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GAMMA "We are the best, forever we are the definition of greatness"

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[CENTER]We're here for GAMMA:Knockout on here in Delaware[/CENTER] Pete: Yet another appearance of GAMMA: Knockout. Josh: Our 6th episode, we're known real good. Okay lets get goin. [CENTER][U]"Boom Boom" Guy Broom 2-2 vs. "Baby Bull" Frank Sheedy 12-10[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Slow start to the round, they're both circling, looking for an opening. Sheedy tries a looping punch from way back, but Broom side steps with ease. Jab from Broom, gets one back in response. Sheedy comes in, looking for the right hand lead, but Broom shoots in and uses a double-leg takedown. He winds up in a closed guard. Broom throws out a right hand, parried away by Sheedy. The guard is quite tight, for the moment at least Broom looks content to stay there and throw some punches. Sheedy isn't offering any sort of attacking threat yet, instead concentrating on keeping the strikes from landing. A big punch is driven into the ribs, Sheedy thought it was going for the face. Another punch lands in the same place, and a red mark starts to develop. Sheedy reaches up and pulls Broom down into a clinch, and tries to work an armbar from the bottom. Broom defends it easily, and gets in a sharp jab to the face too. He stands up slightly, leaning forward into the guard, and starts throwing some right hands. One gets through, the others are parried. Sheedy looked like he might be considering trying to apply a triangle then, as Broom was very exposed, but he didn't get a chance due to the ferocity of the punches. Broom gets back down to kneeling in the guard. Another right hand lands to the ribs. Sheedy fires off two punches from his back, but Broom defends them easily by simply leaning backward out of reach. Broom stands again, the guard remaining tight around him, and throws another couple of bombs. This time Sheedy does try to apply the triangle, and an armbar at the same time, but Broom breaks free. Time is ticking down, looks like Sheedy will survive this ground and pound attack. The round ends without further note. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Broom. Round 2 Quick start to the round from Sheedy, he comes storming in with a flurry of jabs. Broom defends it well, parrying them away. Nice straight right from Broom connects. Sheedy gets in close and hits a pair of nice body shots, then they clinch up. Sheedy pushes Broom back against the ropes and goes for a trip, but Broom blocks it. Broom suddenly pushes forward off the ropes and uses the momentum to take Sheedy down to the ground, into guard. The fight falls into a lull as a pattern develops; Broom punctuating attempts to pass guard with some sharp punches to the body and face, while Sheedy parries away any big blows and puts all of his effort into making sure Broom doesn't get a better position. Things heat up as Broom manages to break the guard and get through into a half mount. Sheedy hits a nice clean right hand in response. Broom throws a couple of hard punches to the stomach. He has one leg trapped, and is trying to pull that free so that he can move further up the body and really start pounding away. Sheedy knows that having the leg trapped is his key to not ending up in huge trouble, and so has it locked up tight. Broom tries a half-hearted attempt at a kimura, but Sheedy defends it well. The round ends with Broom still unable to transition into side control, although he has landed enough shots to have lit up Sheedy's upper body with red marks, and definitely won the round on points. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Broom. Round 3 Sheedy and Broom circle to start. Broom throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Sheedy sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Broom comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Sheedy to slip a nice jab in, catching Broom just underneath the right eye. Sheedy comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Broom misses with a right cross, then backs off. Sheedy stalks him, forcing Broom back up against the ropes. Sheedy doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Broom throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Sheedy pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Broom covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the ropes, Sheedy in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Sheedy throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Broom comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Sheedy parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Sheedy's favour. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Sheedy. Guy Broom wins the match, getting votes from all three judges. Pete: Broom with a win over a highly respected veteran. Josh: I see potential in this kid. [CENTER][U]"The Shotgun" Jim Carpenter 21-6-1 vs. Jerezo 21-10[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 There is some tentative circling to begin with, before they meet in the center for the first action of the round. It's a tight affair, both fighters heavily using the jab, but Carpenter looks to get the better of it, landing with one crisp strike to the face in particular. Jerezo backs off, a little shaken. Replays show that it landed right on the nose. Carpenter press the action, forcing Jerezo back against the ropes and upping the tempo with rapid-fire lefts and rights, bobbing and weaving at the same time to keep from getting caught with a counter punch. Jerezo clinches up. Carpenter is displaying a much more accomplished and confident striking game than Jerezo, the technique and speed with which the punches are being delivered is leaving Jerezo looking ragged in comparison. The pattern continues once they've been separated, with Carpenter looking the sharper of the two. He isn't overwhelming Jerezo by any means, but he is comfortably controlling the pace and tempo of the round, and preventing Jerezo from stamping any sort of mark on it. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 Carpenter. Round 2 Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. Jerezo is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Carpenter blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from Jerezo is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Carpenter is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before Jerezo can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give Jerezo some problems later on. Jerezo moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Carpenter is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of Jerezo before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown Jerezo off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. Jerezo goes for a trip, but Carpenter cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Carpenter may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Carpenter. Round 3 Slow start to the round. We're nearly a minute in before Jerezo throws the first meaningful punch, trying to squeeze a fizzing jab through to Carpenter's jaw, but it is parried. Carpenter steps in, but has to quickly side-step to avoid a straight right. Jerezo moves in to throw some body punches but gets clipped with a big right hand. It was partially blocked, it would have been a potential knock out if that had hit home on the chin, Carpenter put a lot of weight behind it. Jerezo hits a nice jab, then clinches. Carpenter hits a knee, takes a punch to the ribs, then breaks free. Jerezo hits a low kick to the leg. Carpenter bursts forward and scores with a big right hand to the body, then a left hook. Jerezo goes down! Good shot from Carpenter! He tries to follow up and pound on Jerezo, but Jerezo is up really quickly and covers up to block the two jabs that come in. Carpenter, sensing that Jerezo is rattled, starts coming forward with more urgency. Jerezo ends up backed up against the ropes. Carpenter gets within range, fakes a left, then lunges in with a huge right hand. It is partially parried by Jerezo, who wisely clinches up tightly to get some time to recover. The power that Carpenter has in his hands is really posing Jerezo some problems. The clinch drags on, with Carpenter unable to break free, and the round ends like that. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Carpenter. The official result is that all three judges give the match to Jim Carpenter. Pete: Jerezo may be gone after this fourth loss. Josh: I wouldnt be surprised Pete. [CENTER][U]"The Serpent" Paulo Roberto Bezerra 13-2 vs. "Black Superman" Nathan Chambers 6-1[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 The two fighters circle. Chambers flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Bezerra easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before Chambers could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Bezerra moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, Chambers is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. Chambers forces Bezerra back up against the ropes, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Bezerra in position, waiting to unload a big punch. Chambers does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Bezerra saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. Chambers turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. Chambers is up quickly, causing Bezerra, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but Chambers was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. Chambers throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Bezerra to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Bezerra by 10-9. Round 2 Chambers starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and Bezerra manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. Bezerra uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and Chambers is forced back against the ropes. Bezerra picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. Chambers uses a couple of looping punches to make Bezerra keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as Bezerra bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. Chambers scores with a low kick. Bezerra with a body shot. Bezerra unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Bezerra. Round 3 Chambers starts strongly, hitting two stiff jabs to the gloves, stinging the hands of Bezerra. The third strike is a meaty left hook that narrowly misses. If that had hit, Bezerra may well have been decapitated. Despite leaning backwards, Bezerra throws a mighty kick that explodes across the chest, Chambers staggers back. That was an enormously powerful blow, and Chambers didn't see it coming at all. They circle for a moment, sizing each other up. Bezerra throws a flurry of jabs, but Chambers blocks them easily. A right hand from Chambers lands below the eye, and a straight left glances off the shoulder. Another exchange doesn't see either fighter get an advantage. Chambers throws a heavy left, but Bezerra goes underneath it. Another hard kick from Bezerra, this time smashing into the left thigh. Chambers almost get knocked down. He throws a left hook in retaliation which misses by a mile, and gives Bezerra the chance to hit another big kick, this time to the ribs. The round has been pretty even, with the exception of those kicks by Bezerra which have really made a big difference. As the round comes to an end, it looks like those will make sure that Bezerra wins the round on points. The third round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Bezerra. The official result is that all three judges give the match to Paulo Roberto Bezerra. Pete: Bezerra is overdue for a title shot! Josh: He fought the current champ right before he won the title for a second time. Maybe we'll see #3. [CENTER][U]Faas Smit 9-2 vs. "The Croatian Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic 15-6[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Exchange of strikes to start. Asanovic suddenly shoots in and gets a takedown, ending up in guard. Smit keeps the guard high. Asanovic half-stands and throws a big right hand, narrowly missing the mark. Another punch connects, but Asanovic leans into it too much and Smit brings his legs up and closes them around the arm. It's Asanovic now on the defensive, trying to get out of the armbar attempt. He gets in close to stop any pressure being applied, but that allows Smit to sweep him from that position. A scramble for position ends with the situation being completely reversed, with Smit on top in Asanovic's guard. Smit stands into a half-crouching position, dragging Asanovic's guard with him. Asanovic reaches up, parries away a couple of strikes, and tries to grab an arm to apply an armbar to. Smit knocks the attempt away and nails a hard shot to the ribs before reaching over and trying to nail a downward punch to the chin. Asanovic blocks it. Smit floats over and gets into side control. Asanovic scrambles to try and get back up, but is too close to the ropes, which works against him. Smit lays in a couple of punches to the chest to soften Asanovic up, then tries to move up and isolate one of the arms. Asanovic makes sure to bring his body around to give him as much protection as possible. It works, as Smit can't get either arm isolated properly. Smit changes tactics and tries to get into crucifix position. Asanovic fights it for as long as he possibly can, but eventually gets caught. The length of struggle is, in itself, a good defence though, as the round ends before Smit can do anything with the position he has achieved, which will frustrate him enormously. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Smit. Round 2 The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Asanovic throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Smit from coming inside. Asanovic works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Smit responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Asanovic backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Smit circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Asanovic blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Asanovic fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Smit covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Asanovic though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. There's only a few seconds remaining. Asanovic throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Asanovic. Round 3 Slow start to the round. Not much happens before they wind up clinched together, struggling for supremacy. Asanovic uses a trip to make a takedown, but doesn't go down himself, instead staying back. He pushes the raised legs away and dives in to get side control, but Smit scrambles and manages to get up, pushing Asanovic down to the ground. Smit ends up on top, in guard. Asanovic tries to push free, but Smit forces him to go back to guard by raining down some jabs. Smit reaches over and tries to apply some sort of neck vice, but Asanovic breaks it by bringing his arms up. Smit steps through in an effort to mount Asanovic, but can only get to half guard as one of his legs gets trapped. Smit throws some strikes, then tries to work an armbar on the closest arm. Asanovic rolls over and uses his free arm to keep that from happening. That goes on for quite a long time, with Smit determined to try and work the arm free and get an armbar, while Asanovic uses everything at his disposal to block it. The round ends without Smit having made the breakthrough, although he clearly ran away with the round in terms of points. The third round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Smit. The three judges all give the match to Faas Smit. Pete: Ooof! tough break for Asanovic! Josh: He was doing so well! Pete:Now the highly awaited debut of Fumiaki Hayshi! Josh: Can Garner beat another ALPHA-1 superstar on their debut? Lets wait and see. [CENTER][U]"The Lightning Kid" Fumiaki Hayashi 14-4 vs. Buddy Garner 12-2[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 The two fighters circle. Hayashi flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Garner easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before Hayashi could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Garner moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, Hayashi is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. Hayashi forces Garner back up against the ropes, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Garner in position, waiting to unload a big punch. Hayashi does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Garner saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. Hayashi turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. Hayashi is up quickly, causing Garner, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but Hayashi was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. Hayashi throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Garner to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. The first round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Garner. Round 2 Garner starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Hayashi on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Garner to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Hayashi, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Garner, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Hayashi is looking a little lost so far, Garner is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. Garner looks to be working an angle. Garner leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Hayashi was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Hayashi comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Hayashi is that although Garner clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. The 2nd round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Garner. Round 3 The round begins with Hayashi taking the iniative, coming in quickly with a straight right and a leg kick. Garner replies with a snap jab and a wild left that misses by a long way. Hayashi goes for the takedown, but Garner sprawls. Hayashi tries to power through, but Garner uses that against him and turns it into a takedown of his own. They're quite close to the ropes, which may help Hayashi defend this. Garner is in guard. He throws a couple of half-hearted jabs, then tries to pass, but Hayashi isn't allowing it. Hayashi pulls Garner in tight, locking up both his arms. Garner pulls free and again tries to pass guard. This has turned into a bit of a stalemate, the referee may be thinking of standing them up if nothing happens soon. Garner tries a big right hand, which Hayashi defends well. He has quite a high guard, Garner has to be wary not to fall into a triangle when leaning in like that. Hayashi once again drags Garner down into a clinch, and this time even tries to work a guillotine, but Garner easily deals with it and hands out two solid right hands to the ribs along the way. We're back to Garner trying to pass guard. Hayashi tries to throw a big punch and almost hands an armbar to Garner, but he realises the danger in time and manages to recover. The referee finally gets them back to their feet due to the lack of progress that has been made. Garner scores with a jab, then a second. Hayashi goes for a sweeping kick to the right knee, but it isn't fast enough and gives Garner enough time to take him down again. Garner quickly goes to pass guard, looking for side control, but Hayashi once again defends it. It looks like a frustrating round will end with them on the ground, and almost certainly has to go to Garner on points due to him being the aggressor and getting two takedowns in. End of round 3. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Garner. Buddy Garner wins the match, getting votes from all three judges. Pete: Garner again! Josh: He has to be unstoppable!
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Main Event Sorry i missed the tv show, was, umm..., playing basketball LOL:D btw... shocked that YOSHIDA def. ATEP :eek::eek::eek: anywayz, heres my choice : Luis Basora 12-1 vs. Peter Bracewall 20-8 for the GAMMA Welterweight LoL, only because i chose it before
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[QUOTE=UFC-KING;439284]Sorry i missed the tv show, was, umm..., playing basketball LOL:D btw... shocked that YOSHIDA def. ATEP :eek::eek::eek: anywayz, heres my choice : Luis Basora 12-1 vs. Peter Bracewall 20-8 for the GAMMA Welterweight LoL, only because i chose it before[/QUOTE] figured that. okay but what do you want to call the event itself?
