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MAW: 10 Simple Rules...

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[B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [I]Arachnid's being built as the big 'saviour' so I don't see him losing here[/I] Jared Johnson vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Joss Thompson[/B] [I]I'm tempted to go with the split, but as Candyman pointed out I don't see them losing either of these matches, though if I was going to stump for Team Honor to win one of these it would be Makutsi over Thompson.[/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez (c)[/B] vs. Brooke Tyler for the MAW Women’s title [I]I can see J-Ro having one of those lengthy reigns where she turns again mid-run. Right now she is seeing off all the heels (Strong not included but that feud is played out) but eventually she'll run out of those matches. [/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton to name the #1 contender to the World title [I]I think you had Swoop drop the Traditional Title, so that you could have him go after the World Title. And as he's probably gone from being something like the number 5 heel in the company to the number 2 babyface behind Kid Arachnid with his recent turn, he is the logical choice to be the next challenger.[/I] Gold Rush: MAW World, Traditional and All Action titles are on the line [I]Elite will leave with all the gold here, just so that they look like a dominant unstoppable force.[/I]
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[B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Joe Sexy -[I]Kid Arachnid gets the win as he heads to the believable finale to the diary, his showdown with Cattley and unmasking.[/I] [B]Jared Johnson[/B] vs. Sean Deeley Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Joss Thompson[/B] -[I]I'm not sure if this is building anywhere or this is it, but if its going somewhere else, then the matches get split. Otherwise, I could see Deeley taking his match as well and the Internationals moving forward strongly.[/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez (c)[/B] vs. Brooke Tyler for the MAW Women’s title -[I]Stalling until J-Ro can face Alicia Strong again? :p I say she goes to the end of the diary as champion.[/I] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton to name the #1 contender to the World title -[I]Giving the nod to the face here as face challenger vs heel champion is a pretty standard forumla.[/I] Gold Rush: MAW World, Traditional and All Action titles are on the line -[I]Hard to say. Cattley isn't going to drop the belt, Thrash and Leadfoot aren't going to win belts, so I'm going with whoever the challenger(s) are getting pinned by one of the champions. Hard to pick.[/I] Plus: The debut of Elite’s ‘employer’! -[I]Jerry Eisen[/I]
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Kid Arachnid vs. [B]Joe Sexy[/B] -have to go with Joe Sexy as I am a big fan of him overall Jared Johnson vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] [B]Lassana Makutsi[/B] vs. Joss Thompson -not a huge fan of Joss Thompson [B]Joanne Rodriguez (c)[/B] vs. Brooke Tyler for the MAW Women’s title Got to go with J Ro for the victory here because I have no idea who Brooke Tyler is. Swoop McCarthy vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton [/B]to name the #1 contender to the World title DWN 4-Life Gold Rush: MAW World, Traditional and All Action titles are on the line I will definately say that Mean Jean Cattley will win his match for sure as for the rest I am not sure. Plus: The debut of Elite’s ‘employer’! -Jerry Eisen
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[B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Joe Sexy Jared Johnson vs. [B]Sean Deeley[/B] Lassana Makutsi vs. [B]Joss Thompson[/B] [B]Joanne Rodriguez (c)[/B] vs. Brooke Tyler for the MAW Women’s title [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Davis Wayne Newton to name the #1 contender to the World title Gold Rush: MAW World, Traditional and All Action titles are on the line [I]I agree with TK, Elite walks out with all the gold to cement their dominance.[/I]
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[I]OOC: A nice lot of predictions, so thank you for that. Always great to get that sort of feedback. If I was a bit vague on the Gold Rush, well, there's a reason for that. I don't book swerves often (I think) but this is one time it'll happen. It's also crazy to think how close this diary is to 2,000 posts - a little piece of history all my own. There've been [U]diarists[/U] who've hit that before, of course, with diaries that follow on from one another, and I still don't know how to count infinitywpi's Coastal Zone diaries in that. I'm pretty sure Generation Supreme would have got there if bp hadn't lost motivation. Still, there we go - I'm looking forward to seeing it tick over, and I even have enough posts left to get there myself if everyone suddenly decides to stop reading :p[/I] * [B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: The Battle Of The Mid Atlantic Monday, 15th August 2014[/B] Your commentators: [COLOR="Purple"]Rip Chord[/COLOR] – [COLOR="Blue"]Jerome Turner[/COLOR] – [COLOR="Green"]James Casey[/COLOR][/CENTER] [B]Joanne Rodriguez (c) vs. Brooke Tyler[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Women’s title[/COLOR] This was a fun opener that played to all the keynotes in the steadfast face/tricky heel playbook. Rodriguez took everything that Tyler had, with the younger woman seemingly having ballooned in confidence after her successes in recent weeks, and willing to try almost anything. However, Rodriguez is a savvy and experienced competitor, and she let Tyler use up every trick in her book, before mounting a comeback that saw her opponent overwhelmed before finishing her off with a J-Rocker for the successful defence. Winner: Joanne Rodriguez (C) * We cut backstage to find Jared Johnson alongside Lassana Makutsi, the two men arguing with their opponents for the night, Sean Deeley and Joss Thompson. Eventually Makutsi grabbed Thompson and dragged him out to the ring for their match, with Johnson and Deeley staying behind to continue to argue their points. * [B]Lassana Makutsi vs. Joss Thompson[/B] This was a better match than I was expecting, if I’m honest. Both men are gaining in popularity, something particularly noticeable with Makutsi as he works for TCW. This helped hold the crowd’s attention throughout a relatively simple technical match, but one enlivened by the occasional flurry of power offence from Makutsi as he showed himself to have more than one string to his bow. Thompson fought hard, but found himself unable to overcome the talented young African, and fell victim to a Lassana Stunner. Almost before the bell rang, their respective partners were in the ring, and the next match started immediately! Winner: Lassana Makutsi (C) * [B]Jared Johnson vs. Sean Deeley[/B] This was a slight stepdown in quality from the previous contest, in part because of Johnson being the least well known in the Mid Atlantic, but also because he’s a less dynamic competitor than his partner. That made Deeley’s job easier, as he was able to go hold for hold with Johnson, before showing off his greater all-round talent, eventually putting Johnson down with a Front Choke Lock for the win. Winner: Sean Deeley (C-) * Backstage, Davis Wayne Newton was stalking the halls until he happened upon Swoop McCarthy’s dressing room. Without knocking he opened the door, finding Swoop entertaining a couple of very attractive young women. [COLOR="Teal"]“Davis! Come in, can we get you anything?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You can tell me that you’re not going to mess about in the ring tonight,”[/COLOR] Newton said, not glancing at either of the girls. [COLOR="Teal"]“Now why would old Swoop do that, mate? This is serious business we’ve got ourselves into. The World title could be mine this time next month.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“It could, but it won’t,”[/COLOR] Newton said. [COLOR="Blue"]“You won’t beat me, but I have to know that when I win tonight, I win despite you giving one hundred percent. No cheap shots, no leaving halfway through to save yourself a beating.”