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elite Wrestling revolution: Changing The World

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[I]OOD: Hey all, this is a contiinuation of my IPW diary found here [url]http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=28386&page=3[/url] I was planning to continue the IPW diary, but I figured since this was what I was hoping for, I'll cut to the chase.[/I] A hot August day in Yonkers, NY. The board of directors of IPW sat in their boardroom. Recgonizible faces like Al Snow, Mike Quackenbush and Lance Storm sat among with other board members. The board, still fuming from the attempted mutinty which saw IPW's booker and CFO attempt to sell the company and stage an invasion of the Philly based hardcore promotion. The board had offically just voted the man who founded the company, yet spread power across it evenly, as well as it's World Champion "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter the offical owner of IPW. Carter looked happy and satisfied as he walked to the podium at the front of the boardroom table. [B]So it's agreed then, I'm going to take over as OFFICAL owner for us. OK. Well guys, I'm not gonna lie, I was expecting this but either way I gotta announce this. We've been doing nothing but huge business since we opened. No one since ECW has gotten this popular this fast. I'd like to think we have more fan support than any of the other indys out there right now, sans ROH. We've got a TV deal, we're working on a nation wide one, there's intrest in us to do a pay per view show and every day, more of the top talent sends us resumes so we can get them under the IPW banner. I want this promotion to succede. I want to take this craft of pro wrestling to another level. Right now, our business is changing. The big promotions are struggleing. No one respects TNA and the WWE's lsing all of their adult fans. My goal for this company right now, and I hope you all will agree with me, is one word. Expansion. Sure, we're running shows all across this nation and we're starting shows in Canada. Sure, we have had a relativly solid product and roster. But I want every wrestling fan in North America to know about IPW. The first step in this is making a franchise player. I hereby announcement my offical retirement from pro wrestling and will be vacating this title. But we're not done there guys. Mark the calanders guys, August 26, 2006 at the Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City. Our biggest crowd to date will witness the final IPW show.[/B] The board members looked surprised as Carter calmed them down. [B]Because IPW changes following this. This does not leave this room gentlemen and ladies. We are on the verge of gaining a big money backer, who will take us to that next level. I'm not at liberty to make announcements yet, but check your e-mails continously this week. Now, assuming this happens, we are going to make massive changes to this promotion. The first thing we're gonna do is take a month off to get everything straightened out. The name will be different. The belts will be different. The set will be different. The lighting, the production will be better. And the roster will be different. Back to what I was saying about a franchise player. We're gonna book a tournament when we resume opperations to crown a new champion. I've put together a list of 16 guys which have agreed they want in the future of wrestling. Here is that list, along with my new vision for this company and it's future.[/B] He passes out a syllabus of sorts to the board. Shock and surprise fills the room. "He's not on the roster!" and "He just got released, how is he gonna work for us that quick?" were some of the phrases shouted. Carter smirked, reeking of confidence replied. [B]Well, like I said, the roster is gonna be different. All of those guys, they're on board with us. There's a few more on the way. Guys, I'm gonna let you all go now. Hopefully we'll get some kind of confirmation this week about the new investor. Thanks alot again guys, I appriciate this position so much and I promise you won't regret it.[/B] The seeds were planted, and soon a garden would flourish.
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July turned into August and plans changed. The investor, which was rumored to be coming in "any day now" was pondering other options but still wanted in IPW. As a result of this, IPW wasn't changing the whole way, however August 26th show, apply named "The Last Hurrah", would signal an end of an era of IPW, but a transition into a new frontier for the promotion. [QUOTE][B]Independent Pro Wrestling "The Last Hurrah" August 26, 2006 The Hammerstein Ballroom New York, NY[/B] -Show start time was advertised for 7:30, but was pushed back to 8PM. Arena is PACKED, nearly 2000 filling the Ballroom. Show starts off with IPW GM Al Snow coming to the ring in his ring gear. He confirms the rumors that Tom Carter was retiring, and because of it, Carter will face Snow in his retirement match. This leads to Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid coming out, and Kashmere claiming to sue IPW because he was getting screwed out of his rematch. Carter then comes out and announces that to defend IPW's honor he'll face Kashmere in a cage match for the IPW World Title. Snow then announces that The Backseat Boyz will also be in action, as they will face a special surprise team. -[B]Tom Carter defeated Al Snow[/B] with a 2nd rope Northern Lights Suplex. Great match. Huge ovation following this one. -[B]Claudio Castagnoli defeated Disco Machine[/B] with the Match Ender. Claudio had HUGE heel heat in his IPW debut because of his ROH run. -[B]IPW Crusierweight Title: Joey Ryan defeated Roderick Strong, Tajiri and Delirious[/B] after hitting the Moustache Ride on Tajiri. Ryan=New Champion. Ryan had huugggee heat in his Eastern debut. Tajiri was sluggish and didn't sell much. -LANCE STORM comes out to a HUGE ovation and procedes to cut a pro IPW and indy wrestling promo. This leads to Michael Shane (wearing a WWE shirt) coming out, announcing he was offically a WWE devolpmental talent and cut a heel promo on IPW and Storm and slaps Storm. -[B]Lance Storm defeats Michael Shane[/B] with the Canadian Maple Leaf. Match was about 3 minutes. Storm looked to be in amazing shape. -[B]Tag Team Challenge: The Midnight Express (Eaton and Lane) defeated The Backseat Boyz[/B] following a Eaton right with a roll of quaters on Acid. Crowd was HOT for the Midnights, who looked very good for their age. INTERMISSION -During intermsission, rumors spread that Beef Wellington was out of the show. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Titles: El Generico and Jigsaw defeated The BLK OUT, Mike Quackenbush & Eddie Kingston and Frankie Kazarian & Larry Sweeney[/B] after Generico hit Sabian with the BRAINBUSSTAH to retain the tag titles. Weird one here. Confirmed that Beef injured his knee and would be out until January at the earliest. IPW officals allowed Generico to choose a partner, so he chose fellow masked man Jigsaw. BLK OUT was announced as the number one contender and the 2 other teams were "Lethal Lottery" picks. Very strange, meh match. -[B]Davey Richards defeated Kevin Steen[/B] in a 2/3 Falls match with the DR Driver to end the feud. Following the match, Steen refused a handshake and apparently "walked out" on IPW. -[B]Colt Cabana and Chris Hero wrestled to a double countout[/B] as both men knocked each other out. Excelent bout. Following the match, Larry Sweeney and Claudio Castagnoli ran in and attacked Cabana. Hero then announced the Kings Of Wrestling were in IPW and would be taking over. -[B]Steel Cage Match For IPW World Heavyweight Title: Tom Carter defeated Johnny Kashmere[/B] after nailing a SUPER Roofies off the top of the cage. Very bloody affair. Amazing match though. Definetly worth the DVD purchase. Following the match, the locker room cleared and raised Carter on their arms. Carter then delivered a speech, vacating the title, announcing he was infact the new owner of IPW, thanked the fans for the support and announced that IPW was just getting started and that things would be picking up real soon. [/QUOTE]
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Following "The Last Hurrah", IPW made quite a few waves across the wrestling world, both good and bad. Firstly, IPW announced the indefinite shutdown of it's television program "No Rules Wrestling", in order to air a variation of the show weekly on IPW's website. It was primarly done to cut costs. They then announced the signing of several stars to exclusive contracts including Eddie Kingston, Davey Richards, The Backseat Boyz and several others. IPW then shocked the wrestling world by announcing that Lance Storm was to make his return to the ring exclusivly under the IPW banner. IPW then lost Chris The Bambi Killer to the WWE. The month closed with IPW's next major show, "Red Dawn" at a sold out Spectrum Theatre in Philadelphia, PA. The show held several first round matches in the IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament. [QUOTE][B]Independent Pro Wrestling "Red Dawn" September 30, 2006 The Spectrum Theatre Philadelphia, PA [/B] -HUGE turnout. IPW's tremendous marketing campaign works again. Several buses from NYC showed up at around 5. The arena was nearly fully packed at 7PM. Show was schuelded to start at 7:30 so we got some rare preshow matches. -Preshow Match: The Colony defeated Rhett Titus & Disco Machine -Preshow Match: Devon Moore defeated Shane Storm -Show starts with The Backseat Boyz coming out, and cutting a heel promo on Philadelphia, claiming they were ashamed to be from there because they weren't given the key to the city upon their arrival. They then procede to go off on the Midnight Express, challenging them to a rematch, claiming they'll send them into the retirement home and then take their rightfull place as IPW Tag Champs. This leads to GM Al Snow coming out and offically announcing the brackets for the IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament, with all the first round matches happening tonight and the quaters, semis and finals happening at next month's show in Chicago. He then announces that Kashmere must leave the ring, because Acid is in action first...against the returning Lance Storm. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Lance Storm defeated Trent Acid [/B] with The Canadian Maple Leaf after the Midnight Express did a run in and tripped up Acid as he attempted the Yakuza Kick. Storm looked solid as ever. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Mike Quackenbush defeated Frankie Kazarian[/B] with the Chikara Special II. Decent enough match. Kazarian was nursing a shoulder injury he obtained in PWG last weekend. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Delirious[/B] with the Ricola Bomb. Claudio entered with the rest of the Kings Of Wrestling. MASSIVE heel heat these 3 have. Great match, hopefully will be done again. -Joey Ryan is out now and cuts a promo on how he's the best wrestler in IPW and he'll prove it by becoming the first double champion in IPW history. He then procedes to do a super quick squash against some CHIKARA student as a "tune up" for his tournament against the "mystery superstar". -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Nigel McGuiness defeated Joey Ryan[/B] with the Thames Barrier. HUGE surprise that Nigel showed up and the insane pop he got signaled this. Ryan was definetly not winning this one as Nigel was too over. - INTERMISSION -During intermission, I learned IPW was organizing 4 "IPW Express" buses from NYC, Philly and Boston to Chicago and apparently more could be added. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Titiles: (C) JigNerico defeated The Colony[/B] with a Jig and Tonic on Worker Ant. Colony was on double duty as they got a big reaction during their preshow match. Decent enough, didn't really do much. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Eddie Kingston defeated Johhny Kashmere[/B] with a Backdrop Suplex. Kashmere and Kingston didn't click at all. Midnights do another run in, but Acid prevents it kinda, with Kashmere getting Backdroped on his head. Following the match the Backseats destroyed The Midnights, bloodying both men. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Davey Richards defeated Tajiri[/B] with the DR Driver. Big upset here. They definetly didn't match up well, with Tajiri not selling at all again. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Chris Hero defeated Ruckus[/B] with the Hero's Welcome. Match of the night. These 2 turned it ON. Hero is insanly over in Philly btw. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Opening Round: Colt Cabana defeated Larry Sweeney[/B] with the Colt 45. Fun comedy match. Great strut off to start it out. Following the match, Sweeney's fellow KOW stormed the ring but refused to fight Cabana, they just pointed and claimed they would get the belt next week and Cabana's time was coming. Show ended with Cabana celebrating in ring. -So here's the brackets for the next show: BRACKET A: -Mike Quackenbush vs. Chris Hero -Lance Storm vs. Davey Richards BRACKET B: -Eddie Kingston vs. Claudio Castagnoli -Nigel McGuiness vs. Colt Cabana [/QUOTE]
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[i]Thanks Chuck. Seriously, I would KILL to get someone to help me with graphics. I'd do em myself but no photoshop or anything.[/i] October saw IPW continue the big national push. Talks continued with it's mystery investor, however negociations took place with other money investors to help fund the promotion. Desipte their apparent money woes, IPW was making a very solid profit. Their merchandise sales were shockingly high, with IPW statistcians showing nearly every IPW show caused $40 of merchandise sales per fan in attendance. IPW still was without a major TV deal, which it so desperatly wanted. They were in negociations with several lower level cable companies for distribution but nothing. The promotion continued it's weekly highlight show on it's website and youtube. October basically showed the progressions of a Colt Cabana/Kings Of Wrestling feud, with alot of promos between the two. It also saw furthering progression of the Backseat Boyz/Midnight Express feud, which was surprisngly popular. During the shows and even on the website, promos aired starting "He's Coming" and hyping apparently a new singles star. IPW's arena choice in Chicago, running in the legendary UIC Pavillion it's biggest venue to date, was surprising to many because of it's massive size. [QUOTE][B]Independent Pro Wrestling "Crowning A Champion" October 21, 2006 UIC Pavillion Chicago, IL [/B] -Firstly, the product looked completly different. New sets (which was very similar to the old New Japan/WCW sets), new lighting grid over the ring, new look ring, etc. The crowd here was ENORMOUS, they easily got around somewhere near 4-5 thousand here, definetly out drawing some of the old AWA/WCW shows that used to run here. -Show starts with Al Snow coming out and annoucing tonight the new IPW World Heavyweight Champion will be crowned. He noted the first half of the show would be the quater finals, and the second half would be the semi's and finals. This leads to the Kings Of Wrestling; Hero, Sweeney and Castagnoli coming out and cutting a nice heel promo on Chicago and Snow. They went on proclaiming tonight the KOW will leave with the title and called the talent in the tournament inferior to the KOW. This led to Colt Cabana to come out to a HUGE reaction and cut a great promo on The Kings, making them look like jamokes. Sweeney and Claudio bail out and our show is underway. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quater Finals: Chris Hero defeated Mike Quackenbush[/B] with the Hero's Welcome. GREAT opener. First time these 2 wrestled each other in several years. Excelent chemestry between these two. Hero was over HUGE. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quater Finals: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Eddie Kingston[/B] with a Ricola Superplex. Very hard fought battle here. Kingston worked STIFF but CLaudio hung with him. Scary moment when Claudio unleashed the rare Cough Drop on Kingston, which nearly knocked him out cold. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quater Finals: Davey Richards and Lance Storm wrestled to a time limit draw[/B]. Excelent match. Nice face vs. face bout here. They went the full 20 minutes and a 5 minute sudden death peroid. The 2 shook hands following the match. This means that Chris Hero is automatically in the finals of the tournament. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Quater Finals: Colt Cabana defeated Nigel McGuiness[/B] with Cabanarama. Another great match. Cabana as the home town kid, was easily the most over guy at the show/promotion. Nigel was over huge as well. These 2 nearly went the full 20 minutes of nonstop action. Following the match, the former partners shook hands, but suddenly the King Of Wrestling rushed the ring and attacked Cabana, but Nigel helped Cabana fight them off. Then during the pull apart, the lights went out and a video played on the video screen "Tonight....A Star is REBORN....He's Coming.." -INTERMISSION -During intermission, we learned that IPW would return to Chicago in December, along with it's shows for the rest of the year. -Joey Ryan comes and cuts a heel ladies man type promo and introduces his new manager Jade Chung. He then procedes to issue an open challenge to anyone in the arena. Cue Delirious. -[B]Joey Ryan defeated Delirious[/B] after hitting a roll up and grabbing Jade Chung's hands for leverage. Decent enough match. Nothing special. -[B]IPW World Heavyweight Title Tournament Semi Finals: Colt Cabana defeated Claudio Castagnoli[/B] with a slingshot pedigree dubbed "The John Hughes". Great match. Claudio worked very dirty heel, much like 80's Flair. Very entertaining. Following the match, Larry Sweeney ran down and attacked Cabana with his ICW/ICWA Texarkana TV Title before security took he and Claudio out, as Hero came out laughing at his fallen future opponent. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Titles: (C) JigNerico defeated The BLK OUT[/B] with a Jig and Tonic on Sabian. Great high flying affair, both teams looked tremendous. Following the match, The Backseat Boyz ran down with baseball bats and attacked JigNerico. They then proceded to call out the Midnight Express for their match. Out came James E. Cornette and the classic introduction was given and the match was on. -[B]Chicago Street Fight: The Midnight Express defeated The Backseat Boyz[/B] after Lane blasted Acid over the head with the loaded Tennis racket. Nice throwback Memphis brawl. Backseats were incredibly over as heels, very Dudley esq. Excelent stuff. -[B]Main Event; Tournament Final for IPW World Heavyweight Title: Colt Cabana defeated Chris Hero[/B] with the Colt 45, Cabana new IPW World Heavyweight Champion. Phenomnial match. Started off with some nice comedy spots, but then these 2 went into a very solid 25 minutes of action. Alot of clutch false finishes, including Hero busting out an Hero's Welcome II Turbo. Cabana wins after ducking under a roaring elbow and nailing the Colt 45 for the win. The crowd absolutly lost it, enormous pop when Cabana got the three. As Cabana celebrated, the video that aired earlier in the show airs again. Suddenly the lights cut off. They cut back on and STEVIE RICHARDS is in the ring, and levels Cabana with a Stevie Kick. Hero, Sweeney and Claudio, who were at ringside helping a distraught Hero out following the match, suddenly rolled into the ring. They looked at Richards with concern, but those looks then turned into big smiles as the 4 men hugged in the center of the ring. Richards is apparently a member of the Kings Of Wrestling. They then all proceded to put the boots to the injured Cabana, until Nigel, Quackenbush, Storm and Davey Richards all ran out to clear the ring as The Kings bailed out through the crowd. Cabana slowly rose to his feet and was presented the belt by Nigel as the celebration continued until the show ended. [/QUOTE]
