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APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You.

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[QUOTE=CraigInTwinCities;478404]Hmm, true, but you seemed to get good grades for Swoop promos right out of the gate... That's what had be scratching my head. :)[/QUOTE] Well, I'm not cheating if that's what you mean - I've not inflated his stats or anything, nor making up ratings. I occasionally write my own angles so that they take better advantage - so if he's cutting a promo his entertainment skills would be more important than his overness. But I dunno, I haven't changed anything but the ratio and he's just doing okay. I don't know what else to say but I can assure you I'm not cheating or misleading any of you.
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1. [B]Boo Smithson [/B]vs. Samoan Demolition [I]BOO!!!!! I am sure some help from DDP here...[/I] 2. [B]The Rising Sons[/B] vs. The Melbourne Blondes [I]I think I read somewhere that TMB was going to help get other tag teams over. My thought would be by giving the win to TRS then TMB can continue building up to the final blow off and break up of the team. As for TRS, they have big things coming as long as one of the owners goals doesn't send Motty or Jimmy packing..[/I] 3. Lanny Williams vs. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] [I]I20, B4, O68....BINGO DINGO!!!![/I] 4. [B]Triple S [/B]vs. Harry Simonson (APW Australian Title) [I]Trips doesn't lay down for no man![/I] 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy [/B]vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title) [I]Swoop wins this one to knock Mackenzie down a peg or 2...keep them boys in line and work them to the top.[/I] BTW, as always a great show. Looking forward to seeing how you fair on TV. I have been running a TV show on one of the networks that was already around when I started the game and was able to land a show by May of that year. In my game it is now July 2009 and I am starting to see the effect it has had on me finacially. I have needed ME workers and am afraid to piss any of them off so I give and give and give. I am sure I have some egoheads on my roster at this point. I have had to bring in a lot of lower guys and just have them do the job to my uppers to keep everyone happy.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;478577]DDP? Do you mean his manager, Sean (who used to manage DDP)? I fired DDP ages ago :D I must also point out that the new Inferno render was done by Mr Machine there- I forgot to credit you in the last update. Thank you for doing it :D[/QUOTE] DDP...Sean Quarterminnneennenenenenenene or w/e he is going by now days.... As for the render I am just happy you could use it. I still am not feeling a masked worker as a booker or potrating the booker on show but hell I've delt with it this long.
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1. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. Samoan Demolition 2. The Rising Sons vs. [B]The Melbourne Blondes[/B] 3. Lanny Williams vs. [B]Dingo Devine[/B] 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Harry Simonson (APW Australian Title) 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Nathan Mackenzie (APW Commonwealth Title)
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[QUOTE=machinesxe;478579]DDP...Sean Quarterminnneennenenenenenene or w/e he is going by now days.... As for the render I am just happy you could use it. I still am not feeling a masked worker as a booker or potrating the booker on show but hell I've delt with it this long.[/QUOTE] Yeah I like it - I know the masked thing is not exactly usual, but at least there's a story and a reason behind it which i hope helps it's case :D
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;478595]Yeah I like it - I know the masked thing is not exactly usual, but at least there's a story and a reason behind it which i hope helps it's case :D[/QUOTE] I'm not gonna lie I hope and hope and hope for a mask vs gimmick match and he losses it and moves onto bigger and better things. He deff has the potential to be somebody.
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;478558]Well, I'm not cheating if that's what you mean - I've not inflated his stats or anything, nor making up ratings. I occasionally write my own angles so that they take better advantage - so if he's cutting a promo his entertainment skills would be more important than his overness. But I dunno, I haven't changed anything but the ratio and he's just doing okay. I don't know what else to say but I can assure you I'm not cheating or misleading any of you.[/QUOTE] No no no, that's not at all what I meant. I'm just relatively new to TEW and was looking for tips... that's all. :)
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Ah I see! Well, all I can suggest is tailor making your angles so that they best fit your workers, and using the editor to drop the ratio a bit. The fans will have a moan at first but it will work for you and Swoop etc are so good with the mic it's a travesty if they don't get to use them!