[/COLOR] Swoop stood up, still half-smiling, but also somewhat more serious now. [COLOR="Teal"]“Mate, I leave matches when it suits me. Tonight there’s no profit to walking out. You want Swoop McCarthy at a hundred percent? You’ll get him. That’s not in doubt. You want that shot at the World title? You should have come in here with these girls’ twin sisters and maybe, maybe, Swoop would have been at less than perfect for our match. The fact is, Newton, when you face Swoop you have to be ready to recognise greatness!”[/COLOR] Newton sneered. [COLOR="Blue"]“Churn out your catchphrases all you want. If they make you feel any better, then you’ll need them once I beat you and win the title shot.”[/COLOR] * [B]Swoop McCarthy vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] to name the [COLOR="Purple"]#1 contender[/COLOR] to the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World title[/COLOR] This match may have come a little out of nowhere, but that didn’t stop it being the match of the night thus far. McCarthy and Newton absolutely unloaded on one another, and while McCarthy is a purely brawl-based fighter, he wasn’t outclassed by the ‘Triple Threat’ purely because he makes his talent work for him so well. He seemed to have a counter for almost everything Newton came up with, and was effective when on offence as well. Only when Newton took the match to the mat did McCarthy seem to be in real trouble, and at times it seemed that the Australian was dead and buried, only for his raw strength to allow him to mount a comeback. The two slugged it out for close on fifteen minutes, but in the end Newton was caught with the Stunner From Down Under as Swoop booked his place in next month’s World title match! Winner: Swoop McCarthy (B-) * We found ourselves in the Elite locker room, where the debate seemed to centre on the strategy for the upcoming Gold Rush match. [COLOR="Navy"]“Look, we need to make sure I finish the match without losing. There are four of us, it shouldn’t be difficult,”[/COLOR] Cattley said, holding his World title protectively. [COLOR="Blue"]“Then help me pin Montero, and I’ll take the title off that runt,”[/COLOR] Youngman replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“Why do you get two titles?” [/COLOR]Sexy demanded. [COLOR="Blue"]“I don’t think I ever got my rematch against the kid.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Your loss. I have a chance to be a double champion, Joe. You’re not even in the match,”[/COLOR] Youngman replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, well, if you don’t beat him, maybe I’ll cash in my shot on Friday,”[/COLOR] Sexy replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“What about me, Joe?”[/COLOR] The men in the room turned, virtually as one, to face Alicia Strong. [COLOR="Blue"]“Why don’t I take a run at Montero? I could beat him.”[/COLOR] There was a grunting sound from the corner of the room, and then Leadfoot burst out into laughter. Next to him, Thrash smirked broadly. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sweetheart, you should be focused on keepin’ the other women in line around here,”[/COLOR] Sexy replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“Let us worry about the All Action title.”[/COLOR] Strong scowled. [COLOR="Blue"]“Joe, you said I could do whatever I wanted when I joined Elite.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, sure sweet thing. But you know there’s gotta be limits. I don’t want my girl going up against even someone like Montero. He’s got a hundred pounds on you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“So? He’s not as good as me in the ring.”[/COLOR] Sexy and Roberts exchanged a look, but it was Youngman who cut in. [COLOR="Blue"]“Whatever. Sort your little tiff out on your own time. I’ll take down Montero tonight anyway, so it’s irrelevant. Now, when the boss arrives-“[/COLOR] But Strong had got up and stormed out, slamming the door behind her. Outside the locker room, she shoved over a pile of packing crates, nearly taking out Joanne Rodriguez on her way past. [COLOR="Blue"]“Hey, watch it!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“You wa- Oh, hi,”[/COLOR] Strong replied. [COLOR="Blue"]“Sorry.”[/COLOR] Rodriguez stopped in her tracks, clearly thrown by Strong’s actions. [COLOR="Blue"]“Are you okay?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“Yeah, just not in the mood to fight with you today, Rodriguez. I want a real challenge.”[/COLOR] Rodriguez bridled at this, but before she could say anything, Strong went on. [COLOR="Blue"]“We’ve fought so often, and you’ve beaten me, and I’ve beaten you, but ultimately, I want to fight someone new. And even after joining Elite, and the whole point is destroying this company... They won’t agree to me fighting one of the guys.”[/COLOR] Rodriguez leant against the wall next to her long-time rival. [COLOR="Blue"]“I get it. I know what you mean about fighting each other. It brought out the best in us both, I think. And now I’m on top, and I’ve beaten everyone who’s looked like they might be a challenge. I used to have the whole of the wrestling world to fight. Now it’s like I’ve come so far, and hardly anyone’s left. I could go to Japan and take on Dragon Assassin or Fuyuko Higa, but after that...”[/COLOR] They stayed in silence for a long moment, before exchanging a loaded look. [COLOR="Blue"]“We never talked,”[/COLOR] Strong said, an edge in her voice again. [COLOR="Blue"]“God, no,”[/COLOR] Rodriguez replied. They nodded to one another, and went their separate ways. * With both Joe Sexy and Kid Arachnid in the ring, it was inevitable that the match couldn’t begin without a jawfest. Sexy was the first one to take the mic. [COLOR="Blue"]“It doesn’t matter if you get to the match with Jean Cattley,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="Blue"]“It doesn’t even matter if you win the World title. Because he’s here. The man with the power to shut this p---ant little company down has arrived, and it’s only a matter of time before everyone is so sick of being beaten by Elite that they just give up and go home.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="SlateGray"]“Is that a fact? See, Ah kinda like what Elite are doin’ right now. They’re branching out, goin’ for all the gold, really getting in everyone’s faces. It makes mah job easier. People want to put you in your place, and maybe some folks are intimidated, like you say – but if Ah beat you tonight, well, hopefully it’ll inspire more folks to take up the cause. This is a fine promotion we’ve got here, and Ah for one am not ready to see it getting’ put down by some big city idjut.”[/COLOR] * [B]Kid Arachnid vs. Joe Sexy[/B] This was just a brawl from bell to bell, and the Mid Atlantic fans enjoyed it a lot. Sexy played to the crowd a lot – and Alicia, at ringside, as well. For once, Strong wasn’t hanging on Sexy’s every word and action, and that seemed to throw the Elite man somewhat. Arachnid wasted no time in taking advantage as he pounced on every opening given by Sexy. The veteran did get his head back in the game, but for everything he tried, Arachnid smirkingly had an answer, including reversing a One Night Stand attempt into a near-Mood Swing before Sexy scrambled clear. [COLOR="Purple"]“Arachnid sending a message to Jean Cattley - but if I were him, I’d pay attention to the man on the other side of the ring right now,”[/COLOR] Rip commented. Sexy gave his all, but Arachnid seemed to have a definite edge as he took the worst of Sexy’s offence, but just kept coming. In desperation, Sexy even turned to Strong for help – but Strong blanked him, and Arachnid was right there to drill Strong with a Cradle Piledriver for the win. Winner: Kid Arachnid (C+) * Arachnid was picking himself up after the match when a [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBfjU3_XOaA"]new piece of music[/URL] hit the PA. [I]Go ahead. Click it. I'll wait. Credit to bigpapa42 for the original music choice.