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[CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results: May 26, 2007[/B] [I]Episode Four: Cliffhanger[/I] The show starts off with the usual opening and announcers hyping the night's fesitivities. Right off the back, we go down ringside for our opening contest. [B]In our opening contest, Team Checkmate defeated Up In Smoke[/B] after Bishop nailed the Degrassi Driver on Cheech. EXCELENT match here. The announcers hype that these 2 teams couldn't wait til later on in the show to battle so they went our early. These 2 teams wrestled an excelent high flying fast pased match. Team Checkmate have been excelent so far, really getting the crowd against them as the obnoxious heels. Cheech and Cloudy were also really on the ball with this one. As noted before, very solid high flying affair. The match ends with a 4 man brawl taking place. Cheech and Bishop on one side and Knight and Cloudy on the other. Cheech takes an advantage on Bishop, while Knight ends up superkicking Cloudy to the outside of the ring. Cheech attempts a DDT on Bishop but Knight nails a lung blower variation out of nowhere. Bishop then nails a Cradle Shock variation dubbed the Degrassi Driver for the win. Bishop and Knight celebrate their victory, signaling they want the belts. Eric Garagulio hypes that Team Checkmate are for real and the tag titles may very well be their next target. Backstage we go where we see The Backseat Boyz standing outside the locker room. Both men have big smirks on their faces. Johnny Kashmere begins to speak. [B]Greetings and salutations losers of America. The best damn team on the plaent talking to ya..Oh you've heard of us. The Backseat Boyz are notorious for our escapades inside...and outside of the ring. And we are only 1...count em, 1 day...24 hours from achiving our destiny. wining the eWr World Tag Team Titles. This has been a long, long...LONG time coming. The bookers and the promoters here have been screwing the Backseats over since we got here and tommrow night, we are going to take what's rightfully ours, not those 2 or 3 jokes that this company has called champions. Generico, Wellington, Jigsaw...no matter what match takes place, you're gonna end up the same way...[/B] Kashmere smiles and looks at Acid, who'se holding up a baseball bat. [B]Ha ha ha, that's right John...hey...Jigsaw, remember us? I don't expect you to because of what little short term memory you have left proably blocked our last meeting out. If you have any brains in that 2nd rate beaner mask of your's you won't show up tommrow, and be like all the other ham and eggers out there and buy the show. Wellington, you definetly remember us, because we broke that knee of yours and cut short your dreams of being Mr. big time tag team champion. If you decide to bring your stupid Canuck ass up tommrow, we'll break that knee, the other knee and whatever else we see fit. And Generico...everyone here loves you, they think you're so cute. Consider yourself lucky...very lucky that you have somehow dodged the beatings you're partners have been dealt by us. But tomrrow, your luck runs out. Because with bats at our dispoal, boys you're gonna end up just like how your girlfriends will when we get done with em, on your back and in pain after we smack you around with our sticks.[/B] Both men laugh as Kashmere steps in front of the camera. [B]Oh and boys, by the way, if it does become a 6 man...our partner, well he's just like us...a Philly origional. We'll leave it at that. See you tommrow boys.[/B] The 2 laugh as we go to break. Back from break, and we can already see Disco Machine in ring, dancing up a storm, meaning our next contest is underway. [B]Frankie Kazarian defeated Disco Machine[/B] with the Wave Of The Future. Decently solid match up. Kaz was really working the arrogant Cali heel gimmick and it worked for him. Disco looked really good in this one, even putting up a couple of near falls. Kaz dominated much of the contest, but Disco provided good competition. Disco went for a Stinger Splash on Kaz, but Kaz moved out of the way and nailed the Wave Of The Future for the win. Kaz smirked as he left the ring. Backstage we go where Steve Prazak is standing by eWr World Heavyweight Champion Stevie Richards and the rest of the Kings Of Wrestling. [B]Steven Prazak here with the eWr Worl..[/B] Richards snatches the mic from Prazak, as Hero, Sweeney and Castagnoli shove Prazak out of picture. Richards looks into the camera incredibly pissed off, as does the rest of the Kings. Stevie puts the mic up to his lips. [B]Alex Shelley...you think you can best me, the champ, by attacking me with a chair...and even before doing that, locking my friends in the locker room? You think that you can use these little guerilla attacks you've been doing to prove to me, to prove to those idiot fans, to the bookers to anyone who will listen that you deserve a shot at my title. Well Baby Bear, you're not. You're not gonna get a shot at this title. Not because I think you can beat me, cause I know you can't. Not because I'm trying to pull a move your boy Big Kev pulled, and delibertly screw up business. And not because you're a popular guy with these idiot fans and the smarks out there. You will never get a shot at this title because you are simply no where near my level of competition. I've wrestled and beaten some of the best in the world, and you my friend, have yet to prove to me you're even in my galazy. And Shelley, you think the Kings Of Wrestling are afraid of you and little Davey Richards and Captain Charisma Lance Storm, you guys want to make a challenge...6 man for tommrow night? We accept and we are gonna do what we do best and win. Nigel McGuiness...I'm not even remotly concerned about you. Fight one limey, fight em all. I'm not expecting much, so I won't even waste promo time on you. As for tonight, Nigel, Shelley, eveyone in that lockeroom, I want you to watch what I do to my opponent. Cause it's only a small piece of what you'll see tommrow...and as long as I hold this title.[/B] Richards drops the mic, and he and the Kings walk away from the interview area as we go to break. Back from break, a brief hype video is aired about ewr.com. We then go backstage as we see Delirious walking to the entrance tunnel as we see Steve Prazak running up to him. [B]Delirious....Delirious...hold on...earlier tonight we saw Frankie Kazarian make short work out of Disco Machine, any thoughts on him, the match tommrow and the match you're about to have now with Danny Daniels? [/B] Delirious looks intensley at Prazak, and then into the camera. [B]Ahadshfuusdhkd douihfuisdhfksdu sbxzjncnuh injdw Frankie Kazarian....andjdkfusdhb babadfgbertu bsahdbudsd bfjshunwi Cobra Twist tap tap tap tap tap bdsjkfbusdfn dfbbdsush uhfdsb fsudfbweu;oml buegwd Danny Daniels nfjsdbfghbdsnmbfsdbn afvgdveyhv fiohsdjfbsdh nfsdbf 78hewjkmnf auwery Baaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh[/B] Strong words from the masked man. [B]Delirious defeated Danny Daniels[/B] with the Chemical Imbalance. Good match. Delirious was as over as always, getting a great reaction from the crowd. Daniels looked very good in this one. Both men wrestled a solid back and forth affair. Delirious nailed the Imbalance for the win. As Delirious celebrated, from backstage ran in Frankie Kazarian who blindsided Delirious with a leaping enzuguri nailing him in the back of the head. He put the boots to Delirious breifly before raising him up and nailing the Wave Of The Future. Kazarian poses over a fallen Delirious as we go to break. We're back as a replay of what just took place is shown. We then go to an extended hype video of the entire card for tommrow's event. We then cut to eWr Champ Stevie Richards making his way to the entrance tunnel as we go to break. [B]In the main event for the eWr World Heavyweight Title, (C) Stevie Richards defeated Beef Wellington[/B] with a Stevie Bomb. Richards entered to a thunderous heel reaction, the crowd legit hated him. "Hangin Tough" hits and out came the returning tag champ Beef Wellington, now sporting dark hair, made his return to the eWr rings, with some extra muscle and got a nice reaction. Match wise it was a decent enough affair. Beef looked pretty good, granted had some ring rust but overall looked really good. Richards controled much of this one. The match ends with Beef attempting an Ass Punch, but got distracted by The Backseat Boyz who came out and began to shout at him as they were being escorted backstage by security. Richards shoved Beef off the top rope, kicked him in the gut and nailed him with the Stevie Bomb for the win. Following the match, the rest of the Kings Of Wrestling came out and the entire stable put the boots to the KO'd Beef. From the back however, ran the King's rivals Alex Shelley, Lance Storm, Davey Richards and Nigel McGuiness. A full scale brawl takes place as the show closes with all 8 men causing chaos. [/center]
