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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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So, do we like gossip? Who am I kidding – this is a wrestling audience. Gossip keeps us going. James Prudence and his girlfriend Rita Charles recently announced their engagement. The SWF star and the CZCW valet had been dating for several years, and this move seemed to solidify their relationship. And yet... It seems that with Prudence having left CZCW some time ago, Ms. Charles may have been hanging out with Matt Sparrow after the shows. Now, no-one’s suggesting anything untoward happened – indeed, Sparrow was the very image of a gentleman at all times, and all reports are that he was like Charles’ brother backstage. Still, since the engagement announcement, it seems that things have turned frosty between the two, and reports today suggest that the two have had a big blow-up. It just may be the case that Sparrow was trying to plant some seeds... or maybe Charles didn’t stump up her petrol money. Either way, it kept the backstage buzzing at last night’s show. * Well, that is, except for the small matter of new referee Jonathan Taylor’s prank on Casey Valentine. Now, I heartily endorse anyone who plays tricks on Casey – although, in all fairness, he has gone and found a job with PSW, so maybe my words found their mark. Still, I can’t have anyone – least of all our referee – disrupting things backstage. The manner of the prank (I won’t go into details. Some of you are delicate souls, I know) suggests that Taylor has a mean streak. On the other hand, he’s a scrawny thirty-eight year old in a locker room full of people much younger, larger and stronger than him. With that in mind, I had a quiet word with him and suggested that he straighten up and fly right. He responded well, I’m pleased to say, so we’ll see if he’s as good as his word. * Incidentally, I think I may have found out why Rip was so keen to see Sara back in work. More on that in due time. * [QUOTE] [I][CENTER]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Mid South Saturday 27th January 2014[/CENTER] Fans, this is Reese Paige bringing you the latest news from MAW On Tour in Colorado. We started up with Brandon Smith in action against Quentin Queen, whose manager Ernest Forthdyke-Hume was free with his advice to his young charge, although it didn’t prove as successful as it might have done – Queen put up a good fight, but fell victim to a Backdrop Driver as Smith scored the win. Next, Josh Jones squared up to Bradford Peverell. Jones had better luck than his partner in this match, as he scored an upset on the punchy biker with a Canadian Backdrop. Next, the masked veteran Phoenix took on Casey Valentine as the former Cult man tried to get back to winning ways. However, he was unable to get back on track, as he fell to a Phoenix Firebird Splash. Finally, we had a debut from newcomer Sam Cannon, who may be a familiar face to some of our fans. He took on Marc Speed in a fast-paced battle, which ended when the debutant scored with a Cannonball Drop. Fans, thanks for checking in on our shows. We’ll see you next week on Arcadia 2 with Nationwide, and back here same time next Saturday for more On Tour! Brandon Smith def. Quentin Queen – D Josh Jones def. Bradford Peverell – D Phoenix def. Casey Valentine – D+ Sam Cannon def. Marc Speed – D Overall: D[/I] [/QUOTE] * SWF’s latest signing: Genghis Rahn. And yes, other than indie shows, that’s the first work he’s had since leaving MAW twelve months ago. * [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/TheCannonballKid.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Sam Cannon is, of course, Sam “Cannonball/Calamari Kid” Pratt. Long-time readers may remember that he signed with us for under a week a while back, before jumping to SOTBPW on a written deal before he had a chance to make an appearance for us. He was also considered as part of the original Fallen group, but was a bit too expensive to bring in at that time. Along with Phoenix and Brandon Smith (and, to a lesser extent, Raphael, Antonio and Casey Valentine) he’ll mostly be on the On Tour shows but can expect to make the odd TV appearance as he has some name value. * 5SSW have removed head booker Kuniyoshi Chishu from power. Chishu had been in charge of the company for over six years, and as well as being their play-by-play announcer, he had put together some tremendous shows, overseeing their rise to Cult in 2008 and then National status last year. However, their stay at National was a short one as they were a distant sight in the rear view mirrors of the Japanese giants, and quickly fell back to Cult. The knives are believed to have been drawn at that time, although Chishu was given time to learn from his mistakes. Nine months later, however, and his 5SSW had failed to rise back up. When the recent Supremacy Tour came to an end, Chishu was relieved of power. It is believed that he will continue in his commentary role, although his position as lead announcer for GCG may see him cut his losses with the Sakurako Kagawa’s promotion. * WLW and TCW are expanding their flagship television shows. TCW have been without an American broadcaster for a while now, so it’s good to see them back on the air in this country – I was getting a bit bored of the non hi-def TCW highlight shows I can get on my cable set-up. [I]Next: Money...[/I]
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[I]OOC: I'm away for the next week, and as far as I'm aware the next nine days will see me reduced to logging on via my phone, so I'll be reading, annd maybe posting the odd short comment, but this will be the last diary entry - unless the cottage we're staying at has open wireless access or something - until we get back. Have a good week, all, and the story will resume in around ten days or so.[/I] * $134,571 In terms of the national debt, that’s nothing – in today’s economic climate, where debt is running at 107% of the GDP, it’s a drop in the water. In terms of this company, it’s a vast amount of cash – something like 90% of the money we had in the bank at the start of the year. One month in, and that’s how much money we’ve lost after growing to Cult. In three weeks, the financial outlay associated with the company has grown staggeringly. Marketing costs have grown from $5,000 a month to $75,000! Production costs have grown from $1,600 to $120,000! Miscellaneous costs were up from $1,500 to $114,700! Thankfully, increased ticket sales (+$22,000), sponsorship (+$94,000) and merchandise income (+$22,000) have offset the increased fees somewhat, but I still found it hard to get my head around. I called Rip, and arranged to meet him at the Biker Museum to discuss things. He arrived on the back of a brand new custom bike being driven (ridden? I never worked that out) by Jay. The father and son duo were smiling broadly. [COLOR="Purple"]“Hey kid,”[/COLOR] Rip grinned, hopping off the bike. He looked re-energised – travelling the country with TV, going On Tour, being a key part of the shows and wrestling in several matches had taken it out of him. I hadn’t worked him anything like as hard as I might have done – but even so, it had taken it out of him. If he wanted to take a few joyrides with Jay, well, good for him. [COLOR="Green"]“Hey, Rip,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“Jay.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid!” [/COLOR]Rip said, sounding even more enthusiastic then he looked. I blinked, and checked for any signs that Rip had been drinking – but his eyes were clear, and while his voice was bright, it was also clear. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, it’s a fantastic day. All the money stuff is coming together!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It is?”[/COLOR] I said, falling into step beside Rip, grimacing slightly as Jay flanked him on the other side, and the two of them took off at a pace I couldn’t quite match. [COLOR="Green"]“Well... that’s good, I guess.