[/I] At first the fans popped for good ol’ fashioned rock and roll, but then he entered the arena, and there could be no doubt that he was the employer and the boss of Elite... . . . . [CENTER][IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q81/jamescasey_photos/EricEisen_alt3.jpg[/IMG] [B]...Eric Eisen![/CENTER][/B] [COLOR="Sienna"]“Well, this is... tiny,”[/COLOR] he began, looking around the arena. [COLOR="Sienna"]“I think I’ve wiped my ass in bigger rooms than this. “For those of you who don’t get the real TV channels down here, my name is Eric Eisen and I am wrestling royalty. I was born into the greatest family in this business, and was raised to dominate this industry. “I don’t like upstart promotions who challenge that dominance. I don’t have time to deal with no-mark little companies that dream big and try and ride on the coattails of those bigger than them. “And that’s why I’m here. I wouldn’t normally stoop this low – why would I? Normally I sit in an office bigger this dump, at the top of a skyscraper so tall I can’t see the ground from the top. That’s what it means to be me... “But this company is different. This company has convinced people who should know better than it matters. And all because of this man.”[/COLOR] He levelled a finger at Rip, who was still agog at the arrival of the youngest Eisen. [COLOR="Sienna"]“A former legend, a former World champion... and a man who’s been trading on name value alone for more than twenty years, if not more. And to show you how worthless he’s become, earlier this year he lost control of this company to the loser sitting beside him.”[/COLOR] This time he was pointing at me. [COLOR="Sienna"]“A crippled old bum who still managed to trick the ‘legend’. And now this company’s on TV, it’s on pay-per-view, and he thinks he’s so smart... But all he did was attract my attention. If MAW had stayed small, playing to ten men and a dog, well... I wouldn’t have cared. But by trying to encroach on my turf... No. I’m not having that. That’s why Elite exists. It’s what they are. We even had three defectors from this company’s own ranks. We could only find three who were good enough to join us, and they will be taken care of once MAW is closed. In the meantime, I intend to show you now what I am capable of, what Elite is capable of. I intend to defeat tonight one of your best up and coming stars. Come out here now and face me, KC Glenn!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“He talks big,”[/COLOR] Rip said at last. [COLOR="Purple"]“But Glenn’s had no preparation for this. What the hell does this kid think he’s playing at?”[/COLOR] I said nothing as Glenn cautiously made his way down the aisle, clearly thrown by the challenge, and the person who’d made it. * [B]KC Glenn vs. Eric Eisen[/B] This is why signing Eric Eisen was the best move possible for us. He offered something completely unique: A re-energised, veteran aerialist with a complete disregard for his own body. KC Glenn was pretty much the perfect foil for him in this match, as the fundamentally perfect youngster took on Elite’s mastermind. The two went back and forth, and we deliberately kept the match short so as not to overwhelm the other contests. In the end, Eisen’s experience proved decisive. He caught Glenn with some sneaky shots that may have strayed a little below the waistline, but did so in such a quick and artful way the referee couldn’t be sure. From there it was a simple matter to land the Silver Spoon Shock to pick up his debut win. Winner: Eric Eisen (B) * Elite made their entrance for the Gold Rush match as a unit, with Thrash and Leadfoot flanking Youngman and Cattley while riding their bikes down the aisle. The four men entered the ring, gold around their waists, and shook hands with Eric before he went back up the aisle to the locker rooms. Gino Montero then made his entrance, looking rather nervous as he came down the aisle with his four opponents in the ring already, and presenting a united front. Montero stood on the top of the ringsteps, but before he could enter the ring I stood up. [COLOR="Green"]“We’ve seen and heard a lot from Elite over the last few weeks, and that’s fine – they’re a successful group. But here’s the thing: The longest reigning champion in MAW isn’t even in the ring right now. He won the title back in January, he’s so good he’s a hero to an entire country... El Heroe Mexicano!”[/COLOR] Heroe exploded out onto the aisle as Elite looked on in fury, knowing that their chances had just taken a hefty blow. [COLOR="Purple"]“Kid, you planned that, right?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“It’s not my fault Elite didn’t check the rules. ‘Every champion’, it’s very clear. That includes the Invitational champion.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“Sneaky,”[/COLOR] Rip said, not without a note of admiration in his voice. [COLOR="Green"]“Anyway, Elite still have a four-on-two advantage. This just makes sure that Montero and Heroe have a fighting chance, if they’re clever.”[/COLOR] * [B]Gino Montero (c), El Heroe Mexicano, Ernest Youngman (c), Leadfoot, Thrash, Jean Cattley (c)[/B] for the [COLOR="Purple"]MAW All Action[/COLOR], [COLOR="Purple"]MAW Traditional[/COLOR] and [COLOR="Purple"]MAW World titles[/COLOR] in a [COLOR="Purple"]Gold Rush match[/COLOR] Even with Heroe in the ring, The Firm were still heavily outnumbered by Elite in this match. Still, Heroe and Montero clearly had a plan – and it wasn’t a bad one either. They went straight after Thrash and Leadfoot, taking them over the top rope with stereo crossbodies, leaving all four men outside the ring and Youngman and Cattley inside. As Cattley went after his opponents he was stopped by Youngman. The younger man spun the World champion around and blasted him with a clothesline. [COLOR="Blue"]“When the World title is on the line, you can’t trust anyone!”[/COLOR] Cattley and Youngman slugged it out in the ring, with Cattley trying to admonish his colleague and reason with him. But Youngman was clearly on a high from his Traditional title win, and wanted to add the big gold to his collection. The two were only separated by Heroe and Montero launching simultaneous dives from the top ropes onto their foes. [COLOR="Purple"]“You can’t turn your back on anyone?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“But where are the Dirties?”[/COLOR] We panned to the entrance ramp, where Thrash and Leadfoot were chained to their bikes, Thrash with several lengths of chain wrapped around his chest and the petrol tank, Leadfoot with his feet tied to the front wheel. [COLOR="Blue"]“That’s a level playing field now! The Dirties are out, and Elite have lost their biggest weapons!”[/COLOR] Indeed, even with Heroe and Montero back in the fight, Youngman still seemed more preoccupied with going after the World champion than the Firm/Elite rivalry. For a spell, Cattley was the subject of a three-on-one beating before Youngman seemed to realise who he was working with- [COLOR="Purple"]“-that more than who they’re united against-“[/COLOR] -and reluctantly went after Montero instead. The fight continued with Cattley bailing out of the ring, torn between trying to release the Dirties but having to dash back and break up pin attempts on Youngman. [COLOR="Purple"]“And he’s not doing that by choice, not if I know Jean Cattley. He’s under orders.”[/COLOR] That seemed to play to his advantage, though, as he was able to regain his wind and be ready when Youngman rallied and caught Montero with The Hit. He dashed back into the ring, allowing Heroe to break up the pinfall before blindsiding him with a Mood Swing for the win from nowhere! [COLOR="Blue"]“He’s done it again! Cattley beats the odds!”[/COLOR] Winner: Jean Cattley (B-) * Cattley began his celebration as Thrash and Leadfoot finally managed to free themselves from their bikes and put the boots to Heroe and Montero to clear them from the ring. However, Youngman grabbed Cattley and got in his face, apparently unhappy about Cattley taking the pin and costing him the All Action title. The two exchanged sharp words and seemed to be on the verge of blows when Eric Eisen’s music played again and he, Roberts and Sexy came down the aisle. Youngman backed away from Cattley as Eisen entered the ring and shook the World champion’s hand, before leading all of Elite in a celebration that was joined unenthusiastically by Youngman – and from which Alicia Strong was noticeable by her absence. [B]Overall: C+[/B]