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[CENTER][SIZE="2"]elite Wrestling revolution, XM Satellite Radio and bodog.com Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][B]May Massacre[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="3"]From The Ice Palace in Tampa, FL[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event: For eWr World Heavyweight Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c179/stephslips/EWR%20Pics/Stevie_Richards.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/NigelMcGuinness-2.jpg[/IMG] (C) Stevie Richards vs. Nigel McGuiness [B][SIZE="4"]6 Man No DQ Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Chris_Hero3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb79/Pseudonym31/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Larry_Sweeney4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/A%20Images/Alex_Shelley8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Davey_Richards13.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Lance_Storm4.jpg[/IMG] The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli & Larry Sweeney) vs. Alex Shelley, Davey Richards & Lance Storm [B][SIZE="4"]Grudge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Kevin_Steen9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Eddie_Kingston4.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Steen vs. Eddie Kingston [B][SIZE="4"]Grudge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x63/larsw34/delirious2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Kazarian2.jpg[/IMG] Delirious vs. Frankie Kazarian [B][SIZE="4"]eWr World Tag Team Title 6 Man Tag Baseball Bat On A Pole Match; Winner Of The Fall Chooses Their Partner[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/El_Generico8.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jigsaw3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Beef_Wellington.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Johnny_Kashmere.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Trent_Acid5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/KyKy_Base.jpg[/IMG] (C) El Generico, Jigsaw & Beef Wellington vs. The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere & Trent Acid) and Mystery Opponent [B][SIZE="4"]eWr World CrusierX Title[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Joey_Ryan5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Mike_Quackenbush3.jpg[/IMG] (C) Joey Ryan vs. Mike Quackenbush [B][SIZE="4"]Special Tag Team Chellenge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Ruckus2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Sabian5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Rene_Dupree5.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Sylvain_Grenier4.jpg[/IMG] The BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) vs. Quebec Cripplers (Rene Dupree and Sly Grenier) [B][SIZE="4"]Grudge Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brahman_Shu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brahman_Kei.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cheech.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cloudy.jpg[/IMG] Team Checkmate (Christopher Bishop & Lionel Knight) vs. Up In Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy) [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Scorpio_Sky2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/P%20Images/PAC5.jpg[/IMG] Scorpio Sky vs. PAC [/center]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B]LIVE COVERAGE eWr "May Massacre" May 27, 2007 The Ice Palace Tampa, FL[/B] -Welcome to LIVE COVERAGE of eWr's May Massacre PPV. We're being txt'd results from the show, along with our live on PPV coverage. -7:30 preshow goodness. New look for the eWr Control Center, which is now hosted by...Josh Matthews, fresh off his WWE firing. Matthews hyped the PPV and such. Nothing tremendously of note here. 8:00 and away we go. -Opening video mainly hypes the KOW's feuds with everybody, very nice looking. Pyro hits and the show is on. Our announcers Eric Garagulio and Raven hype the show as we go to the ring for our opener. -[B]Scorpio Sky defeated PAC[/B] with the Blackout DDT. Nice short opener. Decent reactions for both men. Very quick pased little bout here. Nothing tremendously ground breaking. PAC attempts a 450 Splash on a fallen Scorpio, Scorpio rolls out of the, allowing PAC's face to literly bounce off the mat. Scorpio raises PAC and nails the Blackout DDT for the win. -Backstage we go where Frankie Kazarian is standing by, nice heel promo on Delirious. He calls Delirious a joke and announces what he did to him yesterday was just a small preview to what's going to happen tonight. -[B]The BLK OUT defeated Team Checkmate and Up In Smoke[/B] after Sabian nailed a Twisting Senton on Cheech. Before the match, Garagulio announced that due to "contractual disputes" (IE Dupree/Grenier jumping to TNA apparently), eWr match makers decided to make this a "Contender's Challenge" triple threat match, with the winner of the fall becoming the number 1 contender, the loser of the fall #2 contender and the other team falling to third. Match wise it was a very very solid affair. Checkmate and UIS dominated this one early on. The crowd was solidly behind BLK OUT throughout this one. Checkmate is really over as villians I must say. Very good high flying match with some good psychology. Match ends with Knight nailed the Knightfall on Cheech and attempts a cover. However in runs in Sabian who hits a nice running double stomp on the back of Knight, then shoving him to the outside of the ring, allowing BLK Jeez to run up the ropes and nail a Twisting Senton for the win. The BLK OUT celebrate breifly until Team Checkmate attack both of them with chairs, before posing over the fallen winners. -Mike Quackenbush promo on Joey Ryan. He claims tonight he's gonna do something no one in eWr has been able to do; humble Joey Ryan and he's gonna do it the only way he knows how, by taking his title. Backserstage we go where we see Nigel McGuiness arriving to the arena, looking very much all business. -[B]Delirous defeated Frankie Kazarian[/B] by DQ following Kazarian refusing to break a Dragon Sleeper after Delirious got to the rope. EXCELENT matchup here. Kaz was over huge as the doushebag obnoxious heel. The crowd was clearly behind Delirious, alot of Delirious shirts. He's got great potential to become a huge star. Match wise it was a very very solid back and forth technical affair. The 2 men's differing yet essentially similar styles complemented each other very very well. The crowd was clearly in love with this match. The match ends with Kazarian nailing the Wave of the Future but Delirious kicked out. Kazarian lost his mind, began putting the boots to Delirious and then locked him in a Dragon Sleeper. Delirious got his foot on the rope but Kaz refused to break the hold, leading to the ref DQing him. Several ref's had to pry Kaz off Delirious. Delirious coughed and struggled to breathe as a sick smile appeared on the face of Kaz as he walked to the backstage area. -Eddie Kingston promo. Very heated and emotional on Kevin Steen, claiming tonight he'll put him out of his misery. -[B]eWr World CrusierX Title: Mike Quackenbush defeated Joey Ryan[/B] by Countout, RYAN STILL CHAMPION. Another very very good match here. Big pop for Quack, was actually a little surprised how over he was. Ryan, working his ever solid Magnum gimmick, got a great heel reaction. Match wise these two fit each other like a hand and a glove. Very hard hitting back and forth. The whole match was played out with Quack getting near fall after near fall, essentially making it like every fall is proably going to end the match. The match ends with Quack hitting a running Palm Strike on Ryan, knocking him to the outside. Quack hits a running plancha on Ryan and drags him to the inside of the ring, he then goes for the QuackenSmash @ but Ryan bails out to the outside of the ring, grabs his title and hightails it out of the arena. A confused and pissed Quack stands in the ring as the refree awards him the match. The announcers speculate on the possibility of a rematch between these two. -Hype video for the next big PPV, "Gold Rush" from Chicago IL in June. We then go backstage where the Kings Of Wrestling all collectivly cut an excelent group promo on all of their foes. Good stuff. -[B]eWr World Tag Team Title 6 Man Baseball Bat On A Pole Match: (C) El Generico, Jigsaw and Beef Wellington defeated The Backseat Boyz and Axl Rotten[/B] after a big Yakuza kick by Generico on Rotten. Now I must say I'm perplexed by the choosing of a huge Axl Rotten, who didn't really do much in this one. I guess he was to be the "muscle" of this one but still, not good. Match wise it was relativly decent when the Backseats were in there. Crowd hates them by the way. Good reaction for Generico and Jigsaw, Beef not so much. The match ends with all 4 ball bats in play and a huge brawl taking place. Rotten comes off the top rope to retrive the final bat and gets nailed with a Yakuza kick by Generico for the win. Generico celebrated with the belts, as Jigsaw and Wellington came in, eager to find out who would become Generico's title partner. Generico looked torn. Suddenly, Beef and Jigsaw began arguing, leading to Beef nailing Jigsaw and a brawl errupting. Meanwhile on the outside of the ring, The Backseats began to beat down Rotten. Generico struggled to break up the fight between his partners, when the Backseats ran in and nailed Generico with ball bats, both simultaniously on his back. They then hit a huge Backseat Bomb. The feuding partners then stopped fighing and cleared the ring of the Backseats. The tag titles are in even more turmoil than they were before. -Backstage interview with Alex Shelley, Lance Storm and Davey Richards. They hype their upcoming 6 man tag match and claim they'll take out the Kings Of Wrestling tonight. Shelley then grabs the mic and directs his own promo to Stevie Richards, claiming it's not even about the title anymore, he wants a piece of Richards and he wants it bad. -[B]Kevin Steen defeated Eddie Kingston[/B] after Steen got a roll up with a big handfull of tights. Very good match up here. Kingston was over huge as the no nonsense gangsta. Crowd was all over Steen in this one. Match wise it was yet another hard hitting battle between these two. Alot of hard strikes, with alot of near falls between these two. Match ends with Kingston nailing a uranage but Steen getting his foot on the rope. Kingston then raised Steen and attempted a back drop driver, but Steen ran into the ropes into a roll up and got a huge handful of tights for the cheap win. Steen immeditly ran outside of the ring and began celebrating as a incredibly pissed Kingston