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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=Comradebot;599729]That'll just make him pay the full contract NOW. If I were him, I'd keep Randy around and use him as a manager/authority figure type.[/QUOTE] Oh, I was unaware of that. The only people I've ever had under written were the DeColts and the Elite and I've never played long enough to see someone under a written deal retire on me.
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Savage = Worlds Best Color Commentator What you do is have Savage get put out of action by Perfect and have someone Savage befriended go after Perfect for revenge. Use Savage as the guy's manager for the feud and watch the ratings climb.
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WWF (Wildlife Wrestling Federation) just recently opened in my game founded by Terri Irwin. Her choice of head booker... Adam Ryland. Who immediately hired Chyna, Randy Savage, King Kong Bundy, Pinky and The Brain. This should be very interesting to watch. It was meant to be a joke and an added challenge to WWE. But then again if it's supposed to be animals wrestling Chyna, Pinky and The Brain should fit right in. Previously, World Domination Wrestling opened founded by Pinky even though it's set up for Brain and he was available. Narf Poit Wrestling was founded by... Lance Storm. Sadly, NPW only lasted two months before I bought them out but at least Lance might get a decent push in my WWE.
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Not exactly strange, but certainly interesting: March 2008, Dan Stone retires and hands NOTBPW over to Vicky. And as of mid-April, Ox Kreviazuk likes wrestling people bigger than him. So, that'd be...Marat Khoklov and Bruce the giant.
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Definitely strange... TCW went bust in April 2014. I promptly bought them out and pillaged them. It cost 18 million, which is less than a year's profits... ...for Ring of Fire. Even stranger, to most eyes... the next step, the British dream match of Don Henderson vs. Tommy Cornell, doesn't see Tommy get a notable skill advantage.
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Two odd events, one more so than the other: As I understand it, the order that a worker's employers are listed (left to right) in their bio is the prestige of that company, and therefore the order in which the worker rates those companies. I've just been notified that two workers are leaving my company. Fine, it happens. One has signed a written deal with SWF, which is okay... except he's also with CGC, who have a higher prestige. Now, SWF are Global, and CGC only Cult - so that may have affected his decision. The other, which I consider the weirder, is that CGC have signed one of my other guys as a replacement. He already has three contracts, so he's said that he's leaving me to concentrate on the other two, plus CGC. Again, fine... except one of his contracts is with PSW, who are the same size with considerably lower Prestige than me. Why didn't he dump them and stick with me? Just when I thought I had this game figured out :rolleyes:
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Possibilities: He likes the other owner better than you (has friendship/loyalty) His style matches the other promotion better. Has more friends in the other promotion. Has more popularity where that promotion is popular / is getting a better push. They pay him more.
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[QUOTE=infinitywpi;600914]Possibilities: Has more friends in the other promotion. [/QUOTE] He has a strong friendship with [I]Tank Bradley[/I]. Sonufa... I note that we're paying him [I]three times[/I] what he'll get in CGC, twice what he's on in NYCW and 50% more than he gets in PSW. Conclusion: I'm losing an idiot.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;601227]Hehe the AI always gets workers on the cheap in my experience one of the many balancing factors towards there less strong booking skills.[/QUOTE] The AI gets workers at their actual value down to the dollar, don't have to worry about the 3 match rule, and I think ignores stamina grades.
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  • 3 weeks later...
It was in a shop getting some maintience done on it and the shop got robbed. Unfortunately it was just a small, locally run shop so I'm not covered by any insurance or anything. It wasn't a great computer, not high-spec or anything, but it had TEW installed and I had a ton of music stored. I've contacted Scott Vibert about it as I can't use my license on my gf's PC cos it's still licensed on old machine. Not sure he can help, though. Had problems twice last year after system crashes and he reset my license so dunno if he can do it again.
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