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I know that in the new game you can't over-do certain matches just to get high scores over and over again like we were able to do in '07. However, I have a question about that. Let's say I have a feud between Jack Bruce & Runaway Train. I have them wrestle once in a singles match, once in a tag match, and then once again at the PPV in a Gimmick Style match so it's not the same thing that they saw on TV in the first week. Would the PPV match suffer since the crowd already has seen them wrestle twice before? Does changing the style of the match help? (ie: If you throw them in a Texas Death match in their second bout where the first bout was just a singles match... Then revisit the feud a few months later and put them in a different kind of match... Will it still keep it "Somewhat Fresh"?) Cheers!
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No because you only had two 1 v 1 matches. If you had had three 1 v 1 matches or three 2 v 2 matches with the same partners, then it would have started and that's only if you fell into any of the actual traps (The match was below the average and the other two I can't remember).
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Having them in different gimmicked matches still counts, but different match TYPES doesn't. A Cage match and a 'regular' singles match are still both 1 vs. 1 matches. But the tag match is a 2 vs. 2 match, so wouldn't be counted.
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