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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;589232]Vince dying? Not strange. Vince dying, and a non-McMahon taking over? Kinda strange. Vince dying and WWE being taken over by Paul Heyman, then dropping to Cult? Strange enough to post.[/QUOTE] Vince dying and WWE being taken over by Paul Heyman, then dropping to Cult then having HIM die and to have Hulk Hogan take over and actually NOT be the star of the show? Even stranger...
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LOL, this one was a little interesting. I have a 3 strikes and you're out policy with my Fed for any worker. You screw up 3 times and you're fired. Sabu was identified 3 different times as being a hard drug abuser. So, I fired him. He said this is what he needed to clean himself up. Two weeks later he died from an OD.
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This isn't so much 'strange' as oddly self-gratifying. I redid the Networks database and inserted my own list of real world stations (and manually gave SWF, TCW, etc new contracts based on where they probably would be). In late January USPW lost the TV deal they had with ABC (too large a network I guess?), so I figured they were in trouble. Within a week of February starting, they got their show back - on the Hallmark Channel. So I guess I'm to expect a lot of G-rated wrestling coming out of them for a while. :D
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Changed the ECW title too non brand and main event for youngsters and also added the ECW tv title to non brand for youngsters midcard. John Morrison took the main one of Jack Swagger and the first tv champ: The Miz! They are also still holding the tag team titles. WWE sure like some Miz and Morrisson in that game.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;590137]Changed the ECW title too non brand and main event for youngsters and also added the ECW tv title to non brand for youngsters midcard. John Morrison took the main one of Jack Swagger and the first tv champ: The Miz! They are also still holding the tag team titles. WWE sure like some Miz and Morrisson in that game.[/QUOTE] I hate to ask but what do you mean by changed the title to non-brand? As in the title can float between brands or what?
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[QUOTE=Gypsumstack;591002]Maybe not strange, but it made me laugh: Apparantly, WWE (run by me) is keen on the idea of making [B]FESTUS[/B] the focal point of the company. Ummm, I don't think so.[/QUOTE] Your loss. Those internet articles are hints as to who in the world could become a big star. It means Festus has the potential to become that huge star. Its better to have a guy become a star that you didn't expect than to not have anyone become a new star.
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[QUOTE=Sagitta;590131]This isn't so much 'strange' as oddly self-gratifying. I redid the Networks database and inserted my own list of real world stations (and manually gave SWF, TCW, etc new contracts based on where they probably would be). In late January USPW lost the TV deal they had with ABC (too large a network I guess?), so I figured they were in trouble. Within a week of February starting, they got their show back - on the Hallmark Channel. So I guess I'm to expect a lot of G-rated wrestling coming out of them for a while. :D[/QUOTE] EPIC LOL !!! :D
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[QUOTE=Sagitta;590131]This isn't so much 'strange' as oddly self-gratifying. I redid the Networks database and inserted my own list of real world stations (and manually gave SWF, TCW, etc new contracts based on where they probably would be). In late January USPW lost the TV deal they had with ABC (too large a network I guess?), so I figured they were in trouble. Within a week of February starting, they got their show back - on the Hallmark Channel. [B]So I guess I'm to expect a lot of G-rated wrestling coming out of them for a while. :D[/QUOTE][/B] This effects USPW... how? They're not exactly the most risque company ever.
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[QUOTE]I hate to ask but what do you mean by changed the title to non-brand? As in the title can float between brands or what?[/QUOTE] Well ecw in most databases is set as a brand together with smackdown. So the ECW title is linked to promotion brand 2. I just set it to none so yes it can float between brands alass you can't link a title to a t.v. show.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;553514]Wierd one as never seen it happen before Saduhiro Jimbo retired but didnt give ownership to Seji Jimbo it went to Hoshino instead this while Jimbo jr had already debuted. Seems blood isnt so thick at all.[/QUOTE] Actually, I just had my first game where Hoshino [I]didn't[/I] take over PGHW and young Jimbo did. Every single game I've played up until this one had Hoshino taking control of PGHW and then booting Tatsuko out of the company when his contract comes up for renewal. Anywho... Also in my latest game, the AI controlled TCW have pushed to the moon... Sammy Bach. He is rated B+ across the US and C- all across Canada, which is surprising considering that he has three wins over Cornell, including an A* non-title victory on TV. The rematch for the title at the following PPV only scored an A rating, with Bach losing.
