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UFC Middleweight Championship: [B]Anderson Silva[/B] (27-4) vs. Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza (15-1) [B]Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira[/B] (33-5-1) vs. Sergei Kharitonov (19-4) Jason Tabor (10-0) vs. [B]Shinya Aoki[/B] (19-3) [B]Georges St. Pierre[/B] (23-3) vs. Jonathan Goulet (24-12) [B]Dan Hardy [/B](22-7) vs. Matt Arroyo (10-3) Undercard Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou (10-6) vs. [B]Jackie Lewis[/B] (8-1) [B]Josh Koscheck[/B] (14-5) vs. Tyson Griffin (14-4) Allesio Sakara (12-8) vs. [B]Cung Le [/B](13-0) Terry Etim (11-4) vs. [B]Randy Shearer[/B] (5-0) [B]Mike Whitehead[/B] (22-9) vs. James Irvin (14-10) [B]Donovan Couch[/B] (9-2-1) vs. Ibragim Magomedov (18-8-1)
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UFC Middleweight Championship: [B]Anderson Silva[/B] (27-4) vs. Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza (15-1) [B]Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira[/B] (33-5-1) vs. Sergei Kharitonov (19-4) Jason Tabor (10-0) vs. [B]Shinya Aoki[/B] (19-3) [B]Georges St. Pierre[/B] (23-3) vs. Jonathan Goulet (24-12) [B]Dan Hardy[/B] (22-7) vs. Matt Arroyo (10-3) [B]Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou[/B] (10-6) vs. Jackie Lewis (8-1) Josh Koscheck (14-5) vs. [B]Tyson Griffin[/B] (14-4) Allesio Sakara (12-8) vs. [B]Cung Le[/B] (13-0) [B]Terry Etim[/B] (11-4) vs. Randy Shearer (5-0) [B]Mike Whitehead[/B] (22-9) vs. James Irvin (14-10) [B]Donovan Couch[/B] (9-2-1) vs. Ibragim Magomedov (18-8-1)
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Maincard UFC Middleweight Championship: Anderson Silva (27-4) vs. [B]Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza[/B] (15-1) [B]Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira[/B] (33-5-1) vs. Sergei Kharitonov (19-4) [B]Jason Tabor[/B] (10-0) vs. Shinya Aoki (19-3) [B]Georges St. Pierre[/B] (23-3) vs. Jonathan Goulet (24-12) [B]Dan Hardy[/B] (22-7) vs. Matt Arroyo (10-3) Undercard Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou (10-6) vs. [B]Jackie Lewis[/B] (8-1) [B]Josh Koscheck [/B](14-5) vs. Tyson Griffin (14-4) Allesio Sakara (12-8) vs. [B]Cung Le[/B] (13-0) Terry Etim (11-4) vs.[B] Randy Shearer[/B] (5-0) [B]Mike Whitehead[/B] (22-9) vs. James Irvin (14-10) [B]Donovan Couch[/B] (9-2-1) vs. Ibragim Magomedov (18-8-1) D.C. - I am very honored to get this fight on such a great card. And to be fighting someone who has faced some of the best in the world! Good luck to my opponent.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC 116: Silva vs. Jacare[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][U][CENTER]Undercard[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]Donovan Couch (9-2-1) vs. Ibragim Magomedov (18-8-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Donovan Couch via Decision[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The fighters come together right in the center. Magomedov throws out a jab, but D.C. bobs out of the way and uses a right hand to glance a blow off the side of the ribs in response. D.C. works an angle and storms in suddenly with three crisp jabs and a looping overhand punch, Magomedov covered up quickly but at least one of the jabs hit home. D.C. is making Magomedov look sluggish in comparison, such is the speed and crispness with which he is delivering strikes. Magomedov hits a low kick before back-pedalling to avoid a clubbing blow. Magomedov looks to be working an angle. They meet in the center to exchange a flurry of strikes that gets the crowd on their feet. D.C. got slightly the better of it, he definitely snuck through a right hand that rocked Magomedov slightly. Magomedov initiates a clinch, and the action grinds to a halt. Magomedov looks out of ideas, he is being repeatedly lured into these exchange of strikes, but D.C. is clearly winning them. Magomedov needs to find some way to deal with them. Not much time left in this round. The referee separates them. D.C. tries a speculative high kick, but Magomedov saw it coming and was well out of range by the time it came. Magomedov tries to work an angle, but D.C. is having none of it and fires off a straight right hand to keep him from stepping in. Comfortable round for D.C., he will probably be disappointed not to have done more damage given his dominance of the striking in this round. End of round 1. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 D.C..[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Magomedov starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and D.C. manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. D.C. uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and Magomedov is forced back against the cage. D.C. picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. Magomedov uses a couple of looping punches to make D.C. keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as D.C. bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. Magomedov scores with a low kick. Magomedov looks to be working an angle. D.C. unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 D.C..[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] D.C. starts brightly, almost hunting Magomedov down by stalking him around the ring. Magomedov throws some jabs, but they don't have the range to hit. D.C. hits the first good strike, slicing a nasty-looking kick to the hip area. Magomedov throws a left hook in response, but it is easily parried. D.C. hits another kick, this time to the calf of Magomedov's front leg. The kicks that D.C. has been throwing are looking really good, they're sharp, accurate, and difficult to see coming. Magomedov will need to figure out a counter, as currently he is being picked apart. Magomedov moves in quickly and grabs a clinch. They struggle like that for a full minute, exchanging short, sharp blows, but without doing any real damage. The referee gets them to part. Magomedov tags D.C. with a straight left. D.C. ducks a second one, hits a jab, then whips out a quick kick that hits perfectly to the inside of the knee of the front leg. The leg buckles, and Magomedov is down to one knee briefly, but quickly up before D.C. can take his head off with another kick. Magomedov is limping slightly, that kick was beautifully judged. Magomedov throws a couple of big right hands, but they're easily avoided. D.C. starts working angle to throw more low kicks, Magomedov is keeping away from them. D.C. seems content not to push the action too much, he looks a bit tired from throwing all those kicks. The round ends without further major action. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 D.C.. Donovan Couch wins the match, getting a score of 30-27 from all three judges.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: * [B]Notes[/B]: Couch gets his first win inside the UFC and he will be hoping this is a sign of things to come. [B][CENTER]Mike Whitehead (22-9) vs. James Irvin (14-10) Sherdog's Prediction: Mike Whitehead via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Whitehead comes out fast, and looks like he is aiming for a quick takedown, but Irvin stops that plan with some looping punches. Solid right hand from Irvin connects, and that's the best moment of the opening minute of the round. Whitehead is mainly defending against punches, it looks like he is trying to work an angle to try for a takedown. Irvin seems to have noticed, as he is purposely positioning against that. Straight left from Irvin, then a low kick, then a wicked body shot. Whitehead felt that, and backs off. Whitehead tries to get in for a clinch, perhaps looking for a takedown from that position, but Irvin gets him to back off with some jabs. Irvin has really been able to stamp his gameplan on this round, Whitehead has been blocked at every turn. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Irvin.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] They circle each other. Whitehead misses with a low kick, and Irvin darts in to hit a jab before retreating. They come together and exchange punches, both got a few shots in. Irvin is looking much lighter on his feet, and keeps moving in, hitting a few punches, then getting back out of range. Whitehead is trying to catch him coming in, but doesn't have the timing quite right. It happens again. Irvin isn't getting much power on the punches, but he is getting ahead on points. Whitehead tries to get in close, but Irvin is keeping moving, and isn't letting himself get cornered. A looping left from Irvin, but it's wide of the mark. Irvin gets a solid punch in, catching Whitehead just above the left eye. Whitehead finally gets a clinch, forcing Irvin up against the cage, but it's too little, too late as the round ends. That's the end of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 Irvin.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Whitehead starts strongly, hitting two stiff jabs to the gloves, stinging the hands of Irvin. The third strike is a meaty left hook that narrowly misses. If that had hit, Irvin may well have been decapitated. Despite leaning backwards, Irvin throws a mighty kick that explodes across the chest, Whitehead staggers back. That was an enormously powerful blow, and Whitehead didn't see it coming at all. They circle for a moment, sizing each other up. Irvin throws a flurry of jabs, but Whitehead blocks them easily. A right hand from Whitehead lands below the eye, and a straight left glances off the shoulder. Another exchange doesn't see either fighter get an advantage. Whitehead throws a heavy left, but Irvin goes underneath it. Another hard kick from Irvin, this time smashing into the left thigh. Whitehead almost get knocked down. He throws a left hook in retaliation which misses by a mile, and gives Irvin the chance to hit another big kick, this time to the ribs. The round has been pretty even, with the exception of those kicks by Irvin which have really made a big difference. As the round comes to an end, it looks like those will make sure that Irvin wins the round on points. End of round 3. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Irvin. The official scores are in; two judges give 30-27, the other 29-28, all for James Irvin.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: * [B]Notes[/B]: Irvin withy a hard fought out win that should keep him in the UFC. [B][CENTER]Terry Etim (11-4) vs. Randy Shearer (5-0) Sherdog's Prediction: Randy Shearer via Decision[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Etim throws the first punch of the round, a high searching jab that didn't carry a great deal of threat with it. Shearer throws a one-two combination in return, neither connecting, then steps in and delivers a hard kick to the outside of the thigh. Etim steps back, throwing a right hand as he does to buy himself space. They circle, then move in again to exchange strikes, neither fighter getting a clear advantage. They come together again and the same result. It has become something of a stalemate at the moment. They come together to exchange strikes for the third time, and this time they wind up in a clinch. Shearer hits a knee to the ribs. A couple of shots to the back from Etim. They struggle all the way back, with Etim ending up backed up against the cage. Shearer hits another knee, but there wasn't much power behind it. Etim stomps downward onto his foot. Etim manages to reverse their positions, but that only lasts about thirty seconds before it gets reversed once more. Shearer gets an arm free and tries to throw a big shot to the cheek, Etim ducks under it and gets the arm back under control. The referee finally breaks them up, and we're back to where we started. Etim tries a high kick to start, but Shearer saw it coming and easily avoids it. They come back together in the center, and it's Shearer who gets the first sustained attack of the round, hitting two hard body shots and a jab that caught Etim on the nose. Etim hits a straight right, enough to stop Shearer from following up any further. The time expires with them standing. Not a great round for either of them or the crowd, it was very scrappy. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Shearer by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Slow start, both fighters are throwing tentative punches without threatening anything more powerful. Shearer puts together the first exciting moment, stringing together four punches in quick succession, but Etim defended well. Straight right from Etim in response, but it caught nothing but gloves. They start circling. The referee tells them to fight, the lack of action so far is worrying. They get in close and exchange body shots, Shearer probably getting the slightly better punches in, and then fall into a clinch. That goes nowhere, and the referee separates them. Etim gets a nice kick in just before the time expires, but it's unlikely that is going to stop the judges giving that round to Shearer. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Shearer.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Shearer moves in quickly to begin, trapping Etim against the cage. Looks like a statement of intent, Shearer is going to try and out-wrestle Etim. Shearer works for position, and tries to get in a hard shot to the face, Etim turned out of it and got free though, no damage done. Shearer comes in again, looking for the grapple, but gets sent back with a succession of three crisp jabs and a speculative high kick. Shearer hits two body shots, then comes in low under an attempted right cross and uses a single leg to take Etim down. Nicely done. Etim pulls guard. Shearer fights his way out into half guard. Big clubbing blow from Shearer, Etim dealt with it well. Shearer half-stands, his right leg still trapped between Etim's, and starts unloading with a barrage of bombing right hands. Etim takes one right to the jaw, then another smashes hard into his nose. More devastating punches rain down, and the referee pulls Shearer off, preventing Etim from taking any more damage. [B]Official time of the TKO is 2:11 of the third.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Shearer with a sixth straight win and a sixth straight win in the UFC. Maybe he can break into the rankings now. [B][CENTER]Allesio Sakara (12-8) vs. Cung Le (13-0) Sherdog's Prediction: Cung Le via Submission[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The round begins, and it is Sakara who starts better, energetically bounding straight into action by throwing a three-punch combination and a scything leg kick. Le defended all four blows well, but is forced to be on the backfoot right from the word go. Sakara works for an angle, coming in from the left hand side with a high right hand. Le ducks under it and nestles a stiff jab in the solar plexus. It doesn't seem to slow Sakara down much though, as he swiftly turns and hits a crisp left to the side of the head, followed almost instantly by a mid-level kick that smacks above the hip of Le. Interesting first minute of action, Sakara is looking particularly sharp. Le tries to turn the momentum by advancing quickly and driving Sakara back against the cage with a series of jabs and hooks, and they end up clinched. Le tries a knee from that position, but it is blocked. Sakara scores with two sharp blows to the ribs, and then they break away from each other. They both seem to be looking for an opening, and it's creating a stalemate at the moment. They square up to each other in the center. Sakara throws a head fake and comes in from low down to hit a rising shot that catches Le on the side of the head. Le got a shot in too though, although it hit the shoulder rather than the head. Time is running down; Sakara has probably done enough to win the round, but it has turned quite scrappy since the clinch against the cage, both will probably be slightly unhappy with that. Le tries a late surge, coming in hard and fast with a leading left, but Sakara defends it well and scores the only meaningful shot of the exchange with a crisp left hand. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 Sakara.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Le hits a solid left, then a right. Sakara felt both of them, and backs off a little. Le charges right in to follow up though, and unleashes a powerful right hook, and Sakara took it flush on the chin! Le doesn't even bother following up on that, because Sakara was out cold from the instant that that hit. Incredible punch. [B]Le wins via second round knock out at 34 seconds.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Le with a fourteen straight wins now and he can't be too far off a title shot now. [B][CENTER]Josh Koscheck (14-5) vs. Tyson Griffin (14-4) Sherdog's Prediction: Tyson Griffin via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Koscheck hits a solid left, then a right. Griffin felt both of them, and backs off a little. Koscheck charges right in to follow up though, and unleashes a powerful right hook, and Griffin took it flush on the chin! Koscheck doesn't even bother following up on that, because Griffin was out cold from the instant that that hit. Incredible punch. [B]Official time of the knock out is 0:34 of the first.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Koscheck with a massive KO over Griffin and this could put him into the Lightweight top ten. [B][CENTER]Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou (10-6) vs. Jackie Lewis (8-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The two fighters meet in the center with an exchange of jabs, but neither gets anything but gloves or air. They go right into a clinch, with only a few seconds of the match gone. Sokoudjou gets a knee to the ribs in, but it wasn't particularly hard. They break. Sokoudjou is stalking Lewis, who has wound up with his back against the cage. Lewis throws a right hand out, but Sokoudjou ducks under it and fires off a beautiful counter punch that catches Lewis flush on the chin. Lewis is down! Sokoudjou doesn't hesitate and dives in, raining down punches onto a dazed and defenceless Lewis; four or five strikes connect before the referee hauls Sokoudjou off, giving him the win. [B]The official time is 1:33.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Sokoudjou with another solid win and if he carries on like this he could be on line for a title shot. [B][U][CENTER]Maincard[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]Dan Hardy (22-7) vs. Matt Arroyo (10-3) Sherdog's Prediction: Dan Hardy via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Arroyo starts strongly, immediately rushing in for a takedown. Hardy got taken by surprise a little, but wrestles his way free of the grapple and pulls to safety. Hardy doesn't hang around for a second attempt, he uses a looping left to set himself up to come in close and score with a series of strikes, two or three nice body shots included. Arroyo covers up, throwing the occasional jab as a counter. Hardy goes for a vicious uppercut, but gets pulled into a clinch. Arroyo goes for a takedown via a trip, but Hardy defends it. Another trip attempt, another failure. Arroyo pushes Hardy up against the cage and tries to wrestle him to the ground, but Hardy keeps his balance and sprawls to stop it. Hardy gets in a hard right hand to the side of the face, taking advantage of the fact that Arroyo was leaning in too far. Hardy reverses so that Arroyo is against the cage. They remain clinched, with nothing more than minor strikes being thrown, for a long time. The referee finally breaks them apart and gets them back to the center. Hardy throws a kick, waist-high, but Arroyo avoids it. That could have been used for a takedown attempt if Arroyo had been quicker and caught it. Hardy hits two or three punches in a row, stinging the gloves of Arroyo. The round draws to a close. It'll be interesting to see where the judges go with this, as Hardy clearly got the better strikes in throughout the round, but Arroyo did probably show more aggression by virtue of his almost constant attempts to get the takedown. The 1st round ends. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Hardy by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Hardy hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Arroyo to back up against the cage, where they clinch. Hardy hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Arroyo tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Hardy having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Arroyo. Arroyo throws a jab while coming in quickly, it doesn't hit, but it does allow him to clinch up. They struggle for supremacy. Arroyo steps backward out of it...but gets caught with a bomb of a right hand! Arroyo goes down like a ton of bricks, and Hardy is on top of him within seconds. Hardy starts throwing punches, teeing off on a stunned Arroyo. The referee sees that it's one-way traffic and covers up Arroyo, signaling the end of the fight. [B]Hardy wins via TKO at 4:41 of the second round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Hardy with another big win her over Arroyo which should push him up the rankings abit. [B][CENTER]Georges St. Pierre (23-3) vs. Jonathan Goulet (24-12) Sherdog's Prediction: Georges St. Pierre via Knock Out[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] St. Pierre stalks Goulet, backing him up against the cage. Goulet ducks a left hand and clinches up. Knee from St. Pierre. Goulet hits an elbow to the ribs. They separate...and St. Pierre nearly takes Goulet's head off with a sensational uppercut! Goulet went down like a ton of bricks, he has been knocked out cold. Awesome punch from St. Pierre, that was close to the perfect punch. [B]St. Pierre wins via knock out at 1:43 of the first round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: St. Pierre with yet another finish in the Middleweight division and this may be the one that gives him a rematch against Anderson Silva. [B][CENTER]Jason Tabor (10-0) vs. Shinya Aoki (19-3) Sherdog's Prediction: Jason Tabor via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Good start from Aoki, taking Tabor down almost immediately! Tabor scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. Aoki will be disappointed with that. Tabor comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing Aoki to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Tabor felt that one for sure. He stalks Aoki, trying to back him up against the cage. It doesn't work though, Aoki keeps out of the way. Tabor tries a kick, but Aoki catches the foot and uses it for a trip. Aoki gets Tabor down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. Aoki throws some punches, then tries to pass. Tabor doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. Aoki easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from Aoki followed by a pass attempt, with Tabor blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Aoki.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Aoki works an angle and comes in from the side of Tabor, getting two good jabs in before a ragged left misses by quite a margin. Tabor hits a low kick to back Aoki against the cage, then works the body with a series of short punches. Aoki fights out and the action returns to the center. Tabor forces Aoki back against the cage, where they clinch up. Tabor has the better position, all the leverage is with him. He uses that to lift Aoki up onto his shoulder, turns...and hits a running slam that gets the crowd going crazy! Big power takedown from Tabor. Aoki pulls guard, but he has to be stunned from that. Tabor stands, and uses his arms to push Aoki's guard apart. Leaning down between the legs, he starts throwing vicious punches. Aoki tries to bring his legs back in to pull guard again, while simultaneously covering up, but he is having trouble; Tabor is using his body to keep the legs from coming in. More punches rain down, and Aoki is starting to get really pounded. A big shot lands hard on the nose, then a left hand crunches into his cheek. The referee has seen enough and pulls Tabor away, signalling the end of this match. [B]Tabor wins via 2nd round TKO with the official time being 2:17.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Tabor with his biggest win yet over Aoki and he must be close to a title shot now. [B][CENTER]Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira (33-5-1) vs. Sergei Kharitonov (19-4) Sherdog's Prediction: Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira via Knock Out[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Nogueira and Kharitonov circle to start. Kharitonov throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Nogueira sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Kharitonov comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Nogueira to slip a nice jab in, catching Kharitonov just underneath the right eye. Nogueira comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Kharitonov misses with a right cross, then backs off. Nogueira stalks him, forcing Kharitonov back up against the cage. Nogueira doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Kharitonov throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Nogueira pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Kharitonov covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the cage, Nogueira in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Nogueira throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Kharitonov comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Nogueira parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Nogueira's favour. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Nogueira.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Tentative start to the round, the fighters are circling. Kharitonov throws out a couple of range-finding jabs, but they aren't anything that will trouble Nogueira. Kick to the thigh from Nogueira, but it lacked power. Both fighters circle. Kharitonov throws a couple of scorching jabs; neither hit, but it forces Nogueira to back pedal all the way back to the cage. Kharitonov follows in and throws a stinging kick to the ribs. Nogueira tries to catch it, but couldn't. Nogueira throws a right hand to try and catch Kharitonov coming in, but it's wide of the mark. Kharitonov throws a head kick, and it's a beauty, landing flush to the cheek. It was delivered with enormous power, and Nogueira drops to the floor immediately, he is out cold. The referee stops Kharitonov from following up, it's all over. [B]Official time of the knock out is 1:41 of the second round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: **** [B]Notes[/B]: Kharitonov with a big win over Big Nog here and he is pretty close to a title shot now. [B][CENTER]UFC Middleweight Championship: Anderson Silva (27-4) vs. Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza (15-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Anderson Silva via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The two fighters circle. Jacare flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Silva easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before Jacare could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Silva moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, Jacare is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. Jacare forces Silva back up against the cage, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Silva in position, waiting to unload a big punch. Jacare does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Silva saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. Jacare turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. Jacare is up quickly, causing Silva, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but Jacare was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. Jacare throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Silva to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. End of round 1. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Silva by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Slow start to the round, nearly a minute has gone by without anything but a few jabs finding gloves. Jacare comes in, looking for a grapple it seems, but takes a powerful kick just above the left hip. Silva really put some venom into that strike. Jacare backs off, clearly stung. Silva is the one advancing now, using a left hand jab to lead. He steps forward and fires off a big kick, aimed at the head. Jacare ducks and moves out of range, but that was clearly intended to be a match-ender, Silva was going for the knock out. It's pretty clear that he thinks that kicks are going to do the job in this round, and it has to be said that Jacare is looking to have a hard time countering them. On top of that, the threat of the kicks is keeping Jacare from getting in too close. Silva stalks Jacare, throwing the occasional high right hand, perhaps range-finding. Jacare is circling, seeking an opening of some kind. He moves in from the left and is quick enough to get into the clinch without taking any shots. Silva hits a knee, but takes one right back. The kicks aren't a danger from this position, that's for sure. Silva squirms free, but foolishly lost his concentration for a second and took a hard right hand above the eye in the process. Silly mistake. Jacare comes in, looking more confident now, and gets in a couple of right hands and a lovely hook to the body. Silva tags him with a jab though, and then hits another fearsome kick to the same spot above the left hip. And another! Jacare backs off, and a huge red mark has appeared in that spot. Silva advances and throws another head kick, but it is mostly blocked by the hands of Jacare. The round is drawing to a close, and those kicks have certainly proved massively effective for Silva. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Silva.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Good start from Jacare, taking Silva down almost immediately! Silva scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. Jacare will be disappointed with that. Silva comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing Jacare to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Silva felt that one for sure. He stalks Jacare, trying to back him up against the cage. It doesn't work though, Jacare keeps out of the way. Silva tries a kick, but Jacare catches the foot and uses it for a trip. Jacare gets Silva down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. Jacare throws some punches, then tries to pass. Silva doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. Jacare easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from Jacare followed by a pass attempt, with Silva blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Jacare.[/B] [B][U]Round 4[/U][/B] Silva starts brightly by throwing some looping punches. Defended well by Jacare. They circle, throwing tentative jabs. Jacare goes for a single leg and puts Silva on the floor, but he is up very quickly, preventing Jacare from getting on top. Silva definitely seems to want to keep this standing. Jacare hits a nice jab, avoids a counter left hook, then comes in low and takes down Silva again. This time Silva isn't able to get up, and has to pull guard. Times ticking away though, Jacare will have to hurry to finish. He goes for an armbar, but Silva defends. Jacare tries to slip past to get side control, but Silva just about manages to keep guard. A second attempt works though, and Jacare has the side. Two big elbows land, and Silva seems in trouble. Jacare goes for the kimura, but can't quite get it. The time expires before he can try again, and the referee separates them. That's the end of the round. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Jacare.[/B] [B][U]Round 5[/U][/B] Exchange of punches to start, nothing really hit though. They go into a clinch, and the pace disappears as both fighters try and get the advantage. Eventually the referee separates them. Jab from Silva, who then has to react quickly to avoid a right hook that was aimed right at the chin. Silva puts on a burst of energy and fires off a big sequence of punches, maybe twelve or thirteen in a row, although not many actually connected. Jacare covered up well, and gets in a couple of shots of his own before moving out of range again. Jacare narrowly misses a right cross. Low kick from Jacare, almost to the groin, although it didn't look intentional. They come together in a clinch again, and it returns to a stalemate. Not a great round by anyone's standard, but that flurry should mean that Silva will take the round on points. End of round 5. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Silva by 10-9. The three judges all give the match as 48-47 to Anderson Silva. Anderson Silva successfully retains the UFC Middleweight title.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ***** [B]Notes[/B]: Silva may of won yet again but Jacare became the only person to win a round against Silva since he came to the UFC. [B][U]Post Show News Attendance: 16,424 in Kanto Fighter Bonuses[/U][/B] Submission of the Night: N/A Knock Out of the Night: Sergei Kharitonov Fight of the Night: Anderson Silva vs. Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza [B][U]Predictions[/U][/B] JoshEngleman: 7/11 RennikKain076: 7/11 D.C.: 7/11 deadboy: 6/11
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC Announce New Rankings After UFC 116[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]UFC have released the new rankings following their UFC 116 event.[/CENTER] [B][U]Lightweight[/U][/B] 1. Roger Huerta 2. Jason Tabor +2 3. Sean Sherk 4. Jeremy Stephens +1 5. Billy Evangelista +1 6. Shinya Aoki -4 7. Kenny Florian 8. Josh Koscheck - New Entry 9. Jim Miller -1 10. Eddie Alvarez [B][U]Welterweight[/U][/B] 1. Yoshiyuki Yoshida 2. Dan Hardy +4 3. BJ Penn -1 4. Dong Hyun Kim -1 5. Diego Sanchez -1 6. Jon Fitch -1 7. Thiago Alves 8. Matt Serra 9. Anthony Johnson 10. Dustin Hazelett [B][U]Middleweight[/U][/B] 1. Anderson Silva 2. Georges St. Pierre 3. Rousimar Palhales +1 4. Cung Le +3 5. Gegard Mousasi 6. Demian Maia 7. Aaron Meisner +1 8. Forrest Griffin +1 9. Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza -6 10. Michael Bisping [B][U]Light Heavyweight[/U][/B] 1. Lyoto Machida 2. James Sabat 3. Rashad Evans 4. Wanderlei Silva 5. Keith Jardine 6. Quinton Jackson 7. Matt Hamill 8. Trent Riley 9. Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua 10. Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou [B][U]Heavyweight[/U][/B] 1. Sergei Kharitonov +3 2. Shane Carwin -1 3. Brock Lesnar 4. Rolles Gracie +1 5. Fedor Emelianenko +1 6. Rob Williams +1 7. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira -5 8. Dan Evensen 9. Fabricio Werdum 10. Cheick Kongo [B][U]P4P[/U][/B] 1. Anderson Silva +2 2. Roger Huerta -1 3. Georges St. Pierre +3 4. Sergei Kharitonov +5 5. Lyoto Machida -1 6. Shane Carwin -1 7. Yoshiyuki Yoshida 8. Jason Tabor - New Entry 9. Brock Lesnar -1 10. James Sabat
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC Announces UFC 117: Machida vs. Evans[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER]Today UFC announced UFC 117: Machida vs. Evans. Here is the card. [B][U]Maincard[/U][/B] UFC Light Heavyweight Championship: Lyoto Machida (19-1) vs. Rashad Evans (18-3-1) BJ Penn (15-6-1) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (17-2-1) Kenny Florian (12-4) vs. Eddie Alvarez (22-3) Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (19-7) vs. Thiago Silva (18-3) Yushin Okami (24-8) vs. Nobutatsu Suzuki (8-1-2) [B][U]Undercard[/U][/B] Cheick Kongo (14-7) vs. Dan Evenson (15-4) Jim Miller (16-2) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (13-5) Matt Serra (12-8) vs. Paul Kelly (9-5) Joey Villasenor (25-11) vs. Aaron Meisner (8-0) Chris Tuchscherer (17-2) vs. Rob Broughton (10-5-1) Luis Cane (8-6) vs. Trent Riley (9-1)[/CENTER]
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Dub's Picks UFC Light Heavyweight Championship: [B]Lyoto Machida[/B] (19-1) vs. Rashad Evans (18-3-1) [B]BJ Penn[/B] (15-6-1) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (17-2-1) Kenny Florian (12-4) vs. [B]Eddie Alvarez[/B] (22-3) Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (19-7) vs. [B]Thiago Silva[/B] (18-3) Yushin Okami (24-8) vs. [B]Nobutatsu Suzuki[/B] (8-1-2) Undercard [B]Cheick Kongo[/B] (14-7) vs. Dan Evenson (15-4) [B]Jim Miller [/B](16-2) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (13-5) [B]Matt Serra[/B] (12-8) vs. Paul Kelly (9-5) [B]Joey Villasenor[/B] (25-11) vs. Aaron Meisner (8-0) [B]Chris Tuchscherer[/B] (17-2) vs. Rob Broughton (10-5-1) Luis Cane (8-6) vs. [B]Trent Riley[/B] (9-1)
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[B]Lyoto Machida[/B] (19-1) vs. Rashad Evans (18-3-1) [B]BJ Penn[/B] (15-6-1) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (17-2-1) Kenny Florian (12-4) vs. [B]Eddie Alvarez[/B] (22-3) [B]Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua[/B] (19-7) vs. Thiago Silva (18-3) [B]Yushin Okami[/B] (24-8) vs. Nobutatsu Suzuki (8-1-2) [B]Cheick Kongo[/B] (14-7) vs. Dan Evenson (15-4) [B]Jim Miller[/B] (16-2) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (13-5) [B]Matt Serra[/B] (12-8) vs. Paul Kelly (9-5) [B]Joey Villasenor[/B] (25-11) vs. Aaron Meisner (8-0) [B]Chris Tuchscherer[/B] (17-2) vs. Rob Broughton (10-5-1) Luis Cane (8-6) vs. [B]Trent Riley[/B] (9-1)
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UFC Light Heavyweight Championship: [B]Lyoto Machida[/B] (19-1) vs. Rashad Evans (18-3-1) [B]BJ Penn[/B] (15-6-1) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (17-2-1) Kenny Florian (12-4) vs. [B]Eddie Alvarez[/B] (22-3) Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (19-7) vs. [B]Thiago Silva [/B](18-3) [B]Yushin Okami[/B] (24-8) vs. Nobutatsu Suzuki (8-1-2) Undercard [B]Cheick Kongo [/B](14-7) vs. Dan Evenson (15-4) [B]Jim Miller [/B](16-2) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (13-5) [B]Matt Serra[/B] (12-8) vs. Paul Kelly (9-5) Joey Villasenor (25-11) vs. [B]Aaron Meisner[/B] (8-0) [B]Chris Tuchscherer[/B] (17-2) vs. Rob Broughton (10-5-1) Luis Cane (8-6) vs. [B]Trent Riley[/B] (9-1)
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Maincard UFC Light Heavyweight Championship: [B]Lyoto Machida[/B] (19-1) vs. Rashad Evans (18-3-1) BJ Penn (15-6-1) vs. [B]Dong Hyun Kim[/B] (17-2-1) Kenny Florian (12-4) vs. [B]Eddie Alvarez[/B] (22-3) Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (19-7) vs. [B]Thiago Silva[/B] (18-3) [B]Yushin Okami[/B] (24-8) vs. Nobutatsu Suzuki (8-1-2) Undercard [B]Cheick Kongo[/B] (14-7) vs. Dan Evenson (15-4) [B]Jim Miller[/B] (16-2) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (13-5) [B]Matt Serra[/B] (12-8) vs. Paul Kelly (9-5) [B]Joey Villasenor [/B](25-11) vs. Aaron Meisner (8-0) [B]Chris Tuchscherer[/B] (17-2) vs. Rob Broughton (10-5-1) Luis Cane (8-6) vs. [B]Trent Riley[/B] (9-1)
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Maincard UFC Light Heavyweight Championship: [B]Lyoto Machida [/B](19-1) vs. Rashad Evans (18-3-1) [B]BJ Penn[/B] (15-6-1) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (17-2-1) [B]Kenny Florian[/B] (12-4) vs. Eddie Alvarez (22-3) Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (19-7) vs. [B]Thiago Silva [/B](18-3) [B]Yushin Okami [/B](24-8) vs. Nobutatsu Suzuki (8-1-2) Undercard [B]Cheick Kongo[/B] (14-7) vs. Dan Evenson (15-4) [B]Jim Miller[/B] (16-2) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (13-5) Matt Serra (12-8) vs. [B]Paul Kelly[/B] (9-5) [B]Joey Villasenor [/B](25-11) vs. Aaron Meisner (8-0) [B]Chris Tuchscherer [/B](17-2) vs. Rob Broughton (10-5-1) [B]Luis Cane [/B](8-6) vs. Trent Riley (9-1)
