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Strange events so far '08

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[QUOTE=FINisher;438597]Also he might have huge momentum in GCG. And yeah, definedly a chemistry there. :P[/QUOTE] Yea, I really am starting to think that momentum may be the single most important stat in TEW 2008, and probably the reason so many people are having problems with the game. I'm unsure what Marlowe's momentum was upon entering my fed, but his momentum in GCG is B+, and thats with losses in 2 of his last 5 matches, albeit the two loses were both A* matches. Also Pistol Pete's momentum is listed as B+.
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Jeremy Stone leaves NOTBPW in almost all the games I've run. I signed him up in USPW and jobbed him to the Giant and James Justice just to watch his popularity go from C+ to B+. Had no choice but to push him to the moon after that, not that I minded :)
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[QUOTE=Gigas;438655]Jeremy Stone leaves NOTBPW in almost all the games I've run. I signed him up in USPW and jobbed him to the Giant and James Justice just to watch his popularity go from C+ to B+. Had no choice but to push him to the moon after that, not that I minded :)[/QUOTE] Dan Stone Jr just left NOTBPW in the game I'm playing...too bad I'm MAW and have zero chance of snapping him up :)
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[QUOTE=D-Lyrium;437649]Importance is based mainly (probably entirely) on how much overall Importance a promotion has in the game world. So a promotion based in Canada or Mexico would have a harder time getting to the top of this list than a promotion in America, since America has more Importance, overall, than Canada or especially Mexico does (due mainly to the fact that it's a hellovalot bigger). Thus while an American promotion can be very important whilst only being National, a Canadian promotion would have to rely on getting over in America too, and 'stealing' importance from there. Influence factors in Prestige and Size too. So the SWF might only be a Cult level promotion, and the rising and falling might've hurt it's prestige considerably. Thus, while being Cult in America still makes it pretty Important; it'll still be scoring around C for Importance in most American regions which gives it at least 9 regions's worth of C-level Importance, Influence-wise it's a Cult promotion with crappy Prestige. So it's going to be hammered by TCW, BHOTWG, PGHW and NOTBPW, and also beaten by promotions like GCG, WLW, CGC and SOTBPW who would've risen up a bit (assuming they haven't fallen too, which doesn't seem to be the case). Also, promotions like NYCW and CZCW, while they don't tend to get huge, probably won't have fallen in size so even their prestige might be better than SWF. 23rd seems to be really harsh though, most of Canda, Japan and Mexico must be doing really well :p[/QUOTE] 2 national in Japan, 2 global in Japan. TCW is global. CGC is national. USPW, all 3 in mexico and NOTBPW is cult. I think 1 more cult in Japan.
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[QUOTE=rage;439754]i had a strange incident with a notification of an injury to kane involving an eagle? no further details were avaliable at the time but it has shelved him for four months......:eek:[/QUOTE] I had the same thing with Big Smack Scott....except with a mountain lion. Gee...he must have had no one to take his anger out on when I suspended him for a month. He is now out for 9 months.
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Guest The Aussie
[QUOTE=Von Dozier;437778]This amused me [url]http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/8144/poabn7.jpg[/url][/QUOTE] I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the fans didn't like your show
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I have a question for anyone. How much money are you making of your PPV's? I'm only making about 10,000-15,000 a month while getting 2.0 buyrates. Is that right? Or is that a glitch? I'm supposed to get 10% of the revenue, but that seems a lot less than 10%, especially considering the buyrate.
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Morimasa Kato had an A-rated, main event, King of Fighters title match loss to Tadiyuki Kikkawa in INSPIRE, probably the best match of his career. So it only makes sense that he suffered a shattered elbow during the match, taking him out for 13 months.
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On my last month of playin as NYCW, I made 50 bucks merchandising. I think there might be a bug somewhere, though, so if anyone's got any ideas on that I'd appreciate it. Still, 50 bucks. 50. bucks. That's definitely strange.
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