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Strange events so far '08

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I have to disagree, to a certain extent... A certain type of wrestler will certainly not work for promotions that are "beneath them". The contrary is also true, albeit on a limited basis. If a small promotion can offer a great deal of money over a short term contract, the benefits are mutual. Although short term contracts are in the game, I have only seen them covering Freelancers, not this scenario. It is realistic that a player, released from a big company would accept short term, well paid bookings, rather than doing nothing for a protracted period if fit and well.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;693251]Well, that's only realistic IF the worker has made a lot of money AND has good financial sense. Otherwise, it makes absolutely no sense not to take less money if you have no job at all.[/QUOTE] Where does it say they have no job at all? They're just not WRESTLING. They could be filming commercials in Japan, guest-judging beauty contests, starring in D-list horror films where they play a homicidal Santa Claus, having cameos on popular prime-time soap operas, etc. they're just not putting their health at risk by wrestling in some high school gym somewhere.
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[QUOTE=lazorbeak;693467]Where does it say they have no job at all? They're just not WRESTLING. They could be filming commercials in Japan, guest-judging beauty contests, starring in D-list horror films where they play a homicidal Santa Claus, having cameos on popular prime-time soap operas, etc. they're just not putting their health at risk by wrestling in some high school gym somewhere.[/QUOTE] A certain part Samoan working for Disney comes to mind. Seriously though look at RVD. Does he go work for CZW? Or even TNA?
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That's a fair point, Lazorbeak... if they CAN get jobs elsewhere. That's my point-not all of them go onto something bigger. If they don't, may they can just "retire" with the money they saved. But... what happens if they didn't save any money? (And that's my point. If they haven't, there isn't much choice, except to keep working).
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I think this discussion should be moved to the suggestion thread. I think there was a suggestion recently for the possibility for feds to occasionally offer an overspend contract. Getting a worker outside your popularity range but having to pay him more then if you could normally sign him as compensation for being under employed. Could be combined that those contracts could only be short time.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;693311]You are only going getting about half what I'm saying. If no one employs you for a LONG period of time, AND you aren not in good financial shape (which isn't simulated in the game), you are not in the situation to wait out for a better deal. It's one to make a lot of money and save it, and wait out for a good deal. It's another to being making a lot of money, but not actually having enough (which, like I said, isn't simulated in the game). Besides, I have disagree on thing: Being underemployed ISN'T as bad as being unemployed, in a lot of cases. On a side-note, I have Katie Cameron employed with her paying being a $100 a month. You know, even I make more than that in a week! My highest paid color commentator is Emma Chase, who makes $5,000 a month.[/QUOTE] Is Cameron on a Written deal? Because if so... she needs a better agent. ¬_¬ If not, then... it's a pay per appearance deal. So what if she's only getting $100? You say you get more than that in a week, we're not talking about a week, we're talking about a couple of hours. But $100 written contract... that doesn't sound terribly smart.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;693545]That's a fair point, Lazorbeak... if they CAN get jobs elsewhere. That's my point-not all of them go onto something bigger. If they don't, may they can just "retire" with the money they saved. But... what happens if they didn't save any money? (And that's my point. If they haven't, there isn't much choice, except to keep working).[/QUOTE] Maybe you didn't notice the specific references to Bill Goldberg, but pretty much any worker "too big" for indy wrestling has enough credibility to go have an acting career no matter how little aptitude they have for it. My point is it's naive to think a guy who has headlined pay per views is sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. A lot of guys have businesses to run or products to shill or something to do that isn't putting their health at risk for a few dollars from some greasy promoter running out of a 1,000 seat venue. Since TEW is a wrestling game there really isn't a reason to let you know what specific non-wrestling thing big names are doing, but it's equally unrealistic to expect some sort of calculus to be done where the wrestler will be willing to work for small companies if his debts are high enough and his small business fails.
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[QUOTE=ampulator;693545]That's a fair point, Lazorbeak... if they CAN get jobs elsewhere. That's my point-not all of them go onto something bigger. If they don't, may they can just "retire" with the money they saved. But... what happens if they didn't save any money? (And that's my point. If they haven't, there isn't much choice, except to keep working).[/QUOTE] If they didn't save any money, they work in other jobs. Even Randy the Ram in 'The Wrestler' worked on the delhi stall in a supermarket.
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;693662]Is Cameron on a Written deal? Because if so... she needs a better agent. ¬_¬ If not, then... it's a pay per appearance deal. So what if she's only getting $100? You say you get more than that in a week, we're not talking about a week, we're talking about a couple of hours. But $100 written contract... that doesn't sound terribly smart.[/QUOTE] Yep, only a $100 a month. She DOES need a better agent. :p If she wanted more, I would have given it to her, but she didn't. ;)
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I found this hilarious. You may not. In CGC I needed someone to get crushed by Dan DaLay in a match on TV. As stated in another thread, rather than let resident useless jobber Grimm Quibble do it, with his D+ selling and C- basics, I flew in Joey Beauchamp from Europe just for that one job (he was in my Hidden Gems list, and I have plans for him later on) so I could use his B- basics and A selling and consistency. Despite the fact his travel expenses alone cost the same as Grimm does per night. What I didn't realise was that to lose that four minute match after a four hour flight, he had to miss the UEW show - for which he was head booker - the same night. Sorry, Joey! He then went on to job to Quibble in a F-rated dark match to 'celebrate'. It was worth it though... Beauchamp/DaLay pulled a mighty D! :rolleyes:
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I wasn't expecting too much more than that, no... just found it funny how I hired a guy for $700+$450 postage and packaging, for him to get a rating that I could've got with a $450 guy already on the roster. And there's nothing wrong with Dan DaLay (or Dan Delayed as I refer to him internally).
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Well for CGC an entertainment company he has the two most important things Overness which is hard to come by in Canade if your name isn't Stone/Decolt and Menace which rocks in angles. For the rest he isn't that bad a worker and working with the DeColts should help that along nicely.
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In my game using CarlitoCool's 2002 data, At WrestleMania 20 (2004) Test defeated Triple H and Chris Jericho defeated Hulk Hogan in the main event to retain the Undisputed title. I just checked Test's overness and it's been capped at straight C's and didn't budge by defeating Triple H who has an A* momentum and straight A's in popularity. The match was rated as an A however.
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