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APW - A Country Designed Purely to Kill You.

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MISS IT NO MORE APW RETURNS [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv3.png[/img] No website as I'm going to try and get us through december by the end of this week, but quick picks if anyone wants them: 1. Jimmy Stratosphere vs. Fuzzy Freeman. 2. Samoan Demolition vs. The Melbourne Blondes (Tag Titles) 3. Swoop McCarthy vs. Triple S But yeah, it's back and although it won't be updated every day I will not be letting this die.
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First off great to have tou back... I was starting to suffer with my lack of enjoyable APW.... 1. Jimmy Stratosphere vs. [B]Fuzzy Freeman.[/B] [I]Give the match to the Foooze[/I] 2. Samoan Demolition vs. [B]The Melbourne Blondes [/B](Tag Titles) [I]Melbourne wins but only by luck...More to come on the two since I know they are breaking up soon.[/I] 3. [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Triple S [I]Swoop wins cause he doesn't give a poop....[/I]
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Here's another :D [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv4.png[/img] Quick picks for the FINAL event of APW's 2008. 1. Crazy Blue vs. King Malietoa. 2. Inferno vs. Jimmy Stratosphere. 3. Old School Reunion vs. Melbourne Blondes. 4. Boo Smithson vs. Triple S (APW Australian). 5. Nathan Mackenzie vs. Swoop McCarthy (APW Commonwealth). Then there will be an event roundup before we begin 2008's story arcs - I am VERY excited :D
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Update: [img]http://rathen.animebots.co.uk/tew/apw/tv5.png[/img] The new thread will have a roster run down and due to a scheduling error will begin in January week 2 rather than week 1. Imagine we ran TV reruns on week 1 :D Thank you so much for all the kind comments and support during this first 'year'. This has been my most enjoyable TEW game ever, and it's only going to get better!
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Havent read this diary yet, at home, but I'm glad to see an APW diary. This is essentially the diary I WAS going to do, and then I re-read my WRESTLING diary from 07 and had to do another one. I'm gonna read through this all tonight fully, but it looks great. I love the Australian roster, definitely alot to work with, from Nathan Mackenzie and Horne, to New Zealand Pitbull, to guys like Swoop, or Harry Simonson. Probably my favourite addition to the game.
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