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Yeah. The offices are painted, all the phone lines are connected, everything’s looking good.”[/COLOR] I blinked, and stopped in place. [COLOR="Green"]“What?”[/COLOR] Rip and Jay turned to look at me. [COLOR="Purple"]“What’s the matter, kid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“What offices? What phone lines? What’s going on?”[/COLOR] Jay half-smiled as Rip looked confused. [COLOR="Purple"]“You don’t know?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Know what?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, we’ve expanded. We’re operating on another level now, and the kid and I agree that we need to act like it.”[/COLOR] Jay stepped forward, and smiled with all the warmth and sincerity of a used car salesman. [COLOR="Red"]“James, MAW is close to hitting the big time-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“No we’re not. When we can pull 5,000 to a show in Hawaii, then we’ll be close. Right now we couldn’t do that if we threw in those pictures of Sara from the Christmas party that no-one’s supposed to know about.”[/COLOR] Jay stopped, and looked at Rip, one eyebrow raised. [COLOR="Red"]“Sara?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Stay with it, son.”[/COLOR] Jay took a moment to gather himself, but went on. [COLOR="Red"]“Look, your negotiations with Arcadia are coming along, right? So you’ll be able to get the full whack for this season – more money, a better timeslot, maybe even a longer show, am I right?”[/COLOR] I shrugged. It was possible – but unless we trebled our income from the adverts, we weren’t going to even break even this month. Jay and Rip had to know that. If they were smart, they’d also know there was no way that the folks at Arcadia were just going to hand over that extra cash without a fight. [COLOR="Green"]“Yes, the ideal is to go out to ninety minutes so we can have five matches a show,”[/COLOR] I said carefully. [COLOR="Green"]“And yes, I suspect we may be able to get some more money from that. But I don’t think we can get all three... ‘bonuses’ in one go. And certainly not enough money to offset what we spent last month. Where do you think we’re going to get the money to pay for all this?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Look, stick Caulfield in a couple of main events, and we’ll sell out the arenas,”[/COLOR] Jay said, as though explaining the very obvious to the very simple. [COLOR="Red"]“It’s fine.”[/COLOR] I scowled. As a rule, I thought of myself as an easy-going person, but something about Jay – everything, really – made my temper run hot from a cold start. [COLOR="Green"]“It’s not fine, Jay,”[/COLOR] I said, taking a step forward. Rip smoothly positioned himself between us, lest I embarrassed myself by getting my rear end kicked around the Museum’s parking lot by his son. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, it’s fine,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Purple"]“The money’s there, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Where?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Your account, my account, his account...”[/COLOR] Rip nodded at Jay. It took me a few moments to work out what Rip was implying. [COLOR="Green"]“You want us all to put more money in?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“This company will belong to Jay one day, when I retire,”[/COLOR] Rip said. He smiled at me. [COLOR="Purple"]“Right now, Jay’s just... putting his stake in. You can, as well, if you want.”[/COLOR] I frowned. There was a hundred grand of my money invested in MAW. I could afford that, sure, especially given what I got out of it... But having Jay as a partner? [COLOR="Green"]“What does Tommy think of this?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Red"]“This is just my investment, to make sure that there [I]is[/I] an MAW when the time comes. I’m putting in some money, Dad’s putting in some money...”[/COLOR] He tailed off, waiting. I said nothing. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“If you two are putting in some money, then I don’t need to just yet,”[/COLOR] I said, carefully. [COLOR="Green"]“We lost 90% of our cash reserves last month. There are ways around that which don’t involve throwing more money at the problem.”[/COLOR] Jay and Rip exchanged a look. Jay’s expression was oddly victorious, Rip’s frustrated. [COLOR="Red"]“You talked to Vibert at the Invitational, didn’t you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Yeah, I did – but he’s not interested in buying in just yet. Maybe down the road, but you know what happens when he gives us money...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“DaVE Mark II, yeah,”[/COLOR] Rip said, with a roll of his eyes. I ignored that – DaVE and Rip didn’t get on, and it had taken some fine manoeuvring on my part to bring in Chris Caulfield. He was on a five show deal to start with, but I wanted that to change. At the very least, I wanted to sign him to a three month deal. We entered the Museum, and I stopped in my tracks. So did Rip and Jay, but they looked a lot happier than I did. [COLOR="Red"]“Doesn’t it look great?”[/COLOR] Jay asked. I looked around. The Museum seemed almost unrecognisable. Classic bikes attract a reliable, but small, crowd every day. Today, the Museum was swarming with people – but they were all hard at work. [COLOR="Purple"]“You should have heard some of the stuff being said back in September,”[/COLOR] Rip said genially, apparently mistaking my stunned silence for admiration. [COLOR="Purple"]“This place needed doing up, badly.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“But...”[/COLOR] I tried, but tailed off. Workmen were busy everywhere, but we were standing in the public section of the Museum. Surely Rip hadn’t... [COLOR="Blue"]“Gentlemen!”[/COLOR] We turned as one as we were approached by a small, balding man with a serious overbite. Gray Goldman was a sweaty man, and where possible I avoided shaking hands with him. His obsession with bikes was one that puzzled many people – but then, seeing some of the women who walked around the Muesum’s halls, and Goldman’s absolute confidence when talking about the bikes, it became a lot easier to understand. [COLOR="Blue"]“I must say, I thought the place was looking kinda shabby – but this is wonderful! Mr. Chord – and Mr. Chord!”[/COLOR] he chuckled, [COLOR="Blue"]“you have been very generous, and we here at the Museum are very grateful for your generosity.”[/COLOR] He pumped Rip’s hand, and Jay’s, and thankfully passed me by when I clutched both my hands on the handle of my cane. [COLOR="Blue"]“Construction’s due to start next week on the new wing, I hear,”[/COLOR] he went on. [COLOR="Blue"]“In the meantime, we’ve made room for your new staff, and we’ll move into new suites once they’re ready. I think we can put up with a little inconvenience considering how generous you’ve been.”[/COLOR] He wandered off, checking the covers on the bikes to ensure that his pride and joys were covered and safe as the dozens of builders, plasterers, painters and other assorted workers swarmed around the place. [COLOR="Green"]“Please tell me you haven’t agreed to pay for completely redoing this place,” [/COLOR]I said, turning to Rip. [COLOR="Green"]“And extending it? And what new staff?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, you have to spend money to make money,”[/COLOR] Rip said, almost absently. [COLOR="Purple"]“Now, come on, you have to see upstairs.”[/COLOR] He threw one meaty arm around my shoulders and half-dragged me up the stairs, Jay trailing in our wake, almost hopping from foot to foot as he outlined where the money had gone. [COLOR="Red"]“We’ve got a cable hookup, and 72 inch plasma screen for showing HD content from around the world,”[/COLOR] he proclaimed, waving at a giant screen taking up much of one wall in the first room – which had previously comprised my office, Rip’s office, Reese’s cubicle and our reception area. [COLOR="Red"]“And through here...”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Tell me he’s joking?”