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Here we go with another dosage of your favourite convict descendants! [IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/ppv1.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website17.png[/IMG] According to my user stats, that was the best show I have ever booked since taking over the APW. I'm pretty pleased with that. I also wanted to thank you all for your predictions and support - I seem to have built up an awesome base of readers and although I will thank you in more detail with my yearly roundup once we finish December, I just wanted to say please stick with me even if I do seem rather confused at times! Quick picks: 1. The Rising Sons vs. The S&M Connection 2. New Zealand Pit Bull vs. Fuzzy Freeman 3. Blake Belushi vs. Cole Taylor 4. Triple S vs. Boo Smithson 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. The Hitman
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Awesome show Rathen, love the twist with SQ not helping Boo. Especially seeing as how I'm sure alot of the fans would have been expecting SQ's interference. Glad to see the Racist Ariyan Males from Melbourne taken down a peg or two. And interesting to see Hitman getting involved with PT and Swoop happenings. One thing though. Seeing as how you debuted on television this week with Swoop as champion, but you do not have a pay per view deal. The few extra fans you may have gained from the tv show will tune in after school again next week to fid a different guy with the title. I'm sure you'll explain it, but Nathan Mac as champ this soon? Well i suppose its the chase that fills the seats. Any which way though im sure things will be heating up in the new year and I' looking foward to it. APW to National? EVENTUALLY!!!! Quick picks: 1. [B]The Rising Sons[/B] vs. The S&M Connection Look for these guys to continue their rise through the ranks by getting another victory under their belts. 2. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs. Fuzzy Freeman I'm a fuzzy mark (I mean, come on....its Fuzzy) but i definitely do not see NZPB laying down for him ever! 3. Blake Belushi vs. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] It seems ludicrous to think you would do this...but by god do i hope you do!!!! 4. Triple S vs. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] I think Boo will slowly start to learn how to harness the powers of SQ :P 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]The Hitman[/B] Seems to me like your keeping Swoop in check, making sure the ego's dont come in before renegotiations. Hopefully I'm wrong but I see him taking a second loss here. I would like to see him win it though and get back some steam heading into his chase for the gold.
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[QUOTE=Greg2511;479761] One thing though. Seeing as how you debuted on television this week with Swoop as champion, but you do not have a pay per view deal. The few extra fans you may have gained from the tv show will tune in after school again next week to fid a different guy with the title. I'm sure you'll explain it, but Nathan Mac as champ this soon? Well i suppose its the chase that fills the seats. [/QUOTE] This is something I've been debating in my mind; how to show the fans that watch tv that something happened at a live event? It's a case of either having my big 'ppv' style shows have nothing particular happen in them - or have the commentators and a few angles devoted to highlights and recaps in the APW Thunder after these particular events. I'm going to go with the second one but am debating switching the monthly events to bi-monthly to cut down costs but to still provide 'blow off' points for my workers. Thanks for the feedback and predictions :D
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1. [B]The Rising Sons[/B] vs. The S&M Connection 2. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] vs. Fuzzy Freeman 3. [B]Blake Belushi[/B] vs. Cole Taylor 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Boo Smithson 5. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. The Hitman [QUOTE]This is something I've been debating in my mind; how to show the fans that watch tv that something happened at a live event? It's a case of either having my big 'ppv' style shows have nothing particular happen in them - or have the commentators and a few angles devoted to highlights and recaps in the APW Thunder after these particular events. I'm going to go with the second one but am debating switching the monthly events to bi-monthly to cut down costs but to still provide 'blow off' points for my workers.[/QUOTE] Or cut the mothlies entirely till yuo get a ppv deal, or "pretend" you have a ppv deal. And last have it streamed on the net. If you cancel the monthlies you can still have a blow off on say the last tv show of the month.
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[QUOTE=Hyde Hill;479876] Or cut the mothlies entirely till yuo get a ppv deal, or "pretend" you have a ppv deal. And last have it streamed on the net. If you cancel the monthlies you can still have a blow off on say the last tv show of the month.[/QUOTE] Yeah I'm trying to think of a sensible way to do this, I've never had this situation before so it's going to be an interesting predicament! I'm debating just canning the monthlies, and running Megadome and Super 8 as part of the TV shows. Or just keeping Megadome.
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1. [B]The Rising Sons [/B]vs. The S&M Connection 2. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B]vs. Fuzzy Freeman 3. [B]Blake Belushi [/B]vs. Cole Taylor 4. [B]Triple S[/B] vs. Boo Smithson 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]The Hitman[/B] I can understand your dilemma with the big monthly show. I know I've been contemplating in my 21CW diary what to do if I lose my TV deal and I'm pretty sure I'd treat the shows differently if they weren't being shown to a wider audience than just the folks present. Same with PPV events. If a show wasn't being broadcast one way or another, I'd probably treat it more like a house show. Just have a series of matches, couple of interview slots in the ring for the live audience, and my stories would just be the champion vs the current challengers for each belt. It always interests me when I'm reading diaries how people make every show sound like a tv show even when it's being watched by 50 people in a gym! I know dynasty writers enjoy that creative license but I'm always a fan of a more realistic approach behind the writing. Anyway, enough wittering. Still going great, Rathen. And I definitely prefer that dark blue background!!
