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Strange events so far '08

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:D Hilarious. I booked in the '75 mod a BHOTWG show. The first time I tried to run the show, I got an error, so started again. Now there was a midcard match, Robbie Gordon vs. Stunner Okazawaya. In the 2nd version it showed Master Kitozon vs. Stunner. Ok, fine, I continue. In the main event, I had a huge match: the GCG Superstar, Hanshiro Furusawa vs. Master Kitozon. The match was Master Kitozon vs. Master Kitozon. 40 minutes! Battling against himself :rolleyes: "Master Kitozon defeated Master Kitozon in 39:43 by pinfall with a Kitozon Chop." "Master Kitozon was slightly over-used"
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;617977]:D Hilarious. I booked in the '75 mod a BHOTWG show. The first time I tried to run the show, I got an error, so started again. Now there was a midcard match, Robbie Gordon vs. Stunner Okazawaya. In the 2nd version it showed Master Kitozon vs. Stunner. Ok, fine, I continue. In the main event, I had a huge match: the GCG Superstar, Hanshiro Furusawa vs. Master Kitozon. The match was Master Kitozon vs. Master Kitozon. 40 minutes! Battling against himself :rolleyes: "Master Kitozon defeated Master Kitozon in 39:43 by pinfall with a Kitozon Chop." "Master Kitozon was slightly over-used"[/QUOTE] lol:D:):rolleyes::cool::p
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Kinda Funny :D John Rivero (Created Wrestler that I imported from WMMA to add to my INSPIRE game awhile ago) was signed by PGHW, and sent down into developement with SAISHO a week later. The Next month, he is called up, and immediately fired, before even getting to compete in an event, so I immediately got to sign him :D
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[QUOTE=UFC-KING;618361]Kinda Funny :D John Rivero (Created Wrestler that I imported from WMMA to add to my INSPIRE game awhile ago) was signed by PGHW, and sent down into developement with SAISHO a week later. The Next month, he is called up, and immediately fired, before even getting to compete in an event, so I immediately got to sign him :D[/QUOTE] Same thing just happened again, Hinote Dojo signed him on a developmental deal and got sent up to BHOTWG to get fired right off the bat again :D
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;617977]:D Hilarious. I booked in the '75 mod a BHOTWG show. The first time I tried to run the show, I got an error, so started again. Now there was a midcard match, Robbie Gordon vs. Stunner Okazawaya. In the 2nd version it showed Master Kitozon vs. Stunner. Ok, fine, I continue. In the main event, I had a huge match: the GCG Superstar, Hanshiro Furusawa vs. Master Kitozon. The match was Master Kitozon vs. Master Kitozon. 40 minutes! Battling against himself :rolleyes: "Master Kitozon defeated Master Kitozon in 39:43 by pinfall with a Kitozon Chop." "Master Kitozon was slightly over-used"[/QUOTE] Sounds like a Monty Python sketch to me...
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[QUOTE=Von Dozier;620287]Oh wow, what a bummer. The inevitable happens, on THE DAY HE RETIRES. [IMG]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/749/toroi.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/8269/toro2.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE] The same thing happened in my game to Marty Jannetty .
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Another first for me during the 1975 mod. Using WBW, and in August of 1976 RWA was on the brink of going under. So, for the very first time, I bought out a company in TEW 08! It costed me a "whopping" $4000 (less than a month's profit), and I decided to keep them as a child company. Because this way no only do I have the lulz of being a Small company with a Local child company, but atleast the only other company on this side of the Atlantic stays open and keeps people employed. Though, sadly, I can't actually send anyone over to develop. Though that would've been fun. Edit: Okay, so this is why I don't use auto-save... What if I pillage them, and then bring in a couple of their talented guys who otherwise don't work in Europe? And maybe even a title unification match! This could be the funs....
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So two firsts for me today. Playing the 97 mod and two things happened. Duns Scotus OD'd. Not a big deal, he's an unemployed european. However Jon Jetson was caught in possession of Steroids... Jon Jetson. I was going to push him with Carl Batch because I figured he'd be one of the cleaner workers. I would never assume Jon effen Jetson to be caught with steroids. Especially as the first one caught. Edit: Did a drug test. The Hype (big surprise [/sarcasm]) was identified as a Heavy Drug User. Now wondering whether to fire him or not. Don't need another hit to my prestige.
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Playing with XFW in the 1997 mod, and was gearing up Larry Wood for a push into the main event. Unfortunately, a scheduling conflict recently meant the start of this would be delayed by a week as he was participating in the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Tournament for NOTBPW the night of my weekly show. News article I see after running my show? Larry Wood sidelined with serious injury. The email I get? Larry Wood is out for a year with a... wait for it, wait for it... Semi-Severed Spinal Column. You know, the injury that typically autoretires any who suffers one. Knowing that his career very well may be over anyways, I went ahead and attempted surgery... and it was a success! He's now out only 8 month, and god willing maybe Larry Wood may yet wrestle again.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;631175] Knowing that his career very well may be over anyways, I went ahead and attempted surgery... and it was a success! He's now out only 8 month, and god willing maybe Larry Wood may yet wrestle again.[/QUOTE] Let's hope. What dastardly villain did that to the beloved Wood?
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;631175]Playing with XFW in the 1997 mod, and was gearing up Larry Wood for a push into the main event. Unfortunately, a scheduling conflict recently meant the start of this would be delayed by a week as he was participating in the Ed Henson Memorial Tag Tournament for NOTBPW the night of my weekly show. News article I see after running my show? Larry Wood sidelined with serious injury. The email I get? Larry Wood is out for a year with a... wait for it, wait for it... Semi-Severed Spinal Column. You know, the injury that typically autoretires any who suffers one. Knowing that his career very well may be over anyways, I went ahead and attempted surgery... and it was a success! He's now out only 8 month, and god willing maybe Larry Wood may yet wrestle again.[/QUOTE] Lol, that sucks, but it's still funny.
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