was his best bet. Guess WWE wasn't biting and NWA did not seem high profile enough for Lesnar. [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] saw Dan Maff defeated Jimmy Shalwin with a lariat, ODB and Gail Kim defeated Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed when Kim pinned Saeed with a Frankenseiner off of her partner's shoulders, AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Petey Williams and Scott Steiner with a superplex/frog splash combination on Petey, Robert Roode pinned Lance Hoyt with the Payoff, Kurt Angle made Brother Ray tap to the Ankle Lock, and Sonjay Dutt, Jay Lethal, and Bobby Lashley defeated Sting, Samoa Joe, and Homicide when Lashley pinned Sting with a spear after Adam Pearce hit Sting with a baseball bat. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Awesome six man tag main event, even though they continue that confusing Pearce/Sting feud. Also, Kurt Angle and Brother Ray was a good match, I hope we get some Angle/Lesnar matches soon. Women's tag was good as usual, the rest of the show was the usual TNA stuff. [COLOR=gold][b]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B]: Brock Lesnar made his TNA debut, saying that he's inserting himself into the title match tonight, making it a fatal four way. Johnny Devine retained the TNA X-Division Championship over Lance Hoyt with a roll up, ODB and Gail Kim defeated the Beautiful People when ODB pinned Angelina Love with a Thesz Press, Tracy Brooks retained the TNA Knockout's Title against Raisha Saeed and Peyton Banks with a sunset flip on Banks, Phoenix Starr defeated Dr. Wagner Jr and Rellik when Starr pinned Rellik with a cross body, Alex Shelley pinned Homicide with the Shell Shock after Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal interference, and TNA Champion Sting retained the title over Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, and Samoa Joe when Sting pinned Joe with the Scorpion Death Drop. Lashley and Lesnar team up to brawl with Team 3D to set up a match. Dutt and Lethal attack Joe, Pearce attacks Sting. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Lesnar makes his TNA debut in a four way match, for the title? Stupid. And the end of the show with twenty million people on screen was usual TNA. Both women's matches were wretched and Lance Hoyt is the last person you would think of when you say the words "X-Division". Also, both Shelley/Homicide and the fatal four way were good matches, but some stupid booking brought it down a couple of notches. [B]TNA Against All Logic er Odds[/B]: Johnny Devine retained the TNA X-Division Title against Shark Boy with the Devine Intervention in a minute, DeMaco Ryans and Kip James defeated Rampage Jackson and Nick Hogan when James pinned Rampage with a cobra clutch slam, Eric Young and Alex Shelley defeated Robert Roode and Dan Maff when Shelley pinned Roode with a waistlock roll up, Karem Ibrahim Gaber pinned Curry Man with a Death Valley Driver, TNA Champion Sting made Adam Pearce submit to the Scorpion Deathlock, Raisha Saeed captured the TNA Knockout's Title over Tracy Brooks in a triple threat match that also included Peyton Banks when Saeed made Brooks submit to an Indian Deathlock, AJ Styles and Tomko retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over Petey Williams and Scott Steiner when Styles pinned Petey with a frog splash, Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar defeated Team 3D when Lesnar pinned Brother Devon with the F-5, and Homicide and Samoa Joe defeated Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal when Joe made Dutt tap with a Kokina Clutch. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] The two closing tag team matches were awesome tag team matches. Pearce/Sting was okay as well, at least Pearce didn't win. Kip James still winning baffles me, considering he's a couple weeks away from retiring. Johnny Devine and Shark Boy once again get spit on, with the rest of the X-Division. Raisha Saeed is the TNA Knockout's Champion for a second time. Good Pay Per View in general, but some questionable booking on many accounts. TNA Impact received a 3.13 rating and TNA Dominance received a 4.61 rating [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B]: Scott Taylor defeated James Storm with a DDT out of the corner, the Urban Gladiators defeated Tomko and Nova when Abyss pinned Nova with the Black Hole Slam, Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Mordetzky with the Five Star Frog Splash, and Booker T retained the NWA Championship against Andrew Test Martin with the Axe Kick. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] Thumbs up for Booker T and Rob Van Dam for their miracle performances. The rest of the show was good. NWA has been solid, if a bit by the numbers lately, but that's not a bad thing. [U]Lucha[/U] Mistico and Shocker defeated Juventud Guerrera and Ultimo Guerrero in the main event of Lucha Madness. Also, Octagon and La Parka Jr defeated Sky High and Negro Casas defeated Chessman to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL featured Mr. Aguila, El Hijo Del Perro, and Atlantis defeating Rey Bucerno, Heavy Metal, and Escoria and Nicho, Blue Panther, and Omplico defeating the CMLL Trios Title over Sagrado, Decniss, and Silver Cat. [U]Puro[/U] Shinsuke Nakamura captured the IWGP Heavyweight Title over Manabu Nakanishi. Big Japan had their monthly show, featuring MEN's Teioh retaining the BJW Deathmatch Title over Super Delfin, Jun Kansai defeated Madman Pondo and, Taiyo Kea defeated Gentaro. Minoru Suzuki defeated Naoki Sano to capture the AJPW Triple Crown Championship. [U]Indies[/U] OVW featured Jamin Olvencia defeated Tommy McNaler to retain the OVW Championship in the main event. Also, Anthony Bravado battled Nine Fingers Dewey to a no contest, Jacob Duncan captured the OVW Television Championship over Rudy Switchblade, and Sweet Stevie defeated Chris Cage. FCW featured Dan Maff defeated Flash Flanagan to retain the FCW Championship. Also, Sonjay Dutt defeated Trent Acid, also Sonjay Dutt defeated Trent Acid, Jay Briscoe defeated Glenn Gilberti, and B-Boy and Retail Dragon retained FCW Tag Team Championship against Niles Young and Shane Storm. A new women's promotion in Canada, owned by Takao Inoue has been opened. Lufisto, Sara Del Ray, and Jetta have already signed contracts with World Woman's Wrestling(WWW). [/QUOTE]
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Another newsletter! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #86 Week Two February 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] saw Ron Killings pinning Karl Anderson with an axe kick, Highlander Robbie pinned the Messiah with a belly to back suplex, Victoria battled Mickie James to a no contest when Melina interfered, leading to a three way brawl, Santino and Carlito defeated Mark Briscoe and Tom Howard when Carlito pinned Mark Briscoe with the Back Stabber, Snitsky squashed Nunzio with a kick to the face, Umaga pinned Vladmir Koslov with the Samoan Spike, and Rey Mysterio and Edge defeated Gregory Helms and Chavo Guerrero when Edge pinned Chavo with the Spear. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: The main event was awesome, Edge is now officially a face it looks like. Remember when Koslov was the bodyguard of Randy Orton? That lasted all of a month and Umaga destroyed Koslov. Victoria and Mickie were having a good match, with Melina breaking it up, which should hopefully lead to a good three way down the road. The rest of the show was just the usual WWE fare, nothing good but nothing too damning. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B]: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defeated Eddie Colon and TJ Wilson when Murdoch pinned Colon with the High/Low, Ashley pinned Katie Lea Burchill with an elbow off the second rope, Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeated the Edgeheads when Big Daddy V pinned Curt Hawkins with an elbowdrop, Elijah Burke pinned Beef Wellington with an Elijah Experience, The Undertaker pinned MVP with the Tombstone, and Chris Jericho retained the World Heavyweight Title in a fatal four way match against The Great Khali, Batista, and CM Punk when Jericho pinned Punk with the Code Breaker after Batista and Khali took each other out. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Last two matches rocked. The rest of the show was jsut there. I'm so sick of seeing those Edgeheads/V & Henry matches. Also, Ashley had yet another bad match, but that's to be expected by now. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] Paul Burchill pinned Hernandez with the Curb Stomp, Orlando Jordan defeated Kafu and Deuce when Jordan pinned Deuce, Ashley pinned Maria with a DDT, Justin Credible pinned TJ Wilson with a superkick, Kofi Kingston squashed Nigel McGuiness with the Jamacian Buzzsaw, Shelton Benjamin pinned Elijah Burke with the Paydirt, and Big Daddy V pinned Batista after Mark Henry tripped up Batista, allowing V to drop all of his weight behind an elbowdrop. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Batista and Big Daddy V again. Ugh. Burke and Shelton was a good match, I hope the ECW Championship gets put on either of these men soon. Nigel McGuiness continues to get spit on. That Triple Threat Match was a nightmare, it was only slightly better than Ashley and Maria. Justin Credible continues to win, so I bet he may be getting the ECW Championship again soon. Spike Dudley signed a contract extension with WWE. Raw received a 7.03 rating on USA Network, with a 1.06 rating on ABC Asia Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.38 rating on ABC, with a 1.58 rating on Nippon TV, and Smackdown received a 6.01 rating on the CW, with a 1.28 rating on ESPN International. [U]TNA[/U] Well as I said last week, Goldberg has been making noise about getting back in wrestling and this week, he signs in TNA. [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] Johnny Devine defeated Shark Boy with the Devine Intervention to retain the TNA X-Division Title, ODB pinned Tracy Brooks with the Thesz Press, Curry Man and Kip James defeated Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal when the match stopped with Dutt landing on his leg wrong on a Kip James press slam(more on this in thoughts), Raisha Saeed pinned Gail Kim with a swinging suplex to retain the TNA Knockout's Title, Sting defeated Alex Shelley, Dr. Wagner Jr, and Dan Maff when Sting pinned Shelley with the Scorpion Death Drop. Afterwards Jay Lethal challenges Sting to a dream partner tag team match for Dominance. Bobby Lashley pinned Brother Devon with a spear. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Lashley looks like a killer in the main event, so if they are pushing him for a reign as TNA Champion like has been talked about, this is a step in the right direction. Sonjay Dutt, poor Sonjay Dutt. He broke his leg in that tag team match thanks to the sloppiness of Kip James. Dutt shatters his leg. This was about as bad as the Sid injury towards the end of WCW. Sting/Lethal seems to be a nice budding feud, the dream partner tag team match would have gotten a good Pay Per View. The X-Division Title seems to continue to be just thrown out as an afterthought and the Knockout's Title Match was good. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B]: Elix Skipper pinned Shark Boy with the Play of the Day, Kip James battled Dan Maff to a no contest when GOLDBERG made his TNA debut, destroying both men with spears, and says he's Sting's partner for tonight. Angelina Love pinned Raisha Saeed in a non title match when Velvet Sky interfered. Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated AJ Styles and Curry Man when Petey Williams pinned Curry Man with the Canadian Destroyer. Bobby Lashley pinned Kurt Angle in five minutes with a spear. Also, in a dream partner tag team match,Goldberg and Sting battled Brock Lesnar and Jay Lethal to a no contest when both teams brawled throughout the arena. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] Lashley and Angle was given for the first time for free on television with no build and in five minutes? TNA: We hate Money. Goldberg's debut was explosive and I think we're going to see Goldberg/Lesnar take two. Kip James getting that vicious spear made me cackle. Saeed losing to Angelina Love was baffling, but they are setting up a program between the Beautiful People and Kong and Saeed by the loos of it. Just another TNA show. TNA Impact received a 2.97 rating and TNA Dominance received a 4.30 rating. TNA Against All Odds received a 0.50 buyrate, with 200000 people buying the show. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][b]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B]: Sylvain Grenier and Rob Conway defeated Nova and Tomko when Grenier pinned Nova with a front suplex, Chris Mordetzky pinned Raven with a wheelbarrow suplex, Death From Above battled the Urban Gladiators to a double countout, and Booker T pinned Joey Matthews with the Book End to retain the NWA Champions. Rhino gored Booker after the match. [I]THoughts on the Show:[/I] Just a meh, show. Rhino/Booker is set up more but other than that, just a pedestrian effort by a company that was so great in the summer and fall. [U]Lucha[/U] Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover defeated Negro Casas, Shocker, and Gran Apache to retain the Mexico National Atomicos Titles on Lucha Madness. Also, Octagon defeated El Hijo Del Santo. CMLL had their monthly show, featuring Aguila, El Hijo Del Perro, and Cuervo battled Heavy Metal, Lizmark Jr, and Hector Garza to a double countout. Also, Atlantis defeated Rey Bucanero to win the CMLL Heavyweight Championship, Anifaz Del Norte defeated Silver Cat to retain the CMLL National Title, and Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico defeated Decniss, Rayo de Jalisico, and Sagrado to retain the CMLL Trios Titles. CMLL featured Blue Panther defeating Atlantis and Decniss and Damian defeated Silver Cat and Rayo De Jalisco to retain the CMLL World Tag Team Titles. [U]Puro[/U] AJPW featured Minoru Suzuki defeating Keiji Mutoh to retain the Triple Crown Championship. Also, Katsuyori Shibata defeated Takeshi Morshima, Shuji Kondo defeated Blue Wolf to capture the AJPW Jr. Heavyweight Title, Bob Sapp defeated Shinya Makabe, and the Great Sasuke defeated Kenzo Suzuki. Dragon Gate featured TAKA Michinoku defeating K-ness to retain the Open the Dream Gate Title, CIMA defeated Shinjro Otani, Kamikaze and Doi defeated Mag and Shiisa to retain the Open the Twin Gate Titles, Kintaro Kanemura defeated Dragon Kid, and Masaaki Mochizuki defeated Taku Iwasa to retain the Open the Brave Gate Title. [U]Indies[/U] PWG featured Austin Aries and Davey Richards defeated Hart Foundation 2k5 when Aries pinned Jack Evans with the 450 Splash. Also, Chris Hero retained the PWG Championship over Jimmy Rave, Tyler Black defeated Claudio Castagnoli, and Eddie Kingston defeated Retail Dragon. CZW featured Sexxy Eddy and Chuck Taylor defeating the Nightmares in the main event. Also, the vacant CZW Championship was filled when Vito Thomaselli defeated Ruckus, Ricochet defeated Salvatore Thomaselli, Sabain defeated Danny Demanto to retain the CZW Arena Title, and Brain Damage defeated Icarus to retain the CZW Iron Man Title. [/QUOTE]