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November saw great changes throughout the wrestling world. Kurt Angle made his offical in ring debut with TNA. And the WWE began it's restructuring of the ECW brand, with ECW Originals like Balls Mahoney, Nunzio, Danny Doring, Tony Mamaluke and Stevie Richards all were released. Rumbilings of distrust in the product by both Paul Heyman and Johnny Ace, put the ECW brand which had been up until the Angle defection in serious turmoil. At the same time, TNA's misuse of it's mid card talent resulted in sour feelings across the locker room. Many saw the Angle signing as important, but eventually something that would continue their push back into the background of the company. However, IPW seemingly had it's priorities together. Tom Carter singlehandedly help ressurect talks with their main potential investor, as he was plotting to open his own promotion. Negociations continued throughout November, as did their television negociations. They now concentrated on 4 main networks to air their product; Versus, FUSE, G4 and HDNet. They did however enter into preliminary talks with iNDEMAND PPV systems to air it's product from the start on PPV or even air a live show or two. IPW continued to air hype programs on IPWrestling.com. The main angle of IPW was The Kings Of Wrestling and their plans to takeover IPW. It was revealed that newly signed Stevie Richards was the "star" of the Kings Of Wrestling, the name which people would remember and associate with greatness along with Hero, Sweeney and Castagnoli. Richards was being eased into a feud with IPW Champ Colt Cabana. They hyped the Kings as a unit, and hyped Cabana, McGuiness and Quackenbush as the main rivals of the KOWs. IPW did end up running several house shows in November in some of it's smaller markets including Edison, NJ, Richmond, VA, Pittsburgh, PA and Cincinatti, OH. IPW's new houseshow plan was to run medium sized house shows on back to back nights every Friday and Saturday, with the month's big show taking place every third Saturday. IPW's next major show took IPW back to Boston in another new venue, The Agganis Arena. [QUOTE][b]Independent Pro Wrestling "November Pain" November 18, 2006 Agganis Arena Boston, MA[/b] -Another big show. They apparently sold out the new arena with around 6000 strong coming in for this one. IPW was hyping it's apparent Wrestlemania sized show "WrestleFest 06" in New York City in December. Alot of rumbleings of a big announcement to be made at the show. -Backseats are out first in Yankees jerseys. They cut a nice heel promo on Boston and then set their sights on The Midnight Express. They claim that they are holding them up for their destiny of wining the IPW Tag Belts and challenge them to a match again. This leads to GM Al Snow coming out. He claims that The Backseats aren't in position to talk about the tag titles, as The Midnights are the number one contenders. So tonight, the Backseats would face The BLK OUT and the Midnights would compete for the tag belts. Backseats, enraged, high tail it to the back. -[B]Sicodelcio Jr. and Incognito defeated Danny Danniels and Sal Rinauro[/B] with a double moonsault on Danniels. Done to get all 4 new guys over I guess. Nothing really spectacular. -[B]IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Joey Ryan defeated Jason Rumble[/B] with Moustache Ride. Ryan pulled a "hometown hero" gimmick and challenged the best crusier in Boston, who happened to be Rumble. Decent enough match. Ryan was decently over along with manager Jade Chung. -The Kings Of Wrestling came out and cut a GREAT heel promo on IPW, Cabana, Nigel and Quack. This led to those 3 coming out. Stevie announced that he was not "cleared" to wrestle, which leads to the announcement of our main event: 6 Man Survivor Match. Kings leave through the crowd. -[B]Eddie Kingston defeated Disco Machine[/B] with a Uranage. Susposed to be Kingston against Frankie Kazarian but he was booked to do a TNA house show on the same night. Nothing but a long squash. -[B]The BLK OUT defeated The Backseat Boyz[/B] by DQ after Kashmere attempted to attack Ruckus with a bat. Nice match but seemed kinda rushed. Following the match, BLK OUT chased the Backseats to the back as they celebrated. -INTERMISSION -I looked at the schuedle and IPW's doing alot of house shows in December, hitting Toronto, Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Philadelphia, New York for WrestleFest, and debuts in Charlotte, Indianpolis, Tampa and Miami. Impressive. -[B]Davey Richards and Lance Storm wrestled to a 20 minute draw[/B]. Another amazing match between these 2. They put on a clinic and the crowd was greatful. Worth the DVD alone. Following the match, Storm challenged Richards to a 25 Minute Iron Man match at WrestleFest. They 2 agreeded and shook hands and embraced. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Titles: The Midnight Express defeated (C) JigNerico[/B] by DQ after the Backseat Boyz did a run in, which led to JigNerico helping the Midnights fight off The Backseats. The match was meh, very old school pased. Following the match, The Midnights claimed IPW was big enough for them and The Backseats and challenged them at WrestleFest to a Loser Leaves Town match. Backseats agreed, and then The Midnights demanded it take place inside a cage, to a huge pop. -Al Snow comes out and goes on to announce that thanks to the incredible support of the fans and them helping take them from nothing into something, IPW will be on Pay Per View as WrestleFest 06 will be aired LIVE on pay per view from The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, Saturday Night December 30th. HUUUGE POP. Biggest pop I've ever heard at an IPW show. Kings Of Wrestling come out and cut a promo about how the PPV deal is cause the Kings were in IPW and proceded to put themselves over as the elite force in IPW. This led to our Main Event. [B]Main Event; 6 Man Survivor Match: The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney) defeated Colt Cabana, Nigel McGuiness and Mike Quackenbush; Hero is the sole survivor[/B] EXCELENT match. Went a solid 25 minutes of nothing but action. Quack was the first out following Sweeney rolling him up and getting the tights. Nigel and Sweeney were out next as a result of a double countout as the 2 went to the outside and brawled to the back. Claudio was out next after Cabana nailed the John Hughes. It was down to Hero/Cabana. Ref bump and Cabana nailed the Colt 45 and locked Hero in a Boston Crab variation. This led to Stevie Richards running and nailing Cabana with his a Stevie Kick to the back of the head. Hero then nailed the Hero's Welcome for the win. The Kings came back out as Stevie savagly attacked Cabana, bloodying him. The Kings then held a fallen Cabana up as Stevie taunted him with his own IPW World Title. Nigel and Quack ran down but had trouble with the extra man advantage of the Kings. Suddenly the lights went out, and inside the ring was Delirious, who helped run the Kings out. Stevie screamed for his shot against Cabana, as Delirous, Nigel and Quack helped the bloodied Cabana to his feet. He then took the mic and proceded to accept Richards' challenge at WrestleFest for the IPW belt. [/QUOTE]
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December was a very critical month for IPW. Their surprising announcement of a pay per view deal surprised many. It was later found out, the deal was one in which IPW pays iNDEMAND to air the program. Depending on the rates and revenues from this, a second and further PPV deal would be placed on the table. IPW began a huge advertising campaign, airing national spots during WWE and TNA programing, even airing promos during Galavision's AAA programing. They continued to air it's webshow, however the PPV was clearly the number one issue for IPW at the time. Below is the final card, as of 5PM the night of the show. [CENTER][SIZE="2"]Independent Pro Wrestling and Quiznos Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][B]WrestleFest 06[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="3"]From The Hammerstein Ballroom in New York, NY[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event[/SIZE][/B] For The IPW World Heavyweight Title [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Colt_Cabana-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Stevie_Richards.jpg[/IMG] (C) Colt Cabana vs. Stevie Richards [B][SIZE="4"]Special Tag Team Challenge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Chris_Hero-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Double_C.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/NigelMcGuinness-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Mike_Quackenbush.jpg[/IMG] The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Nigel McGuiness and Mike Quackenbush [B][SIZE="4"]30 Minute Iron Man Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Davey_Richards-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Lance_Storm.jpg[/IMG] Davey Richards vs. Lance Storm [B][SIZE="4"]Loser Leaves Town Cage Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1940/johnnykashmerenl8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4306/trentacidlc7.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Bobby_Eaton.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img172.imagevenue.com/loc377/th_43806_Stan_Lane_122_377lo.jpg[/IMG] The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid) vs. The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton & Stan Lane) [B][SIZE="4"]IPW World Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/Jigsaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/ElGenerico-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Ruckus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a387/TheLoco/Sabian.jpg[/IMG] (C) JigNerico (Jigsaw and El Generico) vs. The BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) [B][SIZE="4"]IPW Crusierweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/roblight/EWR%20Pics/JoeyRyan21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/4051/hallowickedoa2.jpg[/IMG] (C) Joey Ryan vs. Hallowicked [B][SIZE="4"]Kings Of Wrestling vs. IPW Renews A Rivalry[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Larry_Sweeney.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Delirious-1.jpg[/IMG] Larry Sweeney vs. Delirious [B][SIZE="4"]Open Challenge Match (Formally Kingston/Kazarian)[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6821/eddiekingstonyy2.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Kingston vs. ??? All this plus MUCH MUCH MORE Satuday Night December 30, Live on Pay Per View!!! [/center]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B]LIVE COVERAGE IPW's WrestleFest 06 December 30, 2006 Hammerstein Ballroom Manhattan, NY[/B] -Welcome to LIVE COVERAGE of IPW's DEBUT PPV "WrestleFest 06". We've got a few contributers at the event, but we'll be keeping track here on the PPV broadcast. -30 minutes of preshow goodness, held live from the arena. Did alot to get the casual fans up to date on the IPW product. Here's some small facts I've been informed about the pay per view: Frankie Kazarian was schuelded to face Eddie Kingston but TNA doesn't want any contracted talent appearing on other PPVs. We've also learned 2-3 new matches were rumored to be taking place at the event. Finally, I was txt'ed that a "huge surprise" was in the house. Weird. -[B]Dark Match/Pre Show Match: Incognito and Sicodelcio Jr. defeated Danny Demanto and Silias Young[/B] with a double Moonsault on Demanto. Decent enough match. Nothing spectacular. -It's 8PM. Fade to black. New IPW highlight video, looks great. It's followed by a breif video history of IPW, then hyping the main 3 matches of the show. Cuts to a nice shot of the arena, theme song of the night is "Shut Me Up" by Mindless Self Indulgence. Respect. We go to Eric Garagulio and Aaron Royal who hype to show and such and we now go ringside for our opening bout. -[B]4 Corners Crusierweight Title Contenders Match: Matt Sydal defeated Sal Rinauro, Danny Daniels and Spud[/B] after Sydal hit the Cylorama on Daniels. GREAT opener. ROH's Sydal and British star Spud making surprise debuts here. I'm really surprised about Sydal. Sydal and Spud looked incredible together and I sincerly hope for a program later on with them. -Backstage we go, as we go to a promo with IPW Crusierweight Champ Joey Ryan and manager Jade Chung. Ryan congraulates Matt Sydal and tells him he's gonna be the next victim. He then procedes to call Hallowicked a joke and claims that tonight he was gonna prove he's the best crusierweight in the world. In ring we go again. -[B]Eddie Kingston defeated CW Anderson[/B] with a folding powerbomb. Kingston, before the match, cuts an excelent promo hyping the BLK OUT, himself and then cuts ass on Frankie Kazarian, calling him a bitch for dodgeing him for 2 months. Robby Marino procedes to inform Eddie his contract was infact signed and it was by former ECW star CW Anderson, returning to the house that made him famous. Nice hard hitting match. Kingston looked surprisingly good in this one. Anderson looked liked he missed a step a few times but still decent enough. -Backstage we go, to a pre taped segment watching the 2 teams in the IPW World Tag Team Title Match train. BLK OUT are training by smoking weed in an alley beside the Hammerstein Ballroom and JigNerico train by playing WWF No Mercy on the N64. Brilliant. -[B]IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Joey Ryan defeated Hallowicked[/B] with a pump handle slam into a DDT. Decent match. Ryan was over niceley as the piss ant heel here. 'Wicked had to be helped out of the ring following the match. -Backstage we go to an interview with Lance Storm. Storm hypes IPW as the place to be and puts over his match with Davey Richards and puts Richards over nicely as well. We then seen the Kings Of Wrestling's limo arriving and the 4 walking out smirking. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Title: (C) JigNerico defeated The BLK OUT[/B] after Jigsaw hit a Super Jig N Tonic on Ruckus. Very good matchup here. The crowd was definetly split down the middle, with many back and forth chants. Excelent tag team wrestling here. Following the match, the 2 teams shook hands. -Backseat Boyz promo on the Midnights. They claimed tonight they would not only cement their names as the best team ever, but they'll also get arrested for a double homicide. -[B]Grudge Match: Delirious and Larry Sweeney wrestled to a no contest[/B] as both were counted out. The usual comedy match gimmick between these two changed drastically as they fought a very tooth and nail type match. Sweeney may have put on one of his best performances ever. Both men spilled to the outside, and Delirious drove Sweeney through a table with a splash, therefore allowing the double count out. As both men were helped to the back, we went backstage where we see Colt Cabana taping up for his match. -[B]30 Minute Iron Man Match: Davey Richards and Lance Storm wrestled to a no decision[/B]. GREAT MATCH. Technical wonderfulness. Very Steamboat/Flair esq. The 2 put on a barn burner which resulted in 0 falls. These 2 have gone 90 minutes the past 2 months without a fall. The crowd ate this one up and was very hot by the end of it. Following the match, the 2 hugged and shook hands. Storm then took a mic and announced Richards was to become his new protege. Richards was shocked and accepted as the 2 shook hands. -Kings Of Wrestling promo. Hero and Castagnoli put themselves over tremendously and cut a great one on Nigel and McGuiness. Richards then went OFF on Cabana. Good stuff. Ringside we go to see the steel cage being set up. Video of the saga of The Backseat Boyz/Midnights is played. -[B]Loser Leaves Town Cage Match: The Backseat Boyz defeated The Midnight Express[/B] after Acid escapes the cage. Did not go off the way one thought it would. No real high spots, more of a brawl if anything. Definetly wasn't their best match. Backseats were over as heels big time as the Midnights got nice reactions. Big stinker here. -Colt Cabana interview on Richards and KOW. Very funny. He promised he would leave with the title and would send Richards back to the Blue Meanie's house to play In Your House. Blonde Bytch Project refrence=nice. -[B]The Kings Of Wrestling defeated Nigel McGuiness and Mike Quackenbush[/B] after Castagnoli pinned Quackenbush after a chairshot from Larry Sweeney. This tag match DEFINETLY made up for the last match. The Kings were easily the most hated guys there, as Nigel and Quack got an unexpectdly great reaction. Very crisp and excelent match. All 4 men had a great chemestry. Ref bump, which leads to Nigel nailing a stiff Lariat on Hero to the outside, which allowed Claudio to nail him with The Cough Drop, sending him out which allowe Quack to run in, nail Claudio and lock him in the Chikara Special, until Sweeney ran in and nailed him with a chair. The 3 Kings celebrated and bailed out of the ring as Nigel and Quack recovered. A video hyping the next IPW PPV in March is aired, then into a cool video documenting Stevie/Cabana. -[B]Main Event for IPW World Heavyweight Title: (C) Colt Cabana defeated Stevie Richards[/B] with the Colt 45. Decent match. HUGE reactions for both men, with Cabana being the most over guy there (for now). Match wise, Stevie looked a little rusty and he and Cabana didn't look that tremendous. Match ends with Stevie attempting the Stevie Kick but Cabana ducking under, going for a stunner, then recreating the Austin/Michaels WM X4 finish but Cabana then hitting the Colt 45 on the rebound for the win. As Cabana celebrated and Richards was escorted out by the KOWs and made their way up the, the lights suddenly went out. Soon enough, they cut back on and a man is in the ring next to Cabana. The cameras pan to him and the crowd lose their minds as it reveals... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Alex_ShelleyYY.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ALEX SHELLEY WAS IN AN IPW RING!!!! The crowd was shocked an an "AL-EX-SHELLEY clap clap clap clap clap" chant started instanly. A shocked and confused Cabana stood face to face with a determined Shelley. Richards and The Kings looked shocked and intrigued in the isle as they watched the happening in mid ring. Cabana turned to exit the ring, but Shelley NAILS Cabana with a Backstabber. The crowd is shocked. Shelley lifts the fallen Cabana and NAILS the Shellshock on the World Champ. The Kings seem surprised but happy. Shelley smirks as he looks over the fallen body of Cabana. Shelley then picks up the IPW World Heavyweight Title, stares at it, then talks more smack over the fallen Cabana and then holds up the belt, signifying it will soon be his. He then drapes it over Cabana's waist. The Kings are now smiling as they slowly enter the backstage area. The show closes with Shelley standing over the fallen champ, doing his signature A pose as Garagulio wonders "Why is Alex Shelley in IPW?" [CENTER][IMG]http://www.sqorpio.clan.su/_ph/3/2/156440902.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/QUOTE]