[/COLOR] I said, without hope as Jay steamed ahead, allowing Rip and I to bring up the rear. [COLOR="Green"]“Tell me we haven’t spent 130 grand in the last month because Jay’s been out buying toys-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“-flunjers!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“I mean, how many staff has he hired? Why do we need all these people?”[/COLOR] I asked, as we passed through a doorway into a much larger room, where several dozen people were apparently hard at work. [COLOR="Green"]“What do they do all day?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“-capdabblers!“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“We brought in some new legal guys, and more guys to work on the marketing,”[/COLOR] Rip, oblivious to the fact that many of the guys were girls – and young, attractive ones at that. Jay’s progress faltered on a number of occasions as he stopped to smile at – and be smiled at by – a number of the girls, who were either polite or prowling. Jay enjoyed being [COLOR="Magenta"]“Mr. Chord!”[/COLOR] to the girls, it was clear. [COLOR="Green"]“All this new equipment, all this space... I know what Goldman charges for rooms, and we can’t afford it. And all these toys-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“-smendlers!“[/COLOR] Jay stopped at the end of the office, turned, and smiled. [COLOR="Red"]“And I know you’ll like this one best of all,”[/COLOR] he said. He opened the door behind him and led us through. The room beyond was dimly lit, but it was warm and the carpet was thick. I realised belatedly, after the bright, sterile whiteness of the office, that this was a warmer, more inclusive place. It encouraged closeness – mainly so you could see the other person, but also because you were cocooned in the warmth of the rooms. It wasn’t so much a room, I realised, as a reception area. The room was square, with a desk in the centre. Behind it, and to the sides, were three large offices. One of which, directly behind the desk, was clearly Rip’s as a framed portrait of him with the SWF World title hung on the door. The flanking offices, I guessed, belonged to Reese and myself. She was standing outside one door, looking... ...----ed, in fact. I shot her a curious look, but her gaze was fixed on Jay. He swept past her without a second glance, and opened the door of the nearer office. [COLOR="Red"]“Come in!”[/COLOR] he said, with a smile as wide as the ocean. We trailed in after him, and I briefly admired the view out over the museum floor. Jay stood at the window, his gaze lingering over the classic bikes. [COLOR="Red"]“Isn’t it amazing?”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Green"]“Er, sure,”[/COLOR] I replied, as Rip nodded paternally. [COLOR="Green"]“Is it mine, or Reese’s?”[/COLOR] Jay turned a blank expression on me. [COLOR="Red"]“It’s mine,”[/COLOR] he said, after several seconds of staring at one another. [COLOR="Red"]“Why would Reese get an office?”[/COLOR] I turned to Rip, expecting him to tell his son exactly how much Reese did for MAW – running the website, commentating, working On Tour and so on. [COLOR="Purple"]“Son, she’s an important figure here,”[/COLOR] he said, at last. [COLOR="Red"] “Really? I thought she was just a secretary,”[/COLOR] Jay said, before shaking his head. [COLOR="Red"]“Well, whatever – we can find room for her next door. I need this office.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“What for?” [/COLOR]I asked. [COLOR="Green"]“I mean, you’re never here.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"]“Well, now I’m investing, I will be, won’t I?”[/COLOR] Jay said, as though explaining it to a child. [COLOR="Red"]“Anyway, I need a place out here as well as my place out west.”[/COLOR] He didn’t explain why, he just said it and therefore it was so. I looked to Rip, but wondered why I bothered. There was no help there. [COLOR="Green"]“Reese needs her own office. She works more around here than either of us do nowadays,” [/COLOR]I said, firmly. [COLOR="Red"]“Has she invested any money here?”[/COLOR] I frowned. She hadn’t – why should she? And I could hardly argue the point. [COLOR="Red"]“So, we’ll keep this area for the owners, and Reese can work with the other employees.”[/COLOR] I gritted my teeth. [COLOR="Red"]“Did you want to see your office?”[/COLOR] * Rip and I stood in the parking office, watching Jay roar off on his new bike. [COLOR="Green"]“We haven’t got anywhere near enough money to afford all this, you know. And what’re ‘Miscellaneous’ expenses, anyway?”[/COLOR] Rip kept waving, even as Jay disappeared from sight. I waited a beat, and then followed his gaze. [COLOR="Green"]“Tell me Jay didn’t put that bike on the company account?”[/COLOR] I begged him. [COLOR="Green"]“Please, Rip, tell me you didn’t let him do that?”[/COLOR] He was quiet, and that alone was enough to tell me all I needed to know. [COLOR="Green"]“Oh, hell... Rip, I know you wanted more time with him, but if he bankrupts MAW, what the hell do we do next? Us, and the sixty-odd people who depend on our paycheck each month?”[/COLOR] He turned to face me, his expression wavering somewhere between Chord ****iness and human sorrow. [COLOR="Purple"]“He’s my son,”[/COLOR] he said, before turning and walking away. Once upon a time, I would have spun on my heel and walked away. Now I shuffled painfully around and limped over to a low wall that allowed me to take the weight off my feet. Absently, I wondered if by avoiding using my office, I might cut down on overheads. I sat there for some time, until I gradually became aware of another figure waiting patiently beside me. I looked up, and revised my opinion. There was nothing patient about Reese Paige right then. She was the colour of a fire engine, and I wondered whether it was better for her to get her frustrations out of her system now and hopefully have he return to her usual professional demeanour, or whether inviting the oncoming outburst now would make it a recurring event. The decision was taken out of my hands as she thrust out one hand of her own, a scrap of paper held between her fingertips as though it had been soaked in something nasty. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I had to teach one of the girls that [I]Mr. Chord[/I] has hired how to answer a telephone,”[/COLOR] she said. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Apparently a Mr. Campbell called. He has something to ask you...”[/COLOR] I took the bit of paper, and stared at it. The area code was Pennsylvania, of course – he’s never going to leave there. [COLOR="Green"]“Well, it’s taken him longer than I thought,” [/COLOR]I said, at last. [COLOR="Green"]“But I guess now that Caulfield’s here, he thinks that we’re open to ideas from any old Tom, John or DaVE...”[/COLOR] [I]Next: An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome...[/I]
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[QUOTE=supershot;700785]Cant thank you enough for doing that review. Now I can get read the diary with knowing everyone's history with the company. Cant wait for the next show![/QUOTE] I second this comment. Great stuff. Usually i can't really get into diaries without pictures (well, I [I]am[/I] from North Carolina) but this one really stands out. KUTGW. (P.S. Sign Jared Johnson :D)
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I already have Jared Johnson - former Trios and two-time Tag Team champion, thank you very much :p Anyway, I'm back. Sadly, my USB stick got fried while I was away, so I'm spending a little time updating my backups right now. [I]Most[/I] of my stuff was backed up relatively recently, but the spreadsheet I use to keep track of stuff is about two weeks out of date. I was actually in the process of backing up when the USB went kaput, so make of that what you will, cosmic joker-karma-whatever. Happily, the diary document was saved so I have several shows written up and ready/nearly ready to post - plus a conversation with a certain Mr. Campbell to post next time out. Oh, and SWF have fallen to Cult. Again. But more on that in a few posts time...