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[I]Before...[/I] Thinking about this now, I have no idea what we’d have done if this hadn’t worked out. We’re talking about the single biggest name in wrestling right now. Seriously. He’s been at the forefront of the SWF for the last few years, and I reckon that the heat that he generates exceeds that of Christian Faith in his pomp. Only by a couple of decibels, maybe, but still. I find it hard to think of him as a wrestler. He was never in the title hunt – not really. In my time at MAW he’s had just five shots at the World title, all of which he’s lost. One of those was his last SWF match, putting over Steve Frehley in a good effort. No, what he does is make sporadic appearances and play off his ‘Rich kid who’s better than you’ gimmick. After fifteen years in the limelight he has it down to a fine art. He can play that role in his sleep, and have fans eating out of the palm of his hand. But what he wants to do is wrestle – apparently. That’s why I was in New York City at five past midnight on a Saturday night. That’s why I got through two beers and three cokes while sitting at the bar, rebuffing two offers of a good time (one would have cost me money and been undignified, one might have been free and would just have been tacky) and enduring a lecture about Gettysburg from a drunk with a book. He was ninety minutes late, but that’s okay. Today was his last day at Supreme One, and I have no doubt that his father would have wanted to get the last few drops of sweat from his brow. The door opened and in walked one of the most recognisable men in America. A man a recent poll suggested was better known than all but three of the presidents of the United States. He sits on top of many Most Eligible Bachelor lists. Eric Eisen. Future boss of Elite. I hoped. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Hello James,”[/COLOR] he said with a quick shame of my hand and a glance around the bar. [COLOR="sienna"]“Let me get you a drink!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Sure, just a coke though. And I need to use the little boys’ room. I’ve been waiting a while, and I didn’t want to go in case I missed you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“Sorry,”[/COLOR] he said, and I genuinely felt that he meant it. [COLOR="sienna"]“But you know how it is. Dad...”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="sienna"]“He’s not happy to see me go. He’ll be even less happy if I sign with you.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Hold that thought,” [/COLOR]I said. [COLOR="green"]“In fact, don’t. Forget that thought. I’ll be back.”[/COLOR] I came back to find Eric chatting with one of the girls who’d approached me earlier, although whether she was the professional or the amateur I couldn’t remember. [COLOR="sienna"]“...don’t have to put on the red light,”[/COLOR] he said, handing her a small roll of bills. Her eyes widened, and she looked around suspiciously. [COLOR="sienna"]“No, I’m not a cop,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="sienna"]“Just go on, and good luck with the interview.”[/COLOR] The money disappeared, and the girl soon followed, a bewildered but heartfelt ‘Thank you’ hanging in the air behind her. I limped up to the bar and took my stool. [COLOR="green"]“So, up for another act of charity?”[/COLOR] I asked, not daring to look at him. I knew he wouldn’t want a big deal made about what I’d just witnessed. [COLOR="sienna"]“You know that Dad will strip away a lot of my value,”[/COLOR] he said, staring into the mirror behind the bar. For a second I thought he was studying his face, and wondered when he’d developed an ego. Then I realised that his eyes were flicking left and right. He was looking at me, but didn’t want to be seen doing so. He also wanted to know who else was in the bar, just in case. We were ten blocks from Supreme One, and it was half-past-midnight. Richard’s reach was a long one, it seemed. [COLOR="sienna"]“No video packages, different entrance music, no referring to who my family is, or where I’ve come from... I won’t be worth half what I am on Supreme TV when I appear on Nationwide.”[/COLOR] I nodded. Eric was right. A lot of his appeal was his history, and his family, and his position. He was like one of the Marriott sisters, heirs to the hotel chain. Or Carrie McLennon, daughter of a famous singer and a celebrity lawyer, whose antics had been near-daily tabloid fodder from around the time of her infamous fourteenth birthday party. But so what? That wasn’t why I wanted to work with this man. Entirely. [COLOR="green"]“I know. But just being you... that would be enough. You’re the heir apparent to pro wrestling, Eric. Everyone knows that. And when you get in the ring and do things that no-one else in MAW does-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“Apart from Montero.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“-apart from Montero, and you’ll face him for sure, well, I think the fans will go nuts.”[/COLOR] He nodded slowly. [COLOR="green"]“And in a few months time you’ll be able to show the tapes to your father as an example of what you can do when you really go in the ring.”[/COLOR] He stared at the mirror, and this time he was studying his face. [COLOR="sienna"]“I don’t hate my father, James,”[/COLOR] he said. [COLOR="sienna"]“I don’t even dislike him. I love him.”[/COLOR] I nodded. [COLOR="green"]“Of course.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“There are just times I don’t really like him.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“I understand.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“Coming to you, working your shows... I’m thirty-six. I’m probably past the age where I’m the future of Supreme, but I’d like a chance to be part of the present.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“It’s not a long deal, Eric. By the time you’re finished with us, you’ll have offers from all over the place. You’ll be in a position to dictate terms.”[/COLOR] He looked down at his drink. [COLOR="sienna"]“And I’ll be wrestling?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“First night against KC Glenn, second show we’ve got you pencilled in against this young kid, T-Bone Bright, but that’s a long story. Teaming with Jean Cattley, taking on Heroe and Phoenix... That’s just the first couple of weeks.”[/COLOR] He looked up at the mirror again, and one corner of his mouth curled up. [COLOR="sienna"]“And you want to book me against Montero?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“On pay-per-view.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“You’ve got the contract?”[/COLOR] I slid it across the bar, avoiding the pool of spilt beer. He glanced at it briefly and then pulled out a gold fountain pen to scrawl his name on it. I countersigned, and we shook hands. Almost in unison we let out a deep sigh of relief that the moment had passed, and we laughed. [COLOR="sienna"]“Out of curiosity, who were you going to unveil as the boss if I didn’t sign?”[/COLOR] I shrugged. [COLOR="green"]“One of the DeColts, maybe. You’re coming a lot cheaper, and you’re here full-time.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“You didn’t have any back-up plans?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“It’s two days until the pay-per-view, Eric. Plenty of time to come up with another idea.”[/COLOR] He looked at me speculatively. [COLOR="sienna"]“They say you’re the man with all the ideas.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“That’s what they say.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“And that there’s an SWF diary on a wrestling board that’s been written by you-“[/COLOR] [COLOR="green"]“Yeah, I keep hearing that. ‘Who is Richard Eisen?’ I can’t take the credit for that one.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“Where are you staying tonight?”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Some flophouse in the meat district.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="sienna"]“Come back to mine. I’ll need you to fill me in on what’s happening in MAW. Not just Elite. Everything. I like to be prepared.”[/COLOR] I smiled. That was [I]definitely[/I] an Eisen trait. * [I]OOC: I used the editor a little *ahem* to sign Eric, but he really did up and leave right then. He was too popular to re-sign with a Cult company, which is where SWF are stuck right now. I seem to remember him leaving Supreme once before - but in that case he was [U]released[/U], before being re-signed a little way down the line. I had to drop his popularity from As and A*s throughout half the world to a point where MAW could sign him, but I've wanted to have him on board for a long time - and so it felt less like cheating he's only coming onboard as about no. 3 or 4 in the popularity stakes - behind Arachnid and a couple of others. I wouldn't have done that normally, but what the heck: It's great for the story, and we're on countdown 'til the end anyway :p And yes: Who Is Richard Eisen? will be the title of my SWF diary with 2010, assuming that SWF and Richard Eisen are both still around :D[/I]