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2007 entered like a lion for IPW. Alex Shelley shocked many inside the wrestling world by defecting from TNA to IPW. Word on the street was that Shelley was one of the more vocal members of the TNA roster who was upset about mid card talent's treatment and he then walked out of his verbal contract with them. Shelley was welcomed with open arms into IPW. The surprise debut of Shelley caped off an amazing night which was "WrestleFest 06". The wrestling public considered the event a major success, as it did what it susposed to do, present the IPW product to a massive audience. Early estimates shocked many internally as the PPV did upwards of 13,000 buys, a number they did not at all expect to reach. iNDEMAND re-negociated with IPW and signed on to work with IPW until 2008, producing PPV's with them. The success of the PPV now made IPW a very viable commodity, as networks were now throwing themselves at them. IPW continued to field offers. IPW continued to air it's highlight show online, now signing a deal with YouTube to promote segments and the show itself. IPW's January card would be held in the wrestling hotbed of Memphis, TN, IPW's debut show in the area. IPW made waves as it was announced they would be the final wrestling show to be held in the legendary Mid South Colliseum. The show was dubbed "New Years Evil: Memphis Mayhem". Word got around that Corey Malkin's Memphis Wrestling promotion was not happy with this. Jerry Lawler himself attempted to talk IPW out of the arena, but he backed down however, as the Memphis City Council delayed the Colliseum's closing until May of 2007, allowing a final big Memphis Wrestling show there. Despite this, many fans were intrigued because of the big hoopla made because of this. But as the event neared, no one sans Tom Carter knew that bigger and better things were on the horizon: the financial backer they had been courting for months had gone into final negociations. The time was near. [CENTER][SIZE="2"]Independent Pro Wrestling and Quiznos Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][B]New Year's Evil: Memphis Mayhem[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="3"]From The Mid South Colliseum in Memphis, TN[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event[/SIZE][/B] Memphis Street Fight Series; Anything Goes; Lethal Lottery Rules [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Colt_Cabana-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/NigelMcGuinness-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Mike_Quackenbush.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Delirious-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Stevie_Richards.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Chris_Hero-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Double_C.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Larry_Sweeney.jpg[/IMG] Colt Cabana, Nigel McGuiness, Mike Quackenbush and Delirious vs. The Kings Of Wrestling (Stevie Richards, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney) [B][SIZE="4"]The Debut[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://th185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/th_AlexShelley2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Davey_Richards-1.jpg[/IMG] Alex Shelley vs. Davey Richards [B][SIZE="4"]ECW Alumns Battle[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Lance_Storm.jpg[/IMG] [[IMG]http://img240.echo.cx/img240/2337/cwanderson7na.jpg[/IMG] Lance Storm vs. CW Anderson [B][SIZE="4"]The Backseat Boyz' Memphis Challenge To Any Memphis Legend[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1940/johnnykashmerenl8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4306/trentacidlc7.jpg[/IMG] The Backseat Boyz vs. ???? [B][SIZE="4"]IPW World Tag Team Titles Rematch From WrestleFest[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/Jigsaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/ElGenerico-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Ruckus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a387/TheLoco/Sabian.jpg[/IMG] (C) JigNerico (Jigsaw and El Generico) vs. The BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) [B][SIZE="4"]IPW Crusierweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/roblight/EWR%20Pics/JoeyRyan21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii186/MCMachineGun/EWR/M%20Pictures/Matt_Sydal.jpg[/IMG] (C) Joey Ryan vs. Matt Sydal [B][SIZE="4"]Finally[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6821/eddiekingstonyy2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://th227.photobucket.com/albums/dd42/TNAFAN95/th_Frankie_Kazarian.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Kingston vs. Frankie Kazarian [B][SIZE="4"]Special Attraction: AWA World Heavyweight Title vs. Southern Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/7610/ricconverseuu0.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://th172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/th_Steve_Corino.jpg[/IMG] Southern (C) Ric Converse vs. AWA (C) Steve Corino All This Plus MUCH MUCH More Saturday Night January 20, 2007 live on IPWrestling.com and replayed on PPV!!! [/center]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B]Independent Pro Wrestling "New Year's Evil: Memphis Mayhem" January 20, 2007 The Mid South Coliseum Memphis, TN [/B] -Nice turnout here. Not a sell out, but still a decent sized number. Didn't expect this many as IPW was on Memphis TV for literly a month or so before they went to the interwebs. No real dark matches or anything. BTW, Memphis Wrestling had a van and a few wrestlers outside to try and steal IPW's thunder. -Show starts with Al Snow who gets a decent reaction. He announces to the fans to rules for the main event Memphis Street Fight Series, the team with a winning record at the end of the night would be ruled the winner. He then announced the matches would be the following: Chris Hero vs. Delirious, Claudio Castagnoli vs. Colt Cabana, Larry Sweeney vs. Mike Quackenbush and our opener, Stevie Richards vs. Nigel McGuiness. -[B]Memphis Street Fight Series: Stevie Richards defeated Nigel McGuiness[/B] following a StevieT on a chair. Good match. This is the best Stevie's looked yet. He and Nigel started it off as a technical affair, but Richards quickly returned to his ECW roots and started off a nice brawl. Nigel nearly won it with a sick looking Tower Of London through a table. However, Stevie rolled out of the ring to recover. Overall great match, with both men over huge. -[B]Eddie Kingston defeated Ric Converse[/B] with the Kondo Clutch. So apparently here's what happened. Steve Corino double booked and screwed IPW over and went to a AWA show instead. Frankie Kazarian's shoulder injury once again flared up. Ergo the quick booking. Basically a squash. Following the match, Kingston shot on IPW managment about his level of opponents and claimed if he didn't get a big match soon, he was gonna "OD" on people. -The arena played a anti Memphis Backseat Boyz promo. Nice -[B]Lance Storm defeated CW Anderson[/B] with the Canadian Maple Leaf. Storm got a nice reaction, kinda surprised for the lack of it honestly. These 2 put on a relativly solid match, a few blown spots but nothing serious. Following the match, the 2 shook hands. IPW looks to be pushing Storm as a Bret Hart type character circa 93-95. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Titles: (C) JigNerico defeated The BLK OUT[/B] following a BRAINBUSTAHH on Sabian by Generico. Another great match between these 2. Another split house for the fans. BLK OUT dominated much of this match, only to have JigNerico do the huge comeback for the win. -[B]Memphis Street Fight Series: Mike Quackenbush defeated Larry Sweeney[/B] with the Quackendriver II. Sweeney brought out his "Memphis friend" Mitch Ryder out with him as his second, and this quickly turned into a 2 on 1 match. Classic Lawler/Idol esq brawl, as Quack wrestled a more brawling type style this one. Quack knocked Ryder out with the ring bell and then hit the Quackendriver II on a bloodied Sweeney. -INTERMISSION -Apparently the Backseat Boyz are gonna close the show. We've heard rumors that a few legit legends are in the house and it maybe interesting. -[B]IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Joey Ryan defeated Matt Sydal[/B] with a victory roll variation. EXCELENT MATCH. These 2 have got some great chemestry. The crowd loved Sydal and hated Ryan alot. The crowd poped for everything done in this match. Match ends with Sydal attempting a wheelbarrow Yoshi Tonic variation, but Ryan blocked it and rolled him up for a modified victory roll. This match HAS TO be done again. -[B]Memphis Street Fight Series: Chris Hero and Delirious wrestled to a double knock out[/B]. Very good match. Excelent combo of crazy Delirious and super doushbag Hero comedy and wrestling. Not alot of weapon use, more of a regular mat based match. Hero brings a chair in but Delirious snatches it away but Hero kicks him in the head and picks the chair back up. Unbeknown to him, Delirious loads his mask with a foreign object. Hero and the chair waslk over to the ropes where Delirious is getting up, Hero raised the chair but Delirious headbutts him in the gut as Hero smashes the chair over Delirious' back. Delirious then headbutts the chair over Hero's head, knocking both men out. Great fustercluck ending. -[B]Alex Shelley defeated Davey Richards[/B] with the Shellshock. Match of the night. Shelley played the tweener heel role FANTASTICALLY. No one still knew of his reasons for coming to IPW so he sorta played the outsider role. Match wise these 2 have an excelent chemestry. Very back and forth high impact type wrestling. Shelley made Richards look like a God and vice versa. Shelley nails the Shellshock suddenly and following a breif celebration exited through the crowd. -The arena played another anti Memphis Backseat Boyz promo. -[B]Memphis Street Fight Series: Claudio Castagnoli defeated Colt Cabana[/B] following Alex Shelley nailing Cabana in the head with a chair. Nice fuster cluck match. Cabana was over HUGE. Claudio got the obligitory KOW heel pop. Most of the match was a excelent match, as they wrestled a good storytelling match with limited weapons spots. As Cabana nailed the Colt 45 on Claudio, it led to the KOW's storming the ring. Richards nailed a Stevie Kick on Cabana knocking him out and allowing Claudio to cover, but then the rest of Cabana's team stormed the ring and broke up the pin and a big brawl between the 6 wrestlers insued as Cabana and Claudio continued their match. All 6 men were escorted out of the arena Cabana locked Claudio in his Lion Tamer variation, but from out of the crowd ran Alex Shelley who NAILED Cabana in the head with a chair. Claudio looked shocked and confused, as Shelley threw the chair down allowing Claudio to make the cover. After the match, Claudio bailed, celebrating the Kings' winning of the series. Shelley then picked up a mic and cut a hell of a promo, on TNA and ROH and talking about how he's never been used and how he's constantly refused title shots and such. He then claims he has come to IPW for the thing Cabana holds, the IPW World Heavyweight title, the "only belt that matters" and then announces he wants the belt and puts Cabana and IPW on notice that this will continue until he gets his shot. -[B]Jackie Fargo, PG-13, Jimmy Valiant, Bill Dundee, The Fabulous Ones and The Rock and Roll Express defeated The Backseat Boyz, Danny Daniels, Ric Converse and Danny Demanto[/B] after a mass highspot fest on the Backseats. Backseats came out with serious heat on them and proceded to cut a hell of a heel promo on Memphis and it's history. This led to Jackie Fargo coming out and going off on the Backseats, until they attacked the aging legend. This led to Bill Dundee to run down and attemp to help even the odds. Fargo rolled out and motioned to the back. This led to PG-13 to run down and help Jamie's dad Bill out against the Backseats. However then Danny Demanto, Danny Daniels and Ric Converse ran down to help The Backseats. This leads to Jimmy Valiant and The Rock and Roll Express to run down and aid the Memphis breatherin. Suddenly, familar music hits out unexpedly Stan Lane and Steve Keirn, the Fabulous Ones, run down and help lead the attack. The crowd is extremly hot over this huge brawl. This ends with all of the Memphis guys nailing their signature moves on the Backseats, ending with Fargo pinning Kashmere for the win. Following the match, the legends all celebrate in the ring to close the show. [/QUOTE]
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The week following the show in Memphis. The entire IPW locker room and staff were sent e-mails from Tom Carter. [QUOTE]Subject: Manditory Staff Meeting Date: 1/22/2007 3:01:47 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time From: [email]TCarter@IPWrestling.com[/email] To: All Hey all, So here's the deal. It has happened. We've gotten the opportunity we have all wanted. This thursday, 1-25, there will be a huge meeting at the HQ. ATTENDANCE IS MANDITORY. So take the day off from your real jobs. Said meeting will reveal the future of the company and how everything else will progress. Get ready for some fun guys. Tom [/QUOTE] The staff and roster piled into the conference room. Some on the roster recognized the man sitting next to Carter. Carter stood up and began to smile. [B]Carter: OK. Guys, Gals. Today is, well it's proably the biggest wrestling related day in my life. And I sincerly believe it will be one of your all as well. As you all know, ever since all that stuff went down and since I took over, we have been looking a backer. Someone who could help us with money and support to keep us going as we grow and as the other promotions attempt to screw around with us. I and a few of the guys here have been negociating back and forth with all sorts of folks, however we have had one target and it always went back to him. And I am happy to say, that we have finally reached an agreement. Some of you proably recgonized him, but you all will get to know him. This man's name is Calvin Ayre. Mr. Ayre is the owner and CEO of the Bodog Corporation, the company behind the most successfull gambleing site in the world bodog.com, and along with this is the owner of Bodog Records, Bodog TV, Bodog Fight, the MMA league and even more stuff he'll tell you about. I won't take up all the time, here he is Mr. Calvin Ayre.[/B] Ayre walks up to the podium to a big applause. The people in the room, still surprised about this. [B]Ayre: Everybody, it's great to be here. As Tom said, I'm Calvin Ayre and I basically run the Bodog brand. Under the Bodog brand we've got our hands in so many different pots. We've got the gambeling site, the record label, the production company, the MMA league, we just bought an Arena Football team and we've signed a preliminary agreement to buy the Sands Casino in Las Vegas. But one league I've always wanted to be involved in was pro wrestling. I've watched it since I was a kid, and in recent years I have been nothing but unimpressed with what's happening with it today. That's where IPW comes in. I was in New York about 6 months ago and following a huge, MTV, TMZ type of party...you know booze, women and shenniagans, I put on the TV in my room and the IPW show was on. And needless to say I loved what I saw, it reminded me of the days I used to watch The Harts and Dynamite Kid in Canada and when I moved to the states, watching Tommy Dreamer and Raven. You guys, this company is something special. I first approached Tom, I offered to buy this straight up, rename it bodogWRESTLE and do it like I did my MMA league. But then I thought it over, and I didn't think this would work. IPW is a sure thing, and by treating it like just another bodog thing would be stupid. I don't have a mind for wrestling and knowing me, I'd **** some stuff up. So, as Tom said, we've come to an agreement. I am putting the full financial support of the Bodog Corporation behind IPW. I'm like this place's Ted Turner I guess. All I have asked from Tom and you guys is 15% of all PPV, TV and Merchandising revenue. Tom is still running the show, just think of me as the Monopoly Man. But we're not done there, I don't want to get anyone's hopes up but I have been in talks with a major network about a full time TV show for you guys. But we'll know more about that later on. Once again, thanks alot you guys, I'll meet all of you all after Tom closes eveything up and I just want to say that I am incredibly excited and we are gonna tear **** up.[/B] A huge round of applause breaks out as Ayre sits back down and Carter steps back up. [B]Carter: OK guys, so here's the deal. We are offically big time I think. But because of this, we are gonna change the name of the promotion. This will most likley take place in the next few months, and if anyone has any suggestions, please let us know. So now, I'll allow you all to meet Calvin and start this shindig. Thanks everybody.[/B] The roster and staff applauded as they all got to know their new backer. The addition of Calvin Ayre and the bodog corporation would signal the begin of a hell of a ride for IPW and the wrestling world.