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[QUOTE=James Casey;703183]I already have Jared Johnson - former Trios and two-time Tag Team champion, thank you very much :p Anyway, I'm back. Sadly, my USB stick got fried while I was away, so I'm spending a little time updating my backups right now. [I]Most[/I] of my stuff was backed up relatively recently, but the spreadsheet I use to keep track of stuff is about two weeks out of date. I was actually in the process of backing up when the USB went kaput, so make of that what you will, cosmic joker-karma-whatever. Happily, the diary document was saved so I have several shows written up and ready/nearly ready to post - plus a conversation with a certain Mr. Campbell to post next time out. Oh, and SWF have fallen to Cult. Again. But more on that in a few posts time...[/QUOTE] Welcome back Mr. Casey... We've missed you. *In my best Agent Smith voice*
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[QUOTE=ReapeR;703201]Welcome back Mr. Casey... We've missed you. *In my best Agent Smith voice*[/QUOTE] Drat it all, you beat me to it! :p I know how it is with the USB sticks; I lost one a year or so ago that had the MAW/created fed two-way dynasty I had been writing at the time. Didn't have a computer of my own (using a friend's) to back up the files to either. Glad to hear that you've gotten out of this relatively unscathed and will be waiting to see what happens next.
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[CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Nemisis.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] [COLOR="Blue"]“----, what have you done to this place?”[/COLOR] I ran one hand over my head, and scratched distractedly at my scalp. John Campbell was not a man to mince words – nor to be discounted in spite of his... limited vocabulary. [COLOR="Green"]“You don’t like it?”[/COLOR] I asked. [COLOR="Blue"]“It’s a ---- on a stick,”[/COLOR] he said, scowling at the bonsai tree in one corner of my office. [COLOR="Blue"]“Has Rip started shaving his ----- or something? What the ---- happened around here? This place used to stink of grease and sweat – now it’s ----ing flowers and ----ing ----.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Well, yes,”[/COLOR] I said. Jay was currently ----ing a young secretary who wore a flowery perfume in quantities that could only be described as industrial. While the young lady herself was barred from the ‘executive suite’ – as Jay insisted on referring to it – by Rip, Jay got around the problem by whisking her away in his new car whenever he fancied a ---- or some other feminine attention. I blinked. Nemesis had been in the room for five minutes, and already I’d sworn more than I had in the last week. The man was quite something. [COLOR="Green"]“What can we do for you, John?”[/COLOR] I asked. I gestured for him to take the seat across the desk from me, but he ignored me and stood, glowering down at me from his full height. It was impossible not to be a little intimidated. The thousand yard stare, the flame-red hair, the permanent scowl... I had to remind myself that Nemesis had proclaimed time and again since his retirement that he was done with the business –[COLOR="Blue"] “No time for ----ing promoters, ----head bookers and especially those ----ant, wet panty ----s who pay for tickets and think they can ---- with me when I’m drinking my beer or buying a ----ing paper”[/COLOR] – and yet he still insisted on making himself as visible as could be. Sunglasses to hide the eyes, rinsing out the hair dye, a baggy sweatshirt to cover up the muscles and the myriad scars he’d sustained to his arms and neck in hardcore matches over the years. Put them all together, and Nemesis would just be Mr. Campbell – but Nemesis was who he was, and who he would always be, and he could no more leave this business then he could stop breathing. Nemesis glared at me. I stared evenly back. He had called me, after all – and I could always find a baby to give him. That had worked six months before, after all. [COLOR="Green"]“John?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“I heard you needed some money,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Of course, seeing this place, I can tell you’ve ----ed away all your hard earned on big ideas and ----ing stardust wishes.”[/COLOR] I waited. [COLOR="Blue"]“But I owe this business a lot – a hell of a lot. Without this business, I’d just be some desk jockey, probably ----ed out of my skull every night and sick of my miserable existence.”[/COLOR] I doubted it – John Campbell would have found some way of making a difference, somewhere, somehow. But I said nothing. Listening to Nemesis talk business was a refreshing change from the Harvard dropout Jay had hired to run our expanded marketing department. [COLOR="Blue"]“When Rip made this place, I figured he was ----ing cash down a hole. I was fixed with Vibert up in Philly, so I sure as ---- didn’t need to worry about the future, because the future was hardcore, right?”[/COLOR] I nodded. Nemesis was famed for being one of the best damned talkers in the business. His absence from the big leagues was a continuing source of sorrow for the Internet. I always enjoyed talking to him – not least because he always re-energised me about wrestling in general. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, turns out hardcore wasn’t mainstream enough to compete with ----ing TV shows about shaving your dog’s ---- so it can ---- a -----,”[/COLOR] he went on, the famous Nemesis Glare™ pinning me to my chair. [COLOR="Blue"]“So DaVE’s dead, and whatever the ---- Naess has done in Pittsburgh is a ----ing joke, and he knows it. Now Vibert’s in Supreme, and it seems to me like after I nearly got shafted on the 4C deal, I could stand to do something back here in the States, maybe show that I may be old and broken down, but I ain’t ----ing dead!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“What... did you have in mind?”[/COLOR] I asked, wondering if Campbell was about to propose resurrecting DaVE under the MAW banner. It would never work, I knew, and I had to be careful – Nemesis might be able to make it sound like it could. [COLOR="Blue"]“I want to put some money into MAW,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“Seems like you and Chord have actually got your ----s and your heads in the right places, unlike a lot of ----s. So I’m prepared to hand over a chunk of my savings to you, because I think you might spend it right.”