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[I]OOC: It'll be a while before WIRE makes an appearance as I'll want to sim a couple of months with SWF before I do any diary work, and then there's the small matter of seeing what Adam's done to MAW as well. I might just take a walk down Mexico way, and USPW could be a lot of fun in this game as well... However, I've discovered of late that I'm quite addicted to writing. One day I'll write something professionally, I'm sure, but these diaries have proved very handy for honing my skills. 'A while' isn't likely to be too long. I may even do a NoNeck and have a her-yuge build-up before the first show gets posted... :p[/I] * [COLOR="Purple"]“So, what does all this mean?”[/COLOR] Rip asked. He stared at the computer screen distrustfully. He’d never quite adapted to their presence in our lives. I’d entered the month in good spirits, confident that our burgeoning popularity thanks to our pay-per-view deal would get us a better deal come TV negotiations time. [COLOR="Green"]“It means that we’re off the air,”[/COLOR] I said at last. National Pride had e-mailed a polite apology stating that, given the current economic climate and downturn in the wrestling business, it was not in their station’s best interests to extend our contract. [COLOR="Purple"]“Talk to me, kid,”[/COLOR] Rip said. [COLOR="Purple"]“What does that mean for us?”[/COLOR] It was Reese who spoke. [COLOR="Magenta"]“Financially, we lose out on some $60,000 income per month. However, we will not be paying for the cost of producing our shows each week. In this case, we will profit.”[/COLOR] I had gathered my thoughts, and nodded. [COLOR="Green"]“With the boost in pay-per-view figures, we know we’re reaching a bigger audience,”[/COLOR] I said. [COLOR="Green"]“We’re back online, so folks can watch our shows anywhere. And pay-per-view will hold folks’ interest until we can get back on the air.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“And when will that happen?”[/COLOR] Rip asked. I shrugged. [COLOR="Green"]“I don’t know, Rip. We have three shows left with American Option. I can’t think they’ll be anything other than pleased as the ratings we’ve pulled in. We were up an extra thousand buys on last month, and that’s solid money in the bank.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Magenta"]“Because we’re not on TV now, we can hit the bigger venues, so there’ll be more money coming in. This is actually a good chance to take a breath, earn some money, and maybe pay off some of our debts.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Purple"]“And we have an Eisen on board.”[/COLOR] I nodded. Rip had known that the Supreme defector was a recognisable face, and I’d even let slip about someone else from New York I was negotiating with... but Eric? That had been a surprise to everyone but KC and myself. It was nice to put one over on the old man sometimes... and it was imperative that I be the one to take the flak if and when Richard called. I didn’t imagine that Rip would respond well if Richard had taken poorly to his son’s departure... * Tom “Angry” Gilmore was the star performer for TCW on Wrestling Clinic this week. He lost – but his match against Eddie Peak is a contender for Match of the Year. It almost goes without saying that Gilmore is performing far better for TCW than SWF in his last months with them: 2014 was a dead loss in the land of Supreme as, despite being one of their star performers, he wasn’t booked to his strengths. * The new owner of NYCW is Chris Caulfield. Is it just me that thinks that’s weird? There’s no indication he’ll be leaving his freshly-minted booking post NOTBPW (who’ve just lost their premier show, Championship Wrestling, from Canadian TV), which has to make Caulfield one of the premier power players in wrestling today. And we let him go a few weeks back... * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Phoenix vs. Davis Wayne Newton T-Bone Bright vs. Eric Eisen The Canadian Blondes vs. The Party Animals vs. Dirty Elite KC Glenn vs. Joss Thompson Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow Luchas De Mascaras vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley[/CENTER]
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Phoenix vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]Tempted to go with the veteran here, but I just can't.[/I] T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] [I]Eric Eisen is one of the one of the biggest stars in the world and I have no idea who the **** T-Bone Bright is.[/I] The Canadian Blondes vs. The Party Animals vs. [B]Dirty Elite[/B] [I]Assuming this is non-title, but either way the champs are going to win.[/I] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Joss Thompson [I]This could go either way. Internationals seem due for a loss, so I'll go with KC.[/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover[/B] vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow [I]None of the others deserve to be in the same ring as J-Ro, so I imagine she'll pick up the win.[/I] Luchas De Mascaras vs. [B]“Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley[/B] [I]Another one that could go either way, I think Cattley will find a way to win here.[/I]
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Phoenix vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] The Canadian Blondes vs. The Party Animals vs. [B]Dirty Elite[/B] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Joss Thompson [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover [/B]vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow Luchas De Mascaras vs. “[B]Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley[/B]
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Phoenix vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] The Canadian Blondes vs. The Party Animals vs. [B]Dirty Elite[/B] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Joss Thompson [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover [/B]vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow Luchas De Mascaras vs. “[B]Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley[/B]
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Phoenix vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] -[I]Phoenix is great for putting people over and the International has a good chance to get over before the end of the show.[/I] T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] -[I]Eisen destroys the "nobody".[/I] The Canadian Blondes vs. The Party Animals vs. [B]Dirty Elite[/B] -[I]The Dirties also get some momentum back after being chained to their bikes during the Gold Rush.[/I] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Joss Thompson -[I]KC gets the win and some momentum back after losing to the head of Elite.[/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover[/B] vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow -[I]J-Ro needs competition and she's gonna get Alicia Strong. If anyone else beats her, it hurts the build to that.[/I] [B]Luchas De Mascaras[/B] vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley -[I]Enforcer seems destined to put people over in MAW and Los Luchas could use it.[/I]
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Phoenix vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] I am giving the win to DWN on this one but I wouldn't be surprised at all if Phoenix won the match. T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] Um Seriously Its Eric Eisen and hes not going to job to some guy named T-Bone Bright at least not this century. [B]The Canadian Blondes[/B] vs. The Party Animals vs. Dirty Elite KC Glenn vs. [B]Joss Thompson[/B] I have to admit I am not to familiar with these two I have heard of both of them but don't know anything other than that. Joss Thompson gets the nod for the win. [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover[/B] vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow Joanne Rodriguez is the best women's worker in the match so her team should win without question. Luchas De Mascaras vs. [B]“Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley[/B] Luchas De Mascaras don't stand a chance at beating Phil and Jean Cattley.
