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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=pantaloons;660582]In May 2011 Ash Campbell and Alicia Strong started dating. The next month he won a USPW title. But man, if they have kids they will be wrestling royalty.[/QUOTE] Uh, no. Ash is pretty bad in comparison to the likes of DWN, Jay Chord, and especially Gino. Now Alicia & Gino would produce wrestling royalty. I actually made a bunch of new workers from the established dating relationships (Missy Masterson & Ed Larkins, Catherine Quine & The Natural, etc) and as you might expect, Kiko Sakakibara & Toshiharu Hyobanshi produced one HELL of a brood (as did Victoria Stone & Sean McFly grrrrrr).
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[QUOTE=Remianen;660623]Uh, no. Ash is pretty bad in comparison to the likes of DWN, Jay Chord, and especially Gino. Now Alicia & Gino would produce wrestling royalty.[/QUOTE] You know his dad is Nemesis right? Perhaps the talent just skipped a generation...
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[QUOTE=pantaloons;660799]Ash seems to do well whenever I put him in a development territory. I have a feeling forcing the best 2nd generation wrestlers to breed is illegal however.[/QUOTE] Yeah, the difference is, Gino, Alicia, and maybe even Jay, don't even need development. Gino and Alicia are main event material from the moment they debut (unless you're SWF). At worst, Jay is a solid midcarder when he popped out. And haven't you people (especially the Americans among you) learned anything over the last few years?? [B][I]YOU CAN'T LEGISLATE LOVE!!![/I][/B] :p
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[QUOTE=G-Prime;661047]Yeah, Ash might be crap at the start, but if you tough it out, he becomes a pretty decent performer.[/QUOTE] I disagree; I think he can become a great performer, if you give him the right training, and/or wrestle the right people, and if he has the potential.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;661105]I disagree; I think he can become a great performer, if you give him the right training, and/or wrestle the right people, and if he has the potential.[/QUOTE] I think you're missing what we mean. Alicia, Gino, and perhaps Jay are HoI candidates from the moment they debut. The stars don't need to align with the planets and the comets to make it happen. Ash requires, as you said, work to get to that level. That's the distinction. Here's an example: I like Tamara McFly and I have since TEW05. But I'd never put her in the same category as Lauren Easter because they're not even in the same solar system, skill and potential wise. Likewise, I'd never compare Alicia and Gino (and again, perhaps Jay) to Ash because they're not even in the same solar system, skill and potential wise. Ash needs to get lucky with rolls at the start of the game. Alicia and Gino generally are guaranteed to be stars (by design). If Gino Montero never improved a single percentage point in ANY area, he'd still be a better worker than Ash would [B][I]at his best[/I][/B]. See the difference now? Few people would say that Ash is 'garbage'. He just requires the kid glove approach whereas, as I said earlier, Alicia and Gino can main event from the moment they debut (Gino moreso than Alicia, due to gender). They have goo-gobs of star quality, sex appeal, performance skills, entertainment skills, and in-ring skills that allow them to work well with ANY promotion (yes, even the big 3 in Japan, assuming they'd allow her to work in-ring).
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I think you forgot to include Champagne Lover. He's probably an even better example than Gino Montero or Alicia Strong. :) In any case, I've actually set a Sim Game, where Ash Campbell is under a Development Deal with the SWF to hone his physical skills, while Big Smack Scott is under a Development Deal with the SWF to hone his Non-Physical skills. I have also set their Potential to "Excellent", to see what happens at the end of the year.
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I'm not sure if this counts, but I'm going to assume it does. I was playing as Tokyo City Championship Combat and getting slightly over 250 people per event. I ended up quitting, and the next show they had (running on a regular schedule) they got a sell out crowd of 1,000. Running in the same area, using the same people and main events I had been using for a year. What's up with that?
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[QUOTE=thatoneguy;661156]I'm not sure if this counts, but I'm going to assume it does. I was playing as Tokyo City Championship Combat and getting slightly over 250 people per event. I ended up quitting, and the next show they had (running on a regular schedule) they got a sell out crowd of 1,000. Running in the same area, using the same people and main events I had been using for a year. What's up with that?[/QUOTE] Lols. AI does it always better. Maybe they give free tickets or pay for the people to come.