kicked the ropes and began cursing up a storm. Steen was all smiles as he walked to the back, as a pissed Kingston stared at him. -Promo for BattleGround. Then we go backstage where Nigel McGuiness is standing by. Nigel claims tonight he'll win the eWr Title and embarass Stevie Richards and prove to everyone he's the best wrestler in the world. -[B]6 Man No DQ Match: The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and Larry Sweeney) defeated Alex Shelley, Lance Storm and Davey Richards[/B] after Hero nailed a Hero's Welcome on Davey through a table. EXCELENT brawl. Very remisiscent to the big 8 man match at No Way Out 98. The Kings were extremly hated, easily the biggest heel reaction of the night. Shelley got the biggest face pop of the night. Match wise it was a very good old fashioned throwback type of brawl. All 6 men ended up being busted open, along with alot of chair, trashcan etc weapon use. The match ends with Chris Hero nailing a sick Hero's Welcome on Davey Richards through a table for the win. A clearly out of it, beat up KOW's celebrate up the ramp as Lance and Shelley check up on Davey. -Hype video for our main event. Bell rings, inside the ring is Michael Buffer. Very nice eWr. [B]Welcome to elite Wrestling revolution's May Massacre here from the Sold Out Ice Palace in Tampa, Florida. And now, the main event of the evening. Are you ready? Tampa, Florida....are..you...rrrrrrreeeeaaaddddyyy. Then for the thousands in attendance and he millions watching around the world....ladies and gentlemen....LLLLLLLLLEEEEETTTTTTTTTSSSS GET READY TO RUMBLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!![/B] The 2 wrestlers make their own seperate intros, complete with pyro. Buffer, then begins their own intros. [B]Firstly in the corner to my left, the challenger. Wearing the black tights with the white Union Jack and red trim, hailing from London, England. Weighing in tonight at 228 pounds, he is the master of the lariat. Ladies and Gentlemen, Nigggeeelll McGuiness. And his opponent, in the corner to my right, the champion. He represents the most dominant force in pro wrestling today The Kings Of Wrestling, wearing the blue trunks with the white trim, hailing from the city of brotherly love Philadelphia, PA. He weighs in tonight at 235 pounds, He is the current and reigning eWr Heavweight...Champion of the wooooorrrlllldddd Stevie Riiiiiccccchhhhhaaarrrdddsss.[/B] Love it. -[B]Main Event for eWr World Heavyweight Title: (C) Stevie Richards defeated Nigel McGuiness[/B] after telegraphing a Rebound Lariat with a Stevie Kick. Pretty good match up here. Crowd was solidly behind Nigel, who definetly became one of the top guys in the company after tonight. Everyone hated Stevie here. Match wise they wresteled a very WWE big match type of style, telling more of a story here than anything. Nigel had Stevie on the ropes for the entire match, but Stevie the vengeful champ did anything to keep his belt. Nigel nearly won on several occasions, including nailing the Thames Barrier and then locking Richards in a Figure 7 Leglock, first time I can remember anyone using that in the US. Stevie however fought back, including a ref bump and then blasting Nigel in the head with the belt, busting him open. Ref counted but Nigel kicked out to the shock of Stevie. These two continuned to battle on for another few minutes. Stevie attempted a Stevie Bomb but once he got him up Nigel rolled out of hit and began to headbutt Richards and then nailed him with a vicious lariat. Richards however broke up the 3 after his foot grasped the rope. Nigel raised Stevie and signaled for another Lariat. Stevie ducked under, kicked Nigel in the gut and went for the StevieT, Nigel then pushed out of it and went into the ropes and attempted his rebound Lariat but Stevie moved out of the way and then nails a Stevie Kick out of nowhere to get the shocking pin on Nigel. Richards celebrates, until from the back comes Alex Shelley. Shelley then procedes to go face to face with Richards. Shelley has the face of deterimination on as he glares at Stevie. Stevie smirks at Shelley and raises the eWr Title at Shelley, as to say "you'll never get this" as he backs out of the ring. The show ends with a determined Shelley looking at Richards as he's congraduated at the top of the ramp by the other Kings Of Wrestling. [/QUOTE]
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From DOIWrestling.com [QUOTE][B]Post May Massacre News[/B] -We can confirm that Davey Richards suffered a minor stinger during his 6 Man no DQ match. He looked to be in bad shape after taking a Hero's Welcome through a table. No word if he is going to be able to make Friday and Saturday's TV tapings in Detroit. -Word also coming out of May Massacre is that Delirious may have injured his ankle during his match with Frankie Kazarian. It was pretty apparent midway through the match, he rolled it after attempting a kick up. He was favoring it as he left the ring post match. -In case you were wondering, Rene Dupree and Sly Grenier were booked for the May Massacre show in advance, however the 2 ended up signing with TNA 3 days prior and backed out of the event. We've been told most likley they were to be used as a one shot anyways. Same deal with Axl Rotten. -Word around the locker room was that several WWE scouts were in attendence last night. -A few interesting dark matches before the main show: Danny Daniels beat Sexxy Eddy, Chuck Taylor defeated Sal Rinauro and Super Dragon defeated Disco Machine. Hmm -Expect for much of the Gold Rush card to be layed out on the next BattleGround. The rumored gimmick is that many different titles, including several non eWr ones will be defended at the show.[/QUOTE]
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From ewr.com: May 29, 2007 [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img][/center] [B]eWr BattleGround Preview[/B] This Saturday night on MyNetwork TV, the fallout from "May Massacre" will be felt. Last Sunday, we saw shocking wins, hard hitting battles and shocking turns of events. eWr World Heavyweight Champion Stevie Richards retained his title against challenger Nigel McGuiness, only to then have a staredown with top challenger Alex Shelley. We also saw a vicious brawl ending with a Kings Of Wrestling victory. This week on BattleGround, we will see a huge main event as Nigel McGuiness attempts to gain some revenge, as he will face Stevie Richards in a non title match. Will McGuiness win his match back, or will The Champ go 2-0 against the Englishman. "May Massacre" also saw "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen steal a win against Eddie Kingston. Steen will be in action as he faces the masked Delirious. Delirious defeated Frankie Kazarian by DQ at May Massacre, but was savagly attacked following the match. Will his injuries heal in time? We will also see a big tag team matchup as Team Checkmate take on the team of Lance Storm and Davey Richards. All this and much more this Saturday night at 11PM on eWr BattleGround. Check your local listings for times and stations.
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[CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results: June 2, 2007[/B] [I]Episode Five: In Due Time...[/I] The show opens with a video going over the happenings of May Massacre. Pyro hits and the show is on the air. Our announcers Eric Garagulio and Raven hype the night's show and it's huge main event. Garagulio refrences the huge party layout inside the ring. Suddenly "We Are The Champions" hits and out struts The Kings Of Wrestling, all with huge smiles on their faces, and all holding title belts. They get into the ring, and Chris Hero asks for a microphone. [B]Ladies, Gents...welcome to the celebration of the year. Welcome to the highest rated segment on this show...but most importantly welcome to part one of The Kings Of Wrestling's Victory Celebration. (Boos). You see this past week, has been a banner week for the Kings Of Wrestling. Not saying every week isn't big for us. This week particularly was good for us. Firstly, you may notice some extra gold around our waists. You see two nights ago, in Berlin, Germany, The Kings Of Wrestling invaded and to the victors, go the spoils. Larry Sweeney, the once again reigning ICW/IWA Texarkana TV Champion and NEW WXW TV Champion. My partner and my best friend Claudio Castagnoli, the NEW WXW/IPW Unified European Champion and myself Chris Hero, the NEW WXW World Heavyweight Champion. The three of us now offically are the sole title holders and are basically running the biggest wrestling promotion in the European Mainland. This week also saw the unveiling of the BRAND NEW series of Kings Of Wrestling Merchandise Line become avaiable on ewrshop.com. All of you people now have the privlage to wear the shirts of Myself, "Sweet N Sour", Double C and The Champ. I suggest you buy them while you still can. But what made this week, so tremendous for us was how it started. You see, at May Massacre, The Kings Of Wrestling performed a clean sweep. We started the night off when the 3 of us destroyed the 3 guys that each and everyone of you people look up to, Alex Shelley, Baby Davey and Old Man Storm. We beat the three of them within an inch of their lives. But the end of that match was soooo clutch for us, so clutch that we should see this one more time (Replay of the Hero's Welcome through the table on Davey). Oh man, look at that. What a thing of beauty. Guys, guys, I heard that that gave Baby Davey a stinger, and it looks like his mommy isn't going to let him come out and play for a while. Richards, before you get the idea, don't even try it. You see Davey, it's very apparent you don't have a mind for yourself and will listen to anyting these people or your "mentor" butt buddy Lance says. Davey, I know you're susposed to be here tonight, but listen to me, if you and Lance try anything, even considering messing with The Kings, that stinger I gave you will simply be nothing but an appatizer from the main courses of paralyis The Kings Cafe will be offering up to you. But the biggest victory of all, belongs to...The Champ.