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Phoenix vs. [B]Davis Wayne Newton[/B] [I]Phoenix has basically settled into the role where he puts over the star talent, but is still kept strong against the jobbers[/I] T-Bone Bright vs. [B]Eric Eisen[/B] [I]The boss of Elite isn't going to lose to some one people have barely heard of[/I] The Canadian Blondes vs. The Party Animals vs.[B] Dirty Elite[/B] [I]Chalk up another win for The Elite here[/I] [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Joss Thompson [I]Could easily go the other way, but I'll go with the general consensus here that you will get one of the stronger babyfaces back on track. [/I] [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover[/B] vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow [I]J-Ro's head and shoulders above everyone else in this match both in a non kayfabe and kayfabe sense, so her team should win here.[/I] Luchas De Mascaras vs. “[B]Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley[/B] [I]Keeping Elite strong as near unstoppable heels and also keeping the World Champion strong before his eventual showdown with Kid Arachnid[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: Nationwide Friday, 19th August 2014[/CENTER][/B] We began the show with Elite in the ring: Eric Eisen, the Dirties, Phil Roberts and World champion Jean Cattley. [COLOR="Sienna"]“Your eyes do not deceive you. The Crowd Prince of professional wrestling is in MAW. Take your photos, set your videos – I don’t suppose any of you have anything more modern. “I [I]am[/I] Eric Eisen. I [I]am[/I] professional wrestling. And for that reason I am here in Huntsville to continue the good work begun by my employees. We will bring an end to the attempts of this company to dilute the excellence of this industry. We will set an example that will prevent any other company from challenging the rightful order. An order that has me at the top, and everyone else at my feet.”[/COLOR] He walked over to the ropes, and stared down at Rip and myself. [COLOR="Sienna"]“James... Tough break. You get this company, and then we come along. I’d apologise, but I know you’ve been running this place for years, trying to bring some meaning to your life since your career ended... at the hands of Rip Chord, when he broke your knee. “If it makes you feel any better, you can pretend that this what you wanted all along: Killing the company that Rip built. It’s okay, go ahead.”[/COLOR] I stood up, and smiled. [COLOR="Green"]“Eric, welcome to MAW. I know it’ll be good for you to compete somewhere that you can actually wrestle. “Actually, I’m glad you’re here. You see, you do bring attention to our little company. Apart from that, I’m a firm believer that what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Mid Atlantic Wrestling has always been a company where we see the brightest lights of tomorrow, today. Kirk Jameson, Aaron Andrews, the current Masked Patriot, Hugh de Aske, Jay Chord – they all got their big breaks here. The next generation is right here, right now. “But for those wrestlers to improve, they need to fight great wrestlers, and that’s what Elite are.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Sienna"]“You’re right, we are. Everyone in this group is superior to everyone on your roster.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Green"]“Well, I wouldn’t go that far, but that’s fine. Eric, you’re a challenge for the next generation. If they can’t beat you, well, MAW hasn’t been functioning properly, and maybe it deserves to fade away.”[/COLOR] Eisen smirked, and Thrash and Leadfoot chuckled amongst themselves. [COLOR="Green"]“You’ve come here to show us up. Fine. I have faith that won’t be as easy as you think. I have a professional interest in what happens. “But I have a personal interest in the wrestlers who abandoned MAW to chase the money you’re paying them. Jean... you’re being targeted by Kid Arachnid. He may get you, he may not, but I know that one way or another you’ll learn that turning your back on this company has offended more than just one person. Alicia, well, I think you’re starting to realise that being elite, truly elite, brings its own problems. Ernest...”[/COLOR] I smiled. [COLOR="Green"]“He knows what you’re thinking, Ernest.”[/COLOR] To a man, Elite looked confused. Well, Thrash looked exactly the same as he ever did, but otherwise they looked confused. [COLOR="Sienna"]“What the... You know what? I don’t care. Tonight the process continues. I know that recently one of the most promising wrestlers in the country signed with this promotion. He hoped that by joining MAW that he would improve as a wrestler, that he would be a star. “Maybe he has improved, but it’s not enough. It’s not even close to enough. Just like this company, it’s not enough. So T-Bone Bright, come out and see what true talent, seasoned by years of competing against the very best in the world, is like.”[/COLOR] Bright emerged for his television debut, looking a little nervous, but determined. Rip and I ran through his accomplishments: AFL Rookie of the Year, #2 draft pick in 2010 and so on, but one thing was clearly lacking, and that was any sign that he was ready to take on a veteran of Eisen’s standing. * [B]T-Bone Bright vs. Eric Eisen[/B] Not to suggest that we were scraping the barrel for this show, but we had fifteen competitors otherwise engaged elsewhere – hence T-Bone getting the call. He’s a known face as a result of his days as an NFL player, but isn’t quite ready for TV yet. However, he didn’t need to do much against Eisen, really, other than get schooled by the veteran rich kid, prior to eating a Silver Spoon Shock in defeat. Winner: Eric Eisen (C-) * Dirty Elite were shown backstage, shining their title belts – with hubcap polish. Rip tutted when he saw this. Leadfoot looked up at the camera. [COLOR="Blue"]“Tonight we’re gonna kill a coupla teams. No real reason, we just wanna. When that’s done, we’ll drink a few beers. After that, go find some chicks who wanna ride with us to the next stop. First, though, we’re gonna break some skulls.”[/COLOR] Thrash held up his title belt, and Leadfoot glanced at it. Grinning, he said [COLOR="Blue"]“Beautiful.”[/COLOR] * [B]The Canadian Blondes (0pts) vs. The Party Animals (0pts) vs. Dirty Elite[/B] This was never going to be great. So it goes. Dirty Elite ran through their opponents, but took the time to toy with them once they were down. That didn’t go down well with the crowd, but Thrash in particular couldn’t seem to care less as they pummelled the Animals into insensibility. The Blondes faired a little better, still being conscious when the match came to an end, but all they could do was watch on hopelessly as Justin Sensitive got splattered with a Dirty Bomb. Winners: Dirty Elite (D-) * KC Glenn came down to the ring, a brooding expression on his face. [COLOR="Blue"]“Not so long ago, I was the Invitational champion. The hottest young talent in this company. I joined The Firm, and I fought for what I believed was right. Then Jean Cattley turned on this company, and I was sickened to the pit of my stomach. I joined up with Kid Arachnid and my other colleagues because that was right, too. “It’s not easy, fighting for what’s right. I’ve taken my lumps, and on Monday night I got beaten by the better wrestler, maybe. I didn’t know Eric Eisen was there, never even expected him – but that’s no excuse. I need to be ready for anything. I need to be as good as I can be, and I’m going to show how good that is every time I step in the ring. One day me and Jean will step in the ring, and I’ll show him what his betrayal means to me. Tonight I take the first step in earning that match, just like Kid Arachnid, because I’m sure Jean ain’t gonna hand out a match to me when I’ve got so much to, ah, say to him. “It’s true I want my shot, but you know what? Anyone from Elite steps in the ring with me, it’s a good night for me. Anyone else? You’re welcome as well. I can learn from anyone. And the more I learn, the more I can do to help Elite find their way out of this company.”