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Strange events so far '08

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In one of my real world games as WWE (oh the schedule :() guys are rewarding my pushes by instantly failing drug tests. First of all I give Regal a title fued with Christian, like in reality and he comes back with a drug failure the day after I announce the title fight at Breaking Point. Now I'm trying to put Shelton Benjamin in his place. I give Bryan Danielson a call up to ECW and put him in an opening fued with Chris Masters in the hope that he would help develop the Masterpieces' skills, whilst getting himself over with the fans (lets face it, we all hate Masters). Masters then unsurprisingly, fails the drug test. Now I'm scratching my head thinking about who would send Masters to attack Danielson, and have a valid reason for doing so. Nightmare.
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Maybe its a bug, but the website just ran a poll to find the "Best Best Colour Commentator" The Best Best. EDIT: Amazinly enough, two strange things in one save game, this time more a random collection of numbers giving a hilarious result: Emma B*tch is out of action due to a floating knee cap after a freak accident with a frog.
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First game ever where SWF doesn't sign James Prudence.. "It looks like James Prudence will not be wrestling for a while, as the grappler picked up an injury during a match last night, and early are that it will sideline from active competion[I]"[/I] James Prudence is currently out with a [B]Major Concussion[/B]. He will be back in 12 months, 1 week. Plaque gave him a nice send-off in the match for the title where, despite the injury, Prudence retained the Coastal Zone Championship in a C+ match. :D
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[QUOTE=LoNdOn;703504]Now I'm scratching my head thinking about who would send Masters to attack Danielson, and have a valid reason for doing so. Nightmare.[/QUOTE] CM Punk? Given their similar paths into WWE, ROH Champion and indy darling and whatnot, and Punk being "the" alternative guy [as opposed to more WWE-styled guys like Triple H, Batista, Cena, Orton...]. Little bit of a stretch to throw Danielson straight in against the champion though but if you draw out the storyline of Danielson trying to figure out who was behind it, maybe throw a few more monsters at him along the way [Khali, Henry, Show, Kane, etc.]. In the meantime, Punk becomes a manipulative, cunning heel and then finally reveals he's been the guy trying to keep Danielson down and run him out of WWE. Could end up being a really long storyline before the Punk-Danielson payoff and really cement Danielson as a proper part of the uppercard.
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[QUOTE=Nedew;708562]Plague FIN, Plague! You've had this problem for a while now as well :p Plaque is what you get on your teeth, Plague is a horrible illness :p[/QUOTE] Correction, Plaque is going to be someone's new evil dentist gimmick. Question is, who to stick it with???
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[QUOTE=crice1007;708961]Correction, Plaque is going to be someone's new evil dentist gimmick. Question is, who to stick it with???[/QUOTE] Plague? Split personality dislexia disorder gimmick Give him a Plabue (Player gimmick) and Pladue (French Soldier). Go wild.
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Well so far in my game, Tammy Lynn Sytch died of a drug OD, Jeff Hardy is still alive, TNA is still at a cult level, but lost most of their old guys like Kurt Angle to NJPW, Vince left the business at 65, giving Stephanie ownership of WWE and HHH became head booker, but wierdly the only person he fired was Linda McMahon (who i set to as "Out of the business" due to her political thing, but Vince still re-signed her when he was in power. ROH, 1PW, and Scott D'amore's BCW all went bankrupt. NWA is on the verge of a comeback, and Mike Modest took over the Real Life version of NOTBPW WWEs signed Robbie Mireno to a Developmental deal and even called him up to the main roster. They signed Stevie Ray and some others, too. FCW has Prince Nana, but only under a PPA deal. Oh, And Batista got re-injured for another year.
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TCW turned 4 of their top wrestlers and "broke up" two tag teams as well as a stable. John Anderson - [B]Heel to Face[/B] Wolf Hawkins - [B]Heel to Face[/B] Scout - [B]Face to Heel[/B] Eddie Peak - [B]Face to Heel[/B] Sorry, Syndicate. Also, Wael Hossam is listed as "one to watch" despite the fact that he has left the wrestling business.
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Things I've never seen happen before! Knuckles won the NA Title from Rich Money! I'm still in shock over that one! And James Prudence won the shooting star title his 1st match in SWF, he beat Akima Brave on Akima's 1st defence after Akima just beat Marc DuBois after 2 month's into the game? It might be the fact that I usally play as SWF and never push Knuckles and keep Prudence in Development for awhile.
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