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[CENTER][U]Official card for GAMMA: ???[/U] [U]Main card[/U] [U]GAMMA Welterweight Championship[/U] Luis Basora 12-1 (c) vs. "Iron Jaw" Peter Bracewall 20-8 "Live Wire" Anthony LeTouissier 17-9 vs. "The Great Bear" Aleksander Ivanov 6-1 GAMMA Lightweight Championship Carlos da Guia 8-2 vs. Chojiro Goto 12-2 Heiji Endo 12-1 vs. "The KO Kid" Lloyd McAllister 9-3 "Rumble King" Don Norman 8-10 vs. "Unstoppable K" Kunimichi Kikuchi 22-3 "The Marine" Bill Brown 6-1 vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal 4-1-1 [U]Undercard[/U] "Polish Power" Gregorz Boniek 16-7 vs. Robun Yamazaki 17-7 "The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 1-0 vs. Ieyoshi Yama****a 13-7 "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 1-0 vs. "Big Dog" Linfield Ballard 13-9 Jean-Pierre Richellau 9-3 vs. "The Spider" Tony McCall 23-9 "Fury Awoken" Sukarno 0-0 vs. "Modern Day Gladiator" Bryan Van Den Hauwe 14-10 Edson Emilson 15-7 vs. "Blazin" Callum Henson 7-3[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Official card for GAMMA: The Big Bang[/CENTER] [LEFT][U]Main card[/U][/LEFT] [CENTER][U]GAMMA Welterweight Championship[/U] Luis Basora 12-1 (c) vs. "Iron Jaw" Peter Bracewall 20-8 "Live Wire" Anthony LeTouissier 17-9 vs. "The Great Bear" Aleksander Ivanov 6-1 [U]GAMMA Lightweight Championship[/U] Carlos da Guia 8-2 vs. Chojiro Goto 12-2 [CENTER]Heiji Endo 12-1 vs. "The KO Kid" Lloyd McAllister 9-3[/CENTER] "The Crusher" Mugur Boc 9-4 vs. "Polish Power" Gregorz Boniek 16-7 "Rumble King" Don Norman 8-10 vs. "Unstoppable K" Kunimichi Kikuchi 22-3 "The Marine" Bill Brown 6-1 vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal 4-1-1 [U]Undercard[/U] "The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 1-0 vs. Ieyoshi Yama****a 13-7 "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 1-0 vs. "Big Dog" Linfield Ballard 13-9 Jean-Pierre Richellau 9-3 vs. "The Spider" Tony McCall 23-9 "Fury Awoken" Sukarno 0-0 vs. "Modern Day Gladiator" Bryan Van Den Hauwe 14-10 Edson Emilson 15-7 vs. "Blazin" Callum Henson 7-3[/CENTER] as usual there is a prediction contest. This months winner chooses who fights Uwe Maier for the Middleweight Championship out of Maarten De Vries 22-6 6-match win streak Kyuwa Itou 15-11 coming off a win or the Winner of Brown vs. Rekdal happy bidding!!
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[CENTER][U]prediction contest.[/U][/CENTER] [CENTER]This months winner chooses who fights Uwe Maier for the Middleweight Championship out of Maarten De Vries 22-6 6-match win streak Kyuwa Itou 15-11 coming off a win or the Winner of Brown vs. Rekdal happy bidding!![/CENTER]
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[CENTER]Official card for GAMMA: The Big Bang Main card GAMMA Welterweight Championship [B]Luis Basora[/B] 12-1 (c) vs. "Iron Jaw" Peter Bracewall 20-8 "Live Wire" [B]Anthony LeTouissier[/B] 17-9 vs. "The Great Bear" Aleksander Ivanov 6-1 GAMMA Lightweight Championship [B]Carlos da Guia[/B] 8-2 vs. Chojiro Goto 12-2 [B]Heiji Endo[/B] 12-1 vs. "The KO Kid" Lloyd McAllister 9-3 [B]"The Crusher" Mugur Boc[/B] 9-4 vs. "Polish Power" Gregorz Boniek 16-7 "Rumble King" Don Norman 8-10 vs. [B]"Unstoppable K" Kunimichi Kikuchi [/B]22-3 [B]"The Marine" Bill Brown[/B] 6-1 vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal 4-1-1 Undercard [B]"The Predator" Kramer Mayweather[/B] 1-0 vs. Ieyoshi Yamashiita 13-7 "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 1-0 vs. [B]"Big Dog" Linfield Ballard [/B]13-9 [B]Jean-Pierre Richellau[/B] 9-3 vs. "The Spider" Tony McCall 23-9 [B]"Fury Awoken" Sukarno[/B] 0-0 vs. "Modern Day Gladiator" Bryan Van Den Hauwe 14-10 [B]Edson Edmilson[/B] 15-7 vs. "Blazin" Callum Henson 7-3[/CENTER]
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[CENTER][U]Fight Breakdowns[/U][/CENTER] GAMMA Welterweight Championship Luis Basora 12-1 (c) vs. "Iron Jaw" Peter Bracewall 20-8 Basora comes in on a 5-match streak over Vine, Halvorsen, Regueiro, Kane, and Carsley. Bracewall comes in on a 2-match streak over Datuk and Sakamoto. "Live Wire" Anthony LeTouissier 17-9 vs. "The Great Bear" Aleksander Ivanov 6-1 LeTouissier comes in off losing to Tim Boyer, while Ivanov comes in since beating Frank Sheedy GAMMA Lightweight Championship Carlos da Guia 8-2 vs. Chojiro Goto 12-2 da Guia comes on a 2-match win streak over Atep of Indonesia and Gustavo Bautista. Goto comes in defeating Callum Henson and Giovani Silva via stoppage. Heiji Endo 12-1 vs. "The KO Kid" Lloyd McAllister 9-3 Endo is on a 2-match streak over Zvonimir Asanovic and Kendall Tracey while in GAMMA. McAllister is on a 3-match streak over Owen Hyde, Christian Mountfield, and Aleksei Chekhov. "The Crusher" Mugur Boc 9-4 vs. "Polish Power" Gregorz Boniek 16-7 Boc comes in as a replacement for Robun Yamazaki and lost his Grand Priz semifinal match to James Foster. While Boniek lost to Kunimichi Kikuchi last time out. "Rumble King" Don Norman 8-10 vs. "Unstoppable K" Kunimichi Kikuchi 22-3 Norman comes in beating Rav Kapur and Tank Manu'a. While Kikuchi comes in on a 2-match win streak over Mugur Boc and Gregorz Boniek. "The Marine" Bill Brown 6-1 vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal 4-1-1 Brown comes in since beating Bryan Van Den Hauwe via KO and Juro Fukazawa vis sub. While Rekdal just beat Tyler Lass in February. Undercard "The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 1-0 vs. Ieyoshi Yama****a 13-7 Mayweather comes in off his HUGE upset of Adam White. Why wont this dumb ass thing lt me say Yama****a? wtv hes on a 2-match slide under Matthew Dean and Maarten De Vries. "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 1-0 vs. "Big Dog" Linfield Ballard 13-9 Sutton comes off a win over Phil Ball, while Ballard comes in off feeling defeat to Bill Brown and Maarten De Vries. Jean-Pierre Richellau 9-3 vs. "The Spider" Tony McCall 23-9 Richellau just defeated Jouozas Skerla via KO in June in his GAMMA debut. McCall has had no such luck against Ari Peltonen and Guy Broom recently. "Fury Awoken" Sukarno 0-0 vs. "Modern Day Gladiator" Bryan Van Den Hauwe 14-10 Sukarno has told me he is honored to make his MMA debut in a great promotion like GAMMA and so are we. Van Den Hauwe is off a loss to Bill Brown. Edson Emilson 15-7 vs. "Blazin" Callum Henson 7-3 Emilson makes his second GAMMA appearance since losing to Giovani Silva. Henson on the other hand recently was the GAMMA Lightweight champion defeating Sean Morrison. But he was defeated by Atep of Indonesia. Then in a horrible split decision loss to Chojiro Goto. results up in 10 leave prediction i'll return the favor! :D
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[CENTER][U]We're here LIVE from Colorado for GAMMA: The Big Bang[/U][/CENTER] Pete: looks like theres some good fights tonight! Josh: Thank UFC-KING for that! Pete: Alright so lets get goin! [CENTER][U]Edson Edmilson 15-7 vs. "Blazin" Callum Henson 7-3[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Henson doesn't exactly disguise his intentions for this round, going right to the center and motioning for Edmilson to come and trade blows. Edmilson wisely keeps back for the time being, content to throw long-range jabs. Henson isn't quite as content though, as he begins to stalk Edmilson. They meet near the ropes. Edmilson hits a nice jab, then goes to clinch. Henson stops that with a powerful right hand to the body, then a fizzing left hook that glances off the side of the head. An attempt at a knock out right hand finds nothing but gloves. It is clear that Henson believes that he has the power to get a knock out here, his game plan appears to be to look for the one punch finish. Edmilson is trying to keep moving, to not let Henson get set to throw a bomb. Henson is controlling this round by virtue of the knock out threat, as Edmilson is being forced to fight somewhat defensively. Henson throws another big punch, narrowly missing, but does score with a follow up jab, landing just above the right eye. Edmilson returns fire with a pair of jabs, both finding gloves. Time begins to tick away. It hasn't been the most exciting round, but Henson has controlled it and managed to land the better shots. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Henson. Round 2 They meet in the center. Edmilson hits a nice jab, a second misses. Henson steps in close and hits a brutal body shot, causing Edmilson to back up quickly. That was a really powerful shot. Henson stalks Edmilson, flicking occasional jabs. It looks like Henson wants to stand and trade punches with Edmilson. Henson gets within striking distance and throws a bomb of a right hand, narrowly missing. Edmilson fires off a raking left hook in response, but that is off target too. They meet and exchange punches. Edmilson goes for the body, but gets tagged with a left hand to the side of the head. Edmilson is rattled by it, but doesn't step off, instead throwing a couple of crisp jabs. Henson throws another big punch, this time thundering it into Edmilson's shoulder. They clinch. So far it looks like Edmilson simply can't live with the power that Henson has in his hands, you get the sense that if this continues, Edmilson is going to wind up knocked out sooner or later. The clinch is broken, but within thirty seconds they are right back in it, this time leaning against the ropes. By the time that is broken, the round only has a few seconds left. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Henson by 10-9. Round 3 A fizzing right hand from Henson opens the round; it didn't find its intended target of Edmilson's chin, but it did land hard on the left shoulder instead. Edmilson fights back with a jab, but takes a hard shot to the body after leaning in too far. Henson pins him to the ropes with a quick burst, and unloads with lefts and rights. Edmilson looks for a moment like he may be about to get overwhelmed, especially after a right hand appears to hit flush on the chin, but he recovers well and works his way back to the center. Henson is looking the more confident of the two by far. He smells blood, and comes in looking for a big right hand, only to walk right into a takedown. Edmilson had to time that perfectly, and did. Henson doesn't pull guard, instead scrambling, ending up onto his knees, with Edmilson taking his back! Edmilson tries to go for a choke, but Henson bucks and twists, scrambling back to his feet and backing off. A big right hand and a high kick prevent Edmilson from following too closely. After that frenetic minute of action, things die down, with the fighters circling. Henson scores with two leg kicks, Edmilson hits a tasty right hand to the body, but otherwise nothing much happens for the next couple of exchanges. Indeed, the clock runs down and the round ends without further noteworthy events. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Henson. The three judges all give the match to Callum Henson. Pete: Henson said he's goin back for "his" title. He's got a believer in me! Josh: He dismantled the lengend, he's back for sure! [CENTER][U]"Fury Awoken" Sukarno 0-0 vs. "Modern Day Gladiator" Bryan Van Den Hauwe 14-10[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Sukarno throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Van Den Hauwe from coming inside. Sukarno works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Van Den Hauwe responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Sukarno backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Van Den Hauwe circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Sukarno blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Sukarno fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Van Den Hauwe covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Sukarno though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. There's only a few seconds remaining. Sukarno throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Sukarno. Round 2 Sukarno starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Van Den Hauwe on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Sukarno to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Van Den Hauwe, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Sukarno, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Van Den Hauwe is looking a little lost so far, Sukarno is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. An exchange of punches goes nowhere, and they fall into a clinch. The referee separates them when nothing happens. Sukarno leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Van Den Hauwe was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Van Den Hauwe comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Van Den Hauwe is that although Sukarno clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. The second round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Sukarno. Round 3 Sukarno scores the first meaningful blow of the round, hitting a powerful overhand right that thumped past the gloves. Van Den Hauwe shakes it off though, and scores with a nice low kick to the outside of the thigh. He steps in to throw some strikes, but Sukarno moves to a new angle and scores with a series of jabs. Van Den Hauwe turns and swings a heavy right hand, but Sukarno goes underneath it and hits a wicked kick to the gut. That exchange really showed the difference between the two fighters; Sukarno looks light on his feet and very agile, Van Den Hauwe looks slow and sluggish by comparison. Van Den Hauwe will need to find a way to nullify Sukarno's footwork, perhaps by getting in close, as he has been picked apart for the first half of this round. Sukarno darts in again, and gets in a nice flurry. Van Den Hauwe manages to hit a crisp jab in return, but one of Sukarno's punches caught him above the eye, leaving a mark, so he came off the worse from that exchange. The round ends without any further big strikes happening, Sukarno controlling the round with his superior movement. The round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Sukarno. The official results are in; all three judges give the match to Sukarno. Pete: Did you hear this guys like 173-0 in Asia? Josh: I did! And I see why! [CENTER][U]Jean-Pierre Richellau 9-3 vs. "The Spider" Tony McCall 23-9[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Good start from McCall, taking Richelleau down almost immediately! Richelleau scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. McCall will be disappointed with that. Richelleau comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing McCall to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Richelleau felt that one for sure. He stalks McCall, trying to back him up against the ropes. It doesn't work though, McCall keeps out of the way. Richelleau tries a kick, but McCall catches the foot and uses it for a trip. McCall gets Richelleau down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. McCall throws some punches, then tries to pass. Richelleau doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. McCall easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from McCall followed by a pass attempt, with Richelleau blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores 10-9 McCall. Round 2 McCall hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Richelleau to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. McCall hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Richelleau tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with McCall having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Richelleau. McCall gets caught with a solid right hand out of nowhere, and is rocked. Richelleau follows up with another one, and McCall looks in trouble all of a sudden. He is backed up against the ropes and Richelleau is unloading. The punches are raining down, McCall is covering up. The referee has seen enough and stops the fight, clearly feeling that McCall was unable to defend himself intelligently. Richelleau wins. Official time of the TKO is 3:43 of the second. Pete: Another TKO win for Richellau! Josh: I'm getting word now that Tony McCall is getting released from his contract immediately after this event. [CENTER][U]"The Terror" Ethan Sutton 1-0 vs. "Big Dog" Linfield Ballard 13-9[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 The two fighters circle. Ballard flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Sutton easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before Ballard could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Sutton moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, Ballard is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. Ballard forces Sutton back up against the ropes, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Sutton in position, waiting to unload a big punch. Ballard does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Sutton saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. Ballard turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. Ballard is up quickly, causing Sutton, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but Ballard was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. Ballard throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Sutton to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Sutton. Round 2 Sutton starts fast, firing off several crisp jabs that keep Ballard on the back foot. A solid left hits gloves, but it's really just a set-up for Sutton to step in and use an uppercut. Not sure how much of it caught Ballard, but certainly enough to to make him grab a clinch to stop any further punishment. Great start to the round from Sutton, it has been total domination so far. The clinch is broken, and the two fighters exchange some long range jabs that are easily avoided. Ballard is looking a little lost so far, Sutton is controlling this round by virtue of his crisp accurate punches and higher aggression levels. Both fighters circle. Sutton leads with the left, then moves in and gets in a wicked right hand that grazes the cheek. Ballard was fortunate there, if that had landed properly it would have been over. Ballard comes back with a leg kick to set up a one-two combination, but the round is coming to a close and it's going to be too little too late. The one bright spot for Ballard is that although Sutton clearly won the round, he didn't actually turn that dominance into any sort of real damage. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Sutton. Round 3 The two competitors start slowly, circling and looking for an opening. Sutton fakes shooting in for a takedown, but Ballard didn't buy it for a second. In comes Sutton from an angle to the right, but Ballard had it covered all the way, and not only easily steps out of the way of the attempted right hand, but manages to score with a solid right hand to the side of the head. Sutton felt that, and is forced to cover up quickly as Ballard steps in quickly and unloads with a flurry of powerful blows, looking to capitalise on the earlier strike. Sutton is forced back against the ropes, but to his credit, he did a good job defending those strikes and didn't seem to take any significant damage. Ballard doesn't get in too close, realising that it would likely mean getting caught in a clinch, so he stands slightly back instead and throws some low kicks and looping punches. Sutton responds by throwing out some straight jabs, but neither fighter is really doing any damage to their opponent. Ballard clearly grows tired of the wait, and moves in to hit a body blow. It connects, but Sutton is quick to tie him up in a clinch. That lasts quite a while, until the referee gets in there and breaks them up, telling them to fight. They both seem to be looking for an opening, and it's creating a stalemate at the moment. Ballard scores with a stiff jab, and bobs and weaves to avoid all three of the rapid-fire punches that come back from Sutton. Nicely done. Sutton, realising that he is losing this round, comes forward with a sense of urgency, throwing right hands to put Ballard on the back foot. Ballard handles it well though, refusing to let Sutton get an angle, and using some nice counter punches to the body to further cement the fact that this round is going to him on points. Time expires with Sutton throwing increasingly desperate punches. The round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Ballard by 10-9. The official results are in; all three judges give the match to Ethan Sutton. Pete: The rookie goes 2-0! Josh: (yawns) not excitingly though only decision. [CENTER][U]"The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 1-0 vs. Ieyoshi Yamashiita 13-7[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Mayweather doesn't waste any time and throws two jabs to the face, but Yama****a easily side-steps both and circles to the left. Yama****a throws a head fake, then comes in fast from an angle with a looping punch, but misses and takes a glancing shot to the shoulder from a left hand counter. Mayweather throws a stinging jab, landing just above the left eye. Yama****a steps in and fires off one of his own, but Mayweather bobs out of the way and scores with a pair of solid shots to the body. Yama****a turns and swings, just as Mayweather also unloads...and it's Mayweather who connects first! Yama****a's hands drop and he is on rubbery legs. Mayweather follows up with a beauty of a right hand, and that drops Yama****a. The referee doesn't even wait for Mayweather to dive in to finish, he's seen enough, Yama****a is clearly on Dream Street. This bout is over! Mayweather wins via TKO at 1:44 of the first round. Pete: Mayweather with another upset! Josh: I don't think that was an upset, this guy's for real! [CENTER][U]"The Marine" Bill Brown 6-1 vs. "Brickhouse" Thorbjorn Rekdal 4-1-1[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Brown hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Rekdal to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Brown hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Rekdal tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Brown having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Rekdal. Brown gets in close and clinches up with Rekdal. They jossle for position. Brown uses a trip to take them both down, and swiftly transitions into a side mount. Rekdal blocks an arm bar attempt, but is having trouble keeping the full mount from happening. Brown scores with a nice elbow, and there is the full mount. Rekdal is wide open, and takes two hard punches to the face. Brown takes the arm. Rekdal is fighting it, but it looks like it's only a matter of time. The kimura is applied, and Rekdal has no choice but to tap. Brown wins via 1st round kimura submission with the official time being 3:37. Pete: Now we're talkin! Brown with another win! Josh: two 1st rounders in a row! Lets keep this up! [CENTER][U]"Rumble King" Don Norman 8-10 vs. "Unstoppable K" Kunimichi Kikuchi 22-3[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Kikuchi throws a low kick early on, although it missed. Norman flicks out a couple of jabs, trying to work an angle. He steps in to throw a body shot but gets caught with a left hook. Norman stumbles backwards, falling on his ass, stunned. Kikuchi charges in and throws a knock out powered right hand, but Norman parries it and brings his legs around Kikuchi's waist to pull guard. Kikuchi tries to work free from the guard, but can't. Norman reaches up to try and bring Kikuchi down into a clinch, but the attempt gets swatted away. Kikuchi fires off a couple of punches, leaning forward to get some leverage, and Norman is forced to cover up. Kikuchi switches and starts firing off some rapid-fire shots to the chest, Norman deals with it by pulling the guard tighter and punching upward. Kikuchi looks like he is happy to sit there and throw punches at his leisure, with no real effort to pass guard. Norman occasionally tries to roll his hips to get free, but it may be that he has realised that this round is beyond saving, and is just making sure that he doesn't put himself into a position to be knocked out or submitted by trying to escape. Indeed, time ticks away with nothing breaking the pattern of occasional strikes and defensive positioning. End of the round. Blurcat.com gives that one to Kikuchi by 10-9. Round 2 Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. Norman is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Kikuchi blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from Norman is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Kikuchi is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before Norman can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give Norman some problems later on. Norman moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Kikuchi is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of Norman before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown Norman off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. Norman goes for a trip, but Kikuchi cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Kikuchi may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. The round ends. Blurcat.com gives that one to Kikuchi by 10-9. Round 3 Kikuchi starts the round like a house on fire, hitting three quick jabs and a vicious right hook. Norman covered up well, but at least one of the jabs got through and landed above the left eye. Norman backs up to buy some time, but Kikuchi keeps coming and lands a right hand to the body. Norman scores with a jab in return, then goes with a kick to the waist. Kikuchi catches the leg though and quickly rushes forward with a takedown. Norman pulls guard. Kikuchi throws out a right hand, parried away by Norman. The guard is quite tight, for the moment at least Kikuchi looks content to stay there and throw some punches. Norman isn't offering any sort of attacking threat yet, instead concentrating on keeping the strikes from landing. A big punch is driven into the ribs, Norman thought it was going for the face. Another punch lands in the same place, and a red mark starts to develop. Norman reaches up and pulls Kikuchi down into a clinch, and tries to work an armbar from the bottom. Kikuchi defends it easily, and gets in a sharp jab to the face too. He stands up slightly, leaning forward into the guard, and starts throwing some right hands. One gets through, the others are parried. Norman looked like he might be considering trying to apply a triangle then, as Kikuchi was very exposed, but he didn't get a chance due to the ferocity of the punches. Kikuchi gets back down to kneeling in the guard. Another right hand lands to the ribs. Norman fires off two punches from his back, but Kikuchi defends them easily by simply leaning backward out of reach. Kikuchi stands again, the guard remaining tight around him, and throws another couple of bombs. This time Norman does try to apply the triangle, and an armbar at the same time, but Kikuchi breaks free. Time is ticking down, looks like Norman will survive this ground and pound attack. The round ends without further note. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Kikuchi. Kunimichi Kikuchi wins the match, getting votes from all three judges. Pete: No surprise, Kikuchi prevails. Josh: Not neccessarily. Norman just fought the wrong guy on the wrong night. [CENTER][U]"The Crusher" Mugur Boc 9-4 vs. "Polish Power" Gregorz Boniek 16-7[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Boc may have realised that he left the gas on back at home, as he starts the round as if he needs to get this fight finished quickly, throwing two giant-sized right hand bombs and a vicious uppercut within the first thirty seconds. Boniek dealt with them well though, avoiding the first two and parrying the uppercut away. Boniek fakes a takedown, causing Boc to back up, ready to sprawl. Boc stalks Boniek, forcing him back toward the ropes. Boc moves in, looking to throw another big shot, but Boniek springs forward and connects with a great punch, crunching his fist into the cheek. Boc goes down! Boniek tries to pounce and pound his way to victory, but Boc has enough awareness to ensnare Boniek in the guard position as he dives in. Boniek fires off a couple of tentative punches, testing out the guard of Boc. Boniek tries to pass the guard, but can't, Boc isn't going to let him get a better position, as he knows that Boniek will start raining down punches. Boniek tries a big right hand, but it's easily defended. Boc gets a punch of his own in, but it didn't connect properly. Boniek again tries to get past the guard, but again is foiled. It's turned into a bit of a stalemate, although the referee probably won't stand them up as long as the punches continue to flow. Boniek fakes an elbow before trying to pass the guard for a third time, and briefly has side mount, but Boc fought it hard and gets back to guard within seconds. Butterfly guard by Boc, and Boniek is having trouble generating any attacking threat. He'll probably win the round as he has been more aggressive, but Boc has defended the danger well. End of round 1. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Boniek. Round 2 Good start from Boniek, taking Boc down almost immediately! Boc scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. Boniek will be disappointed with that. Boc comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing Boniek to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Boc felt that one for sure. He stalks Boniek, trying to back him up against the ropes. It doesn't work though, Boniek keeps out of the way. Boc tries a kick, but Boniek catches the foot and uses it for a trip. Boniek gets Boc down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. Boniek throws some punches, then tries to pass. Boc doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. Boniek easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from Boniek followed by a pass attempt, with Boc blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Boniek. Round 3 Boniek throws a low kick early on, although it missed. Boc flicks out a couple of jabs, trying to work an angle. He steps in to throw a body shot but gets caught with a left hook. Boc stumbles backwards, falling on his ass, stunned. Boniek charges in and throws a knock out powered right hand, but Boc parries it and brings his legs around Boniek's waist to pull guard. Boniek tries to work free from the guard, but can't. Boc reaches up to try and bring Boniek down into a clinch, but the attempt gets swatted away. Boniek fires off a couple of punches, leaning forward to get some leverage, and Boc is forced to cover up. Boniek switches and starts firing off some rapid-fire shots to the chest, Boc deals with it by pulling the guard tighter and punching upward. Boniek looks like he is happy to sit there and throw punches at his leisure, with no real effort to pass guard. Boc occasionally tries to roll his hips to get free, but it may be that he has realised that this round is beyond saving, and is just making sure that he doesn't put himself into a position to be knocked out or submitted by trying to escape. Indeed, time ticks away with nothing breaking the pattern of occasional strikes and defensive positioning. The 3rd round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Boniek. The official results are in; all three judges give the match to Grzegorz Boniek. Pete: Boniek's back..... Josh: Yeah, boring as ever (yawns). [CENTER][U]Heiji Endo 12-1 vs. "The KO Kid" Lloyd McAllister 9-3[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 McAllister throws the first punch of the round, a high searching jab that didn't carry a great deal of threat with it. Endo throws a one-two combination in return, neither connecting, then steps in and delivers a hard kick to the outside of the thigh. McAllister steps back, throwing a right hand as he does to buy himself space. They circle, then move in again to exchange strikes, neither fighter getting a clear advantage. They come together again and the same result. It has become something of a stalemate at the moment. They come together to exchange strikes for the third time, and this time they wind up in a clinch. Endo hits a knee to the ribs. A couple of shots to the back from McAllister. They struggle all the way back, with McAllister ending up backed up against the ropes. Endo hits another knee, but there wasn't much power behind it. McAllister stomps downward onto his foot. McAllister manages to reverse their positions, but that only lasts about thirty seconds before it gets reversed once more. Endo gets an arm free and tries to throw a big shot to the cheek, McAllister ducks under it and gets the arm back under control. The referee finally breaks them up, and we're back to where we started. McAllister tries a high kick to start, but Endo saw it coming and easily avoids it. They come back together in the center, and it's Endo who gets the first sustained attack of the round, hitting two hard body shots and a jab that caught McAllister on the nose. McAllister hits a straight right, enough to stop Endo from following up any further. The time expires with them standing. Not a great round for either of them or the crowd, it was very scrappy. End of round 1. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Endo. Round 2 Endo throws two high punches, then steps in for a hook to the body. Nice combination, but McAllister defended with ease. They clinch up next to the ropes, but a short struggle only ends with them separating and coming back in. Endo hits a solid left, then a right. McAllister felt both of them, and backs off a little. Endo charges right in to follow up though, and unleashes a powerful right hook, and McAllister took it flush on the chin! Endo doesn't even bother following up on that, because McAllister was out cold from the instant that that hit. Incredible punch. The official time of the knock out is 1:19 of round 2. Pete: There we go! KO of the night candidate! Josh: For sure! [CENTER][U]GAMMA Lightweight Championship[/U] [U]Carlos da Guia 8-2 vs. Chojiro Goto 12-2[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Jab from da Guia, then another, and a third. Goto weaved out of the way of all three, although the second glanced off the shoulder slightly. da Guia moves back to avoid the counter uppercut. Goto comes from the left with a high punch, then goes for the body. da Guia blocks, ducks a straight right, then unleashes an enormous kick. Goto ducks at the last possible moment, avoiding it by a split-second! That was an evil-looking kick, if that had hit it was good night for Goto, that had 'knock out' written all over it. Goto will be on the look out for a repeat of that, there is no way he can afford to take a head kick with that much power without taking a defeat. da Guia misses with a straight right. Goto hits a standing kick, and da Guia is rocked, stumbling backwards and falling to the floor. Goto leaps into action and fires off a barrage of right hands. The referee dives in and protects da Guia, bringing the fight to an end. The kick didn't knock da Guia out, but it left him stunned, and that was all that Goto needed to finish the job. The official time of the TKO is 8:52 of round 1. Chojiro Goto is now the GAMMA Lightweight champion. Pete: New Champion!!!! Josh: Good to see! Goto deserves that title! [CENTER][U]"Live Wire" Anthony LeTouissier 17-9 vs. "The Great Bear" Aleksander Ivanov 6-1[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 The two fighters circle. LeToussier flicks out a couple of jabs, then an unconventinal looping right hand. Ivanov easily side-steps it, but trips and falls to the ground! He is up quickly, before LeToussier could get in. Replays confirm that it was purely a stumble, the punch was well wide of the mark. Ivanov moves in, ducks under a big right hand, and gets two crisp jabs in before getting smothered into a clinch. One of those jabs landed hard, LeToussier is a little rattled. They struggle in the clinch, both throwing small punches to the back and ribs. The referee separates them. LeToussier forces Ivanov back up against the ropes, and starts throwing jabs. He looks to be keeping Ivanov in position, waiting to unload a big punch. LeToussier does, lunging in with a huge right cross, but Ivanov saw it coming and goes underneath it, scoring with a right hand to the gut on the way past. LeToussier turns and tries to follow up immediately, but gets tagged with a wicked left hook that drops him to one knee. LeToussier is up quickly, causing Ivanov, who was about to dive in, to back off. Replays show that the punch connected, but LeToussier was already going downward to duck the punch, so it wasn't as powerful as first thought. LeToussier throws a high kick, but it doesn't do anything but cause Ivanov to step back. The time expires without anything further of note happening. The first round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Ivanov. Round 2 LeToussier starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and Ivanov manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. Ivanov uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and LeToussier is forced back against the ropes. Ivanov picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. LeToussier uses a couple of looping punches to make Ivanov keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as Ivanov bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. LeToussier scores with a low kick. LeToussier with a body shot. Ivanov unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. End of round 2. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Ivanov. Round 3 LeToussier starts out with a few straight rights, range-finding rather than actually dangerous. Ivanov keeps out of their way. LeToussier steps forward and tries to unload with a looping left, but Ivanov moves to the side and fires off a powerful right hand of his own, landing above the left eye. LeToussier doesn't go down, but definitely felt that shot. Ivanov moves in closer and fires off two punches to the face and a big hook to the body. LeToussier parried the first two, but the third hit home hard. Ivanov begins to stalk LeToussier, who may be slightly winded. They meet again in the center and exchange blows. LeToussier hits a high jab but gets caught with another hard punch to the side of the head. LeToussier clinches up, stopping Ivanov from following up. It looks like LeToussier needs to change his game plan, standing up and banging with Ivanov is playing right into his opponent's hands, as Ivanov clearly has the more powerful strikes in his arsenal, and LeToussier is going to get floored sooner or later, judging by this round. The referee parts them from the clinch. Ivanov continues to look ready to unleash some big punches. LeToussier takes a takedown, then comes in much closer, throws a jab, and clinches back up. LeToussier looks like he is going to grapple, stopping Ivanov from throwing bombs. LeToussier gets in a few short punches to the ribs. The round ends with them still in the clinch. Ivanov will take that round on points, having used the threat of a knock out to basically control everything about that round except the clinches. End of round 3. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Ivanov. The three judges all give the match to Aleksander Ivanov. Pete: And the streak continues! Josh: He may not finish the fight but at least he does it excitingly. Pete: Lets discuss this one before it starts, Bracewall has wins over greats like Bakin Sakamoto and Jack Humphreys.... Josh: But Basora has wins over greats like Dan Halvosen and Julio Regueiro. Pete: I can't wait, lets watch the action! Josh: Amen to that, you finally shut up! [CENTER][U] GAMMA Welterweight Championship[/U] [U]Luis Basora 12-1 (c) vs. "Iron Jaw" Peter Bracewall 20-8[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Basora and Bracewell circle to start. Bracewell throws a couple of looping punches, neither hitting, while Basora sits back, waiting for an opportunity to attack. Bracewell comes in closer, looking to unload with a right hand; that misses, and it allows Basora to slip a nice jab in, catching Bracewell just underneath the right eye. Basora comes in and scores with a straight left, then bounces a right hand off the body. Bracewell misses with a right cross, then backs off. Basora stalks him, forcing Bracewell back up against the ropes. Basora doesn't rush in, instead standing back and throwing the occasional punch. Bracewell throws a big left hand in response, but it misses by quite a margin. Basora pounces, hitting lefts and rights. Bracewell covers up from the first two punches, then clinches up to prevent any more coming in. They're up against the ropes, Basora in the dominant position. They remain that way as the time ticks down. Basora throws the occasional knee, but can't really do much with his arms tied up like that. The referee finally tells them to break, and they return to the center. That clinch ate up a lot of time though. Bracewell comes in hard and fast, bobbing and weaving, and throws a couple of big shots. Basora parries them with his gloves and scores with a well-executed counter punch, hitting just above the eye. They come in close again, throwing punches, but wind up clinched again. The time expires with them like that, and that round will definitely go down in Basora's favour. The first round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Basora. Round 2 Basora and Bracewell meet in the center, and both throw looping right hands at the same time. Neither hits home. Basora throws a couple of nice jabs that cause Bracewell to cover up. He throws a sharp right hand in response which narrowly misses. They clinch in the center. Bracewell tries to trip Basora, but it is easily dealt with, and Basora cheekily does the exact same thing to Bracewell, except with more success. Bracewell goes crashing to the ground with Basora on top. Basora tries to grab an arm to work a submission, but Bracewell is defending it well by using short, sharp strikes to keep him back. Basora tries to pass the guard, but has no luck. A punch from Basora connects, but there was no real power behind it. Basora fakes Bracewell out cleverly, and slips to a half mount. Bracewell manages to hit a firm elbow, then is forced to defend the full mount attempt. Basora switches tactics and tries to work a kimura on the other arm, but Bracewell blocks it, squirms his leg free, and secures the guard again. Basora looks frustrated at losing the half mount after having worked so hard to get it in the first place. Bracewell is liable to lose the round on points, but he has done a fine job of defending the submissions attempts so far. Basora tries to secure a leglock, but the guard is tight and Bracewell is safe. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Basora. Round 3 Bracewell is the first to score a meaningful blow, tagging Basora with a jab to the cheek. Basora uses a nice straight left to return fire. Bracewell comes in to work the body, but Basora saw it coming and uses a quick takedown to put Bracewell onto the floor, falling into guard. Basora tries to grab an arm to work a submission, but Bracewell is defending it well by using short, sharp strikes to keep him back. Basora tries to pass the guard, but has no luck. A punch from Basora connects, but there was no real power behind it. Basora fakes Bracewell out cleverly, and slips to a half mount. Bracewell manages to hit a firm elbow, then is forced to defend the full mount attempt. Basora switches tactics and tries to work a kimura on the other arm, but Bracewell blocks it, squirms his leg free, and secures the guard again. Basora looks frustrated at losing the half mount after having worked so hard to get it in the first place. Bracewell is liable to lose the round on points, but he has done a fine job of defending the submissions attempts so far. Basora tries to secure a leglock, but the guard is tight and Bracewell is safe. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Basora. Round 4 Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. Bracewell is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Basora blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from Bracewell is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Basora is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before Bracewell can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give Bracewell some problems later on. Bracewell moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Basora is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of Bracewell before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown Bracewell off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. Bracewell goes for a trip, but Basora cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Basora may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. End of round 4. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Basora. Round 5 A couple of straight lefts from Bracewell start the round, but neither got past the gloves of Basora. They clinch, with Basora looking like he initiated it. They struggle for supremacy. Bracewell gets taken down, but traps Basora in guard. Bracewell tries to push free, but Basora forces him to go back to guard by raining down some jabs. Basora reaches over and tries to apply some sort of neck vice, but Bracewell breaks it by bringing his arms up. Basora steps through in an effort to mount Bracewell, but can only get to half guard as one of his legs gets trapped. Basora throws some strikes, then tries to work an armbar on the closest arm. Bracewell rolls over and uses his free arm to keep that from happening. That goes on for quite a long time, with Basora determined to try and work the arm free and get an armbar, while Bracewell uses everything at his disposal to block it. The round ends without Basora having made the breakthrough, although he clearly ran away with the round in terms of points. The round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Basora by 10-9. The official results are in; all three judges give the match to Luis Basora. Luis Basora retains the GAMMA Welterweight title. Pete: All five rounds! What conditioning! Josh: They came, they delivered, one is Champion! Congratulations Basora! KO of the night: Chojiro Goto Sub of the night: Bill Brown Upset of the night:Callum Henson Fight of the night: da Guia vs. Goto
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[CENTER][U]UFC-KING[/U] you went 7 for 12 this week or 7-5. you get to choose who fights Uwe Maier for the Middleweight championship at GAMMA: Ragged Glory in September! The choices are Maarten De Vries 22-6 6-match win streak Kyuwa Itou 15-11 coming off a win and now Bill Brown 7-1 3-match win streak[/CENTER]:confused:
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[CENTER]GAMMA: Announce its next display of GAMMA: The TV Show on National Pride TV on Tuesday Week 3 in September. official card [U]Main Card[/U] "The Demolition Expert" Raul Hughes 16-3 vs. "The Tower of Power" Tim Boyer 20-7-2 II "The Anarchist" Matthew Dean 15-6 vs TBD Hiro Arai 19-5 vs. Garry McSweegan 14-3 II "Blazin" Callum Henson 8-3 vs. "The Serpent" Paulo Roberto Bezerra 14-2 "Cannonball" Bruno Epps 3-3 vs. Claudio Palacios 13-6-1 "The Baby-Faced Assassin" Steven Griffin 7-4 vs. "The Wild One" Zenko Hatakeyama 7-11[/CENTER] NO prediction contests for my TV shows!
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[CENTER][U]Fight Breakdowns[/U] "The Demolition Expert" Raul Hughes 16-3 vs. "The Tower of Power" Tim Boyer 20-7-2 II Hughes comes in on a 3-match slide under Lefter Oktay, James Foster, and Hiro Arai. Boyer is off an avenged loss to Anthony LeTouissier. Boyer wants to avenge another loss tonight. "The Anarchist" Matthew Dean 15-6 vs "The Marine" Bill Brown Dean is off losing his title to Juro Fukazawa in March, while Brown is on a 3-match streak over Van Den Hauwe, Juro Fukazawa, Thorbjorn Rekdal. Hiro Arai 19-5 vs. Garry McSweegan 14-3 II Arai is off a victory over Raul Hughes, he wants to avenge his loss of the ALPHA-1 title to Garry McSweegan tonight. McSweegan just lost his win streak to rising star Alekander Ivanov. "Blazin" Callum Henson 8-3 vs. "The Serpent" Paulo Roberto Bezerra 14-2 Being thought of as a #1 contender match, Henson just defeated legend Edson Emilson, while Bezerra beat Carlos da Guia and Nathan Chambers. "Cannonball" Bruno Epps 3-3 vs. Claudio Palacios 13-6-1' Epps has not fought in nearly 2 years since losing 2 in a row to Randy Carsley and Ichisake Miyagi. But Palacios comes off a victory over Joshua Hope. "The Baby-Faced Assassin" Steven Griffin 7-4 vs. "The Wild One" Zenko Hatakeyama 7-11 Griffin is currently on a 2-match slide under Will Kane and Buddy Garner. Hatakeyama makes his second GAMMA appearance tonight. In the first he lost to Jim Carpenter via 1st rd. submission.[/CENTER]
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[CENTER]We're LIVE on National Pride TV for GAMMA: The TV Show here from New Hampshire. [U]"The Baby-Faced Assassin" Steven Griffin 7-4 vs. "The Wild One" Zenko Hatakeyama 7-11[/U][/CENTER] Round 1 Good start from Griffin, taking Hatakeyama down almost immediately! Hatakeyama scrambles though, and gets back to his feet without taking any damage at all. Griffin will be disappointed with that. Hatakeyama comes in and throws two big right hands, but neither connects, and they put him off balance, allowing Griffin to score with a nice right hook to the side of the head, crunching into the top of the ear. Hatakeyama felt that one for sure. He stalks Griffin, trying to back him up against the ropes. It doesn't work though, Griffin keeps out of the way. Hatakeyama tries a kick, but Griffin catches the foot and uses it for a trip. Griffin gets Hatakeyama down for the second time, and this time is right on top of him in guard position. Griffin throws some punches, then tries to pass. Hatakeyama doesn't allow it, and tries to grab an armbar in response. Griffin easily stops that, and throws some more punches. That becomes the pattern, as the fight falls into a predictable pattern; punches from Griffin followed by a pass attempt, with Hatakeyama blocking the pass and throwing the occasional punch in response. The round ends like that, just as the referee was about to stand them back up. End of the round. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Griffin. Round 2 Griffin hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Hatakeyama to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Griffin hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Hatakeyama tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Griffin having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Hatakeyama. Hatakeyama misses an uppercut and is off balance, which allows Griffin to get the takedown. Side mount. Griffin is looking for an armbar, but Hatakeyama is defending it well. Hatakeyama gets a nice elbow in, that caught Griffin by surprise. Griffin fires off several elbows to the ribs, and Hatakeyama is left gasping for air. Those were hard, there's a big red patch where they hit. Griffin takes the left arm, Hatakeyama couldn't defend it any longer. The armbar is applied, there's no way out. Griffin wins by tap out. The official time is 3:13. Pete: Aw yeah! Griffin's back! Josh: Good to see he's one of my favorites. "Cannonball" Bruno Epps 3-3 vs. Claudio Palacios 13-6-1' Round 1 Palacios starts fast, unleashing a bomb of a right hand, but Epps avoids it without too much trouble. Palacios isn't disheartened though, swinging two more huge punches, with Epps getting out the way each time, but being forced all over the place. Palacios finally backs off a little, breathing hard. That was quite a frantic start. Epps opts to use that, and comes in to throw some jabs. Palacios is backed up against the ropes, covering up. Epps clinches. They struggle, and the fight enters a lull. Palacios hits a knee strike to the hip. Epps slips one leg behind Palacios and uses that as leverage for a big trip. Palacios landed hard, with Epps on top. They're in half guard. It's to Palacios's advantage that they're right next to the ropes, that is blocking Epps from attacking the left hand side of the body. Palacios is forced into action to defend a kimura attempt. Epps tries to step over to mount, but Palacios keeps his legs in position and ends up almost rolled into a ball. Epps fires some stiff punches to the back, then one to the face. He reaches through and tries to secure an armbar, but has to be careful as he is in danger of getting picked off with a counter armbar too. Palacios doesn't appear to be trying that though, instead trying to shift his weight so that he can get back up. Epps isn't allowing it though, and gets a couple more punches in before settling back into half guard. Palacios ties him up in a snug clinch. The action halts, and time expires before Epps can get free. That's the end of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Epps. Round 2 Epps is forced onto the backfoot almost immediately, having to retreat to avoid a series of sharp jabs. He ends up with his back to the ropes, with Palacios advancing. A sharp right misses, and Epps takes the opportunity to pull Palacios in to a tight clinch against the ropes. Palacios tries to break free, but cannot. It looks like we know the strategies for this round already; Palacios wants to stand and bang, Epps wants to keep things at close quarters. Palacios tries for an elbow, but only succeeds in getting turned around so that he is now the one against the ropes. Trip from Epps, and we're down to the ground. Epps has side control, but Palacios has landed with his left hand side against the ropes, so that side of the body is basically safe for now. Epps will have to try to work the right-hand side, and starts by ramming a knee into the ribs. Palacios tries to squirm into a better position, but Epps puts a stop to that with a stiff elbow to the stomach. Epps tries to work a kimura on the right arm, but Palacios defends it. Palacios manages to bring a knee up and catch Epps in the side, something of a cheeky move given his position. Epps responds with five or six rapid-fire right hands to the face, but Palacios covers up and doesn't take any serious damage at all. Time is ticking away though, and so far Epps may be easily winning the round, but he is not taking full advantage of this great position. Epps tries to float over into a mount, but Palacios uses the ropes to push away and manages to unbalance Epps enough to get to a kneeling position, then standing, albeit back into a clinch. A knee from Epps is the last action of the round. End of round 2. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Epps. Round 3 Palacios moves in quickly to begin, trapping Epps against the ropes. Looks like a statement of intent, Palacios is going to try and out-wrestle Epps. Palacios works for position, and tries to get in a hard shot to the face, Epps turned out of it and got free though, no damage done. Palacios comes in again, looking for the grapple, but gets sent back with a succession of three crisp jabs and a speculative high kick. Epps makes Palacios back up against the ropes by throwing some looping punches. He comes in closer and hits a right hook to the body, getting a jab to the cheek in return. Epps throws another two punches, both to the body, then steps back to avoid an uppercut. Palacios lets fly with a scorching punch though, and it catches Epps by surprise, putting him down! Palacios follows up and starts raining down right hands. Epps covers up as best he can, but it's not enough as the referee pulls Palacios off, the match is over. Official time of the TKO is 2:19 of the third round. Pete: Another thrid round victory for Palacios! Josh: Maybe it's his conditioning, he's well known for it! "Blazin" Callum Henson 8-3 vs. "The Serpent" Paulo Roberto Bezerra 14-2 Round 1 They circle to start, both throwing a few tentative jabs. An uppercut misses its mark from Henson, providing the first moment of real action. Bezerra hits a nice combination of body shots to set up a big right hook, but Henson side-stepped to safety. A few punches get thrown, but there's a lack of real action to talk about. Bezerra is being slightly the more aggressive, but neither fighter is really going for it. They come together again and exchange punches, but no big shots get through, and they end up clinched for a while. The referee separates them, but the time is ticking away and the round comes to an end. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Bezerra. Round 2 Henson hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Bezerra to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Henson hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Bezerra tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Henson having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Bezerra. Henson throws a stinging jab, landing just above the left eye. Bezerra steps in and fires off one of his own, but Henson bobs out of the way and scores with a pair of solid shots to the body. Bezerra turns and swings, just as Henson also unloads...and it's Henson who connects first! Bezerra's hands drop and he is on rubbery legs. Henson follows up with a beauty of a right hand, and that drops Bezerra. The referee doesn't even wait for Henson to dive in to finish, he's seen enough, Bezerra is clearly on Dream Street. This bout is over! Henson wins via TKO at 4:22 of the second round. Pete: Bezerra's first loss in GAMMA! Josh: Henson said he'd be back with a vengeance, he told the truth! Hiro Arai 19-5 vs. Garry McSweegan 14-3 II Round 1 McSweegan isn't hanging around, right from the start Arai is forced onto the back foot by four hard shots, although none of them get through the gloves. Arai circles, steps in, then unloads a combination of punches, but McSweegan weaves out of the way and scores with a beauty of a right hand, glancing above the right eye. That was some lovely counter punching from McSweegan, the timing had to be perfect and it was. Arai is looking a bit frustrated, and uncorks a ragged-looking uppercut that missed by several inches. McSweegan really should have taken advantage of that mistake, Arai was wide open for a moment there. McSweegan hits a high kick, catching Arai on the shoulder. Jab from Arai finds the mark, but it didn't have much power behind it as he was leaning backward too much. McSweegan fires off a couple of straight punches in response, but only finds gloves. They clinch, and the fight enters a lull. Arai scores with a knee from the clinch, it landed around the hip area of McSweegan, who responds with a couple of shots to the ribs. The time runs out with them still clinched though. The round ends. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 McSweegan. Round 2 Arai starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and McSweegan manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. McSweegan uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and Arai is forced back against the ropes. McSweegan picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. Arai uses a couple of looping punches to make McSweegan keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as McSweegan bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. Arai scores with a low kick. McSweegan looks to be working an angle. McSweegan unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. The 2nd round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to McSweegan. Round 3 They touch gloves to begin. McSweegan throws out a looping right hand, setting up a mid-level kick. The punch found gloves, the kick found nothing but thin air as Arai had stepped back in time. They meet in the center, exchanging a series of blows, and McSweegan gets the better of it, scoring with a crisp jab that causes Arai to back up quickly. Sensing a chance, McSweegan follows and forces him up against the ropes with some jabs. Arai covers up, as two hard strikes find the gloves from McSweegan. A right hand misses, and that is the chance Arai needs to quickly get out of trouble and back to the center. Great start to the round from McSweegan. McSweegan swings for the fences, but Arai ducks under and comes in closer, into grappling range. He scoops up McSweegan onto his shoulder, and then flattens him with a slam. The crowd pop for it. Arai gets side control, but loses it almost immediately as McSweegan is able to regain composure and pull guard. McSweegan struggles to contain Arai, who passes to half guard without too much trouble. A few hard shots get thrown, and McSweegan does well to defend them, deflecting them off his gloves. Arai is trying to get his leg free so that he can get into side control. McSweegan throws a couple of punches from his back, but they do very little damage. Arai half-stands, and throws a couple of big punches with a lot of force behind them. One is blocked, but the other hits home just below the left eye. McSweegan tries to cover up, while Arai manages to get his leg free and get into a mount. McSweegan is in big trouble. He tries to roll his hips and shift Arai's weight, but it's not working. Arai fires off a couple of punches, then drops an absolute bomb of a right hand, landing flush on the chin! McSweegan is out, just for a second, but the referee has already pulled Arai off. Sharp-eyed refereeing there. This match is over by knock out. Arai wins via knock out at 2:44 of the third round. Pete: KO of the night candidate! Josh: So far not one decision, lets keep this pace! He's got some good competition so far it'll be a tough one! "The Anarchist" Matthew Dean 15-6 vs "The Marine" Bill Brown Round 1 Slow start, Brown looks content to sit back and let Dean commit himself, perhaps looking to capitalise on any mistake. Dean does indeed commit himself, and it's to throw a big right hand, and it hits hard into the gloves, forcing Brown to back up against the ropes. Dean steps in and unleashes a second, but this time Brown was ready and a right hand counter hits Dean, who is leaning in to his own punch, right on the chin. Dean goes down, stunned. Brown dives in and hits a beauty of a right hand, but gets sucked into the guard before he can do any more damage. Good recovery from Dean. Brown stands into a half-crouching position, dragging Dean's guard with him. Dean reaches up, parries away a couple of strikes, and tries to grab an arm to apply an armbar to. Brown knocks the attempt away and nails a hard shot to the ribs before reaching over and trying to nail a downward punch to the chin. Dean blocks it. Brown floats over and gets into side control. Dean scrambles to try and get back up, but is too close to the ropes, which works against him. Brown lays in a couple of punches to the chest to soften Dean up, then tries to move up and isolate one of the arms. Dean makes sure to bring his body around to give him as much protection as possible. It works, as Brown can't get either arm isolated properly. Brown changes tactics and tries to get into crucifix position. Dean fights it for as long as he possibly can, but eventually gets caught. The length of struggle is, in itself, a good defence though, as the round ends before Brown can do anything with the position he has achieved, which will frustrate him enormously. The round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Brown by 10-9. Round 2 Brown starts fast, unleashing a bomb of a right hand, but Dean avoids it without too much trouble. Brown isn't disheartened though, swinging two more huge punches, with Dean getting out the way each time, but being forced all over the place. Brown finally backs off a little, breathing hard. That was quite a frantic start. Dean opts to use that, and comes in to throw some jabs. Brown is backed up against the ropes, covering up. Dean clinches. They struggle, and the fight enters a lull. Brown hits a knee strike to the hip. Dean slips one leg behind Brown and uses that as leverage for a big trip. Brown landed hard, with Dean on top. They're in half guard. It's to Brown's advantage that they're right next to the ropes, that is blocking Dean from attacking the left hand side of the body. Brown is forced into action to defend a kimura attempt. Dean tries to step over to mount, but Brown keeps his legs in position and ends up almost rolled into a ball. Dean fires some stiff punches to the back, then one to the face. He reaches through and tries to secure an armbar, but has to be careful as he is in danger of getting picked off with a counter armbar too. Brown doesn't appear to be trying that though, instead trying to shift his weight so that he can get back up. Dean isn't allowing it though, and gets a couple more punches in before settling back into half guard. Brown ties him up in a snug clinch. The action halts, and time expires before Dean can get free. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Dean. Round 3 Nice fast-paced start from Brown, who gets right in Dean's face from the beginning of the round, throwing some crisp jabs and then a vicious uppercut. The two jabs got parried, the uppercut missed as Dean side-stepped. Dean fires back with a left hand, then a right to the body. Brown steps in, but only into a waist-high kick from Dean. Brown is quick though, and manages to catch it around the knee. Using it as leverage, Brown sweeps Dean's standing leg and takes them to the ground. Dean quickly pulls guard. Brown tries to grab an arm to work a submission, but Dean is defending it well by using short, sharp strikes to keep him back. Brown tries to pass the guard, but has no luck. A punch from Brown connects, but there was no real power behind it. Brown fakes Dean out cleverly, and slips to a half mount. Dean manages to hit a firm elbow, then is forced to defend the full mount attempt. Brown switches tactics and tries to work a kimura on the other arm, but Dean blocks it, squirms his leg free, and secures the guard again. Brown looks frustrated at losing the half mount after having worked so hard to get it in the first place. Dean is liable to lose the round on points, but he has done a fine job of defending the submissions attempts so far. Brown tries to secure a leglock, but the guard is tight and Dean is safe. The third round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Brown. All three judges give the match in favour of Bill Brown. Pete: Close fight, but ya gotta give it to Brown. Josh: Too bad, Dean looked good out there. Just wrong guy, wrong night. Main Event Heavyweight Rematch of the Century Round 1 The fighters touch gloves, then circle. Hughes throws a low kick, but it was without any conviction, it seemed designed more to keep Boyer from coming inside. Hughes works an angle, then comes in with a one-two combination, Boyer responds with a crisp uppercut that wasn't far off from connecting. Hughes backs off slightly, maybe a bit relieved not to have taken that one on the chin. Neither fighter appears to be looking for any sort of takedown or grapple, this is all about the striking. Boyer circles and throws a series of high jabs, but Hughes blocked them with ease, using the gloves. Hughes fakes a high kick, then storms in with a wild looking right hand and a series of body shots. Boyer covers up and rides out the storm, clinching to stop any further blows. It was a nice attack from Hughes though, best action of the round. They stay clinched for a while, exchanging occasional punches to the ribs, then are separated by the referee. There's only a few seconds remaining. Hughes throws a leg kick that connects, albeit without too much force, and the round is done. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Hughes. Round 2 Dull first sixty seconds to the round, as neither fighter looks willing to commit much to attack. They're both looking for angles to come in from, but they're constantly countering each other. A crisp jab from Hughes that almost found its way through the guard is the sole highlight as we reach the minute mark. Boyer looks to be working an angle. Boyer ducks out of the way of a punch, then back steps quickly, just in time to avoid the uppercut that was coming. Better from Hughes, although no damage has actually been done yet. Boyer advances, right hand looking ready to strike, but Hughes isn't giving him the angle that he wants. Hughes darts in unexpectedly but misses with a left cross, and takes a hard body shot from Boyer. That's enough to put him down, although replays show that he already seemed to be stumbling when it hit, it's hard to say for sure whether he wasn't already on his way down anyway. Either way, Boyer follows up, smelling victory. Boyer has a good position, half-straddling the upper body of Hughes, and can pick his shots. A hard right thunders into the left cheek of Hughes, and a left hits the same spot. Hughes turns his hips, looking to try and shake Boyer loose, but gets turned over completely and gives up his back! Boyer starts punching again, driving fists into the side of Hughes's face. Hughes is trapped, and can barely cover up. A few more punches connect, one vicious one to the ear looking particularly nasty, and that's enough for the referee to pull Boyer away. The official time of the TKO is 2:36 of round 2. Pete: Boyer avenges another loss! Josh: Two in a row now for "The Tower of Power." KO of the night: Callum Henson Sub of the night: Steven Griffin Upset of the night:Bill Brown Fight of the night: Tim Boyer vs. Raul Hughes II with ****
