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Strange events so far '08

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I don't think it's possible for SWF to fall below Cult, but if it is, they'll do it in my current TCW game. They're at C- popularity across the US (D+ importance everywhere plus C- in Tri State), and haven't had a show above C- in months. Most of them are D+ or D with a few D- along the way. Their problem is they're more popular in the UK than the US (thanks to a TV deal they had) so they hold almost all of their shows there, but none of their wrestlers are known there so the shows are awful. Of course, it doesn't help that I have my TV shows going up against theirs, pay-per-views going up against theirs, and I steal all of their remotely talented workers. Unfortunately, they have $65mil in the bank and seem to be making money if anything(despite the economy and wrestling industry bottomed out), so I doubt I'll ever see them go bankrupt like I'd originally hoped.
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The year is 2014 and the deck in the wrestling business is reshuffled... Global size are: WLW (1st) and TCW (2nd) National companies are: GCG 5SSW At Cult are: BHOTWG AAA SWF USPW EX2010 NOTBWF MHW The way I see it, it seems that women's wrestling is really hot, all of Japan is enjoying great moments, SWF really needs a lot of new workers to keep itself afloat. Also one mysterious thing is that USA seems to be lacking great talent in young wrestlers. All of the "hidden gems" that I have signed after the prompt of my assistants seems to be "hot prospects". Not even one is "Next big thing". Not even Alicia Strong.
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Both of the mentioned companies are at Regional Level. I am no expert in the Japannese C-verse scene, but it seems that WLW swallowed everyone else using Dan Stone Jr., The Great Luchador and some great Japannese wrestlers. The only explanation that I can come with is that the destiny stat destroyed the Loyal Main Eventers.
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There are a lot of injuries in my most recent CGC game. I am only two months in and in WEXXV, Kajahara, Ohishi, and Omura are all injured severly. Thunder Hike suffered a broken neck and is out 14 months. Johnny Bloodstone also broke his neck and is out 14 months. Did I mention I was playing as CGC? :)
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5SSW booked Tsuki Kawamata to win the All-Asian title off J.Ro. Doesn't sound bad? How 'bout if I tell you Tsuki had 5 days left on her 5SSW contract (they chose not to re-sign her) and they didn't get the belt off her before said contract expired? Here's what's odd. J.Ro is a main eventer. Tsuki is a lower midcarder. I can almost guarantee that on their next show, Yuma Maruya will be All-Asian champ. Again.
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Kinda cool... Frankie Kazarian was working on a PPA deal with SWF before being signed by ROH on a written deal.. so obviously he had 7 days left with SWF... On his LAST NIGHT with SWF.... Kazarian won the SWF Shooting Star off of Andre Jones who he had been losing to for the belt for weeks! So obviously.. by the time I saw the results the next day, the belt was vacated.... 5 days later SWF actually RETIRED the Shooting Star Championship.. and it was replaced with the SWF Top Contender Title, which had a match to crown the first champion just two days later... The first Champion?: Andre Jones
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I found this quite strange. I've played TEW since it first came out and I have seen many wrestlers get things like broken necks, shattered knee's etc. However, I have never seen a wrestler retire early after getting a big injury like that, even if I had done botched surgery. To be honest I didn;t think it was possible. I had got to January 2017 in my game and decided to start a new one, but did it by simming up until January 2017 and taking over whichever company looked the most interesting. At the end of every year I have a look to see whats going on, and whilst SWF being at cult due to putting the world title on Eric Eisen then Big Smack Scott was kind of strange, I also noticed 2 things. First, Hell Monky had his last match in June 2008 and retired, with his body health now at 16. Also, Remo retired in July 2009, his body health at 10. So I had never seen any injuries due to retirement after years of playing the game, and in the game I'm skipping it happens twice to 2 of my favourites.
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Yeah I was running a self created regional fed in Japan and had Frankie Perez suffer a career ending injury in 2009. It sucked too because he was one of my most over wrestlers and loyal to my user character. By 2010, 4 wrestlers had retired because of injuries. The others were Insane Machine, Snap Dragon and some lady I dont remember.
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Cool, I was thinking it was strange that career ending injuries weren't in the game, yet apparently there have been all along, lol. Just weird how I've had at least a dozen long-term games and never once had it happen to one of my workers, and only now seen it happen. Then again I've only ever seen one death in the game and I can only remember twice seeing OD's and I believe only once seeing people in films or women posing for magazines. My games must just be very incident free!
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I have a casual game going with USPW, that I intend to have going for a long period of time. I am in December of '08 at this point, and have consistently put on C or better shows, and so I have gained a good deal of popularity. Over the course of the year, I had built Davis Wayne Newton up to a main event level heel, and he was all set to main event against James Justice for a few months, when NOTBPW hit national, and he jumped ship. Right around this time, SWF completely collapsed, with it falling to Cult, and its prestige falling below mine. So, I ended the non-aggression pact I had with them, leading to them declaring war...and I promptly stole Enygma! I love it when things like this happen, keeps the game fun! I am planning on giving Enygma the Jesus push as the unmasked "Ryddle" for jumping over to my side!
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[QUOTE=Scorpio3060;728467]In my current game, Bruce the Giant retired in Oct 09 at the age of 38. He was working for NOTBPW and his final match was a B+ lose to Jeremy Stone. The week after he retired, NOTBPW hired Marat Khoklov.[/QUOTE] Khoklov shall CRUSH little Canadian capitalist swine, YES?!
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re: death in the family due to cooking incident [QUOTE=LoNdOn;710605]Independent wrestler Sabian is out of action due to a death in the family caused by a cooking incident. Holy crap!! How bad at cooking does somebody have to be that they bite the dust as a result?[/QUOTE] Must have been like one of those dreaded kitchen fires from The Sims.
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