[/COLOR] * [B]KC Glenn vs. Joss Thompson[/B] I was hoping this would be better. I’d swear we’ve even had better results from these two when they’ve been On Tour. Even so, it was mainly a showcase for Glenn’s abilities to help him get back on track after his defeat by Eric at the last pay-per-view, and while Thompson had a few close falls, in the end he was knocked silly with a Tune Up The Sunshine Band for a Glenn win. Winner: KC Glenn (D+) * Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover came down to the ring together, but J-Ro took the mic by herself. [COLOR="Blue"]“Well, last week I beat Nadia Snow. So I guess my next challenger is supposed to be Laura Flame? That’s how this works, right? Someone takes a tag match against me to scout me, and they think they can beat me – whatever the outcome. “Forget it. I want to be pushed. I want a challenge. If you can’t match my A-game, don’t even bother. I am the champion. I am the best. And I only want to fight the best.”[/COLOR] * [B]Joanne Rodriguez and Ashley Grover vs. Laura Flame and Nadia Snow[/B] Not to suggest we’re scraping the barrel... Oh. Grover was technically in this match, but she didn’t get much of a chance to take part. J-Ro was on fire, and while Grover jumped in to help with double-teams by Snow and Flame, you got the feeling the Women’s champ could have handled them on her own. In the end, Snow fell victim to a J-Rocker as Rodriguez sent out an emphatic message to anyone chasing her title. Winners: Rodriguez and Grover (D-) * Davis Wayne Newton came down to the ring, looking as angry as we’d ever seen him. [COLOR="Blue"]“A lesser wrestler might accept defeat in the number one contender match last Monday as a sign that the World title is not in his destiny. I prefer to look at it as a sign that I should prove myself once more. I have no problem with putting myself on display once more. Unlike anyone else, I am the Triple Threat. That means that whether you want to go to the air, go to the mat, or go toe to toe, I can beat you. By any standard, by any measure, I am the epitome of the modern wrestler. And Phoenix, you are a relic of a bygone age. A fading memory of a time when being good was enough. You can’t beat me. I am the future.”[/COLOR] * [B]Phoenix vs. Davis Wayne Newton[/B] Phoenix did his best to make Newton eat his words here, coming out fighting and clearly buoyed by his recent win over Newton’s stablemate. However, Newton quickly grounded the veteran high-flier and began working over his legs, showing no mercy in applying huge amounts of torque to his lower limbs. Phoenix tried to fight back, but his mobility was greatly reduced, and Newton was able to move in and out of reach fairly easily, before picking him off with a Fisherman’s Suplex. Winner: Davis Wayne Newton (C+) * Jean Cattley led Phil Roberts down to the ring, the World champion looking smug, the Enforcer looking as impassive as ever. [COLOR="Navy"]“We seem to be having the desired effect,”[/COLOR] Cattley began. [COLOR="Navy"]“After Elite’s show of dominance at the Clash on Monday, I note that the communal locker room is a lot more empty right now. No Kid Arachnid, no Gino Montero, no Lassana Makutsi, no Fumihiro Ota... All these stars who’ve stood against us on so many occasions. Clearly they have all accepted that with the arrival of Mr. Eisen their cause is defunct.”[/COLOR] He got no further. Instead, the Luchas De Mascaras music played, and El Heroe Mexicano and Amazing Fire Fly appeared from backstage. [COLOR="Blue"]“Jean, you have a lot of nerve. Maybe too much. You think you scared us off?”[/COLOR] Fly demanded. [COLOR="Blue"]“Forget it! We’re here for the long haul. We’re here to take you down, and it doesn’t matter if it’s all of us or one of us, you will fall.”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Navy"]“Whatever you say, insect boy. Want to put your money where your moth, sorry, mouth is?”[/COLOR] Cattlley demanded. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“That we do, [I]senór[/I] Cattley,”[/COLOR] Heroe replied. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]“Right now. You see, you pinned me on Monday night. That’s fair, you didn’t cheat, and I can live with that. Tonight, though, I get my chance to get my win back, or maybe Fly will beat you. We’d even settle for beating Roberts, because it’s all about putting a dent in Elite. But both of us are looking to take you down, Cattley.” [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“What you did doesn’t sit right with either of us,”[/COLOR] Fly picked up. [COLOR="Blue"]“And I think beating you would be enough to get us a title shot. So Jean, maybe you want to start watching your back, eh? Because it’s not just Arachnid who wants to take you down and out. All of us in The Firm want our shot – and everyone outside The Firm, too. Be honest, esse, after what we saw last Monday, do you think Ernest Youngman would walk away from a title shot? And do you really trust the man you’s standing alongside right now?”[/COLOR] Cattley looked sideways at Roberts, who looked back impassively. Cattley didn’t seem entirely comforted by this. [COLOR="Navy"]“You can talk all you want, children,”[/COLOR] he shot back. [COLOR="Navy"]“I am supreme. I am Elite. I am the World champion!”[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]“For now.”[/COLOR] * [B]Luchas De Mascaras vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts and Jean Cattley[/B] Standard tag fare here, with Amazing Fire Fly playing the face-in-peril. Roberts and Cattley may be the most technically sound tag team around, and they used this to their advantage as they punished Fly at length. Heroe did get in, and faired better during his spells, but even he struggled to make much headway against the veteran technicians. Cattley seems to relish being World champion once more, as he took the fight to the masked duo with considerable vigour – or possibly it’s a reflection of the impact that Eric Eisen has had on Elite. Whatever the cause, he made the difference between the two teams as he took Heroe down and out with a Mood Swing at the end of the match, before Roberts tagged himself in and trapped Fly in an RCT from which there was no escape, earning the win but definitely not earning the unconditional pleasure of his team-mate. Indeed, rather than celebrating with Roberts, Cattley bailed from the ring and grabbed his World title belt to celebrate on the outside as Roberts looked at him in surprise. Winners: Roberts and Cattley (C+) [B]Overall: C+[/B] [I]Next: On Tour, including the MAW Match of the Year (so far)...[/I]