[/COLOR] I raised an eyebrow, and tried to stop my jaw dropping open. [COLOR="Green"]“John, that’s very generous. I-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“There’s something you gotta do for it, though,”[/COLOR] he said, his eyes twinkling deep beneath his tightly-drawn brow. [COLOR="Green"]“What?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You have to hire my son as a wrestler.”[/COLOR] * [QUOTE] [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AshCampbell_alt1-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AshCampbell_alt1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/AshCampbell_alt2.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Ash Campbell Push: I wouldn’t, if I were you... Record: 36-1-98 Average: E+/C Achievements: None Notes: Young Ashington may set a record as the apple that’s fallen furthest from the tree in the entire history of the world ... A lightweight who wrestles a cruiserweight style, he uses his real name to try and separate him from his father even further ... Despite this, he started his career in PSW, before his pedigree saw him sign with RIPW, CGC and CZCW ... A seven year veteran, the twenty-five year old has never knowingly been involved in a strong match ... Occasional association with Brendan Idol brings out the ‘best’ in him – a C- and a C ... Has gained a measure of notoriety among those ‘in the know’ as being the one worker that James Casey and Rip Chord are unanimous that they would never sign for any reason [/QUOTE] * I pride myself that I have a good poker face, and so I don’t think that Nemesis could have understood exactly how much the idea of having Ash on our books repulsed me. Nevertheless, his expression suggested that I’d just broken wind in front of his mother. [COLOR="Blue"]“Listen,” [/COLOR]he growled, leaning forward on his knuckles, his meaty fists clenched atop my table. [COLOR="Blue"]“The kid can ----ing go. Ask DeColt if you don’t believe me – he’s been running the rule over him up in CGC for the last few years.”[/COLOR] I sighed. I knew that, at least, to be true. Ash had been in CGC for three out of the last four years – but as an enhancement talent, working for a couple of hundred bucks a show, and certainly not appearing often enough to justify the tag of being able to [COLOR="Blue"]“----ing go”[/COLOR]. I weighed up the pros and cons of hiring Ash Campbell. I already knew where he’d be working – I had the perfect spot for him, given his talents. That was one of the problems of having a creative mind: You start to believe you can achieve anything. That was why we’d run at a loss so often over the years, instead of building up a war chest like any sensible company. That was why we were in situations like this one, unable to turn away good money – at least, unable to provided that it was good enough. Besides, Ash wasn’t the [I]only[/I] person on that ‘never sign’ list: Arthur Dexter Bradley was on that list as well, and the whole extended Samoan clan couldn’t find enough money to get me to hire a worker with that big an ego compared to his actual talent. At least Ash was a nice enough guy. Ish, anyway. The dim lighting, warmth of the office and the flaming red hair of the man across the table from me were combining to make the whole thing a little too allegorical for my tastes. Ultimately, there was only one question to ask: [COLOR="Green"]“How much money are we talking about here?”[/COLOR] * In the spirit of cutting costs, the contracts of Crossbones “Grease Hogg” Bonham, Rolling Johnny Stones, Greg Rayne, and Insane Machine have been cut. All four were recent signings brought in with a view to bolstering the midcard, but with the reduction of the On Tour shows to the bare minimum needed to improve our standing outside the core areas, the cost/benefit ratio from bringing in the indy stars doesn’t balance out in favour of the benefits. We’ve brought in Jerome Turner to call our big events. The CGC man is pretty much the best announcer in the business, and we’re fortunate that outside of Canada, he’s relatively cheap – $2,300 a show, including travel. I think he adds to the atmosphere, so we’ll keep him around for the monthly shows. In the meantime, commentary will be handled by a combination of myself, Reese, Rip and Katie as needed. And yes, that does mean that Rock Downpour, after several years behind the table, will be released when his contract comes up at the end of the month. I’ve always been better than him – but he’s benefited from great chemistry with Rip that makes both men raise their game. However, he’s a saving we can make – even if it means more For the same reason, Jay Chord is unlikely to be used for his final appearance on his loan deal. I did have an idea of using him at the Invitational in some way – either trading on his status as previous winner, supporting Jean for his match or some other role, but at $10,000 a time it just wasn’t feasible. * Lauren Easter may have dropped the MAW Women’s title, but she’s just become the CWWF World champion, so that’s some consolation. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix vs. Swoop McCarthy and Ernest Youngman Eddie Powell vs. Ruin Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow – non-title Chris Caulfield vs. Davis Wayne Newton – non-title[/CENTER]
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[B]El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy and Ernest Youngman [I]Could go either way, so i'll go the other way from Big P[/I] [B]Eddie Powell[/B] vs. Ruin [I]Ruin to bounce back from his loss to Westybrook, though this could be the time he would be vunerable to a loss to someone like Powell...actually call me insane I'm going for Powell for those reasons ![/I] [B]Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Nadia Snow – non-title [I]Non Title it may be, but I just don't see Snow getting back into the title picture.[/I] Chris Caulfield vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] – non-title [I]Now here's where the Non Title stip points towards the non title holder going over. Caulfields career is probably winding down whilst Newton is a rising star.[/I] Taking this a little off topic.... Ash Campbell is just as poor in my FCW game; as of October 2013.... 36-3-125 (E+/C-) Currently working for PSW and USPW. Has also worked for RIPW and CGC. In his defence though the poor ratings may be more down to the fact that he's mostly working for Sports Entertainment type promotions, and he's been jobbed out so much his popularity across the U.S is F+. He's not a great worker but I think the major reason for him 'sucking' so much is that he tends to get picked up by the wrong sort of promotions and then jobbed out. Saying that I still wouldn't hire him.