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Another newsletter! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #87 Week Three February 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] saw Carlito and Santino defeating Heath Miller and Steve Lewington when Carlito pinned Miller with the Back Stabber, Kid Kash defeated Franky the Mobster and the Messiah when Kash pinned The Mobster with a Dead Level, Michelle McCool made Mickie James submit to the heel hook submission to retain the WWE Women's Title, Chavo Guerrero pinned Nunzio with the Frog Splash, Vladimir Koslov pinned Chris Harris with a headbutt to the midsection, Hardcore Holly pinned Domino with the Alabama Slam, and Rey Mysterio pinned Snitsky with a springboard splash. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Main event was good, Rey busted his breaking down ass to get a good match against Snitsky. Kash/Franky/Messiah was just the reason why WWE needed a heat shot. Mickie James also got a good match out of Michelle McCool but sadly she did not win the belt. Nunzio and Chavo was good fun. Domino get stiffed by Holly. Average show, just another week on Raw. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] saw, Justin Credible pinning Colin Delaney with a superkick, Katie Lea Burchill battling Candice Michelle to a no contest, Hernandez pinned Curt Hawkins with a sidewalk slam, Orlando Jordan pinned Chuck Palumbo with a Black Ice, Mark Henry pinned Matt Hardy with the World's Strongest Slam, and the Great Khali pinned Hardcore Holly with the Tree Slam. [I]Thoughts on This Show[/I] This was a show that meant absolutely nothing. Hardy just was going through the motions even against Mark Henry and the main event just seemed like an afterthought. The things that WWE will put on ABC to get a good rating. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] saw Paul London pinning Orlando Jordan with a cradle, Trevor Murdoch destroyed Beef Wellington with the Gourdbuster to retain the United States Title, Katie Lea Burchill pinned Jillian with a backbreaker, Kevin Thorn pinned Nigel McGuiness with the Original Sin, Kenny Dykstra pinned Ted DiBiase Jr with a Springboard Legdrop, Big Daddy V pinned Hardcore Holly with an elbowdrop, and Mark Henry pinned Jesse with the World's Strongest Slam. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Mark Henry and Jesse, yep that's your main event. Orlando Jordan sandbagging Paul London was sad to watch. Big Daddy V/Hardcore Holly was just the dryest, most bland match in the entire history of WWE(yes all fifty years). Murdoch's squash was fun and Dykstra/Dibiase was okay, but not specatcular. Two more hours of my life wasted. [B]WWE No Way Out[/B] saw Trevor Murdoch retaining the WWE United States Title in a four way match over Nigel McGuiness, Beef Wellington, and Mighty Mikey when Murdoch pinned Nigel with the Gourdbuster, Mark Henry and Big Daddy V retained the WWE Tag Team Titles in an open challenge against TJ Wilson and Eddie Colon when Henry pinned Wilson with the World's Strongest Slam. Undertaker came out and beat up both big men afterwards. Michelle McCool retained the WWE Women's Title over Mickie James with the Heel Hook, Snitsky squashed Gregory Helms with a Pumphandle Slam, JTG pinned Shannon Moore to retain the ECW Championship with a Flying Splash, The Great Khali pinned Hardcore Holly with the Tree Slam, Festus pinned Super Crazy with a flapjack to retain the WWE Intercontinental Title, and Randy Orton retained the WWE Championship over Shawn Michaels with the Pedigree. Triple H came out and hit Orton with the Pedigree, before posing with the belt. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] Good main event, the rest of the show was either uneventful or sucked. Was the world really waiting for another Holly/Khali match. Michelle beat Mickie again, just to raise my blood pressure. Murdoch beating geeks is always fun. That WWE run really paid off for Nigel. The rumor Kane/Taker vs Big Daddy V/Mark Henry match for Wrestlemania, man if the streak ends, that will suck. The title reigns of Festus and JTG continue to be flat. Raw received a 7.08 rating on USA, with a 1.32 rating on the ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.24 rating on Nippon, with a 1.50 rating on Nippon TV, WWE Smackdown received a 5.95 rating on the CW, and a 1.27 rating on ESPN International. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] saw Adam Pearce pinning Lance Hoyt with the Jumping Piledriver, ODB and Gail Kim defeated Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed when ODB pinned Saeed with a Thesz Press, Dan Maff pinned Curry Man with a lariat, Brother Ray pinned Kip James with a Full Nelson Atomic Drop, AJ Styles and Tomko retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over Petey Williams and Scott Steiner when Styles pinned Petey with a frog splash, and Jay Lethal pinned Kurt Angle with a sunset flip. Afterwards, Homicide attacked Lethal, but Sting made the save, because this is TNA! [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Yep, the injury of Sonjay Dutt has really screwed things up, as Lethal is now face and with Sting. Homicide/Angle vs. Sting/Lethal on Dominance. The women's tag match and the tag team title match were the usual. Kip James was beaten like a dog, which is always good. Still, despite the skeptical booking after the main event, this was some good stuff. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] saw Nick Hogan pinned Shark Boy with the Axe Bomber, Peyton Banks, Tracy Brooks, and Angelina Love defeated Gail Kim, Christy Hemme, and Roxxy when Angelina Love pinned Gail Kim with a sunset flip, Petey Williams and Scott Steiner defeated Dr. Wagner Jr and Curry Man when Petey pinned Curry Man with the Canadian Destroyer, Eric Young pinned Rampage Jackson with a sunset flip, afterwards Rampage went on a rampage and destroyed Young, Bobby Lashley became the number one contender to the TNA Title, beating AJ Styles with the Running Powerslam, and Jay Lethal and Sting defeated Homicide and Kurt Angle when Sting pinned Angle with the Scorpion Deathdrop in a classic main event. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I] Lashley/Sting at the next Pay Per View for the TNA Championship. Also, the tag team main event was great and Angle was pinned, which was the least damaging result. Rampage Jackson loses to Eric Young. Yes, this is TNA. At least he beats him after the match. Six women's tag team match was mediocre. We finally got Stone Cold and Hogan, unfortunately it's Stone Cold Shark Boy and Nick Hogan. TNA Impact received a 3.07 rating and TNA Dominace received a 4.68 rating. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B]: Sean Waltman pinned Jimmy Yang with the X-Factor, Rene Dupree pinned Tomko with a reverse DDT, Shaquile O' Neal pinned Andrew Test Martin with a kick to the chest, and Booker T and Christian Cage defeated NWA Tag Team Champions Death From Above in a non title when Booker pinned Kanyon with the Axe Kick. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I] Tomko/Dupree...man that was a choice battle. Also Shaq/Test, boy these two guys are tall and that's it. At least Shaq's over. Tag team main event was some fun stuff, the tag team champions got a bit of offense, so good for them. [U]ROH[/U] ROH had their eighth anniversary show this past week. The results are as follows -Austin Aries and Jay Briscoe retained the ROH Tag Team Titles over the Age of the Fall when Aries pinned Jimmy Jacobs with the 450 Splash -Shane Hagadorn pinned Ruckus with a cradle using the ropes -Kevin Steen pinned El Generico with the Package Piledriver -Erick Stevens pinned Devon Moore with a Doctor Bomb -Davey Richards pinned Jack Evans with the DR Driver -Dan Maff pinned Claudio Castagnoli with the Burning Hammer -Chris Hero retained the ROH Championship over Brent Albright with the Hero's Welcome. [U]Lucha[/U] Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover retained the Mexico National Atomicos Titles over Shocker, Gran Apache, and Negro Casas on Lucha Madness. Also, Electro Shock defeated Juventud Guerrera. CMLL featured the main event of Atlantis, El Hijo Del Santo, and Blue Panther defeated Nicho, Aguila, and Heavy Metal. Also, Olimpico defeated Rey Bucanero. [U]Puro[/U] Super Delfin captured the BJW Deathmatch Title over MEN'S Teioh. NOAH's monthly show featured Mitsuhara Misawa retaining the GHC Title over Akira Taue, Takeshi Rikio defeated Steve Corino, Jun Izumida defeated Sean O' Haire to retain the NOAH Wrestling Spirit Title, Tomohiro Ishii defeated Alexander Otsuka to retain the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Title, Naomichi Marufuji defeated Takashi Siguiru, and Atushi Aoki defeated Kevin Steen. NJPW's monthly show featured Shinsuke Nakamura defeating Minoru Tanaka to capture the IWGP Championship, Keiji Mutoh defeating Yuji Nagata, Bryan Danielson retained the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Title over Tomaoki Honda, Takao Omori defeated Black Tiger, and Masahiro Chono defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi. [U]Indies[/I] IWA-MS featured Chris Hero retaining the IWA: MS Heavyweight Title over Davey Richards, Roderick Strong and Claudio Castagnoli defeated Tyler Black and Ruckus, B-Boy defeated Ricky Reyes, The Iron Saints retained the IWA: MS Tag Team Titles over the Death Squad, and Jason Hades defeated Josh Ambercrombie to retain the IWA: MS Lightheavyweight Title. JAPW was headlined by Chris Hero retaining the JAPW Heavyweight Title over Jack Evans. Also, Chuck Taylor battled Jay Lethal to a no contest, Eddie Kingston and B-Boy retained the JAPW Tag Team Titles over Trent Acid and El Generico, and Sara Del Ray defeated Ariel. FIP featured Roderick Strong retaining the FIP Championship over Bryan Danielson. Also, Brent Albright defeated Larry Sweeney, Davey Richards retained the FIP Florida State Heritage Title over Jack Evans, Erick Stevens defeated Eddie Kingston, and Jay Briscoe and Tyler Black retained the FIP Tag Team Titles over Gran Akuma and Delirious. SHIMMER featured Daizee Haze retaining the championship over Mercedes Martinez. Also, Ms Chif and Ariel defeated Lacey and Rain. World's Women Wrestling had their first show, with a main event between Jazz and Michiko Omukai battling to a double countout. Also, Jezebel and Takako captured the WWW Tag Team Titles over LuFisto and Shiisa and Jetta defeated Sara Del Ray to capture the WWW Intercontinental Title. [/QUOTE]
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Final Newsletter of February 2010! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #88 Week Four February 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night[/COLOR][/B] saw DH Smith pinning Tom Howard with the Running Powerslam, Portia Perez battled Beth Phoenix to a no contest when Beth beat her down and left the ring, Brian Kendrick pinned Kid Kash with Sliced Bread #2, Charlie Haas pinned Stevie Richards with a German Suplex, Gregory Helms and Chavo Guerrero defeated Jim Duggan and Super Crazy when Chavo pinned Duggan with the Five Splash, World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Hardcore Holly defeated Santino and Carlito to retain the titles when Cody pinned Carlito with the DDT, and Triple H pinned JBL with the Pedigree. Orton laid him out with the RKO afterwards. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Awesome brawl for the main event. Also Helms and Chavo facing off against Duggan and Crazy was good, due to Duggan standing on the ring apron for ninety percent of the match. Haas/Stevie and Kash/Kendrick were fine little battles and that World Tag Team Match happened again. [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B]: Monty Brown destroyed Eddie Colon with the Pounce, Chuck Palumbo pinned Ted DiBiase Jr with the Full Throttle, Layla pinned Candice with a backslide, Big Daddy V and Mark Henry defeated the Edgeheads when Mark Henry pinned Zach Ryder with the World's Strongest Slam, Shelton Benjamin pinned World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho in a non title match with the Paydirt, and Kane pinned the Great Khali with a flying clothesline. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Another Khali/Kane match? Well, it was fine enough. Shelton/Jericho was an awesome match as well and it looks like we are slowly building Shelton for a title run. The other matches were just there, with the except of that Women's Match which was horrible. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] saw the Edgeheads defeating Andrew Vain and Lupe Viscara with a Stacked Up Superplex, Shannon Moore pinned Hernandez with a backspring crossbody, Ashley pinned Maria with a DDT out of the corner, Highlander Rory pinned Paul London with a slingshot suplex, Mark Henry pinned Hardcore Holly with the World's Strongest Slam, and CM Punk pinned the Great Khali with a knee strike to the face. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: A weird show with some odd booking. Holly/Henry, again. Ashley/Maria again. Punk pins Khali with a knee strike, bumping around like a pinball. Just another night of Smackdown. Nigel McGuiness has left WWE and Chavo Guerrero has signed a contract extension. Raw received a 7.13 rating on the USA Network, with a 1.33 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 4.44 rating on ABC, with a 1.95 rating on Nippon TV, Smackdown received a 6.04 rating on the CW, with a 1.28 rating on ESPN International. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B] featured Mike DiBiase pinning Shark Boy with a cobra clutch slam, Peyton Banks pinned Awesome Kong with a crucifix, Alex Shelley pinned Phoenix Starr with the Shell Shock, Raisha Saeed defeated Roxxy to retain the TNA Knockout's Title with a Swinging DDT, AJ Styles and Tomko retained the TNA Tag Team Titles over Petey Williams and Scott Steiner when Tomko pins Petey Williams with a TKO, and Bill Goldberg battled Jay Lethal to a no contest. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I] Yes, the main event doesn't get a clean finish. It's obviously stupid to have Goldberg to lose this early but Lethal should not be losing with a push, so we get this finish. Kong continues to slide down the roster. Styles/Tomko battled Petey/Steiner again. This match is getting repititive. The rest of the show was just the usual fare for TNA. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] featured Mike DiBiase pinning Curry Man with a cobra clutch slam, Awesome Kong and Raisha Saeed defeated ODB and Gail Kim when Saeed pinned Kim after a Kong Awesome Bomb, Alex Shelley pinned Phoenix Starr with the Shell Shock, AJ Styles and Tomko battled Team 3D to a no contest, Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar defeated Petey Williams and Scott Steiner when Lesnar pinned Petey with the F-5, and Samoa Joe made Robert Roode tap out for a Kokina Clutch. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I] That main event was a good power match. Also, Petey Williams takes the hugest F-5 on route to being pinned. Women's tag team match was the usual good stuff and Tomko/Styles against Team 3D was good until the finish. Consequences Creed and Sting have signed contract extensions for TNA. TNA Impact received a 3.06 rating and TNA Dominance received a 4.62 rating. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action[/COLOR][/B] saw Nova pinning Ro-Z with a sunset flip, Andrew Test Martin pinned Jimmy Wang Yang with a big boot, Rob Van Dam battled Chris Kanyon to a thirty minute time limit, and Christian Cage pinned Rhino with the Unprettier. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I]: Pinning Rhino on the show right before he was supposed to get a title shot baffled me. Van Dam/Kanyon ruled the school. [B]NWA The Sun Never Sets[/B] featured James Storm pinning Brent Albright with a superkick, Rob Conway pinned Dustin Rhodes with the Ego Trip, Sean Waltman pinned Sylvain Grenier with the X-Factor, Death From Above retained the NWA Tag Team Titles over the Urban Gladiators when Sabu pinned Abyss with the Triple Jump Moonsault, Rene Dupree battled Jimmy Wang Yang to a double countout, Andrew Test Martin pinned Scott Taylor with a big boot, Chris Mordetzky pinned Nick Dinsmore with a wheelbarrow suplex, Christian Cage and Shaquile O' Neil defeated Joey Matthews and Rob Van Dam when Shaq pinned Matthews with a power bomb and Booker T retained the NWA Championship over Rhino with the Book End. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] Another solid NWA Championship match closes out the show. Also, Cage/Shaq battled Matthews/RVD in a solid tag team match. Urban Gladiators against Death From Above in another great battle betwee both teams. Albright/Storm was a good opener. The rest of the show, just the usual. [U]Lucha[/U] Lucha Madness featured Electro Shock defeating Vampiro and Negro Casas defeating Alan to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. AAA's monthly show featured Vampiro, Mistico, and Latin Lover defeated Gran Apache, Electro Shock, and Shocker to retain the Mexico National Atomicos Titles, Juventud Guerrera defeated Octagon to retain the Mexico National Heavyweight title, Abismo Negro defeated La Parka Jr and Negro Casas defeated El Hijo Del Santo to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL featured Mr. Aguila, Atlantis, and El Hijo Del Perro defeating Rey Bucanero, Heavy Metal, and Hector Garza in the main event. Also, Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico defeated Silver Cat, Damian 666, and Rayo De Jalisco to retain the CMLL World Trios Titles and Cuervo defeated Antifaz Del Norte to retain the CMLL World Middleweight Title. [U]Puro[/U] Buchanan won the NOAH Wrestling Spirit Title from Jun Izumida. Ryo Saito and Genki Horiguchi won the Open the Twin Gate Titles from Kamikaze and Doi. [/QUOTE]
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First Newsletter of March 2010! [QUOTE] [B][U]Wrestling Today Newsletter Issue #89 Week One March 2010[/B][/U] [U]WWE[/U] [COLOR=red][B]WWE Monday Night Raw[/COLOR][/B] featured Highlander Robbie, Charlie Haas, and Chris Harris defeating Ron Killings, Nunzio, and Val Venis when Harris pinned Nunzio with a spear, Gregory Helms and Chavo Guerrero defeated Jim Duggan and Super Crazy when Chavo pinned Duggan with the Frog Splash, Drew McIntyre pinned Tommy Dreamer with a German Suplex, WWE Intercontinental Champion Festus pinned Matt Cross with a flapjack in a non title match, Michelle McCool made Beth Phoenix submit to the heel hook of doom to retain the WWE Women's Title, Santino and Carlito defeated World Tag Team Champions Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes in a non title match when Carlito pinned Hardcore Holly with the Back Stabber, and WWE Champion Randy Orton pinned Triple H with the RKO in a non title match. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] Yes the Wrestlemania main event on free television, three weeks before the show. The clock ticks down on the Age of Orton. Also, Michelle McCool's reign continues with a clean victory over Beth Phoenix. The opening six man seemed to be just a reminder that these men do exist. A certain tag team match happens once again. Once again Super Crazy, Gregory Helms, and Chavo Guerrero have a great battle, with Jim Duggan playing the crowd from the apron and eating the pin. Also, Drew McIntyre appears that he might get a push. And a Festus squash. What more could you want? [COLOR=purple][B]WWE Progression[/COLOR][/B] saw Jamie Noble pinning Sheamus O' Shaunessy with the Gibson Driver, Deuce battled Eric Perez to a no contest, Molly Holly pinned Katie Lea Burchill with a Northern Lights Suplex, Shannon Moore pinned Devon Storm with a moonsault, Trevor Murdoch pinned The Undertaker after Big Daddy V splashed Taker on the floor and rolled him back into the ring, and CM Punk pinned MVP with the GTS. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] Once again, only the last two matches matter. Trevor Murdoch getting a victory over the Undertaker, which set up the Big Daddy V and Mark Henry against Brothers of Destruction tag match at Wrestlemania further, which may or may not be for the WWE Tag Team Titles. CM Punk and MVP show why they are the future of this company, having a good match. If WWE wasn't afraid of putting two World Title Matches on Pay Per View anymore, Punk/Jericho would be a logical battle. [COLOR=blue][B]WWE Smackdown[/COLOR][/B] featured Paul London and Jamie Noble defeating the Edgeheads when London pinned Zach Ryder with a standing shooting star press, Orlando Jordan pinned TJ Wilson with a DDT, Molly Holly battled Rouka to a no contest when Jillian came out and sang, Molly beat her up, Kevin Thorn pinned Beef Wellington with the Original Sin, Monty Brown pinned Deuce with the Pounce, JTG defeated Colin Delaney and Kenny Dysktra to retain the ECW Championship when JTG pinned Delaney with a tornado DDT, and Shelton Benjamin and Batista defeated Big Daddy V and Mark Henry in a non title match when Batista pinned Mark Henry with a spinebuster when the lights flickered. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I] Opener was a fun little tag team match. The main event was a good battle as well, at least they are doing what works for Mark Henry and Big Daddy V. Pounce drills Deuce. And the ECW Championship match was not bad as well, even though they might as well just put the belt on Dykstra. Steve Lewington and Colin Delaney signed contract extensions. WWE No Way Out received a 2.66 buyrate with 1064000 people buying the show. WWE Raw received a 5.66 rating on the USA Network with a 0.93 rating on ABC South Pacific, WWE Progression received a 3.95 rating on ABC, with a 1.61 rating on Nippon TV, and Smackdown received a 4.10 rating on the CW, with a 0.41 rating on Sky One. [U]TNA[/U] [COLOR=green][B]TNA Impact[/COLOR][/B]: Team 3D defeated Trent Acid and Sexxy Eddy when Brother Ray pinned Sexxy Eddy with the 3D, AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels defeated Petey Williams and Scott Steiner