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OOD: I'm gonna fast forward towards the Feburary show. Nothing really happened, just hyped feuds and such. All you need to know is Alex Shelley has been granted a shot at Colt Cabana, but a non title match. Shelley's will recieve a title match based on his performance against Cabana in his home town of Detroit. [CENTER][SIZE="2"]Independent Pro Wrestling and bodog.com Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][B]Motor City Massacre[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="3"]From Cobo Arena in Detroit, MI[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event: If Shelley Wins, He Recieves a Title Shot[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Colt_Cabana-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://th185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/th_AlexShelley2.jpg[/IMG] Colt Cabana vs. Alex Shelley [B][SIZE="4"]Special Challenge[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Stevie_Richards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Delirious-1.jpg[/IMG] Stevie Richards vs. Delirious [B][SIZE="4"]2/3 Falls Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Chris_Hero-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Double_C.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/NigelMcGuinness-2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Mike_Quackenbush.jpg[/IMG] The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Nigel McGuiness and Mike Quackenbush [B][SIZE="4"]Canadians Face Off[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Lance_Storm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Robert_Roode.jpg[/IMG] Lance Storm vs. Bobby Roode [B][SIZE="4"]IPW World Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/Jigsaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/ElGenerico-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1940/johnnykashmerenl8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4306/trentacidlc7.jpg[/IMG] (C) JigNerico (Jigsaw and El Generico) vs. The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid) [B][SIZE="4"]Special Challenge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6821/eddiekingstonyy2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Davey_Richards-1.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Kingston vs. Davey Richards [B][SIZE="4"]IPW Crusierweight Title Rematch From New Year's Evil[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/roblight/EWR%20Pics/JoeyRyan21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii186/MCMachineGun/EWR/M%20Pictures/Matt_Sydal.jpg[/IMG] (C) Joey Ryan vs. Matt Sydal [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Ruckus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a387/TheLoco/Sabian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh197/SvenAndIngmar/Cheech.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/231/cloudygj3.jpg[/IMG] The BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) vs. Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) [B][SIZE="4"]Just Added[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Larry_Sweeney.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/6164/marekbrave2xy5.jpg[/IMG] Larry Sweeney vs. Marek Brave [/center]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B]Independent Pro Wrestling "Motor City Massacre" Feburary 17, 2007 Cobo Arena Detroit, MI[/B] -The arena is legit nearly sold out. One of the bigger indy shows I've seen in ages. Before the show, IPW held a huge FanFest type deal in the Cobo Hall section of the Cobo Center. Like I said, HUGE crowd and they're very hot for this show. Big time ECW atmosphere. -Preshow Match: N8 Matheson defeated Silas Young -Preshow Match: The Colony (Worker, Soilder and Fire Ant) and Disco Machine defeated Danny Demanto, Sal Rinauro, Rex Sterling and Damien Wayne -Preshow Match: Petey Williams defeated Danny Daniels -Show starts out with the Kings Of Wrestling making their way to the ring. They firstly hype themselves as the best wrestlers in IPW and hype their win of the Memphis Street Fight Series last month, Hero and Castagnoli hype their 2/3 falls match later on. Sweeney hypes his match, which is next. Richards continues to hype his feud with Colt Cabana and refrences he'll destroy Delirious the way he's destroyed Cabana in the past. They then turned their attention to Alex Shelley. Richards and the Kings "welcome" Shelley to IPW and procede to ask for a future meeting with Shelley. The Kings, except Sweeney leave the ring. -[B]Larry Sweeney defeated Marek Brave[/B] with the 12 Large, Brother elbowdrop. Total squash. Brave got no offense or reaction. The crowd loved to hate Sweeney, playing a Tommy Rich/Buddy Landell esq heel to a tee here. -[B]The BLK OUT defeated Up In Smoke[/B] after Ruckus hit the Poetic Ruckus on Cloudy. Pretty good match. Big reaction for the BLK OUT. Up In Smoke were decent in their debut, not much of a reaction but gained a bunch of fans due to their reliance on high flyey spots. -[B]Lance Storm defeated Bobby Roode[/B] with a Superkick. Before the match, Roode cut a great heel promo, hyping TNA over IPW and plugged their PPV. Storm comes out and cuts a pro IPW promo, until Roode attacks him. Very good back and forth match. Roode was EXCELENT. Makes you wish he bounced from TNA. Both men were extremly over. I hope somehow these 2 can work again. -[B]IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Joey Ryan and Matt Sydal wrestled to a time limit draw.[/B] These 2 turned it on yet again, having a hell of a match. Alot of great reversal spots. Crowd is incredibly pro Sydal. Sydal asked for 5 more minutes, but Ryan, being the typical chicken**** heel, took his belt and hightailed it backstage. We haven't heard the last of this one. -[B]Eddie Kingston defeated Davey Richards[/B] with a rebound Royal Flush after Richards missed a Shooting Star Press. Very hard fought, hard hitting match. 2 different styles meshed very well here. The crowd was hot here, with numerous "This is Awesome" and dueling chants. Richards missed a SSP and bounced off the mat and walked into the Royal Flush. Following the match, Lance Storm came out, had Richards shake Kingston's hand and then talked to him and comforted him (Richards) as they went to the back. As Kingston celebrated in the ring, familar music hit and out walked... [CENTER][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Kevin_Steen-1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen returning to IPW to a huge heel reaction. Steen played it off as the arrogant dick he is. He thanked the crowd for the great reaction and announced that he was offically back in IPW and claimed he would like to face the best competition in IPW, starting with Colt Cabana. Kingston got in Steen's face, asking why he's interupting his celebration and put himself over as the best in IPW. Steen counters with he thought he was interupting a job match, and wonders if the level of competiton in IPW had dropped off when a fat Puerto Rican thought he was a big name. More jaw jacking by both men, until Kingston challenged Steen for next month's show, which he didn't accept at first, but Kingston calling him a bitch and a coward, changed his tune. Steen/Kingston is go!! -INTERMISSION -IPW hyped it's return to Detroit, and announces it returns to PPV in April as they also make their West Coast debut at the LA Sports Arena in Los Angeles, CA. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Titles: The Backseat Boyz defeated (C) JigNerico by countout.[/B] Very good tag bout here. Backseats were much hated. JigNerico, moreso Generico were over huge. Classic tag team action here. Kinda remisicent to the Midinghts/R&R matches of old. Match ends with a big double brawl on the outside, Generico the legal man, get KO's by a Yakuza Kick by Trent Acid (the boot was loaded apparently). Acid rolls in at the 9 count for the win. The Backseats then, thinking they're champs steal the belts and bail. JigNerico get up pissed off they got jacked. -[B]Stevie Richards defeated Delirious[/B] with a Stevie Kick. Dancin Stevie was over HUGE as a heel. The crowd loved Delirious as always. Match wise, very good match up, with some comedy spots early on. Richards legit KO'd Delirious with the Stevie Kick. Post match he told the crowd, this win should prove once again why he's the Uncrowned World Champion and once again hyped his feud with Colt Cabana. -[B]2/3 Falls Match: The Kings Of Wrestling defeated Nigel McGuiness and Mike Quackenbush[/B] Another solid bout from these 2 teams. The crowd was once again big time hot over this one. KOW's were HATED. Match wise very solid European based match. Fall one went to the KOW after they nailed a Super Cravate Buster on McGuiness. 10 minutes later, Nigel scored fall number 2 on Hero, after he and Quack performed the Doomsday Device on a daved Hero. The 2 teams went tooth and nail for another 15 minutes, until the Kings nailed a Double Ricola Bomb on Quack for the third and final fall. -[B]Main Event: Alex Shelley defeated Colt Cabana[/B] with the Shellshock. Match Of The NIGHT. Holy Jesus. You NEED TO see this one. Amazing atmosphere. Shelley played the heel, but he and Cabana got equal positive crowd reactions. The crowd was clearly split, and loved this one. Both men were over huge. Match wise, these 2 were amazing together and wrestled a show of a match going back and forth throwing out all sorts of great series and spots. Shelley ends the match by falling out of the Colt 45 and then nailing the Shellshock unexpectdly. Shelley celebrated, as he now has a title shot against Cabana. Suddenly the Kings Of Wrestling enter the ring. Stevie takes the mic and congradulates Shelley on the win. He then refrences Shelley's accomplishments and calls him an excelent talent. He then notes the desire he and Shelley have for the IPW World Title. Based on that desire to win he then offers Shelley a spot in the Kings Of Wrestling and offers his hand. Shelley says he'll think about it, but now he'd rather celebrate his win in his home town. Richards smiles and he and the Kings exit the ring, as the show closes with Shelley celebrating in ring. [/QUOTE]
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March saw the company's restructuring begin. The addtion of Calvin Ayre's Bodog Corporation was yet to be known by the wrestling community at large. The IPW roster and staff were essentially sworn to secrecy. Bodog immeditly funded the signing of all of IPW's talent to year long contracts. These contracts gave several other indy promotions even more reason to hate IPW. CHIKARA became the offical "sister" territory of IPW, basically making it IPW's devolpmental league, with Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm, Mitch Ryder being the main trainers, with Mexican stars El Pantera and Jorge Rivera serving as part timers. The expansion act continued, new sets and production machines were made up and bought, new merchandise was put into production and feelers for new talent went out. Even, the new name of IPW was decided upon, thanks to a business tip from Kevin Steen. But the big news was that the theivery bug had struck, and 2 IPW roster members had signed contracts with the WWE. IPW officals kept the lid very well on the news and very few knew of the impeding deartures. All would be explained at April's PPV, taking place a week after Wrestlemania at a new venue, The Citizens Business Bank Arena in suburban Los Angeles, CA. The show would be dubbed "Vendetta" and several huge matches had been announced. Alex Shelley's shot against Colt Cabana for the IPW Title became a 3 way after Stevie Richards enacted his rematch clause. Richards continued to court Shelley to the KOW. The Kings weren't done yet, as Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli began to talk smack about the legendary Lance Storm, and naturally his protogue Davey Richards backed him up. Problems between Nigel McGuiness and Larry Sweeney surfaced and these 2 would soon come to blows. Overall, the card would be huge. Soon... [CENTER][SIZE="2"]Independent Pro Wrestling and bodog.com Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][B]Vendetta[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="3"]From Citizens Business Bank Arena in Ontario, CA[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event: Triple Threat Match For IPW World Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Colt_Cabana-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://th185.photobucket.com/albums/x151/RKO_HBK123/th_AlexShelley2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Stevie_Richards.jpg[/IMG] (C) Colt Cabana vs. Alex Shelley vs. Stevie Richards [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Challenge[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Chris_Hero-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Double_C.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Lance_Storm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Davey_Richards-1.jpg[/IMG] The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Lance Storm and Davey Richards [B][SIZE="4"]Grudge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/NigelMcGuinness-2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Larry_Sweeney.jpg[/IMG] Nigel McGuiness vs. Larry Sweeney [B][SIZE="4"]Special Challenge[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img155.imageshack.us/img155/6821/eddiekingstonyy2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Kevin_Steen-1.jpg[/IMG] Eddie Kingston vs. Kevin Steen [B][SIZE="4"]DQ's and Countouts Legal for IPW World Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/Jigsaw.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/ElGenerico-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1940/johnnykashmerenl8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://img529.imageshack.us/img529/4306/trentacidlc7.jpg[/IMG] (C) JigNerico (Jigsaw and El Generico) vs. The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid) [B][SIZE="4"]Ladder Match for IPW Crusierweight Title [/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g68/roblight/EWR%20Pics/JoeyRyan21.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii186/MCMachineGun/EWR/M%20Pictures/Matt_Sydal.jpg[/IMG] (C) Joey Ryan vs. Matt Sydal [B][SIZE="4"]Number One Contenders Match for IPW Crusierweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Mike_Quackenbush.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/P%20Images/PAC5.jpg[/IMG] Mike Quackenbush vs. PAC [B]International Tag Team Action[/B] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y138/cityrebel/Ruckus.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a387/TheLoco/Sabian.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/chris_hammers/JonnyStorm.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jody_Fleisch2.jpg[/IMG] The BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) vs. The United Kingdom (Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch) [B][SIZE="4"]Special Attraction[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v325/thebigmarbowski/EWR%20Pics/Delirious-1.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f116/chris_hammers/Spud-2.jpg[/IMG] Delirious vs. Spud All This and MUCH MUCH MORE, Saturday April 7 LIVE ON PAY PER VIEW. [I]Ouick Predict IPW Title: (C) Colt Cabana vs. Alex Shelley vs. Stevie Richards Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lance Storm and Davey Richards Nigel McGuiness vs. Larry Sweeney Eddie Kingston vs. Kevin Steen IPW Tag Titles; Belts Change Hands on DQ/Countout: (C) JigNerico vs. Backseat Boyz IPW Crusierweight Title; Ladder Match: (C) Joey Ryan vs. Matt Sydal Mike Quackenbush vs. PAC The BLK OUT vs. Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch Delirious vs. Spud Bonus: What two IPW stars have signed with the WWE? Bonus: Any Debuts/Returns? If So, Who?