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[CENTER][IMG]http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/wackyplanetshop/ufc-section-banner.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="5"]UFC 117: Machida vs. Evans[/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][U][CENTER]Undercard[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]Luis Cane (8-6) vs. Trent Riley (9-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Trent Riley via Decision[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Riley and Cane circle to start. Cane throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Riley sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Cane comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Riley to slip a nice jab in, catching Cane just underneath the right eye. Riley comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Cane misses with a right cross, then backs off. Riley stalks him, forcing Cane back up against the cage. Riley doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Cane throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Riley pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Cane covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the cage, Riley in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Riley throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Cane comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Riley parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Riley's favour. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Riley.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Slow start, both fighters are throwing tentative punches without threatening anything more powerful. Riley puts together the first exciting moment, stringing together four punches in quick succession, but Cane defended well. Straight right from Cane in response, but it caught nothing but gloves. They start circling. The referee tells them to fight, the lack of action so far is worrying. They get in close and exchange body shots, Riley probably getting the slightly better punches in, and then fall into a clinch. That goes nowhere, and the referee separates them. Cane gets a nice kick in just before the time expires, but it's unlikely that is going to stop the judges giving that round to Riley. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Riley by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Cane leads with the right hand to set up a low kick, Riley deals with it well. They clinch, but only for a few seconds before it gets broken. Both throw stiff jabs at the same time, neither connects properly. Back to the clinch. It has been a disjointed start to the round, the flow hasn't quite developed properly. Riley uses a knee to the ribs before backing Cane up against the cage. Right hand from Cane connects though, that was well timed. Riley breaks the clinch and backs off. That was sloppy on his part, Cane was basically gifted a free shot. Three quick jabs from Riley sting the gloves, then a crashing hook to the body finds its mark. Good recovery. Cane fires off a low kick again, but it's well wide. Riley throws a big head kick, but Cane ducks and back pedals to safety. If that had hit, this was all over, because Riley wasn't holding anything back on that missile of a kick. Cane regains his composure and advances, throwing a pair of looping rights. Riley throws a kick to the legs, then a range-finding left hand. Cane steps to the side to get a better angle, then steps in...and this time the scorching head kick that comes his way catches him unaware and lands flush to the side of the jaw! Cane goes completely limp as he crash-lands to the ground, that was a brutal knock out kick. [B]Riley wins via 3rd round knock out with the official time being 3:53.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Riley gets a very impressive KO win over Cane who must surely be on his way out of the UFC now. [B][CENTER]Chris Tuchscherer (17-2) vs. Rob Broughton (10-5-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Rob Broughton via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Tuchscherer starts the round by throwing some low kicks. Broughton checks them, then comes in and clearly wants to trade punches. Tuchscherer doesn't seem too bothered by that, and they enter into the first exchange of punches of the round. Difficult to say who came out on top, neither of them did a great deal of damage, most of the shots hit the opponent's gloves. Tuchscherer cleverly head-fakes, allowing him the time and angle that he needed to catch Broughton with a beauty of a right hook. Broughton stumbles backward, but doesn't go down. Tuchscherer presses the advantage by following in with a kick, then a right hand. Broughton clinches. They remain clinched for a while. Broughton scores with a nice knee, it appeared to catch Tuchscherer in the gut. Tuchscherer uses a single leg trip and takes the fight to the ground. Tuchscherer gets to side control upon impact, and immediately goes for an armbar. Broughton reacts quickly, but is in real danger. Tuchscherer has his left arm straightened out, fortunately Broughton has managed to roll and get a good position that is stopping Tuchscherer from getting the leverage needed to apply an armlock. Tuchscherer tries to step over and fully apply it, but Broughton breaks free and gets him to back off with a couple of up-kicks. Tuchscherer steps back and motions for him to stand up. They go back to circling in the center. Broughton hits a nice right hand, but takes one back too. The time runs down; Tuchscherer will probably get that round on points, he hit the best punch of the round, and got the only takedown, plus was the one who was working toward a submission. End of the round. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Tuchscherer.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Right hand from Tuchscherer was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Broughton. Tuchscherer follows up by coming in close, but Broughton is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. Broughton swings for the fences, but Tuchscherer ducks under and comes in closer, into grappling range. He scoops up Broughton onto his shoulder, and then flattens him with a slam. The crowd pop for it. Tuchscherer gets side control, but loses it almost immediately as Broughton is able to regain composure and pull guard. Tuchscherer fights his way out into half guard. Big clubbing blow from Tuchscherer, Broughton dealt with it well. Tuchscherer half-stands, his right leg still trapped between Broughton's, and starts unloading with a barrage of bombing right hands. Broughton takes one right to the jaw, then another smashes hard into his nose. More devastating punches rain down, and the referee pulls Tuchscherer off, preventing Broughton from taking any more damage. [B]Official time of the TKO is 1:12 of the second round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Tuchscherer improves his record to 18-2 with this TKO win over Broughton. [B][CENTER]Joey Villasenor (25-11) vs. Aaron Meisner (8-0) Sherdog's Prediction: Aaron Meisner via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Right hand from Villasenor was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Meisner. Villasenor follows up by coming in close, but Meisner is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. Spinning back fist from Meisner, missed by a mile. Not sure why he even tried that, it didn't have a chance of hitting. Villasenor tries to capitalise by advancing quickly, but Meisner throws a thunderous kick that catches him across the side of the knee and puts him down to the ground. What a shot! Meisner dives on top of his opponent, looking to finish this. A clubbing blow from Meisner connects, hitting home across the left cheek. Meisner gets into full mount, Villasenor is in enormous trouble from this position. Right hands rain down, and Villasenor can only cover up. One or two got through though, and there's blood coming from a cut below his left eye. Meisner pulls back and throws an absolute bomb, Villasenor brought his hands up to block but could do almost nothing against it, that had power to spare. Villasenor looks groggy, and that allows Meisner to start throwing a barrage of rights and lefts to the face. The referee has seen enough, he doesn't think Villasenor can defend himself, this match is over. [B]Meisner wins via TKO at 1:38 of the first round.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Meisner now 9-0 and he is getting closer and closer to that title shot. [B][CENTER]Matt Serra (12-8) vs. Paul Kelly (9-5) Sherdog's Prediction: Matt Serra via Decision[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] They circle to begin the round. Kelly throws two short jabs, then a long-range looping right hand. Serra had to be on his toes to get out of the way, and does. Kelly goes to follow up, and narrowly avoids walking right into a right cross. He bobs underneath it, then comes in fast with a right hand. Serra parries it with his gloves, then shoots in and scores with a nice takedown. Kelly tries to sprawl, but was too late and can only pull guard as he crash-lands to the ground. Serra tries to pass guard, but Kelly doesn't allow it. Kelly throws a couple of punches, but they're parried away. He breaks his guard to bring a leg across and try to kick Serra in the face, but it's a mistake as Serra pushes the leg aside and gets side control. Serra pushes them closer to the cage, near his own corner so that they can give him instructions. Following what they say, Serra throws some heavy blows to the unprotected stomach of Kelly, then tries to isolate the closest arm. Kelly frantically tries to stop that happening, but does indeed give it up. He does manage to roll to the side, giving himself some good leverage and preventing Serra from extending the arm. Serra continues trying to apply an armbar, but Kelly is not allowing it. Eventually Serra turns and tries to get a crucifix position instead. Kelly fights that off too. The round ends with Serra still doggedly trying to get an armbar submission, and Kelly tenaciously stopping it. End of round 1. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 Serra.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Good start from Serra, taking Kelly down almost immediately! Kelly scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. Serra will be disappointed with that. Kelly comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing Serra to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Kelly felt that one for sure. He stalks Serra, trying to back him up against the cage. It doesn't work though, Serra keeps out of the way. Kelly tries a kick, but Serra catches the foot and uses it for a trip. Serra gets Kelly down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. Serra throws some punches, then tries to pass. Kelly doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. Serra easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from Serra followed by a pass attempt, with Kelly blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. The 2nd round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Serra.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Nice fast-paced start from Serra, who gets right in Kelly's face from the beginning of the round, throwing some crisp jabs and then a vicious uppercut. The two jabs got parried, the uppercut missed as Kelly side-stepped. Kelly fires back with a left hand, then a right to the body. Serra steps in, but only into a waist-high kick from Kelly. Serra is quick though, and manages to catch it around the knee. Using it as leverage, Serra sweeps Kelly's standing leg and takes them to the ground. Kelly quickly pulls guard. Serra stands into a half-crouching position, dragging Kelly's guard with him. Kelly reaches up, parries away a couple of strikes, and tries to grab an arm to apply an armbar to. Serra knocks the attempt away and nails a hard shot to the ribs before reaching over and trying to nail a downward punch to the chin. Kelly blocks it. Serra floats over and gets into side control. Kelly scrambles to try and get back up, but is too close to the cage, which works against him. Serra lays in a couple of punches to the chest to soften Kelly up, then tries to move up and isolate one of the arms. Kelly makes sure to bring his body around to give him as much protection as possible. It works, as Serra can't get either arm isolated properly. Serra changes tactics and tries to get into crucifix position. Kelly fights it for as long as he possibly can, but eventually gets caught. The length of struggle is, in itself, a good defence though, as the round ends before Serra can do anything with the position he has achieved, which will frustrate him enormously. End of round 3. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Serra. The judges scores are unanimous, and give a score of 30-27 to Matt Serra.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Serra gets a comfortable decision win over Kelly that should move him a place or two up the rankings. [B][CENTER]Jim Miller (16-2) vs. Kurt Pellegrino (13-5) Sherdog's Prediction: Jim Miller via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Pellegrino comes out fast, but gets hit with a counter right hand strike when he throws a left hand which was too high. Miller moves in and hits a nice body shot before they clinch. Pellegrino gets in a short, sharp jab to the side of the head, it looked to hit right on the ear. Miller didn't like that, and scores with two knee strikes and a punch to the cheek. They break apart. Miller swings and hits a nice right hand. Pellegrino fires off a series of sharp jabs, all hitting gloves. He throws out a looping left, but gets tagged with a punch to the jaw and stumbles to the ground! Miller dives in to finish him off, but he scrambles back up quickly and they end up facing off on their feet again. Replays show that the punch barely connected, it was more of a stumble on Pellegrino's part than anything else. It might not look that way to the judges though. Miller looks more confident after that, and puts together a nice chain of strikes, ending with a scathing low kick that catches Pellegrino on the outside of the calf. He definitely felt that. Time is running out; Miller will probably take this round on the judges' score cards, primarily due to that one dubious knock down. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Miller.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] The two fighters circle. Pellegrino flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Miller easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before Pellegrino could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Miller moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, Pellegrino is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. Pellegrino forces Miller back up against the cage, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Miller in position, waiting to unload a big punch. Pellegrino does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Miller saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. Pellegrino turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. Pellegrino is up quickly, causing Miller, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but Pellegrino was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. Pellegrino throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Miller to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Miller.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Miller doesn't waste any time, scoring with a big right hook almost immediately. Pellegrino was caught sleeping, and that really landed hard, if it had been more accurate it might have been a knock out blow. Pellegrino hits two sharp body shots in return, but it's clear that he is rattled. A looping left from Pellegrino, but it's wide of the mark. They get in close and exchange punches, it's not clear who got the better of that. Miller hits a good looping punch to the side of the head, that's another one that's rattled Pellegrino. Miller is getting more force behind his punches at the moment, and that's the key difference. Other than a few half-hearted jabs, there's been a definite lull over the past minute. Time ticks away, and Pellegrino offers nothing that would make you think that he has any chance of winning this round on points. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Miller. Jim Miller wins the match, getting a score of 30-27 from all three judges.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Miller returns from his loss to Huerta with a comfortable decision win over Pellegrino. [B][CENTER]Cheick Kongo (14-7) vs. Dan Evenson (15-4) Sherdog's Prediction: Cheick Kongo via Knock Out[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Evensen, providing the first moment of real action. Kongo hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Evensen side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Kongo is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and this round looks like it's going to the judges. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Kongo by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Kongo throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Evensen from coming inside. Kongo works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Evensen responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Kongo backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Evensen circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Kongo blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Kongo fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Evensen covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Kongo though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. It looks like this round is going to the judges though, as there's only a few seconds remaining. Kongo throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. The round ends. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 Kongo.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Kongo hits a low kick, then moves in for a jab. Evensen saw it coming and unloads with an enormous punch to the jaw. Kongo goes down immediately, he has been knocked clean out by the power of Evensen. [B]Evensen wins via 3rd round knock out with the official time being 0:23.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: *** [B]Notes[/B]: Evenson gets the KO win which many will call a fluke after he lost the first two rounds to Kongo. [B][U][CENTER]Maincard[/CENTER][/U][/B] [B][CENTER]Yushin Okami (24-8) vs. Nobutatsu Suzuki (8-1-2) Sherdog's Prediction: Yushin Okami via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Suzuki starts with a high kick, but Okami was well out of range. About thirty seconds pass without any contact, and the crowd become a little restless. Suzuki steps in and exchanges strikes with Okami, neither fighter gets a particular advantage from it. Okami parries away a nice right hand and gets in a crisp counter punch that catches Suzuki on the shoulder. The round has been a little flat so far, neither of them is really forcing the issue. They enter into a clinch, which doesn't help matters, and that seems to last for an eternity before the referee separates them and tells them to get on with it. Suzuki finally shows some fire, putting together a combination of two jabs, a cross, and an uppercut. Okami did well to defend it, bobbing and weaving out of the way and using his gloves to parry away anything that was too close. He uses a low kick to the thigh as a response, then steps in and unloads with two fine punches, although Suzuki blocked them. Suzuki scores the best punch of the round so far, coming in fast, ducking under a dangerous right hand, and catching Okami square in the face with a lunging overhand right. Okami backs off and covers up, clearly having felt that one, and unfortunately Suzuki's attempts to follow up and thwarted as he gets tied up in a clinch near the cage. The time expires, with Suzuki probably having stolen that round thanks to that one big punch. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Suzuki.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Slow start to the round. We're nearly a minute in before Okami throws the first meaningful punch, trying to squeeze a fizzing jab through to Suzuki's jaw, but it is parried. Suzuki steps in, but has to quickly side-step to avoid a straight right. Okami moves in to throw some body punches but gets clipped with a big right hand. It was partially blocked, it would have been a potential knock out if that had hit home on the chin, Suzuki put a lot of weight behind it. Okami hits a nice jab, then clinches. Suzuki hits a knee, takes a punch to the ribs, then breaks free. Okami hits a low kick to the leg. Suzuki bursts forward and scores with a big right hand to the body, then a left hook. Okami goes down! Good shot from Suzuki! He tries to follow up and pound on Okami, but Okami is up really quickly and covers up to block the two jabs that come in. Suzuki, sensing that Okami is rattled, starts coming forward with more urgency. Okami ends up backed up against the cage. Suzuki gets within range, fakes a left, then lunges in with a huge right hand. It is partially parried by Okami, who wisely clinches up tightly to get some time to recover. The power that Suzuki has in his hands is really posing Okami some problems. The clinch drags on, with Suzuki unable to break free, and the round ends like that. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com sees it 10-9 to Suzuki.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Suzuki comes out fast and quickly backs Okami up, all the way up against the cage. Suzuki throws a series of rights and lefts; none of the strikes to the head got through, but two nice body shots did. He doesn't follow up though, instead keeping a few steps back, clearly not wanting to get tied up in a clinch. Okami throws a low kick, then advances with some jabs, forcing Suzuki to back off a little. They meet in the center and exchange strikes, with Suzuki looking the crisper striker of the two, although without doing any real damage. Okami shoots in for the takedown, but Suzuki sprawls and eventually pushes free. Right hand from Suzuki, then two jabs which both find their mark. Okami bats away a third, then comes in hard and fast for a second takedown attempt. Suzuki sprawls again, but gets pushed all the way up against the cage. Okami has a leg, but is low down to the ground and doesn't have the leverage to complete the takedown. He works to a better standing position, but has to lose the leg and grab a clinch instead. They both fire off some small punches from there. Okami tries for a trip, but Suzuki avoids it and works free from the clinch. He returns to the center, clearly wanting a striking battle rather than a grappling match. Okami follows, hands held high, and throws a couple of jabs. Suzuki connects with one instead though, and then with a looping right hand that catches Okami above the eye. He felt that, but doesn't go down. Best strike of the round so far. Okami throws a low kick. Suzuki comes in to strike again, but this time cannot sprawl quickly enough and gets taken down. Suzuki pulls guard. Unfortunately for Okami, now that he has finally gotten the takedown, there's less than thirty seconds left. He tries to pass guard to get to side control, but Suzuki comfortably defends it until the round is over. That's the end of the round. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 Suzuki. The official scores are: 30-27 from all three judges for Nobutatsu Suzuki.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ** [B]Notes[/B]: Suzuki is putting quite a streak together in the UFC following his debut loss to Bisping. [B][CENTER]Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua (19-7) vs. Thiago Silva (18-3) Sherdog's Prediction: Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Rua isn't hanging around, right from the start Silva is forced onto the back foot by four hard shots, although none of them get through the gloves. Silva circles, steps in, then unloads a combination of punches, but Rua weaves out of the way and scores with a beauty of a right hand, glancing above the right eye. That was some lovely counter punching from Rua, the timing had to be perfect and it was. Silva is looking a bit frustrated, and uncorks a ragged-looking uppercut that missed by several inches. Rua really should have taken advantage of that mistake, Silva was wide open for a moment there. Rua hits a high kick, catching Silva on the shoulder. Jab from Silva finds the mark, but it didn't have much power behind it as he was leaning backward too much. Rua fires off a couple of straight punches in response, but only finds gloves. They clinch, and the fight enters a lull. Silva scores with a knee from the clinch, it landed around the hip area of Rua, who responds with a couple of shots to the ribs. The time runs out with them still clinched though. The 1st round ends. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Rua.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Rua throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Silva from coming inside. Rua works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Silva responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Rua backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Silva circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Rua blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Rua fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Silva covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Rua though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. It looks like this round is going to the judges though, as there's only a few seconds remaining. Rua throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. End of round 2. [B]Sherdog.com scores it 10-9 for Rua.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] The two fighters touch gloves to start the round, and almost immediately come together in a clinch. There's a struggle for supremacy, but neither seems to be able to gain the advantage. They struggle all the way to the cage, neither seems to have a clear-cut advantage when it comes to wrestling. Things stall, neither fighter seems willing to risk attempting a takedown. The referee waits thirty seconds, then pulls them apart due to the inactivity. They are facing off, neither willing to make the first move. Rua throws a couple of jabs, but they're more to keep his hands busy than actually offering any attacking threat. Silva moves in closer and throws a looping punch, missing. Rua steps in to meet him and throws a bomb of a right hand. Silva throws one at the same moment, but is a fraction too slow and gets caught right on the chin! Silva goes down, it's lights out, that's a knock out punch. Rua goes to follow up but is stopped by the referee, who has seen that Silva is already unconscious. [B]Rua wins via 3rd round knock out with the official time being 2:27.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ***** [B]Notes[/B]: Shogun gets a big KO win over Silva as he hands Silva only his fourth ever loss. [B][CENTER]Kenny Florian (12-4) vs. Eddie Alvarez (22-3) Sherdog's Prediction: Eddie Alvarez via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Good start from Florian, taking Alvarez down almost immediately! Alvarez scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. Florian will be disappointed with that. Alvarez comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing Florian to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Alvarez felt that one for sure. He stalks Florian, trying to back him up against the cage. It doesn't work though, Florian keeps out of the way. Alvarez tries a kick, but Florian catches the foot and uses it for a trip. Florian gets Alvarez down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. Florian throws some punches, then tries to pass. Alvarez doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. Florian easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from Florian followed by a pass attempt, with Alvarez blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Florian by 10-9.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Right hand from Florian was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Alvarez. Florian follows up by coming in close, but Alvarez is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. Alvarez throws a stinging jab, landing just above the left eye. Florian steps in and fires off one of his own, but Alvarez bobs out of the way and scores with a pair of solid shots to the body. Florian turns and swings, just as Alvarez also unloads...and it's Alvarez who connects first! Florian's hands drop and he is on rubbery legs. Alvarez follows up with a beauty of a right hand, and that drops Florian. The referee doesn't even wait for Alvarez to dive in to finish, he's seen enough, Florian is clearly on Dream Street. This bout is over! [B]The official time of the TKO is 1:57 of round 2.