when Styles pinnned Petey Williams with the Frog Splash, Roxxy pinned TNA Knockout's Champion Raisha Saeed in a non title match, Alex Shelley defeated Phoenix Starr and DeMaco Ryans when Shelley pinned Starr with the Shell Shock, Brock Lesnar pinned TNA Champion Sting in a non title match on free television with no build after Lashley threw Sting back into the ring, allowing an F-5 to connect, Lashley and Lesnar beat up Sting, until Jay Lethal makes the save, and Bill Goldberg pinned Tomko with the Jackhammer in a main event. [I]The Thoughts[/I]: Goldberg turned the clock back to 1998 with that match against Tomko and in a good way as the crowd was popping. Tomko got a bit more offense than the usual Goldberg victim but once Goldberg hit the spear, it set up the Jackhammer and it was over. Also Sting/Lesnar for the first time ever, they did not build it. Russorific bull**** here. Lashley/Sting for the TNA Championship and the alliance between Lesnar and Lashley continues. Also, they look to be setting something up with Roxxy and Raisha Saeed over the Knockout's Title which should be fine. It should be noted this is the last TNA Impact on Spike, but it will be shown on either the Internet or on International. [COLOR=gold][B]TNA Dominance[/COLOR][/B] featured DeMaco Ryans pinning Consequences Creed with a tackle, Mike DiBiase pinned Jimmy Schwain with a cobra clutch slam, Awesome Kong pinned Roxxy with the Awesome Bomb, TNA Tag Team Champions AJ Styles and Tomko defeated Petey Williams and Scott Steiner in a non title match when Styles pinned Petey with the Frog Splash, Lashley pinned Brother Devon with the Running Powerslam, and Jay Lethal pinned Homicide after a Scorpion Deathdrop. Lethal was wearing facepaint like 1990s surfer dude Sting. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] So Lethal's went from being Macho Man to being Sting. Why can't he just be Jay Lethal? Homicide loses to the parody guy. Another Tomko and Styles against Petey Williams and Scott Steiner match, because there can only be one tag feud in each promotion. Also, the push of Lashley continues, which should lead to a great title match at Destination X. TNA Impact received a 3.06 rating and TNA Dominance received a 4.57 rating. [U]NWA[/U] [COLOR=brown][B]NWA Live Action featured[/COLOR][/B] James Storm pinning Chris Sabin with a superkick, Death From Above retaining the NWA Tag Team Titles over the Urban Gladiators when Sabu pinned Abyss with the Triple Jump Moonsault, Rhino pinned Rob Van Dam with the Gore, and Shaquile O' Neal pinned NWA World Champion Booker T in a non title match with a power bomb. [I]Thoughts on the Show:[/I] There's another Pay Per View this week, with the two men who are going to face for the title(Booker and RVD), losing cleanly. Is Vince Russo getting a second paycheck we're not aware of? [B]NWA Last Grasp Report[/B]: Sean Waltman pinned Frankie Kazarian with an awkward roll up(more on this below), Nova pinned Rene Dupree with a senton bomb, Scott Taylor pinned Jimmy Yang with a DDT out of the corner, Heidenreich pinned Sylvain Grenier with a punch to the rib cage, Chris Mordetzky and Bryan Danielson defeated the Urban Gladiators when Danielson pinned Vito with a small package, Death From Above retained the NWA Tag Team Titles over Andrew Test Martin and Joey Matthews when Sabu pinned Matthews with a Triple Jump Moonsault, Booker T pinned Rob Van Dam with the Axe Kick to retain the NWA Title, and Rhino and Christian defeated Shaquile O' Neal and Nick Dinsmore when Rhino pinned Dinsmore with the Gore. [I]Thoughts on the Show[/I] The World Title Match as good as usual. The tag main event was acceptable. Also, the tag team title match was good. As for Grenier/Heidenreich, whoever book this match should be shot. Sean Waltman broke his neck and will be out for fourteen months and may have to retire. More on this in the future. NWA The Sun Never Sets received a 0.52 buyrate or 208000 people buying the show. [U]Lucha[/U] Lucha Madness featured Latin Lover defeated Electro Shock and Negro Casas defeated Tarzan Boy to retain the Mexico National Middleweight Title. CMLL featured El Hijo Del Perro, Atlantis, and Aguilia defeated Decniss, Magica, and Takemura and Nicho, Blue Panther, and Olimpico retaining the CMLL Trios Titles over Billy Boy, Mr Niebla, and Lizmark Jr. [U]Puro[/U] Takeshi Rikio captured the GHC Heavyweight Title over Mitsuhara Misawa. [U]The Indies[/U] PWG had their monthly showed featured Chris Hero defeated Austin Aries to retain the PWG Championship. Also, Jimmy Rave defeated Jack Evans, Tyler Black, Roderick Strong, and Eddie Kingston defeated PAC, Retail Dragon, and Claudio Castagnoli, Davey Richards defeated Teddy Hart, and El Generico defeated Super Dragon. CHIKARA had their monthly show featuring Mike Quackenbush defeating Delirious, Claudio Castagnoli defeating Chris Hero, and El Pantera defeating Shane Storm. SHIMMER had their monthly show featuring Daizee Haze retaining the SHIMMER Championship over MsChif. Also, Mercedes Martinez defeated Rain. FIP featured Roderick Strong defeated Bryan Danielson to retain the FIP Championship. Also, Jack Evans defeated Brent Albright, Tyler Black defeated Jay Briscoe, and Davey Richards defeated Eddie Kingston to capture the Florida State Heritage Title. [/QUOTE]
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