[/i] [/center]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B]LIVE COVERAGE IPW's Vendetta April 7, 2007 Citizens Business Bank Arena Ontario, CA[/b] -Welcome to LIVE COVERAGE of IPW's VENDETTA PPV. We're being txt'd results from the show, along with our live on PPV coverage. -Half Hour preshow goodness. The show was a live variation of the old WWF Control Center type preview shows, hyping all the main matches on the card. However, the big news from the preshow came from an interview with Matt Sydal, hyping his ladder match against Joey Ryan. Sydal, claiming he'd been robbed 2 times in a row claimed the third time was a charm and if he didn't beat Ryan tonight, he would leave IPW. The other big thing from the preshow was teasings of a big announcement later on in the show. -It's 8PM and here we go. Very nice video package played, mainly highlighting the triple threat main event. Ringside we go, as we see Eric Garagulio in the ring by his lonesome. He welcomes the sold out crowd to the show, and announces that Aaron Royal will no longer be working for IPW, and thanks Aaron for his time with IPW. He announces, that he would like to introduce the crowd to the new Color Commentator of IPW....familar music his and out walks... [center][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Raven6.jpg[/IMG][/center] RAVEN!!! The crowd pops HUGE as Raven makes a surprise apperance. Raven then cuts a killer promo on TNA and refrences how everytime wrestling evolves, Raven has been involved and that's why he's here. Tremendous. Ringside we go for our opener. (TXT TIDBIT: Raven looks to be in relativly decent shape, alot better than he did in his last TNA run. The crowd is still buzzing about Raven's involvement.) -[B]Delirious defeated Spud[/B] with the Chemical Imbalance. Pretty mediocre match. The crowd was really hot for Delirious, and cold for the debuting Spud, making his only 2nd US apperance. The nerves got to Spud, as he botched several moves, really turining the crowd against him. (TXT TIDBIT: Very large "Please Go Home" and "Don't Come Back" chants towards Spud post match.) -Backstage we go where Nigel McGuiness cuts a decent promo on Larry Sweeney, promising tonight he'll knock Sweeney out cold. Video hyping tonight's big announcement is played. -[B]IPW Crusierweight Title Contender's Match: Mike Quackenbush defeated PAC[/B] with an Atlas Driver. Great match. Quack got a good reaction, as did PAC. Very evenly fought match. 2 different styles meshed pretty well here, with PAC wrestling the high risk style, with Quack staying relativly ground based. Post match, the 2 shook hands and Quack said into the camera he's coming for the belt. (TXT TIDBIT: Huge pop for these 2 post match.) -Backseat Boyz promo, hyping their Title match and claiming that tonight they'll leave with the belts and fufil their destiny. We then go backerstage, where we see Colt Cabana arriving in the builiding. He doesn't seem to be the normal jovial, fun loving self we all are acustomed to. He ditches an interview with IPW corrospondant Steven Prazak, and bolts right towards the locker room. Interesting. -[B]The BLK OUT defeated Jonny Storm and Jody Fleisch[/B] with a Avalanche BLK Jeez Stomp on Storm by Sabian. Decent enough match. The BLK OUT are still the 2nd most over team in IPW. Storm and Fleisch didn't really live up to the hype Garagullio hyped them up to have during the match. Following the match, both Sabian and Ruckus motioned they want the IPW Tag Belts. (TXT TIDBIT: ALOT of BLK OUT shirts here, crowd loves the stable. Fleisch and Storm looked real tired, and the crowd turned on them. They did get some scattered applause as they left the ring.) -Big announcement promo again. Pre taped Joey Ryan segement, dubbed "Joey Ryan's LA". Basically Ryan and Jade Chung going around to the "big" spots of LA including where Tom Selleck buys his shirts, some ratty strip club, "some Jewish YMCA where a genius ran indy shows (refrencing where his PWG held/holds shows)", another ratty strip club, and then the Home Depot, where Ryan buys a ladder. He then procedes to claim the "tour ends here" because this ladder will signal the end for Matt Sydal. They then replay Sydal's interview from the preshow. -[B]Ladder Match For IPW Crusierweight Title: (C) Joey Ryan defeated Matt Sydal[/B] by retriving the belt after pushing Sydal off the ladder and through 4 tables. Very solid match here. These 2 put on another great show, and with the added ladders and tables gimmick, it hyped it up tons. Ryan had a surprisngly good face reaction as they were in his hometown. A few scattered "You Sold Out" chants to Sydal, who had alegedly went into negociations with the WWE. Several GREAT highspots, including Sydal nailing a spetacular Here We Go Driver off the ladder, Ryan hitting a super Moustache Ride and the one of the night, Sydal's 2 revolution Cyclonerana off the ladder. Needs to be seen to believed. Following that Sydal climbed the ladder, but Ryan shoved him off through 4 tables set up on the outside of the ring. Ryan wins, regains and Sydal's out of IPW. Sydal was visably upset as we went backstage. (TXT TIDBIT: Crowd was so hot for this one. Sydal's Cyclonerana seriously maybe the coolest thing I've ever seen. Following the match, Sydal thanked the crowd to a great response. Sad to see him go to the E.) -Hype video played, documenting Eddie Kingston and Kevin Steen. It went over both men's history in the company and set up to their meeting last month. -[B]Eddie Kingston defeated Kevin Steen[/B] with the Royal Flush. EXCELENT match. Steen was as hated as ever, but Kingston is quickly becoming one of the real crowd favorites. Very stiff and hard hitting match. Steen attempted the Package Piledriver but Kingston pushed him off the ropes, nailed him with a stiff elbow and landed the Royal Flush. Kingston celebrated, as a clearly pissed Steen left the ring, mad how his return to IPW went. (TXT TIDBIT: Crowd was in love with Kingston. These 2 have excelent chemestry and I hope more from this happens.) -Announcement hype video again. Jesus. Sweeney, Hero and Claudio promo. They refrence Stevie is preping for his title match. The 3 men all procede to hype their respective matches, and put the Kings over as the best in the business. -[B]IPW World Tag Team Titles: (C) JigNerico defeated The Backseat Boyz[/B] with a Brainbuster/Frog Splash combo on Kashmere. Good bout. Everyone meshed well here. Both teams wrestled again a R&R/Midnights esq battle, starting off with a solid brawl. Match ends with the Backseats attempting a Backseat Bomb on Generico, only for Jigsaw to clear the ring and knock Acid to the outside. Generico Yakuzas Kashmere and holds him up for a Brainbuster, Jigsaw climbs the ropes and nails a sick frog splash just as Generico hits the brainbuster. The champs celebrated as the pissed losers moped to the backstage area. (TXT TIDBIT: Crowd lost it with JigNerico's new tag finish. Good reaction to this one. It's really hard to like the Backseats.) -Alex Shelley promo. He put himself over and continued to claim his goal was the IPW Title. He also put a sphere of mystery over his status with the Kings Of Wrestling. Good stuff. -[B]Nigel McGuiness defeated Larry Sweeney[/B] by countout. OK Match. Huge reaction for Nigel, making his West Coast debut. Sweeney got his normal good heal reaction. Match wise, Nigel DOMINATED Sweeney, procedeing to beat him senseless. Nigel attempted his rebound lariat, but Sweeney saw it coming and ran out of the ring. Nigel didn't give chase and won via countout. (TXT TIDBIT: Nigel DESTROYED Sweeney. Seriously. Sweeney def amped up his chicken **** heel gimmick with this one.) -Announcement video, claims it will be made after this next match. Quick Davey/Storm interview. They claim the KOW were a bunch of arrogant jerks who were trying to take IPW over, but tonight would fail cause of them. Breif hype video played for these 2 teams. -[B]The Kings Of Wrestling defeated Lance Storm and Davey Richards[/B] after Hero superkicked Richards into a Ricola Bomb from Claudio. EXCELENT match. Hero and Claudio got easily the heel reaction of the night. Match wise it was a dream of a back and forth solid technical affair. Both teams looked very strong in this one. Match ends with Hero and Storm on the outside, with Claudio/Davey on the inside. Hero nails a Stun Gun Suplex on the railing on Storm and rolls into the ring, just as Davey has Claudio set up for the DR Driver. Hero nails Richards with a superkick, which sends Davey into the ropes and into a Ricola Bomb. The evil Kings put the boots to Davey until Lance rolls back into the ring, and Hero and Claudio bail out and laugh as Storm tends to the injured Richards. (TXT TIDBIT: Crowd was all over the Kings. Great match, worth the DVD alone. They set up a bunch of stuff in the ring after this one.) -Announcment Video played. Highlights of IPW's history is played and then merges into the IPW logo. A narrator speakes during the package. [B]"Since day one, Independant Pro Wrestling has taken the sport of wrestling by storm. Taking the best wrestlers in the world and presenting them to audiences all over North America, IPW has engraved it's spot onto the map of the wrestling world. And May 1, 2007...IPW....EVOLVES.[/B] The IPW logo melts into a new logo, which simply says 'eWr". More IPW action and close ups of the roster appears. The narrarator continues. [B]IPW becomes the force it was destined to be. IPW becomes elite Wrestling revolution. You will see the same stars you saw tonight, along with many new and exciting talent from all over the world. Our wrestlers are the elite force, leading the New Revolution in professional Wrestling. And The Revolution WILL be televised......on MyNetwork TV!!![/B] The MyNetwork logo comes on the screen, along with the new eWr logo. More action is shown as the narrarator continues. [B]The New Revolution Of Pro Wrestling will be seen EXCLUSIVLY on MyNetwork TV starting May 1, 2007. Visit ewr.com or mynetworktv.com for more details. elite Wrestling revolution: REVOLTING AGAINST SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT.[/B] The crowd is absolutly insane right now. In ring we go, where Al Snow and IPW/eWr owner Tom Carter are standing. Snow reads a short statement basically saying the following: IPW=eWr, they're changing the name so they can made it a bigger promotion rather then some "indy fed". eWr would have increased values on everything, new merchandise, new everything. The roster would be the same as it is now, but with many new stars. As for the MyNetwork Show, a timeslot hasn't been decieded yet, but to keep checking the new website which goes up following the PPV (ewr.com) for more details. He then announces, that eWr would be going to FULL TIME PPV starting in May. He then noted that the IPW World and Tag Titles would become the eWr World Heavyweight and World Tag Team titles respectivly on May 1. He thanked the fans for their continued support and led the crowd in a huge 'EWR' chant. Long video then played hyping our main event. (TXT TIDBIT: ****ing insane. The crowd lost their minds during the video and continued it during Snow's thing. It had to be similar to Heyman announcing ECW's TV and PPV deals, I guess. Amazing.) -[B]Main Event; Triple Threat for IPW World Heavyweight Title: Stevie Richards defeated (C) Colt Cabana and Alex Shelley[/B] with a Stevie Kick on Cabana as he had Shelley in a Boston Crab. Great match. The crowd were torn between Shelley and Colt, and all hating Stevie. A solid 30 minutes of non stop action. Shelley and Richards double teamed Cabana early on, Richards attempted a pin but Shelley broke it up and those 2 went at it. Continiously a solid match. Great sequence to end the match, Cabana and Shelley hit a double superkick on Stevie, sending him to the outside. Shelley and Cabana continued on breifly, Shelley went for a Shellshock, but Cabana manuevered out of it, attempted a Colt 45, but Shelley rolled out and again went for the Shellshock. Cabana then fliped Shelley to the floor and locked him in his Boston Crab Variation, but Richards ran in and nailed a Stevie Kick for the win. Stevie celebrated and jumped up and down and ran to the isle with the belt with the other KOWs were there to congradulate the new champ. Shelley was in ring, pissed at the fallen Cabana who slowly rose to his feet. The show ends with Richards celebrating his title win with the KOW. (TXT TIDBIT: GREAT MATCH, crowd was hot for everything. GREAT ending.) [/QUOTE]
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Offical Bodog/eWr Press Release [QUOTE][B]Bodog.TV, MyNetwork TV and IPW Enter The Ring To Form elite Wrestling revolution[/B] April 9, 2007 [I]elite Wrestling revolution leads the new pro wrestling revolution[/I] Pro wrestling; it's one of the most popular forms of entertainment world wide. And now Bodog.TV will help produce the next step in the evolution of professional wrestling. Bodog and Independant Pro Wrestling have collaborated to form elite Wrestling revolution. And the revolution will be televised when "BattleGround" debuts on MyNetwork TV, May 5 at 11:00 PM. elite Wrestling revolution features a no nonsense style of high flying, hard hitting, strong style wrestling skill not seen on television. Unlike the competeors, eWr isn't all about idiotic storylines, outrageous characters, low risk manuevers and a lack of logic. eWr brings Wrestling back into focus. eWr features the new and future stars of pro wrestling, including the most feared group in wrestling today The Kings Of Wrestling, consisting of Chris Hero, "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney, Clauido Castagnoli and led by eWr World Heavyweight Champion Stevie Richards, the young lion of eWr Alex Shelley, British brusier Nigel McGuiness, the "kings of the street" The BLK OUT, the masked high flying eWr World Tag Team Champions Jigsaw and El Generico, ****y Canadian "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen and hard hitting youngster Davey Richards. eWr also features some recgonizable stars including Canadian wrestling legend Lance Storm, the unstable "head" of eWr Al Snow and the man, the myth, the enigma that is Raven. Every weekend, eWr will present "BattleGround" on MyNetwork TV. "BattleGround" will be the most exciting two hours on television. Every week, the warriors of eWr will collide in the hard hitting and innovative style eWr is known for. "BattleGround" will be only the second regular pro wrestling program aired on network TV in the United States in the past 20 years. For more information on elite Wrestling revolution, biographies of all the fighters, eWr merchandise, eWr videos, interviews, info on BattleGround and much much more visit eWr.com. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/IMG] [B][SIZE="5"]elite Wrestling revolution Roster/Champions[/SIZE][/B] [B][SIZE="4"]eWr World Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Titles/EOAE/EWA-Heavyweight.jpg[/IMG] Champion: Stevie Richards (defeated Colt Cabana and Alex Shelley-April 7, 2007) [B][SIZE="4"]eWr World Tag Team Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Titles/EOAE/EWA-Tag-Team.jpg[/IMG] Champions: Jigsaw and El Generico (awarded belts after Beef Wellington's injury-August 26, 2007) [B][SIZE="4"]eWr CrusierX Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Titles/EOAE/EWA-Cruiserweight.jpg[/IMG] Champion: Joey Ryan (defeated Roderick Strong, Tajiri and Delirious-August 26, 2006) [B][SIZE="5"]Face Roster[/SIZE][/B] Davey Richards- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Running With The Devil" by Van Halen[/I] Delirious-[I]Midcard, Theme: "Hybrid Stigmata - The Apostasy" by Dimmu Borgir[/I] Eddie Kingston- [I]Midcard, Theme: "What You Know About That? (BLK OUT Remix)" by T.I.