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Strange events so far '08

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"Soon to retire Glen Jacobs is apparently upbeat despite his career coming to an end. He is said to be looking forward to be able to hang up the boots and finally allow his body to heal up, and is already preparing himself for a potential new career backstage." :eek: i just started a new game with him and he was supposed to be one of my top guys! Damn Damn Damn.
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[QUOTE=FINisher;645843][CENTER][IMG]http://img150.imageshack.us/img150/6913/lindsayo.jpg[/IMG] Yeah. See you in the year 2029. :cool: Altough it's BSC so.. [/CENTER][/QUOTE] Actually not bad for a promotion the size and product of BSC. I mean, she has average "Ds" in entertainment skills, Brawling, Safety, Stamina, Athletics, Star Quality, and Basics, "B-" consistency, and "B+" Sex Appeal. Her one weakness is her very poor Psychology, but that can be covered by a good Road Agent. She could very well be the BSC version of Ultimate Warrior or Bill Goldberg with those stats.
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;646000]Actually not bad for a promotion the size and product of BSC. I mean, she has average "Ds" in entertainment skills, Brawling, Safety, Stamina, Athletics, Star Quality, and Basics, "B-" consistency, and "B+" Sex Appeal. Her one weakness is her very poor Psychology, but that can be covered by a good Road Agent. She could very well be the BSC version of Ultimate Warrior or Bill Goldberg with those stats.[/QUOTE] Bigpapa42's T-Rex has a B- in perfomance skills now. You'd be surprised how an intially statistically bad worker can improve. Besides, isn't she young? then she could have huge potential.
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;646000]Actually not bad for a promotion the size and product of BSC. I mean, she has average "Ds" in entertainment skills, Brawling, Safety, Stamina, Athletics, Star Quality, and Basics, "B-" consistency, and "B+" Sex Appeal. Her one weakness is her very poor Psychology, but that can be covered by a good Road Agent. She could very well be the BSC version of Ultimate Warrior or Bill Goldberg with those stats.[/QUOTE] Actually, no. As a women's wrestler, her lack of flying skills will seriously hinder her. Remember what those skills actually do. It's not just about HER using aerial moves. It's how she works with others who do as well. Upwards of 80% of the CVerse's women are aerially inclined so that could be a major weakness as well. But ampulator's right. Right now in my game, Britney Hollywood is the 5SSW All-Asian champion and can be counted on to produce C range matches (they're Cult size and a development territory of mine). Yes, she's got skillz (C+ Performance, C- Aerial, D+ Rumble & Technical, B- Entertainment).
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I think Britney Hollywood's intitial performance stat is a C-, which I think is in the HIGHER range among BSC workers. Most of them are D- or D in performance. Generally speaking though, I value Performance skills in any promotion. BSC needs a ring general, which means Wanda Fish is more than worth her money if you got the money to pay for her. Edit: I took a look- Alexis Lee Little Feather And Britney Hollywood both have the highest Performance stat in the promotion.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;646025][B]Bigpapa42's T-Rex has a B- in perfomance skills now[/B]. You'd be surprised how an intially statistically bad worker can improve. Besides, isn't she young? then she could have huge potential.[/QUOTE] Yup. But it did take 9 months in development with some highly-skilled trainers to get him there. He's not the only guy to develop well like that for me in that game, but he's one of the more notable improvement.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;646078]On side-note, just how long can you leave a worker in development before the worker stops improve in development?[/QUOTE] I haven't seen any workers yet that completely stopped improving. That I've noticed, at least. They definitely seem to slow how much they will improve, but that also likely has to do with better workers improving slower anyway. I have quite a number of workers who didn't improve at all, but that's likely due to their potential already being reached. My guess is that its going to be their potential that determines where they stop improving as much as anything else...