[/B] Hero smirks as he passes the mic to a gleeming Stevie Richards. [B]Everybody laughed when I told you people that I would destory Nigel McGuiness. You people were yet again disapointed. Because as you can clearly see, Nigel may be good, but he's not good enough to dodge a Stevie Kick, roll the footage. (The finish of May Massacre are shown). Ha ha ha ha. I've watched that footage atleast 30 times this week and it gets better and better each time. Everybody saw, that I knocked his head off. I didn't need any run ins, any weapons. Nothing. All you idots out there still don't want to accept that Stevie Richards is the BEST WRESTLER IN THE WORLD. You all see me as the domesticated wrestler who wrested in a tie or dressed up as a chick up North. Well that Stevie Richards is DEAD. You all see me from my reputation rather the unbelieveable skills I possess. This is a celebration, but at the same time, it's a rebirth. Stevie Richards died on Sunday night, from the ashes rises who I really am. No longer will I be seen as the guy from ECW, I will now be seen for the marvelous skills I possess. Stevie Richards is dead, long live "Marvelous" Michael Manna (Booo). And tonight, the first chapter of te next level of my carrer will be written. Nigel, you want another shot at me, well tonight you'll get it and it will end just likeit did on Sunday, you on your back and my hands held high. But the thing about Sunday which really made me happy was when Mr. Internet, Mr. Emo, Mr. Teenage Idol Alex Shelley came on down to the ring and tried to shake me down and intimadte me because he wants a shot at this. Alex, kid, I've been in this business longer than you've been alive and to be honest, your nothing to me. You may be huge to these idiots, the marks on the web and all the fat girls that show up to these shows, but as far as I'm concered, you're just a failed X division wrestler. And that's why you'll never, ever get a shot at my title. Now, guys, let the first part of the celebration begin, cause after I beat Nigel later on, part two will be all night lon...[/B] "The Clap" by the Unicorns hits, and the crowd becomes unglued as Alex Shelley walks out on the ramp. Shelley smriks as he raises the mic to his lips. [B]Well, well well. Lookie what we have here. The Queens are having a picinic. That's cute. Im surprised you're having your little celebration in ring, cause someone told me there's a gloryhole about 3 miles from here at some truck stop. (Crowd pops as the Kings are now livid). Stevie...I mean Michael. Wow how about this, you changed your name. I applaud that. Michael Manna. It's got a great ring to it. I LOVE the aliteration. But Mike, Stevie, Steven, Baron Von Stevie, Big Stevie Cool, Dude Love, whatever you want to be called, one thing is still the same, you still suck. Now you say to me that I'm nothing but a failed X Divisioner, that's cute. But I'd rather be that than a never was gimmicky hack who wasted his whole career. (BIG POP). You see, everyone here knows that you've been dodgeing me because you know as soon as I get the chance that belt will be residing in my home. But at the same time, everyone also knows you're afraid I'll steal your spot on the top of the company. But most of all, everyone knows that you're an idiot. So here is what I am propsing to you. You and me, one on one at Gold Rush. But not for the title. You see if I beat you, I get a shot at that belt. But if you beat me, I'll never challange for that belt as long as you are champion.[/B] The crowd is shocked as the Kings talk it over. Manna backs off from the huddle smirking. [B]Shelley, you're dumber than I thought, I accept your little challenge and I already weap for you cause you're dreams will come to an end come Gold Rush. What do you have to say to that?[/B] Shelley smirks. [B]What do I have to say about that...hmmm wait, I know...Look behind you.[/B] The Kings turn around to find Nigel McGuiness, Davey Richards and Lance Storm inside the ring and a huge brawl errupts. Shelley runs into the ring to help his friends. The Kings all procede to bail out of the ring, extremly pissed off as this foresome stands, destroying the party setup in the ring and taunting the Kings as we go to break. Back from break, we see Steven Prazak chasing down eWr CrusierX Champion Joey Ryan as he is walking towards the entrance tunnel. [B]Joey, Joey.. Before your match with Scorpio Sky, anything to say about how you walked out on your match with Mike Quackenbush this is past Sunday?[/B] Ryan, looks at Prazak pissed, grabs the mic. [B]Walked away? Prazak you shut your damn mouth. I exited that match because my hamstring was in pain, and I did not want to get myself injured. Quackenbush thinks he can still beat me, but he can't cause I'm the best around baby. And Scorpio Sky, tonight my friend, you're gonna see why I'm the best. [/B] Ryan walks out to the ring and here we go/ [b]Joey Ryan defeated Scorpio Sky[/b] with a running brainbuster. Very goo match up here. Both men have history together from their PWG days and that allowed them to put on a good one here. Scorpio attempted the Blackout but Ryan telegraphed it and nailed a beautiful running brainbuster for the win. Ryan breifly celebrated with the belt, before attacking Scorpio again. Ryan put the boots to Sky, and then nailed him with a superkick. He then proceded to unmask Scorpio, as he did this Mike Quackenbush ran down ringside with a chair. Ryan and Jade Chung bailed out of the ring clutching his title and the mask of Scorpio Sky. Quackenbush attends to Scorpio as the camera pans between Ryan and the now unmasked Scorpio. Hype video is aired for next week's show, hyping both the contract signing between Alex Shelley and Michael Manna as well as a "huge announcement" by GM Al Snow. Backstage we go where Steve Prazak is standing by with El Generico, who looks sad and is holding both eWr World Tag Team Titles. [B]El Generico, it's been a difficult week for you. On Sunday you regained the Tag titles, but your 2 partners Jigsaw and Beef Wellington began to brawl over who would be named as your partner. [/B] Generico pounts. [b] Si.[/b] Prazak starts again. [b]And we have been told that both men have fought each other several times this past week at several eWr shows. [/b] Generico pounts more and slumps. [b] Si. [/b] Prazak shakes his head and puts his hand on the sad Generico's shoulder. [b] The big question right now, is have you chosen a partner? [/b]. Generico, still looking disgraut shakes his head, grabs his mask, looking like he's attempting to make a descision. He looks intently at Prazak. [b]No[/b] Generico begins to cry apparently and runs away from the interview position as Prazak looks confused. Back ringside we go for some tag team action. [b]Lance Storm and Davey Richards defeated Team Checkmate[/b] by DQ after Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli ran nin and attacked Storm and Richards. Good match. Crowd really loved Storm and Davey. Checkmate are still getting really good heel reactions. Storm and Richards dominated this one for most of the match. Match ends with Storm and Richards attempting a Double Superkick on Lionel Knight, until from the back runs in Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli who begin to brawl with Storm and Richards. The 4 men continue to brawl until several agents and wrestlers break these 4 up as we go to break. Back from break, another hype video for May Massacre and it's PPV relays is shown. We're backstage where Delirious is standing by, with a bandage on his throat, with Steven Prazak. [B]Delirious, on Sunday you won against Frankie Kazaiarian, but the damanage was done, how are you feeling and what do you have to say to Kazarian?[/B] Delirious looks at Prazak and begins to rub his throat. He loudly coughs and begins to speak. [B]Fahfshduuih hsdkfhbdui shdausdu usahdughb Frankie Kazarian sdusdhfusdfb adgdgebwe asdygfsd uifhsdfyu sdfhsdyuh dhdsuiuihb Gold Rush dfsdhfuisdhfjk GGY HFHSDIudf udshfb sdiuiwer asd732454h dfkdgsuf;lidfbduh Tap Tap Tap sdjkhfsdub[/B] Prazak looks confused as he pulls the mic back. [B]OK....umm Delirious in literly seconds you'll have a huge matchup against Kevin Steen, your thoughs?[/B]. Delirious looks at Prazak again and then back into the camera. [B]Sndkjbndsjkbb jbdfjsdkbfksdb jkfhjksdu8 uwqhieru kfgksdbsd 8urbf d8buhduh Kevin Steen dskhfuy dsfyihjd4 fy78yughsd dihf8u83 dhfdufy dhdf7ydsughf sjhfjsdfyhsduihgejrv dsfbsdbfdsfky bnjsdfkh8 Cobra Twist dvasdhadvas Tap Tap Tap kfbdsfusdhfusdb sdfbsdjkfbskb sdnf sdfsgby Shadooowwwwsss mnbsdfbsdybfhsd sdhbsdgvsdhfvbsd djfsdhbn dbbehb dsjds[/B] Delirious walks away from Prazak as we go ringside. [b]Delirious defeated Kevin Steen[/b] by DQ after Frankie Kazarian ran in. VERY GOOD matchup here. The crowd absolutly hated Steen, playing up his dooshbag street cred. Delirious was as hot as ever. Match wise it was a very solid afair, very back and forth between both guys. Match ends with Delirious nailing the Chemcal Imbalance, and then climing the ropes for the Shadows Over Hell, only to have Frankie Kazarian run down and shove him off the ropes. Kazarian put the boots to Delirious on the outside of the ring. Steen laughed at Delirious from inside the ring, however the crowd lost it as Eddie Kingston ran down to the ring and NAILED Steen with a back drop driver, droping Steen on his head. Kingston began to shout at a fallen Steen as he then posed. Meanwhile on the outside, Delirious and Kazarian brawled all the way back up the ramp as we went back to the ring watchin Kingston celebrate. We now go backstage as we split screen between Nigel McGuiness and Michael Manna walking towards the entrance ramp. In the main event, [B]Michael Manna defeated Nigel McGuiness[/B] after Larry Sweeney nailed Nigel in the face with his ICW/ICWA TV Title. Very good match. Manna gained even more heel heat with his earlier promo. The crowd really was into Nigel yet again. The crowd was solidly behind, the crowd was defening with "Nigel" chants. Match ends with Nigel ducking under a Stevie Kick, now dubbed The King's Crown, Manna grabs the ref, Nigel attempts the Rebound Lariat but Larry Sweeney NAILS him in the face with his belt. Nigel immeditly falls to the outside of the ring. Sweeney begins to yell at Nigel, claiming the two of them weren't over yet and throws Nigel back into the ring. Manna then picked up a bleeding Nigel and nails the StevieT, now dubbed the MannaT, for the cheap win. Sweeney presents Manna his title and the 2 begin putting the boots to Nigel, until from the back runs in Alex Shelley. Manna bails as Shelley and Sweeney begin to brawl. Manna runs back in and NAILS Shelley in the back of the head with the eWr Title. He then raises Shelley and hits another MannaT. The show ends with Sweeney and Manna standing over their 2 fallen enemies, holding their respective titles high. [/center]