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I'm "playing" the No Holds Barred (1989) mod. Well, I'm actually simming it to see what happens. 1990 was a huge year for the NWA. They started the year as Cult, and ended the year at Global. They have Ric Flair, Sting, and The Great Muta as part of their main event. So who is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion? The Junkyard Dog. Wow. Not Flair. Not Sting. Not Muta. But JYD. What's worse is he won the title in June or July, and still had it at the start of 1991. And he was ranked #66 on the Power 100. While Muta was Wrestler of the Year and ranked #3 in the Power 100. Their choice of champion is mind boggling.
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[QUOTE=Lucied;593949]I'm "playing" the No Holds Barred (1989) mod. Well, I'm actually simming it to see what happens. 1990 was a huge year for the NWA. They started the year as Cult, and ended the year at Global. They have Ric Flair, Sting, and The Great Muta as part of their main event. So who is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion? The Junkyard Dog. Wow. Not Flair. Not Sting. Not Muta. But JYD. What's worse is he won the title in June or July, and still had it at the start of 1991. And he was ranked #66 on the Power 100. While Muta was Wrestler of the Year and ranked #3 in the Power 100. Their choice of champion is mind boggling.[/QUOTE] That's as bad as having someone like Lex Luger or Ron Simmons as NWA world champion, which could never happen... oh wait...
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I guess this is strange, I managed to sign Champagne Lover for my small self made company. Thats not strange at all however what is...he suddenly and through no real reason became loyal to me! Now hes tuning down WLW and other comapnys left right and center! I LOVE THIS GAME!
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[QUOTE=Lucied;593949]I'm "playing" the No Holds Barred (1989) mod. Well, I'm actually simming it to see what happens. 1990 was a huge year for the NWA. They started the year as Cult, and ended the year at Global. They have Ric Flair, Sting, and The Great Muta as part of their main event. So who is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion? The Junkyard Dog. Wow. Not Flair. Not Sting. Not Muta. But JYD. What's worse is he won the title in June or July, and still had it at the start of 1991. And he was ranked #66 on the Power 100. While Muta was Wrestler of the Year and ranked #3 in the Power 100. Their choice of champion is mind boggling.[/QUOTE] In my game, Dean Malenko ended Ron Simmons second reign as World Champion in early '91. Odd, but wrong game, mine's in TEW07. EDIT: Did I mention he won AJPW's prestigious title one week later?
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[quote=Krazy Killian;593955]I guess this is strange, I managed to sign Champagne Lover for my small self made company. Thats not strange at all however what is...he suddenly and through no real reason became loyal to me! Now hes tuning down WLW and other comapnys left right and center! I LOVE THIS GAME![/quote] Hehe.. I'm not sure about how this plays out with Loyalty but pay attention to his popularity compared to your promotion size; If he rises too fast in popularity he might leave you because you're not big enough for him. :o
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I'm currently at the first day of July, 1992. ECW opened on the first day of 1992, with Rip Rogers as the owner. Len Denton is the head booker. Currently the ECW Television champion is Mo (from Men on a Mission). The ECW Tag Champs are Paul Levesque (Triple H) and Ace Steel. The ECW World Champion is Bushwacker Butch. Also, Levesque and Steel have a Strong Dislike of each other, despite their tag team success. Over in NWA land, JYD lost the NWA World title to Sting, who then lost it to the current champion, Brad Rheingans. In the WWF, Jake Roberts has been the WWF World Champion for almost an entire year. His reign started in Week 3 of August, 1991. I sure hope that the WWF has his drug issues under control. Also of note, The Ringmaster was the 1992 King of the Ring. I'm sure none of this qualifies as a "strange event," but I think it's interesting.
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Playing the NHB 1989 mod as the WWF, I signed Ricky Steamboat to boast my midcard and put on some good matches. The first few months, I wasn't doing much with him, so I teamed him up with Tito Santana, gave them a few wins in the tag division,then started to feud them with the Hart Foundation. The day after the feud starts, I get a message that he overdosed! Steamboat is the last person I thought would ever overdose. Strangely enough, I checked his personal stats, and both of his drug uses are still at 0%. So, I'm wondering what he overdosed on? Niceness?
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