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Strange events so far '08

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I played a couple of years of SWF before abandoning them to form my own promotion: in the process of running SWF I boosted us up internationally and stole a lot of talent from TCW, along with Bruce the Giant and Marat Khoklov. TCW is at cult and getting worse: they just ran a television episode that got a C-! The main event? American Buffalo defeated Big Smack Scott!
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[QUOTE=Bull;672645]One day after a face turn Joe Sexy got sentenced to a month in jail for littering,:eek:. bad timing anyone?:p[/QUOTE] It would be comedic gold to bring him back after his month sentence with a new jail-like persona. Stabbing people with shiv's everywhere, trading smokes, etc. Of course it would be done in a way where it was poking fun of him as he was only in there for a month and now he see's himself as a legit inmmate. ha. God, I would love to book that one. ha.
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[QUOTE=Bull;672645]One day after a face turn Joe Sexy got sentenced to a month in jail for littering,:eek:. bad timing anyone?:p[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Eisen-verse;672652]It would be comedic gold to bring him back after his month sentence with a new jail-like persona. Stabbing people with shiv's everywhere, trading smokes, etc. Of course it would be done in a way where it was poking fun of him as he was only in there for a month and now he see's himself as a legit inmmate. ha. God, I would love to book that one. ha.[/QUOTE] Heck, he was probably kept in some small-time, minimum security county jail. You know, the kind its safe to pick up the soap in.
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Guest g-rad
[QUOTE=Gypsumstack;669886]One day into a new WOTI game and Bret Hart gets caught with possesion of soft drugs? Bret Hart and drugs aren't exactly two things I'd expect to see together. :eek:[/QUOTE] You must not've read his book... Just be surprised he wasn't cheating on another wife and doing lines. ;)
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another rather funny incident, in my MAW game i hired Xavier Reckless and Super Sonic to add to my tag team division, after about a month of teaming together i got a message saying Xavier pulled a prank on his XDW buddy??? Apparently He cant even be nice to his Quest friends. . .
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Lex Luger died in my game so I held the Lex Luger Megathon Event Night The final match was Miss Elizabeth coming out and saying thank you, bladie blah blah, it got a A rating she died the following day I decided she will get mentioned because I don't want Macho Man leaving my game yet
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[QUOTE=Zero;673413]Lex Luger died in my game so I held the Lex Luger Megathon Event Night The final [B][U][I]match[/I][/U][/B] was Miss Elizabeth coming out and saying thank you, bladie blah blah, it got a A rating she died the following day I decided she will get mentioned because I don't want Macho Man leaving my game yet[/QUOTE] Wow, that microphone must of been out for the three-count!
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[IMG]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c33/DerekB83/CZCWwow.jpg[/IMG] It's not like me to post in this thread very often, but this show result from an AI booked CZCW in my big GCG game just blew me away. Remmy is only C- over in the South West while Sparrow is D over.... so for them to be able to pull out an A rated match is sensational! Notes have been taken, I assume they have amazing chemistry and when I eventually open my ECW style promotion in the US I think I'll be bringing those two in to put on some awesome matches for me. Assuming Remmy doesn't OD in the meantime or become even more inconsistent. :p
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Not really strange, but amusing so I have to share. I'm running a game with a Cult promotion I created. Really the only "cheating" I've done is max out everything on my user character ;) But I happened to snag Jeremy Stone on a PPA deal when he declined an extension with NOTBPW. To spice up my shows I did a talent trade recently to bring Steve Decolt in for a one off match against Jeremy. In the trade I gave CGC, Jeremy, of course. Jeremy fought Alex on the recent CGC show and not only put on the performance of the night in CGC, he gave an A match rating in the sub main. I just thought it was funny that a Stone went into CGC and put on the performance of the night against a DeColt.
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[quote=Bull;675566]Mito Miwa just became the Head Booker of NOTBPW in my game :confused::confused::confused:[/quote] There's a rare bug where that happens from time to time. As he's the first guy in the database then any time the head booker thing goes wrong he will take over. If you can then you should try to restore your game to the previous Sunday, as it often doesn't repeat itself and you'll get someone who is actually eligible to be booker take over instead. :)
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so playing an old school mod just started the game and dusty rhodes took over NWA and within January 1987 the nwa was global and raided some of WWE big stars and dusty had big faith in tully blanchard as a period of 3 years he was champion for well over 2 years and flair and arn anderson dominated as a tag team havin held the titles 4 times since january 1986 now in december 1989 didnt know dusty was that great as a booker :eek::p
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[QUOTE=atomzero;676539]Joey Beauchamp refused to resign with me unless he could have a midcard title run. I guess he didn't like being my World Champ, which he already was at the time.[/QUOTE] Thankfully, any title midcard or HIGHER will fulfill his demand. Sounds to me like you should have him lose the world title and then have him win it back before his contract runs out. Gotta say I find this odd... I had Beauchamp on my EWA roster for a while now and he's never demanded a title reign. Of course, he's never HAD a title reign with me either, so maybe he should take advice from the version of himself from your game.
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[QUOTE=Comradebot;677004]Thankfully, any title midcard or HIGHER will fulfill his demand. Sounds to me like you should have him lose the world title and then have him win it back before his contract runs out. Gotta say I find this odd... I had Beauchamp on my EWA roster for a while now and he's never demanded a title reign. Of course, he's never HAD a title reign with me either, so maybe he should take advice from the version of himself from your game.[/QUOTE] My Beauchamp had gotten very popular by having big matches with Louis Figo Manico. When Manico had a (effectively) career ending drug overdose, Beauchamp became the premier wrestler in Europe.
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Here's a heart-warming tale. Not terrible strange, but the mention of a drug overdose above reminded me of it. In December 2008, Koshiro Ino had a drug overdose. His stats fell quite a bit, but he was still a fairly decent wrestler but obviously TCW had to let him go when his contract ran out. When he came back to wrestling he was picked up by SAISHO, and improved so much there that he went on to tour with PGHW in 2010. In November 2011 he re-gained the TCW International Title that he held when he overdosed, beating Johnny Bloodstone in an A* match. Awww. Edit: I just checked, he's actually better at Puroresu and Chain Wrestling now than he was pre-overdose. :p
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