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From Gerweck.net [QUOTE][B]End Of May Wrestling News Round Up[/B] -The WWE had yet another OK month, as they put on two big events. Saturday Night's Main Event once again returned to NBC, this time replacing SNL which recently entered summer hiatus. The ratings for it have yet to be released but all signs are pointing to not a tremendous one, as currently the next SNME which was rumored for July has been pushed back to September. WWE also presented Vengence, highlighted by a John Cena/Great Khali wrestling clinic. WWE also made some waves by apparently begining it's summer cleaning, releasing several low level and devolpmental stars including Scotty 2 Hotty, Ariel (Shelly Martinez), Angel Williams, Vito and in a shock to none Sabu. Speaking of Sabu, expect for the Sabu/Rob Van Dam team to begin to make the indy rounds, as RVD's WWE contract expired June 1. Van Dam, who happens to own his name, has already been rumored to TNA and eWr. WWE insders told us to expect a new round of devolpmental signings to happen soon. Usually this'll happen once the leagues are purged clean. We can report WWE does have it's eye on a few low level eWr stars, including Danny Daniels and Disco Machine. ECW fans offically gave up on the promotion after ECW Champion Mr. McMahon went over Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman in back to back defences. WWE also announced that the WWE Draft for 2007 would take place on June 4, the night after One Night Stand. -TNA had a pretty big month. The month's big news saw the offical split between TNA and the National Wrestling Alliance, meaning TNA could no longer use NWA sanctioned titles. Ergo at Sacrifice, TNA crowned it's first TNA World and Tag Champs in Kurt Angle and Team 3D respectivly. Angle is apparently moving into a program with Christian Cage, most likley turning both men Trading Places status. May also saw the debuts of several more WWE castoffs as Aaron Aguleria (Jesus) debuted, along with The Damaja and Doug Basham. All 3 have yet to make any kind of significant impact as of yet. TNA also announced it would be resuming a working relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling, sending several TNA stars to NJPW, along with TNA becoming the US "home" of NJPW talent, as already Tiger Mask IV and AKIRA have recently debuted in TNA. TNA garnered alot of heat online by trashing eWr and ROH on it's TNA Today Youtube show. TNA also let go Austin Starr and Senshi from their contracts. TNA also reportdly entered talks with several high level unemployed talent including RVD and Sabu as well as Matt Morgan, Sean Waltman and Teddy Hart. Rumors concerning TNA attempting to buy out several eWr roster members' contracts were false. Finally sad news for TNA as Jill Jarrett, the wife of Jeff Jarrett passed after a long bout of cancer. Jeff Jarrett's status in the company is unknown as of now, despite his recent face comback. -Ring Of Honor had easily one of the biggest months in the company's history as they started the month off annoucing a PPV distrubution deal with iNDEMAND, Dish Network and TVN, allowing the product to be seen in over 50 million homes across North America. The company will air 3 hour PPVs bimonthy at $10.00 per. ROH proceded to cement itself by offically signing most of it's roster to written contracts including Bryan Danielson and The Briscoes. All contracts are said to be year long deals. However this move to pay per view has offically ended ROH's working relationship with TNA. This led to the ROH departures of Austin Aries, Homicide, Christopher Daniels and ended the rumored return of Samoa Joe who was rumored to battle current ROH Champ Takeshi Morishima for the title. This, unlike the eWr Exodus, isn't expected to destroy promotion. However by month's end, Aries who had been released from TNA, made his return to the promotion on it's second PPV taping. The month saw several new stars make their ROH debuts, including Nick Dinsmore, former WWE Devolpmental star Kofi Kingston and young Canadian star Don Paysan. An apparent bidding war has also devolped between ROH and eWr concerning some indy names both promotions are attempting to utalize. -Another solid month for eWr as BattleGround finished it's first month on the air, and so far it's been a huge surprise hit for MyNetwork TV, to the point that rumors are swirling that they'll be promoted to a prime time slot soon. May Massacre was seemingly another successful PPV venture for the promotion. eWr officals made huge strides internationally, as they struck agreements with SamuraiTV in Japan, SkySports in the UK and Galavision in Mexico to carry eWr programing. eWr is apparently looking to hold a PPV in Japan or Mexico sometime next year, while holding a LIVE UK PPV to be shown in the US later this year, as they're apparently shooting for October or November for the event. The descision for Stevie Richards to change his name to his real one Michael Manna was done primarly by eWr to make Manna more of an eWr based star rather than going by his known WWE name. eWr's next PPV Gold Rush was origionally rumored to be an all championship pay per view, however this plan has for the most part been scrapped, however rumors are swirling that a "major title" never before defended on US soil may very well be defended. -Internationally, the Japanese Wrestling scene was rocked recently when the Zero 1-MAX promotion was bought out by New Japan. Almost all of Zero 1's stars have "invaded" NJPW recently. This has allowed New Japan to retake the top spot in the Japenese scene, as Pro Wrestling NOAH has begun to cool. NOAH is in negociations with both Dragon Gate and Ring Of Honor for not only a working relationship but also a huge "festival" type card later in the year. All Japan has stayed relativly the same, nothing of real note going on, besides offically signing Triple Crown Champion Minoru Suzuki to a full time contract. The Mexican scene continues to be all about Mistico. The young legend claimed his 6th mask, defeating Monteray star El Diablo Satanico during an Arena Mexico card. CMLL's business has been booming, espically with a Mistico/Perro Aguyo Jr. feud being teased. AAA made news early in the month, announcing that TNA would be "invading" in it's big Mexico City show in June. The big rumored match is to be Los Hell Brothers (Cibernetico, Chessman, Carly Manson) and El Zorro facing The Christian Colition (Christian Cage & AJ Styles), El Mesias and a Mystery Partner in a War Games esq cage match. Finally, the seperation of TNA and the NWA has signaled for a resurgence of sorts of the NWA. The NWA has begun a marketing campeign on Youtube hyping the "return" of the NWA to the mainstream, mainly hyping the now vacant NWA World Heavyweight Title. Several ROH stars including Bryan Danielson, Adam Pearce and Brent Albright have done videos claiming they want their shot at the title. Also other indy stars such as Steve Corino, Rob Conway, Joey Matthews and Orlando Jordan have joined in. No "debut" date has been set for the NWA's restart. [/QUOTE]
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From ewr.com: June 4, 2007 [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img][/center] [B]eWr BattleGround Preview[/B] This Saturday night on MyNetwork TV, it will be a huge night as we will witness the contract signing for the main event of Gold Rush, which is just 2 weeks away from the UIC Pavillion in Chicago, IL where it's All or Nothing as Alex Shelley faces eWr World Heavyweight Champion Michael Manna and if Shelley wins he'll finally get a shot for the title. However if he loses, he won't recieve another shot until Manna loses the title. Will the bad blood between these two boil over at the contract signing? We have also been promised a "huge announcement" from eWr GM Al Snow. What will this announcement be? Following the actions of last week, a huge main event match has been signed as two feuds spill over into one match, as "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen teams up with "The Best Around" Frankie Kazarian to take on the incredibly unorthodox team of Eddie Kingston and Delirious. Which side will come out on top? Speaking of tag team action, Kingston's stable mates in BLK OUT, Ruckus and Sabian will team up to face the former number one contenders for the eWr World Tag Team Titles, The Backseat Boyz. What will happen when these 2 top teams collide for the first time? All this and much more this Saturday night at 11PM on eWr BattleGround. Check your local listings for times and stations.