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: **** [B]Notes[/B]: Alvarez recovers from two straight losses by handing Florian his second straight loss with this TKO finish. [B][CENTER]BJ Penn (15-6-1) vs. Dong Hyun Kim (17-2-1) Sherdog's Prediction: BJ Penn via Submission[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] Penn goes to the center, and immediately throws some jabs, looking to engage in a striking battle. Kim doesn't commit though, instead circling and looking for an angle. Kim comes in, ducks a right hand, then unleashes a flurry of punches. Penn covers up at first, then throws a scathing right hand, but Kim is already out of range. Kim repeats the trick, working a new angle, darting in, then firing off strikes while keeping out of the way of any counter punches. It happens a third time, and Penn is beginning to look frustrated. Kim's footwork and general movement is looking good, Penn is being made to look very slow and lumbering in comparison. Furthermore, Kim is being able to launch multiple short bursts of offense without really being in any danger, Penn has yet to hit any sort of meaningful punch, simply because Kim is too quick. Penn finally gets in close enough to grapple with Kim, clinching up. Penn scores a nice body punch, then steps back and goes for a vicious right hand, but Kim bobs out of the way and hits a right hook of his own. Time is ticking away, and Penn is well behind in this round, he needs to do something special. Penn swings for the fences, but Kim has no problem avoiding it. The round peters out. The round is over. [B]Sherdog.com has it down as 10-9 Kim.[/B] [B][U]Round 2[/U][/B] Kim doesn't waste any time, scoring with a big right hook almost immediately. Penn was caught sleeping, and that really landed hard, if it had been more accurate it might have been a knock out blow. Penn hits two sharp body shots in return, but it's clear that he is rattled. For a second it looked like Penn was about to go for a takedown, but nothing came from it. They get in close and exchange punches, it's not clear who got the better of that. Kim hits a good looping punch to the side of the head, that's another one that's rattled Penn. Kim is getting more force behind his punches at the moment, and that's the key difference. For a second it looked like Penn was about to go for a takedown, but nothing came from it. Time ticks away, and Penn offers nothing that would make you think that he has any chance of winning this round on points. End of round 2. [B]Sherdog.com scores 10-9 Kim.[/B] [B][U]Round 3[/U][/B] Penn starts the round by throwing some low kicks. Kim checks them, then comes in and clearly wants to trade punches. Penn doesn't seem too bothered by that, and they enter into the first exchange of punches of the round. Difficult to say who came out on top, neither of them did a great deal of damage, most of the shots hit the opponent's gloves. Penn cleverly head-fakes, allowing him the time and angle that he needed to catch Kim with a beauty of a right hook. Kim stumbles backward, but doesn't go down. Penn presses the advantage by following in with a kick, then a right hand. Kim clinches. They remain clinched for a while. Kim scores with a nice knee, it appeared to catch Penn in the gut. Penn uses a single leg trip and takes the fight to the ground. Penn gets to side control upon impact, and immediately goes for an armbar. Kim reacts quickly, but is in real danger. Penn has his left arm straightened out, fortunately Kim has managed to roll and get a good position that is stopping Penn from getting the leverage needed to apply an armlock. Penn tries to step over and fully apply it, but Kim breaks free and gets him to back off with a couple of up-kicks. Penn steps back and motions for him to stand up. They go back to circling in the center. Kim hits a nice right hand, but takes one back too. The time runs down; Penn will probably get that round on points, he hit the best punch of the round, and got the only takedown, plus was the one who was working toward a submission. The 3rd round ends. [B]Sherdog.com gives that one to Penn by 10-9. The official scores are: 29-28 (twice), 30-27 for Dong Hyun Kim.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: **** [B]Notes[/B]: Kim with a very impressive decision win over Penn and now a title shot is almost a definate for Kim. [B][CENTER]UFC Light Heavyweight Championship: Lyoto Machida (19-1) vs. Rashad Evans (18-3-1) Sherdog's Prediction: Lyoto Machida via TKO[/CENTER][/B] [B][U]Round 1[/U][/B] The two fighters meet in the center with an exchange of jabs, but neither gets anything but gloves or air. They go right into a clinch, with only a few seconds of the match gone. Machida gets a knee to the ribs in, but it wasn't particularly hard. They break. There's a short period with not a lot happening. Evans and Machida come in close and exchange strikes. Down goes Evans! Replays show that Machida hit a vicious uppercut during that exchange, although it appears that he actually just went for broke and simply swung for the fences as hard as he could. It doesn't change the fact that Evans has been knocked out though. [B]Official time of the knock out is 1:19 of the first round. Lyoto Machida successfully retains the UFC Light Heavyweight title.[/B] [B]Rating[/B]: ***** [B]Notes[/B]: What a way to make your first title defence. Machida with a brutal KO win that secures his place as the #1 Light Heavyweight. [B][U]Post Show News [B]Attendance[/B]: 15,524 in Nevada Fighter Bonuses[/U][/B] Submission of the Night: N/A Knock Out of the Night: Trent Riley Fight of the Night: Mauricio 'Shogun' Rua vs. Thiago Silva
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[QUOTE=RennikKain076;530578]You should start this back up Caulfield this was the best MMA dynasty on here and I really wanted to see Machida vs Sabat :(.[/QUOTE] Well it did happen and I'll tell you what. This weekend I will do an update of most of the events and then I'll get up to where I am now. Then I will decide If I will carry on.
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OK I've already done all the way upto UFC 134 and then some UFN's in there aswell so I will just post one card's results at a time and then I will post the current rankings. [CENTER][B][U]UFC 118[/U][/B] Shane Carwin def. Brock Lesnar via KO at 1:20 of round 1 to retain the Heavyweight Title Rousimar Palhales def. Michael Bisping via Submission at 1:51 of round 1 James Sabat def. Keith Jardine via Unanimous Decision Anthony Johnson def. Thiago Alves via Submission at 2:22 of round 1 Rolles Gracie def. Alastair Overeem via Unanimous Decision Josh Koscheck def. Thiago Tavares via TKO at 1:26 of round 1 Perry Mascarin def. Pedro Rizzo via Unanimous Decision Dan Hardy def. Nate Quarry via Unanimous Decision Siyar Bahadurzada def. Thales Leites via Unanimous Decision Ramaeu Thierry Sokoudjou def. Cory Devala via Unanimous Decision Frankie Edgar def. Spencer Fisher via Unanimous Decision[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]UFC 119[/U][/B] Trent Riley def. Quinton Jackson via TKO at 2.39 of round 2 Shinya Aoki def. Sean Sherk via Unanimous Decision Fedor Emelianenko def. Brandon Vera via TKO at 3:34 of round 1 Randy Shearer def. Akihiro Gono via TKO at 3:16 of round 3 Forrest Griffin def. Stephan Bonnar via Unanimous Decision Nobutatsu Suzuki def. Joey Villasenor via TKO at 1:37 of round 2 Corey Hill def. Tyson Griffin via TKO at 3:44 of round 3 Semmy Schilt def. Martin Desilets via Submission at 1:57 of round 1 Jackie Lewis def. Roger Hollett via Unanimous Decision Patrick Cote def. Yushin Okami via TKO at 3:21 of round 2 Paul Kelly def. Matt Arroyo via TKO at 0:35 of round 1[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]UFC 120[/U][/B] Georges St. Pierre def. Anderson Silva via KO at 1:07 of round 5 to win the Middleweight Title Josh Koscheck def. Ryan Schultz via Unanimous Decision Cung Le def. Thales Leites via KO at 1:31 of round 3 Jon Fitch def. Matt Serra via Unanimous Decision Nicolas Rodriguez def. Andrei Arlovski via TKO at 1:19 of round 3 Matt Hamill def. Tim Kennedy via TKO at 1:17 of round 2 Lance McMahon def. Fabricio Werdum via TKO at 3:51 of round 1 Ronaldo Souza def. Nate Marquardt via Unanimous Decision Rameau Thierry Sokoudjou def. Eric Schafer via Unanimous Decision Shoji def. Kurt Pellegrino via Unanimous Decision Diego Sanchez def. Terry Etim via Unanimous Decision[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]UFC 121[/U][/B] Lyoto Machida def. James Sabat via Submission at 3:15 of round 5 to retain the Light Heavyweight Title Brock Lesnar def. Dan Evenson via KO at 2:46 of round 2 Billy Evangelista def. Corey Hill via TKO at 1:47 of round 1 Randy Shearer def. Matt Arroyo via TKO at. 2:41 of round 2 Mauricio Rua def. Patrick Cote via Unanimous Decision Stephan Bonnar def. Wanderlei Silva via Submission at 3:44 of round 2 Thiago Alves def. Jonathan Goulet via TKO at 4:27 of round 2 Thiago Silva def. Roger Hollett via Unanimous Decision Daniel Puder def. Alastair Overeem via TKO at 1:16 of round 2 Thiago Tavares def. Mac Danzig via Unanimous Decision Mike Tran def. Siyar Bahadurzada via TKO at 1:30 of round 3[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][B][U]UFN 20[/U][/B] Aaron Meisner def. Demian Maia via Unanimous Decision Trent Riley def. Rashad Evans via Submission at 0:43 of round 2 Jeremy Stephens def. Jim Miller via KO at 1:36 of round 3 Chris Tuchscherer def. Aleksander Emelianenko via TKO at 1:28 of round 1 Nicolas Rodriguez def. Tim Sylvia via Unanimous Decision Akiyo Nishiura def. Shinataro Ishiwatari via Unanimous Decision Matthew York def. Kuniyoshi Hironaka via TKO at 1:38 of round 2 Antonio Mendes def. Wilson Gouveia via Unanimous Decision James Lopez def. Joe Doerkson via TKO at 2:30 of round 2 Juan Funk def. James Lee via KO at 2:44 of round 2[/CENTER]
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