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[B][CENTER]Mid Atlantic Wrestling presents: On Tour Saturday, 20th August 2014[/CENTER] El Heroe Mexicano vs. Joss Thompson[/B] Thompson came out swinging, trying to take Heroe down early. But Heroe weathered the early storm, and took the International down with a Flying Headbutt. Winner: El Heroe Mexicano (D+) * Raphael led Josh down to the ring. He took the mic and claimed that On Tour was his show – he had been here from the beginning, and had to be recognised as the best thing on it. * [B]The Young Americans (0pts) vs. The Me In Team (0pts) vs. The West Texas Lawmakers (1pt)[/B] The experienced young duo of Hocking and Benning attacked from the bell, using their fluid teamwork, born of years of teaming, to try and counter the numbers against them. Marshall Dillon, the biggest man in the match, dealt out some clubbing blows. In the end, though, Benning and Hocking were able to neutralise him with smooth double-teaming, and take the win to gain a point. Winners: The Young Americans (D-, 1pt) * Ashley Grover came down to the ring and took the mic. She said that she was small, but she never stopped trying. The size of fight was all that mattered, and if Laura Flame was big, Grover was sure she had all the fight she needed. * [B]Ashley Grover vs. Laura Flame[/B] This was an enjoyable clash between the acrobatic Grover, and the hard-hitting Flame. Grover is actually a fairly popular worker, better known than many of her female colleagues, and it’s fair to say she carries Flame here as she bumps for twenty-one against the inexperienced but menacing bruiser. Ultimately, a Flame Kick puts Grover down, but both women came out of this looking a lot better than usually happens during their matches. Winner: Laura Flame (D) * Sean Deeley taunted Amazing Fire Fly, saying that he hoped his mask would cushion his skill when he practised his Japanese head drops on him. * [B]Amazing Fire Fly vs. Sean Deeley[/B] Not for the first time, Deeley’s overconfidence proved to be his undoing. He took Fl far too lightly as, although the masked man hasn’t been on the best run of form lately, he’s still dangerous – as he proved here by nailing Deeley with a Sky High Fire Fly for the win. Winner: Amazing Fire Fly (C-) * Swoop McCarthy entered the arena to a huge pop. He claimed that his upcoming World title shot was a big opportunity for him, and he wanted to warm up by taking on a member of Elite. Eric Eisen answered the call, and said that he was happy to give away a match that belonged on pay-per-view – anything to hurt MAW that bit more. He brought out Phil Roberts, and ordered the Enforcer to tear Jean Cattley’s next challenger in two. * [B]Swoop McCarthy vs. “Enforcer” Phil Roberts[/B] Best. On Tour match. Ever. And to think this only went on in the quarter-final. With Swoop lined up for a World title match, he needed to get in shape for fighting a member of Elite – or possibly the whole group. He did so here, bombarding Roberts with his unique high-impact offence, and playing to the crowd a little. Roberts fought back with his typically flawless technical attack, but he ended up overwhelmed by Swoop who nailed Daaa Swwooooppp!!! for the win. Winner: Swoop McCarthy (B) * Eric Eisen made his return, not looking too upset about the previous match as McCarthy left the ring looking pretty worn down. He called out Phoenix, saying that he wanted to break one of MAW’s most respected veterans. Phoenix responded to the call with enthusiasm, saying that knocking Eric Eisen back out of MAW and repaying the company for keeping faith in him all these years. * [B]Phoenix vs. Eric Eisen[/B] From one extreme... Actually, it wasn’t as bad as all that – but these two have poor chemistry. Especially after the last match, this made for a disappointing showing, ultimately capped by a Silver Spoon Shock for the Eisen win. Winner: Eric Eisen (C) * Lauren Easter came down to the ring and called out Alicia Strong. She slammed Strong for claiming there were no challenges in the Women’s division – and she would prove that right now. Strong tore a strip off her in response: She knew Easter was good, but she wanted more. If Easter was all that was on offer, though, she’d take her out as a marker for anyone who dared to challenge her – female or male. * [B]Lauren Easter vs. Alicia Strong[/B] We finished strongly with this tried and true contest. The two went all out in their attempts to prove one another wrong, and it was a match that could have gone either way. In the end, though, Strong just snuck the victory with an Angel Driver – although unbeknownst to her, Eric Eisen had snuck down to ringside and distracted Easter at the key moment. Winner: Alicia Strong (B-) * After the match, Strong caught sight of Eisen and demanded to know what he was doing there. She seemed to cotton on to his playing a part in the decision, and bawled him out, saying she didn’t need help to beat Easter – and she’d break her again next week to prove her point! She stalked off without Eric, leaving him to smirk at her back as she left. [B]Overall: B-[/B] [I](And yes, for those keeping score, that’s our best show in weeks)[/I] * Not for the first time, Enforcer Roberts backstage behaviour had come under scrutiny. This time he was grumbling a little too loudly about Swoop McCarthy, and having to lie down to him. Swoop took this personally, and the two had a big argument that degenerated into Roberts throwing insults at the young Australian. I wasn’t impressed, and let Roberts know so in no uncertain terms. He claimed to get the message, but I doubt it – he’s too old to change his ways. * Bob Casey is the new head booker of NYCW. The veteran journeyman has been out on the indies for around three years after ELPF in Europe folded. He has a decent reputation in the business, although in an interview with Pro Wrestling Hits he has stated that he likes a large roster with a high turnover rate, so that will be interesting to see. His first act was to release Carlos Gonzales, incidentally. He’s not stupid. NYCW have a big pot of cash to spend, and many of our best workers also appear for them, so it was tempting to apply for the post... But I’m not done here yet. * [CENTER][B]MAW Nationwide[/B] Gino Montero (c) vs. Sean Deeley – MAW All Action title Kid Arachnid vs. Thrash Phoenix vs. Ernest Youngman (c) – MAW Traditional title KC Glenn vs. Leadfoot Fumihiro Ota and Lauren Easter vs. Joss Thompson and Tracy Brendon Swoop McCarthy vs. Joe Sexy Luchas De Mascaras vs. Eric Eisen and Jean Cattley[/CENTER]
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[B]Gino Montero (c)[/B] vs. Sean Deeley – MAW All Action title [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Thrash Phoenix vs. [B]Ernest Youngman (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title [B]KC Glenn[/B] vs. Leadfoot Fumihiro Ota and Lauren Easter vs. [B]Joss Thompson and Tracy Brendon[/B] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Joe Sexy Luchas De Mascaras vs. [B]Eric Eisen and Jean Cattley[/B] Reasoning will be edited in later.
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[B]MAW Nationwide Gino Montero (c)[/B] vs. Sean Deeley – MAW All Action title [B]Kid Arachnid[/B] vs. Thrash Phoenix vs. [B]Ernest Youngman (c)[/B] – MAW Traditional title KC Glenn vs. [B]Leadfoot[/B] Fumihiro Ota and Lauren Easter vs. [B]Joss Thompson and Tracy Brendon[/B] [B]Swoop McCarthy[/B] vs. Joe Sexy [B]Luchas De Mascaras[/B] vs. Eric Eisen and Jean Cattley [B][CENTER] [SIZE="4"]Hurray for 2000 posts![/CENTER][/B][/SIZE]
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