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OOD: I'm gonna shorten up the results for this show, so if you read this, tell me ur thoughts on the new format. [CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results: June 9, 2007[/B] [I]Episode Six: Prime Time Baby[/I] The show begins with a very well cut recap video of the events which took place during last week's show, ending with Michael Manna and Larry Sweeney standing over a fallen Alex Shelley and Nigel McGuiness. Pyro goes off and away we go, as our announcing team of Eric Garagulio and Raven hype the night's show, the contract signing and the "big announcement" which we have been promised. Music hits and we are underway here on BattleGround. [B]Mike Quackenbush defeated Cloudy[/B] with the Quackendriver II. Nice bout here. Very good reaction for Quack. Match wise it was relativly solid for these two, as Quack trained Cloudy so therefore these two had some chemestry. Quack scoops up a dazed Cloudy and nails the Quackendriver II for the win. As Quack celebrates, the SuperScreen shows backstage, Joey Ryan putting the boots to a fallen Scorpio Sky, as he puts the boots to Scorpio he shouts "You see what happens Quackenbush, You see?" This promps Quack to run backstage to save his friend, as he gets to Scorpio, Ryan is long gone and for the second week in a row, Quackenbush looks over a fallen Scorpio Sky. We go backerstage to see a lonesome El Generico walking ringside, we'll see him in action after break. In our next contest, [B]El Generico defeated Cheech[/B] with a BRAAAIIINNNNBUUUSSTTTAAAHHHHH!!!!! OK match here. Crowd was big time over for Generico. Chemestry wise they had some but nothing spetacular. Match ends with Cheech attempting a Senton Bomb but Generico crotching him and nailing the BRAINBUSTAH for the win. During the match, Generico's two partners Beef Wellington and Jigsaw both came down ringside to watch the match. As the match ended, both men entered the ring and proceded to both cut promos on why they should be Generico's tag team championship partner. Wellington and Jigsaw then both got in each others faces and yet another brawl between the 2 insued as an distraught Generico attempted to break up the fight. Garagulio wondered what was going through Generico's head as his 2 best friends now hated each other and how it was messing with him. We now go backstage where we see the Kings Of Wrestling all arriving to the arena via a huge limo. The Kings look happy as the carry their respective belts to their locker room. We then split screen to The BLK OUT and Backseat Boyz walking to the entrance way. This one begins when we get back. [B]The Backseat Boyz defeated The BLK OUT[/B] after Trent Acid rolled up Sabian and got a handful of tights. Very solid matchup here. Great match to be honest. Crowd absolutly detested the Backseats and were in LOVE with The BLK OUT. Match wise it was an incredibly solid technical/high flying affair, going back and forth between both men. The match ends with Kashmere and Ruckus brawling on the outside of the ring, meanwhile on the inside Sabian and Trent Acid went at it. Acid attempted a Yakuza Kick but Sabian ducked under and nailed a leaping jawbreaker. Sabian then attempted an electric chair hurricanrana but Acid telegraphed it and nailed a roll up but hooked the tights for the cheap win. The Backseats sneaked backstage basking in their win as a pissed BLK OUT stayed in ring. Backstage we go where Steven Prazak was standing by with the team of Frankie Kazarian and Kevin Steen. Both men reeked of arrogance as they both put themselves over in their respective feuds and guarenteed a victory in tonight's main event. We then see Alex Shelley walking ringside as the contract signing was to be following this break. Back from break, inside the ring is eWr GM Al Snow where a table and chairs are set up much like an office. He procedes to announce firstly the "big announcement", that in 2 weeks eWr BattleGround will move to PRIME TIME every Saturday Night, now at 9PM. Huge pop from the crowd. Snow then announces Alex Shelley to the ring, to a huge reaction. He then calls down eWr World Heavyweight Champion Michael Manna, who comes down with the rest of the Kings Of Wrestling, to the biggest heel reaction of the night. Snow makes Shelley and Manna sign their contract for their match at Gold Rush. Manna then claims Shelley should have realized that if he messed with one, he was messing with ALL the Kings Of Wrestling, as The Kings get ready for attack mode. Snow then stops them, and claims he anticipated for Manna to bring all the Kings out, he claimed he was glad Manna did because he could now get THEM to sign their contracts for Gold Rush. The 3 other Kings seemed shocked. Snow firstly goes to Claudio and Hero, and announces as a result of their actions recently, they will face Lance Storm and Davey Richards at Gold Rush in a Knock Out Survival Match (basically an elimination Last Man Standing match), but both Hero and Claudio's WXW Titles will be on the line. Snow then walked over the Larry Sweeney and announced that since he liked to split people open, he would face the man he cost redemption last week, Nigel McGuiness in a first blood match for his ICW/ICWA and WXW TV Titles. The 3 Kings are livid and demand they not sign the contract. Snow says he won't make them but their opponents might. McGuiness, Storm and Richards all appear in the entrance way, which compell the 3 other KOW's to sign. Manna then grabs the mic and cuts another promo on Shelley, who then procedes to face off with Manna, who then promply gets slapped by Shelley. Shelley leaves the ring as Manna looks pissed, along with the other KOW. Backstage we go where we see Eddie Kingston and Delirious walking to the ring, with Delirious bableing to himself as Kingston looks weirded out as his partner. In the main event, [B]Eddie Kingston and Delirious defeated Frankie Kazarian and Kevin Steen[/B] after Delirious nailed the Chemical Imbalance on Kazarian. Clearly match of the night. The crowd was extremly hot for the odd pairing of Kingston and Delirious. Crowd hated Steen and Kazarian. During the bout, Kingston's girlfriend Chrissy Rivera made her way ringside, back from Japan, to cheer for her man. The match ends with Delirious nailing the Chemical Imbalance on Kazarian. Post match Kingston and Rivera celebrated inside the ring, meanwhile on the outside, a pissed off Kevin Steen grabbed a chair and rolled back into the ring and proceded to nail Kingston in the back of the head. Steen's ususal arrogant streak was replaced with rage. Steen began to berate a fallen Kingston with chair shot and stomps. Suddenly Chrissy ran at Steen attempting to pull him off of Kingston. Steen kept getting around her to pound Kingston. Eventually she got into his face and plastered Steen with a slap. Steen's face changed from rage to a sick smile, as he motioned towards Rivera, she attempted to back up towards the ropes but Steen grabbed her by the hair and pulled her towards him and planted a big kiss on her. He shoves her down following the kiss, as Steen now looked manical. Rivera looks digusted and shaken up. Steen motions he's going to leave the ring, as RIvera runs to her fallen man. Steen looks over his shoulder to see this scene. He then smiles and rushes over Rivera, grabs her by the hair and NAILS THE MOST SICKENING PACKAGE PILEDRIVER EVER ON CHRISSY RIVERA!!! The crowd and announcer was in utter shock as Rivera folded up upon impact, clearly injured. Steen's face fills with a sick smile as he now poses in center ring, where Rivera is unconscious to his left and Kingston is begining to move on his right. As Eric Garagulio shouts of hatred and shock for what has happened, the show fades with Steen leaving the ring laughing at the damage he's done as several paramedics make their way to the ring.[/center]
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[img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [right][B][SIZE="5"]eWr Weekly Rankings[/SIZE][/B] [B]eWr World Heavyweight Champion: [I]Michael Manna 235lbs Philadelphia, PA[/I][/B] [I]1. Alex Shelley 198lbs Detroit, MI 2. Nigel McGuiness 221lbs London, England 3. Larry Sweeney (ICW/ICWA Texarkana TV (C) ) 185lbs Redondo Beach, CA 4. Chris Hero (WXW World (C) ) 238lbs Metropolis, PA 5. Claudio Castagnoli 225lbs Schaffhausen, Switzerland 6. Delirious 185lbs Edge Of Sanity 7. Kevin Steen 229lbs Montreal, Quebec 8. Eddie Kingston 225lbs Yonkers, NY 9. Joey Ryan (eWr CrusierX (C) ) 200lbs Los Angeles, CA 10. Frankie Kazarian 208lbs Anaheim, CA[/I][/right] [left][B][I]eWr World Tag Team Champions: El Generico and ???[/I][/B] [I]1. The Backseat Boyz (Trent Acid & Johnny Kashmere) 2. The BLK OUT (Ruckus and Sabian) 3. Lance Storm and Davey Richards 4. Team Checkmate (Christopher Bishop & Lionel Knight) 5. The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli)[/I][/left]
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From gerweck.net [QUOTE]eWr News and Notes-06/10/07 -To the shock of none, it's been confirmed that eWr BattleGround will be changing it's timeslot, moving to 9PM on Saturdays on MyNetwork TV. The network has been excited over the very high ratings BattleGround has been pulling in, while at a usually poor timeslot. eWr has been consistantly getting over 1.0 ratings since it's second episode. MyNetwork has been putting more and more marketing behind BattleGround, making it the main show listed on their website. Even in several markets like New York and Philadelphia where MyNetwork is owned by News Corp, the show has been advertised on the local Fox affiliate. The move to 9, however does not help the rumored 2 hour expansion of BattleGround. You may recall BattleGround was to debut as a 2 hour show but MyNetwork officals weren't sure of it's initial success. There is also rumbelings of because of the move, the show going live. We shall see next week. -Some MyNetwork officals weren't pleased with the ending of last week's show, with Kevin Steen destroying Chrissy Riveria. However, the segment was the 2nd highest viewed one of the night. -Interesting tidbit: eWr's replay on SamuraiTV in Japan has becomed the most watched wrestling program on the channel, bypassing TNA and DragonGate. Even more interesting, at Gold Rush, All Japan President Keiji Mutoh will be in attendence. Why? We're not sure why yet. [/QUOTE]