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 5th February 2014[/CENTER] El Heroe Mexicano and Phoenix vs. Swoop McCarthy and Ernest Youngman[/B] This was an intriguing contest that saw the masked men working seamlessly as a tandem, while Swoop and Youngman were more individual – an approach that was effective to an extent. Swoop even went to the air and turned Heroe inside out with a flying clothesline. However, as the fight wore on, the teamwork of the masked duo splintered their opponents, leading to strife between Youngman and McCarthy – and Youngman walking out on the match. He stopped at the top of the ramp and turned to watch as Swoop fell victim to a Mexican Mutilation from Heroe and was forced to submit, before he turned away, a smile on his face as he walked through the curtains. Winners: Heroe and Phoenix (C+) * Ruin was backstage, tearing the arena apart as he made his way through the corridors. Instead of his usual slow gait, he moved with a determined pace through the halls, throwing aside anyone and everything in his path before he happened upon a merchandise stall, prominently loaded with the new Tim Westybrook poster featuring him as World champion. His expression didn’t change, and he didn’t even seem to accelerate from his standing start – he just tore into the stall, scattering merchandise across the floor and grabbing the vendor by his shirt, hoisting him up into the air and throwing him across the counter of the neighbouring drinks bar, taking out that vendor and smashing the equipment, sending jets of fizzy drink all over the place. Ruin stood among the carnage, his thirst for carnage momentarily abated, but then his gaze fell on an item lying on the floor by his feet. He crouched down, oblivious to the pouring fountains of cola and lemonade flooding the area around him, and picked up a shining replica of the MAW World title. He was motionless for several seconds, staring at the gleaming gold faceplate before dropping it to the floor, turning, and moving suddenly in the direction of the cameraman, who had the sense to drop his camera and bolt for safety. The picture cut back to the announcers’ table, where Rip, Reese and myself watched in uncomfortable silence. [COLOR="Magenta"]“I guess he wants a rematch,”[/COLOR] Reese said at last. [COLOR="Green"]“He can have one,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="green"]“It’s his right as ex-champion. But I’m not letting him go loose in the building like that. It’s clear he’s not right in the head. So we’ll make it a cage match – Westybrook vs. Ruin with the World title on the line.”[/COLOR] * [B]Eddie Powell vs. Ruin[/B] This was a short match – and deliberately so as Ruin tore through his opponent. Powell tried to go to the air, but Ruin cut him off before he could do anything – which wasn’t supposed to happen. The match suffered as a result, with Ruin looking dominant and Powell looking completely out of his depth, which wasn’t quite the image we wanted to portray before Ruin snatched Powell up for a Descent Into Hell to end the match. Winner: Ruin (D+) * Backstage, and Ernest Youngman was looking pleased with himself – until he ran into Chris Caulfield. The ‘Everyman Warrior’ berated Youngman for walking out on his partner – but Youngman fired back, saying that he never asked for the match and had no investment in it. How would Caulfield fare, Youngman wondered, in a match he hadn’t chosen? Caulfield countered by saying that, as All Action champion, he might have to face anyone at any time – and that was fine by him. Youngman smirked and said fine: At The Wrestling Classic, he had just the opponent for Caulfield in mind. He stalked off, leaving Caulfield to look at his back, shaking his head in dislike of the young star and his attitude. * [B]Alicia Strong vs. Nadia Snow[/B] Ahead of her upcoming match against Joanne Rodriguez at The Wrestling Classic, Alicia Strong was here set against Nadia Snow. The former Women’s champion gave her all against Strong, but too often found herself on the back foot. At one point, she bailed out of the ring and went for advice to her butler, who looked blankly before pointing out that he was there to hold her clothes – not give her guidance on fighting. Snow might have fired him then and there, but Strong reached through the ropes, grabbed Snow’s hair, and dragged her back into the ring before scoring with an Angel Driver for the win. Winner: Alicia Strong (C-) * After the match, Strong celebrated her victory – but Rock wondered if she’d be doing the same once she’d faced Joanne Rodriguez two weeks down the line. * [B]Chris Caulfield vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] This was a wild brawl, entirely befitting of the wild, veteran brawler. Newton showed that he could take and dish out that sort of punishment, and tried to take the advantage by varying his offence with aerial and technical attacks. But Rip noted that Newton was hardly the first to try that, and that Caulfield was able to counter almost anything thrown at him. In this instance, the full-throttle veteran took the fight outside, and it was clear that Newton was seriously lacking in experience beyond the ropes as Caulfield unloaded with some big moves before taking it back inside where, despite Newton’s best efforts to try and claw the match back within his reach, he found himself all but overwhelmed before falling to a Danger Drop for the popular Caulfield victory. Winner: Chris Caulfield (B-) [B]Overall: C+[/B]
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[QUOTE] [CENTER][I]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Mid South Saturday 6th February 2014[/CENTER] Hello fans, this is Reese Paige reporting from the Asylum where nearly 900 fans joined us for On Tour action. We started with tag team action as Team Honor squared off against perennial rivals The Second Sons. The former protégés of Rip Chord showed real fire in the early going, but the solid technical work of Lassana Makutsi and Jared Johnson levelled things off. However, Honor were undone by the nature of their foes, as Antonio was able to snag the ropes when he rolled up Makutsi, scoring a tainted win. After the match, the Sons warned the Gatekeepers that defeating the current champions would be as easy as defeating the former champions had been – and they’d show that at the Wrestling Classic later in the month. Next, we had more tag action as four teams squared off in an elimination match. The Wilkes’s, the Blondes, the Lawmakers and Two Smoking Barrels all went at it. The four teams tore into one another, but in such an environment, mistakes were always likely. The Wilkes’s found themselves in trouble early on, and dismissed by a Volcanic Repeater from the Lawmakers. The Blondes seemed to be in line for the next cut as the they were swarmed by their foes, but Oscar Golden and Flash Savage have a lot of experience and were able to turn their opponents against one another, resulting in the dismissal of the cowboys as Jones caught Blaze in the Canadian Backdrop. However, the Barrels’ pleasure was short-lived as the Blondes pounced, and their long years of tandem work paid off as they eliminated Jones after an O, Canada! to win the match. Next, Greg Rayne took on Marc Speed in a fine singles encounter. Rayne’s brawling talent had Speed in trouble, but the former tag team star showed he could be successful on his own as he came back to wrap up the win with a Cross Armbreaker. Finally, Phoenix responded to a challenge from ****y youngster Phil Jerome. The masked star took on the neophyte Jerome, who showed impressive form as he tok the fight to Phoenix. However, It became clear that the effort was in vain – Phoenix took everything that Jerome had, but roared back with his own best offence, putting Jerome down for the Firebird Splash for the win. Fans, thanks for joining us. We’ll be back next week, and until then, we’ll see you on Arcadia 2 with Nationwide next week! The Second Sons def. Team Honor – D The Canadian Blondes def. The Wilkes Brothers, Two Smoking Barrels and The West Texas Lawmakers – D- Marc Speed def. Greg Rayne – D- Phoenix def. Phil Jerome – D+ Overall: D+[/I][/QUOTE] * Despite our best hopes to the contrary, Arcadia 2 were unyielding in their approach to the Nationwide negotiations – we