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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=KucianCarter;684626]Jennifer Heat keeps asking to be an in-ring talent. Even the autopush sets her as one. Who does she think she's kidding? She'd stink up my undercard worse than most of the women's matches I have already do.[/QUOTE] Change her roles. She's set to be an Occasional Wrestler 'usually' (just like manager). Change that to 'never' and add Personality in its place. I think that's just an oversight since she WAS a decent wrestler at one time. And I dunno how your promotion is set up but seeing as how I can get D+ to C rated matches at Small with the scrubs of the C-Verse women (no J.Ro, no Alicia, no Brazzle, Bomb, Ogiwara, Fish, Hike, Karube, Quine, etc), I dunno how your undercard is but it must be smokin'!
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[QUOTE=Astil;684627]Pfft. People don't DIE in Jackie Chan movies. They get kicked, then prepare for the sequel.[/QUOTE] I meant Jet Li :), but names escape me. And occasionally Chan villians die, the one where Chan drives some big massive digger thing into the bad guys mansion has the bad guy dieing. Again, names escape me.
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Okay, strange and strange this might not be. But its a good coincidence really: I just had a show in the Cverse 97 mod which ended with the Black Serpent Cult (Cobra & Viper) beating up The Blazin' Flames (Joey & Teddy Flame). Right after the show i get the message that Joey Flame passed away at the age of 44 due to drugs. In other news, Viper which were attacking him announces his plans to retire the same night. If it wasnt for the drug message, i would had called it an in-ring death if not a murder :P
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For me, there is a series of dream matches I always wanted to do, Sam Keith Vs. Flash Sam Keith Vs. Enforcer Roberts Flash Vs. Enforcer Roberts In my custom promotion NWF, which has also hosted such dream matches as all the Keiths in a three way elimination, in which daddy came out on top, Sean Deely vs. Sean McFly ect. Well, on my list, the first one had been crossed off in December. SWF had just had their written deal run out for Roberts, so I cashed in. The first match he has is a dream match main eventing NWF Revolution (Tempest Kane should be hearing alarm bells :)) against Keith. Awful chemistry, so my show bombs. Learning my lesson, I put him in the lower profile Dream match further down the card this time. Awful chemistry it bombs. OK, I decide then for him to just tutor my enchancement talents. Nothing too big. Remmy Skye - Awful chemistry Ox Mastadon - Poor Chemistry Nigel Svennson - Awful Chemistry When Teaming with Skye - Poor When teaming with Duane Stone - Poor This guy is cursed, he's only had one curse free match. A C+ handicap loss against The New Wave. ARRRRRRRRRGHHH Damnded chemistry, thats why I took physics...
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On the opposite end of Enforcer Roberts in NWF is Robert Oxford in my TCW game...I decided to split up the Specialists and give them each a new partner, and I started testing them out with various wrestlers to see if I could find somebody they had good chemistry. It worked with Joel Bryant, he had good chemistry with the first guy I paired him with. A year and a half later, Robert Oxford has teamed with literally every single worker who was on my roster at any point in that time (well over 70) and has good chemistry with NOBODY. He had bad chemistry with about four of them. At this point I just wanted to find somebody he had good chemistry with, I didn't even care about the tag team anymore. Alas, he retired before I could find anybody. Makes a hell of a road agent... In a completely unrelated strange event from the same game, my best match ever is a 4 minute jobber match between Trent Shaffer and Sean McFly. No fued, no storyline, it was Shaffer's first and only match before heading down to develop.
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Ok, I had an offer out to Bryan Kendrick when I hit global. My owner gave me new goals. One was to build the tag division. One was not to hire anybody from a cult fed or higher. Now Kendrick worked for a Cult fed but I already had London so I needed the tag team. I took the hit. I paired up London and Kendrick and started booking all kinds of matches for them. After about two Paul London went to jail for three years for Dangerous Driving. He was on a PPA appearance so I figured I'd fire him. Despite him being in jail his 3 friends all protested. So i pay his downside for another 10 months. Heck, I would even try to renew his contract to keep the tag team intact. But I'm also banned from hiring anyone who has trouble with the law. Time to give Angelina Love and Velvet Sky a heap of tag team experience.
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[QUOTE=James Casey;693144]I had Remo sitting out a year on the sidelines - it's an odd one, no question. I guess the higher up the scale you go, the fewer comapnies can afford you/you'll want to work for - and the fewer the chances to get a new job.[/QUOTE] Well, that's only realistic IF the worker has made a lot of money AND has good financial sense. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense not to take less money if you have no job at all.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;693251]Well, that's only realistic IF the worker has made a lot of money AND has good financial sense. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense not to take less money if you have no job at all.[/QUOTE] Uh no, can't agree there. The closest real comparison would be professional athletes. How many NFL rookies are playing in the CFL? It's football, but the money is MUCH less. NBA free agents go to Europe (which, incidentally, is known for paying more money for less talent) but they don't wait a year to do it (do they, Josh?). Wrestling free agents are less likely to sign with promotions that are beneath them because a) small promotions can't afford them b) a worker of Remo's stature working for a NYCW or MAW would [B][I]require[/I][/B] creative control since the likelihood of that promoter jobbing them for their overness would be kinda high and c) working for 'Maw and Paw's Rasslin' tarnishes your image and can make you look bad to those promotions who can afford you, once an opening became available. This works in real life too. Being underemployed is just as bad as being unemployed. Accept less than your fair market value and your only hope is to get back to the compensation level you were at previously, after X amount of time. Few employers are going to say 'Gee, you're not being paid the going rate. Lemme give you a raise'. When you have a relevant body of work that proves your value (as a Remo or McFly has and unlike NFL rookies), you hold out for what's fair. S'why people often get offered/paid 'salary commensurate with experience'. But changing the game so your McFlys and Remos and Rich Moneys get picked up immediately by promotions that fit their relative stature would completely hose the player. So in a sense, it is realistic.
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You are only going getting about half what I'm saying. If no one employs you for a LONG period of time, AND you aren not in good financial shape (which isn't simulated in the game), you are not in the situation to wait out for a better deal. It's one to make a lot of money and save it, and wait out for a good deal. It's another to being making a lot of money, but not actually having enough (which, like I said, isn't simulated in the game). Besides, I have disagree on thing: Being underemployed ISN'T as bad as being unemployed, in a lot of cases. On a side-note, I have Katie Cameron employed with her paying being a $100 a month. You know, even I make more than that in a week! My highest paid color commentator is Emma Chase, who makes $5,000 a month.
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