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Strange events so far '08

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Not strange, but made me sad In RoH my tag team champs are Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards. Eddie comes back and the two win the titles from Kevin Steen and El. Two months in. Eddie breaks his leg. Okay not bad. I'll get Davey a new partner. Next day "Davey Richards has had a overdose" ...awesome.
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Another odd occurence, in my NWF game, I threw Dermot O' Logical into dev to see if he would would become good enough to wrestle on my main roster. No, it turns out. But it looks like his destiny had him set as a hardcore skin freak, as his hardcore skill rocketed from D+ to B-, and for hardcore that is extremely impressive. When his contract ran out, I changed the area he lives in to Japan, and soon enough he's working for WEXXV, a main eventer pulling B- matches with Kajahara! Destiny is fickle, as he sucks at everything else. EDIT: Not everything, his power also rocketed from D+ to B
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[QUOTE=praguepride;736040]Wow, that's pretty impressive. Who was he fighting against as it might have been that he had that potential with other stats, just that between his size (heavyweight) and his opponents caused him to become Necro Butcher :D[/QUOTE] He's only had 4 matches in my dev (HUGE roster, lucky to get a match a month in it, but people still improve because of me huge backlog of talented trainers). They are: Dermot O' Logical defeated Island Boy Apollo Island Boy Apollo defeated Dermot O' Logical Remmy Skye defeated Dermot O' Logical Remmy Skye, Extraordinario Jr and O' Logical defeated Larry Wood, John Maverick and LAX. LAX = California Love Machine Out of all of those the only noticeable hardcore name is Larry wood, who has a B, but Dermot peaked at B- for hardcore before that match. Got a great new hardcore gimmick for Dermot O' Logical. "Studies show that blood is more effective than most moisturisers in keeping skin healthy and youthful" Enter new hardcore Dermot!
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[QUOTE=The Masked Orange;736241]Got a great new hardcore gimmick for Dermot O' Logical."Studies show that blood is more effective than most moisturisers in keeping skin healthy and youthful" Enter new hardcore Dermot![/QUOTE] That is a cracking idea, might have to steal that one :p
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Jericho got sick for a few days. I forget what the illness was called, but it must have been a bad one if he was gonna miss almost a week! I mentioned this in another thread, but Chyna came out of retirement and we hired her. She debuted by attacking Mickie James during a title match at a PPV. Next day, we get an email talking about her testing positive for drugs. We suspend her. She comes back a month later, has a match with Mickie, the next day the drugs again! So we went ahead and canned her. She said "I was angry at first, but this might be the thing that I need to clean myself up."
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Playing APW. Saturday, Week 4, November 2008, Harry Simonson; the best wrestler in the company; and James J. McMinister; the owner; gain a strong dislike. Bad news for me. New owner goals just two days later: James J. McMinister is feeling vindictive; Harry Simonson must not gain any further momentum. (High, 17 months, 3 weeks) James J. McMinister is feeling vindictive; Harry Simonson must not gain any more popularity in Australia. (High, 31 months, 3 weeks) So basically he's prevented me from booking the best wrestler in the company halfway decently for the next two and a half years. Thanks JJ! :mad: Why couldn't he have gotten a strong dislike for Big Daddy Horne? EDIT: Somewhat related..just held my first weekly TV show on the Bloke Channel and got an inaugural rating of 0.00. Just a tad discouraging.
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[QUOTE=MarcK;736943]Playing APW. Saturday, Week 4, November 2008, Harry Simonson; the best wrestler in the company; and James J. McMinister; the owner; gain a strong dislike. Bad news for me. New owner goals just two days later: James J. McMinister is feeling vindictive; Harry Simonson must not gain any further momentum. (High, 17 months, 3 weeks) James J. McMinister is feeling vindictive; Harry Simonson must not gain any more popularity in Australia. (High, 31 months, 3 weeks) So basically he's prevented me from booking the best wrestler in the company halfway decently for the next two and a half years. Thanks JJ! :mad: [B]Why couldn't he have gotten a strong dislike for Big Daddy Horne?[/B] EDIT: Somewhat related..just held my first weekly TV show on the Bloke Channel and got an inaugural rating of 0.00. Just a tad discouraging.[/QUOTE] Because Big Daddy Horne is awesome?
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In my 2002 TNA game Road Warrior Hawk just passed away due to drugs, which is not all to suprising other than i have drug test's every show and ive ran like 13 shows and he never tested positive, which likely means he was never tested but oh well, annoying thing is he died the day of my tv tapings, and 2 days prior to my PPV where I was gonna blow off my big Steiners Vs. Warriors fued for the tag titles. So much for the Warriors giving the rub to a new tag team, but on a somewhat cool note the last time I used the warriors was 2 weeks ago when they won the reinitiated Crocket Cup to earn a tag title shot so atleast Hawk had a positive note to leave behind I guess.
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[QUOTE=oleolekid;738837]Alan funk just got ii njured the report said it had something to do with a hedgehog after the show he was on, which made me laugh then I look and he's been stabbed, poor bastard.[/QUOTE] I just had a related incident happen. Jimmy Rave is a midcarder and a strong X Division Heel in my TNA Game, well the main story on the website one day was that he was involved in a freak accident with a lizard!? He suffered a blown ear drum. Just what the hell was he doing with that lizard!?
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