[/I] El Generico- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Ole!" by Bouncing Souls[/I] Jigsaw- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Rock The Casbah (Joker Remix)" by trustcompany[/I] Lance Storm- [I]Main Event, Theme: "El Phantasmo and The Chicken Run Blast-O-Rama [Wine, Women and Song Mix]" by White Zombie[/I] Mike Quackenbush-[I]Upper Midcard, Theme: "Break It Down Again" by Tears For Fears[/I] Nigel McGuiness- [I]Upper Midcard, Theme: "****in' In The Bushes" by Oasis[/I] PAC- [I]Lower Midcard, Theme: "What's Golden" by Jurassic 5[/I] Ruckus- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Imma Hustla Part 2 (BLK OUT Remix)" by Cassidy featuring Joe Budden[/I] Sabian- [I]Lower Midcard, Theme: "How G Is This? (BLK OUT Remix)" by Jim Jones[/I] [B][SIZE="5"]Tweener Roster[/SIZE][/B] Alex Shelley- [I]Main Event, Theme: "The Clap" by The Unicorns[/I] [B][SIZE="5"]Heel Roster[/SIZE][/B] Chris Hero- [I]Upper Midcard, Theme: "Holding Out For A Hero" by Bonnie Turner[/I] Claudio Castagnoli- [I]Upper Midcard, Theme: "I've Got To Have It (Olympic Intrumental Remix)" by Jermane Dupree[/I] Joey Ryan- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Magnum P.I. Theme (Moustache Ride Remix)" by Hans Zimmer[/I] Johnny Kashmere- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Chase" by Giorgio Moroder[/I] Kevin Steen- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Tear Away" by Drowning Pool[/I] Larry Sweeney- [I]Midcard, Theme: "More, More, More" by The Andrea True Connection[/I] Stevie Richards- [I]Main Event, Theme: "Rock and Roll Part 2" by Gary Glitter[/I] Trent Acid- [I]Midcard, Theme: "Chase" by Giorgio Moroder[/I] [/CENTER]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B]Wrestling News Round-Up[/B] -Well the big news going around is that it's confirmed: Colt Cabana is WWE bound. Cabana confirmed on his Myspace page, and apparently at last night's IPW/eWr show in NYC, that he indeed signed a devolpmental deal with the E. This definetly explains Cabana's loss of the IPW/eWr title only a few months into his reign. Cabana was essentially the handpicked franchise player of the expanded IPW, and most likley was set to be the face of eWr. However, the addition of Alex Shelley may very well cushion the blow. Cabana is the 2nd IPW star to go to the WWE in the past month, as Matt Sydal recently bolted and announcer Aaron Royal was hired to help with WWE.com -WWE looks to be on the verge of announcing a new redraft, as many are seeing the current landscape of the E as rather boring. -Speaking of boring, TNA has fallen out of the 1.0 ranger for their IMPACT shows. Odds are this is due to Kurt Angle's "injury", done to both allow him to finish his tour of Japan and also rest up. -TNA's current direction isn't making alot of the talent happy. The Kurt Angle Show format has raised ratings, but has continued to push alot of talent into biweekly slots. Our lockeroom mole says that Alex Shelley's defection to eWr could be a huge deal for TNA, as if eWr takes off, with Shelley in a projected main event role, it gives some TNA stars an apparent way out. -Rumors are running wild (brother) that ROH is nearing a "huge announcent". TV deal? -The eWr debut tapings are schuelded this week in NYC on Friday and Saturday. We've heard some rumblings of several new talent debuting at the shows. Apparently, they're going to try and continue with their current storylines, which should work for the most part sans the Cabana/Shelley and Cabana/Stevie feuds. Wonder how that'll work. [/QUOTE]
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[CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results[/B] [I]Episode One: "Debut In Style"[/I] The show begins with a breif video hyping the eWr roster and history. The show's opening then plays, which looks really cool, blending a variation of the Raw opening and the IFL Battleground openings to form a excelent looking opening. Pyro hits and a sold out crowd is shown at The Hammerstein Ballroom as our announcers Eric Garagulio and Raven hype the night's show. Suddenly, "We Are The Champions" by Queen hits and out come the Kings Of Wrestling, led by eWr World Heavyweight champion "The King of Swing" Stevie Richards. The Kings, all with smiles in their faces, saunted into the ring, as Stevie takes the mic. [B]"What better way, to kick of this "revolution of wrestling", then with the men who are wrestling. For all of you people out there, watching this, the first edition of eWr Battleground, all of you fatsos drinking Red Bulls, eating Hot Pockets and alternating your time between the wrestling news sites and Bangbros and for all the virgin marks out here tonight in the cesspool they call The Hammerstein Ballroom, allow us to introduce ourselves. (Stevie walks over to Sweeney). This man knows it all baby. The longest reigining ICW/ICWA Texarkana TV champion of all time, the most prestegious title west of the Mississippi. This guy is the Billion Dollar man, the man who makes all the money. Look at this, snakeskin shoes, thousand dollar suit and shades that cost more than a kidney operation. He is the tower of power..."Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney! (Swenney struts around only to a chorus of boos). These men right here (walks to Hero and Claudio). Two of the best singles wrestlers in the world. Both currently holding the belts for the 2 top companies in Europe respectivly. Both currently holding the belts of the top promotions in Canada and Mexico. Both men seperatly are perfect. But when they team up, they are simply unbeatable. The only truly unbeaten team in pro wrestling. "The Most Money Making Man" from Zurich Claudio Castagnoli, and your hero, my hero...Chris Hero!! (Crowd boos as Hero and Claudio pose) And as for me...well you should know me by know. I'm a big deal. Former ECW Champion, Former WWE Champion (crowd boos with his blatant lies), The most decorated wrestler in the history of the sport. The Big Bopper, The King Of Swing, The Unquestionable Best In The Business, The Franchise of eWr and the man who sent everybody's favorite Colt Cabana straight to the WWE...the reigining and perenial eWr World Heavyweight Champion....Stevvviiie Richards. (Huge boos for Richards.) Now with that out of the way, I'm gonna lay this all on the line. To that entire lockeroom back there, I'd like to say this. I suggest that if you want any kind of TV time, you better get ready to be on your back, looking up at those lights because the Kings are here to rule the eWr. And very soon, when all the belts are ours, we will only wrestle opponents who are up to our moumental standards, which isn't anyone in this joke of a promotion. But there is one man backstage I'd like to speak to personally. Alex Shelley (big pop, Stevie looks directly into the camera and with a serious face.) Alex my dear boy, you know we've been watching you, you know we think you have what it takes. We have invited you to join our very exclusive team, only 4 of us right now. There's only one other group of 4 guys who ever had remotly near the power we had, and honestly we know we're better then them. Alex, I am offering you a spot in the Kings Of Wrestling. We want you as one of us. We want you to beat the jokes that populate this joint, the Nigel McGuinesses, the Davey Richards, the Lance Storms. All of them. As the junior member, you'll earn you spot, and one day you may get that shot for this belt you crave...whenever someone beats me, which'll never happen. And Alex, we want your answer. And we want it tonight. (Stevie drops the mic and the Kings exit the ring.) [/B] Garagulio and Raven ponder the promo as we go to break. In the night's opening contest, [B]Up In Smoke defeated Danny Daniels and Sal Rinauro[/B] following Cheech nailing the Deluxe on Daniels. Nice opener, UIS are indeed full timers as we had heard. They looked really good and got a great reaction from the NY crowd. They improved tons from their ROH days. As Cheech and Cloudy celebrate, from the crowd run in 2 men, one white and one black, both wearing similar looking bandanas over their faces, and attack Cheech and Cloudy, putting the boots to them. By this time the bandanas have fallen off and the announcers still have trouble indetifying these 2 men. The white guy climbs the top and nails a crisp 450 Splash on Cloudy, while the black dude nails a sick wrap around lifting DDT varaiation of Cheech. The 2 then stand over the fallen victors and taunt the crowd as they leave the ring. Backstage we go, where we see Alex Shelley in deep thought, definetly pondering the KOW's offer. We then cut backerstage as we see The BLK OUT hanging out (Kingston, Ruckus and Sabian). Suddenly we hear Robby Merino's voice. [B]Ayooo boys, look who I found back here.[/B] Merino walks in with a pretty hispanic woman, Crissy Rivera, the long time valet of BLK OUT in CZW. She smiles as Ruckus and Sabian hug her. Kingston smirks and the 2 share a long imbrace. [B]I've missed you ma.[/B] whispers a clearly touched Kingston, a rare emotion for him. Merino, looking staisfied, says [B]And now finally, The BLK OUT is fully back...in...the buildin'. [/B] In our next contest of the evening, [B]eWr CrusierX Champion Joey Ryan defeated Amigo Suzuki[/B] with the Moustache Ride. Ryan and Jade got a very good heel reaction as they entered the arena. Suzuki made his eWr debut usuing his Japanese expatroit in Mexico gimmick. Suzuki looked ok in his debut and did get a reasonable reaction from the crowd. Amigo went for a moonsault, but Ryan crotched him and allowed him to nail the Moustache Ride for the win. As the ring cleared, "The Best Around" by Stan Bush hit and out walked TNA star Frankie Kazarian to a nice size reaction. The announcers were shocked, as Kaz was formally under an TNA contract. Kaz smirked his way into the ring as he posed on the ring ropes. He then took a mic. [B]"Rejoice my friends, rejoice. That's right, you don't need your eyes checked. "The Future" Frankie Kazarian is here in eWr. I'll bet you all are asking yourselves, "Kaz...why? I thought you were in TNA." Well, I was. But then I realized that just like everyone here, I am better then their entire roster. I'm better looking, in better shape, a better athlete and most of all a better wrestler. So I bailed and I now stand here, "The Best Around" and I am here to issue a challenge, to anyone in the eWr who think that they've got what it takes, to answer my open challenge next week. I don't care who it is, but whoever it is should already know by now, they've already lost.[/B] A smirking Kazarian drops the mic and poses some more as he exits the ring as the announcers buzz on the shock of Kaz's debut in eWr. Backstage we go, where backstage interviewer Steve Prazak is standing by with eWr World Tag Team champions Jigsaw and El Generico. [B]I'm Steve Prazak standing by with the longest reigning tag team champions in wrestling right now, eWr Tag Champs Jigsaw and El Generico. Now Jigsaw, I know Generico no espeak ingles, so I'll send this one to you, how does it feel to be champs as eWr debuts on TV?[/B] Jigsaw walks up to the mic. [B]It feels great, when Beef (Wellington) went out and me and Generico began tagging, it was one of the best moments in my career. And as a team we have been lights out. No one has come close to beating us. There's alot of great teams in eWr, BLK OUT, Up In Smoke, Danniels and Sal and The Backsea...[/B] Suddenly from behind, Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere attack Generico and Jigsaw. Acid nails a sick Yakuza kick to the head of Genrico, putting him out. Kashmere and Jigsaw brawl, until Acid NAILS Jigsaw in the ribs with a baseball bat. Jigsaw falls right to his knees and Kashmere procedes to nail him in the head with a steel chair. He then drapes the chair over the head of Jigsaw, and Acid signals he's gonna bash the chair with the bat, but then eWr security breaks up this scuffle. A groggy Generico walks over to his injured partner as we go to break. In our next bout, [b]Kevin Steen defeated Nigel McGuiness[/B] by countout. Very anticipated bout. Steen got a very solid heel reaction here. HUGE reaction for Nigel, as it appears he's top babyface for now. Very solid match, with Nigel seemingly on his way to victory. Ref bump by Steen, who walks right into a Rebound Lariat by Nigel, knocking him out. Suddenly from the back, Larry Sweeney ran down and nailed McGuiness in the back of the head with his ICW/ICWA TV Title. He then began to put the boots to Nigel and threw him to the outside and savagly beat him, ending with a piledriver on the concrete floor before running backstage. The ref put the 10 count, as a bloody Nigel was unable to make the count, allowing Steen to get the cheap win. Refs and agents helped the injured McGuiness make it backstage. Hype video for the "debut" of GM Al Snow and his big announcement concerning eWr's new PPV "May Massacre" from Tampa, Florida. We then go backstage, as wee seen a sweaty Kevin Steen walking backstage and bumping into Eddie Kingston and Crissy Riveria. Steen chuckles, [B]"Well look at this. Look what the cat dragged. Little Crissy Riveria in eWr and BLK OUT. And with Eddie Kingston no less.[/B] Kingston eyes Steen, pissed. [B]What do you want man? Still pissed I ruined your return last month? It's not my fault you suck. [/B] Steen looks rather annoyed. [B]Ha ha. Good one. You beat me on a fluke Kingston, did you not just watch the last match, I beat Nigel McGuiness, the best European wrestler in the world. There's a reason they call me "Mr. Wrestling". Last month was a joke, I had jet lag...I my stomach hurt, I have restless leg syndrome, my car broke down and my cat Bonkers broke her par. What wrestler, with all of these terrible things happening to them at the same time, could win? Flair couldn't, hell Mike Sharpe couldn't. But I could, and you beat me on a fluke. Everyone know that I'm better than you Eddie. I know it, you know in, and your hoodrat friend there knows it.[/B] A clearly upset Kingston stands up face to face with Steen. [B]Don't ever talk to her like than son.[/B] Steen smirks. [B]Aww, is that your boo, that's what you ethnic types call it now right. [/B] Kingston smirks and then gets intense. [B]Stop trying to get over with your ****y jokes Steen. Don't ever come around here and start **** you know you ain't gonna finish. You say my win was a fluke. What do you say next week, you and me and I'll ****ing handle you son. [/B] Steen, now nervous looks around. [b] Umm uhhhh you wanna fight me next week Kingston...well...hey what's that?[/b] Kingston turns around and Steen hightails it as he's gotten on Kingston's bad side. Kingston looks down the corridor pissed as Steen got away. Suddenly Crissy gets up and also looks down the corridor and says [B]Man...what a bitch.[/B] Our main event his hyped as the announcers go over next week's show, highlighted with GM Al Snow's big announcement as well as a big 4 way CrusierX Title contenders match. In our main event, [B]Claudio Castagnoli defeated Davey Richards[/B] with a Ricola Bomb following a chair shot by Chris Hero. Claudio got immense heel heat as Chris Hero came down with him. Davey got a great reaction, accompanied by his mentor Lance Storm. Match wise it was very crisp and back and forth. Hero and Storm teased a fight several times. Claudio attempted to nail a scissors kick on Davey, but Richards telepgraphed it and locked him in the Maple Leaf. This led to Chris Hero to jump on the ring apron, and Lance Storm ran up to attack him and end the distraction. Storm and Hero went at it. Claudio fought out of the hold and the 2 began the brawl. Storm nailed a superkick to Hero. Suddenly Claudio yelled at Storm following a Cough Drop on Davey, allowing Storm to get on the apron and argue with Claudio. As Brian Hebner attempted to talk Storm off the apron. Davey nailed Claudio and signaled for the DR Driver, Claudio pushed Richards into the ring ropes, and was nailed with a chair by Hero and walked right into a Ricola Bomb and made the cover. Hero then ran over and nailed Storm with the chair. Within seconds Storm and Richards were being assaulted by Hero and Castagnoli. Soon enough, Larry Sweeney and Stevie Richards came ringside and entered the frey as they bloodied Storm and Richards. It was refrence Nigel McGuiness had been taken to the hospital for fear of a concussion. Stevie took the mic as Richards and Storm still had the boots put to them by the rest of the Kings. [B]Alex Shelley....the time is now, we want your decision. So please, come on out here so we can congradulate you in person.[/B] "The Clap" by The Unicorns hit and out walked Shelley to a very good reaction, espically for the fact he'd basically been heelish for his stay. Shelley goes face to face with Stevie. [B]Whaddya say Shelley? Have you accepted the challenge to become one of the best, the junior member of the Kings Of Wrestling.[/B] says Stevie, beaming. Shelley, looks around. [B]So what you're telling me, that I should join up with you guys, so I could be the Lex Luger of this Horsemen, and essentially giving up my goal of becoming eWr Champ, but on the plus side I get to hang out with you guys and do all the crazy silly things you all do..and get to wear neat clothes like you?[/B] The Kings all smile. [B]Exactly! I mean Alex, as for the title thing, it's not a big deal, cause between us you don't have what it takes to be champ, or even beating any of us. So what's the old saying, if you can't beat em...join em...well here's your chance my man. Join us and DELIVER these beatings that guys like them (Davey and Storm) get, rather then suffer them. How about this...Guys lift them up (Hero and Claudio lift up and hold Storm and Davey. Richards then hands Shelley a chair). Alex, here's a free shot, give it to em and welcome to the Kings Of Wrestling.[/B] Shelley holding the chair, raises it, he smiles at Richards, signaling he's on their side....and the NAILS STEVIE IN THE HEAD WITH THE CHAIR. Larry Sweeney runs into a Shelley chair shot. Sweeney and Richards roll out of the ring as Hero and Claudio both get crotched by Storm and Richards and are both the clotheslined out of the ring. The crowd is absolutly unglued as Shelley taunts the Kings, incredibly upset walking up the walkway. Shelley grabs the mic. [B]I hope that filled you in on my decision, if not...No I don't want to be a King Of Wrestling. Stevie, just know this now...my destiny will soon be comming true because Alex Shelley wants your belt and soon my friend...it will be around my waist.[/B] Shelley drops the mic as his theme plays, as he does his signature A pose to a huge pop. The show closes with Shelley taunting the pissed KOWs as the crowd starts a huge "AL-EX SHELLEY clapx5" chant. [/CENTER]