got the same deal again, which means we’ll take $60,000 a month for the next three months, no improved time slot, no extended show... It’s not great news. I was hoping for a better deal, moneywise, but I couldn’t even get 10% of the show costs out of them. Annoying. * Kashmir Singh has left NYCW. I don’t think they’ll suffer the loss too much, however – they’ve brought in Davis Wayne Newton as his replacement. We’ve deliberately tried to avoid over-exposing Newton. He was only with us for six months or so back at the start of my time in MAW before he was snapped up by the Stones. I don’t anticipate we’ll even get that much out of him this time, so I’m treating him as a wonderful bonus to have around, rather than someone whose presence I can count on. Meanwhile, Singh has quickly found alternative employment as he’s signed on with PSW. * Elsewhere, Rudy Velasquez has signed with SWF. I’m pleased for Rudy – he’s a talented worker, and I’d have loved to keep him around in MAW, but he came down just on the wrong side of the project/reliable worker line for the money he wanted, and although he was popular enough, he never quite made the final step with us to become someone we could rely on regardless of opponent. * Meanwhile, Victoria Stone and Peter Michaels have been busy replacing Davis Wayne Newton, as they’ve signed both Suzanne Brazzle and Tim Westybrook to contracts. I have to admit, when Tim came in and said that he’d signed a deal with them, I panicked – was he about to leave us? But fortunately, it’s a per-appearance deal, and although it means that Tim is now no longer available for trades, it also means that he’ll keep getting experience and generally improving. * This could be a problem: Sean Deeley has been approached by BHOTWG. Now, Deeley would stay with us if he signed a touring deal, but as we’ve previously found with KC Glenn and Thea Davis, the Japanese companies have a tendency to run against us, which would be profoundly annoying. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Lauren Easter “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Ernest Youngman El Heroe Mexicano and Alicia Strong vs. Swoop McCarthy and Joanne Rodriguez Chris Caulfield vs. Ruin – non-title[/CENTER]
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Should've known better than to pick DWN over Caufield... yet... [B]Suzanne Brazzle[/B] vs. Lauren Easter [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman El Heroe Mexicano and Alicia Strong vs. [B]Swoop McCarthy and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]Chris Caulfield [/B]vs. Ruin – non-title
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Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] [I]Easter to get back on the winning track after losing the title[/I] “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] [I]As the belt is now off Ruin and on a 'face' in Tim Westybrook, I see Cattley putting over Youngman, to help build the arrogant youngster as Westybrooks first challenger[/I] [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy and Joanne Rodriguez [I]Could go the other way but I think Heroe and Strong have the edge[/I] Chris Caulfield vs. [B]Ruin [/B]– non-title [I]Went the wrong way last time for both of these guys matches ! Anyway I see Ruin winning here, it's clear he's probably sticking round for the forseeable future and you want him to remain a threat as the rosters resident 'monster' heel.[/I]
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[QUOTE=Tigerkinney;705212]Suzanne Brazzle vs. [B]Lauren Easter[/B] [I]Easter to get back on the winning track after losing the title[/I] “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ernest Youngman[/B] [I]As the belt is now off Ruin and on a 'face' in Tim Westybrook, I see Cattley putting over Youngman, to help build the arrogant youngster as Westybrooks first challenger[/I] [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Alicia Strong[/B] vs. Swoop McCarthy and Joanne Rodriguez [I]Could go the other way but I think Heroe and Strong have the edge[/I] Chris Caulfield vs. [B]Ruin [/B]– non-title [I]Went the wrong way last time for both of these guys matches ! Anyway I see Ruin winning here, it's clear he's probably sticking round for the forseeable future and you want him to remain a threat as the rosters resident 'monster' heel.[/I][/QUOTE] Ditto.
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[QUOTE=Bigpapa42;704959]Should've known better than to pick DWN over Caufield... yet...[/QUOTE] [I]OOC: Oh, DWN probably could go over without anyone getting too upset about it, but with him and Deeley temporarily on the bubble rather than the boil, a Caulfield win made marginally more sense. Yeah, sense. In my booking. It doesn't happen often...[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 12th February 2014[/CENTER] Suzanne Brazzle vs. Lauren Easter[/B] In this contest, Brazzle tried her best to control the flow of the contest by focusing her attack on Easter whenever Haley Buck chipped in with ‘helpful’ suggestions. It was clear that the working relationship between manager and client still had some kinks left in it to be resolved, and on a number of occasions Brazzle seemed to have the match won. However, Easter is nothing if not resilient, and eventually settled on ignoring Buck and targeting Brazzle’s neck, a tactic that paid dividends as she was able to stagger the popular blonde and leave her gasping for breath – the match-ending Figure Four Leglock drawing a submission as Brazzle accepted that the quickest way to get treatment was to submit, even if her legs weren’t that badly hurt. Rip applauded the variant tactics as Easter glared down at her defeated opponent, and Rock wondered if she was imagining Alicia Strong defeated and down in her place. Winner: Lauren Easter (C-) * Jean Cattley hammered on a dressing room door for several seconds before it opened a crack to reveal Ernest Youngman beyond. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yes?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“You’ve got a bad attitude, Youngman. Everyone else involved with Rip’s Cult is licking their wounds right now. You’re acting like you’re king of nob hill, and I think you need showing what’s what around here.”[/COLOR] Youngman frowned, glanced back into his dressing room, and then slid into the corridor, closing the door behind him. [COLOR="Blue"]“You want a match?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Yes.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Fine. I was going to say something to the folks out there, but I guess that can wait until next week. In the meantime, we can have a match.”[/COLOR] He strode past Cattley, who looked curiously at the closed door before following him. * [B]“Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Ernest Youngman[/B] This was, as could probably be expected, a sound technical affair of the sort lapped up by MAW fans. The two men showed off their genuine talent, and some of the exchanges had the fans out of their seats as they flowed from one move to another. However, it was clear from Youngman’s actions that his heart wasn’t really in the match, and while he delivered some stinging blows and twisted Cattley with some painful holds, equally he let opportunities to end the match pass untaken before he walked string into a Mood Swing to give Cattley the win. After the bell, Youngman made his way up the ramp, and didn’t look too bothered as he turned to watch Cattley playing to the crowd, before he disappeared backstage. Winner: Jean Cattley (B-) * Backstage, El Heroe Mexicano was warming with his partner, the MAW Women’s champion Alicia Strong. Elsewhere, MAW Traditional champion Swoop McCarthy was working with his partner, Joanne Rodriguez. On commentary, I noted that not only would the women be facing each other at The Wrestling Classic with Strong’s title on the line, but so would the men be facing one another with Swoop’s title on the line as well. * [B]El Heroe Mexicano and Alicia Strong vs. Swoop McCarthy and Joanne Rodriguez[/B] This was a very enjoyable mixed tag match, with the fans enjoying the chance to get a preview of two Wrestling Classic matches. Heroe and Swoop have been at each other’s throats for some time now, and this contest saw that