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Strange events so far '08

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I got bored of my game, so I just quit my job and simmed ahead. Anyway, on June 08 Mainstream Hernandez was an E+ in pop. I simmed til January 1st and now hes a B+. USPW signed him and he ended up beating Bruce The Giant.
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I started a game with "The Fall" data... made my own promotion with Vince as the head, added Konnan as a contract but didnt delete their relationship of not liking each other... I got these as my owner goals... pretty cool. Too bad for K-Dog, he will now job out his carrer with me. [IMG]http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/6764/vincevskonnanwf2.jpg[/IMG]
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On my first three shows with PGHW, as part of the Elite Series tournament, I booked (in order) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs. Buddy Garner, Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Buddy Garner and Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo. They all had awful chemistry :mad:
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[QUOTE=MarcK;437288]On my first three shows with PGHW, as part of the Elite Series tournament, I booked (in order) Yoshimi Mushashibo vs. Buddy Garner, Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Buddy Garner and Nobuatsu Tatsuko vs. Yoshimi Mushashibo. They all had awful chemistry :mad:[/QUOTE] ...welcome to Hell, I guess. That's awful on a level so spectacular that there are no words to accurately describe it.
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[QUOTE=Midnightnick;436452]WLW is the #1 Promotion in the World, reaching Global.[/QUOTE] Happened in March of my history run game. They must have gotten US TV, because this is how it turned out: Jan 2010: All E+'s across the US Feb 2010: All C's Mar 2010: All C+'s Yup, a 2 hour show on CBA
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just ran rick rude a drugs test and he tested pos for roids i took the fatherly approach and he siad he would try his best to get clean, i ran another test after his next match and he tested pos again i gave him a last last and once again he siad he would try to get clean, i tested him once more and again positive! i began negiotations to fire him and he thanked me for helping him get his career back on track, so being the nice guy i am i didnt follow through with the sacking, he now has loyalty to me and his completely clean of roids
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Power simmed to 2012. SWF is ranked #3 in importance and #23 in influence. Match of the year in 2010: Jeremy Stone, Steve DeColt and Sean McFly defeated Jack DeColt, Alex DeColt and Sean Deeley for an A* match on free TV (CGC Title Bout Wrestling)
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Importance is based mainly (probably entirely) on how much overall Importance a promotion has in the game world. So a promotion based in Canada or Mexico would have a harder time getting to the top of this list than a promotion in America, since America has more Importance, overall, than Canada or especially Mexico does (due mainly to the fact that it's a hellovalot bigger). Thus while an American promotion can be very important whilst only being National, a Canadian promotion would have to rely on getting over in America too, and 'stealing' importance from there. Influence factors in Prestige and Size too. So the SWF might only be a Cult level promotion, and the rising and falling might've hurt it's prestige considerably. Thus, while being Cult in America still makes it pretty Important; it'll still be scoring around C for Importance in most American regions which gives it at least 9 regions's worth of C-level Importance, Influence-wise it's a Cult promotion with crappy Prestige. So it's going to be hammered by TCW, BHOTWG, PGHW and NOTBPW, and also beaten by promotions like GCG, WLW, CGC and SOTBPW who would've risen up a bit (assuming they haven't fallen too, which doesn't seem to be the case). Also, promotions like NYCW and CZCW, while they don't tend to get huge, probably won't have fallen in size so even their prestige might be better than SWF. 23rd seems to be really harsh though, most of Canda, Japan and Mexico must be doing really well :p
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Indeed. Poor Steve. He got jailed in my game too, but only for 1 year. What makes it worse, is that I brought him into my promotion, gave him a match against Tommy Cornell and then against Sean McFly. Jobbed him in both. I'm guessing he really didn't like my booking choices.
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I would say the strangest thing I've seen far is Jack Marlowe getting an A* match in GCG against Pistol Pete Hall and catching my eye as PGHW. So I bring him in and put him against Dread (C rating, no chemistry note) and Raymond Diaz (C- rating, no chemistry note) before I cut him loose and he returns to GCG with yet another A* against Pistol Pete Hall. I would think matches against similar talent would produce atleast similar results?
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[QUOTE=dubb93;438574]I would say the strangest thing I've seen far is Jack Marlowe getting an A* match in GCG against Pistol Pete Hall and catching my eye as PGHW. So I bring him in and put him against Dread (C rating, no chemistry note) and Raymond Diaz (C- rating, no chemistry note) before I cut him loose and he returns to GCG with yet another A* against Pistol Pete Hall. I would think matches against similar talent would produce atleast similar results?[/QUOTE] Marlowe and Hall probably have some great chemistry going...
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