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OOD: Firstly does anyone read this? I've legit got 1 comment this whole dynasty and it really makes me feel like no one reads this and makes me not want to continue it. Secondly, if anyone can help me out with a BattleGround banner/logo...I'd do anything lol. From ewr.com: May 6, 2007 [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img][/center] [B]eWr BattleGround Preview[/B] This Saturday night on MyNetwork TV, the fallout of Alex Shelley's descision not to join the Kings Of Wrestling will shockwave across the eWr. Shelley used a steel chair to get his point across on KOW members Larry Sweeney and eWr Champion Stevie Richards. The Kings are livid and have dubbed Shelley as "Public Enemy Number One" and have gone to eWr GM Al Snow and this Saturday night, an epic main event as the Kings Of Wrestling's Larry Sweeney will face Alex Shelley one on one. Will the Kings get their revenge on Shelley, or will "Total Nonstop Alex" one up the Kings again in his quest for the eWr World Heavyweight Title. We have also learned that eWr GM Al Snow will announce how the number one contender for the eWr World Heavyweight Title will be determined for the main event of eWr's next PPV extravaganza "May Massacre" live Sunday night May 27 from The Ice Palace in Tampa, FL. "The Best Around" Frankie Kazarian shocked many in th wrestling world by debuting in eWr last week, this week we will find out just who answered his open challenge. In a special number one contenders match for the eWr CrusierX Title, we will see PAC, Scorpio Sky, Disco Machine and Mike Quackenbush compete in a high flying affair. Also we will find out on the medical status of both Nigel McGuiness and Jigsaw following 2 seperate savage beatings last week. All this and much more this Saturday night at 11PM on eWr BattleGround. Check your local listings for times and stations.
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[CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results: May 12, 2007[/B] [I]Episode Two: Battlelines Have Been Drawn[/I] The show begins with some apparently preshot footage. We see a cameraman running full speed as we hear a closer and closer comotion. We get to the scene, outside the arena, of nothing short of a mugging. We can identify the assailants, Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli putting the boots to the men they attacked last week, Lance Storm and Davey Richards, both men fallen and clutching their ribs. Security guards and other wrestlers run out and break up the fight. The BattleGround opening starts, pyro hits and announcers hype the night's show as we go ringside for our opening contest. In our opener, a 4 way dance to determine the number one contender for the eWr CrusierX title, [B]Mike Quackenbush defeated PAC, Scorpio Sky and Disco Machine[/B] after Quackenbush hit the Quackendriver II on Scorpio Sky. Excelent opener. Quack was the clear crowd favorite in this one, with PAC distantly behind. Disco played the heel here, as did the debuting Scorpio, wearing a new version of his PWG mask. Match wise, it was good if you like the old WCW Lucha matches. Quack dominated much of this match. Midway through the mask, CrusierX Champ Joey Ryan and his valet Jade Chung were seen in the entrance way watching the match's ending. Following Quack nailing the Quackendriver II for the win, Quack motioned to Ryan the belt was to be his, as Ryan sarcastically clapped at Quackenbush. Backstage we go, where Steve Prazak, who is standing by with the 2 men who attack Up in Smoke last week, both wearing hooded sweatshirts the white guy wearing a black one, and theblack guy wearing a white one. [B]"I'm Steven Prazak, and I am backstage with two men who caused quite a stir in their debuts last week, to my left Christopher Bishop and my right Lionel Knight, they are Team Checkmate. And let me start with you Christopher, why did you guys attack Up In Smoke last week?[/B] Bishop smirks as he pushes his hood back. [B]Prazak, here's the deal. To get noticed in this business, you've got to make an impact. And last week, we made a hell of an impact. No offense to Up In Smoke, but no one was talking about them following that match. They were talking about Team Checkmate, the best team in all of Canada, finally coming to the States and rasing hell on their TV debut. And we're not done yet, right Lionel?[/B] Knight pulls his hood back, to reveal an agitated face. [B]Last week, all you people out there in TV land saw just a piece of what me and my partner are capable of. Up In Smoke, it's nothing personal, it's just business. And Team Checkmate are in the business of kicking ass and winning titles. And we're putting every team in eWr on notice, Up In Smoke, BLK OUT, Backseat Boys, The Mexicans and espically the champs. Team Checkmate is here. "The Arch Bishop" and "The Dark Knight" aren't here to make friends. We're here to prove what people in Canada have known, we're the best team in wrestling today and those belts are as good as ours. Check...and Mate.[/B] Both men pull their hoods up as they walk away from Prazak. We now go backerstage as we see a split screen of Alex Shelley and Larry Sweeney preing for their main event battle. Shelley is putting his kick pads on, as Sweeney is stretching with the encouragement of the rest of The Kings Of Wrestling. In our next contest [B]Team Checkmate defeated Sicoldelcio Jr and Incognito[/B] after Lionel Knight nailed the Brainsmasher on Incognito. Good enough match. Nice heel reaction for the 2 young Canadians in their debut. Sicoldelcio and Incognito made their main roster debuts as well in this one, crowd wasn't fully behind them but they still looked decent. Knight nailed the lifting wrap around DDT variation dubbed the Brainsmasher on Incognito for the win. The 2 youngsters celebrated as we went backstage. Backstage we go, into the office of eWr GM Al Snow, where he is sitting at his desk with quite a few papers infront of him, along with his trusty Head right next to him. [B]"Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Al Snow, I'm assuming most of you know who I am, as I'm a kinda big deal. Along with this, I am also the General Manager/Comish/President/Authority Figure of eWr. The bosses from on high go to me to help run this lil promotion so everyonce and a while, you'll see me on screen making matching. Unlike the big promotions up north and down south, I won't be turning on people and taking up TV time. So I'm gonna lay some truth on yah. First of all, last week we saw two seperate but vicious attacks on two wrestlers and earlier this week we got the medical status for both men. Jigsaw, as you saw, was viciously attacked by The Backseat Boyz and their baseball bats. Jigsaw suffered several bruised ribs and a mild concussion. We have no idea when he will return to action, his doctors told us up to 2 months, Jigsaw today told me he'll be back in time for our next PPV. Because of this, next week I will announced what the status of the eWr World Tag Team Titles will be. Last week we also saw a vicious attack on Nigel McGuiness. I am happy to say Nigel suffered minor head injuries and needed several stiches to repair a cut. Nigel will be back in action next week. However, the main reason I am here, is to announce how we will determine the number one contender for the eWr World Heavyweight Title. Next week, there will be a special 15 man battle royal, with the last two combatants facing each other later that night to determine who the number one contender is, who will then face Stevie Richards for the title at "May Massacre" live Sunday night May 27 from The Ice Palace in Tampa, FL. Thanks again and please continue to enjoy eWr.[/B] Snow then begins to look at Head. [B]What? Come on. They knew you were there, you were on camera the whole time....well of course I wasn't gonna let you talk, it's my promo. You ARE over...but I'm the GM, I need to sa...I don't know why I brought you here sometimes.[/B] Fades to commercial. We're back, and "The Best Around" by Stan Bush hits and out stuts a smirking Frankie Kazarian. Kazarian rolls into the ring, poses for the crowd and grabs the mic. [B]"The time is now. It's time for eWr to prove to me I made the right descision. Last week I put up an open contract to any eWr wrestler to face me. So whoever had the balls to sign away a loss, get on out here and get ready to lose."[/B] Suddenly the lights go out and "Hybrid Stigmata - The Apostasy" by Dimmu Borgir hits and out crawls the returning Delirious to a huge pop. Kazarian looked puzzled and a bit amused at the Lizard Man. [B]Delirious defeated Frankie Kazarian[/B] with a school boy. Very entertaining contest. Kazarian played an excelent ****y goon, constantly making a fool out of Delirious. Delirious was tremendous, the crowd was incedibly hot for him, and wrestled much of the match as an underdog of sorts. Finish is Kazarian nailing the Wave Of The Future and then posing for the crowd before making the pin. Delirious gets a shoulder up, and Kaz loses it, yelling at the refree. Delirious then school boyed Kazarian for the win. Delirious ran out of the ring and celebrated with the crowd. As an incredibly pissed Kazarian sat in shock and then threw a tantrum as he was outwitted in his debut match in eWr. Generic hype video for May Massacre. We then go backstage to Kevin Steen, standing by himself, not in his gear. [B]"Eddie Kingston, you think you bested me last week. FYI, I did NOT run away from you, I had a very important phone call...it just happened to be outside the building...But I digress. I don't like the fact you think you're better than me. I'm a finely tuned Canadian instrument of our national sport...wrestling. You Eddie Kingston, are a fat Puerto Rican nobody, leading a stable of pot smoking thugs. You can't wrestle, you try to be Samoa Joe but fail, all you every do is bitch about how bad your life is and finally to top it all off, you're dating a midget....Seriously man, I feel for you. I almost am glad I let you beat me, so you can have something to tell one of your illegitmate kids, that their big fat father beat Mr. Wrestling Kevin Steen. Then again I'm not. So you want to face me again, good cause so do I. You, me, May Massacre. This time you're not gonna get a fluke win, this time I break you. Hopefully you understand that, they don't teach us ghetto in Canada. If not, hopefully I get this right...Holla at cho boy. Heh, that was good. I'm good.[/B] Steen smiles to himself as he walks away. We go backerstage as we see another split screen of Alex Shelley and Larry Sweeney waiting for the entrances for their bout as we go to break. In our main event, [B]Alex Shelley defeated Larry Sweeney[/B] with The Shellshock. Very good main event. Sweeney came out by himself to a great heel reaction. Shelley got easily the biggest pop of the night. The match started with Sweeney attempting some throwback Flair-esq tatics to get an early lead on Shelley. However, the match then became more of a back and forth encounter. The Kings Of Wrestling came out mid match on the entrance way to scout Shelley. Refree Brian Hebner announced the Kings were banned from ringside as a precaution to a huge pop. Sweeney however, without KOW interfierence, came back and attempted the Sherevesport Smash but Shelley telegraphed it and nailed the Shellshock for the win. Almost immeditly the Kings of Wrestling ran down ringside, led by Stevie Richards. Richards ran into the ring and began brawling with Shelley. As Hero and Claudio ran down, we saw from the crowd leap out Lance Storm and Davey Richards, who attacked Hero and Claudio and the 2 teams began to brawl. Sweeney rose back up and began to help Stevie attack Shelley, until from the crowd ran in Nigel McGuiness who nailed a VICIOUS lariat on Sweeney, nearly knocking him out. Shelley superkicked Stevie to the outside. Hero and Claudio bailed out and helped Sweeney up as all 4 backed up the ramp. The show ends with Storm and Richards standing infront of the ring and Nigel and Shelley in the middle of the ring, begging the Kings to fight them. [/CENTER]
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From ewr.com: May 13, 2007 [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img][/center] [B]eWr BattleGround Preview[/B] This Saturday night on MyNetwork TV, the new number one contender for the eWr World Heavyweight Title will be crowned. The show will open with a special 15 man over the top rope battle royal, with the final two combatants facing off later on that night. Stars already entered include Alex Shelley, Nigel McGuiness, Lance Storm, Davey Richards, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Larry Sweeney, Frankie Kazarian and much more. Who will go on to challenge Stevie Richards for the title at May Massacre? Last week, we learned Kevin Steen challenged Eddie Kingston to a rematch from their match at Vendetta. Kingston will be in action this week as he faces the debuting Joey Kaos. Will "The King Of Diamonds" momentum continue or will Kaos make an impact in his debut. Kingston's stable mates in The BLK OUT will also be in action, when Ruckus and Sabian team up to take on the team of Danny Daniels and Sal Rinauro. Can The BLK OUT continue their quest for the eWr World Tag Team Titles? Speaking of the eWr Tag Team Titles, we have recived word that a decision has been made concerning the status of the titles. eWr GM Al Snow will announce that status, and he has requested the attendance of both The Backseat Boyz and current champs Jigsaw and El Generico. Will the right call be made or will the fur fly when these 2 rival teams are in the same ring together? All this and much more this Saturday night at 11PM on eWr BattleGround. Check your local listings for times and stations.