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[QUOTE=Vladamire Dracos;646000]Actually not bad for a promotion the size and product of BSC. I mean, she has average "Ds" in entertainment skills, Brawling, Safety, Stamina, Athletics, Star Quality, and Basics, "B-" consistency, and "B+" Sex Appeal. Her one weakness is her very poor Psychology, but that can be covered by a good Road Agent. She could very well be the BSC version of Ultimate Warrior or Bill Goldberg with those stats.[/QUOTE] There's like, 10 women on the BSC roster far more deserving of pushes. Her lack of charisma, aerial skills, and total absence of star quality make her less valuable than about 95% of the roster. D's in entertainment skills (and a C in charisma) are major weaknesses in an entertainment promotion.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;646070]I think Britney Hollywood's intitial performance stat is a C-, which I think is in the HIGHER range among BSC workers. Most of them are D- or D in performance. Generally speaking though, I value Performance skills in any promotion. BSC needs a ring general, which means Wanda Fish is more than worth her money if you got the money to pay for her. Edit: I took a look- Alexis Lee Little Feather And Britney Hollywood both have the highest Performance stat in the promotion.[/QUOTE] Performance stats don't tend to garner you pushes in 5SSW. Go check. Chitose Ariwara and Angel Takudome come to mind as workers with similar performance skills who don't get pushed in 5 Star. And Wanda isn't the only "ring general" BSC could pick up (or even the best, relatively speaking). To me, that's like buying a Gallardo because you want "a sporty car". They don't need the best, they need better than they have.
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[QUOTE=Remianen;646046]Actually, no. As a women's wrestler, her lack of flying skills will seriously hinder her. Remember what those skills actually do. It's not just about HER using aerial moves. It's how she works with others who do as well. Upwards of 80% of the CVerse's women are aerially inclined so that could be a major weakness as well.[/QUOTE] Actually, yes. Her lack of flying skills won't bother her at all in BSC, which is where we're talking about here, not the world in general. The closest they have to a high flyer on their roster is Roxy Kitten (a "D" in Aerial, mostly from Flashiness). Most of the BSC roster are brawlers or "F" to "E+" all arounders, and given that they're giving her a push, that says to me that they're sticking with what they have rather than bringing in better (which makes sense with Honey preferring "Low" Roster Turnover combined with their Small size and falling industry/economy), and when you look at her as a complete package compared to the rest of the roster, she's actually head and shoulders above most of them as far as having the tools to make a name for herself. I mean, all a girl needs in BSC really is a little popularity to float to the top in that promotion anyway, and she can actually have a -**** match rather than the typical -*****'s that BSC put out. ;)
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I don't know if this is entirely weird, because I've only been playing TEW for a short time, but in just over a year, PGHW has completely taken over as the number 1 wrestling promotion in the world whilst SWF has gradually been declining and they are now down to Cult level. Mind you, I'm controlling APW, not SWF. Maybe they shouldn't of turned down my application. :)
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It has amazed me how much that David Alexander (Iceberg from NWA Anarchy) has improved while he was teaming with The Undertaker and than I sent him to development until I could come up with something for him. I can't remember Alexander's stats right off, but I can remember that he has put on B matches with Kliff Hanger, Red Flair (and unsurprisely) Tajiri & Ultimo Dragon. Now if only I wasn't braindead on what to do with him. On the other hand, Gavin Spears has become a bit of a pain while being an opener on the ECW brand. He has been on the main roster for about six months and since then he somehow has gotten an attitude problem. I don't remember him being any certain way before,but over the past two or three months he has not really wanted to job to people higher than him. Never seen it happen before.
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I'm playing as MPWF, just got to March 2008... And I see a news article about one of my workers, a one Daniel Cano, and how friends and family are worried about his recent behaivor and many feel drugs may be involved. So I check out his drug usage in the editor... 100% Hard Drug Use. A fatherly approach to a drug test resulted in getting him down to 90%. As much as I like the Cano brother's tag team, I really feel I might have to cut this guy before we find him dead in a pool of his own vomit in our locker room.
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Okay, so one day I do a test game, and sim the default data into, like, April of 2009, just to see how everything goes. I like what I see, and my curiosity gets to me, and I end up starting a new promotion at that point. I'm getting everything ready, and scouting for high-level, high-skilled and un-exclusive wrestlers to be my first World Champion, when I come across a certain man named Dan Stone Jr. I couldn't believe it. I don't know how it happened, but somehow Dan Stone Jr. was fired from NOTBPW. I don't what's more surprising - Jr. being released by his dad, or the fact that TCW, SWF or some Japanese promotion hadn't swiped him yet. Total lucky break for me there, even more so that he agreed to sign onto my initial roster.
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