rivalry intensify as they tried to outdo one another in all aspects of their performance. Rodriguez and Strong, meanwhile, showed their great familiarity with one another as they fought to a stalemate time and again, neither woman able to form a significant advantage over the other. In the end, it seemed like the match would tip on a single point, and that point came as Heroe tried for a moonsault crossbody block on Swoop, who showed impressive strength in catching the masked man in mid-air, before planting him with a Running Powerslam for the win in a mild upset – although by the way Swoop celebrated, it was the only possible outcome. Winners: McCarthy and Rodriguez (C+) * Jean Cattley was walking backstage when he suddenly burst into a run, sprinting along the corridor and dropping to his knees by the fallen form of Chris Caulfield, who was lying in a heap on the floor, his eyes glassy as he responded vaguely to Cattley’s inquiries. All he was able to report was being attacked by a number of assailants, although how many was unclear. What was clear was that Caulfield was in no fit state to face Ruin in the main event – but when Cattley mentioned the possibility of forfeiting, Caulfield pushed him away and rose unsteadily to his feet, picking up the All Action title at the third attempt before making his way to the ring as Cattley looked on in frustration. * [B]Chris Caulfield vs. Ruin[/B] Katie Cameron chased her client down to ringside as he staggered implacably down the aisle, eventually catching him just as he slid under the bottom rope. For Ruin, it was too good an opportunity to pass up – the former World champion unleashed a barrage of kicks and stomps before dragging a stunned Caulfield upright and nearly putting one fist through his chest with a ferocious heart punch. Caulfield rolled on instinct to the arena floor, and there he gained some respite as Cameron stood fearlessly between Ruin and her client – distracting the monster long enough for Caulfield to regain his bearings enough to slip around Cameron and catch Ruin with a boot to the gut. The bigger man was barely fazed by the attack, and started unloading with heavy, clubbing blows to Caulfield before grabbing him and whipping him into the ring apron, leaving him contorted in a deeply uncomfortable manner. That was followed up by a heavy clothesline that crushed the All Action champion against the ring. He was then rolled into the ring by Ruin, who proceeded to plant the helpless Caulfield with a piledriver, a powerbomb and finally a Descent Into Hell, taking advantage of his wounded state to make a clear statement to Tim Westybrook about what awaited him in the steel cage at Wrestling Classic! Winner: Ruin (C+) [B]Overall: C[/B] [I]Next: On Tour, and justice for all...[/I]
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[QUOTE] [CENTER][I]MAW.com Show Report – On Tour in Tri State Saturday 13th February 2014[/CENTER] Hello everyone, this is Reese Paige bringing you the latest On Tour results from The Weston Gymnasium. We opened up tonight’s show with enjoyable mixed tag-team action as Summers and Singh took on Tyler and Speed. Speed and Singh have a simmering rivalry dating back some months now, as both consider themselves to be the better technician – but, of course, they are very different personalities. Summers and Tyler, meanwhile, have been set against each other since Summers’ arrival in MAW. The four competitors went at it tooth and nail, but in the end only one side could win and in this case it was Tyler and Speed who came out on top, as Speed forced Singh to tap out to a Cross Armbreaker. Next, the Canadian Blondes took on Jefferson Stardust – always entertaining – and newcomer Xavi Ferrera. Stardust seems to be interviewing potential band members, a process that served to interfere somewhat with his team’s performance, and saw them crashing to a Canadian Crab by Savage on Ferrera. Next, Justin Sensitive squared off against Quentin Queen. With Ernest Forthdyke-Hume on the outside poking the primate with his umbrella, and dancing back a couple of steps every time the ape moved, Queen had a relatively straightforward match here, as he was able to score with a Q-Ball to pick up the win. Next Brandon Smith took on the masked Delirium. This was a stark contrast of speed against power, with Smith taking several hits in the early going, but shrugging them off as he came back to score the win with an Inverted Piledriver. Finally, Phoenix took on Josh Jones in the night’s main event. The youngster worked hard in an attempt to follow his partner’s success earlier in the night, but the veteran masked man was not to be denied, and scored the win with a Firebird Splash. Fans, it’s been another great night of action out On Tour. Be sure to catch us on Arcadia 2 next Friday, and in the meantime I’m Reese Paige and this has been On Tour! Tyler and Speed def. Summers and Singh – D The Canadian Blondes def. Ferrera and Stardust – E Quentin Queen def. Justin Sensitive – D- Brandon Smith def. Delirium – D- Phoenix def. Josh Jones – D+ Overall: D+[/I] [/QUOTE] * [QUOTE] [CENTER][B]MAW.com Special Report![/B] [COLOR="Blue"]“And justice for all!”[/COLOR] [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/Liberty.jpg[/IMG] [/CENTER] MAW.com are delighted to announce that wrestling legend and multiple-time World champion Liberty has signed to compete with the company on a short-term basis. Liberty will make his first appearance at the upcoming Wrestling Classic show, and he has already been challenged by Sean Deeley. [COLOR="Blue"]“Liberty is an American legend, but I’m keen to show that having honed my skills in Canada and Japan that I’m the superior competitor,”[/COLOR] Deeley proclaimed. [COLOR="Blue"]“Even with all his experience, I can beat him – and I won’t even break a sweat on the way.”[/COLOR] Liberty laughed when told of the challenge. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, I’ve heard of Deeley. He’s talented, no doubt, and I’ll be delighted to face him. It’s true that I haven’t been outside the United States too much. I’ve always found everything I need right here, and that includes all the best competition. So Deeley’s welcome to come and see how his skills match up against mine at Wrestling Classic. After that, well, I’d like to work a little with my old buddy Chris Caulfield, and then we’ll see.”[/COLOR] Liberty currently works for CGC in Canada, and has previously worked for USPW, TCW and SWF. Be sure to keep an eye on MAW.com and Nationwide TV every Friday night on Arcadia 2 for updates on Liberty’s appearances in MAW. [/QUOTE] * Bad news for NOTBPW: Duane Stone is retiring in one month’s time. Stone hasn’t wrestled more than 40 matches in any year since I joined MAW, and this year he’s only had three matches, but he’s always hugely impressive. NOTBPW can certainly perform without Stone – but they wouldn’t have chosen to... * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Kristabel Plum vs. Joanne Rodriguez The Gatekeepers (c) vs. The Second Sons – MAW Tag Team titles Chris Caulfield and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. Ernest Youngman and ??? El Heroe Mexicano vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/CENTER]
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Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [B]The Gatekeepers[/B] vs. The Second Sons (c) – MAW Tag Team titles Chris Caulfield and “Machine” Jean Cattley vs. [B]Ernest Youngman and ???[/B] [B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton Didn't the gatekeepers win the belts or was it a non title match?
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Kristabel Plum vs. [B]Joanne Rodriguez[/B] [I]Plum's not been in or around the title scene for a while and it'll remain that way. [/I] [B]The Gatekeepers (c[/B]) vs. The Second Sons – MAW Tag Team titles [I]Powell and Phoenix to hold onto the belts[/I] [B]Chris Caulfield and “Machine” Jean Cattley[/B] vs. Ernest Youngman and ??? [I]Could go either way, but to be different to Hyde i'll stump for a win from the babyface duo[/I] [B]El Heroe Mexicano[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton [I]You seem wary of giving Newton a strong push, so Heroe goes over[/I]
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