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From ewr.com: June 11, 2007 [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img][/center] [B]eWr BattleGround Preview[/B] This Saturday night on MyNetwork TV, with one week until the next eWr PPV Extravaganza "Gold Rush", all hell is sure to break loose. Following his disgusting actions last week, "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen has been suspended from in ring action for an unknown amount of time. However we have been told that Steen has a message to the fans and espically Eddie Kingston. But don't expect Kingston not to say anything, as "The King Of Diamonds" has requested air time to discuss the happenings of last week and most importantly the medical status of his girlfriend Crissy Rivera. Last week, we also saw the signing of the huge main event for Gold Rush between Alex Shelley and Michael Manna. However what we didn't see coming was the shocking signings of 2 extra matches involving Manna's Kings Of Wrestling stable mates. We have learned that in the night's double main event, we will see 2 special tune up matches. The Kings' Terrible Twosome of Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli will take on the young team of Cheech and Cloudy in a Knock Out Survival Match, in which the only way to win is to knock your opponents out so the can't answer a 10 count. We will also see, for the first time on network television, a First Blood Match as "Sweet and Sour" Larry Sweeney takes on the high flyer from Britian PAC. . We have also learned that several more matches for Gold Rush will be announced. All this and much more this Saturday night at 11PM on eWr BattleGround. Check your local listings for times and stations
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[CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results: June 16, 2007[/B] [I]Episode Seven: Hatred[/I] Our show opens with an excelent feud hype video for the Eddie Kingston/Kevin Steen feud, done to classical music. The video ends with a well cut montage of the ending of last week's BattleGround and a smiling Kevin Steen. The video then fades out into a pre recorded video of Kevin Steen, where Steen is smiling in front of a camera. Steen procedes to read a written appology to the fans, staff, viewers and heads of eWr. Steen clearly is mocking the appology. He then begins to appologize directly to Kingston, sorry he proved that his win was a fluke, sorry he proved Kingston will never beat him and sorry he made him look like the weak fat pathetic immigrant he is. He then turns to Crissy Rivera. He announces he's not sorry for what happened to her cause a dumb **** like her deserved what she got after laying her hands on Steen. He then stops, thinks and announces he should appologize to Rivera because by breaking her neck, he took away her only source of income, but don't worry, your hand can still do some of the work. Steen begins to manically laugh as the show begins. Little pyro to open as we already have our opening combatants in the ring already. [B]Danny Daniels and Disco Machine wrestled to a no contest[/B] after Eddie Kingston entered the ring and destroyed both men. The 2 men locked up and suddenly "The Blueprint" hit and out walked a clearly pissed Kingston, with a bandage over his forehead, accompanied by Robby Marino. The 2 wrestlers break up their lock up and look at Kingston. Kingston immeditly Yakuza's Disco Machine and nails hit with a Backdrop Driver. Daniels smiles before getting NAILED with a VICIOUS Spinning Backfist, knocking Daniels out. He then toses both men to the outside. Kingston procedes to cut a hell of a passionate promo on Steen, where he reveals he suffered a mild concussion, but his GF Chrissy Rivera suffered a broken neck. Kingston claims he doesn't want Steen to be banned from eWr, and calls for a match against him at Gold Rush. GM Al Snow comes out, Kingston pleads his case again and Snow announces that he'll allow Steen to wrestle again starting at Gold Rush, however he knows these 2 will try to kill each other, so the match will not be sanctioned by eWr. Kingston is fine with it as Snow leaves and a sick smile breaks out on Kingston's face as we go to break. Back from break, a hype video airs, very grainy and kinda staticy, it ends with some hip hop music begin to seep through and the word "Soon" bleeding onto the screen. We're back and 2 of our next competors are in ring for the next contest. [B]Team Checkmate defeated Jigsaw and Beef Wellington[/B] after Wellington "accidently" superkicked Jigsaw into a Degrassi Driver by Bishop. OK matchup here. The match mainly based on the massive tension between Jigsaw and Wellington. El Generico came out with both men. The 2 started off as pals of sorts but the 2 began to yell and shove each other more and more as the match went on over who should be champ. The match ends with a big 4 man brawl. Jigsaw clotheslines Bishop to the outside, and then hold up Knight for Wellington, Beef then goes for a superkick but Knight ducks under and Beef nails Jigsaw. Beef smirks as he rolls to the outside. Bishop runs back in and nails the Degrassi Driver for the win. Post match, Beef and Jigsaw begin to argue again which then degenerates into a brawl which Generico again attempts to break up as we cut backstage where Steve Prazak interviews Mike Quackenbush and Scorpio Sky about Joey Ryan. Quack calls Ryan a coward for what he's done to his new friend Scorpio Sky and for running away from Quackenbush. As the interview continues, in walks in Joey Ryan and Jade Chung, who then do a good counter promo on Quack and Scorpio calling them jokes and constantly calling Scorpio "Virgil". He does it one too many times and Scorpio goes to punch Ryan, but is then maced by Jade Chung. Quack then quickly gets nailed in the head by Ryan's CrusierX Title. Chung and Ryan run off as Quack and Scorpio struggle to regain their composure. We then cut to Larry Sweeney strutting his way to the entrance tunnel as he's match is up next. Hype vid for Gold Rush ppv. [B]In a First Blood Match, Larry Sweeney defeated PAC[/B] after Sweeney nailed PAC with a taped fist right hand. Good match. The crowd HATED Sweeney, who was excelent here. Match wise it was a Sweeney dominated affair, as he dominated PAC who got very limited offense in. Sweeney brated PAC with piledrivers and flying fists and Bionic Elbows. Sweeney then took out a roll of athletic tape, then put on a baseball hitter's glove and proceded to tape his right hand and blasted PAC with it. PAC instantly began to bleed as Sweeney wins. Sweeney began to breifly celebrate until he began to continously punch PAC's forehead, cause more and more bllod to flow. Sweeney then went to the outside and took a fan's British flag and began to choke PAC with his own flag. This led to Nigel McGuiness to run down and run Sweeney off. Nigel looked incredibly pissed off as he helped his fallen fellow countryman as we go to break. Back from break, we're in Al Snow's office. Snow announces that several more matches have been signed for Gold Rush. Firstly we will see a rematch from May Massacre as eWr CrusierX Champion Joey Ryan will defend his title against Mike Quackenbush and this time no countouts and no DQ's. We will finally find out who are the true eWr Tag Team Champions, as Jigsaw will face Beef Wellington in a one on one match, with the winner becoming El Generico's tag championship partner. We will also see a special 2/3 falls match as Frankie Kazarian will face Delirious. Finally we will see a special tag team rematch as The BLK OUT will face The Backseat Boyz. Backstage we go, where Alex Shelley cuts an excelent promo on Michael Manna, claiming that Gold Rush will begin the end of Manna's reign and the rule of The Kings Of Wrestling. We now see Up In Smoke walking to the entrance tunnell, the announcers hype it's gonna be the biggest match of their career up next. In the main event, [B]Up In Smoke defeated Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli in a Knock Out Survival Match[/B] after Hero and Claudio both fail to answer the 10 count following double chair shots from Lance Storm and Davey Richards. GREAT MATCH. It really told a hell of a story. KOW got the biggest heel reaction of the night, crowd once again hated these 2. The crowd was really behind the underdog Up In Smoke team. The Kings DOMINATE this match, letting Cheech and Cloudy get NO offense in. They procede to hit most of their big moves and constantly raising their opponents. The match ends with the Kings doing blind clotheslines and blind big boots on Cheech and Cloudy, to amuse themselves. Suddenly from the crowd enters Lance Storm and Davey Richards with chairs who run into the ring, tap both Kings on the back and NAIL both of them with chairs over their heads. Both men fall to the mat like a sack of potatos. As the ref counts to 10, Cheech and Cloudy amazingly get to their feet as the ref gets to 9, shocking the world with their victory. The show ends with Cheech and Cloudy celebrating in the crowd their huge win, as a PISSED Hero and Castagnoli awaken. [/center]
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From ewr.com: June 17, 2007 [center][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img][/center] [B]eWr BattleGround Preview[/B] This Saturday night on MyNetwork TV, we are 24 hours away from one of the biggest nights in eWr history when eWr presents "Gold Rush" from the UIC Pavillion in Chicago, IL. And with only 1 week before BattleGround moves to prime time, we will have a huge prime time main event as we will see a special "Gold Rush Rumble" as all the title holders in eWr will face each other in a special battle royal. Combatants include eWr World Champ Michael Manna, CrusierX Champ Joey Ryan, Tag Champ El Generico, WXW Champ Chris Hero, WXW Euro Champ Claudio Castagnoli, ICW/ICWA Texarkana TV Champ Larry Sweeney, NWA Jr. Heavyweight Champion Mike Quackenbush, IPW:UK Champ PAC and IPW:UK Catch Champion Nigel McGuiness. Which gold holder will be standing tall at the end of the night. We will also see a special 6 Man Tag Team match up as all 3 members of The BLK OUT, Ruckus, Sabian and Eddie Kingston team up to take on the team of Team Checkmate and Danny Daniels. Can The BLK OUT pull off a big collective win as all 3 go into huge matches at Gold Rush? All this and much more this Saturday night at 11PM on eWr BattleGround. Check your local listings for times and stations
