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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=ChicaGalesa;677418]Here's a heart-warming tale. Not terrible strange, but the mention of a drug overdose above reminded me of it. In December 2008, Koshiro Ino had a drug overdose. His stats fell quite a bit, but he was still a fairly decent wrestler but obviously TCW had to let him go when his contract ran out. When he came back to wrestling he was picked up by SAISHO, and improved so much there that he went on to tour with PGHW in 2010. In November 2011 he re-gained the TCW International Title that he held when he overdosed, beating Johnny Bloodstone in an A* match. Awww. Edit: I just checked, he's actually better at Puroresu and Chain Wrestling now than he was pre-overdose. :p[/QUOTE] Maybe all those drugs gave him a new outlook on wrestling :p
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[QUOTE=FINisher;677970]Opener was the worst match of the night, and the main event could have been a low B+. Four matches on the card with those grades.. The B- overall grade is justified.[/QUOTE] Hey, considering the match grade of the opener, it shouldn't matter, that could of headlined an indy show easy, and it was only six minutes long.
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This isnt really a strange event but i felt this was the best place to put it without starting a new thread anyway just Read Rick Law's Bio. . . [QUOTE]The charismatic young powerhouse Rick Law is a fine prospect, who has a great shot at being one of the biggest names in America. [B]He first came to people's attention with USPW[/B], where his feud with Rich Money was one of the driving forces in the rise of the company. [B]His performances earned him lucrative contract offers from both SWF and TCW, and he chose the latter, apparently keen to work side-by-side with his hero Sam Strong.[/B] In 2005 he captured his first major title, the TCW International belt.[/QUOTE] I find it funny since he signed with TCW somtime around 2003-04 just to have old Sam retire in 05, and buy the company Rick left so he could work with Sam in the first place.
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I've often found it funny that Law joined for Strong only for Strong to wander off to BHOTWG briefly to help them out after the INSPIRE incident by lending them some of his BHOTWG credentials from ages back. And THEN he moved on over to USPW... does kinda make you wonder if Rick Law will wander back to USPW again sometime as a major figurehead for them... perhaps along with Rich Money if he doesn't ever get his deserved SWF World title reign and has to keep dealing with Eric Eisen. Now THAT would be interesting! :D
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[QUOTE=derek_b;678830]I've often found it funny that Law joined for Strong only for Strong to wander off to BHOTWG briefly to help them out after the INSPIRE incident by lending them some of his BHOTWG credentials from ages back. And THEN he moved on over to USPW... does kinda make you wonder if Rick Law will wander back to USPW again sometime as a major figurehead for them... perhaps along with Rich Money if he doesn't ever get his deserved SWF World title reign and has to keep dealing with Eric Eisen. Now THAT would be interesting! :D[/QUOTE] If I do a diary, I have something interesting for that...
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Well, 4C just held "4C Presents.....Best of the Best 14" which is all fine and dandy. The show was capped off with a very good main event (C+) that saw James "Mainstream" Hernandez defeat Trent Shaffer for the 4C Championship. Then it hit me, they've only been open since November 96. This event is in June, so they could only have held 12 of these shows since they opened. Weird.
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[QUOTE=Clabobby;681748]Well, 4C just held "4C Presents.....Best of the Best 14" which is all fine and dandy. The show was capped off with a very good main event (C+) that saw James "Mainstream" Hernandez defeat Trent Shaffer for the 4C Championship. Then it hit me, they've only been open since November 96. This event is in June, so they could only have held 12 of these shows since they opened. Weird.[/QUOTE] How is it werid? So you are saying, that they can't held it any other month than June? Maybe they held it the first year more than one time :rolleyes:
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Not that strange, buuut... I've just brought Mammoth and Brains McGhee into 4C, and set McGhee as Mammoth's manager. Turns out they play off of each other very well. Who would've thought the biggest and the littlest guys in the company would make such an excellent tandem?
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odd thing just happend in my SWF Game. Seiji Jimbo entered the game, and after about a week he entered development with hinote dojo, which to me means that he signed a written deal with BHOTWG and got sent to development, but a week later he inherits PGHW from his uncle and then another week later he gets called up to BHOTWG so now he has a written deal with BHOTWG and a PPA deal with PGHW. im guessing that he will stay under the written contract with BH until it runs out and either leave them or sign a PPA contract. it just weird because in every other game ive had if Seiji signs with a company other than PGHW it always ends up being Eisaku Hoshino who takes over PGHW, since Seiji is unavailable.
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[QUOTE=Bull;682287]odd thing just happend in my SWF Game. Seiji Jimbo entered the game, and after about a week he entered development with hinote dojo, which to me means that he signed a written deal with BHOTWG and got sent to development, but a week later he inherits PGHW from his uncle and then another week later he gets called up to BHOTWG so now he has a written deal with BHOTWG and a PPA deal with PGHW. im guessing that he will stay under the written contract with BH until it runs out and either leave them or sign a PPA contract. it just weird because in every other game ive had if Seiji signs with a company other than PGHW it always ends up being Eisaku Hoshino who takes over PGHW, since Seiji is unavailable.[/QUOTE] Really? It's almost always Seiji in my games.
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Not really strange but just, LOL :P Alright, In my SWF Game I just started, it's week 3 of January 2008, and the first news of the day is... [B]SHADY K HURT BADLY[/B] 'In a Bizarre Story, Shady K has picked up a big injury in a freak cooking accident.' Is it just me or does everybody else think that Shady K cooking is just not right ? :D
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