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[quote=thatoneguy;661156]I'm not sure if this counts, but I'm going to assume it does. I was playing as Tokyo City Championship Combat and getting slightly over 250 people per event. I ended up quitting, and the next show they had (running on a regular schedule) they got a sell out crowd of 1,000. Running in the same area, using the same people and main events I had been using for a year. What's up with that?[/quote] You were probably running small sized events and the AI will automatically have upped it to the highest level they could get, which is likely to be medium. Lots of people forget to change their event size when they go up in size.which I'm guessing you did a while ago up to regional. :)
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[QUOTE=derek_b;661166]Had you been gaining in popularity after each show? It's possible that you just passed one of the thresholds where you will get a bump in attendance naturally and the timing was bad for you. :)[/QUOTE] It's also possible there was a recent bump in the Economy/Wrestling Industry. Those will most definetely effect attendance as well. That, and I think the AI tends to get better attendance anyways... :mad: But it definetely sounds like he was either on a popularity threshold for attendance, or one for the Economy/Industry, or even a combination of both.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;661142]I think you forgot to include Champagne Lover. He's probably an even better example than Gino Montero or Alicia Strong. :)[/QUOTE] Except for one itty bitty difference....... Champagne Lover isn't a 2nd generation worker (which is what the subject was, I thought).
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[QUOTE=Remianen;661400]Except for one itty bitty difference....... Champagne Lover isn't a 2nd generation worker (which is what the subject was, I thought).[/QUOTE] Oops... you are correct. But what I point is, when it comes to a wrestler that screams "Superstar", it's Champagne Lover. He can do well in any promotion.
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Defiantly the Gauge Brothers for me, but then before every game I only edit one thing the editor and that’s make them a tag team with medium experience, just so they never have bad chemistry note. With them as a tag there stats always skyrocket, get them both up the card and your pretty much guaranteed an "a" rating match every time they tag together!
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;661523]Hehe theres plenty of those in the game most aren't on ppa though like him. BTW why are we forgetting about the Gauge aka Keith bros?[/QUOTE] Okay, lemme see if I can explain this a bit better. First off, the Gauge twins aren't surefire superstars by design. Note those last two words. Alicia is meant to be a superstar from the very beginning. She debuts as the third most talented women's worker in the Cornellverse (behind Ogiwara & Hike). So is Gino, who debuts as the third most overall talented worker in the Cornellverse (behind Tommy Cornell and Sean McFly). Look it up. Jay Chord can be one within the first year to eighteen months, regardless of booking. The Gauges aren't given that guarantee (again, look it up) though they are highly likely to achieve that. But 'highly likely' is not 'guaranteed'. I'll make it easy for you. Compare star quality between them: Alicia Strong - 94% Gino Montero - 92% Jay Chord - 92% Ash Campbell - 80% Matthew Gauge - 68% Greg Gauge - 68% and just for comparison's sake - Lucy Stone-McFly - 86% Star Quality, as has been noted previously, is a way to hedge the odds in a worker's favor (or against a worker, as the case may be). The above tells me that Adam intended for Alicia Strong, Gino Montero, and Jay Chord to be superstars on par with (or superior to) their parents whereas Ash has a chance to equal his father and Lucy has a good chance of supplanting her mother but her father's a 'maybe'. The Gauges need good rolls upon a game's start to have a good chance of equaling their father (and even better rolls, booking, and luck to surpass him). Again, don't take this as 'Ash & the Gauges suck' because that's not what it's about at all. My only assertion was that Alicia + Gino would provide the criminally awesome offspring moreso than Alicia + Ash. Plus, they'd be BILINGUAL. :p
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Remianen, the simmed game I had showed that Big Smack Scott (in development) went from an E+ to a C- in Performance Skills, which is a great improvement, but not good enough. His individual stats in Performance are still terrible. On the other hand, Ash Campbell has improved his Physical Skills well, but not as fast as I might have thought. It's going to take at least one more year of development, I think. And Gino Montero? A god in this game. He's 19, but he's already better than 90% of the current wrestlers in the game world. For a Lightweight, he's a Physical Specimen. He has an A* in Athleticism, and Stamina, and has a B+ in Toughness, while C- in Power. Champagne Lover's increases are less noticeable, but he's got a good amount of stat increases.
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