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Well i reading in the forums and seen HAWAII is going to be on the map for the 08 game well all i can say is about time.When i bought the 07 game thats the first thing i noticed hey no Hawaii and yes as you can tell iam from hawaii so glsd ya going to have us in the 08 game but one last question what happ to New Zealand they where a wrestling hotbed in the 70s and early 80s rem the sheep herders well anyways glad to see hwaii in the 08 game now im just waiting for it to come out.Hmm i wonder if grey dog will let me camp out in font of the office while i wait for the game or maybe i can pitch a tent in front of Adamms place
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Well srry [QUOTE=takertitan;414080]. That is a period. Normally, when talking or typing people use them to show a pause or an end of a thought. Till you learn that, reading anything you type is annoying. Thank you.[/QUOTE]Srry MR grumpy
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Did he really use the phrase "pitch a tent"? [quote]I didn't realize English was a second language for Hawaiian citizens until just now. I think we should be supportive of mike b as he broadens his linguistic horizons![/quote] Not sure if you're joking, but if you don't look like a complete haole on your next visit to Hawai'i: [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_Pidgin_English"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawaiian_Pidgin_English[/URL]
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