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[CENTER]GAMMA announces GAMMA: Ragged Glory for Satursy week 3 of September [U]official card[/U] [U]main card[/U] "Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro 16-2-1 vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen 26-12-2 [U]GAMMA Middleweight Championship[/U] "The Executioner" Maarten De Vries 22-6 vs. (c) Uwe Maier 10-2 [U]GAMMA Lightweight Championship[/U] "The Man with No Nickname" Sean Morrison 17-4 vs. (c) Chojiro Goto 13-2 "The Street Fighter" Leon Banks 12-4 vs. "Ripper" John Rivero 14-2 Buddy Garner 13-2 vs. "Super Snake" Randy Carsley 14-4 "Hollywood" Ricky Heath 17-7 vs. "The Croatian Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic 15-7 II "American Male" Vincent Chapin 11-11 vs. "Kinh of GnP" James Foster 22-4 Ari Peltonen 17-6 vs. "The Big Bad" Hassan Fezzik 28-2 "The Amazing" JJ Reid 20-2 vs. "The Sniper" Roberto Aldez 22-5 [U]undercard[/U] "The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 2-0 vs. "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 2-0 "Boom Boom" Guy Broom 3-2 vs. "The Bringer of Pain" Krhu Duangjan 24-14 "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe 9-6 vs. "Iron Man" Atshushi Nakajima 16-13[/CENTER]
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GAMMA announces GAMMA: Ragged Glory for Satursy week 3 of September official card main card [B]"Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro[/B] 16-2-1 vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen 26-12-2 GAMMA Middleweight Championship [B]"The Executioner" Maarten De Vries[/B] 22-6 vs. (c) Uwe Maier 10-2 GAMMA Lightweight Championship [B]"The Man with No Nickname" Sean Morrison[/B] 17-4 vs. (c) Chojiro Goto 13-2 "The Street Fighter" Leon Banks 12-4 vs.[B] "Ripper" John Rivero 14-2[/B] [B]Buddy Garner 13-2[/B] vs. "Super Snake" Randy Carsley 14-4 [B]"Hollywood" Ricky Heath 17-7[/B] vs. "The Croatian Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic 15-7 II "American Male" Vincent Chapin 11-11 vs. [B]"Kinh of GnP" James Foster 22-4[/B] Ari Peltonen 17-6 vs. [B]"The Big Bad" Hassan Fezzik 28-2[/B] [B]"The Amazing" JJ Reid 20-2 [/B]vs. "The Sniper" Roberto Aldez 22-5 undercard [B]"The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 2-0[/B] vs. "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 2-0 "Boom Boom" Guy Broom 3-2 vs. [B]"The Bringer of Pain" Krhu Duangjan 24-14[/B] "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe 9-6 vs. [B]"Iron Man" Atshushi Nakajima 16-13[/B]
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[CENTER][U]Fight Breakdowns[/U] "Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro 16-2-1 vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen 26-12-2 Fans have waited for this showdown for a long time, and GAMMA delivers it! Regueiro wants to keep moving up the rankings by getting wins since defeating Ikku Funaki. Halvorsen has waited for his shot at the self-proclaimed "Best Welterweight Ever" for a long time. Halvorsen wants to make it a three match streak since recently being victorious over Lee Bould and Alberto Basora. [U]GAMMA Middleweight Championship[/U] "The Executioner" Maarten De Vries 22-6 vs. (c) Uwe Maier 10-2 De Vries has been long overdue for this title shot. Lately hes been on a 6-match streak and he wants to become the third man to hold the Middleweight championship. While current champ Uwe Maier is on a 5-match streak (in BCF and GAMMA) and wants to gain another defence over a legend and make his presence known in GAMMA. [U]GAMMA Lightweight Championship[/U] "The Man with No Nickname" Sean Morrison 17-4 vs. (c) Chojiro Goto 13-2 Morrison wishes to becomethe first ever two time Lightweight champion in GAMMA history since beating Josh Criswell. But the problem is he has Chojiro Goto to get through first. Goto is on a win-streak over Giovani Silva, Callum Henson, and Carlos da Guia. Can he make it 4? "The Street Fighter" Leon Banks 12-4 vs. "Ripper" John Rivero 14-2 Banks is making his second GAMMA appearance and wants to continue to make his mark. Beating Bambang Syrianto in his debut, beating Rivero would definately shoot him up the rankings. While Rivero recently lost his title to ALPHA-1 Superstar Tadamasa Yamada, he still had 6 victories in a row to get him that title and only two came by decision. Buddy Garner 13-2 vs. "Super Snake" Randy Carsley 14-4 Two top contenders for the Luis Basora's Welterweight Championship, Garner has been annihilating the division with 4 wins in a row over Francis O'Leary, Steven Griffin, Gabriel Gallego, and Fumiaki Hayashi, in which only one came vis decision. While Carsley recently lost to Luis Basora, before that he was on a 3-match streak over great contenders in Ray Eton, Jack Humphreys, and Julio Regueiro. "Hollywood" Ricky Heath 17-7 vs. "The Croatian Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic 15-7 II In the first match Heath stole the Light Heavyweight title from Asanovic. If Heath wins he is definately in the running for another shot as he is on a streak over Nakajima and Ratcliffe. While Asanovic got shut down by Faas Smit in his last try. "American Male" Vincent Chapin 11-11 vs. "King of GnP" James Foster 22-4 This has been described by president Scott Avatar as a tune-up match for his match with Gunnar Nillson in the Grand Prix Finale. Chapin comes off a loss to Ari Peltonen. While Foster is on a 2-match streak over Mugur Boc and Raul Hughes. If Chapin wins #1 ranked Heavyweight Stafford Alois (who holds wins over Foster, Carlton, and Fezzik) will take his place in the Finale. Ari Peltonen 17-6 vs. "The Big Bad" Hassan Fezzik 28-2 A battle of ALPHA-1 superstars Peltonen wants this win to cement himself as a top contender since beating Vincent Chapin last time out. While Fezzik had no such luck losing to arguably the best Heavyweight in the world Stafford Alois. Fezzik has stated he wants to move back up in the world, here's his chance. "The Amazing" JJ Reid 20-2 vs. "The Sniper" Roberto Aldez 22-5 Two of the top LHW contenders clash for the firat time here tonight. Reid is off a victory over Lachlan Bowen. And Aldez is off a win over Curt Kitson. Both are trying to ascend uop the rankings, on will, one won't. undercard "The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 2-0 vs. "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 2-0 Two rising stars meet here tonight. Mayweather has two "upsets" in a row over White and Yama****a. While Sutton has been fighting a little lower-classed against Ball and Ballard. "Boom Boom" Guy Broom 3-2 vs. "The Bringer of Pain" Krhu Duangjan 24-14 Another rising star is here in Guy Brom who comes off a win over Frank Sheedy. While Duangjan make his GAMMA debut tonight off a win over Murray Darby in BCF. "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe 9-6 vs. "Iron Man" Atshushi Nakajima 16-13 Two fighters trying to get their "groove" back are fighting tonight. Ratcliffe recently left the Middleweight division after losing to Neil Napier and Yama****a, only to have no such luck in the Light Heavyweight division against Ricky Heath. The same is for Nakajima, coming off a loss to Heath.[/CENTER]
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[B]"Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro[/B] 16-2-1 vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen 26-12-2 GAMMA Middleweight Championship "The Executioner" Maarten De Vries 22-6 vs. (c) [B]Uwe Maier 10-2[/B] GAMMA Lightweight Championship [B]"The Man with No Nickname" Sean Morrison[/B] 17-4 vs. (c) Chojiro Goto 13-2 "The Street Fighter" Leon Banks 12-4 vs. [B]"Ripper" John Rivero[/B] 14-2 [B]Buddy Garner[/B] 13-2 vs. "Super Snake" Randy Carsley 14-4 "Hollywood" Ricky Heath 17-7 vs. [B]"The Croatian Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic [/B]15-7 II "American Male" Vincent Chapin 11-11 vs.[B] "King of GnP" James Foster[/B] 22-4 Ari Peltonen 17-6 vs. [B]"The Big Bad" Hassan Fezzik 28-2[/B] "The Amazing" JJ Reid 20-2 vs. "[B]The Sniper" Roberto Aldez[/B] 22-5 undercard [B]"The Predator" Kramer Mayweather[/B] 2-0 vs. "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 2-0 [B]"Boom Boom" Guy Broom[/B] 3-2 vs. "The Bringer of Pain" Krhu Duangjan 24-14 [B]"Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe[/B] 9-6 vs. "Iron Man" Atshushi Nakajima 16-13
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[CENTER]We're here LIVE from Iowa on USA Free Choice PPV for GAMMA: Ragged Glory.[/CENTER] Pete: We've got a great card for you tonight folks! Josh:Yes we do! De Vries & Maier, Banks & Rivero, and of course our Main Event of the evening Julio Regueiro vs. Dan Halvosen! Pete: Here we go with our first contest. "Mr. Awesome" Carl Ratcliffe 9-6 vs. "Iron Man" Atshushi Nakajima 16-13 Round 1 Nakajima starts strongly, immediately rushing in for a takedown. Ratcliffe got taken by surprise a little, but wrestles his way free of the grapple and pulls to safety. Ratcliffe doesn't hang around for a second attempt, he uses a looping left to set himself up to come in close and score with a series of strikes, two or three nice body shots included. Nakajima covers up, throwing the occasional jab as a counter. Ratcliffe goes for a vicious uppercut, but gets pulled into a clinch. Nakajima goes for a takedown via a trip, but Ratcliffe defends it. Another trip attempt, another failure. Nakajima pushes Ratcliffe up against the ropes and tries to wrestle him to the ground, but Ratcliffe keeps his balance and sprawls to stop it. Ratcliffe gets in a hard right hand to the side of the face, taking advantage of the fact that Nakajima was leaning in too far. Ratcliffe reverses so that Nakajima is against the ropes. They remain clinched, with nothing more than minor strikes being thrown, for a long time. The referee finally breaks them apart and gets them back to the center. Ratcliffe throws a kick, waist-high, but Nakajima avoids it. That could have been used for a takedown attempt if Nakajima had been quicker and caught it. Ratcliffe hits two or three punches in a row, stinging the gloves of Nakajima. The round draws to a close. It'll be interesting to see where the judges go with this, as Ratcliffe clearly got the better strikes in throughout the round, but Nakajima did probably show more aggression by virtue of his almost constant attempts to get the takedown. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Ratcliffe. Round 2 Ratcliffe's straight right hand punch finds its mark early, tagging Nakajima below the right eye, leaving a mark. Nakajima throws a couple of strikes in return, but can't find a way past the gloves. Ratcliffe keeps Nakajima off balance by switching between looping punches, low kicks, and plenty of jabs. Nakajima can't work an angle under the barrage, and backs off. Ratcliffe tries to press the advantage, but Nakajima is quick to clinch up. Nakajima goes for a trip but Ratcliffe kicks it away. Nakajima drops down and tries for a single leg, but Ratcliffe bends down and blocks it. There's an awkward moment as neither can do a great deal. Nakajima eventually releases the leg and gets back into the clinch. Ratcliffe hits a knee, and they part. Nakajima throws a nice kick. Ratcliffe gets in close enough to hit a kick to the body, then darts back out of range. He repeats the trick, this time replacing the kick with a hard right hand. It appears that he is using 'hit and run' tactics, and Nakajima isn't coping with it yet. Ratcliffe goes for it again, and this time almost gets taken down as Nakajima times it well and shoots in. Ratcliffe sprawls to block the first attempt, then scrabbles free on the second push, getting out from the side. Nakajima was very close then. Ratcliffe keeps Nakajima back, throwing kicks. The action unfortunately peters out, with Nakajima unable to get in close enough to go for a takedown, Ratcliffe unwilling to risk the takedown by coming in and throwing strikes. The time eventually runs out on the round. The second round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Ratcliffe. Round 3 Ratcliffe throws a nice series of straight rights from the start, bobbing and weaving to keep Nakajima from landing anything in return. None of the punches got through though, Nakajima parried them away. Nice crisp start to the round though. The two fighters come together in the center. Ratcliffe leads with a left, but Nakajima easily avoids it and comes in close to throw some body shots. It all gets a bit scrappy, but it ends with Nakajima falling to the ground. Replays show that Ratcliffe did catch him with a jab, but it clearly did very little damage, Nakajima had already stumbled while taking a step backward. Regardless of how it happened though, Nakajima is down, and Ratcliffe is quick to rush in to capitalise. Nakajima covers up, but Ratcliffe is raining down punches from the half mount position. At least two hard shots get through. Ratcliffe moves up into side control, briefly looks like he is considering trying to take an arm, then goes back to teeing off on Nakajima's head with fists. Nakajima tries to wriggle free, but isn't really getting anywhere because Ratcliffe is lying right across his upper body. Ratcliffe uses his legs to ensnare Nakajima's right arm, and then starts firing off more and more punches. With only his left hand to try and block them, Nakajima is taking more punches than he is blocking. The referee is looking very closely at this, unless Nakajima does something dramatic pretty soon, I doubt this will go much longer. Ratcliffe stops to take a deep breath, then starts firing off another barrage. Nakajima takes at least three hard shots to the face during the attack, and that's enough for the referee, he calls an end to the match. The official time of the TKO is 1:11 of round 3. Pete: Ratcliffe is back! Josh: It was bound to happen. Mr. Awesome is back! "Boom Boom" Guy Broom 3-2 vs. "The Bringer of Pain" Krhu Duangjan 24-14 Round 1 Broom throws the first punch of the round, a high searching jab that didn't carry a great deal of threat with it. Duangjan throws a one-two combination in return, neither connecting, then steps in and delivers a hard kick to the outside of the thigh. Broom steps back, throwing a right hand as he does to buy himself space. They circle, then move in again to exchange strikes, neither fighter getting a clear advantage. They come together again and the same result. It has become something of a stalemate at the moment. They come together to exchange strikes for the third time, and this time they wind up in a clinch. Duangjan hits a knee to the ribs. A couple of shots to the back from Broom. They struggle all the way back, with Broom ending up backed up against the ropes. Duangjan hits another knee, but there wasn't much power behind it. Broom stomps downward onto his foot. Broom manages to reverse their positions, but that only lasts about thirty seconds before it gets reversed once more. Duangjan gets an arm free and tries to throw a big shot to the cheek, Broom ducks under it and gets the arm back under control. The referee finally breaks them up, and we're back to where we started. Broom tries a high kick to start, but Duangjan saw it coming and easily avoids it. They come back together in the center, and it's Duangjan who gets the first sustained attack of the round, hitting two hard body shots and a jab that caught Broom on the nose. Broom hits a straight right, enough to stop Duangjan from following up any further. The time expires with them standing. Not a great round for either of them or the crowd, it was very scrappy. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Duangjan. Round 2 Flat start to the round, thirty seconds of circling without any actual contact. The fans begin to get a bit restless. Broom is the first to try something, stringing together a couple of jabs and a low kick, but Duangjan blocked the first two and avoided the latter. A lunge from Broom is meant to set up a punch, but it's clumsy and just leaves him off balance. Duangjan is quick to react, and gets a great shot to the side of the face in before Broom can cover up. That landed above the left eye and has left an ugly red mark. No cut, but that will start to swell and could give Broom some problems later on. Broom moves in for a right hook, but takes a hard kick to the knee, then is forced to retreat so as not to get caught with the two right hands that follow. Duangjan is staying on it though, and glances three shots off the gloves of Broom before they wind up in a clinch. That punch above the eye, or maybe the mistake that led to it, seems to have completely thrown Broom off, since that moment he has been comprehensively out-struck and is now in danger of losing this round. They struggle in the clinch, neither fighter managing a great deal more than minor blows. Broom goes for a trip, but Duangjan cleverly spins out of it and the two fighters are back to circling. Not a great round for purists, it has all been a bit disjointed, but that one shot from Duangjan may prove decisive. As the round comes to an end, they wind up back in another clinch, with nothing coming of it. End of round 2. Blurcat.com gives that one to Duangjan by 10-9. Round 3 Duangjan misses with a right hand, and leaves himself open to a left hook. Duangjan goes down, although replays confirm that it was a stumble, Broom was a few inches away from connecting with that left. Broom tries to quickly mount Duangjan to capitalise, but doesn't get there in time, Duangjan is already half way back up. They enagage in a fairly ragged scramble for supremacy and Duangjan slips out and gets his back! Duangjan gets one arm in and snakes it around the throat of Broom, squeezing his wind-pipe shut. Broom tries to pull the arm free, but can't, and so rolls over in a last-ditch effort to break free. It is to no avail though, as that allows Duangjan to get a body-scissors in too. With no alternatives left, Broom taps out. Official time of the rear choke submission is 0:44 of the third round. Pete: Duangjan wins his GAMMA debut! Josh: With authority! "The Predator" Kramer Mayweather 2-0 vs. "The Terror" Ethan Sutton 2-0 Round 1 Mayweather hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Sutton to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Mayweather hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Sutton tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Mayweather having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Sutton. Sutton hits a low kick, then moves in for a jab. Mayweather saw it coming and unloads with an enormous punch to the jaw. Sutton goes down immediately, he has been knocked clean out by the power of Mayweather. Official time of the knock out is 6:59 of the first round. Pete: Mayweather wins again! Josh: He's definately in line for a title shot now! "The Amazing" JJ Reid 20-2 vs. "The Sniper" Roberto Aldez 22-5 Round 1 Reid comes out fast, and looks like he is aiming for a quick takedown, but Aldez stops that plan with some looping punches. Solid right hand from Aldez connects, and that's the best moment of the opening minute of the round. Reid is mainly defending against punches, it looks like he is trying to work an angle to try for a takedown. Aldez seems to have noticed, as he is purposely positioning against that. Straight left from Aldez, then a low kick, then a wicked body shot. Reid felt that, and backs off. Reid tries to get in for a clinch, perhaps looking for a takedown from that position, but Aldez gets him to back off with some jabs. Aldez has really been able to stamp his gameplan on this round, Reid has been blocked at every turn. End of the round. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Aldez. Round 2 Reid starts strongly, immediately rushing in for a takedown. Aldez got taken by surprise a little, but wrestles his way free of the grapple and pulls to safety. Aldez doesn't hang around for a second attempt, he uses a looping left to set himself up to come in close and score with a series of strikes, two or three nice body shots included. Reid covers up, throwing the occasional jab as a counter. Aldez goes for a vicious uppercut, but gets pulled into a clinch. Reid goes for a takedown via a trip, but Aldez defends it. Another trip attempt, another failure. Reid pushes Aldez up against the ropes and tries to wrestle him to the ground, but Aldez keeps his balance and sprawls to stop it. Aldez gets in a hard right hand to the side of the face, taking advantage of the fact that Reid was leaning in too far. Aldez reverses so that Reid is against the ropes. They remain clinched, with nothing more than minor strikes being thrown, for a long time. The referee finally breaks them apart and gets them back to the center. Aldez throws a kick, waist-high, but Reid avoids it. That could have been used for a takedown attempt if Reid had been quicker and caught it. Aldez hits two or three punches in a row, stinging the gloves of Reid. The round draws to a close. It'll be interesting to see where the judges go with this, as Aldez clearly got the better strikes in throughout the round, but Reid did probably show more aggression by virtue of his almost constant attempts to get the takedown. The second round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Aldez. Round 3 Aldez hits some tentative punches, then comes in fast and forces Reid to back up against the ropes, where they clinch. Aldez hits a nice body shot, but takes two short punches to the side of the head in return. Reid tries a trip, but it doesn't go anywhere. They separate, with Aldez having to stay sharp to avoid a scorching right hand from Reid. Reid moves in close and hits a left hook to the body. Aldez steps back, and suddenly fires off a roundhouse kick. Reid didn't see it coming, and it lands right behind his ear. Reid is down, knocked out cold, and the referee is quick to step in and stop Aldez from inflicting any more damage. Official time of the knock out is 3:29 of the third. Pete: That's why Aldez is the star he is today! Josh: Wow KO of the night candidate! Ari Peltonen 17-6 vs. "The Big Bad" Hassan Fezzik 28-2 Round 1 Slow start, both fighters are throwing tentative punches without threatening anything more powerful. Fezzik puts together the first exciting moment, stringing together four punches in quick succession, but Peltonen defended well. Straight right from Peltonen in response, but it caught nothing but gloves. They start circling. The referee tells them to fight, the lack of action so far is worrying. They get in close and exchange body shots, Fezzik probably getting the slightly better punches in, and then fall into a clinch. That goes nowhere, and the referee separates them. Peltonen gets a nice kick in just before the time expires, but it's not going to hide the fact that Fezzik had the better of that round. End of the round. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Fezzik. Round 2 Peltonen gets caught with a solid right hand out of nowhere, and is rocked. Fezzik follows up with another one, and Peltonen looks in trouble all of a sudden. He is backed up against the ropes and Fezzik is unloading. The punches are raining down, Peltonen is covering up. The referee has seen enough and stops the fight, clearly feeling that Peltonen was unable to defend himself intelligently. Fezzik wins. The official time of the TKO is 0:21 of round 2. Pete: Fezzik walks away with the win! Josh: KO of the noght candidate too! "American Male" Vincent Chapin 11-11 vs. "King of GnP" James Foster 22-4 Round 1 Slow start, Foster looks content to sit back and let Chapin commit himself, perhaps looking to capitalise on any mistake. Chapin does indeed commit himself, and it's to throw a big right hand, and it hits hard into the gloves, forcing Foster to back up against the ropes. Chapin steps in and unleashes a second, but this time Foster was ready and a right hand counter hits Chapin, who is leaning in to his own punch, right on the chin. Chapin goes down, stunned. Foster dives in and hits a beauty of a right hand, but gets sucked into the guard before he can do any more damage. Good recovery from Chapin. Foster tries to work free from the guard, but can't. Chapin reaches up to try and bring Foster down into a clinch, but the attempt gets swatted away. Foster fires off a couple of punches, leaning forward to get some leverage, and Chapin is forced to cover up. Foster switches and starts firing off some rapid-fire shots to the chest, Chapin deals with it by pulling the guard tighter and punching upward. Foster looks like he is happy to sit there and throw punches at his leisure, with no real effort to pass guard. Chapin occasionally tries to roll his hips to get free, but it may be that he has realised that this round is beyond saving, and is just making sure that he doesn't put himself into a position to be knocked out or submitted by trying to escape. Indeed, time ticks away with nothing breaking the pattern of occasional strikes and defensive positioning. The first round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Foster. Round 2 A touch of gloves to start the round, and we're underway. Foster lets rip with a vicious straight right almost immediately, but it's easily avoided. Chapin sneaks a jab through the guard and catches Foster on the left cheek, but the follow up right hook only finds gloves. They get close to each other and end up in a clinch, from which Chapin manages to get the better position, pushing Foster up against the ropes. Right hand to the ribs from Chapin. Foster hits a couple of knees to the side. There's a struggle for supremacy going on, it's difficult to see who is winning it. Chapin tries a knee of his own, but that is the opportunity that Foster was waiting for and he sweeps the standing leg to take Chapin down to the ground, in side control. Excellent takedown. Chapin covers up to defend against a pair of back-hand blows, and even manages to sneak a knee strike in. Foster hits a big elbow to the ribs, Chapin definitely felt that. Foster drives a knee to the near side, then attempts to float-over into a mount. Chapin brought his legs in though, and manages to pull guard. Foster will be disappointed with that. He tries to get a big punch in, but Chapin defends it well and gets a hold of both arms. The fight grinds to a halt, with Foster unable to generate any attacks, and Chapin unwilling to give up a good defensive position. The referee stands them up. Foster will likely be very angry that he didn't make more of that takedown. They exchange half-hearted jabs as the round draws to an end. The round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Foster. Round 3 Chapin is the first to score a meaningful blow, tagging Foster with a jab to the cheek. Foster uses a nice straight left to return fire. Foster throws another two punches, both to the body, then steps back to avoid an uppercut. Chapin lets fly with a scorching punch though, and it catches Foster by surprise, putting him down! Chapin follows up and starts raining down right hands. Foster covers up as best he can, but it's not enough as the referee pulls Chapin off, the match is over. Official time of the TKO is 2:19 of the third round. Pete: Oh My GOD!!!! Chapin beats Foster! Josh: No Way!!! "Hollywood" Ricky Heath 17-7 vs. "The Croatian Sensation" Zvonimir Asanovic 15-7 II Round 1 Asanovic comes out strongly, looking for an early knock down, but three crisp jabs all get blocked, and Heath ties him up in a clinch inside of the first thirty seconds. They struggle in the clinch for a while. Asanovic breaks free and steps back. Heath tries to follow, but takes a harsh kick to the hip as a result. Asanovic moves in and throws some high speed jabs. Heath defends them fairly easily, and throws a right hand, narrowly missing. Asanovic thunders another kick into the hip area. Heath backs off, limping slightly. Heath fakes a takedown, allowing him to bring out a left cross from way down. Asanovic manages to parry it away, but it glances off the side of his head nonetheless. Heath tries to capitalise, coming in with a looping overhand right, but Asanovic gets out of the way and has the time to pick his spot for another brutal kick. This one is slightly higher, crashing into the rib cage. Heath is having real trouble finding a way past those kicks, they are so powerful that they're allowing Asanovic to dictate the action. He will win this round on points, as time is about to run out. The first round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Asanovic. Round 2 Exchange of punches to start, nothing really hit though. They go into a clinch, and the pace disappears as both fighters try and get the advantage. Eventually the referee separates them. Jab from Asanovic, who then has to react quickly to avoid a right hook that was aimed right at the chin. Asanovic puts on a burst of energy and fires off a big sequence of punches, maybe twelve or thirteen in a row, although not many actually connected. Heath covered up well, and gets in a couple of shots of his own before moving out of range again. Asanovic looks to be working an angle. Low kick from Heath, almost to the groin, although it didn't look intentional. They come together in a clinch again, and it returns to a stalemate. Not a great round by anyone's standard, but that flurry should mean that Asanovic will take the round on points. The 2nd round ends. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Asanovic. Round 3 Heath comes out fast, but gets hit with a counter right hand strike when he throws a left hand which was too high. Asanovic moves in and hits a nice body shot before they clinch. Heath gets in a short, sharp jab to the side of the head, it looked to hit right on the ear. Asanovic didn't like that, and scores with two knee strikes and a punch to the cheek. They break apart. Asanovic swings and hits a nice right hand. Heath fires off a series of sharp jabs, all hitting gloves. He throws out a looping left, but gets tagged with a punch to the jaw and stumbles to the ground! Asanovic dives in to finish him off, but he scrambles back up quickly and they end up facing off on their feet again. Replays show that the punch barely connected, it was more of a stumble on Heath's part than anything else. It might not look that way to the judges though. Asanovic looks more confident after that, and puts together a nice chain of strikes, ending with a scathing low kick that catches Heath on the outside of the calf. He definitely felt that. Time runs out, the round is over. The third round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Asanovic by 10-9. The judges' decision is unanimous, they give the victory to Zvonimir Asanovic. Pete: Asanovic avenges the loss. Josh: Heath has to be dissappointed. Buddy Garner 13-2 vs. "Super Snake" Randy Carsley 14-4 Round 1 The round begins with Carsley taking the iniative, coming in quickly with a straight right and a leg kick. Garner replies with a snap jab and a wild left that misses by a long way. Carsley goes for the takedown, but Garner sprawls. Carsley tries to power through, but Garner uses that against him and turns it into a takedown of his own. They're quite close to the ropes, which may help Carsley defend this. Garner is in guard. He throws a couple of half-hearted jabs, then tries to pass, but Carsley isn't allowing it. Carsley pulls Garner in tight, locking up both his arms. Garner pulls free and again tries to pass guard. This has turned into a bit of a stalemate, the referee may be thinking of standing them up if nothing happens soon. Garner tries a big right hand, which Carsley defends well. He has quite a high guard, Garner has to be wary not to fall into a triangle when leaning in like that. Carsley once again drags Garner down into a clinch, and this time even tries to work a guillotine, but Garner easily deals with it and hands out two solid right hands to the ribs along the way. We're back to Garner trying to pass guard. Carsley tries to throw a big punch and almost hands an armbar to Garner, but he realises the danger in time and manages to recover. The referee finally gets them back to their feet due to the lack of progress that has been made. Garner scores with a jab, then a second. Carsley goes for a sweeping kick to the right knee, but it isn't fast enough and gives Garner enough time to take him down again. Garner quickly goes to pass guard, looking for side control, but Carsley once again defends it. It looks like a frustrating round will end with them on the ground, and almost certainly has to go to Garner on points due to him being the aggressor and getting two takedowns in. The first round is over. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Garner. Round 2 The round starts with some tentative striking. Both fighters look to be using their strikes merely to keep the opponent off-balance while they work for an angle for a takedown, rather than actually trying to inflict too much damage. Carsley goes for the first takedown, but Garner has it well-scouted and they merely end up in a clinch. They tussle, ending up all the way back against the ropes. Both fighters try trips, but neither gets anything. Finally, the referee steps in and separates them. Garner storms back in almost immediately and takes Carsley down, into guard. It's hard to say whether that was just a good takedown or whether Carsley just had a lapse in concentration. Garner tries to pass the guard but can't, with Carsley employing a rubber guard now. There's a definite stalemate, Carsley is defending very well but isn't really offering any attacking threat or really trying to get out of this predicament. Garner makes a big effort to pass, and manages to get to half guard, but Carsley has him tied up pretty well all the same. Time is ticking away, what has been a very tame round looks set to end without much in the way of highlights. It'll have to go to Garner on points, the takedown is really the only noteworthy thing that has happened. The round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Garner. Round 3 Right hand from Garner was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Carsley. Garner follows up by coming in close, but Carsley is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. Carsley throws a ragged jab, missing by a mile as Garner simply ducks under and unloads a vicious hook from below. It catches Carsley square on the jaw, and he goes down! Garner mounts and starts firing off punches, rapid-fire. The referee waits to see if Carsley can recover, decides that he can't, and pulls Garner off. The match is over. Garner wins via 3rd round TKO with the official time being 1:37. Pete: Garner wins again!! Josh: He's beat 3 future HoF's in a row! "The Street Fighter" Leon Banks 12-4 vs. "Ripper" John Rivero 14-2 Round 1 Slow start to the round. We're nearly a minute in before Banks throws the first meaningful punch, trying to squeeze a fizzing jab through to Rivero's jaw, but it is parried. Rivero steps in, but has to quickly side-step to avoid a straight right. Banks moves in to throw some body punches but gets clipped with a big right hand. It was partially blocked, it would have been a potential knock out if that had hit home on the chin, Rivero put a lot of weight behind it. Banks hits a nice jab, then clinches. Rivero hits a knee, takes a punch to the ribs, then breaks free. Banks hits a low kick to the leg. Rivero bursts forward and scores with a big right hand to the body, then a left hook. Banks goes down! Good shot from Rivero! He tries to follow up and pound on Banks, but Banks is up really quickly and covers up to block the two jabs that come in. Rivero, sensing that Banks is rattled, starts coming forward with more urgency. Banks ends up backed up against the ropes. Rivero gets within range, fakes a left, then lunges in with a huge right hand. It is partially parried by Banks, who wisely clinches up tightly to get some time to recover. The power that Rivero has in his hands is really posing Banks some problems. The clinch drags on, with Rivero unable to break free, and the round ends like that. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Rivero. Round 2 Slow start, both fighters are throwing tentative punches without threatening anything more powerful. Rivero puts together the first exciting moment, stringing together four punches in quick succession, but Banks defended well. Straight right from Banks in response, but it caught nothing but gloves. They start circling. The referee tells them to fight, the lack of action so far is worrying. They get in close and exchange body shots, Rivero probably getting the slightly better punches in, and then fall into a clinch. That goes nowhere, and the referee separates them. Banks gets a nice kick in just before the time expires, but it's not going to hide the fact that Rivero had the better of that round. The round is over. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Rivero. Round 3 Banks comes out quick and immediately starts pressing Rivero back toward the ropes. Banks tries to use the position to his advantage, pinning Rivero in to prevent him from moving freely, but the exchange of punches that follows is clearly won by Rivero, who catches Banks with a wicked right cross during the flurry of blows. Banks tries again, but Rivero is looking sharp and parries away any dangerous shot, getting in a few crisp jabs of his own along the way. Banks finally backs off, realising that this isn't working. Rivero is showing superior ability with his hands, they're fast and accurate, Banks isn't able to cope with them at close quarters, being made to look slow and ragged in comparison. Banks switches to using raking right hands and looping punches, keeping Rivero back, but its effectiveness is limited as Banks's punches are easily parried away, and Rivero can still hit the occasional right hand. The round ends with that being the pattern. Rivero has used his better punching technique and hand speed to confound Banks, and has controlled this round almost entirely. The 3rd round ends. Blurcat.com sees it 10-9 to Rivero. John Rivero wins, getting voted for by all three judges. Pete: Rivero stays near the top with that win. Josh: Definately, Banks was ranked #3. GAMMA Lightweight Championship "The Man with No Nickname" Sean Morrison 17-4 vs. (c) Chojiro Goto 13-2 Round 1 Slow start; nearly a full minute of circling, occasional fakes, and long-range jabs. Neither fighter is creating much. Goto works an angle, but takes a low kick to the shin when he advances. They clinch, and end up with Morrison backed up against the ropes. Goto gets a couple of right hands to the body, but his attempts at knee strikes are deflected by Morrison, who uses his legs well to defend. Goto pulls free and takes a step back, then powers in a right hand. Morrison gets out the way, ducks under a second right hand, and backs up to the center. Goto follows, and we're back to circling. Uninspiring action so far, they've both been fairly devoid of inspiration. Goto hits a couple of right hands, both hitting gloves, then a left hand to the body that connected. That was the best shot of the round so far. Morrison tags him with a flicked jab to the cheek, but it had virtually no power on it. Morrison leans in to a looping left, but it puts him off balance and it's only at the last second that he gets his chin out of the way of a vicious right cross that comes back. If that had hit, we may have had a knock out. Time runs out with them standing, circling again. End of round 1. Blurcat.com gives that one to Goto by 10-9. Round 2 Right hand from Morrison was thrown with power, but bounced off the gloves of Goto. Morrison follows up by coming in close, but Goto is ready with a straight right hand that glances off the side of the head. The two fighters clinch up, ending up struggling next to the ropes, with the referee watching intently to make sure there are no rules being bent during the grappling match. Goto gets in a cheeky right hand, but that's all the offence he can generate from the clinch before Morrison sweeps his legs and takes him down to the ground. Morrison stands, and uses his arms to push Goto's guard apart. Leaning down between the legs, he starts throwing vicious punches. Goto tries to bring his legs back in to pull guard again, while simultaneously covering up, but he is having trouble; Morrison is using his body to keep the legs from coming in. More punches rain down, and Goto is starting to get really pounded. A big shot lands hard on the nose, then a left hand crunches into his cheek. The referee has seen enough and pulls Morrison away, signalling the end of this match. Morrison wins via 2nd round TKO with the official time being 1:46. Sean Morrison wins the GAMMA Lightweight title. Pete: Morrison becomes first person ever to win the GAMMA Lightweight Championship twice! Josh: Congrats Sean! Pete: This next match seals the deal on who wins this months prediction contest! GAMMA Middleweight Championship "The Executioner" Maarten De Vries 22-6 vs. (c) Uwe Maier 10-2 Round 1 De Vries starts fast, coming out almost immediately with a three punch combination. None of them get through, and Maier manages to squeeze a jab of his own through and score just above the left cheek. They exchange a flurry of blows right in the center, it's difficult to see who got the best of it, and both of them retreat a few steps to recover. Good start to the round, early indications are that this is going to be all about the striking, neither fighter has even hinted at going for a takedown. Maier uses a low kick to set up a nice right hand, and De Vries is forced back against the ropes. Maier picks his shots and gets a big punch to the body in. De Vries uses a couple of looping punches to make Maier keep back, but it doesn't last for long, as Maier bursts forward and hits two big right hands, taking a counter punch to the body though, and they wind up in a clinch. They exchange weak-looking blows from that position, before the referee grows tired of the inactivity and breaks them apart. De Vries scores with a low kick. Maier pushes De Vries up against the ropes and clinches. Nothing comes from it. Maier unwinds a right hook that narrowly misses. That will be the last action of the round though. End of round 1. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Maier. Round 2 Two jabs from the left hand of De Vries set up a hard waist-high kick, but Maier steps back to avoid it. Nice attempt though. De Vries moves in closer, bobbing and weaving, and looks to score with a looping right hand, but Maier uses the gloves to parry it away, then counter-strikes with a crisp jab and a kick to the knee. Good opening to the round, both fighters are looking lively. De Vries finds himself backed up against the ropes briefly, and has to scramble to safety to avoid a flurry of strikes. Maier is working for position, and is currently looking the more composed of the two. They come together, both throwing punches. Maier gets a nice clean shot in, and De Vries stumbles backwards and falls to the floor. Maier is on top of him quickly, and unloads with two more big punches, both connect solidly. The referee jumps in and pulls him away before a third is thrown, this match is over by TKO. Replays show the referee may have been slightly early. Maier wins via 2nd round TKO with the official time being 2:54. Uwe Maier successfully retains the GAMMA Middleweight title. Pete: Maier ends the streak and keeps his going!! Josh: UFC-KING congratulations! You've won the contest! Superfight "Spanish Silk" Julio Regueiro 16-2-1 vs. "The Perfectionist" Dan Halvorsen 26-12-2 Round 1 Regueiro starts fast, immediately going on the attack with jabs and straight rights. Halvorsen covers up from the initial burst, then starts throwing some raking rights and lefts. Regueiro bobs and weaves out of harm's way, countering by flicking off jabs whenever possible, peppering Halvorsen with strikes. None of them are likely to knock Halvorsen down, but they will add up over time. Halvorsen moves in and tries to back Regueiro up against the ropes, but he is too quick, and won't allow himself to get caught. Halvorsen is having a real problem with Regueiro's movement, which is allowing him to dart in and out almost at will, hitting quick jabs and avoiding any counters. There's another example, as Regueiro scores with a sharp left hand to the chest, and is gone before the big right hand of Halvorsen hits. Halvorsen looks frustrated, and switches tactics, no longer looking for the big punches but trying to stop Regueiro getting in close by using low kicks and long, raking punches. Regueiro is kept from doing any further damage, but Halvorsen isn't generating any offence either. Regueiro comes in from an angle, takes a right hand, but scores with a flurry of his own. Halvorsen tries to hit a low kick, but misses. Time is running down, Regueiro is going to take this round on points, he has been able to dominate it thanks to his superior movement. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Regueiro. Round 2 Regueiro starts off brightly, firing in a couple of right hands and a fizzing kick that catches Halvorsen across the hip. Halvorsen tries an immediate response by coming in for a big left hook, but is forced to back up by a lightning-like head kick that flashes across his face. Regueiro storms in and hits a crisp jab and a snap right hand, then ducks out of the way of a counter punch. Halvorsen comes forward, and again takes a kick across the hip, then a second one that slaps across the shin of his front foot. Regueiro's kicks are allowing him to control this round, Halvorsen has so far had no answer. They meet in the center; Regueiro comes in from low-down, but misses a right hand. Halvorsen scores with a right hand to the side of the head, then a stinging right hand to the ribs. Regueiro shoots off a kick to the ribs, then comes back in from an angle. A faked takedown fools Halvorsen, and another kick hits home. Halvorsen clinches up, and must be wondering what on earth he can do to stop these kicks from taking him apart. Time runs down as they engage in a struggle while in the clinch, and the round ends without any further noteworthy action. The round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Regueiro by 10-9. Round 3 Halvorsen comes out fast, but gets hit with a counter right hand strike when he throws a left hand which was too high. Regueiro moves in and hits a nice body shot before they clinch. Halvorsen gets in a short, sharp jab to the side of the head, it looked to hit right on the ear. Regueiro didn't like that, and scores with two knee strikes and a punch to the cheek. They break apart. Regueiro swings and hits a nice right hand. Halvorsen fires off a series of sharp jabs, all hitting gloves. He throws out a looping left, but gets tagged with a punch to the jaw and stumbles to the ground! Regueiro dives in to finish him off, but he scrambles back up quickly and they end up facing off on their feet again. Replays show that the punch barely connected, it was more of a stumble on Halvorsen's part than anything else. It might not look that way to the judges though. Regueiro looks more confident after that, and puts together a nice chain of strikes, ending with a scathing low kick that catches Halvorsen on the outside of the calf. He definitely felt that. Time runs out, the round is over. The third round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Regueiro. The official result is that all three judges give the match to Julio Regueiro. Round 1 Regueiro starts fast, immediately going on the attack with jabs and straight rights. Halvorsen covers up from the initial burst, then starts throwing some raking rights and lefts. Regueiro bobs and weaves out of harm's way, countering by flicking off jabs whenever possible, peppering Halvorsen with strikes. None of them are likely to knock Halvorsen down, but they will add up over time. Halvorsen moves in and tries to back Regueiro up against the ropes, but he is too quick, and won't allow himself to get caught. Halvorsen is having a real problem with Regueiro's movement, which is allowing him to dart in and out almost at will, hitting quick jabs and avoiding any counters. There's another example, as Regueiro scores with a sharp left hand to the chest, and is gone before the big right hand of Halvorsen hits. Halvorsen looks frustrated, and switches tactics, no longer looking for the big punches but trying to stop Regueiro getting in close by using low kicks and long, raking punches. Regueiro is kept from doing any further damage, but Halvorsen isn't generating any offence either. Regueiro comes in from an angle, takes a right hand, but scores with a flurry of his own. Halvorsen tries to hit a low kick, but misses. Time is running down, Regueiro is going to take this round on points, he has been able to dominate it thanks to his superior movement. The 1st round ends. Blurcat.com scores it 10-9 for Regueiro. Round 2 Regueiro starts off brightly, firing in a couple of right hands and a fizzing kick that catches Halvorsen across the hip. Halvorsen tries an immediate response by coming in for a big left hook, but is forced to back up by a lightning-like head kick that flashes across his face. Regueiro storms in and hits a crisp jab and a snap right hand, then ducks out of the way of a counter punch. Halvorsen comes forward, and again takes a kick across the hip, then a second one that slaps across the shin of his front foot. Regueiro's kicks are allowing him to control this round, Halvorsen has so far had no answer. They meet in the center; Regueiro comes in from low-down, but misses a right hand. Halvorsen scores with a right hand to the side of the head, then a stinging right hand to the ribs. Regueiro shoots off a kick to the ribs, then comes back in from an angle. A faked takedown fools Halvorsen, and another kick hits home. Halvorsen clinches up, and must be wondering what on earth he can do to stop these kicks from taking him apart. Time runs down as they engage in a struggle while in the clinch, and the round ends without any further noteworthy action. The round is over. Blurcat.com gives that one to Regueiro by 10-9. Round 3 Halvorsen comes out fast, but gets hit with a counter right hand strike when he throws a left hand which was too high. Regueiro moves in and hits a nice body shot before they clinch. Halvorsen gets in a short, sharp jab to the side of the head, it looked to hit right on the ear. Regueiro didn't like that, and scores with two knee strikes and a punch to the cheek. They break apart. Regueiro swings and hits a nice right hand. Halvorsen fires off a series of sharp jabs, all hitting gloves. He throws out a looping left, but gets tagged with a punch to the jaw and stumbles to the ground! Regueiro dives in to finish him off, but he scrambles back up quickly and they end up facing off on their feet again. Replays show that the punch barely connected, it was more of a stumble on Halvorsen's part than anything else. It might not look that way to the judges though. Regueiro looks more confident after that, and puts together a nice chain of strikes, ending with a scathing low kick that catches Halvorsen on the outside of the calf. He definitely felt that. Time runs out, the round is over. The third round is over. Blurcat.com has it down as 10-9 Regueiro. The official result is that all three judges give the match to Julio Regueiro. The embrace in a hug as the decision is made. Pete: Regueiro has answered the question of [I]who[/I] is the best Welterweight of the era. Josh: Well we'll probably see Regueiro fight Basora again, to answer it for real! KO of the night: Kramer Mayweather Sub of the night: Khru Duangjan Upset of the night: Vincent Chapin! Fight of the night: JJ Reid vs. Roberto Aldez with ***** all five stars!
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[CENTER][U]Prediction Contest[/U][/CENTER] Dustin: 7/12 or 7-5 UFC-KING: 10/12 or 10-2 UFC-KING you get to choose who fights Tadamasa Yamada for the Light Heavyweight Championship out of Heiji Endo 13-1 5-match streak (GAMMA and ALPHA-1) Faas Smit 10-2 victory over Asanovic Zvonimir Asanovic victory over Ricky Heath And... Dustin for participating you get to name my next event anything you want
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