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[CENTER][img]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Logos/logo_EWR.jpg[/img] [B]eWr BattleGround Results: June 23, 2007[/B] [I]Episode Eight: 10 Glasses[/I] The show starts with a video hyping the double main events of last week's BattleGround. It show's Larry Sweeney's destruction of PAC and the save by Nigel McGuiness. It then focuses on Up In Smoke's upset win over The Kings Of Wrestling to end the package. Pyro hits and the show is on as Eric Garagulio and Raven hype the night's show. Suddenly "****ing In The Bushes" hits and out walks a pissed Nigel McGuiness. He cuts a promo on Larry Sweeney calling him a coward for what he did last week and procedes to call him out. Surprisingly out comes Sweeney and a huge brawl insues, which eventually includes all of the Kings Of Wrestling and their respective opponents at Gold Rush. Wrestlers, refrees and agents all pour out to stop this brawl as we cut to break. Hype promo for next week's Prime Time debut. Throughout the show this is plugged. Ringside we go for our opening contest. [B]Scorpio Sky defeated AWC[/B] with the Blackout DDT. Rejoyce SoCal fans, AWC is indeed American Wild Child, the trainer of Scorpio and many other SoCal greats.. Good enough match here, this being AWC's first match in ages, he did show a hint of ring rust but was relativly good. Scorpio nails the Blackout DDT for the win. He then grabs a mic and announces that tommrow night at Gold Rush, we will see the start of something great in eWr after the Quack/Ryan match, a new era. We then go to a pre-recorded segment, which would be done throughout the show, as a "Tale Of The Tape" for the night's main event Gold Rush Rumble, as it profiles a few of the participants. We then go backstage where we see the BLK OUT leaving their lockeroom for their match, up next after this break. Back from break, we see 3 of the next combatants in ring so match 2 is up now. [B]The BLK OUT (Ruckus, Sabian and Eddie Kingston) defeated Danny Daniels and Team Checkmate[/B] after Kingston locked Daniels in the Kondo Clutch for the win. Good match up here. Crowd was solidly behind BLK OUT. Ruckus and Sabian did much of the work in this one, as Kingston stayed out. Kingston looked incredibly angry and ready to injure as he stood on the apron. Match ends with Sabian tagging Kingston in, who immeditly plants Christopher Bishop with a uranage. He then NAILS Lionel Knight on the apron with a spinning backfist. He then gets hold of Daniels, the legal man, and NAILS him with a Backdrop Driver. He then locks him in the Kondo CLutch for the win. Post match, it takes Ruckus and Sabian and Robby Merino to get an angry Kingston to release the hold. The announcers wonder about Kevin Steen's saftey tommrow night. More "Gold Rush Rumble Tale Of The Tape" hype. Back from break, hype video airs, once again very staticy and you can't really tell what's happening. As it ends, once again hip hop music begins to bleed through. The static begins to form words, "One Month" before the video abruptly cuts off. Back to our announcers we go, who wonder what said video was all about. They then go through hype of the card for Gold Rush. They then cut backstage to Michael Manna walking to the entrance tunnel as our main event is up next. In the main event, [B]Nigel McGuiness won the Gold Rush Rumble, last eliminating Michael Manna[/B]. Decent enough little Rumble here. 8 men in this one so someone new came in every three minutes. The first 2 men in were, ironically enough Nigel McGuiness and Larry Sweeney. These 2 brawled for the entire 3 minutes, several times rolling under the ropes and going all around the ring. Joey Ryan was in next and he proceded to help Sweeney for much of the 3 minutes. Claudio Castagnoli was in next and it was now a 3 on 1 on Nigel who looked bad. Finally in ran is some help in El Generico who went after Claudio. Mike Quackenbush was in next and he immeditly eliminated Joey Ryan. Quack and Sweeney mixed it up as Nigel seemed to be down and out. Michael Manna was in next, followed by Chris Hero and the free for all began. Generico was tossed out by hero and it was now the ENTIRE Kings Of Wrestling against Mike Quackenbush and Nigel McGuiness. Quack struck first, eliminated Claudio after ducking a scissors kick. Sweeney was done out next after Nigel faked being eliminated and LARIATED Sweeney to the outside. The final 4 were Manna, Hero, Quack and Nigel. Quack and Hero paired off as did Manna and Nigel. Manna nailed the Manna Bomb on Nigel as he turned his attention to the other battle. Hero had Quack over the ropes and Manna went to help him throw him over but ended up throwing BOTH Quack and Hero to the outside. Hero seemed pissed and confused as Manna signaled he didn't know. Manna then went back to Nigel. Suddenly out from the back came Alex Shelley who began to taunt Manna. Manna ignored it early on, until Shelley took the eWr World Heavyweight title and began to hold it up. Manna snapped and began to yell at Shelley and not focus on Nigel. Nigel raised up, Manna still yelling at Shelley. Shelley motioned to Manna to turn around as he was promptly lariated to the outside by Nigel. Nigel began to celebrate in ring, as BattleGround ends with Shelley laughing over a fallen Manna as he drops the belt onto of the champ.[/center]
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[CENTER][SIZE="2"]elite Wrestling revolution, XM Satellite Radio and bodog.com Presents:[/SIZE] [FONT="Georgia"][SIZE="6"][B]Gold Rush[/B][/SIZE][/FONT] [SIZE="3"]From The UIC Pavillion in Chicago, IL[/SIZE] [B][SIZE="4"]Main Event: If Shelley Wins, He Recieves A eWr World Heavyweight Title Match; If Manna Wins, Shelley Will Never Recieve A eWr World Heavyweight Title Shot While Manna Is Champion[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/A%20Images/Alex_Shelley8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Stevie_Richards7.jpg[/IMG] Alex Shelley vs. Michael Manna [B][SIZE="4"]First Blood Match For ICW/ICWA Texarkana and WXW TV Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Larry_Sweeney4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y120/Evansfan1/NigelMcGuinness-2.jpg[/IMG] (C) Larry Sweeney vs. Nigel McGuiness [B][SIZE="4"]Knock Out Survival Match For WXW Heavyweight and European Titles[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Chris_Hero3.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i211.photobucket.com/albums/bb79/Pseudonym31/ClaudioCastagnoli.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/L%20Images/Lance_Storm4.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Davey_Richards13.jpg[/IMG] (C) The Kings Of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Lance Storm and Davey Richards [B][SIZE="4"]Non Sanctioned Match; Anything Goes[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Kevin_Steen9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/E%20Images/Eddie_Kingston4.jpg[/IMG] Kevin Steen vs. Eddie Kingston [B][SIZE="4"]Winner Becomes One Half Of eWr World Tag Team Champions with El Generico[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jigsaw3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Beef_Wellington.jpg[/IMG] Jigsaw vs. Beef Wellington [B][SIZE="4"]No DQ and No Countout For eWr CrusierX Title[/B][/size] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Joey_Ryan5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Mike_Quackenbush3.jpg[/IMG] (C) Joey Ryan vs. Mike Quackenbush [B][SIZE="4"]2/3 Falls Match[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i180.photobucket.com/albums/x63/larsw34/delirious2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Kazarian2.jpg[/IMG] Delirious vs. Frankie Kazarian [B][SIZE="4"]Tag Team Rematch[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/R%20Images/Ruckus2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Sabian5.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Johnny_Kashmere.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Trent_Acid5.jpg[/IMG] The BLK OUT (Rucks and Sabian) vs. The Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid) [B][SIZE="4"]International Nine Man Lucha Libre Rules[/SIZE][/B] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brahman_Shu.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/Brahman_Kei.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Chance_Beckett.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cheech.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/C%20Images/Cloudy.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jerry_Lynn2.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/N%20Images/Naruki_Doi.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/M%20Images/Masato_Yoshino2.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/B%20Images/BxB_Hulk2.jpg[/IMG] Team Checkmate (Christopher Bishop and Lionel Knight) & Chance Beckett vs. Cheech, Cloudy and Jerry Lynn vs. WORLD-1 (Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino and BxB Hulk) [/center]
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Hey all. So I've decided to restart this dynasty up to where i am at currently at my game. I'm gonna hopefully start a new topic in the next few days with the first few posts getting up to where I am at currently in my game. Hopefully the new dynasty will be seen/replied more with a new quicker format n stuff. So yeah. Thanks again and plz keep reading. Necro
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