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[QUOTE=Marcel Fromage;480069] It always interests me when I'm reading diaries how people make every show sound like a tv show even when it's being watched by 50 people in a gym! I know dynasty writers enjoy that creative license but I'm always a fan of a more realistic approach behind the writing. Anyway, enough wittering. Still going great, Rathen. And I definitely prefer that dark blue background!![/QUOTE] I know what you mean about the 50 fans bit - I'm guilty of that myself but I figure the crowd can still go nuts and create a good atmosphere whether there's 50 or 500 of them which is why I still try to treat it like a tv show. With regards to camera cuts backstage I always imagine it being shown on large screen that's being streamed from the camera - I think if I was running a small fed for real that's how I'd handle it. Cheers for the predictions - wittering is great too! And yes, I do prefer the dark blue and the TV writeup will change accordingly :)
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[QUOTE=Rathen4;479763]I'm going to go with the second one but am debating switching the monthly events to bi-monthly to cut down costs but to still provide 'blow off' points for my workers.[/QUOTE] I ended up going with the bi-monthly schedule to save on money. I ended up landing TV in May of 08 and was running the "PPV" event once a month...By October I releaised it was such a good idea... Quick picks: 1. [B]The Rising Sons[/B] vs. The S&M Connection [I]Job those S&M Herbs out they are garbage[/I] 2. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull [/B]vs. Fuzzy Freeman [I]NZP!! NZP!!! NZP!!! Accually I am a huge FUZZ mark...But I believe he needs some work with guys like NZP to bring out his true Jeff Hardy/RVD talent....[/I] 3. Blake Belushi vs. [B]Cole Taylor[/B] [I]I am going to have to jump on board with the Cole-Train, he is the future...and besides Blake needs some more fustration to push him over the edge...I see a g/f fued here soon, you know I see a huge swerve coming, I know you teased the Swoop/Blake fued last week but I think it was to distract us from the Hogan/Savage/Elizabeth fued from the early 90's coming here soon...[/I] 4. Triple S vs. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] [I]The only time I would gun against Trips...BOOO YAAAA[/I] 5. Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]The Hitman[/B] [I]Hitman for the win...Maybe some distractions from Mac[/I]
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I'm sitting writing out plans for the next few months, and they're making me grin. I hope they will for you lot too :D [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv2.png[/img] [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/website18.png[/img] Quick Picks: 1. Boo Smithson vs. The Rising Sons 2. The Hitman vs. Alyx Macquarie 3. Crazy Blue vs. Samoan Demolition 4. Nathan Mackenzie vs. New Zealand Pit Bull A prediction results summary for 2008 is coming up soon - and then we'll be starting afresh in 2009 so get them in now :)
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1. Boo Smithson vs. [B]The Rising Sons[/B] 2 on 1 and the sons are rising 2. [B]The Hitman[/B] vs. Alyx Macquarie Hitman gets some momentum back. 3. Crazy Blue vs.[B] Samoan Demolition[/B] Blue is going to turn red with his own blood. 4. Nathan Mackenzie vs. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] Mackenzie can't carry the belt yet so give it to the heel stable for a nice stable fued.
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Good show, interested in where the Swoop phone call leads...I'm a sydney boy so it looks like I'll be watching the next one from home Quick Picks: 1. Boo Smithson vs. [B]The Rising Sons[/B] Sad to say but it seems that Boo is in the doghouse. 2. [B]The Hitman[/B] vs. Alyx Macquarie Gut Feeling 3. [B]Crazy Blue[/B] vs. Samoan Demolition We all know the preview is lying. I smell Swoop and/or Fuzzy interference in this one. Fuzzy and Blue for champs!!!! 4. Nathan Mackenzie vs. [B]New Zealand Pit Bull[/B] Gut Feeling EDIT: I feel really really stupid...absent minded mistake, id been awake for a whole 2 minutes when i posted that.
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1. [B]Boo Smithson[/B] vs. The Rising Sons [I]BOOOOO YA!!!!![/I] 2. The Hitman vs. [B]Alyx Macquarie[/B] [I]Alyx is the most underrated talent in the Southern hemiphere[/I] 3. Crazy Blue vs. [B]Samoan Demolition[/B] [I]Samoan will win by disquilfication because of a run in save....[/I] 4. [B]Nathan Mackenzie [/B]vs. New Zealand Pit Bull [I]Mac will destroy NZPB[/I] Where OOOOO where has Rathen gone...OOOOO Where could he beeeee....
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