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SWF/TCW: Oh Snap, I'm Back!

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Hey guys, I want to apologize for the condensed way this show will be produced. I'm testing out different strategies and trying to find out which one people like the most. ------------------------------------- SWF SUPREME TV *crickets* Held in front of 15,000 people at Plum Park! *crickets* Let's go down to the ring, with [COLOR="Orange"]Duane Fry[/COLOR]! [COLOR="DarkRed"]Two Lone Fans: YAY![/COLOR] [COLOR="Orange"]Hello fans. As you know the TV cameras aren't rolling yet, but we are going to show a match anyways! Akima Brave will face Robbie Retro....next![/COLOR] [CENTER][I]Robbie Retro vs Akima Brave[/I][/CENTER] [I]I give up. It got a D+. Retro is on thin ice. He won, too. I'm not sure why I gave him the win, but in a frustrating fact of life, he has B momentum now.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------- [COLOR="Orange"]Welcome to SWF Supreme TV, this is Duane Fry here with Peter Michaels, and have we got a show for you!?[/COLOR] [COLOR="SeaGreen"]You couldn't be more right, Duane, so without further ado, let's send it down to the ring for our first match of the night.[/COLOR] [CENTER]High Concept vs The Biggz Boyz[/CENTER] [I]So far in the match, it has been even, with both men getting offense in there, before at the end, Elmo Benson connected with a hurricanrara to Bart Biggz,, before Groucho Bling scored a moonsault. The match got a C.[/I] [I]Richard Eisen is shown arriving in his limo. He exits, and tis his valet...with a five hundred dollar bill, causing the valet to jump around in circles. Eisen quickly flees the scene.[/I] [CENTER]Frederique Antonio Garcia[/CENTER] [I]Come on! D+? This wasn't even a squash! What the hell is wrong with the Samoans today!? Garcia wins.[/I] We cut backstage, where Christian Faith is talking to Richard Eisen, requesting a match against Remo. Richard grants him the match....with one exception. [COLOR="Red"]You have to sign this waiver first, that makes us not liable should any injury or anything of the sort befall you. [/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]You son of a bitch....fine. I'll do anything to get my hands on that piece of ****.[/COLOR] He signs, and we go to the ring. [CENTER]Brandon James vs Enygma[/CENTER] [I]Yeah, I know it's filler. Deal with it. James wins by pinfall in a solid match. C.[/I] AD BREAK! ...........boring......Oxi-Clean......porn....hey wait a second! Turn it back!...... We are back to the show! The ring is extravagantly decked out in a magnificent red carpet that stretches all the way to the stage. There is a chair in the middle of the ring. Out comes Jack Giedroyc, and this must be some kind fo a celebration! Giedroyc gives a long, tear-jerking speech about his past on the "rough" streets of central Britain, and he's happy at the end, as are all the fans. Then....out comes Richard Eisen to spoil all the fun. He declares that since Big Smack Scott was pinned, but not DuBois, Giedroyc never actually won the title. He restores it to DuBois, and proceeds to be pelted by many different objects, including a large tomato and a penguin. Giedroyc chases him to the back. [CENTER]Lobster Warrior vs Rich Money for Money's North American Title[/CENTER] [I]A fairly good B- match. Lobster Warrior wins the match and the title when Money taps out to the Lobster Trap.[/I] Jack Giedroyc is mopign around backstage. He sees Richard Eisen, and chases him. Esien hides, and Jack loses him and gives up. [CENTER]Christian Faith vs Remo A very good match between these two. Jack Bruce only helped further with his guest commentary job for this match. They drew following a double count out after a clothesline by Remo brougth a bit TOO much power to the table.[/CENTER] [I]We cut backstage, where...Richard Eisen is lying in a pool of blood? Wow. The announcers try and figure out why this happened, and who qould have done it....as we fade....to grey.[/I]
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My game is glitched out. A majortiy of my bios were redirecting to Mito Miwa and giving me RT's when edited. Then they disappeared, and so did my news stories. I got a RTE whenever I tried to click a blank news story Next day, I am fired from TCW and every promotion has fallen to Local. I am working to rectify the problem.
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