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[CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results: May 19, 2007[/B] [I]Episode Three: It's All Coming Together[/I] Usual opening with pyro and junk. We already notice that the ring is already filled up with several stars, including The Backseat Boyz, All 3 BLK OUT Members, Kevin Steen, Delirious, Frankie Kazarian, Mike Quackenbush, Joey Ryan and El Generico among others. We get start the show as Davey Richards and Lance Storm are entering, followed by Nigel McGuiness, Chris Hero, Larry Sweeney, Claudio Castagnoli and finally Alex Shelley. We're starting off this show right with the Number One Contenders Battle Royal. [B]In the number one contender's battle royal, Nigel McGuiness and Lance Storm were the sole survivors, and thus will wrestle later on tonight to determine the new number one contender to the eWr World Heavyweight title.[/B] Typical battle royal fair. The big shock saw the 3 Kings of Wrestling in the match team up to eliminate Alex Shelley right off the bat, which led to an extremly pissed Shelley to swear revenge. The final four combatants were Nigel, Storm, Larry Sweeney and Chris Hero. The 4 men paired off and breifly brawled, the Kings had their opponents up against the ropes and signaled for double Yakuza kicks to take them both out. However Storm and McGuiness moved at the last split second, crotching both Sweeney and Hero. Storm and Nigel but hit simultanerious Superkicks and Lariats respectivly to eliminate their foes. The crowd came unglued as Storm and McGuiness looked at each other, exausted and knowing of their fate later on that night. Back from break, we're backstage with Steve Prazak who is standing by with eWr CrusierX Champion Joey Ryan and his valet Jade Chung. [B]Wrestling fans, Steven Prazak here backstage with the reigning eWr CrusierX Champion Joey Ryan along with his manager if you will, Jade Chung. And champ, last week Mike Quackenbush won a 4 Corners match to get the rights to face you for the CrusierX title at May Massacre. What are your thou..[/B] Ryan, smirking and rubbing his moustache, snatches the mic from Prazak. [B]All week long, everybody has been coming up to me asking "Joey Ryan, are you nervous about facing Mike Quackenbush? Are you afraid he'll take your title?" And to each and everyone of those people I have said the same thing. No...You see Mike Quackenbush, you used to be good. Back when WCW and ECW still existed, and you were doing flips and armdrags all over PA and Jersey, alot of wrestlers looked up to you. You're the King of The Indies, wrestling TAKA Michonku in Japan, bringing Hijo De Santo to the US and wrestling him and beating guys from AJ Styles to CM Punk to Colt Cabana to some of my friends back out in Cali. You may have done all this great stuff. But there's one thing you haven't done and will never do, and it's beating Joey Ryan. You see Quack, I'll call you Quack, everyone in this promotion respects you, because you're apparently what eWr and the style of wrestling is all about and you own CHIKARA and are a trainer and blah blah blah. But the thing is, all of those people don't have belts. They don't have the right to be called the best. And I do. And until you have this belt, you're not the best. Cause I am. Joey Ryan is the best thing to happen to Crusierweight wrestling. I mean look at me. Look at how sexy I am. (Ryan breaks out the baby oil and rubs some on his chest and begins to breifly moan). Look at this body...I'm dead sexy, all the rats want to get hit by my pink torpedo. If I had a booth for Moustache Rides, Google would try to buy it baby. I bring sleaze and skill, what to you bring Quack? Pleather outfits and a dumb name? Face it, you're nothing compared to Joey Ryan and come May Massace, I'll prove it.[/B] Backerstage we go, as our camera peeks into the Kings Of Wrestling's lockeroom. We can see all 4 men arguing, with Stevie Richards taking charge yelling at the 3 others for blowing the battle royal and allowing a legit winner to happen. Suddenly Larry Sweeney notices the camera and shouts "Get the hell out of here" before slamming the door. In our next contest, [B]Scorpio Sky defeated PAC[/B] with The Blackout DDT. Decent little squash here. Scorpio played a mysterious masked heel and got a so so reaction. PAC did get a nice face reaction as he's becoming more and more a familar and popular face. Quick little match here, with PAC attempting a frankensteiner but Sky shoving him off and nailing his Blakout DDT variation for the win. We go backstage where we see Eddie Kingston preping for his match later on tonight against Joey Kaos. Back from break and more action, [B]The BLK OUT defeated Danny Daniels and Sal Rinauro[/B] after Ruckus hit the Poetic Ruckus on Daniels for the win. BLK OUT got another huge ovation. Daniels and Sal got the old timey jobber treatment here, getting very limited offense in. Ruckus gets the win with the Poetic Ruckus on a dazed Daniels for the win. We then go backstage to GM Al Snow's office. [B]Hello wrestling fans, GM Al Snow here (Looks at Head), yeah they know you're there...you all know...nevermind. I'm here to address the current status of the eWr World Tag Team Titles, as you know 2 weeks ago The Backseat Boyz leveled a vicious attack on the champions El Generico and Jigsaw, with Jigsaw getting severly injured during the attack. As of last week, we had no idea on Jigsaw's status. However this week several new devolpments have taken place. Firstly, Jigsaw has assured me and eWr officals he will be cleared the day of May Massacre to wrestle. However, I need a confirmation of his clearance to make a match. But then 2 days ago, I recieved a call from a Doctor in Montreal, telling me that Beef Wellington, the man who Jigsaw replaced following an injury as half of the tag champions, was cleared to return to action. I notified the Backseat Boyz of the situation this is the status. As of right now, the eWr World Tag Team Titles are in the possession of the TRIO of El Generico, Beef Wellington and Jigsaw. And as a result of this, a match will take place at May Massacre. If Jigsaw is not cleared to wrestle, the team of El Generico and Beef Wellington will defend the titles against The Backseat Boyz. If Jigsaw is cleared however, he will team with Generico and Beef to face the Backseat Boyz and a partner of their choosing, once again for the titles, if the Backseats' team wins, they will win the titles. And following the actions of the Backseat Boyz, whichever match that takes place will be a Baseball Bat on a pole match. [/B]Snow smiles a miniacle smile as we go to break. In our next match, [B]Eddie Kingston defeated Joey Kaos[/B] with the Kondo Clutch. Bad match. Kaos got a decent heel reaction but was atrocious in the ring. Very sloppy. Kingston did his best to carry this match. Kingston did a decent enough job making Kaos look formable but it was such a rough job. Kaos attempted a Yakuza kick but Kingston locked him in the Kondo for the win. As Kingston celebrated, Kevin Steen ran down ringside to attempt to attack Kingston but Kingston stared Steen down as he attempted to enter the ring. The fire in Kingston's eyes caused Steen to back up the isle. We then go backstage to a split screen of Lance Storm and Nigel McGuiness preping for their encounter, coming up next. In the night's main even, [B]Nigel McGuiness defeated Lance Storm[/B] with a Rebound Lariat. Excelent match. Both men recieved huge reactions and split the crowd in two. Match wise it was a very solid technical affair between two real ring generals. Storm nearly won it by locking Nigel in the Maple Leaf, but Nigel miraciously made it to the ropes. The 2 men battle for another 10 minutes and ending with Storm whipping Nigel into the ropes, attempting a Superkick, which he barley hit, Nigel bounced back into and between the ropes and nailed Storm with a rebound Lariat for the victory. As Nigel celebrated, eWr Champ Stevie Richards walked out of the entrance way holding up the belt to Nigel. Suddenly from behind, Stevie gets nailed by Alex Shelley weilding a chair. Shelley then grabs the eWr Title and drapes it over Richards. Shelley is still clearly pissed he's yet to get his one on one shot for the belt. The show ends with Nigel celebrating in the ring, as the knocked out champion lays in the entrance way, with the KOW nowhere to be found.[/center]
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From gerweck.net [QUOTE]eWr News and Notes-05/20/07 -The ratings for the first 3 episodes of BattleGround have finally been released and many in eWr and MyNetwork are surprised with it's ratings. The 3 episodes respectivly were 0.99, 1.03 and 1.06. Granted they aren't near Raw or Smackdown levels but for being on a late night on Saturdays, it's a huge number. BattleGround has come in 3rd in Saturday ratings for 11-1AM ratings behind NBC and Fox (headlined by SNL and MadTV respectivly). Don't be surprised if MyNetwork decides to promote BattleGround to a higher profile slot, as it's currently the 2nd highest rated show on the network. -eWr have posted it's scheudle for the rest of the summer on it's website. The June PPV is going to take place in Chicago, IL and is tenativly called "Gold Rush" and the July PPV will have eWr make it's PPV debut in Washigton DC for "Scars and Stripes". Great name. -It looks as though eWr is looking to expand. On the eWr website, they have added an affilates link, of "sister" promotions. So far the IPW:UK promotion from England and WXW promotion from Germany are up, both promotions have been affiliated with eWr back to the IPW days. Rumors are running rampant that eWr is attempting to form a working relationship with a major Japanese promotion, ala WCW/NJPW during the 1990's. -If you want to take a look at the next stars of eWr, go to a CHIKARA or UWA Hardcore show. CHIKARA, the offical devolpmental territory of eWr have added many new stars recently who have signed contracts with eWr. At their last show, 5 new stars (Kenny Omega, Scott Lost, Chris Bosh, Karl Anderson and Josh Abercrombie) debuted for the promotion, with more rumored to debut soon. UWA Hardcore, up in Canada, has become the "ECW" of sorts for eWr, as it basically went bankrupt but eWr put up the funds to reopen it and send more of their "future stars" there. In the last month, Frankie Kazarian, Chuck Taylor, Necro Butcher, Super Dragon, Nelson Creed and Joey Kaos all began stints with the promotion. Now we don't know for sure the status of Necro, Taylor on Dragon with eWr but we can confirm all 3 were approached with contracts. -The tag titles situation is a weird one. Jigsaw legit suffered a mild concussion at a eWr house show in Cleveland on May 10 against The Backseat Boyz. His doctors were weary on clearing him to wrestle. At the same time, Beef Wellington was FINALLY cleared to wrestle after being out an additional 2 months due to an injury to ankle. This left bookers with a problem with Beef coming back and Jigsaw potentially out, they'd have to do a reverse title switch as they did during Beef's inital injury. Expect the Freebird rule to be used in this one. -In case you were wondering, Colt Cabana debuted for OVW on Friday, pinning former Spirit Squad-er Mike Mondo. -Here's the confirmed/rumored card for eWr's May Massacre a week away from the Ice Palace in Tampa, FL. CONFIRMED: eWr World Heavyweight Title: (C) Stevie Richards vs. Nigel McGuiness eWr World Tag Team Title Baseball Bat Match: (C) El Generico & Jigsaw or Generico, Jigsaw and Beef Wellington vs. The Backseat Boyz or The Backseat Boyz & Mystery Partner eWr World CrusierX Title: (C) Joey Ryan vs. Mike Quackenbush Kevin Steen vs. Eddie Kingston RUMORED: Frankie Kazarian vs. Delirious Alex Shelley vs. Larry Sweeney Lance Storm vs. Claudio Castagnoli Davey Richards vs. Chris Hero The BLK OUT vs. Team Checkmate or Team Checkmate vs. Up In Smoke [/QUOTE]
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From ewr.com: May 21, 2007 [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img][/center] [B]eWr BattleGround Preview[/B] This Saturday night on MyNetwork TV, we are on the eve of "May Massacre" and 24 hours before the huge pay per view extravaganza, the stars of eWr will be out in force. In the night's main event, eWr World Heavyweight Champion Stevie Richards will defend his title against a yet unamed opponent. With the difficult challenge of Nigel McGuiness at May Massacre, will the tune up match help or hurt the leader of The Kings Of Wrestling. Speaking of the Kings Of Wrestling, we have recieved word that a major challenge has been thrown down to them, concerning May Massacre. This is all we know concerning this challenge, will The Kings accept whatever this challenge is from whoever it's from? Two weeks ago, the in ring debut of Frankie Kazarian was spoiled by the returning Delirious. Kazarian has challenged Delirious to a rematch at May Massacre, but both men will be in action this Saturday. Kazarian will face the veteran Disco Machine, while Delirious will take on the hard hitting brusier from Chicago Danny Daniels. We will also see tag team action, as the young upstarts from Canada, Team CheckMate take on the men whom they attacked in their debut, Up In Smoke. All this and much more this Saturday night at 11PM on eWr BattleGround. Check your local listings for times and stations.
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