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Strange events so far '08

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Why would that be odd? Nigel Svennsonn won it one year in my game - but Strong is loaded with potential, in a fed that'll play to her strengths. It's a bit unusual, I would say, as USPW doesn't have a fantastic women's division (neither does AAA for that matter) but it wouldn't take much to go in her favour for her to excel :)
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I managed to sign Jay Chord to NYCW, and after running two shows with him on...he hasn't done a darned thing. Seriously, the most legendary trouble-maker in the Cornellverse has managed to actually behave himself.
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[QUOTE=Maximilian_WWW;635200]Now, I've been thinking this over for a couple of hours and I still don't get it. Could you elaborate?[/QUOTE] Look at the website that's up in the background. Admittedly it's not really all that funny, but yeah, that's what he was aiming at.
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;636876]While simming a CVerse '75 -game, I saw a rather weird thing happen. A promotion that was going to be opened by Dan Stone, NOTPBW, was opened by.. Mammoth. While Dan Stone is signed to a written contract by CICW.[/QUOTE] Wow, they're screwed, without the stones they will fail, and when you have to push the worlds most useless tub of lard to every championship, you know you can't meet expectations.
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Wanda Fish has signed a written deal with SOTBPW as a colour commentator. Ms. Fish doesn't speak a lick of Spanish in my game and SOTBPW doesn't have any TV coverage in the US. The only thing I can picture is a whole WCW/La Parka-being-erroneously-dubbed-like gimmick and that, in and of itself, would be worth the price of admission alone, I suppose. Foxcutter.
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[QUOTE=hrdcoresidebrns;634271][IMG]http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o109/hrdcoresidebrns/WTF.jpg[/IMG] Now I'm not complaining about it, because it's not the company I'm playing as, but seriously? How?[/QUOTE] Bizarre. Too many angles, maybe? Even a post-match celebration may be too much for the NOTBPW fans :p
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First off, for those of you who don't know the C-Verse's Keith Adams, here's his bio, with the highlighted part: [QUOTE] "Rock Solid" Keith Adams is an all-rounder, who is known as a very reliable worker. [B]In real life he is a policeman, and is famous for once having gone into the crowd mid-match to arrest a criminal he happened to spot out there. [/B]Adams was beginning to gain some momentum working for 21st Century Wrestling, but that came to an abrupt halt in 2006 when he was released as part of Jeff Nova's overhaul of the promotion. Given his undoubted talent, he should land on his feet somewhere though.[/QUOTE] This popped up on my screen today: [CENTER][IMG]http://i164.photobucket.com/albums/u8/Actarus96/Miscellaneous/KeithAdams.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Who knew? A cop on the take. :p
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[QUOTE=FlameSnoopy;636876]While simming a CVerse '75 -game, I saw a rather weird thing happen. A promotion that was going to be opened by Dan Stone, NOTPBW, was opened by.. Mammoth. While Dan Stone is signed to a written contract by CICW.[/QUOTE] Well.. same save: I just noticed that NOTPBW has gone under in March 1987, altough they did achieve a cult level status. Then that effin Mammoth starts up NYCW too! :D
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Yeah, that happened in my game. The AI doesn't seem to scout much outside their own country (Japanese feds being the obvious exception) for new talent, and if the workers aren't set to work in another country, they'll never be approached by a fed from that country. Most Aussie workers are set to Australia only, so they will never be approached by SWF etc. - no matter how well Swoop would fit into the Eisens' grand plan :)
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Although after a certain amount of time without work, they'll make themselves available in other countries. So eventually he might, although none of the Aussie guys have any popularity in anywhere other than Australia, so they might find it tough...
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